path: root/platform/darwin/src/
diff options
authorJustin R. Miller <>2016-10-18 14:33:25 -0700
committerJustin R. Miller <>2016-10-18 14:33:25 -0700
commitcc75209ce4553212f3442692b1123e4c6fd85ff2 (patch)
treee99dc62c90be3458b61766e9db529ddc627cecc5 /platform/darwin/src/
parentb0c6eb309e76cf06a8fdef1316abbe07bb0f2f74 (diff)
parent0ccc7f51ba1d3377b93b4dddc3a4a03d0fda2260 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into smooth-camera
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/src/')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/ b/platform/darwin/src/
index 79d7d7e0f6..f9f2e03d40 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#import "MGLGeoJSONSource.h"
#include <mbgl/util/default_styles.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/sprite/sprite_image.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/layers/fill_layer.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/layers/line_layer.hpp>
#include <mbgl/style/layers/symbol_layer.hpp>
@@ -32,8 +33,15 @@
#include <mbgl/style/sources/raster_source.hpp>
#include <mbgl/mbgl.hpp>
+ #import "UIImage+MGLAdditions.h"
+ #import "NSImage+MGLAdditions.h"
@interface MGLStyle()
@property (nonatomic, weak) MGLMapView *mapView;
+@property (readonly, copy, nullable) NSURL *URL;
@implementation MGLStyle
@@ -92,107 +100,129 @@ static NSURL *MGLStyleURL_emerald;
return @(self.mapView.mbglMap->getStyleName().c_str());
-- (id <MGLStyleLayer>)layerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
+- (NSURL *)URL {
+ return [NSURL URLWithString:@(self.mapView.mbglMap->getStyleURL().c_str())];
+- (MGLStyleLayer *)layerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
- auto layer = self.mapView.mbglMap->getLayer(identifier.UTF8String);
+ auto mbglLayer = self.mapView.mbglMap->getLayer(identifier.UTF8String);
+ if (!mbglLayer) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ MGLStyleLayer *styleLayer;
+ if (auto fillLayer = mbglLayer->as<mbgl::style::FillLayer>()) {
+ MGLSource *source = [self sourceWithIdentifier:@(fillLayer->getSourceID().c_str())];
+ styleLayer = [[MGLFillStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier source:source];
+ } else if (auto lineLayer = mbglLayer->as<mbgl::style::LineLayer>()) {
+ MGLSource *source = [self sourceWithIdentifier:@(lineLayer->getSourceID().c_str())];
+ styleLayer = [[MGLLineStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier source:source];
+ } else if (auto symbolLayer = mbglLayer->as<mbgl::style::SymbolLayer>()) {
+ MGLSource *source = [self sourceWithIdentifier:@(symbolLayer->getSourceID().c_str())];
+ styleLayer = [[MGLSymbolStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier source:source];
+ } else if (auto rasterLayer = mbglLayer->as<mbgl::style::RasterLayer>()) {
+ MGLSource *source = [self sourceWithIdentifier:@(rasterLayer->getSourceID().c_str())];
+ styleLayer = [[MGLRasterStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier source:source];
+ } else if (auto circleLayer = mbglLayer->as<mbgl::style::CircleLayer>()) {
+ MGLSource *source = [self sourceWithIdentifier:@(circleLayer->getSourceID().c_str())];
+ styleLayer = [[MGLCircleStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier source:source];
+ } else if (mbglLayer->as<mbgl::style::BackgroundLayer>()) {
+ styleLayer = [[MGLBackgroundStyleLayer alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier];
+ } else {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Unrecognized layer type");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ styleLayer.layer = mbglLayer;
- if (!layer) return nil;
- Class clazz = [self classFromLayer:layer];
- id <MGLStyleLayer, MGLStyleLayer_Private> styleLayer = [[clazz alloc] init];
- styleLayer.layerIdentifier = identifier;
- styleLayer.layer = layer;
- styleLayer.mapView = self.mapView;
return styleLayer;
- (MGLSource *)sourceWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
- auto s = self.mapView.mbglMap->getSource(identifier.UTF8String);
+ auto mbglSource = self.mapView.mbglMap->getSource(identifier.UTF8String);
+ if (!mbglSource) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ // TODO: Fill in options specific to the respective source classes
+ //
+ MGLSource *source;
+ if (mbglSource->is<mbgl::style::VectorSource>()) {
+ source = [[MGLVectorSource alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier];
+ } else if (mbglSource->is<mbgl::style::GeoJSONSource>()) {
+ source = [[MGLGeoJSONSource alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier];
+ } else if (mbglSource->is<mbgl::style::RasterSource>()) {
+ source = [[MGLRasterSource alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier];
+ } else {
+ NSAssert(NO, @"Unrecognized source type");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ source.source = mbglSource;
- if (!s) return nil;
- Class clazz = [self classFromSource:s];
- MGLSource *source = [[clazz alloc] init];
- source.sourceIdentifier = identifier;
- source.source = s;
return source;
-- (Class)classFromSource:(mbgl::style::Source *)source
+- (void)removeLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer
- if (source->is<mbgl::style::VectorSource>()) {
- return MGLVectorSource.class;
- } else if (source->is<mbgl::style::GeoJSONSource>()) {
- return MGLGeoJSONSource.class;
- } else if (source->is<mbgl::style::RasterSource>()) {
- return MGLRasterSource.class;
- }
- [NSException raise:@"Source type not handled" format:@""];
- return Nil;
-- (Class)classFromLayer:(mbgl::style::Layer *)layer
- if (layer->is<mbgl::style::FillLayer>()) {
- return MGLFillStyleLayer.class;
- } else if (layer->is<mbgl::style::LineLayer>()) {
- return MGLLineStyleLayer.class;
- } else if (layer->is<mbgl::style::SymbolLayer>()) {
- return MGLSymbolStyleLayer.class;
- } else if (layer->is<mbgl::style::RasterLayer>()) {
- return MGLRasterStyleLayer.class;
- } else if (layer->is<mbgl::style::CircleLayer>()) {
- return MGLCircleStyleLayer.class;
- } else if (layer->is<mbgl::style::BackgroundLayer>()) {
- return MGLBackgroundStyleLayer.class;
- }
- [NSException raise:@"Layer type not handled" format:@""];
- return Nil;
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->removeLayer(layer.identifier.UTF8String);
-- (void)removeLayer:(id <MGLStyleLayer_Private>)styleLayer
+- (void)addLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer
- self.mapView.mbglMap->removeLayer(styleLayer.layer->getID());
+ if (!layer.layer) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:
+ @"The style layer %@ cannot be added to the style. "
+ @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.",
+ NSStringFromClass(self)];
+ }
-- (void)addLayer:(id <MGLStyleLayer, MGLStyleLayer_Private>)styleLayer
- self.mapView.mbglMap->addLayer(std::unique_ptr<mbgl::style::Layer>(styleLayer.layer));
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->addLayer(std::unique_ptr<mbgl::style::Layer>(layer.layer));
-- (void)insertLayer:(id <MGLStyleLayer, MGLStyleLayer_Private>)styleLayer
- belowLayer:(id <MGLStyleLayer, MGLStyleLayer_Private>)belowLayer
+- (void)insertLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)layer belowLayer:(MGLStyleLayer *)otherLayer
- const mbgl::optional<std::string> belowLayerId{[belowLayer layerIdentifier].UTF8String};
- self.mapView.mbglMap->addLayer(std::unique_ptr<mbgl::style::Layer>(styleLayer.layer), belowLayerId);
+ if (!layer.layer) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
+ format:
+ @"The style layer %@ cannot be added to the style. "
+ @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.",
+ NSStringFromClass(layer)];
+ }
+ if (!otherLayer.layer) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
+ format:
+ @"A style layer cannot be placed before %@ in the style. "
+ @"Make sure the style layer was created as a member of a concrete subclass of MGLStyleLayer.",
+ NSStringFromClass(otherLayer)];
+ }
+ const mbgl::optional<std::string> belowLayerId{otherLayer.identifier.UTF8String};
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->addLayer(std::unique_ptr<mbgl::style::Layer>(layer.layer), belowLayerId);
- (void)addSource:(MGLSource *)source
- self.mapView.mbglMap->addSource([source mbglSource]);
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->addSource(source.mbglSource);
- (void)removeSource:(MGLSource *)source
- self.mapView.mbglMap->removeSource(source.sourceIdentifier.UTF8String);
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->removeSource(source.identifier.UTF8String);
- (NS_ARRAY_OF(NSString *) *)styleClasses
const std::vector<std::string> &appliedClasses = self.mapView.mbglMap->getClasses();
NSMutableArray *returnArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:appliedClasses.size()];
for (auto appliedClass : appliedClasses) {
[returnArray addObject:@(appliedClass.c_str())];
return returnArray;
@@ -204,12 +234,12 @@ static NSURL *MGLStyleURL_emerald;
- (void)setStyleClasses:(NS_ARRAY_OF(NSString *) *)appliedClasses transitionDuration:(NSTimeInterval)transitionDuration
std::vector<std::string> newAppliedClasses;
for (NSString *appliedClass in appliedClasses)
newAppliedClasses.push_back([appliedClass UTF8String]);
mbgl::style::TransitionOptions transition { { MGLDurationInSeconds(transitionDuration) } };
@@ -236,5 +266,27 @@ static NSURL *MGLStyleURL_emerald;
+- (void)setImage:(MGLImage *)image forName:(NSString *)name
+ NSAssert(image, @"image is null");
+ NSAssert(name, @"name is null");
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->addImage([name UTF8String], image.mgl_spriteImage);
+- (void)removeImageForName:(NSString *)name
+ NSAssert(name, @"name is null");
+ self.mapView.mbglMap->removeImage([name UTF8String]);
+- (NSString *)description
+ return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; name = %@, URL = %@>",
+ NSStringFromClass([self class]), (void *)self,
+ ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"",] :,
+ self.URL ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", self.URL] : self.URL];