path: root/deps/gyp/pylib/gyp/
diff options
authorDane Springmeyer <>2014-02-03 14:32:00 -0800
committerDane Springmeyer <>2014-02-03 14:32:00 -0800
commitb8d9f7704facd03e6549d32ee2d05708ce5e7d14 (patch)
tree5ab8642a9b788e966475f53ddbc6431a770e9440 /deps/gyp/pylib/gyp/
parent1295ebc70545d0210568a1f54cc2133fcd6b722e (diff)
switch build system to gyp
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/gyp/pylib/gyp/')
1 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/gyp/pylib/gyp/ b/deps/gyp/pylib/gyp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..30edea5675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/gyp/pylib/gyp/
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import copy
+import gyp.input
+import optparse
+import os.path
+import re
+import shlex
+import sys
+import traceback
+from gyp.common import GypError
+# Default debug modes for GYP
+debug = {}
+# List of "official" debug modes, but you can use anything you like.
+DEBUG_GENERAL = 'general'
+DEBUG_VARIABLES = 'variables'
+DEBUG_INCLUDES = 'includes'
+def DebugOutput(mode, message, *args):
+ if 'all' in gyp.debug or mode in gyp.debug:
+ ctx = ('unknown', 0, 'unknown')
+ try:
+ f = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
+ if f:
+ ctx = f[0][:3]
+ except:
+ pass
+ if args:
+ message %= args
+ print '%s:%s:%d:%s %s' % (mode.upper(), os.path.basename(ctx[0]),
+ ctx[1], ctx[2], message)
+def FindBuildFiles():
+ extension = '.gyp'
+ files = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
+ build_files = []
+ for file in files:
+ if file.endswith(extension):
+ build_files.append(file)
+ return build_files
+def Load(build_files, format, default_variables={},
+ includes=[], depth='.', params=None, check=False,
+ circular_check=True):
+ """
+ Loads one or more specified build files.
+ default_variables and includes will be copied before use.
+ Returns the generator for the specified format and the
+ data returned by loading the specified build files.
+ """
+ if params is None:
+ params = {}
+ flavor = None
+ if '-' in format:
+ format, params['flavor'] = format.split('-', 1)
+ default_variables = copy.copy(default_variables)
+ # Default variables provided by this program and its modules should be
+ # named WITH_CAPITAL_LETTERS to provide a distinct "best practice" namespace,
+ # avoiding collisions with user and automatic variables.
+ default_variables['GENERATOR'] = format
+ # Format can be a custom python file, or by default the name of a module
+ # within gyp.generator.
+ if format.endswith('.py'):
+ generator_name = os.path.splitext(format)[0]
+ path, generator_name = os.path.split(generator_name)
+ # Make sure the path to the custom generator is in sys.path
+ # Don't worry about removing it once we are done. Keeping the path
+ # to each generator that is used in sys.path is likely harmless and
+ # arguably a good idea.
+ path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ if path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, path)
+ else:
+ generator_name = 'gyp.generator.' + format
+ # These parameters are passed in order (as opposed to by key)
+ # because ActivePython cannot handle key parameters to __import__.
+ generator = __import__(generator_name, globals(), locals(), generator_name)
+ for (key, val) in generator.generator_default_variables.items():
+ default_variables.setdefault(key, val)
+ # Give the generator the opportunity to set additional variables based on
+ # the params it will receive in the output phase.
+ if getattr(generator, 'CalculateVariables', None):
+ generator.CalculateVariables(default_variables, params)
+ # Give the generator the opportunity to set generator_input_info based on
+ # the params it will receive in the output phase.
+ if getattr(generator, 'CalculateGeneratorInputInfo', None):
+ generator.CalculateGeneratorInputInfo(params)
+ # Fetch the generator specific info that gets fed to input, we use getattr
+ # so we can default things and the generators only have to provide what
+ # they need.
+ generator_input_info = {
+ 'non_configuration_keys':
+ getattr(generator, 'generator_additional_non_configuration_keys', []),
+ 'path_sections':
+ getattr(generator, 'generator_additional_path_sections', []),
+ 'extra_sources_for_rules':
+ getattr(generator, 'generator_extra_sources_for_rules', []),
+ 'generator_supports_multiple_toolsets':
+ getattr(generator, 'generator_supports_multiple_toolsets', False),
+ 'generator_wants_static_library_dependencies_adjusted':
+ getattr(generator,
+ 'generator_wants_static_library_dependencies_adjusted', True),
+ 'generator_wants_sorted_dependencies':
+ getattr(generator, 'generator_wants_sorted_dependencies', False),
+ 'generator_filelist_paths':
+ getattr(generator, 'generator_filelist_paths', None),
+ }
+ # Process the input specific to this generator.
+ result = gyp.input.Load(build_files, default_variables, includes[:],
+ depth, generator_input_info, check, circular_check,
+ params['parallel'], params['root_targets'])
+ return [generator] + result
+def NameValueListToDict(name_value_list):
+ """
+ Takes an array of strings of the form 'NAME=VALUE' and creates a dictionary
+ of the pairs. If a string is simply NAME, then the value in the dictionary
+ is set to True. If VALUE can be converted to an integer, it is.
+ """
+ result = { }
+ for item in name_value_list:
+ tokens = item.split('=', 1)
+ if len(tokens) == 2:
+ # If we can make it an int, use that, otherwise, use the string.
+ try:
+ token_value = int(tokens[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ token_value = tokens[1]
+ # Set the variable to the supplied value.
+ result[tokens[0]] = token_value
+ else:
+ # No value supplied, treat it as a boolean and set it.
+ result[tokens[0]] = True
+ return result
+def ShlexEnv(env_name):
+ flags = os.environ.get(env_name, [])
+ if flags:
+ flags = shlex.split(flags)
+ return flags
+def FormatOpt(opt, value):
+ if opt.startswith('--'):
+ return '%s=%s' % (opt, value)
+ return opt + value
+def RegenerateAppendFlag(flag, values, predicate, env_name, options):
+ """Regenerate a list of command line flags, for an option of action='append'.
+ The |env_name|, if given, is checked in the environment and used to generate
+ an initial list of options, then the options that were specified on the
+ command line (given in |values|) are appended. This matches the handling of
+ environment variables and command line flags where command line flags override
+ the environment, while not requiring the environment to be set when the flags
+ are used again.
+ """
+ flags = []
+ if options.use_environment and env_name:
+ for flag_value in ShlexEnv(env_name):
+ value = FormatOpt(flag, predicate(flag_value))
+ if value in flags:
+ flags.remove(value)
+ flags.append(value)
+ if values:
+ for flag_value in values:
+ flags.append(FormatOpt(flag, predicate(flag_value)))
+ return flags
+def RegenerateFlags(options):
+ """Given a parsed options object, and taking the environment variables into
+ account, returns a list of flags that should regenerate an equivalent options
+ object (even in the absence of the environment variables.)
+ Any path options will be normalized relative to depth.
+ The format flag is not included, as it is assumed the calling generator will
+ set that as appropriate.
+ """
+ def FixPath(path):
+ path = gyp.common.FixIfRelativePath(path, options.depth)
+ if not path:
+ return os.path.curdir
+ return path
+ def Noop(value):
+ return value
+ # We always want to ignore the environment when regenerating, to avoid
+ # duplicate or changed flags in the environment at the time of regeneration.
+ flags = ['--ignore-environment']
+ for name, metadata in options._regeneration_metadata.iteritems():
+ opt = metadata['opt']
+ value = getattr(options, name)
+ value_predicate = metadata['type'] == 'path' and FixPath or Noop
+ action = metadata['action']
+ env_name = metadata['env_name']
+ if action == 'append':
+ flags.extend(RegenerateAppendFlag(opt, value, value_predicate,
+ env_name, options))
+ elif action in ('store', None): # None is a synonym for 'store'.
+ if value:
+ flags.append(FormatOpt(opt, value_predicate(value)))
+ elif options.use_environment and env_name and os.environ.get(env_name):
+ flags.append(FormatOpt(opt, value_predicate(os.environ.get(env_name))))
+ elif action in ('store_true', 'store_false'):
+ if ((action == 'store_true' and value) or
+ (action == 'store_false' and not value)):
+ flags.append(opt)
+ elif options.use_environment and env_name:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ('Warning: environment regeneration unimplemented '
+ 'for %s flag %r env_name %r' % (action, opt,
+ env_name))
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, ('Warning: regeneration unimplemented for action %r '
+ 'flag %r' % (action, opt))
+ return flags
+class RegeneratableOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__regeneratable_options = {}
+ optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self)
+ def add_option(self, *args, **kw):
+ """Add an option to the parser.
+ This accepts the same arguments as OptionParser.add_option, plus the
+ following:
+ regenerate: can be set to False to prevent this option from being included
+ in regeneration.
+ env_name: name of environment variable that additional values for this
+ option come from.
+ type: adds type='path', to tell the regenerator that the values of
+ this option need to be made relative to options.depth
+ """
+ env_name = kw.pop('env_name', None)
+ if 'dest' in kw and kw.pop('regenerate', True):
+ dest = kw['dest']
+ # The path type is needed for regenerating, for optparse we can just treat
+ # it as a string.
+ type = kw.get('type')
+ if type == 'path':
+ kw['type'] = 'string'
+ self.__regeneratable_options[dest] = {
+ 'action': kw.get('action'),
+ 'type': type,
+ 'env_name': env_name,
+ 'opt': args[0],
+ }
+ optparse.OptionParser.add_option(self, *args, **kw)
+ def parse_args(self, *args):
+ values, args = optparse.OptionParser.parse_args(self, *args)
+ values._regeneration_metadata = self.__regeneratable_options
+ return values, args
+def gyp_main(args):
+ my_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ parser = RegeneratableOptionParser()
+ usage = 'usage: %s [options ...] [build_file ...]'
+ parser.set_usage(usage.replace('%s', '%prog'))
+ parser.add_option('--build', dest='configs', action='append',
+ help='configuration for build after project generation')
+ parser.add_option('--check', dest='check', action='store_true',
+ help='check format of gyp files')
+ parser.add_option('--config-dir', dest='config_dir', action='store',
+ env_name='GYP_CONFIG_DIR', default=None,
+ help='The location for configuration files like '
+ 'include.gypi.')
+ parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', metavar='DEBUGMODE',
+ action='append', default=[], help='turn on a debugging '
+ 'mode for debugging GYP. Supported modes are "variables", '
+ '"includes" and "general" or "all" for all of them.')
+ parser.add_option('-D', dest='defines', action='append', metavar='VAR=VAL',
+ env_name='GYP_DEFINES',
+ help='sets variable VAR to value VAL')
+ parser.add_option('--depth', dest='depth', metavar='PATH', type='path',
+ help='set DEPTH gyp variable to a relative path to PATH')
+ parser.add_option('-f', '--format', dest='formats', action='append',
+ env_name='GYP_GENERATORS', regenerate=False,
+ help='output formats to generate')
+ parser.add_option('-G', dest='generator_flags', action='append', default=[],
+ metavar='FLAG=VAL', env_name='GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS',
+ help='sets generator flag FLAG to VAL')
+ parser.add_option('--generator-output', dest='generator_output',
+ action='store', default=None, metavar='DIR', type='path',
+ help='puts generated build files under DIR')
+ parser.add_option('--ignore-environment', dest='use_environment',
+ action='store_false', default=True, regenerate=False,
+ help='do not read options from environment variables')
+ parser.add_option('-I', '--include', dest='includes', action='append',
+ metavar='INCLUDE', type='path',
+ help='files to include in all loaded .gyp files')
+ # --no-circular-check disables the check for circular relationships between
+ # .gyp files. These relationships should not exist, but they've only been
+ # observed to be harmful with the Xcode generator. Chromium's .gyp files
+ # currently have some circular relationships on non-Mac platforms, so this
+ # option allows the strict behavior to be used on Macs and the lenient
+ # behavior to be used elsewhere.
+ # TODO(mark): Remove this option when is fixed.
+ parser.add_option('--no-circular-check', dest='circular_check',
+ action='store_false', default=True, regenerate=False,
+ help="don't check for circular relationships between files")
+ parser.add_option('--no-parallel', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Disable multiprocessing')
+ parser.add_option('-S', '--suffix', dest='suffix', default='',
+ help='suffix to add to generated files')
+ parser.add_option('--toplevel-dir', dest='toplevel_dir', action='store',
+ default=None, metavar='DIR', type='path',
+ help='directory to use as the root of the source tree')
+ parser.add_option('-R', '--root-target', dest='root_targets',
+ action='append', metavar='TARGET',
+ help='include only TARGET and its deep dependencies')
+ options, build_files_arg = parser.parse_args(args)
+ build_files = build_files_arg
+ # Set up the configuration directory (defaults to ~/.gyp)
+ if not options.config_dir:
+ home = None
+ home_dot_gyp = None
+ if options.use_environment:
+ home_dot_gyp = os.environ.get('GYP_CONFIG_DIR', None)
+ if home_dot_gyp:
+ home_dot_gyp = os.path.expanduser(home_dot_gyp)
+ if not home_dot_gyp:
+ home_vars = ['HOME']
+ if sys.platform in ('cygwin', 'win32'):
+ home_vars.append('USERPROFILE')
+ for home_var in home_vars:
+ home = os.getenv(home_var)
+ if home != None:
+ home_dot_gyp = os.path.join(home, '.gyp')
+ if not os.path.exists(home_dot_gyp):
+ home_dot_gyp = None
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ home_dot_gyp = os.path.expanduser(options.config_dir)
+ if home_dot_gyp and not os.path.exists(home_dot_gyp):
+ home_dot_gyp = None
+ if not options.formats:
+ # If no format was given on the command line, then check the env variable.
+ generate_formats = []
+ if options.use_environment:
+ generate_formats = os.environ.get('GYP_GENERATORS', [])
+ if generate_formats:
+ generate_formats = re.split('[\s,]', generate_formats)
+ if generate_formats:
+ options.formats = generate_formats
+ else:
+ # Nothing in the variable, default based on platform.
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ options.formats = ['xcode']
+ elif sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
+ options.formats = ['msvs']
+ else:
+ options.formats = ['make']
+ if not options.generator_output and options.use_environment:
+ g_o = os.environ.get('GYP_GENERATOR_OUTPUT')
+ if g_o:
+ options.generator_output = g_o
+ options.parallel = not options.no_parallel
+ for mode in options.debug:
+ gyp.debug[mode] = 1
+ # Do an extra check to avoid work when we're not debugging.
+ if DEBUG_GENERAL in gyp.debug:
+ DebugOutput(DEBUG_GENERAL, 'running with these options:')
+ for option, value in sorted(options.__dict__.items()):
+ if option[0] == '_':
+ continue
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ DebugOutput(DEBUG_GENERAL, " %s: '%s'", option, value)
+ else:
+ DebugOutput(DEBUG_GENERAL, " %s: %s", option, value)
+ if not build_files:
+ build_files = FindBuildFiles()
+ if not build_files:
+ raise GypError((usage + '\n\n%s: error: no build_file') %
+ (my_name, my_name))
+ # TODO(mark): Chromium-specific hack!
+ # For Chromium, the gyp "depth" variable should always be a relative path
+ # to Chromium's top-level "src" directory. If no depth variable was set
+ # on the command line, try to find a "src" directory by looking at the
+ # absolute path to each build file's directory. The first "src" component
+ # found will be treated as though it were the path used for --depth.
+ if not options.depth:
+ for build_file in build_files:
+ build_file_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(build_file))
+ build_file_dir_components = build_file_dir.split(os.path.sep)
+ components_len = len(build_file_dir_components)
+ for index in xrange(components_len - 1, -1, -1):
+ if build_file_dir_components[index] == 'src':
+ options.depth = os.path.sep.join(build_file_dir_components)
+ break
+ del build_file_dir_components[index]
+ # If the inner loop found something, break without advancing to another
+ # build file.
+ if options.depth:
+ break
+ if not options.depth:
+ raise GypError('Could not automatically locate src directory. This is'
+ 'a temporary Chromium feature that will be removed. Use'
+ '--depth as a workaround.')
+ # If toplevel-dir is not set, we assume that depth is the root of our source
+ # tree.
+ if not options.toplevel_dir:
+ options.toplevel_dir = options.depth
+ # -D on the command line sets variable defaults - D isn't just for define,
+ # it's for default. Perhaps there should be a way to force (-F?) a
+ # variable's value so that it can't be overridden by anything else.
+ cmdline_default_variables = {}
+ defines = []
+ if options.use_environment:
+ defines += ShlexEnv('GYP_DEFINES')
+ if options.defines:
+ defines += options.defines
+ cmdline_default_variables = NameValueListToDict(defines)
+ if DEBUG_GENERAL in gyp.debug:
+ DebugOutput(DEBUG_GENERAL,
+ "cmdline_default_variables: %s", cmdline_default_variables)
+ # Set up includes.
+ includes = []
+ # If ~/.gyp/include.gypi exists, it'll be forcibly included into every
+ # .gyp file that's loaded, before anything else is included.
+ if home_dot_gyp != None:
+ default_include = os.path.join(home_dot_gyp, 'include.gypi')
+ if os.path.exists(default_include):
+ print 'Using overrides found in ' + default_include
+ includes.append(default_include)
+ # Command-line --include files come after the default include.
+ if options.includes:
+ includes.extend(options.includes)
+ # Generator flags should be prefixed with the target generator since they
+ # are global across all generator runs.
+ gen_flags = []
+ if options.use_environment:
+ gen_flags += ShlexEnv('GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS')
+ if options.generator_flags:
+ gen_flags += options.generator_flags
+ generator_flags = NameValueListToDict(gen_flags)
+ if DEBUG_GENERAL in gyp.debug.keys():
+ DebugOutput(DEBUG_GENERAL, "generator_flags: %s", generator_flags)
+ # Generate all requested formats (use a set in case we got one format request
+ # twice)
+ for format in set(options.formats):
+ params = {'options': options,
+ 'build_files': build_files,
+ 'generator_flags': generator_flags,
+ 'cwd': os.getcwd(),
+ 'build_files_arg': build_files_arg,
+ 'gyp_binary': sys.argv[0],
+ 'home_dot_gyp': home_dot_gyp,
+ 'parallel': options.parallel,
+ 'root_targets': options.root_targets}
+ # Start with the default variables from the command line.
+ [generator, flat_list, targets, data] = Load(build_files, format,
+ cmdline_default_variables,
+ includes, options.depth,
+ params, options.check,
+ options.circular_check)
+ # TODO(mark): Pass |data| for now because the generator needs a list of
+ # build files that came in. In the future, maybe it should just accept
+ # a list, and not the whole data dict.
+ # NOTE: flat_list is the flattened dependency graph specifying the order
+ # that targets may be built. Build systems that operate serially or that
+ # need to have dependencies defined before dependents reference them should
+ # generate targets in the order specified in flat_list.
+ generator.GenerateOutput(flat_list, targets, data, params)
+ if options.configs:
+ valid_configs = targets[flat_list[0]]['configurations'].keys()
+ for conf in options.configs:
+ if conf not in valid_configs:
+ raise GypError('Invalid config specified via --build: %s' % conf)
+ generator.PerformBuild(data, options.configs, params)
+ # Done
+ return 0
+def main(args):
+ try:
+ return gyp_main(args)
+ except GypError, e:
+ sys.stderr.write("gyp: %s\n" % e)
+ return 1
+# NOTE: setuptools generated console_scripts calls function with no arguments
+def script_main():
+ return main(sys.argv[1:])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(script_main())