path: root/src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp
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authorSamuel Rødal <>2011-07-07 10:51:52 +0200
committerSamuel Rødal <>2011-07-26 10:57:11 +0200
commit5842d19cf3dff37a85cbdb31ab5a170ceaf5c7fb (patch)
treeb87af2ff273085a80c491847db05aa50ca979f92 /src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp
parentd852e6164a4aaf8e235e97cba8f0e8e9b933987c (diff)
Fixed holes in border image drawing by introducing new API.
When rasterizing two adjacent QRectFs it's important that the shared x or y-edges have the exact same coordinates, or there might be a hole or an overlapping pixel when they are rasterized. Since the drawPixmapFragments API was based on a center position and a scale, it can not be used for this purpose, as the in the situation of two horizontally adjacent rectangles the right edge of the left-most rect and the left edge of the right-most edge are computed differently. Thus rounding errors can cause them to not be equal, especially when there's also a scaling / translating painter transform involved. Thus, to not sacrifice performance, we need to introduce a new drawPixmapFragments API that's simply takes an array of target rectangles and an array of source rectangles. It should give a slight performance boost for the border pixmap use case as well, since there are less floating point multiplications / divisions involved. Task-number: QTBUG-19079 Reviewed-by: Kim
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp
index 98294cb62d..1e98b05ba5 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qdrawutil.cpp
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ void qDrawItem(QPainter *p, Qt::GUIStyle gs,
according to the \a margins structure.
-typedef QVarLengthArray<QPainter::PixmapFragment, 16> QPixmapFragmentsArray;
+typedef QVarLengthArray<QRectF, 16> QRectFArray;
\since 4.6
@@ -1105,12 +1105,8 @@ void qDrawBorderPixmap(QPainter *painter, const QRect &targetRect, const QMargin
const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRect &sourceRect,const QMargins &sourceMargins,
const QTileRules &rules, QDrawBorderPixmap::DrawingHints hints)
- QPainter::PixmapFragment d;
- d.opacity = 1.0;
- d.rotation = 0.0;
- QPixmapFragmentsArray opaqueData;
- QPixmapFragmentsArray translucentData;
+ QRectFArray sourceData[2];
+ QRectFArray targetData[2];
// source center
const int sourceCenterTop = +;
@@ -1192,166 +1188,95 @@ void qDrawBorderPixmap(QPainter *painter, const QRect &targetRect, const QMargin
// corners
if ( > 0 && targetMargins.left() > 0 && > 0 && sourceMargins.left() > 0) { // top left
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[1] + xTarget[0]));
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[1] + yTarget[0]));
- d.sourceLeft = sourceRect.left();
- d.sourceTop =;
- d.width = sourceMargins.left();
- d.height =;
- d.scaleX = qreal(xTarget[1] - xTarget[0]) / d.width;
- d.scaleY = qreal(yTarget[1] - yTarget[0]) / d.height;
- if (hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueTopLeft)
- opaqueData.append(d);
- else
- translucentData.append(d);
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueTopLeft);
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(sourceRect.topLeft(), QSizeF(sourceMargins.left(),;
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[0], yTarget[0]), QPointF(xTarget[1], yTarget[1])));
if ( > 0 && targetMargins.right() > 0 && > 0 && sourceMargins.right() > 0) { // top right
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[columns] + xTarget[columns - 1]));
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[1] + yTarget[0]));
- d.sourceLeft = sourceCenterRight;
- d.sourceTop =;
- d.width = sourceMargins.right();
- d.height =;
- d.scaleX = qreal(xTarget[columns] - xTarget[columns - 1]) / d.width;
- d.scaleY = qreal(yTarget[1] - yTarget[0]) / d.height;
- if (hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueTopRight)
- opaqueData.append(d);
- else
- translucentData.append(d);
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueTopRight);
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterRight,, QSizeF(sourceMargins.right(),;
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[columns-1], yTarget[0]), QPointF(xTarget[columns], yTarget[1])));
if (targetMargins.bottom() > 0 && targetMargins.left() > 0 && sourceMargins.bottom() > 0 && sourceMargins.left() > 0) { // bottom left
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[1] + xTarget[0]));
- d.y =(0.5 * (yTarget[rows] + yTarget[rows - 1]));
- d.sourceLeft = sourceRect.left();
- d.sourceTop = sourceCenterBottom;
- d.width = sourceMargins.left();
- d.height = sourceMargins.bottom();
- d.scaleX = qreal(xTarget[1] - xTarget[0]) / d.width;
- d.scaleY = qreal(yTarget[rows] - yTarget[rows - 1]) / d.height;
- if (hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueBottomLeft)
- opaqueData.append(d);
- else
- translucentData.append(d);
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueBottomLeft);
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceRect.left(), sourceCenterBottom), QSizeF(sourceMargins.left(), sourceMargins.bottom())));
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[0], yTarget[rows - 1]), QPointF(xTarget[1], yTarget[rows])));
if (targetMargins.bottom() > 0 && targetMargins.right() > 0 && sourceMargins.bottom() > 0 && sourceMargins.right() > 0) { // bottom right
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[columns] + xTarget[columns - 1]));
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[rows] + yTarget[rows - 1]));
- d.sourceLeft = sourceCenterRight;
- d.sourceTop = sourceCenterBottom;
- d.width = sourceMargins.right();
- d.height = sourceMargins.bottom();
- d.scaleX = qreal(xTarget[columns] - xTarget[columns - 1]) / d.width;
- d.scaleY = qreal(yTarget[rows] - yTarget[rows - 1]) / d.height;
- if (hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueBottomRight)
- opaqueData.append(d);
- else
- translucentData.append(d);
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueBottomRight);
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterRight, sourceCenterBottom), QSizeF(sourceMargins.right(), sourceMargins.bottom())));
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[columns - 1], yTarget[rows - 1]), QPointF(xTarget[columns], yTarget[rows])));
// horizontal edges
if (targetCenterWidth > 0 && sourceCenterWidth > 0) {
if ( > 0 && > 0) { // top
- QPixmapFragmentsArray &data = hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueTop ? opaqueData : translucentData;
- d.sourceLeft = sourceCenterLeft;
- d.sourceTop =;
- d.width = sourceCenterWidth;
- d.height =;
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[1] + yTarget[0]));
- d.scaleX = dx / d.width;
- d.scaleY = qreal(yTarget[1] - yTarget[0]) / d.height;
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueTop);
for (int i = 1; i < columns - 1; ++i) {
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[i + 1] + xTarget[i]));
- data.append(d);
+ if (rules.horizontal == Qt::RepeatTile && i == columns - 2) {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterLeft,, QSizeF(xTarget[i + 1] - xTarget[i],;
+ } else {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterLeft,, QSizeF(sourceCenterWidth,;
+ }
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[i], yTarget[0]), QPointF(xTarget[i + 1], yTarget[1])));
- if (rules.horizontal == Qt::RepeatTile)
- data[data.size() - 1].width = ((xTarget[columns - 1] - xTarget[columns - 2]) / d.scaleX);
if (targetMargins.bottom() > 0 && sourceMargins.bottom() > 0) { // bottom
- QPixmapFragmentsArray &data = hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueBottom ? opaqueData : translucentData;
- d.sourceLeft = sourceCenterLeft;
- d.sourceTop = sourceCenterBottom;
- d.width = sourceCenterWidth;
- d.height = sourceMargins.bottom();
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[rows] + yTarget[rows - 1]));
- d.scaleX = dx / d.width;
- d.scaleY = qreal(yTarget[rows] - yTarget[rows - 1]) / d.height;
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueBottom);
for (int i = 1; i < columns - 1; ++i) {
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[i + 1] + xTarget[i]));
- data.append(d);
+ if (rules.horizontal == Qt::RepeatTile && i == columns - 2) {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterLeft, sourceCenterBottom), QSizeF(xTarget[i + 1] - xTarget[i], sourceMargins.bottom())));
+ } else {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterLeft, sourceCenterBottom), QSizeF(sourceCenterWidth, sourceMargins.bottom())));
+ }
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[i], yTarget[rows - 1]), QPointF(xTarget[i + 1], yTarget[rows])));
- if (rules.horizontal == Qt::RepeatTile)
- data[data.size() - 1].width = ((xTarget[columns - 1] - xTarget[columns - 2]) / d.scaleX);
// vertical edges
if (targetCenterHeight > 0 && sourceCenterHeight > 0) {
if (targetMargins.left() > 0 && sourceMargins.left() > 0) { // left
- QPixmapFragmentsArray &data = hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueLeft ? opaqueData : translucentData;
- d.sourceLeft = sourceRect.left();
- d.sourceTop = sourceCenterTop;
- d.width = sourceMargins.left();
- d.height = sourceCenterHeight;
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[1] + xTarget[0]));
- d.scaleX = qreal(xTarget[1] - xTarget[0]) / d.width;
- d.scaleY = dy / d.height;
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueLeft);
for (int i = 1; i < rows - 1; ++i) {
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[i + 1] + yTarget[i]));
- data.append(d);
+ if (rules.vertical == Qt::RepeatTile && i == rows - 2) {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceRect.left(), sourceCenterTop), QSizeF(sourceMargins.left(), yTarget[i + 1] - yTarget[i])));
+ } else {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceRect.left(), sourceCenterTop), QSizeF(sourceMargins.left(), sourceCenterHeight)));
+ }
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[0], yTarget[i]), QPointF(xTarget[1], yTarget[i + 1])));
- if (rules.vertical == Qt::RepeatTile)
- data[data.size() - 1].height = ((yTarget[rows - 1] - yTarget[rows - 2]) / d.scaleY);
if (targetMargins.right() > 0 && sourceMargins.right() > 0) { // right
- QPixmapFragmentsArray &data = hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueRight ? opaqueData : translucentData;
- d.sourceLeft = sourceCenterRight;
- d.sourceTop = sourceCenterTop;
- d.width = sourceMargins.right();
- d.height = sourceCenterHeight;
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[columns] + xTarget[columns - 1]));
- d.scaleX = qreal(xTarget[columns] - xTarget[columns - 1]) / d.width;
- d.scaleY = dy / d.height;
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueRight);
for (int i = 1; i < rows - 1; ++i) {
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[i + 1] + yTarget[i]));
- data.append(d);
+ if (rules.vertical == Qt::RepeatTile && i == rows - 2) {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterRight, sourceCenterTop), QSizeF(sourceMargins.right(), yTarget[i + 1] - yTarget[i])));
+ } else {
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterRight, sourceCenterTop), QSizeF(sourceMargins.right(), sourceCenterHeight)));
+ }
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[columns - 1], yTarget[i]), QPointF(xTarget[columns], yTarget[i + 1])));
- if (rules.vertical == Qt::RepeatTile)
- data[data.size() - 1].height = ((yTarget[rows - 1] - yTarget[rows - 2]) / d.scaleY);
// center
if (targetCenterWidth > 0 && targetCenterHeight > 0 && sourceCenterWidth > 0 && sourceCenterHeight > 0) {
- QPixmapFragmentsArray &data = hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueCenter ? opaqueData : translucentData;
- d.sourceLeft = sourceCenterLeft;
- d.sourceTop = sourceCenterTop;
- d.width = sourceCenterWidth;
- d.height = sourceCenterHeight;
- d.scaleX = dx / d.width;
- d.scaleY = dy / d.height;
- qreal repeatWidth = (xTarget[columns - 1] - xTarget[columns - 2]) / d.scaleX;
- qreal repeatHeight = (yTarget[rows - 1] - yTarget[rows - 2]) / d.scaleY;
+ int index = bool(hints & QDrawBorderPixmap::OpaqueCenter);
for (int j = 1; j < rows - 1; ++j) {
- d.y = (0.5 * (yTarget[j + 1] + yTarget[j]));
+ qreal sourceHeight = (rules.vertical == Qt::RepeatTile && j == rows - 2) ? yTarget[j + 1] - yTarget[j] : sourceCenterHeight;
for (int i = 1; i < columns - 1; ++i) {
- d.x = (0.5 * (xTarget[i + 1] + xTarget[i]));
- data.append(d);
+ qreal sourceWidth = (rules.horizontal == Qt::RepeatTile && i == columns - 2) ? xTarget[i + 1] - xTarget[i] : sourceCenterWidth;
+ sourceData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(sourceCenterLeft, sourceCenterTop), QSizeF(sourceWidth, sourceHeight)));
+ targetData[index].append(QRectF(QPointF(xTarget[i], yTarget[j]), QPointF(xTarget[i + 1], yTarget[j + 1])));
- if (rules.horizontal == Qt::RepeatTile)
- data[data.size() - 1].width = repeatWidth;
- }
- if (rules.vertical == Qt::RepeatTile) {
- for (int i = 1; i < columns - 1; ++i)
- data[data.size() - i].height = repeatHeight;
- if (opaqueData.size())
- painter->drawPixmapFragments(, opaqueData.size(), pixmap, QPainter::OpaqueHint);
- if (translucentData.size())
- painter->drawPixmapFragments(, translucentData.size(), pixmap);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ if (sourceData[i].size())
+ painter->drawPixmapFragments(targetData[i].data(), sourceData[i].data(), sourceData[i].size(), pixmap, i == 1 ? QPainter::OpaqueHint : QPainter::PixmapFragmentHint(0));
+ }
if (oldAA)
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);