path: root/tests/auto/corelib/xml/qxmlstream/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/xmlconformance.msxsl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/corelib/xml/qxmlstream/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/xmlconformance.msxsl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 527 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/xml/qxmlstream/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/xmlconformance.msxsl b/tests/auto/corelib/xml/qxmlstream/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/xmlconformance.msxsl
deleted file mode 100644
index f33e647d25..0000000000
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/xml/qxmlstream/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/xmlconformance.msxsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<<<<<<< conformance.msxsl
- Original version copyright 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Modifications copyright 1999 by OASIS.
- XSL IE5 Stylesheet for documenting XML conformance tests.
- Tested against IE5 5.00.2014.0216
- 1999-06-05 20:10
- XSL 12/16/1998 Stylesheet for documenting XML conformance tests.
- This expects to be run on a document matching the DTD that Sun
- defined and OASIS modified for merging collections of
- self-descriptive XML tests.
- Since all those collections will have (by design) the same test
- architecture, this includes boilerplate describing that design,
- to be used by all test documentation.
- - Sorting is a bit odd; section numbers can are like "3.3.3"
- rather than straight numbers, so numeric sort can't work,
- and yet neither does text sort (2.12 should be after 2.2).
- xmlns:xsl=""
- xmlns=""
- indent-result="yes"
- >
-<!-- default behaviour - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
-<xsl:template match="textnode()"><xsl:value-of/></xsl:template>
-<!-- selective behaviour - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
- <!-- ROOT: write an HTML wrapper -->
- <xsl:template match="/">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="TESTSUITE"/>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="TESTSUITE">
- <!-- XHTML namespace -->
- <html><head>
- <xsl:comment>Generated by an XSL stylesheet.</xsl:comment>
- <title> XML Conformance Tests </title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
- content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
- <style>
- <xsl:comment>
- BODY {
- font-family: Lucida, Helvetica, Univers, sans-serif;
- }
- H1, H2, H3, H4 {
- text-align: left;
- color: #0066CC;
- }
- </xsl:comment>
- </style>
- <style>
- <xsl:comment>
- a:hover {
- color: white;
- background-color: blue;
- }
- </xsl:comment>
- </style>
- </head><body bgcolor='#ffffff'>
- <center>
- <table border="4" width="90%">
- <tr >
- <td>
- <table>
- <tr >
- <td width="40%"><img src="files/a_oasis-logo.gif" width="350" height="125"/></td>
- <td width="30%"/>
- <td width="40%" align="right"><img src="files/top3.jpe" width="400" height="125"/></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <center>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td ><b><font size="+2">A Joint Development Effort</font></b></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </center>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </center>
- <p/>
- <p/>
- <h4>OASIS XML Conformance Subcommittee<br/>XML 1.0 Test Suite, Second Edition<br/>Working Draft<br/>15 March 2001</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt><b>This version:</b></dt>
- <dd><ul>
- <li><a href="">
- (<a href="">XML</a>)
- </li>
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <p/>
- <dt><b>Current Version:</b></dt>
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <p/>
- <dt><b>Previous Version:</b></dt>
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <p/>
- <dt><b>Test Archive:</b></dt>
- <dd><ul>
- <li><a href=""></a>
- </li>
- </ul></dd>
- <p/>
- <dt><b>OASIS XML Conformance Technical Committee:</b></dt>
- <dd><ul><li><a href=""></a>
- </li></ul></dd>
- <p/>
- <dt><b>Comments:</b></dt>
- <dd><ul><li>Mary Brady, NIST <a href="">&lt;;</a>
- </li></ul></dd>
- <p/>
- </dl>
- <hr/>
- <a name="contents"/>
- <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- <ol >
- <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#matrix">Test Matrix</a></li>
- <ol >
- <li ><a href="#binary">Binary Tests</a></li>
- <li><a href="#output">Output Tests</a></li>
- </ol>
- <li><a href="#listings">Test Case Descriptions</a></li>
- <ol >
- <li><a href="#valid">Valid Documents</a></li>
- <li><a href="#invalid">Invalid Documents</a></li>
- <li><a href="#not-wf">Not-WF Documents</a></li>
- <li><a href="#error">Optional Errors</a></li>
- </ol>
- <li><a href="#contrib">Contributors</a></li>
- </ol>
- <a name="intro"/>
- <h2>1. Introduction </h2>
- <p> The <i>OASIS</i> XML Conformance Subcommittee is concerned with
- improving the quality of XML processors. The tests described in this
- document provide a set of metrics to determine how well a
- particular implementation conforms to the
- <a href="">W3C XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation </a>.
- The XML Conformance Test Suite is intended
- to complement the W3C XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation. All interpretations of
- this Recommendation are subject to confirmation by the
- <a href="">W3C XML Coordination Group</a>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Conformance tests can be used by developers, content creators, and
- users alike to increase their level of confidence in product quality. In
- circumstances where interoperability is necessary, these tests can also
- be used to determine that differing implementations support the same set
- of features. </p>
- <p>This report provides supporting documentation for all of the tests
- contributed by members of the <i>OASIS</i> XML Conformance Subcommittee.
- Sources from which these tests have been collected
- include: <em>
- <xsl:for-each select="./TESTCASES">
- <xsl:value-of select="@PROFILE"/>;
- </xsl:for-each>
- </em>. Although the tests came from a variety of sources, the actual test
- descriptions and references back to the recommendation were in many instances
- added by members of this subcommittee. It is anticipated that this report
- will supplement the actual tests, which are available from
- <a href="">
- <p>Comments/suggestions should be
- forwarded to the XML Conformance Subcommittee Chair, Mary Brady <a href="">&lt;;</a>.</p>
- <a name="matrix"/>
- <h2>2. Test Matrix </h2>
- <p> Two basic types of test are presented here. These are
- respectively <em><a href="#binary">Binary Tests</a></em>
- and <em><a href="#output">Output Tests</a></em>. </p>
- <a name="binary"/>
- <h3>2.1 Binary Tests </h3>
- <p> <em>Binary</em> conformance tests are documents which
- are grouped into one of four categories. Given a document
- in a given category, each kind of XML parser must treat it
- consistently and either accept it (a <em>positive test</em>)
- or reject it (a <em>negative test</em>). It is in that sense
- that the tests are termed "binary". The XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation
- talks in terms of two types of XML processor:
- <em>validating</em> ones, and <em>nonvalidating</em> ones.
- There are two differences between these types of processors: </p>
- <ol>
- <li> Validating processors check special productions that
- nonvalidating parsers don't, called <em>validity
- constraints</em>. (Both must check a basic set of productions,
- requiring XML documents to be <em>well formed</em>.) </li>
- <li> Nonvalidating processors are permitted to not
- include <em>external entities</em>, such as files with
- text. Accordingly, they may not report errors which
- would have been detected had those entities been read.</li>
- </ol>
- <p> There are two types of such entity, <em>parameter
- entities</em> holding definitions which affect validation
- and other processing; and <em>general entities</em> which
- hold marked up text. It will be appreciated that there are
- then five kinds of XML processor: validating processors,
- and four kinds of nonvalidating processor based on the
- combinations of external entity which they include.</p>
- <center>
- <table border="1" bgcolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="4">
- <caption>
- <b>Basic XML Parsing Test Matrix</b><br/>
- Test Document Type v. Parser Type
- </caption>
- <tr bgcolor="#ffffcc">
- <th widthH="5%" rowspan="2">&#160;</th>
- <th widthH="20%" colspan="2">Nonvalidating</th>
- <th widthH="5%" rowspan="2">Validating</th>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="#ffffcc">
- <th>External Entities<br/>Ignored (3 cases)</th>
- <th>External Entities<br/>Read</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="#ffffcc">Valid Documents</th>
- <td align="center"><b>accept</b></td>
- <td align="center"><b>accept</b></td>
- <td align="center"><b>accept</b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="#ffffcc">Invalid Documents</th>
- <td align="center"><b>accept</b></td>
- <td align="center"><b>accept</b></td>
- <td align="center">reject</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="#ffffcc">Non-WF Documents</th>
- <td align="center">reject</td>
- <td align="center">reject</td>
- <td align="center">reject</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="#ffffcc">WF Errors tied<br/>
- to External Entity</th>
- <td align="center"><b>accept</b><br/>(varies)</td>
- <td align="center">reject</td>
- <td align="center">reject</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="#ffffcc">Documents with<br/> Optional Errors</th>
- <td align="center">(not specified)</td>
- <td align="center">(not specified)</td>
- <td align="center">(not specified)</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </center>
- <p> At this time, the XML community primarily uses parsers
- which are in the rightmost two columns of this table, calling
- them <em>Well Formed XML Parsers</em> (or "WF Parsers") and
- <em>Validating XML Parsers</em>. A second test matrix
- could be defined to address the variations in the types of
- of XML processor which do not read all external entities.
- That additional matrix is not provided here at this time. </p>
- <a name="output"/>
- <h3>2.2 Output Tests</h3>
- <p> The XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation places a number of requirements
- on XML processors, to ensure that they report information to
- applications as needed. Such requirements are testable.
- Validating processors are required to report slightly more
- information than nonvalidating ones, so some tests will
- require separate output files. Some of the information that
- must be reported will not be reportable without reading all
- the external entities in a particular test. Many of the tests for
- valid documents are paired with an output file to ensure that
- the XML processor provides the correct information. </p>
- <p>The output of these tests is provided in two forms, as
- described in <a href="sun/cxml.html">SUN Microsystems XML
- Canonical Forms</a>. At present, the <em>James Clark</em>
- collection provides corresponding output in <em>First XML
- Canonical Form</em>, and the <em>SUN Microsystems</em>
- collection provides corresponding output in <em>Second XML
- Canonical Form</em>. When the <a href="">
- W3C XML Group </a>finalizes its work on Canonical XML, these
- output files will be updated.
- </p>
- <a name="listings"/>
- <h2>3. Test Case Descriptions</h2>
- <p> This section of this report contains descriptions of test
- cases, each of which fits into the categories noted above.
- Each test case includes a document of one of the types in the
- binary test matrix above (e.g. valid or invalid documents).
- </p>
- <p> In some cases, an <a href="#output">output file </a>, as
- described in Section 2.2, will also be associated with
- a valid document, which is used for output testing. If such
- a file exists, it will be noted at the end of the description
- of the input document. </p>
- <p> The description for each test case is presented as a two
- part table. The right part describes what the test does.
- This description is intended to have enough detail to evaluate
- diagnostic messages. The left part includes: <ul>
- <li> An entry describing the <em>Sections and/or Rules</em>
- from the <a href="">
- XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation</a> which this case excercises.</li>
- <li> The unique <em>Test ID</em> within a given <em>Collection</em>
- for this test. </li>
- <li> The <em>Collection</em> from which this test originated.
- Given the <em>Test ID</em> and the <em>Collection</em>, each
- test can be uniquely identified. </li>
- <li> Some tests may have a field identifying the kinds of
- external <em>Entities</em> a nonvalidating processor must
- include (parameter, general, or both) to be able to
- detect any errors in that test case. </li>
- </ul></p>
- <p><em>Note that the output format of this report is subject
- to change. Also, since XSL does not currently support the
- type of sorting rule necessary to make section numbers like
- 2.12 appear after 2.2, the ordering is not quite what is
- desired.</em></p>
- <a name="valid"/>
- <h3>3.1 Valid XML Documents</h3>
- <p> All conforming <em> XML 1.0 Processors </em> are
- <b>required</b> to accept valid documents, reporting no
- errors. In this section of this test report are found
- descriptions of test cases which fit into this category. </p>
- <xsl:apply-templates select=".// TEST [ @TYPE = 'valid' ]"
- order-by="@SECTIONS"/>
- <a name="invalid"/>
- <h3>3.2 Invalid XML Documents</h3>
- <p> All conforming XML 1.0 <em> Validating Processors </em>
- are <b>required</b> to report recoverable errors in the case
- of documents which are <em>Invalid</em>. Such errors are
- violations of some <em>validity constraint (VC)</em>. </p>
- <p> If a validating processor does not report an error when
- given one of these test cases, or if the error reported is
- a fatal error, it is not conformant. If the error reported
- does not correspond to the problem listed in this test
- description, that could also be a conformance problem; it
- might instead be a faulty diagnostic. </p>
- <p> All conforming XML 1.0 <em> Nonvalidating Processors </em>
- should accept these documents, reporting no errors. </p>
- <xsl:apply-templates select=".//TEST[@TYPE='invalid']"
- order-by="@SECTIONS"/>
- <a name="not-wf"/>
- <h3>3.3 Documents that are Not Well Formed</h3>
- <p> All conforming XML 1.0 Processors are <b>required</b> to
- report fatal errors in the case of documents which are not
- <em>Well Formed</em>. Such errors are basically of two types:
- <em>(a)</em> the document violates the XML grammar; or else
- <em>(b)</em> it violates a <em>well formedness constraint
- (WFC)</em>. There is a single <em>exception to that
- requirement</em>: nonvalidating processors which do not read
- certain types of external entities are not required to detect
- (and hence report) these errors. </p>
- <p> If a processor does not report a fatal error when given
- one of these test cases, it is not conformant. If the error
- reported does not correspond to the problem listed in this
- test description, that could also be a conformance problem;
- it might instead be a faulty diagnostic. </p>
- <xsl:apply-templates select=".// TEST [ @TYPE = 'not-wf' ]"
- order-by="@SECTIONS"/>
- <a name="error"/>
- <h3>3.4 XML Documents with Optional Errors</h3>
- <p> Conforming XML 1.0 Processors are permitted to ignore
- certain errors, or to report them at user option. In this
- section of this test report are found descriptions of
- test cases which fit into this category. </p>
- <p> Processor behavior on such test cases does not affect
- conformance to the XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Recommendation, except as noted. </p>
- <xsl:apply-templates select=".//TEST[@TYPE='error']"
- order-by="@SECTIONS"/>
- <a name="contrib"/>
- <h3>4. Contributors (Non-normative)</h3>
- <p> A team of volunteer members have participated in the
- development of this work. Contributions have come from:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>Murry Altheim, Sun Microsystems</li>
- <li>Mary Brady, NIST</li>
- <li>Tim Boland, NIST</li>
- <li>David Brownell, Sun Microsystems</li>
- <li>James Clark</li>
- <li>Karin Donker, IBM</li>
- <li>Irina Golfman, Inera Incorporated</li>
- <li>Tony Graham, Mulberry Technologies</li>
- <li>G. Ken Holman, Crane Softwrights Ltd</li>
- <li>Alex Milowski, Veo Systems, Inc</li>
- <li>Makota Murata, Fuji Xerox</li>
- <li>Miles O'Reilly, Microstar Software, Ltd</li>
- <li>Matt Timmermans, Microstar Software, Ltd</li>
- <li>Richard Rivello, NIST</li>
- <li>Lynne Rosenthal, NIST</li>
- <li>Brian Schellar, Chrystal Software</li>
- <li>Bill Smith, Sun Microsystems</li>
- <li>Trevor Veary, Software AG</li>
- <li>Eric Ye, IBM</li>
- </ul>
- <p>End</p>
- </body></html>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="TEST">
- <table width="100%">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width='40%'><table bgcolor='#eeeeff'
- border='1' width='100%' height="100%">
- <tr>
- <td width='50%'><b>Sections [Rules]:</b></td>
- <td bgcolor='#ffffcc'>
- <xsl:value-of select="@SECTIONS"/></td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width='50%'><b>Test ID:</b></td>
- <td bgcolor='#ffffcc'>
- <xsl:value-of select="@ID"/></td>
- </tr>
- <xsl:if test=".[not ( @ENTITIES = 'none')
- and ( @TYPE = 'not-wf' )]">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width='50%'><b>Entities:</b></td>
- <td bgcolor='#ffffcc'><font color='blue'>
- <xsl:value-of select="@ENTITIES"/>
- </font></td>
- </tr>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="../@PROFILE">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width='50%'><b>Collection:</b></td>
- <td bgcolor='#ffffcc'>
- <xsl:value-of select="../@PROFILE"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </xsl:if>
- </table></td>
- <td bgcolor='#ccffff'>
- <p><xsl:apply-templates/></p>
- <xsl:if test="@OUTPUT | @OUTPUT3">
- <p>There is an output test associated with this
- input file.</p>
- </xsl:if>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- XT takes 'B|EM' and xsl:copy, IE5b2 doesn't -->
- <xsl:template match="EM">
- <em><xsl:apply-templates/></em>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="B">
- <b><xsl:apply-templates/></b>
- </xsl:template>