path: root/platform/darwin/src/
diff options
authorJohn Firebaugh <>2018-07-17 12:21:50 -0700
committerJohn Firebaugh <>2018-07-20 12:35:00 -0700
commit2c5d0e74a1ef6743a23dbd346b79958e4b2f8614 (patch)
tree5dd56c0079294b6cebf2d26970bcb12852add27e /platform/darwin/src/
parentaf89318b1d3bef15e92e591887c9d65b10be54ce (diff)
[ios, macos] Convert token strings to expressions on input
Removes mgl_expressionByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths and associated code. Converting on output is no longer necessary: from the prior commit, core converts token strings to expressions at parse time; all that's necessary is to ensure that the runtime styling API does so as well.
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/ b/platform/darwin/src/
index 5cb69d11dc..2a4c80bee6 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/
@@ -389,112 +389,6 @@ const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeCubicBezier =
return {};
-// Selectors of functions that can contain tokens in arguments.
-static NSArray * const MGLTokenizedFunctions = @[
- @"mgl_interpolateWithCurveType:parameters:stops:",
- @"mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:",
- @"mgl_stepWithMinimum:stops:",
- @"mgl_step:from:stops:",
- Returns a copy of the given collection with tokens replaced by key path
- expressions.
- If no replacements take place, this method returns the original collection.
- */
-NSArray<NSExpression *> *MGLCollectionByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths(NSArray<NSExpression *> *collection) {
- __block NSMutableArray *upgradedCollection;
- [collection enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSExpression * _Nonnull item, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- NSExpression *upgradedItem = item.mgl_expressionByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths;
- if (upgradedItem != item) {
- if (!upgradedCollection) {
- upgradedCollection = [collection mutableCopy];
- }
- upgradedCollection[idx] = upgradedItem;
- }
- }];
- return upgradedCollection ?: collection;
- Returns a copy of the given stop dictionary with tokens replaced by key path
- expressions.
- If no replacements take place, this method returns the original stop
- dictionary.
- */
-NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSExpression *> *MGLStopDictionaryByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths(NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSExpression *> *stops) {
- __block NSMutableDictionary *upgradedStops;
- [stops enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull zoomLevel, NSExpression * _Nonnull value, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- value = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:value];
- }
- NSExpression *upgradedValue = value.mgl_expressionByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths;
- if (upgradedValue != value) {
- if (!upgradedStops) {
- upgradedStops = [stops mutableCopy];
- }
- upgradedStops[zoomLevel] = upgradedValue;
- }
- }];
- return upgradedStops ?: stops;
-- (NSExpression *)mgl_expressionByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths {
- switch (self.expressionType) {
- case NSConstantValueExpressionType: {
- NSString *constantValue = self.constantValue;
- if ([constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] &&
- [constantValue containsString:@"{"] && [constantValue containsString:@"}"]) {
- NSMutableArray *components = [NSMutableArray array];
- NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:constantValue];
- scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = nil;
- while (!scanner.isAtEnd) {
- NSString *string;
- if ([scanner scanUpToString:@"{" intoString:&string]) {
- [components addObject:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:string]];
- }
- NSString *token;
- if ([scanner scanString:@"{" intoString:NULL]
- && [scanner scanUpToString:@"}" intoString:&token]
- && [scanner scanString:@"}" intoString:NULL]) {
- [components addObject:[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:token]];
- }
- }
- if (components.count == 1) {
- return components.firstObject;
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_join:"
- arguments:@[[NSExpression expressionForAggregate:components]]];
- }
- NSDictionary *stops = self.constantValue;
- if ([stops isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
- NSDictionary *localizedStops = MGLStopDictionaryByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths(stops);
- if (localizedStops != stops) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:localizedStops];
- }
- }
- return self;
- }
- case NSFunctionExpressionType: {
- if ([MGLTokenizedFunctions containsObject:self.function]) {
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments;
- NSArray *localizedArguments = MGLCollectionByReplacingTokensWithKeyPaths(arguments);
- if (localizedArguments != arguments) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:self.operand selectorName:self.function arguments:localizedArguments];
- }
- }
- return self;
- }
- default:
- return self;
- }
@implementation NSObject (MGLExpressionAdditions)