path: root/platform/ios
diff options
authorMinh Nguyễn <>2015-03-26 15:12:15 -0700
committerMinh Nguyễn <>2015-03-26 15:12:15 -0700
commit32aa865f14ed2a3ac66168cbf860b2c02f3da2fa (patch)
tree07d1d19a85c2a700408d53506e39e41c0b892d7f /platform/ios
parent501f9701cd25c004b496dbdf96c8ac45845718be (diff)
parent645d1f38577c1bc24aee7efb005d072f81480670 (diff)
Merge branch 'ios-unused'
Left in MGLTypes.h, which is now a platform-neutral (iOS + OS X) place for MGLUserTrackingMode.
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/ios')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 808 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/ b/platform/ios/
index 7a3a742a6a..a4604bc580 100644
--- a/platform/ios/
+++ b/platform/ios/
@@ -15,17 +15,12 @@
#include <mbgl/util/geo.hpp>
#import "MGLTypes.h"
-#import "MGLStyleFunctionValue.h"
#import "MGLAnnotation.h"
#import "MGLUserLocationAnnotationView.h"
#import "MGLUserLocation_Private.h"
#import "SMCalloutView.h"
-#import "UIColor+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "NSArray+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "NSDictionary+MGLAdditions.h"
#import "MGLMapboxEvents.h"
#import "MGLMetricsLocationManager.h"
@@ -52,17 +47,6 @@ NSString *const MGLDefaultStyleName = @"Emerald";
NSString *const MGLStyleVersion = @"v7";
NSString *const MGLDefaultStyleMarkerSymbolName = @"default_marker";
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyGeneric;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyFill;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyLine;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyIcon;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyText;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyRaster;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyComposite;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleKeyBackground;
-extern NSString *const MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed;
NSTimeInterval const MGLAnimationDuration = 0.3;
const CGSize MGLAnnotationUpdateViewportOutset = {150, 150};
@@ -89,7 +73,6 @@ NSString *const MGLAnnotationIDKey = @"MGLAnnotationIDKey";
@property (nonatomic) SMCalloutView *selectedAnnotationCalloutView;
@property (nonatomic) MGLUserLocationAnnotationView *userLocationAnnotationView;
@property (nonatomic) CLLocationManager *locationManager;
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary *allowedStyleTypes;
@property (nonatomic) CGPoint centerPoint;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat scale;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat angle;
@@ -99,22 +82,6 @@ NSString *const MGLAnnotationIDKey = @"MGLAnnotationIDKey";
-@interface MGLStyleFunctionValue (MGLMapViewFriend)
-@property (nonatomic) NSString *functionType;
-@property (nonatomic) NSDictionary *stops;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat zBase;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat val;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat slope;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat min;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat max;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat minimumZoom;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat maximumZoom;
-- (id)rawStyle;
@implementation MGLMapView
#pragma mark - Setup & Teardown -
@@ -1327,47 +1294,6 @@ CLLocationCoordinate2D latLngToCoordinate(mbgl::LatLng latLng)
-- (NSArray *)getStyleOrderedLayerNames
- return [[self getRawStyle] valueForKeyPath:@""];
-- (void)setStyleOrderedLayerNames:(NSArray *)orderedLayerNames
- NSMutableDictionary *style = [[self getRawStyle] deepMutableCopy];
- NSArray *oldLayers = style[@"layers"];
- NSMutableArray *newLayers = [NSMutableArray array];
- if ([orderedLayerNames count] != [[oldLayers valueForKeyPath:@"id"] count])
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid layer count"
- format:@"new layer count (%lu) should equal existing layer count (%lu)",
- (unsigned long)[orderedLayerNames count],
- (unsigned long)[[oldLayers valueForKeyPath:@"id"] count]];
- }
- else
- {
- for (NSString *newLayerName in orderedLayerNames)
- {
- if ( ! [[oldLayers valueForKeyPath:@"id"] containsObject:newLayerName])
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid layer name"
- format:@"layer name %@ unknown",
- newLayerName];
- }
- else
- {
- NSDictionary *newLayer = [oldLayers objectAtIndex:[[oldLayers valueForKeyPath:@"id"] indexOfObject:newLayerName]];
- [newLayers addObject:newLayer];
- }
- }
- }
- [style setValue:newLayers forKey:@"layers"];
- [self setRawStyle:style];
- (NSArray *)getAppliedStyleClasses
NSMutableArray *returnArray = [NSMutableArray array];
@@ -1400,339 +1326,6 @@ CLLocationCoordinate2D latLngToCoordinate(mbgl::LatLng latLng)
-- (NSString *)getKeyTypeForLayer:(NSString *)layerName
- NSDictionary *style = [self getRawStyle];
- NSString *bucketType;
- if ([layerName isEqualToString:@"background"])
- {
- bucketType = @"background";
- }
- else
- {
- for (NSDictionary *layer in style[@"structure"])
- {
- if ([layer[@"name"] isEqualToString:layerName])
- {
- bucketType = style[@"buckets"][layer[@"bucket"]][@"type"];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- NSString *keyType;
- if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"fill"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyFill;
- }
- else if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"line"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyLine;
- }
- else if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"point"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyIcon;
- }
- else if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"text"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyText;
- }
- else if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"raster"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyRaster;
- }
- else if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"composite"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyComposite;
- }
- else if ([bucketType isEqualToString:@"background"])
- {
- keyType = MGLStyleKeyBackground;
- }
- else
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid bucket type"
- format:@"bucket type %@ unknown",
- bucketType];
- }
- return keyType;
-- (NSDictionary *)getStyleDescriptionForLayer:(NSString *)layerName inClass:(NSString *)className
- NSDictionary *style = [self getRawStyle];
- if ( ! [[style valueForKeyPath:@""] containsObject:className])
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid class name"
- format:@"class name %@ unknown",
- className];
- }
- NSUInteger classNumber = [[style valueForKeyPath:@""] indexOfObject:className];
- if ( ! [[style[@"classes"][classNumber][@"layers"] allKeys] containsObject:layerName])
- {
- // layer specified in structure, but not styled
- //
- return nil;
- }
- NSDictionary *layerStyle = style[@"classes"][classNumber][@"layers"][layerName];
- NSMutableDictionary *styleDescription = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- for (NSString *keyName in [layerStyle allKeys])
- {
- id value = layerStyle[keyName];
- while ([[style[@"constants"] allKeys] containsObject:value])
- {
- value = style[@"constants"][value];
- }
- if ([[self.allowedStyleTypes[MGLStyleKeyGeneric] allKeys] containsObject:keyName])
- {
- [styleDescription setValue:[self typedPropertyForKeyName:keyName
- ofType:MGLStyleKeyGeneric
- withValue:value]
- forKey:keyName];
- }
- NSString *keyType = [self getKeyTypeForLayer:layerName];
- if ([[self.allowedStyleTypes[keyType] allKeys] containsObject:keyName])
- {
- [styleDescription setValue:[self typedPropertyForKeyName:keyName
- ofType:keyType
- withValue:value]
- forKey:keyName];
- }
- }
- return styleDescription;
-- (NSDictionary *)typedPropertyForKeyName:(NSString *)keyName ofType:(NSString *)keyType withValue:(id)value
- if ( ! [[self.allowedStyleTypes[keyType] allKeys] containsObject:keyName])
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid property name"
- format:@"property name %@ unknown",
- keyName];
- }
- NSArray *typeInfo = self.allowedStyleTypes[keyType][keyName];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] && ! [typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueTypeColor])
- {
- if ([typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed])
- {
- if ([[(NSArray *)value firstObject] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
- {
- NSString *functionType;
- if ([[(NSArray *)value firstObject] isEqualToString:@"linear"])
- {
- functionType = MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionLinear;
- }
- else if ([[(NSArray *)value firstObject] isEqualToString:@"stops"])
- {
- functionType = MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionStops;
- }
- else if ([[(NSArray *)value firstObject] isEqualToString:@"exponential"])
- {
- functionType = MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionExponential;
- }
- else if ([[(NSArray *)value firstObject] isEqualToString:@"min"])
- {
- functionType = MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMinimumZoom;
- }
- else if ([[(NSArray *)value firstObject] isEqualToString:@"max"])
- {
- functionType = MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMaximumZoom;
- }
- if (functionType)
- {
- return @{ @"type" : functionType,
- @"value" : value };
- }
- }
- }
- else if ([typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueTypeNumberPair])
- {
- return @{ @"type" : MGLStyleValueTypeNumberPair,
- @"value" : value };
- }
- }
- else if ([typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueTypeNumber])
- {
- return @{ @"type" : MGLStyleValueTypeNumber,
- @"value" : value };
- }
- else if ([typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean])
- {
- return @{ @"type" : MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean,
- @"value" : @([(NSString *)value boolValue]) };
- }
- else if ([typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueTypeString])
- {
- return @{ @"type" : MGLStyleValueTypeString,
- @"value" : value };
- }
- else if ([typeInfo containsObject:MGLStyleValueTypeColor])
- {
- UIColor *color;
- if ([(NSString *)value hasPrefix:@"#"])
- {
- color = [UIColor colorWithHexString:value];
- }
- else if ([(NSString *)value hasPrefix:@"rgb"])
- {
- color = [UIColor colorWithRGBAString:value];
- }
- else if ([(NSString *)value hasPrefix:@"hsl"])
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid color format"
- format:@"HSL color format not yet supported natively"];
- }
- else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] && [(NSArray *)value count] == 4)
- {
- color = [UIColor colorWithRed:[value[0] floatValue]
- green:[value[1] floatValue]
- blue:[value[2] floatValue]
- alpha:[value[3] floatValue]];
- }
- else if ([[UIColor class] respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@Color", [(NSString *)value lowercaseString]])])
- {
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
- color = [[UIColor class] performSelector:NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@Color", [(NSString *)value lowercaseString]])];
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }
- return @{ @"type" : MGLStyleValueTypeColor,
- @"value" : color };
- }
- return nil;
-- (void)setStyleDescription:(NSDictionary *)styleDescription forLayer:(NSString *)layerName inClass:(NSString *)className
-#pragma unused(className)
- NSMutableDictionary *convertedStyle = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- for (NSString *key in [styleDescription allKeys])
- {
- NSArray *styleParameters = nil;
- if ([[self.allowedStyleTypes[MGLStyleKeyGeneric] allKeys] containsObject:key])
- {
- styleParameters = self.allowedStyleTypes[MGLStyleKeyGeneric][key];
- }
- else
- {
- NSString *keyType = [self getKeyTypeForLayer:layerName];
- if ([[self.allowedStyleTypes[keyType] allKeys] containsObject:key])
- {
- styleParameters = self.allowedStyleTypes[keyType][key];
- }
- }
- if (styleParameters)
- {
- if ([styleDescription[key][@"value"] isKindOfClass:[MGLStyleFunctionValue class]])
- {
- convertedStyle[key] = [(MGLStyleFunctionValue *)styleDescription[key][@"value"] rawStyle];
- }
- else if ([styleParameters containsObject:styleDescription[key][@"type"]])
- {
- NSString *valueType = styleDescription[key][@"type"];
- if ([valueType isEqualToString:MGLStyleValueTypeColor])
- {
- convertedStyle[key] = [@"#" stringByAppendingString:[(UIColor *)styleDescription[key][@"value"] hexStringFromColor]];
- }
- else
- {
- // the rest (bool/number/pair/string) are already JSON-convertible types
- //
- convertedStyle[key] = styleDescription[key][@"value"];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- [NSException raise:@"invalid style description format"
- format:@"unable to parse key '%@'",
- key];
- }
- }
-// NSMutableDictionary *style = [[self getRawStyle] deepMutableCopy];
-// NSUInteger classIndex = [[[self getAllStyleClasses] valueForKey:@"name"] indexOfObject:className];
-// style[@"classes"][classIndex][@"layers"][layerName] = convertedStyle;
-// [self setRawStyle:style];
-- (NSDictionary *)allowedStyleTypes
- static NSDictionary *MGLStyleAllowedTypes = @{
- MGLStyleKeyGeneric : @{
- @"enabled" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"translate" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumberPair, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"translate-anchor" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeString, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"opacity" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"prerender" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean ],
- @"prerender-buffer" : MGLStyleValueTypeNumber,
- @"prerender-size" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber ],
- @"prerender-blur" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber ] },
- MGLStyleKeyFill : @{
- @"color" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ],
- @"stroke" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ],
- @"antialias" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean ],
- @"image" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeString ] },
- MGLStyleKeyLine : @{
- @"color" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ],
- @"width" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"dasharray" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumberPair, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ] },
- MGLStyleKeyIcon : @{
- @"color" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ],
- @"image" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeString ],
- @"size" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"radius" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed],
- @"blur" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ] },
- MGLStyleKeyText : @{
- @"color" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ],
- @"stroke" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ],
- @"strokeWidth" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"strokeBlur" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"size" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"rotate" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeNumber, MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed ],
- @"alwaysVisible" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean ] },
- MGLStyleKeyRaster : @{},
- MGLStyleKeyComposite : @{},
- MGLStyleKeyBackground : @{
- @"color" : @[ MGLStyleValueTypeColor ] }
- };
- return MGLStyleAllowedTypes;
#pragma mark - Annotations -
- (NSArray *)annotations
diff --git a/platform/ios/MGLStyleFunctionValue.m b/platform/ios/MGLStyleFunctionValue.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a319114eef..0000000000
--- a/platform/ios/MGLStyleFunctionValue.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#import "MGLStyleFunctionValue.h"
-#import "MGLTypes.h"
-@interface MGLStyleFunctionValue ()
-@property (nonatomic) NSString *functionType;
-@property (nonatomic) NSDictionary *stops;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat zBase;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat val;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat slope;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat min;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat max;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat minimumZoom;
-@property (nonatomic) CGFloat maximumZoom;
-- (NSDictionary *)rawStyle;
-@implementation MGLStyleFunctionValue
-- (id)initWithFunctionType:(NSString *)functionType
- stops:(NSDictionary *)stops
- zBase:(CGFloat)zBase
- val:(CGFloat)val
- slope:(CGFloat)slope
- min:(CGFloat)min
- max:(CGFloat)max
- minimumZoom:(CGFloat)minimumZoom
- maximumZoom:(CGFloat)maximumZoom
- self = [super init];
- if (self)
- {
- _functionType = functionType;
- _stops = stops;
- _zBase = zBase;
- _val = val;
- _slope = slope;
- _min = min;
- _max = max;
- _minimumZoom = minimumZoom;
- _maximumZoom = maximumZoom;
- }
- return self;
-- (id)rawStyle
- if ([self.functionType isEqualToString:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMinimumZoom])
- {
- return @[ @"min", @(self.minimumZoom) ];
- }
- else if ([self.functionType isEqualToString:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMaximumZoom])
- {
- return @[ @"max", @(self.maximumZoom) ];
- }
- else if ([self.functionType isEqualToString:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionLinear])
- {
- return @[ @"linear", @(self.zBase), @(self.val), @(self.slope), @(self.min), @(self.max) ];
- }
- else if ([self.functionType isEqualToString:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionExponential])
- {
- return @[ @"exponential", @(self.zBase), @(self.val), @(self.slope), @(self.min), @(self.max) ];
- }
- else if ([self.functionType isEqualToString:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionStops])
- {
- NSMutableArray *returnArray = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSNumber *z in [self.stops allKeys])
- {
- [returnArray addObject:@{ @"z" : z, @"val" : self.stops[z] }];
- }
- [returnArray insertObject:@"stops" atIndex:0];
- return returnArray;
- }
- return nil;
-+ (instancetype)stopsFunctionWithZoomLevelsAndValues:(NSNumber *)firstZoom, ...
- NSMutableArray *numbersArray = [NSMutableArray array];
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, firstZoom);
- for (NSNumber *arg = firstZoom; arg != nil; arg = va_arg(args, NSNumber *))
- {
- [numbersArray addObject:arg];
- }
- va_end(args);
- NSAssert([numbersArray count] % 2 == 0, @"invalid number of arguments");
- NSMutableDictionary *stops = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [numbersArray count]; i = i + 2)
- {
- stops[numbersArray[i]] = stops[numbersArray[i + 1]];
- }
- return [[self alloc] initWithFunctionType:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionStops
- stops:stops
- zBase:0
- val:0
- slope:0
- min:0
- max:0
- minimumZoom:0
- maximumZoom:0];
-+ (instancetype)linearFunctionWithBaseZoomLevel:(CGFloat)zBase
- initialValue:(CGFloat)val
- slope:(CGFloat)slope
- minimumValue:(CGFloat)min
- maximumValue:(CGFloat)max
- NSAssert(zBase >= 0 && zBase <= 18, @"invalid base zoom level");
- NSAssert(min < max, @"minimum value must be less than maximum value");
- return [[self alloc] initWithFunctionType:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionLinear
- stops:nil
- zBase:zBase
- val:val
- slope:slope
- min:min
- max:max
- minimumZoom:0
- maximumZoom:0];
-+ (instancetype)exponentialFunctionWithBaseZoomLevel:(CGFloat)zBase
- initialValue:(CGFloat)val
- slope:(CGFloat)slope
- minimumValue:(CGFloat)min
- maximumValue:(CGFloat)max
- NSAssert(zBase >= 0 && zBase <= 18, @"invalid base zoom level");
- NSAssert(min < max, @"minimum value must be less than maximum value");
- return [[self alloc] initWithFunctionType:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionExponential
- stops:nil
- zBase:zBase
- val:val
- slope:slope
- min:min
- max:max
- minimumZoom:0
- maximumZoom:0];
-+ (instancetype)minimumZoomLevelFunction:(CGFloat)minimumZoom
- NSAssert(minimumZoom >= 0 && minimumZoom <= 18, @"invalid minimum zoom value");
- return [[self alloc] initWithFunctionType:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMinimumZoom
- stops:nil
- zBase:0
- val:0
- slope:0
- min:0
- max:0
- minimumZoom:minimumZoom
- maximumZoom:0];
-+ (instancetype)maximumZoomLevelFunction:(CGFloat)maximumZoom
- NSAssert(maximumZoom >= 0 && maximumZoom <= 18, @"invalid maximum zoom value");
- return [[self alloc] initWithFunctionType:MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMaximumZoom
- stops:nil
- zBase:0
- val:0
- slope:0
- min:0
- max:0
- minimumZoom:0
- maximumZoom:maximumZoom];
diff --git a/platform/ios/MGLTypes.m b/platform/ios/MGLTypes.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2928bc2f4c..0000000000
--- a/platform/ios/MGLTypes.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#import "MGLTypes.h"
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyGeneric = @"MGLStyleKeyGeneric";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyFill = @"MGLStyleKeyFill";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyLine = @"MGLStyleKeyLine";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyIcon = @"MGLStyleKeyIcon";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyText = @"MGLStyleKeyText";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyRaster = @"MGLStyleKeyRaster";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyComposite = @"MGLStyleKeyComposite";
-NSString *const MGLStyleKeyBackground = @"MGLStyleKeyBackground";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean = @"MGLStyleValueTypeBoolean";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeNumber = @"MGLStyleValueTypeNumber";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeNumberPair = @"MGLStyleValueTypeNumberPair";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeColor = @"MGLStyleValueTypeColor";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeString = @"MGLStyleValueTypeString";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed = @"MGLStyleValueFunctionAllowed";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMinimumZoom = @"MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMinimumZoom";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMaximumZoom = @"MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionMaximumZoom";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionLinear = @"MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionLinear";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionExponential = @"MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionExponential";
-NSString *const MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionStops = @"MGLStyleValueTypeFunctionStops";
diff --git a/platform/ios/NSArray+MGLAdditions.m b/platform/ios/NSArray+MGLAdditions.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bac42ce0b..0000000000
--- a/platform/ios/NSArray+MGLAdditions.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#import "NSArray+MGLAdditions.h"
-@implementation NSArray (MGLAdditions)
-- (NSMutableArray *)deepMutableCopy
- return (NSMutableArray *)CFBridgingRelease(CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFArrayRef)self, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves));
diff --git a/platform/ios/NSDictionary+MGLAdditions.m b/platform/ios/NSDictionary+MGLAdditions.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3228d56533..0000000000
--- a/platform/ios/NSDictionary+MGLAdditions.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#import "NSDictionary+MGLAdditions.h"
-@implementation NSDictionary (MGLAdditions)
-- (NSMutableDictionary *)deepMutableCopy
- return (NSMutableDictionary *)CFBridgingRelease(CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFDictionaryRef)self, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves));
diff --git a/platform/ios/UIColor+MGLAdditions.m b/platform/ios/UIColor+MGLAdditions.m
deleted file mode 100644
index ae40735d15..0000000000
--- a/platform/ios/UIColor+MGLAdditions.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#import "UIColor+MGLAdditions.h"
-/* Portions based on Erica Sadun's uicolor-utilities
- */
-@interface UIColor (MGLAdditionsPrivate)
-+ (UIColor *)colorWithRGBHex:(UInt32)hex;
-- (CGColorSpaceModel)colorSpaceModel;
-- (BOOL)canProvideRGBComponents;
-- (BOOL)red:(CGFloat *)red green:(CGFloat *)green blue:(CGFloat *)blue alpha:(CGFloat *)alpha;
-- (UInt32)rgbHex;
-@implementation UIColor (MGLAdditions)
-+ (UIColor *)colorWithRGBAString:(NSString *)rgbaString
- UIColor *color;
- NSString *numberString = [rgbaString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"rgba("
- withString:@""];
- numberString = [numberString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"rgb("
- withString:@""];
- numberString = [numberString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@")"
- withString:@""];
- NSArray *numbers = [numberString componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
- if ([rgbaString hasPrefix:@"rgb("] && [numbers count] == 3)
- {
- color = [UIColor colorWithRed:[numbers[0] floatValue] / 255
- green:[numbers[1] floatValue] / 255
- blue:[numbers[2] floatValue] / 255
- alpha:1.0];
- }
- else if ([rgbaString hasPrefix:@"rgba("] && [numbers count] == 4)
- {
- color = [UIColor colorWithRed:[numbers[0] floatValue] / 255
- green:[numbers[1] floatValue] / 255
- blue:[numbers[2] floatValue] / 255
- alpha:[numbers[3] floatValue]];
- }
- return color;
-- (NSString *)rgbaStringFromColor
- CGFloat r,g,b,a;
- [self getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a];
- r *= 255;
- g *= 255;
- b *= 255;
- a *= 255;
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"rgba(%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu)", (unsigned long)r, (unsigned long)g, (unsigned long)b, (unsigned long)a];
-+ (UIColor *)colorWithRGBHex:(UInt32)hex
- int r = (hex >> 16) & 0xFF;
- int g = (hex >> 8) & 0xFF;
- int b = (hex) & 0xFF;
- return [UIColor colorWithRed:r / 255.0f
- green:g / 255.0f
- blue:b / 255.0f
- alpha:1.0f];
-- (CGColorSpaceModel)colorSpaceModel
- return CGColorSpaceGetModel(CGColorGetColorSpace(self.CGColor));
-- (BOOL)canProvideRGBComponents
- switch (self.colorSpaceModel)
- {
- case kCGColorSpaceModelRGB:
- case kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome:
- {
- return YES;
- }
- default:
- {
- return NO;
- }
- }
-- (BOOL)red:(CGFloat *)red green:(CGFloat *)green blue:(CGFloat *)blue alpha:(CGFloat *)alpha
- const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(self.CGColor);
- CGFloat r,g,b,a;
- switch (self.colorSpaceModel)
- {
- case kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome:
- {
- r = g = b = components[0];
- a = components[1];
- break;
- }
- case kCGColorSpaceModelRGB:
- {
- r = components[0];
- g = components[1];
- b = components[2];
- a = components[3];
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- return NO;
- }
- }
- if (red) *red = r;
- if (green) *green = g;
- if (blue) *blue = b;
- if (alpha) *alpha = a;
- return YES;
-- (UInt32)rgbHex
- NSAssert(self.canProvideRGBComponents, @"Must be a RGB color to use rgbHex");
- CGFloat r, g, b, a;
- if ( ! [self red:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a])
- return 0;
- r = fminf(fmaxf(r, 0.0f), 1.0f);
- g = fminf(fmaxf(g, 0.0f), 1.0f);
- b = fminf(fmaxf(b, 0.0f), 1.0f);
- return (((int)roundf(r * 255)) << 16) | (((int)roundf(g * 255)) << 8) | (((int)roundf(b * 255)));
-- (NSString *)hexStringFromColor
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%0.6X", (unsigned int)(self.rgbHex)];
-+ (UIColor *)colorWithHexString:(NSString *)hexString
- NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:[hexString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"#" withString:@""]];
- unsigned hexNum;
- if ( ! [scanner scanHexInt:&hexNum])
- return nil;
- return [UIColor colorWithRGBHex:hexNum];