diff options
authorIvo van Dongen <>2016-06-30 16:51:27 +0200
committerIvo van Dongen <>2016-07-07 10:08:44 +0200
commit360469428d03a4d2d8172458e1dd85024e45fee3 (patch)
parentad7c5f7c1c92b674ea5e83bcddd1e612f1095b0f (diff)
[android] #5456 - Cleanup main Makefile
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7e932693bd..c4cc0514b3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -183,34 +183,39 @@ android-lib-$1: build/android-$1/Makefile
$$(shell $(ANDROID_ENV) $1) $(MAKE) -j$(JOBS) -C build/android-$1 all
cd platform/android && ./gradlew --parallel --max-workers=$(JOBS) assemble$(BUILDTYPE)
-apackage: android-lib-$1
-$(foreach abi,$(ANDROID_ABIS),$(eval $(call ANDROID_RULES,$(abi))))
-android: android-arm-v7
-test-android: android-test-lib-arm-v7
- #TODO Decide where to place the class files and other tmp outputs
- #Compile main sources and extract the classes (using the test app to get all transitive dependencies in one place)
+test-android-core-$1: android-test-lib-$1
+ # Compile main sources and extract the classes (using the test app to get all transitive dependencies in one place)
cd platform/android && ./gradlew assembleDebug
- unzip -o platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp-debug.apk classes.dex -d build
+ unzip -o platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp-debug.apk classes.dex -d build/android-$1
#Compile Test runner
- javac -sourcepath test/src -d build -source 1.7 -target 1.7 test/src/
+ javac -sourcepath test/src -d build/android-$1 -source 1.7 -target 1.7 test/src/
#Combine and dex
- cd build && dx --dex --output=test.jar Main.class classes.dex
+ cd build/android-$1 && dx --dex --output=test.jar *.class classes.dex
#Ensure clean state on the device
adb shell "rm -Rf $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)"
adb shell "mkdir -p $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)/test"
#Push all needed files to the device
- adb push build/test.jar $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)
+ adb push build/android-$1/test.jar $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)
adb push test/fixtures $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)/test
- adb push build/android-arm-v7/Debug/ $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)
- adb push build/android-arm-v7/Debug/ $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)
+ adb push build/android-$1/$(BUILDTYPE)/ $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)
+ adb push build/android-$1/$(BUILDTYPE)/ $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)
+ #Kick off the tests
adb shell "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/system/lib:$(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR) && cd $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR) && dalvikvm32 -cp $(ANDROID_LOCAL_WORK_DIR)/test.jar Main"
- #TODO - Renable platform tests cd platform/android && ./gradlew testReleaseUnitTest --continue
+apackage: android-lib-$1i
+$(foreach abi,$(ANDROID_ABIS),$(eval $(call ANDROID_RULES,$(abi))))
+android: android-arm-v7
+test-android: test-android-core-arm-v7
+ cd platform/android && ./gradlew testReleaseUnitTest --continue
cd platform/android && ./gradlew --parallel-threads=$(JOBS) assemble$(BUILDTYPE)