path: root/tests/manual/planets-qml/SolarSystem.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manual/planets-qml/SolarSystem.qml')
1 files changed, 924 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manual/planets-qml/SolarSystem.qml b/tests/manual/planets-qml/SolarSystem.qml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7630a4eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/planets-qml/SolarSystem.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick 2.0 as QQ2
+import Qt3D.Core 2.0
+import Qt3D.Render 2.0
+import Qt3D.Input 2.0
+import Qt3D.Logic 2.0
+import Qt3D.Extras 2.0
+import "planets.js" as Planets
+Entity {
+ id: sceneRoot
+ property bool ready: false
+ property real cameraNear: 0
+ property real xLookAtOffset: 0
+ property real yLookAtOffset: 0
+ property real zLookAtOffset: 0
+ property real xCameraOffset: 0
+ property real yCameraOffset: 0
+ property real zCameraOffset: 0
+ property var planetData
+ property var planets: []
+ property vector3d defaultUp: Qt.vector3d(0, 1, 0)
+ property vector3d defaultCameraPosition: Qt.vector3d(Planets.solarDistance,
+ Planets.solarDistance,
+ Planets.solarDistance)
+ property vector3d tiltAxis: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 1)
+ property vector3d rollAxis: Qt.vector3d(0, 1, 0)
+ property real cameraDistance: 1
+ property vector3d oldCameraPosition
+ property vector3d oldFocusedPlanetPosition
+ property color ambientStrengthStarfield: "#000000"
+ property color ambientStrengthSun: "#ffffff"
+ property color ambientStrengthClouds: "#000000"
+ property color ambientStrengthRing: "#111111"
+ property color ambientStrengthPlanet: "#222222"
+ property real shininessSpecularMap: 50.0
+ property real shininessClouds: 10.0
+ property real shininessBasic: 1.0
+ property real saturnRingInnerRadius
+ property real saturnRingOuterRadius
+ property real uranusRingInnerRadius
+ property real uranusRingOuterRadius
+ // Time variables
+ property int year: 2000
+ property int month: 1
+ property int day: 1
+ // Time scale formula based on
+ property real startD: 367 * year - 7 * (year + (month + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * month / 9 + day - 730530
+ property real oldTimeD: startD
+ property real currTimeD: startD
+ property real deltaTimeD: 0
+ property real daysPerFrame
+ property real daysPerFrameScale
+ property real planetScale
+ property bool focusedScaling: false
+ property int focusedMinimumScale: 20
+ property real actualScale
+ // Animate solar system with LogicComponent
+ FrameAction {
+ onTriggered: {
+ frames++
+ animate(focusedPlanet)
+ }
+ }
+ PlanetsLight {
+ id: light
+ ratio: width / height
+ }
+ Camera {
+ id: camera
+ projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection
+ fieldOfView: 45
+ aspectRatio: width / height
+ nearPlane: 2500.0
+ farPlane: 20000.0
+ position: defaultCameraPosition
+ upVector: defaultUp
+ viewCenter: Qt.vector3d( xLookAtOffset, yLookAtOffset, zLookAtOffset )
+ }
+ FirstPersonCameraController { camera: camera }
+ components: [
+ PlanetFrameGraph {
+ id: framegraph
+ viewCamera: camera
+ lightCamera: light.lightCamera
+ },
+ InputSettings {}
+ ]
+ PlanetEffect {
+ id: effectD
+ light: light
+ }
+ PlanetEffect {
+ id: effectDB
+ light: light
+ vertexES: "qrc:/shaders/es2/planetDB.vert"
+ fragmentES: "qrc:/shaders/es2/planetDB.frag"
+ vertexGL: "qrc:/shaders/gl3/planetDB.vert"
+ fragmentGL: "qrc:/shaders/gl3/planetDB.frag"
+ vertexRHI: "qrc:/shaders/rhi/planetDB.vert"
+ fragmentRHI: "qrc:/shaders/rhi/planetDB.frag"
+ }
+ PlanetEffect {
+ id: effectDSB
+ light: light
+ vertexES: "qrc:/shaders/es2/planetDB.vert"
+ fragmentES: "qrc:/shaders/es2/planetDSB.frag"
+ vertexGL: "qrc:/shaders/gl3/planetDB.vert"
+ fragmentGL: "qrc:/shaders/gl3/planetDSB.frag"
+ vertexRHI: "qrc:/shaders/rhi/planetDB.vert"
+ fragmentRHI: "qrc:/shaders/rhi/planetDSB.frag"
+ }
+ PlanetEffect {
+ id: cloudEffect
+ light: light
+ vertexES: "qrc:/shaders/es2/planetD.vert"
+ fragmentES: "qrc:/shaders/es2/planetDS.frag"
+ vertexGL: "qrc:/shaders/gl3/planetD.vert"
+ fragmentGL: "qrc:/shaders/gl3/planetDS.frag"
+ vertexRHI: "qrc:/shaders/rhi/planetD.vert"
+ fragmentRHI: "qrc:/shaders/rhi/planetDS.frag"
+ }
+ SunEffect {
+ id: sunEffect
+ }
+ ShadowEffect {
+ id: shadowMapEffect
+ shadowTexture: framegraph.shadowTexture
+ light: light
+ }
+ //! [2]
+ QQ2.Component.onCompleted: {
+ planetData = Planets.loadPlanetData()
+ // Push in the correct order
+ planets.push(sun)
+ planets.push(mercury)
+ planets.push(venus)
+ planets.push(earth)
+ planets.push(mars)
+ planets.push(jupiter)
+ planets.push(saturn)
+ planets.push(uranus)
+ planets.push(neptune)
+ planets.push(moon)
+ // TODO: Once support for creating meshes from arrays is implemented take these into use
+ //saturnRing.makeRing()
+ //uranusRing.makeRing()
+ saturnRingOuterRadius = planetData[Planets.SATURN].radius + Planets.saturnOuterRadius
+ saturnRingInnerRadius = planetData[Planets.SATURN].radius + 0.006630
+ uranusRingOuterRadius = planetData[Planets.URANUS].radius + Planets.uranusOuterRadius
+ uranusRingInnerRadius = planetData[Planets.URANUS].radius + 0.002
+ ready = true
+ changeScale(1200)
+ changeSpeed(0.2)
+ setLookAtOffset(Planets.SUN)
+ }
+ //! [2]
+ //! [0]
+ QQ2.NumberAnimation {
+ id: lookAtOffsetAnimation
+ target: sceneRoot
+ properties: "xLookAtOffset, yLookAtOffset, zLookAtOffset"
+ to: 0
+// easing.type: Easing.InOutQuint
+ duration: 1250
+ }
+ QQ2.NumberAnimation {
+ id: cameraOffsetAnimation
+ target: sceneRoot
+ properties: "xCameraOffset, yCameraOffset, zCameraOffset"
+ to: 0
+// easing.type: Easing.InOutQuint
+ duration: 2500
+ }
+ //! [0]
+ QQ2.Behavior on cameraNear {
+ QQ2.PropertyAnimation {
+// easing.type: Easing.InOutQuint
+ duration: 2500
+ }
+ }
+ function changePlanetFocus(oldPlanet, focusedPlanet) {
+ setOldPlanet(oldPlanet, focusedPlanet)
+ setLookAtOffset(focusedPlanet)
+ setCameraOffset(oldPlanet, focusedPlanet)
+ lookAtOffsetAnimation.restart()
+ cameraOffsetAnimation.restart()
+ }
+ function setOldPlanet(oldPlanet, focusedPlanet) {
+ oldCameraPosition = camera.position
+ var planet = 0
+ if (oldPlanet !== Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM)
+ planet = oldPlanet
+ oldFocusedPlanetPosition = Qt.vector3d(planets[planet].x,
+ planets[planet].y,
+ planets[planet].z)
+ checkScaling(focusedPlanet)
+ }
+ function setScale(value, focused) {
+ // Save actual scale
+ if (!focused)
+ actualScale = value
+ // Limit minimum scaling in focus mode to avoid jitter caused by rounding errors
+ if (value <= focusedMinimumScale && (focusedScaling || focused))
+ planetScale = focusedMinimumScale
+ else
+ planetScale = actualScale
+ return planetScale
+ }
+ function checkScaling(focusedPlanet) {
+ if (focusedPlanet !== Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM) {
+ // Limit minimum scaling in focus mode to avoid jitter caused by rounding errors
+ if (actualScale <= focusedMinimumScale) {
+ planetScale = focusedMinimumScale
+ changeScale(focusedMinimumSfocusedPlanetcale, true)
+ }
+ focusedScaling = true
+ } else if (focusedScaling === true) {
+ // Restore normal scaling
+ focusedScaling = false
+ changeScale(actualScale, false)
+ }
+ }
+ function setLookAtOffset(focusedPlanet) {
+ var offset = oldFocusedPlanetPosition
+ var planet = 0
+ if (focusedPlanet !== Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM)
+ planet = focusedPlanet
+ var focusedPlanetPosition = Qt.vector3d(planets[planet].x,
+ planets[planet].y,
+ planets[planet].z)
+ offset = offset.minus(focusedPlanetPosition)
+ xLookAtOffset = offset.x
+ yLookAtOffset = offset.y
+ zLookAtOffset = offset.z
+ }
+ function setCameraOffset(oldPlanet, focusedPlanet) {
+ var offset = oldCameraPosition
+ var planet = 0
+ if (focusedPlanet !== Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM)
+ planet = focusedPlanet
+ var newCameraPosition = getNewCameraPosition(focusedPlanet, Planets.getOuterRadius(planet))
+ if (focusedPlanet !== Planets.SUN)
+ offset = offset.minus(newCameraPosition)
+ if (oldPlanet === Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM && focusedPlanet === Planets.SUN) {
+ xCameraOffset = Math.abs(offset.x)
+ yCameraOffset = Math.abs(offset.y)
+ zCameraOffset = Math.abs(offset.z)
+ } else { // from a planet to another
+ xCameraOffset = offset.x
+ yCameraOffset = offset.y
+ zCameraOffset = offset.z
+ }
+ }
+ function getNewCameraPosition(focusedPlanet, radius) {
+ var position
+ if (focusedPlanet === Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM) {
+ position = defaultCameraPosition
+ position = position.times(cameraDistance)
+ } else if (focusedPlanet === Planets.SUN) {
+ position = Qt.vector3d(radius * planetScale * 2,
+ radius * planetScale * 2,
+ radius * planetScale * 2)
+ position = position.times(cameraDistance)
+ } else {
+ var vec1 = Qt.vector3d(planets[focusedPlanet].x,
+ planets[focusedPlanet].y,
+ planets[focusedPlanet].z)
+ var vec2 = defaultUp
+ vec1 = vec1.normalized()
+ vec2 = vec2.crossProduct(vec1)
+ vec2 = vec2.times(radius * planetScale * cameraDistance * 4)
+ vec2 =[focusedPlanet].x,
+ planets[focusedPlanet].y,
+ planets[focusedPlanet].z))
+ vec1 = Qt.vector3d(0, radius * planetScale, 0)
+ vec2 =
+ position = vec2
+ }
+ return position
+ }
+ function advanceTime(focusedPlanet) {
+ if (focusedPlanet === Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM)
+ daysPerFrame = daysPerFrameScale * 10
+ else
+ daysPerFrame = daysPerFrameScale * planetData[focusedPlanet].period / 100.0
+ // Advance the time in days
+ oldTimeD = currTimeD
+ currTimeD = currTimeD + daysPerFrame
+ deltaTimeD = currTimeD - oldTimeD
+ }
+ function positionPlanet(i) {
+ var planet = planetData[i]
+ var target = planets[i]
+ if (i !== Planets.SUN) {
+ // Calculate the planet orbital elements from the current time in days
+ var N = (planet.N1 + planet.N2 * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180
+ var iPlanet = (planet.i1 + planet.i2 * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180
+ var w = (planet.w1 + planet.w2 * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180
+ var a = planet.a1 + planet.a2 * currTimeD
+ var e = planet.e1 + planet.e2 * currTimeD
+ var M = (planet.M1 + planet.M2 * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180
+ var E = M + e * Math.sin(M) * (1.0 + e * Math.cos(M))
+ var xv = a * (Math.cos(E) - e)
+ var yv = a * (Math.sqrt(1.0 - e * e) * Math.sin(E))
+ var v = Math.atan2(yv, xv)
+ // Calculate the distance (radius)
+ // TODO: Math.hypot() is ES6 and QML JS is only ES5 currently. A patch to QtQml is
+ // required to get Math.hypot() to work.
+ //var r = Math.hypot(xv, yv)
+ var r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xv, 2) + Math.pow(yv, 2))
+ // From
+ // Modified to compensate for the right handed coordinate system of OpenGL
+ var xh = r * (Math.cos(N) * Math.cos(v + w)
+ - Math.sin(N) * Math.sin(v + w) * Math.cos(iPlanet))
+ var zh = -r * (Math.sin(N) * Math.cos(v + w)
+ + Math.cos(N) * Math.sin(v + w) * Math.cos(iPlanet))
+ var yh = r * (Math.sin(w + v) * Math.sin(iPlanet))
+ // Apply the position offset from the center of orbit to the bodies
+ var centerOfOrbit = planet.centerOfOrbit
+ target.x = planets[centerOfOrbit].x + xh * Planets.auScale
+ target.y = planets[centerOfOrbit].y + yh * Planets.auScale
+ target.z = planets[centerOfOrbit].z + zh * Planets.auScale
+ }
+ // Calculate the rotation (roll) of the bodies. Tilt does not change.
+ target.roll += (deltaTimeD / planet.period) * 360 // In degrees
+ }
+ function changeScale(scale, focused) {
+ if (!ready)
+ return
+ var scaling = setScale(scale, focused)
+ sun.r = planetData[Planets.SUN].radius * scaling / 10
+ mercury.r = planetData[Planets.MERCURY].radius * scaling
+ venus.r = planetData[Planets.VENUS].radius * scaling
+ earth.r = planetData[Planets.EARTH].radius * scaling
+ earthClouds.r = planetData[Planets.EARTH].radius * scaling * 1.02
+ moon.r = planetData[Planets.MOON].radius * scaling
+ mars.r = planetData[Planets.MARS].radius * scaling
+ jupiter.r = planetData[Planets.JUPITER].radius * scaling
+ saturn.r = planetData[Planets.SATURN].radius * scaling
+ saturnRing.outerRadius = saturnRingOuterRadius * scaling
+ saturnRing.innerRadius = saturnRingInnerRadius * scaling
+ uranus.r = planetData[Planets.URANUS].radius * scaling
+ uranusRing.outerRadius = uranusRingOuterRadius * scaling
+ uranusRing.innerRadius = uranusRingInnerRadius * scaling
+ neptune.r = planetData[Planets.NEPTUNE].radius * scaling
+ }
+ function changeSpeed(speed) {
+ daysPerFrameScale = speed
+ }
+ function changeCameraDistance(distance) {
+ cameraDistance = distance
+ }
+ //! [3]
+ function animate(focusedPlanet) {
+ if (!ready)
+ return
+ advanceTime(focusedPlanet)
+ for (var i = 0; i <= Planets.NUM_SELECTABLE_PLANETS; i++)
+ positionPlanet(i)
+ updateCamera(focusedPlanet)
+ }
+ //! [3]
+ function updateCamera(focusedPlanet) {
+ // Get the appropriate near plane position for the camera and animate it with QML animations
+ var outerRadius = Planets.getOuterRadius(focusedPlanet)
+ cameraNear = outerRadius
+ camera.nearPlane = cameraNear
+ light.near = cameraNear
+ // Calculate position
+ var cameraPosition = getNewCameraPosition(focusedPlanet, outerRadius)
+ var cameraOffset = Qt.vector3d(xCameraOffset, yCameraOffset, zCameraOffset)
+ cameraPosition =
+ // Calculate look-at point
+ var lookAtPlanet = Planets.SUN
+ if (focusedPlanet !== Planets.SOLAR_SYSTEM)
+ lookAtPlanet = focusedPlanet
+ var cameraLookAt = Qt.vector3d(planets[lookAtPlanet].x,
+ planets[lookAtPlanet].y,
+ planets[lookAtPlanet].z)
+ var lookAtOffset = Qt.vector3d(xLookAtOffset, yLookAtOffset, zLookAtOffset)
+ cameraLookAt =
+ // Set position and look-at
+ camera.viewCenter = cameraLookAt
+ camera.position = Qt.vector3d(cameraPosition.x, cameraPosition.y, cameraPosition.z)
+ camera.upVector = defaultUp
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ Entity {
+ id: starfieldEntity
+ Mesh {
+ id: starfield
+ source: "qrc:/meshes/starfield.obj"
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialStarfield
+ effect: effectD
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthStarfield
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/galaxy_starfield.jpg"
+ shininess: 1000000.0
+ }
+ property Transform transformStarfield: Transform {
+ scale: 8500
+ translation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ components: [ starfield, materialStarfield, transformStarfield ]
+ }
+ //
+ // SUN
+ //
+ Entity {
+ id: sunEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: sun
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.SUN].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialSun
+ effect: sunEffect
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthSun
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/sunmap.jpg"
+ }
+ property Transform transformSun: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(sun.x, sun.y, sun.z))
+ m.rotate(sun.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(sun.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(sun.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ sun, materialSun, transformSun ]
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ Entity {
+ id: mercuryEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: mercury
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.MERCURY].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialMercury
+ effect: effectDB
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/mercurymap.jpg"
+ normalMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/mercurynormal.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessSpecularMap
+ }
+ property Transform transformMercury: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(mercury.x, mercury.y, mercury.z))
+ m.rotate(mercury.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(mercury.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(mercury.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ mercury, materialMercury, transformMercury ]
+ }
+ // VENUS
+ Entity {
+ id: venusEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: venus
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.VENUS].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialVenus
+ effect: effectDB
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/venusmap.jpg"
+ normalMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/venusnormal.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessSpecularMap
+ }
+ property Transform transformVenus: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(venus.x, venus.y, venus.z))
+ m.rotate(venus.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(venus.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(venus.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ venus, materialVenus, transformVenus ]
+ }
+ // EARTH
+ //! [1]
+ Entity {
+ id: earthEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: earth
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.EARTH].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialEarth
+ effect: effectDSB
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/earthmap2k.jpg"
+ specularMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/earthspec2k.jpg"
+ normalMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/earthnormal2k.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessSpecularMap
+ }
+ property Transform transformEarth: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(earth.x, earth.y, earth.z))
+ m.rotate(earth.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(earth.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(earth.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ earth, materialEarth, transformEarth ]
+ }
+ //! [1]
+ Entity {
+ id: earthCloudsEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: earthClouds
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.EARTH].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialEarthClouds
+ effect: cloudEffect
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthClouds
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/earthcloudmapcolortrans.png"
+ specularMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/earthcloudmapspec.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessClouds
+ opacity: 0.2
+ }
+ property Transform transformEarthClouds: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(earth.x, earth.y, earth.z))
+ m.rotate(earth.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(earth.roll / 1.2, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(earthClouds.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ earthClouds, materialEarthClouds, transformEarthClouds ]
+ }
+ // MOON
+ Entity {
+ id: moonEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: moon
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.MOON].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialMoon
+ effect: effectDB
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/moonmap2k.jpg"
+ normalMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/moonnormal2k.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessSpecularMap
+ }
+ property Transform transformMoon: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(moon.x, moon.y, moon.z))
+ m.rotate(moon.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(moon.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(moon.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ moon, materialMoon, transformMoon ]
+ }
+ // MARS
+ Entity {
+ id: marsEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: mars
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.MARS].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialMars
+ effect: effectDB
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/marsmap2k.jpg"
+ normalMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/marsnormal2k.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessSpecularMap
+ }
+ property Transform transformMars: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(mars.x, mars.y, mars.z))
+ m.rotate(mars.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(mars.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(mars.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ mars, materialMars, transformMars ]
+ }
+ Entity {
+ id: jupiterEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: jupiter
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.JUPITER].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialJupiter
+ effect: effectD
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/jupitermap.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessBasic
+ }
+ property Transform transformJupiter: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(jupiter.x, jupiter.y, jupiter.z))
+ m.rotate(jupiter.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(jupiter.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(jupiter.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ jupiter, materialJupiter, transformJupiter ]
+ }
+ Entity {
+ id: saturnEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: saturn
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.SATURN].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialSaturn
+ effect: shadowMapEffect
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/saturnmap.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessBasic
+ }
+ property Transform transformSaturn: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(saturn.x, saturn.y, saturn.z))
+ m.rotate(saturn.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(saturn.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(saturn.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ saturn, materialSaturn, transformSaturn ]
+ }
+ Entity {
+ id: saturnRingEntity
+ Ring {
+ id: saturnRing
+ innerRadius: saturnRingInnerRadius
+ outerRadius: saturnRingOuterRadius
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialSaturnRing
+ effect: shadowMapEffect
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthRing
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/saturnringcolortrans.png"
+ shininess: shininessBasic
+ opacity: 0.4
+ }
+ property Transform transformSaturnRing: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(saturn.x, saturn.y, saturn.z))
+ m.rotate(saturn.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(saturn.roll / 10, rollAxis)
+ m.scale((saturnRing.innerRadius + saturnRing.outerRadius) / 1.75)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ saturnRing, materialSaturnRing, transformSaturnRing ]
+ }
+ Entity {
+ id: uranusEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: uranus
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.URANUS].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialUranus
+ effect: shadowMapEffect
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/uranusmap.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessBasic
+ }
+ property Transform transformUranus: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(uranus.x, uranus.y, uranus.z))
+ m.rotate(uranus.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(uranus.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(uranus.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ uranus, materialUranus, transformUranus ]
+ }
+ Entity {
+ id: uranusRingEntity
+ Ring {
+ id: uranusRing
+ innerRadius: uranusRingInnerRadius
+ outerRadius: uranusRingOuterRadius
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialUranusRing
+ effect: shadowMapEffect
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthRing
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/nasa/uranusringcolortrans.png"
+ shininess: shininessBasic
+ opacity: 0.4
+ }
+ property Transform transformUranusRing: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(uranus.x, uranus.y, uranus.z))
+ m.rotate(uranus.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(uranus.roll / 10, rollAxis)
+ m.scale((uranusRing.innerRadius + uranusRing.outerRadius) / 1.75)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ uranusRing, materialUranusRing, transformUranusRing ]
+ }
+ Entity {
+ id: neptuneEntity
+ Planet {
+ id: neptune
+ tilt: planetData[Planets.NEPTUNE].tilt
+ }
+ PlanetMaterial {
+ id: materialNeptune
+ effect: effectD
+ ambientLight: ambientStrengthPlanet
+ specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+ diffuseMap: "qrc:/images/solarsystemscope/neptunemap.jpg"
+ shininess: shininessBasic
+ }
+ property Transform transformNeptune: Transform {
+ matrix: {
+ var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
+ m.translate(Qt.vector3d(neptune.x, neptune.y, neptune.z))
+ m.rotate(neptune.tilt, tiltAxis)
+ m.rotate(neptune.roll, rollAxis)
+ m.scale(neptune.r)
+ return m
+ }
+ }
+ components: [ neptune, materialNeptune, transformNeptune ]
+ }