diff options
authorTobrun <>2017-12-18 13:34:54 +0100
committerGitHub <>2017-12-18 13:34:54 +0100
commitc618d513b1838e370eb1410001f80768c7b7a347 (patch)
parentc71718c98e7be4c69ce5a9a249a2f15697c3ca3d (diff)
[android] - update instrumented make target, move code style validation before building C++ code, replace code style checks with the wrapper code style check. (#10724)
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d6802cf962..fbb4cd74f5 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -599,17 +599,17 @@ run-android-unit-test: platform/android/configuration.gradle
run-android-unit-test-%: platform/android/configuration.gradle
cd platform/android && $(MBGL_ANDROID_GRADLE) -Pmapbox.abis=none :MapboxGLAndroidSDK:testDebugUnitTest --tests "$*"
-# Run Instrumentation tests on AWS device farm, requires additional authentication through
-.PHONY: run-android-ui-test-aws
-run-android-ui-test-aws: platform/android/configuration.gradle
- cd platform/android && $(MBGL_ANDROID_GRADLE) -Pmapbox.abis=all devicefarmUpload
# Builds a release package of the Android SDK
.PHONY: apackage
apackage: platform/android/configuration.gradle
make android-lib-arm-v5 && make android-lib-arm-v7 && make android-lib-arm-v8 && make android-lib-x86 && make android-lib-x86-64 && make android-lib-mips
cd platform/android && $(MBGL_ANDROID_GRADLE) -Pmapbox.abis=all assemble$(BUILDTYPE)
+# Build test app instrumentation tests apk and test app apk for all abi's
+.PHONY: android-ui-test
+android-ui-test: platform/android/configuration.gradle
+ cd platform/android && $(MBGL_ANDROID_GRADLE) -Pmapbox.abis=all :MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp:assembleDebug :MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp:assembleAndroidTest
# Uploads the compiled Android SDK to Maven
.PHONY: run-android-upload-archives
run-android-upload-archives: platform/android/configuration.gradle
@@ -625,11 +625,6 @@ run-android-upload-archives-local: platform/android/configuration.gradle
adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp reset
-# Runs Android UI tests on all connected devices using Spoon
-.PHONY: run-android-ui-test-spoon
-run-android-ui-test-spoon: platform/android/configuration.gradle
- cd platform/android && $(MBGL_ANDROID_GRADLE) -Pmapbox.abis="$(MBGL_ANDROID_ACTIVE_ARCHS)" spoon
# Generates Activity sanity tests
.PHONY: test-code-android
diff --git a/circle.yml b/circle.yml
index 4c562bd936..d76ab4a8ab 100644
--- a/circle.yml
+++ b/circle.yml
@@ -248,6 +248,9 @@ jobs:
- *restore-cache
- *reset-ccache-stats
- run:
+ name: Check code style
+ command: make android-check
+ - run:
name: Build for arm-v7
command: make android-lib-arm-v7
- run:
@@ -260,17 +263,6 @@ jobs:
name: Generate Espresso sanity tests
command: make test-code-android
- run:
- name: Check Java code style
- command: make android-checkstyle
- - run:
- name: Check Android modules for potential bugs (Lint SDK)
- command: |
- make android-lint-sdk
- - run:
- name: Check Android modules for potential bugs (Lint Test App)
- command: |
- make android-lint-test-app
- - run:
name: Build Test APK
command: |
echo "${MAPBOX_DEVELOPER_CONFIG_XML}" > platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/main/res/values/developer-config.xml