path: root/expression-test/expression_test_parser.cpp
diff options
authorAlexander Shalamov <>2019-09-02 17:46:15 +0300
committerAlexander Shalamov <>2019-09-04 10:37:50 +0300
commit631bc4f6a3ff7518787a8a3db76b252e96198a07 (patch)
tree95d527bb7da3d31f6d7810e0f26fa16d7bc07e9f /expression-test/expression_test_parser.cpp
parentc7be3d52a709c98e93384bdcabc5cebc7adb9dac (diff)
[core] Add native expression test runner
Diffstat (limited to 'expression-test/expression_test_parser.cpp')
1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/expression-test/expression_test_parser.cpp b/expression-test/expression_test_parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c194ffee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expression-test/expression_test_parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+#include "expression_test_parser.hpp"
+#include <mbgl/util/io.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/logging.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/util/variant.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/style/conversion/function.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/style/rapidjson_conversion.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/style/expression/parsing_context.hpp>
+#include <mapbox/geojson/rapidjson.hpp>
+#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
+#include <rapidjson/prettywriter.h>
+#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
+#include <args.hxx>
+using namespace mbgl;
+using namespace mbgl::style;
+using namespace mbgl::style::conversion;
+using namespace std::literals;
+namespace {
+void writeJSON(rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer>& writer, const Value& value) {
+ value.match(
+ [&] (const NullValue&) { writer.Null(); },
+ [&] (bool b) { writer.Bool(b); },
+ [&] (uint64_t u) { writer.Uint64(u); },
+ [&] (int64_t i) { writer.Int64(i); },
+ [&] (double d) { d == std::floor(d) ? writer.Int64(d) : writer.Double(d); },
+ [&] (const std::string& s) { writer.String(s); },
+ [&] (const std::vector<Value>& arr) {
+ writer.StartArray();
+ for(const auto& item : arr) {
+ writeJSON(writer, item);
+ }
+ writer.EndArray();
+ },
+ [&] (const std::unordered_map<std::string, Value>& obj) {
+ writer.StartObject();
+ for(const auto& entry : obj) {
+ writer.Key(entry.first.c_str());
+ writeJSON(writer, entry.second);
+ }
+ writer.EndObject();
+ }
+ );
+using ErrorMessage = std::string;
+using JSONReply = variant<JSDocument, ErrorMessage>;
+JSONReply readJson(const filesystem::path& jsonPath) {
+ auto maybeJSON = util::readFile(jsonPath);
+ if (!maybeJSON) {
+ return { "Unable to open file "s + jsonPath.string() };
+ }
+ JSDocument document;
+ document.Parse<rapidjson::kParseFullPrecisionFlag>(*maybeJSON);
+ if (document.HasParseError()) {
+ return { formatJSONParseError(document) };
+ }
+ return { std::move(document) };
+std::string toString(const JSValue& value) {
+ assert(value.IsString());
+ return { value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength() };
+optional<Value> toValue(const JSValue& jsvalue) {
+ if (jsvalue.IsNull()) {
+ return Value{};
+ }
+ if (jsvalue.IsArray()) {
+ std::vector<Value> values;
+ values.reserve(jsvalue.GetArray().Size());
+ for (const auto& v : jsvalue.GetArray()) {
+ if (auto value = toValue(v)) {
+ values.emplace_back(std::move(*value));
+ }
+ }
+ return {std::move(values)};
+ }
+ if (jsvalue.IsObject()) {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> value_map;
+ for (const auto& pair : jsvalue.GetObject()) {
+ if (auto value = toValue(pair.value)) {
+ value_map.emplace(toString(, std::move(*value));
+ }
+ }
+ return {std::move(value_map)};
+ }
+ if (!jsvalue.IsArray() && !jsvalue.IsObject()) {
+ return toValue(Convertible(&jsvalue));
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+style::expression::type::Type stringToType(const std::string& type) {
+ using namespace style::expression;
+ if (type == "string"s || type == "number-format"s) {
+ return type::String;
+ } else if (type == "number"s) {
+ return type::Number;
+ } else if (type == "boolean"s) {
+ return type::Boolean;
+ } else if (type == "object"s) {
+ return type::Object;
+ } else if (type == "color"s) {
+ return type::Color;
+ } else if (type == "value"s) {
+ return type::Value;
+ } else if (type == "formatted"s) {
+ return type::Formatted;
+ }
+ // Should not reach.
+ assert(false);
+ return type::Null;
+optional<style::expression::type::Type> toExpressionType(const PropertySpec& spec) {
+ using namespace style::expression;
+ if (spec.type == "array") {
+ type::Type itemType = spec.value.empty() ? type::Value : stringToType(spec.value);
+ if (spec.length) {
+ return {type::Array(itemType, spec.length)};
+ }
+ return {type::Array(itemType)};
+ }
+ if (spec.type == "enum") {
+ return {type::String};
+ }
+ return spec.type.empty() ? nullopt : optional<type::Type>{stringToType(spec.type)};
+void parseCompiled(const JSValue& compiledValue, TestData& data) {
+ const auto& compiled = compiledValue.GetObject();
+ assert(compiled.HasMember("result"));
+ assert(compiled["result"].IsString());
+ const std::string& result = toString(compiled["result"]);
+ data.expected.compiled.success = result == "success";
+ if (compiled.HasMember("isFeatureConstant")) {
+ assert(compiled["isFeatureConstant"].IsBool());
+ data.expected.compiled.isFeatureConstant = compiled["isFeatureConstant"].GetBool();
+ }
+ if (compiled.HasMember("isZoomConstant")) {
+ assert(compiled["isZoomConstant"].IsBool());
+ data.expected.compiled.isZoomConstant = compiled["isZoomConstant"].GetBool();
+ }
+ if (compiled.HasMember("type")) {
+ assert(compiled["type"].IsString());
+ data.expected.compiled.serializedType = toString(compiled["type"]);
+ }
+ if (compiled.HasMember("errors")) {
+ assert(compiled["errors"].IsArray());
+ for (const auto& errorVal : compiled["errors"].GetArray()) {
+ assert(errorVal.IsObject());
+ const auto& errorObject = errorVal.GetObject();
+ assert(errorObject.HasMember("key"));
+ assert(errorObject.HasMember("error"));
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> errorMap;
+ errorMap.emplace("key"s, Value{toString(errorObject["key"])});
+ errorMap.emplace("error"s, Value{toString(errorObject["error"])});
+ data.expected.compiled.errors.emplace_back(Value{std::move(errorMap)});
+ }
+ }
+void parseExpected(const JSValue& expectedValue, TestData& data) {
+ assert(expectedValue.IsObject());
+ const auto& expected = expectedValue.GetObject();
+ assert(expected.HasMember("compiled"));
+ parseCompiled(expected["compiled"], data);
+ // set outputs
+ if (expected.HasMember("outputs")) {
+ data.expected.outputs = toValue(expected["outputs"]);
+ }
+ // set serialized
+ if (expected.HasMember("serialized")) {
+ data.expected.serialized = toValue(expected["serialized"]);
+ }
+void parsePropertySpec(const JSValue& value, TestData& data) {
+ const auto& propertySpec = value.GetObject();
+ PropertySpec spec;
+ if (propertySpec.HasMember("type")) {
+ assert(propertySpec["type"].IsString());
+ spec.type = toString(propertySpec["type"]);
+ }
+ if (propertySpec.HasMember("value")) {
+ assert(propertySpec["value"].IsString());
+ spec.value = toString(propertySpec["value"]);
+ }
+ if (propertySpec.HasMember("length")) {
+ assert(propertySpec["length"].IsNumber());
+ spec.length = propertySpec["length"].GetDouble();
+ }
+ if (propertySpec.HasMember("property-type")) {
+ assert(propertySpec["property-type"].IsString());
+ spec.isDataDriven = true;
+ }
+ if (propertySpec.HasMember("expression")) {
+ assert(propertySpec["expression"].IsObject());
+ spec.expression = toValue(propertySpec["expression"]);
+ }
+ data.spec = std::move(spec);
+bool parseInputs(const JSValue& inputsValue, TestData& data) {
+ assert(inputsValue.IsArray());
+ for (const auto& input : inputsValue.GetArray()) {
+ assert(input.IsArray());
+ assert(input.Size() == 2);
+ assert(input[0].IsObject());
+ assert(input[1].IsObject());
+ // Parse evaluation context, zoom.
+ optional<float> zoom;
+ const auto& evaluationContext = input[0].GetObject();
+ if (evaluationContext.HasMember("zoom")) {
+ assert(evaluationContext["zoom"].IsNumber());
+ zoom = evaluationContext["zoom"].GetDouble();
+ }
+ // Parse heatmap density
+ optional<double> heatmapDensity;
+ if (evaluationContext.HasMember("heatmapDensity")) {
+ assert(evaluationContext["heatmapDensity"].IsNumber());
+ heatmapDensity = evaluationContext["heatmapDensity"].GetDouble();
+ }
+ // Parse feature properties
+ Feature feature(mapbox::geometry::point<double>(0.0, 0.0));
+ const auto& featureObject = input[1].GetObject();
+ if (featureObject.HasMember("properties")) {
+ assert(featureObject["properties"].IsObject());
+ = mapbox::geojson::convert<PropertyMap>(featureObject["properties"]);
+ }
+ if (featureObject.HasMember("geometry")) {
+ assert(featureObject["geometry"].IsObject());
+ feature.geometry = mapbox::geojson::convert<mapbox::geometry::geometry<double>>(featureObject["geometry"]);
+ }
+ if (featureObject.HasMember("id")) {
+ assert(featureObject["id"].IsNumber() || featureObject["id"].IsString());
+ = mapbox::geojson::convert<mapbox::feature::identifier>(featureObject["id"]);
+ }
+ data.inputs.emplace_back(std::move(zoom), std::move(heatmapDensity), std::move(feature));
+ }
+ return true;
+} // namespace
+std::tuple<filesystem::path, std::vector<filesystem::path>, bool, uint32_t> parseArguments(int argc, char** argv) {
+ args::ArgumentParser argumentParser("Mapbox GL Expression Test Runner");
+ args::HelpFlag helpFlag(argumentParser, "help", "Display this help menu", { 'h', "help" });
+ args::Flag shuffleFlag(argumentParser, "shuffle", "Toggle shuffling the tests order",
+ { 's', "shuffle" });
+ args::ValueFlag<uint32_t> seedValue(argumentParser, "seed", "Shuffle seed (default: random)",
+ { "seed" });
+ args::PositionalList<std::string> testNameValues(argumentParser, "URL", "Test name(s)");
+ try {
+ argumentParser.ParseCLI(argc, argv);
+ } catch (const args::Help&) {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream << argumentParser;
+ Log::Info(Event::General, stream.str());
+ exit(0);
+ } catch (const args::ParseError& e) {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream << argumentParser;
+ Log::Info(Event::General, stream.str());
+ Log::Error(Event::General, e.what());
+ exit(1);
+ } catch (const args::ValidationError& e) {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream << argumentParser;
+ Log::Info(Event::General, stream.str());
+ Log::Error(Event::General, e.what());
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ filesystem::path rootPath {std::string(TEST_RUNNER_ROOT_PATH).append("/mapbox-gl-js/test/integration/expression-tests")};
+ if (!filesystem::exists(rootPath)) {
+ Log::Error(Event::General, "Test path '%s' does not exist.", rootPath.string().c_str());
+ exit(3);
+ }
+ std::vector<filesystem::path> paths;
+ for (const auto& testName : args::get(testNameValues)) {
+ paths.emplace_back(rootPath.string() + "/" + testName);
+ }
+ if (paths.empty()) {
+ paths.emplace_back(rootPath);
+ }
+ // Recursively traverse through the test paths and collect test directories containing "test.json".
+ std::vector<filesystem::path> testPaths;
+ testPaths.reserve(paths.size());
+ for (const auto& path : paths) {
+ if (!filesystem::exists(path)) {
+ Log::Warning(Event::General, "Provided test folder '%s' does not exist.", path.string().c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (auto& testPath : filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) {
+ if (testPath.path().filename() == "test.json") {
+ testPaths.emplace_back(testPath.path());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Arguments{ std::move(rootPath),
+ std::move(testPaths),
+ shuffleFlag ? args::get(shuffleFlag) : false,
+ seedValue ? args::get(seedValue) : 1u };
+Ignores parseExpressionIgnores() {
+ Ignores ignores;
+ const auto mainIgnoresPath = filesystem::path(TEST_RUNNER_ROOT_PATH).append("platform/node/test/ignores.json");
+ auto maybeIgnores = readJson(mainIgnoresPath);
+ if (!<JSDocument>()) { // NOLINT
+ return {};
+ }
+ for (const auto& property : maybeIgnores.get<JSDocument>().GetObject()) {
+ std::string id{ toString( };
+ // Keep only expression-test ignores
+ if (id.rfind("expression-tests", 0) != 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string reason{ toString(property.value) };
+ ignores.emplace_back(std::move(id), std::move(reason));
+ }
+ return ignores;
+optional<TestData> parseTestData(const filesystem::path& path) {
+ TestData data;
+ auto maybeJson = readJson(path.string());
+ if (!<JSDocument>()) { // NOLINT
+ Log::Error(Event::General, "Cannot parse test '%s'.", path.string().c_str());
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ data.document = std::move(maybeJson.get<JSDocument>());
+ // Check that mandatory test data members are present.
+ if (!data.document.HasMember("expression") || !data.document.HasMember("expected")) {
+ Log::Error(Event::General, "Test fixture '%s' does not contain required data.", path.string().c_str());
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ // Parse propertySpec
+ if (data.document.HasMember("propertySpec")) {
+ assert(data.document["propertySpec"].IsObject());
+ parsePropertySpec(data.document["propertySpec"], data);
+ }
+ // Parse expected
+ parseExpected(data.document["expected"], data);
+ // Parse inputs
+ if (data.document.HasMember("inputs") && !parseInputs(data.document["inputs"], data)) {
+ Log::Error(Event::General,"Can't convert inputs value for '%s'", path.string().c_str());
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ return {std::move(data)};
+std::string toJSON(const Value& value, unsigned indent, bool singleLine) {
+ rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
+ rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
+ if (singleLine) {
+ writer.SetFormatOptions(rapidjson::kFormatSingleLineArray);
+ }
+ writer.SetIndent(' ', indent);
+ writeJSON(writer, value);
+ return buffer.GetString();
+JSDocument toDocument(const Value& value) {
+ JSDocument document;
+ document.Parse<rapidjson::kParseFullPrecisionFlag>(toJSON(value));
+ return document;
+Value toValue(const Compiled& compiled) {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> compiledObject;
+ compiledObject.emplace("result", compiled.success ? "success"s : "error"s);
+ if (compiled.success) {
+ compiledObject.emplace("isFeatureConstant", compiled.isFeatureConstant);
+ compiledObject.emplace("isZoomConstant", compiled.isZoomConstant);
+ compiledObject.emplace("type", compiled.serializedType);
+ } else {
+ compiledObject.emplace("errors", compiled.errors);
+ }
+ return {std::move(compiledObject)};
+// Serializes native expression types to JS format.
+// Color and Formatted are exceptions.
+// TODO: harmonize serialized format to remove this conversion.
+optional<Value> toValue(const expression::Value& exprValue) {
+ return exprValue.match(
+ [](const Color& c) -> optional<Value> {
+ std::vector<Value> color { double(c.r), double(c.g), double(c.b), double(c.a) };
+ return {Value{std::move(color)}};
+ },
+ [](const expression::Formatted& formatted) -> optional<Value> {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> serialized;
+ std::vector<Value> sections;
+ for (const auto& section : formatted.sections) {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> serializedSection;
+ serializedSection.emplace("text", section.text);
+ if (section.fontScale) {
+ serializedSection.emplace("scale", *section.fontScale);
+ } else {
+ serializedSection.emplace("scale", NullValue());
+ }
+ if (section.fontStack) {
+ std::string fontStackString;
+ serializedSection.emplace("fontStack", fontStackToString(*section.fontStack));
+ } else {
+ serializedSection.emplace("fontStack", NullValue());
+ }
+ if (section.textColor) {
+ serializedSection.emplace("textColor", section.textColor->toObject());
+ } else {
+ serializedSection.emplace("textColor", NullValue());
+ }
+ sections.emplace_back(serializedSection);
+ }
+ serialized.emplace("sections", sections);
+ return {Value{std::move(serialized)}};
+ },
+ [](const std::vector<expression::Value>& values) -> optional<Value> {
+ std::vector<Value> mbglValues;
+ for (const auto& value : values) {
+ if (auto converted = expression::fromExpressionValue<Value>(value)) {
+ mbglValues.emplace_back(std::move(*converted));
+ }
+ }
+ return {Value{std::move(mbglValues)}};
+ },
+ [](const std::unordered_map<std::string, expression::Value>& valueMap) -> optional<Value> {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> mbglValueMap;
+ for (const auto& pair : valueMap) {
+ if (auto converted = expression::fromExpressionValue<Value>(pair.second)) {
+ mbglValueMap.emplace(pair.first, std::move(*converted));
+ }
+ }
+ return {Value{std::move(mbglValueMap)}};
+ },
+ [](const auto& v) { return expression::fromExpressionValue<Value>(v); });
+std::unique_ptr<style::expression::Expression> parseExpression(const JSValue& value,
+ optional<PropertySpec>& spec,
+ TestResult& result) {
+ optional<style::expression::type::Type> expected = spec ? toExpressionType(*spec) : nullopt;
+ expression::ParsingContext ctx = expected ? expression::ParsingContext(*expected) :
+ expression::ParsingContext();
+ Convertible convertible(&value);
+ expression::ParseResult parsed;
+ if (value.IsObject() && !value.IsArray() && expected){
+ Error error;
+ parsed = convertFunctionToExpression(*expected, convertible, error, false /*convert tokens*/);
+ if (!parsed) {
+ // TODO: should the error message be checked for function conversion?
+ }
+ } else {
+ parsed = ctx.parseLayerPropertyExpression(convertible);
+ if (!parsed) {
+ for (const auto& parsingError : ctx.getErrors()) {
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> errorMap;
+ errorMap.emplace("key"s, Value{parsingError.key});
+ errorMap.emplace("error"s, Value{parsingError.message});
+ result.compiled.errors.emplace_back(Value{std::move(errorMap)});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result.expression = toValue(value);
+ result.compiled.success = bool(parsed);
+ if (parsed) {
+ result.compiled.isFeatureConstant = expression::isFeatureConstant(**parsed);
+ result.compiled.isZoomConstant = expression::isZoomConstant(**parsed);
+ result.compiled.serializedType = style::expression::type::toString((*parsed)->getType());
+ result.serialized = (*parsed)->serialize();
+ return std::move(*parsed);
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+std::unique_ptr<style::expression::Expression> parseExpression(const optional<Value>& value,
+ optional<PropertySpec>& spec,
+ TestResult& result) {
+ assert(value);
+ auto document = toDocument(*value);
+ assert(!document.HasParseError());
+ return parseExpression(document, spec, result);