diff options
authorChris Loer <>2017-11-09 13:24:43 -0800
committerChris Loer <>2017-11-17 10:05:15 -0800
commit18d735ccc20e1e7d4616b3d3b5b1a527a01d1b91 (patch)
parent601a1c8dcf73f1a419c1ed5c39fbd14c581abf50 (diff)
[core] Add Placement class.
Responsible for running global collision detection/symbol placement algorithm and updating symbol opacity buffers accordingly.
3 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/core-files.cmake b/cmake/core-files.cmake
index c6b951c237..fc918b34c8 100644
--- a/cmake/core-files.cmake
+++ b/cmake/core-files.cmake
@@ -546,6 +546,8 @@ set(MBGL_CORE_FILES
+ src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
+ src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac8c15aae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#include <mbgl/text/placement.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/renderer/render_layer.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/renderer/layers/render_symbol_layer.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/renderer/render_tile.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/tile/geometry_tile.cpp>
+#include <mbgl/renderer/buckets/symbol_bucket.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/renderer/bucket.hpp>
+namespace mbgl {
+OpacityState::OpacityState(bool placed_) : opacity(0), placed(placed_) {}
+OpacityState::OpacityState(const OpacityState& prevState, float increment, bool placed_) :
+ opacity(std::fmax(0, std::fmin(1, prevState.opacity + (prevState.placed ? increment : -increment)))),
+ placed(placed_) {}
+bool OpacityState::isHidden() const {
+ return opacity == 0 && !placed;
+JointOpacityState::JointOpacityState(bool placedIcon, bool placedText) :
+ icon(OpacityState(placedIcon)),
+ text(OpacityState(placedText)) {}
+JointOpacityState::JointOpacityState(const JointOpacityState& prevOpacityState, float increment, bool placedIcon, bool placedText) :
+ icon(OpacityState(prevOpacityState.icon, increment, placedIcon)),
+ text(OpacityState(prevOpacityState.text, increment, placedText)) {}
+bool JointOpacityState::isHidden() const {
+ return icon.isHidden() && text.isHidden();
+Placement::Placement(const TransformState& state_, MapMode mapMode_)
+ : collisionIndex(state_)
+ , state(state_)
+ , mapMode(mapMode_)
+ , recentUntil(TimePoint::min())
+void Placement::placeLayer(RenderSymbolLayer& symbolLayer, const mat4& projMatrix, bool showCollisionBoxes) {
+ std::unordered_set<uint32_t> seenCrossTileIDs;
+ for (RenderTile& renderTile : symbolLayer.renderTiles) {
+ if (!renderTile.tile.isRenderable()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto bucket = renderTile.tile.getBucket(*symbolLayer.baseImpl);
+ assert(dynamic_cast<SymbolBucket*>(bucket));
+ SymbolBucket& symbolBucket = *reinterpret_cast<SymbolBucket*>(bucket);
+ auto& layout = symbolBucket.layout;
+ const float pixelsToTileUnits =, state.getZoom());
+ const float scale = std::pow(2, state.getZoom() -;
+ const float textPixelRatio = util::EXTENT / (util::tileSize *;
+ mat4 posMatrix;
+ state.matrixFor(posMatrix,;
+ matrix::multiply(posMatrix, projMatrix, posMatrix);
+ mat4 textLabelPlaneMatrix = getLabelPlaneMatrix(renderTile.matrix,
+ layout.get<TextPitchAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map,
+ layout.get<TextRotationAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map,
+ state,
+ pixelsToTileUnits);
+ mat4 iconLabelPlaneMatrix = getLabelPlaneMatrix(renderTile.matrix,
+ layout.get<IconPitchAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map,
+ layout.get<IconRotationAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map,
+ state,
+ pixelsToTileUnits);
+ placeLayerBucket(symbolBucket, posMatrix, textLabelPlaneMatrix, iconLabelPlaneMatrix, scale, textPixelRatio, showCollisionBoxes, seenCrossTileIDs);
+ }
+void Placement::placeLayerBucket(
+ SymbolBucket& bucket,
+ const mat4& posMatrix,
+ const mat4& textLabelPlaneMatrix,
+ const mat4& iconLabelPlaneMatrix,
+ const float scale,
+ const float textPixelRatio,
+ const bool showCollisionBoxes,
+ std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& seenCrossTileIDs) {
+ auto partiallyEvaluatedTextSize = bucket.textSizeBinder->evaluateForZoom(state.getZoom());
+ auto partiallyEvaluatedIconSize = bucket.iconSizeBinder->evaluateForZoom(state.getZoom());
+ const bool iconWithoutText = !bucket.hasTextData() || bucket.layout.get<TextOptional>();
+ const bool textWithoutIcon = !bucket.hasIconData() || bucket.layout.get<IconOptional>();
+ for (auto& symbolInstance : bucket.symbolInstances) {
+ if (seenCrossTileIDs.count(symbolInstance.crossTileID) == 0) {
+ bool placeText = false;
+ bool placeIcon = false;
+ if (symbolInstance.placedTextIndex) {
+ PlacedSymbol& placedSymbol =*symbolInstance.placedTextIndex);
+ const float fontSize = evaluateSizeForFeature(partiallyEvaluatedTextSize, placedSymbol);
+ placeText = collisionIndex.placeFeature(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature,
+ posMatrix, textLabelPlaneMatrix, textPixelRatio,
+ placedSymbol, scale, fontSize,
+ bucket.layout.get<TextAllowOverlap>(),
+ bucket.layout.get<TextPitchAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map,
+ showCollisionBoxes);
+ }
+ if (symbolInstance.placedIconIndex) {
+ PlacedSymbol& placedSymbol =*symbolInstance.placedIconIndex);
+ const float fontSize = evaluateSizeForFeature(partiallyEvaluatedIconSize, placedSymbol);
+ placeIcon = collisionIndex.placeFeature(symbolInstance.iconCollisionFeature,
+ posMatrix, iconLabelPlaneMatrix, textPixelRatio,
+ placedSymbol, scale, fontSize,
+ bucket.layout.get<IconAllowOverlap>(),
+ bucket.layout.get<IconPitchAlignment>() == style::AlignmentType::Map,
+ showCollisionBoxes);
+ }
+ // combine placements for icon and text
+ if (!iconWithoutText && !textWithoutIcon) {
+ placeText = placeIcon = placeText && placeIcon;
+ } else if (!textWithoutIcon) {
+ placeText = placeText && placeIcon;
+ } else if (!iconWithoutText) {
+ placeIcon = placeText && placeIcon;
+ }
+ if (placeText) {
+ collisionIndex.insertFeature(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature, bucket.layout.get<TextIgnorePlacement>());
+ }
+ if (placeIcon) {
+ collisionIndex.insertFeature(symbolInstance.iconCollisionFeature, bucket.layout.get<IconIgnorePlacement>());
+ }
+ assert(symbolInstance.crossTileID != 0);
+ placements.emplace(symbolInstance.crossTileID, PlacementPair(placeText, placeIcon));
+ seenCrossTileIDs.insert(symbolInstance.crossTileID);
+ }
+ }
+bool Placement::commit(const Placement& prevPlacement, TimePoint now) {
+ commitTime = now;
+ bool placementChanged = false;
+ float increment = mapMode == MapMode::Still ? 1.0 : std::chrono::duration<float>(commitTime - prevPlacement.commitTime) / Duration(std::chrono::milliseconds(300));
+ // add the opacities from the current placement, and copy their current values from the previous placement
+ for (auto& placementPair : placements) {
+ auto prevOpacity = prevPlacement.opacities.find(placementPair.first);
+ if (prevOpacity != prevPlacement.opacities.end()) {
+ opacities.emplace(placementPair.first, JointOpacityState(prevOpacity->second, increment, placementPair.second.icon, placementPair.second.text));
+ placementChanged = placementChanged ||
+ placementPair.second.icon != prevOpacity->second.icon.placed ||
+ placementPair.second.text != prevOpacity->second.text.placed;
+ } else {
+ opacities.emplace(placementPair.first, JointOpacityState(placementPair.second.icon, placementPair.second.text));
+ placementChanged = placementChanged || placementPair.second.icon || placementPair.second.text;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy and update values from the previous placement that aren't in the current placement but haven't finished fading
+ for (auto& prevOpacity : prevPlacement.opacities) {
+ if (opacities.find(prevOpacity.first) == opacities.end()) {
+ JointOpacityState jointOpacity(prevOpacity.second, increment, false, false);
+ if (!jointOpacity.isHidden()) {
+ opacities.emplace(prevOpacity.first, jointOpacity);
+ placementChanged = placementChanged || prevOpacity.second.icon.placed || prevOpacity.second.text.placed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return placementChanged;
+void Placement::updateLayerOpacities(RenderSymbolLayer& symbolLayer) {
+ std::unordered_set<uint32_t> seenCrossTileIDs;
+ for (RenderTile& renderTile : symbolLayer.renderTiles) {
+ if (!renderTile.tile.isRenderable()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto bucket = renderTile.tile.getBucket(*symbolLayer.baseImpl);
+ assert(dynamic_cast<SymbolBucket*>(bucket));
+ SymbolBucket& symbolBucket = *reinterpret_cast<SymbolBucket*>(bucket);
+ updateBucketOpacities(symbolBucket, seenCrossTileIDs);
+ }
+void Placement::updateBucketOpacities(SymbolBucket& bucket, std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& seenCrossTileIDs) {
+ if (bucket.hasTextData()) bucket.text.opacityVertices.clear();
+ if (bucket.hasIconData()) bucket.icon.opacityVertices.clear();
+ if (bucket.hasCollisionBoxData()) bucket.collisionBox.dynamicVertices.clear();
+ if (bucket.hasCollisionCircleData()) bucket.collisionCircle.dynamicVertices.clear();
+ for (SymbolInstance& symbolInstance : bucket.symbolInstances) {
+ auto opacityState = seenCrossTileIDs.count(symbolInstance.crossTileID) == 0 ?
+ getOpacity(symbolInstance.crossTileID) :
+ JointOpacityState(false, false);
+ seenCrossTileIDs.insert(symbolInstance.crossTileID);
+ if (symbolInstance.hasText) {
+ auto opacityVertex = SymbolOpacityAttributes::vertex(opacityState.text.placed, opacityState.text.opacity);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < symbolInstance.horizontalGlyphQuads.size() * 4; i++) {
+ bucket.text.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < symbolInstance.verticalGlyphQuads.size() * 4; i++) {
+ bucket.text.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ }
+ if (symbolInstance.placedTextIndex) {
+ bucket.text.placedSymbols[*symbolInstance.placedTextIndex].hidden = opacityState.isHidden();
+ }
+ if (symbolInstance.placedVerticalTextIndex) {
+ bucket.text.placedSymbols[*symbolInstance.placedVerticalTextIndex].hidden = opacityState.isHidden();
+ }
+ }
+ if (symbolInstance.hasIcon) {
+ auto opacityVertex = SymbolOpacityAttributes::vertex(opacityState.icon.placed, opacityState.icon.opacity);
+ if (symbolInstance.iconQuad) {
+ bucket.icon.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ bucket.icon.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ bucket.icon.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ bucket.icon.opacityVertices.emplace_back(opacityVertex);
+ }
+ if (symbolInstance.placedIconIndex) {
+ bucket.icon.placedSymbols[*symbolInstance.placedIconIndex].hidden = opacityState.isHidden();
+ }
+ }
+ auto updateCollisionBox = [&](const auto& feature, const bool placed) {
+ for (const CollisionBox& box : feature.boxes) {
+ if (feature.alongLine) {
+ auto dynamicVertex = CollisionBoxDynamicAttributes::vertex(placed, !box.used);
+ bucket.collisionCircle.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ bucket.collisionCircle.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ bucket.collisionCircle.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ bucket.collisionCircle.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ } else {
+ auto dynamicVertex = CollisionBoxDynamicAttributes::vertex(placed, false);
+ bucket.collisionBox.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ bucket.collisionBox.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ bucket.collisionBox.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ bucket.collisionBox.dynamicVertices.emplace_back(dynamicVertex);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ updateCollisionBox(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature, opacityState.text.placed);
+ updateCollisionBox(symbolInstance.iconCollisionFeature, opacityState.icon.placed);
+ }
+ bucket.updateOpacity();
+ bucket.sortFeatures(state.getAngle());
+JointOpacityState Placement::getOpacity(uint32_t crossTileSymbolID) const {
+ auto it = opacities.find(crossTileSymbolID);
+ if (it != opacities.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ } else {
+ return JointOpacityState(false, false);
+ }
+float Placement::symbolFadeChange(TimePoint now) const {
+ if (mapMode == MapMode::Still) {
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ return std::chrono::duration<float>(now - commitTime) / Duration(std::chrono::milliseconds(300));
+bool Placement::hasTransitions(TimePoint now) const {
+ return symbolFadeChange(now) < 1.0 || stale;
+bool Placement::stillRecent(TimePoint now) const {
+ return mapMode == MapMode::Continuous && recentUntil > now;
+void Placement::setRecent(TimePoint now) {
+ stale = false;
+ if (mapMode == MapMode::Continuous) {
+ // Only set in continuous mode because "now" isn't defined in still mode
+ recentUntil = now + Duration(std::chrono::milliseconds(300));
+ }
+void Placement::setStale() {
+ stale = true;
+const CollisionIndex& Placement::getCollisionIndex() const {
+ return collisionIndex;
+} // namespace mbgl
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp b/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a50fc47125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/placement.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <mbgl/util/chrono.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/text/collision_index.hpp>
+#include <mbgl/layout/symbol_projection.hpp>
+#include <unordered_set>
+namespace mbgl {
+ class RenderSymbolLayer;
+ class SymbolBucket;
+ class OpacityState {
+ public:
+ OpacityState(bool placed);
+ OpacityState(const OpacityState& prevOpacityState, float increment, bool placed);
+ bool isHidden() const;
+ float opacity;
+ bool placed;
+ };
+ class JointOpacityState {
+ public:
+ JointOpacityState(bool placedIcon, bool placedText);
+ JointOpacityState(const JointOpacityState& prevOpacityState, float increment, bool placedIcon, bool placedText);
+ bool isHidden() const;
+ OpacityState icon;
+ OpacityState text;
+ };
+ class PlacementPair {
+ public:
+ PlacementPair(bool text_, bool icon_) : text(text_), icon(icon_) {}
+ bool text;
+ bool icon;
+ };
+ class Placement {
+ public:
+ Placement(const TransformState&, MapMode mapMode);
+ void placeLayer(RenderSymbolLayer&, const mat4&, bool showCollisionBoxes);
+ bool commit(const Placement& prevPlacement, TimePoint);
+ void updateLayerOpacities(RenderSymbolLayer&);
+ JointOpacityState getOpacity(uint32_t crossTileSymbolID) const;
+ float symbolFadeChange(TimePoint now) const;
+ bool hasTransitions(TimePoint now) const;
+ const CollisionIndex& getCollisionIndex() const;
+ bool stillRecent(TimePoint now) const;
+ void setRecent(TimePoint now);
+ void setStale();
+ private:
+ void placeLayerBucket(
+ SymbolBucket&,
+ const mat4& posMatrix,
+ const mat4& textLabelPlaneMatrix,
+ const mat4& iconLabelPlaneMatrix,
+ const float scale,
+ const float pixelRatio,
+ const bool showCollisionBoxes,
+ std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& seenCrossTileIDs);
+ void updateBucketOpacities(SymbolBucket&, std::unordered_set<uint32_t>&);
+ CollisionIndex collisionIndex;
+ TransformState state;
+ MapMode mapMode;
+ TimePoint commitTime;
+ std::unordered_map<uint32_t,PlacementPair> placements;
+ std::unordered_map<uint32_t,JointOpacityState> opacities;
+ TimePoint recentUntil;
+ bool stale = false;
+ };
+} // namespace mbgl