diff options
authorThiago Marcos P. Santos <>2016-09-13 14:03:47 -0700
committerThiago Marcos P. Santos <>2016-09-23 16:43:37 +0300
commita03e6c14b65f26cab351669e63259e70c4d49b73 (patch)
parent8f965b2c25f0fe1a5be4bc054c174656a09f03a4 (diff)
[Qt] Add a more compelling runtime style example
-rw-r--r--platform/qt/app/app.qrc (renamed from platform/qt/app/source.qrc)2
7 files changed, 1404 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/platform/qt/app/source.qrc b/platform/qt/app/app.qrc
index 60282b7178..e9fd46cfa7 100644
--- a/platform/qt/app/source.qrc
+++ b/platform/qt/app/app.qrc
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
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+ <file>label-arrow.svg</file>
+ <file>label-background.svg</file>
diff --git a/platform/qt/app/label-arrow.svg b/platform/qt/app/label-arrow.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1c9d2b77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/qt/app/label-arrow.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
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diff --git a/platform/qt/app/label-background.svg b/platform/qt/app/label-background.svg
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.cpp b/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.cpp
index 55ab05cc01..ca73b0a8da 100644
--- a/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.cpp
+++ b/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.cpp
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ void MapWindow::changeStyle()
if (++currentStyleIndex == styles.size()) {
currentStyleIndex = 0;
+ m_sourceAdded = false;
void MapWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ev)
@@ -82,30 +84,115 @@ void MapWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ev)
case Qt::Key_L: {
- m_map.setPaintProperty("water", "fill-color", QColor(255, 0, 0));
- m_map.setPaintProperty("building", "fill-color", "red");
- m_map.setPaintProperty("road-secondary-tertiary", "line-color", "red");
+ if (m_sourceAdded) {
+ return;
+ }
- m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-small", "symbol-placement", "point");
- m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-medium", "symbol-placement", "point");
- m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-large", "symbol-placement", "point");
+ m_sourceAdded = true;
QFile geojson(":source.geojson");;
- QVariantMap testSource;
- testSource["type"] = "geojson";
- testSource["data"] = geojson.readAll();
- m_map.addSource("testSource", testSource);
- QVariantMap testLayer;
- testLayer["id"] = "testLayer";
- testLayer["type"] = "fill";
- testLayer["source"] = "testSource";
- m_map.addLayer(testLayer);
- m_map.setPaintProperty("testLayer", "fill-color", QColor("blue"));
+ // The data source for the route line and markers
+ QVariantMap routeSource;
+ routeSource["type"] = "geojson";
+ routeSource["data"] = geojson.readAll();
+ m_map.addSource("routeSource", routeSource);
+ // The route case, painted before the route
+ QVariantMap routeCase;
+ routeCase["id"] = "routeCase";
+ routeCase["type"] = "line";
+ routeCase["source"] = "routeSource";
+ m_map.addLayer(routeCase);
+ m_map.setPaintProperty("routeCase", "line-color", QColor("white"));
+ m_map.setPaintProperty("routeCase", "line-width", 20.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("routeCase", "line-join", "round");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("routeCase", "line-cap", "round");
+ // The route, painted on top of the route case
+ QVariantMap route;
+ route["id"] = "route";
+ route["type"] = "line";
+ route["source"] = "routeSource";
+ m_map.addLayer(route);
+ m_map.setPaintProperty("route", "line-color", QColor("blue"));
+ m_map.setPaintProperty("route", "line-width", 8.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("route", "line-join", "round");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("route", "line-cap", "round");
+ // Markers at the beginning and end of the route
+ m_map.addImage("label-arrow", QImage(":label-arrow.svg"));
+ m_map.addImage("label-background", QImage(":label-background.svg"));
+ QVariantMap makerArrow;
+ makerArrow["id"] = "makerArrow";
+ makerArrow["type"] = "symbol";
+ makerArrow["source"] = "routeSource";
+ m_map.addLayer(makerArrow);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerArrow", "icon-image", "label-arrow");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerArrow", "icon-size", 0.5);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerArrow", "icon-ignore-placement", true);
+ QVariantList arrowOffset;
+ arrowOffset.append(0.0);
+ arrowOffset.append(-15.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerArrow", "icon-offset", arrowOffset);
+ QVariantMap makerBackground;
+ makerBackground["id"] = "makerBackground";
+ makerBackground["type"] = "symbol";
+ makerBackground["source"] = "routeSource";
+ m_map.addLayer(makerBackground);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "icon-image", "label-background");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-field", "{name}");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "icon-text-fit", "both");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "icon-ignore-placement", true);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-ignore-placement", true);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-anchor", "left");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-size", 16.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-padding", 0.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-line-height", 1.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-max-width", 8.0);
+ QVariantList iconTextFitPadding;
+ iconTextFitPadding.append(15.0);
+ iconTextFitPadding.append(10.0);
+ iconTextFitPadding.append(15.0);
+ iconTextFitPadding.append(10.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "icon-text-fit-padding", iconTextFitPadding);
+ QVariantList backgroundOffset;
+ backgroundOffset.append(-0.5);
+ backgroundOffset.append(-1.5);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("makerBackground", "text-offset", backgroundOffset);
+ m_map.setPaintProperty("makerBackground", "text-color", QColor("white"));
+ QVariantList filterExpression;
+ filterExpression.append("==");
+ filterExpression.append("$type");
+ filterExpression.append("Point");
+ QVariantList filter;
+ filter.append(filterExpression);
+ m_map.setFilter("makerArrow", filter);
+ m_map.setFilter("makerBackground", filter);
+ // Tilt the labels when tilting the map and make them larger
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-large", "text-size", 30.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-large", "text-pitch-alignment", "viewport");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-medium", "text-size", 30.0);
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-medium", "text-pitch-alignment", "viewport");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-small", "text-pitch-alignment", "viewport");
+ m_map.setLayoutProperty("road-label-small", "text-size", 30.0);
case Qt::Key_Tab:
diff --git a/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.hpp b/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.hpp
index 452d302eb3..fa1c3f4b3b 100644
--- a/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.hpp
+++ b/platform/qt/app/mapwindow.hpp
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ private:
unsigned m_animationTicks = 0;
unsigned m_frameDraws = 0;
+ bool m_sourceAdded = false;
diff --git a/platform/qt/app/source.geojson b/platform/qt/app/source.geojson
index f639c1913e..1d270ba189 100644
--- a/platform/qt/app/source.geojson
+++ b/platform/qt/app/source.geojson
@@ -1,253 +1,1172 @@
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+ [
+ 24.91512,
+ 60.17457
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.91562,
+ 60.17486
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.915770000000002,
+ 60.174980000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.915860000000002,
+ 60.175090000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.915930000000003,
+ 60.17526
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.915940000000003,
+ 60.17533
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.915920000000003,
+ 60.17544
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.91581,
+ 60.17564000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.9174,
+ 60.175850000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.91786,
+ 60.17593000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.919449989456812,
+ 60.17614500950065
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+ [
+ 24.92104,
+ 60.17636
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.922050000000002,
+ 60.176570000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.922120000000003,
+ 60.17683
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.921950000000002,
+ 60.17681
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.921770000000002,
+ 60.17681
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.922120000000003,
+ 60.17683
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.922050000000002,
+ 60.176570000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.92207,
+ 60.176570000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.922140000000002,
+ 60.17658000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.922110000000004,
+ 60.176520000000004
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+ [
+ 24.923530000000003,
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+ [
+ 24.925056651315714,
+ 60.17697335086663
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.92658331781631,
+ 60.17713668418224
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+ [
+ 24.928110000000004,
+ 60.1773
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.928300000000004,
+ 60.177330000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.92856,
+ 60.17738000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.92978,
+ 60.17752000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.929520000000004,
+ 60.17797
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.929240000000004,
+ 60.17855000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.929840000000002,
+ 60.178610000000006
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+ [
+ 24.930080000000004,
+ 60.1786
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+ [
+ 24.93081,
+ 60.17866000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93081,
+ 60.178720000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.930840000000003,
+ 60.178830000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931040000000003,
+ 60.17929
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931060000000002,
+ 60.179410000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93111,
+ 60.180170000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931130000000003,
+ 60.18099000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931160000000002,
+ 60.18117
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93137,
+ 60.181670000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931620000000002,
+ 60.18218
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931710000000002,
+ 60.182410000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93173,
+ 60.18253000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93173,
+ 60.18263
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93166,
+ 60.18280000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931410000000003,
+ 60.182990000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.931520000000003,
+ 60.18309000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93177999609094,
+ 60.183585000274455
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93204,
+ 60.18408
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93221,
+ 60.184450000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.932250000000003,
+ 60.18451
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+ [
+ 24.93242,
+ 60.18462
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.932660000000002,
+ 60.184670000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93428,
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+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93574999134566,
+ 60.18509500814494
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.937220000000003,
+ 60.18529
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.93774,
+ 60.18538
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.939459986412267,
+ 60.185640011141956
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.941180000000003,
+ 60.185900000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.941160000000004,
+ 60.185930000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.941750000000003,
+ 60.186020000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.942120000000003,
+ 60.18609000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.943450000000002,
+ 60.186280000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.943720000000003,
+ 60.1863
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94433,
+ 60.18634000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94583332994822,
+ 60.186376683681516
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94733666325508,
+ 60.186413350347536
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94884,
+ 60.18645000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94884,
+ 60.18657
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95034,
+ 60.186600000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95033,
+ 60.18666
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95034,
+ 60.186600000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.950400000000002,
+ 60.18661
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95072,
+ 60.186640000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95097,
+ 60.1867
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95107,
+ 60.1867
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95108,
+ 60.186640000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.951130000000003,
+ 60.18659
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.951310000000003,
+ 60.18647000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95137,
+ 60.18636000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95144,
+ 60.185790000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95152000182123,
+ 60.18504000008196
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.951600000000003,
+ 60.184290000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.951610000000002,
+ 60.184050000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95164,
+ 60.183960000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95174,
+ 60.183870000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.952,
+ 60.183730000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95287,
+ 60.18339
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.952990000000003,
+ 60.18334000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95322,
+ 60.183310000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95451501994334,
+ 60.182800006380525
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955810000000003,
+ 60.18229
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955840000000002,
+ 60.182230000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95588,
+ 60.18222000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956170000000004,
+ 60.182050000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957440000000002,
+ 60.181490000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.958235008897837,
+ 60.1811250023513
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+ [
+ 24.959030000000002,
+ 60.18076000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.9587,
+ 60.180580000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.958460000000002,
+ 60.180510000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957690000000003,
+ 60.18009000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957320000000003,
+ 60.17987000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95689,
+ 60.17974
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956770000000002,
+ 60.17969000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95634,
+ 60.17929
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95633,
+ 60.179140000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95654,
+ 60.17907
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956590000000002,
+ 60.17902000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95661,
+ 60.178940000000004
+ ],
+ [
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+ 60.178465000388556
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95718,
+ 60.17799000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957240000000002,
+ 60.177800000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957305000964798,
+ 60.17730000020621
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95737,
+ 60.17680000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957440000000002,
+ 60.17665
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957520000000002,
+ 60.17654
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95774,
+ 60.176390000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.9581,
+ 60.176260000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95867,
+ 60.176190000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.959410000000002,
+ 60.1762
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.959410000000002,
+ 60.17627
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95999,
+ 60.17627
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.96028,
+ 60.17625
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960610000000003,
+ 60.176190000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.96113,
+ 60.17598
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961430000000004,
+ 60.17582
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961570000000002,
+ 60.175700000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961660000000002,
+ 60.17557000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.96168,
+ 60.17551
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961820000000003,
+ 60.17551
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961920001933628,
+ 60.17487500003499
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.962020000000003,
+ 60.174240000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.96189,
+ 60.17401
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961509982032023,
+ 60.17323333442284
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.961129982033466,
+ 60.17245666775814
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.96075,
+ 60.17168
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960810000000002,
+ 60.171670000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960880000000003,
+ 60.17181000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960880000000003,
+ 60.171800000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960810000000002,
+ 60.171670000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.96075,
+ 60.17168
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960429987467663,
+ 60.17103666743907
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.960109987468513,
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+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95979,
+ 60.16975000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95971,
+ 60.16967
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95961,
+ 60.16962
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95953,
+ 60.169610000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.958840000000002,
+ 60.16959000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.9587,
+ 60.169540000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.958640000000003,
+ 60.16946000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.958650000000002,
+ 60.169000000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95859,
+ 60.16892000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95795,
+ 60.16852000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95794,
+ 60.16848
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95737,
+ 60.16809000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.957390000000004,
+ 60.168060000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95728,
+ 60.16798000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956850000000003,
+ 60.167910000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956010000000003,
+ 60.167880000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955890000000004,
+ 60.167860000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.954429998196012,
+ 60.16782000802667
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95297,
+ 60.16778000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.952630000000003,
+ 60.16772
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.952550000000002,
+ 60.167680000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.952520000000003,
+ 60.16762000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.9526,
+ 60.16675000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95266,
+ 60.16673000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.953120000000002,
+ 60.166740000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95314,
+ 60.16662
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.953170000000004,
+ 60.166320000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95315,
+ 60.16608000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.953080000000003,
+ 60.16581000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95313,
+ 60.165290000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95285,
+ 60.16528
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.952910000000003,
+ 60.16467000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.953030000000002,
+ 60.16438000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95324,
+ 60.164100000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.953470000000003,
+ 60.16389
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.954400035687588,
+ 60.16326000649468
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955330035716912,
+ 60.16263000647425
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95626,
+ 60.162000000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95652,
+ 60.16174
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956760000000003,
+ 60.161300000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956640000000004,
+ 60.161280000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956400000000002,
+ 60.16131000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95626,
+ 60.161280000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956200000000003,
+ 60.16124000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95597,
+ 60.16091000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.956010000000003,
+ 60.160830000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955930000000002,
+ 60.16075000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955604994572663,
+ 60.16020500033396
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955280000000002,
+ 60.15966
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.955070000000003,
+ 60.159290000000006
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95493,
+ 60.159020000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.954860000000004,
+ 60.158930000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.954780000000003,
+ 60.158950000000004
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.954860000000004,
+ 60.158930000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95428499256551,
+ 60.158505001245636
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95371,
+ 60.158080000000005
+ ],
+ [
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+ 60.157445003022275
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95191,
+ 60.15681000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.951030000000003,
+ 60.156200000000005
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.95089,
+ 60.15614000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.950260000000004,
+ 60.15605000000001
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.948617471181432,
+ 60.15585753049101
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94697496159803,
+ 60.15566504065723
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.94533247125144,
+ 60.15547253049904
+ ],
+ [
+ 24.943690000000004,
+ 60.155280000000005
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/platform/qt/qt.cmake b/platform/qt/qt.cmake
index 0122f8922d..cf7ae9caa6 100644
--- a/platform/qt/qt.cmake
+++ b/platform/qt/qt.cmake
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ include_directories(
# C++ app
+ platform/qt/app/app.qrc
- platform/qt/app/source.qrc