diff options
authorDave Prukop <>2018-08-01 16:06:53 -0700
committerDave Prukop <>2018-08-02 15:02:00 -0700
commit0b1e7c2cdd82750b1370a74872212050871c9438 (patch)
parent9b2602481e584affd6914e8482e3dbf3a3892e53 (diff)
Moved cameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch to private API. Changelog updated
6 files changed, 22 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/ b/platform/ios/
index 1e606702c3..7fc73d084c 100644
--- a/platform/ios/
+++ b/platform/ios/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone. Please read [CONT
* Fixed a crash when switching between two styles having layers with the same identifier but different layer types. ([#12432](
* Fixed an issue where the symbols for `MGLMapPointForCoordinate` could not be found. ([#12445](
* Fixed an issue causing country and ocean labels to disappear after calling `-[MGLStyle localizeLabelsIntoLocale:]` when the system language is set to Simplified Chinese. ([#12164](
+* Added a new method `-[MGLMapView setCamera:edgePadding:]` that sets the camera with arbitrary insets. ([#12518](
## 4.2.0 - July 18, 2018
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
index b61e748e23..309eff56fe 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
+++ b/platform/ios/src/MGLMapView.h
@@ -556,18 +556,6 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
@property(nonatomic, getter=isHapticFeedbackEnabled) BOOL hapticFeedbackEnabled;
- A Boolean value that determines whether the updating pitch will also affect the altitude.
- When this property is set to `NO`, pitch will work independently from altitude.
- The default value of this property is YES.
- Setting this property to NO will allow animation libraries outside of this SDK to control the
- map camera without the built-in side effect that pitch influences altitude. This will make the
- results of using outside animation more predictable and easier to control.
- */
-@property(nonatomic, getter=isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch) BOOL cameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch;
A floating-point value that determines the rate of deceleration after the user
lifts their finger.
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/ b/platform/ios/src/
index 297c87961f..a423053c1e 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/
+++ b/platform/ios/src/
@@ -240,6 +240,9 @@ public:
@property (nonatomic) MGLUserLocation *userLocation;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, NSMutableArray<MGLAnnotationView *> *> *annotationViewReuseQueueByIdentifier;
+/// A Boolean value that determines whether the updating pitch will also affect the altitude.
+@property(nonatomic, getter=isCameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch) BOOL cameraAltitudeAffectedByPitch;
@implementation MGLMapView
diff --git a/platform/macos/ b/platform/macos/
index 001b3792d5..7b55c8d972 100644
--- a/platform/macos/
+++ b/platform/macos/
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
* Token string syntax (`"{token}"`) in `MGLSymbolStyleLayer` `text` and `iconImageName` properties is now correctly converted to the appropriate `NSExpression` equivalent. ([#11659](
* Fixed a crash when switching between two styles having layers with the same identifier but different layer types. ([#12432](
+## Other changes
+* Added a new method `-[MGLMapView setCamera:edgePadding:]` that sets the camera with arbitrary insets. ([#12518](
# 0.9.0 - July 18, 2018
## Styles and rendering
diff --git a/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h b/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
index 305a1348e4..28097f93fd 100644
--- a/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
+++ b/platform/macos/src/MGLMapView.h
@@ -309,6 +309,15 @@ MGL_EXPORT IB_DESIGNABLE
- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera animated:(BOOL)animated;
+ Moves the viewpoint to a different location without using a transition.
+ @param camera The new viewpoint.
+ @param edgePadding The minimum padding (in screen points) that would be visible
+ */
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera edgePadding:(NSEdgeInsets)edgePadding;
Moves the viewpoint to a different location with respect to the map with an
optional transition duration and timing function.
diff --git a/platform/macos/src/ b/platform/macos/src/
index 154b716377..a9ad4831c3 100644
--- a/platform/macos/src/
+++ b/platform/macos/src/
@@ -1124,6 +1124,11 @@ public:
[self setCamera:camera withDuration:animated ? MGLAnimationDuration : 0 animationTimingFunction:nil completionHandler:NULL];
+- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera edgePadding:(NSEdgeInsets)edgePadding
+ [self setCamera:camera withDuration:0 animationTimingFunction:nil edgePadding:edgePadding completionHandler:nil];
- (void)setCamera:(MGLMapCamera *)camera withDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animationTimingFunction:(nullable CAMediaTimingFunction *)function completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completion {
[self setCamera:camera withDuration:duration animationTimingFunction:function edgePadding:self.contentInsets completionHandler:completion];