path: root/platform/ios/demo/Examples/Swift/RuntimeCircleStylesExample.swift
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authorjmkiley <>2017-06-13 15:21:50 -0700
committerjmkiley <>2017-06-13 15:21:50 -0700
commit04a0c64482c045bd622a8d1c4ad6ca1baace2c34 (patch)
tree9c978aa3e4850f71fa26fb033f2cb3c81c58b555 /platform/ios/demo/Examples/Swift/RuntimeCircleStylesExample.swift
parent17ccd0100ceff3ab7d4dd6eb58e3345745dff117 (diff)
[ios] added demo projectupstream/jk-nb-pod-try
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/ios/demo/Examples/Swift/RuntimeCircleStylesExample.swift')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/demo/Examples/Swift/RuntimeCircleStylesExample.swift b/platform/ios/demo/Examples/Swift/RuntimeCircleStylesExample.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14dc2a81f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/ios/demo/Examples/Swift/RuntimeCircleStylesExample.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import Mapbox
+class RuntimeCircleStylesExample_Swift: UIViewController, MGLMapViewDelegate {
+ var mapView: MGLMapView!
+ override func viewDidLoad() {
+ super.viewDidLoad()
+ mapView = MGLMapView(frame: view.bounds)
+ mapView.styleURL = MGLStyle.lightStyleURL(withVersion: 9)
+ mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
+ mapView.tintColor = .darkGray
+ mapView.setCenter(
+ CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.753574, longitude: -122.447303),
+ zoomLevel: 10,
+ animated: false)
+ view.addSubview(mapView)
+ mapView.delegate = self
+ }
+ // Wait until the style is loaded before modifying the map style.
+ func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, didFinishLoading style: MGLStyle) {
+ addLayer(to: style)
+ }
+ func addLayer(to style: MGLStyle) {
+ let source = MGLVectorSource(identifier: "population", configurationURL: URL(string: "mapbox://examples.8fgz4egr")!)
+ let ethnicities = [
+ "White": UIColor(red: 251/255.0, green: 176/255.0, blue: 59/255.0, alpha: 1.0),
+ "Black": UIColor(red: 34/255.0, green: 59/255.0, blue: 83/255.0, alpha: 1.0),
+ "Hispanic": UIColor(red: 229/255.0, green: 94/255.0, blue: 94/255.0, alpha: 1.0),
+ "Asian": UIColor(red: 59/255.0, green: 178/255.0, blue: 208/255.0, alpha: 1.0),
+ "Other": UIColor(red: 204/255.0, green: 204/255.0, blue: 204/255.0, alpha: 1.0),
+ ]
+ style.addSource(source)
+ // Create a new layer for each ethnicity/circle color.
+ for (ethnicity, color) in ethnicities {
+ // Each layer should have a unique identifier.
+ let layer = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "population-\(ethnicity)", source: source)
+ // Specifying the `sourceLayerIdentifier` is required for a vector tile source. This is the json attribute that wraps the data in the source.
+ layer.sourceLayerIdentifier = "sf2010"
+ // Use a style function to smoothly adjust the circle radius from 2pt to 180pt between zoom levels 12 and 22. The `interpolationBase` parameter allows the values to interpolate along an exponential curve.
+ layer.circleRadius = MGLStyleValue(interpolationMode: .exponential,
+ cameraStops: [12: MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 2),
+ 22: MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 180)],
+ options: [.defaultValue : 1.75])
+// (interpolationBase: 1.75, stops: )
+ layer.circleOpacity = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 0.7)
+ // Set the circle color to match the ethnicity.
+ layer.circleColor = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: color)
+ // Use an NSPredicate to filter to just one ethnicity for this layer.
+ layer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "ethnicity == %@", ethnicity)
+ style.addLayer(layer)
+ }
+ }