path: root/platform/ios/docs
diff options
authorMinh Nguyễn <>2016-12-24 22:23:08 -0800
committerMinh Nguyễn <>2017-01-04 21:48:24 -0800
commita1bea12444e7c68324c95ef8c082f558b39ca1ff (patch)
treee9cf7a0f8536a115a8054e5b100cea9c1eb2e87f /platform/ios/docs
parent5b03318c6fa885e35826e61753ce6fbcbd79b512 (diff)
[ios, macos] Split For Style Authors guide
Information for Style Authors is now two separate guides, one for iOS and one for macOS. Both are compiled from the same template. Added language about rotation, tilting, and printing.
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/ios/docs')
-rw-r--r--platform/ios/docs/guides/For Style Authors.md279
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/docs/guides/For Style b/platform/ios/docs/guides/For Style
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e7ed6e4a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/ios/docs/guides/For Style
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ This file is generated.
+ Edit platform/darwin/scripts/generate-style-code.js, then run `make style-code-darwin`.
+# Information for Style Authors
+A _style_ defines a map view’s content and appearance. If you’ve authored a
+style using
+[Mapbox Studio’s Styles editor]( or as
+JSON in a text editor, you can use that style in this SDK and manipulate it
+afterwards in code. This document provides information you can use to ensure a
+seamless transition from Mapbox Studio to your application.
+## Designing for iOS
+When designing your style, consider the context in which your application shows
+the style. There are a number of considerations specific to iOS that may
+not be obvious when designing your style in Mapbox Studio on the Web. A map view
+is essentially a graphical user interface element, so many of same issues in
+user interface design also apply when designing a map style.
+### Color
+Ensure sufficient contrast in your application’s user interface when your map
+style is present. Standard user interface elements such as toolbars, sidebars,
+and sheets often overlap the map view with a translucent, blurred background, so
+make sure the contents of these elements remain legible with the map view
+The user location annotation view, the attribution button, any buttons in
+callout views, and any items in the navigation bar are influenced by your
+application’s tint color, so choose a tint color that constrasts well with your
+map style. If you intend your style to be used in the dark, consider the impact
+that Night Shift may have on your style’s colors.
+### Typography and graphics
+Choose font and icon sizes appropriate to iOS devices. iPhones and iPads have
+smaller screens than the typical browser window in which you would use Mapbox
+Studio, especially when multitasking is enabled. Your user’s viewing distance
+may be shorter than on a desktop computer. Some of your users may use the Larger
+Dynamic Type and Accessibility Text features to increase the size of all text on
+the device. You can use the
+[runtime styling API](#manipulating-the-style-at-runtime) to adjust your style’s
+font and icon sizes accordingly.
+Design sprite images and choose font weights that look crisp on both
+standard-resolution displays and Retina displays. This SDK supports the same
+resolutions as iOS.
+Standard-resolution displays are limited to older devices that your application
+may or may not support, depending on its minimum deployment target.
+Icon and text labels should be legible regardless of the map’s orientation.
+By default, this SDK makes it easy for your users to rotate or tilt the map
+using multitouch gestures.
+If you do not intend your design to accommodate rotation and tilting, disable
+these gestures using the `MGLMapView.rotateEnabled` and
+`MGLMapView.pitchEnabled` properties, respectively, or the corresponding
+inspectables in Interface Builder.
+### Interactivity
+Pay attention to whether elements of your style appear to be interactive.
+A text label may look like a tappable button merely due to matching your
+application’s tint color or the default blue tint color.
+You can make an icon or text label interactive by installing a gesture
+recognizer and performing feature querying (e.g.,
+`-[MGLMapView visibleFeaturesAtPoint:]`) to get details about the selected
+Make sure your users can easily distinguish any interactive elements from the
+surrounding map, such as pins, the user location annotation view, or a route
+line. Avoid relying on hover effects to indicate interactive elements. Leave
+enough room between interactive elements to accommodate imprecise tapping
+For more information about user interface design, consult Apple’s
+[_iOS Human Interface Guidelines_](
+## Applying your style
+You set an `MGLMapView` object’s style either in code, by setting the
+`MGLMapView.styleURL` property, or in Interface Builder, by setting the “Style
+URL” inspectable. The URL must point to a local or remote style JSON file. The
+style JSON file format is defined by the
+[Mapbox Style Specification]( This
+SDK supports the functionality defined by version 8 of the specification unless
+otherwise noted in the
+[style specification documentation](
+## Manipulating the style at runtime
+The _runtime styling API_ enables you to modify every aspect of a style
+dynamically as a user interacts with your application. The style itself is
+represented at runtime by an `MGLStyle` object, which provides access to various
+`MGLSource` and `MGLStyleLayer` objects that represent content sources and style
+layers, respectively.
+The names of runtime styling classes and properties on iOS are generally
+consistent with the style specification and Mapbox Studio’s Styles editor. Any
+exceptions are listed in this document.
+To avoid conflicts with Objective-C keywords or Cocoa terminology, this SDK uses
+the following terms for concepts defined in the style specification:
+In the style specification | In the SDK
+class | style class
+filter | predicate
+id | identifier
+image | style image
+layer | style layer
+property | attribute
+SDF icon | template image
+source | content source
+## Specifying the map’s content
+Each source defined by a style JSON file is represented at runtime by a content
+source object that you can use to initialize new style layers. The content
+source object is a member of one of the following subclasses of `MGLSource`:
+In style JSON | In the SDK
+`geojson` | `MGLShapeSource`
+`raster` | `MGLRasterSource`
+`vector` | `MGLVectorSource`
+`image` and `video` sources are not supported.
+### Tile sources
+Raster and vector sources may be defined in TileJSON configuration files. This
+SDK supports the properties defined in the style specification, which are a
+subset of the keys defined in version 2.1.0 of the
+specification. As an alternative to authoring a custom TileJSON file, you may
+supply various tile source options when creating a raster or vector source.
+These options are detailed in the `MGLTileSourceOption` documentation:
+In style JSON | In TileJSON | In the SDK
+`url` | — | `configurationURL` parameter in `-[MGLTileSource initWithIdentifier:configurationURL:]`
+`tiles` | `tiles` | `tileURLTemplates` parameter in `-[MGLTileSource initWithIdentifier:tileURLTemplates:options:]`
+`minzoom` | `minzoom` | `MGLTileSourceOptionMinimumZoomLevel`
+`maxzoom` | `maxzoom` | `MGLTileSourceOptionMaximumZoomLevel`
+`tileSize` | — | `MGLTileSourceOptionTileSize`
+`attribution` | `attribution` | `MGLTileSourceOptionAttributionHTMLString` (but consider specifying `MGLTileSourceOptionAttributionInfos` instead for improved security)
+`scheme` | `scheme` | `MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateSystem`
+### Shape sources
+Shape sources also accept various options. These options are detailed in the
+`MGLShapeSourceOption` documentation:
+In style JSON | In the SDK
+`data` | `url` parameter in `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:URL:options:]`
+`maxzoom` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionMaximumZoomLevel`
+`buffer` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionBuffer`
+`tolerance` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionSimplificationTolerance`
+`cluster` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionClustered`
+`clusterRadius` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionClusterRadius`
+`clusterMaxZoom` | `MGLShapeSourceOptionMaximumZoomLevelForClustering`
+To create a shape source from local GeoJSON data, first
+[convert the GeoJSON data into a shape](working-with-geojson-data.html#converting-geojson-data-into-shape-objects),
+then use the `-[MGLShapeSource initWithIdentifier:shape:options:]` method.
+## Configuring the map content’s appearance
+Each layer defined by the style JSON file is represented at runtime by a style
+layer object, which you can use to refine the map’s appearance. The style layer
+object is a member of one of the following subclasses of `MGLStyleLayer`:
+In style JSON | In the SDK
+`fill` | `MGLFillStyleLayer`
+`line` | `MGLLineStyleLayer`
+`symbol` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer`
+`circle` | `MGLCircleStyleLayer`
+`raster` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer`
+`background` | `MGLBackgroundStyleLayer`
+You configure layout and paint attributes by setting properties on these style
+layer objects. The property names generally correspond to the style JSON
+properties, except for the use of camelCase instead of kebab-case. Properties
+whose names differ from the style specification are listed below:
+### Fill style layers
+In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
+`fill-antialias` | `MGLFillStyleLayer.fillAntialiased` | `MGLFillStyleLayer.isFillAntialiased`
+### Line style layers
+In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
+`line-dasharray` | `MGLLineStyleLayer.lineDashPattern` | `MGLLineStyleLayer.lineDashPattern`
+### Symbol style layers
+In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
+`icon-allow-overlap` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap`
+`icon-ignore-placement` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconIgnoresPlacement` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconIgnoresPlacement`
+`icon-image` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconImageName` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconImageName`
+`icon-optional` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconOptional` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.isIconOptional`
+`icon-rotate` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconRotation` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconRotation`
+`icon-size` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconScale` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconScale`
+`icon-keep-upright` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.keepsIconUpright` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.keepsIconUpright`
+`text-keep-upright` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.keepsTextUpright` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.keepsTextUpright`
+`text-max-angle` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.maximumTextAngle` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.maximumTextAngle`
+`text-max-width` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.maximumTextWidth` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.maximumTextWidth`
+`symbol-avoid-edges` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.symbolAvoidsEdges` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.symbolAvoidsEdges`
+`text-allow-overlap` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textAllowsOverlap` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textAllowsOverlap`
+`text-ignore-placement` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textIgnoresPlacement` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textIgnoresPlacement`
+`text-justify` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textJustification` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textJustification`
+`text-optional` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textOptional` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.isTextOptional`
+`text-rotate` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textRotation` | `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textRotation`
+### Raster style layers
+In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
+`raster-brightness-max` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer.maximumRasterBrightness` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer.maximumRasterBrightness`
+`raster-brightness-min` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer.minimumRasterBrightness` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer.minimumRasterBrightness`
+`raster-hue-rotate` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer.rasterHueRotation` | `MGLRasterStyleLayer.rasterHueRotation`
+## Setting attribute values
+Each property representing a layout or paint attribute is set to an
+`MGLStyleValue` object, which is either an `MGLStyleConstantValue` object (for
+constant values) or an `MGLStyleFunction` object (for zoom level functions). The
+style value object is a container for the raw value or function parameters that
+you want the attribute to be set to.
+In contrast to the JSON type that the style specification defines for each
+layout or paint property, the style value object often contains a more specific
+Foundation or Cocoa type. General rules for attribute types are listed below.
+Pay close attention to the SDK documentation for the attribute you want to set.
+In style JSON | In Objective-C | In Swift
+Color | `UIColor` | `UIColor`
+Enum | `NSValue` (see `NSValue(MGLAdditions)`) | `NSValue` (see `NSValue(MGLAdditions)`)
+String | `NSString` | `String`
+Boolean | `NSNumber.boolValue` | `NSNumber.boolValue`
+Number | `NSNumber.floatValue` | `NSNumber.floatValue`
+Array (`-dasharray`) | `NSArray<NSNumber>` | `[NSNumber]`
+Array (`-font`) | `NSArray<NSString>` | `[String]`
+Array (`-offset`, `-translate`) | `CGVector` | `CGVector`
+Array (`-padding`) | `UIEdgeInsets` | `UIEdgeInsets`
+## Filtering sources
+You can filter a shape or vector source by setting the
+`MGLVectorStyleLayer.predicate` property to an `NSPredicate` object. Below is a
+table of style JSON operators and the corresponding operators used in the
+predicate format string:
+In style JSON | In the format string
+`["has", key]` | `key != nil`
+`["!has", key]` | `key == nil`
+`["==", key, value]` | `key == value`
+`["!=", key, value]` | `key != value`
+`[">", key, value]` | `key > value`
+`[">=", key, value]` | `key >= value`
+`["<", key, value]` | `key < value`
+`["<=", key, value]` | `key <= value`
+`["in", key, v0, …, vn]` | `key IN {v0, …, vn}`
+`["!in", key, v0, …, vn]` | `NOT key IN {v0, …, vn}`
+`["all", f0, …, fn]` | `p0 AND … AND pn`
+`["any", f0, …, fn]` | `p0 OR … OR pn`
+`["none", f0, …, fn]` | `NOT (p0 OR … OR pn)`
+See the `MGLVectorStyleLayer.predicate` documentation for a full description of
+the supported operators and operand types.