path: root/platform/darwin
diff options
authorJason Wray <>2018-02-13 15:39:12 -0500
committerJason Wray <>2018-02-20 14:23:42 -0500
commitaa6e06392923b49963f59a06ccc9a80de1c729b1 (patch)
treeebf8ea62a2ac3b8d6e12f0aadc335ac7aaa0afd5 /platform/darwin
parentf6d652ddddd1181604b41d38459e085314080575 (diff)
[ios] Fix type conversion warnings in MGLFeatureTests
Fixes: object of type 'MGLPointAnnotation/MGLPolyline *' is not compatible with array element type 'MGLShape<MGLFeature> *' [-Wobjc-literal-conversion]
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/ b/platform/darwin/test/
index 818ad8200e..14b64be854 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/
@@ -298,29 +298,36 @@
- (void)testShapeCollectionFeatureGeoJSONDictionary {
- MGLPointAnnotation *pointFeature = [[MGLPointAnnotation alloc] init];
+ MGLPointFeature *pointFeature = [[MGLPointFeature alloc] init];
CLLocationCoordinate2D pointCoordinate = { 10, 10 };
pointFeature.coordinate = pointCoordinate;
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord1 = { 0, 0 };
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord2 = { 10, 10 };
CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[] = { coord1, coord2 };
- MGLPolyline *polyline = [MGLPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:coords count:2];
+ MGLPolylineFeature *polylineFeature = [MGLPolylineFeature polylineWithCoordinates:coords count:2];
+ MGLShapeCollectionFeature *shapeCollectionFeature = [MGLShapeCollectionFeature shapeCollectionWithShapes:@[pointFeature, polylineFeature]];
- MGLShapeCollectionFeature *shapeCollectionFeature = [MGLShapeCollectionFeature shapeCollectionWithShapes:@[pointFeature,
- polyline]];
// A GeoJSON feature
NSDictionary *geoJSONFeature = [shapeCollectionFeature geoJSONDictionary];
// it has the correct geometry
NSDictionary *expectedGeometry = @{@"type": @"GeometryCollection",
@"geometries": @[
- @{@"type": @"Point",
- @"coordinates": @[@(pointCoordinate.longitude), @(pointCoordinate.latitude)]},
- @{@"type": @"LineString",
- @"coordinates": @[@[@(coord1.longitude), @(coord1.latitude)],
- @[@(coord2.longitude), @(coord2.latitude)]]}
- ]};
+ @{ @"geometry": @{@"type": @"Point",
+ @"coordinates": @[@(pointCoordinate.longitude), @(pointCoordinate.latitude)]},
+ @"properties": [NSNull null],
+ @"type": @"Feature",
+ },
+ @{ @"geometry": @{@"type": @"LineString",
+ @"coordinates": @[@[@(coord1.longitude), @(coord1.latitude)],
+ @[@(coord2.longitude), @(coord2.latitude)]]},
+ @"properties": [NSNull null],
+ @"type": @"Feature",
+ }
+ ]
+ };
XCTAssertEqualObjects(geoJSONFeature[@"geometry"], expectedGeometry);
// When the shape collection is created with an empty array of shapes