diff options
authorBenoit Pierre <>2017-11-02 21:19:39 +0100
committerBenoit Pierre <>2017-11-26 13:19:48 +0100
commit118edbb2b715c96620b51018c1d28e81f2318053 (patch)
parentdce4750aed2d5b0a4ba677b0e308cd10dca2f6ee (diff)
easy_install: add support for installing from wheels
Note: wheels are installed as eggs, so each install is self-contained and multiple versions of the same package can be installed at the same time. Limitations: - headers are not supported - resulting egg metadata requirements have their markers stripped
7 files changed, 1003 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/setuptools/command/ b/setuptools/command/
index 71991efa..12e22310 100755
--- a/setuptools/command/
+++ b/setuptools/command/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ from setuptools.package_index import (
PackageIndex, parse_requirement_arg, URL_SCHEME,
from setuptools.command import bdist_egg, egg_info
+from setuptools.wheel import Wheel
from pkg_resources import (
yield_lines, normalize_path, resource_string, ensure_directory,
get_distribution, find_distributions, Environment, Requirement,
@@ -842,6 +843,8 @@ class easy_install(Command):
return [self.install_egg(dist_filename, tmpdir)]
elif dist_filename.lower().endswith('.exe'):
return [self.install_exe(dist_filename, tmpdir)]
+ elif dist_filename.lower().endswith('.whl'):
+ return [self.install_wheel(dist_filename, tmpdir)]
# Anything else, try to extract and build
setup_base = tmpdir
@@ -1038,6 +1041,35 @@ class easy_install(Command):
f.write('\n'.join(locals()[name]) + '\n')
+ def install_wheel(self, wheel_path, tmpdir):
+ wheel = Wheel(wheel_path)
+ assert wheel.is_compatible()
+ destination = os.path.join(self.install_dir, wheel.egg_name())
+ destination = os.path.abspath(destination)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ ensure_directory(destination)
+ if os.path.isdir(destination) and not os.path.islink(destination):
+ dir_util.remove_tree(destination, dry_run=self.dry_run)
+ elif os.path.exists(destination):
+ self.execute(
+ os.unlink,
+ (destination,),
+ "Removing " + destination,
+ )
+ try:
+ self.execute(
+ wheel.install_as_egg,
+ (destination,),
+ ("Installing %s to %s") % (
+ os.path.basename(wheel_path),
+ os.path.dirname(destination)
+ ),
+ )
+ finally:
+ update_dist_caches(destination, fix_zipimporter_caches=False)
+ self.add_output(destination)
+ return self.egg_distribution(destination)
__mv_warning = textwrap.dedent("""
Because this distribution was installed --multi-version, before you can
import modules from this package in an application, you will need to
diff --git a/setuptools/ b/setuptools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a134591c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# This file originally from pip:
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import ctypes
+import re
+import warnings
+def glibc_version_string():
+ "Returns glibc version string, or None if not using glibc."
+ # ctypes.CDLL(None) internally calls dlopen(NULL), and as the dlopen
+ # manpage says, "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the
+ # main program". This way we can let the linker do the work to figure out
+ # which libc our process is actually using.
+ process_namespace = ctypes.CDLL(None)
+ try:
+ gnu_get_libc_version = process_namespace.gnu_get_libc_version
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Symbol doesn't exist -> therefore, we are not linked to
+ # glibc.
+ return None
+ # Call gnu_get_libc_version, which returns a string like "2.5"
+ gnu_get_libc_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
+ version_str = gnu_get_libc_version()
+ # py2 / py3 compatibility:
+ if not isinstance(version_str, str):
+ version_str = version_str.decode("ascii")
+ return version_str
+# Separated out from have_compatible_glibc for easier unit testing
+def check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor):
+ # Parse string and check against requested version.
+ #
+ # We use a regexp instead of str.split because we want to discard any
+ # random junk that might come after the minor version -- this might happen
+ # in patched/forked versions of glibc (e.g. Linaro's version of glibc
+ # uses version strings like "2.20-2014.11"). See gh-3588.
+ m = re.match(r"(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)", version_str)
+ if not m:
+ warnings.warn("Expected glibc version with 2 components major.minor,"
+ " got: %s" % version_str, RuntimeWarning)
+ return False
+ return (int("major")) == required_major and
+ int("minor")) >= minimum_minor)
+def have_compatible_glibc(required_major, minimum_minor):
+ version_str = glibc_version_string()
+ if version_str is None:
+ return False
+ return check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor)
+# platform.libc_ver regularly returns completely nonsensical glibc
+# versions. E.g. on my computer, platform says:
+# ~$ python2.7 -c 'import platform; print(platform.libc_ver())'
+# ('glibc', '2.7')
+# ~$ python3.5 -c 'import platform; print(platform.libc_ver())'
+# ('glibc', '2.9')
+# But the truth is:
+# ~$ ldd --version
+# ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.22-11) 2.22
+# This is unfortunate, because it means that the linehaul data on libc
+# versions that was generated by pip 8.1.2 and earlier is useless and
+# misleading. Solution: instead of using platform, use our code that actually
+# works.
+def libc_ver():
+ """Try to determine the glibc version
+ Returns a tuple of strings (lib, version) which default to empty strings
+ in case the lookup fails.
+ """
+ glibc_version = glibc_version_string()
+ if glibc_version is None:
+ return ("", "")
+ else:
+ return ("glibc", glibc_version)
diff --git a/setuptools/ b/setuptools/
index fe2ef50f..ad743307 100755
--- a/setuptools/
+++ b/setuptools/
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ import setuptools
from pkg_resources import (
CHECKOUT_DIST, Distribution, BINARY_DIST, normalize_path, SOURCE_DIST,
Environment, find_distributions, safe_name, safe_version,
- to_filename, Requirement, DEVELOP_DIST,
+ to_filename, Requirement, DEVELOP_DIST, EGG_DIST,
from setuptools import ssl_support
from distutils import log
from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
from fnmatch import translate
from setuptools.py27compat import get_all_headers
+from setuptools.wheel import Wheel
EGG_FRAGMENT = re.compile(r'^egg=([-A-Za-z0-9_.+!]+)$')
HREF = re.compile("""href\\s*=\\s*['"]?([^'"> ]+)""", re.I)
@@ -115,6 +116,17 @@ def distros_for_location(location, basename, metadata=None):
if basename.endswith('.egg') and '-' in basename:
# only one, unambiguous interpretation
return [Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata)]
+ if basename.endswith('.whl') and '-' in basename:
+ wheel = Wheel(basename)
+ if not wheel.is_compatible():
+ return []
+ return [Distribution(
+ location=location,
+ project_name=wheel.project_name,
+ version=wheel.version,
+ # Increase priority over eggs.
+ precedence=EGG_DIST + 1,
+ )]
if basename.endswith('.exe'):
win_base, py_ver, platform = parse_bdist_wininst(basename)
if win_base is not None:
diff --git a/setuptools/ b/setuptools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfe55d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# This file originally from pip:
+"""Generate and work with PEP 425 Compatibility Tags."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import distutils.util
+import platform
+import re
+import sys
+import sysconfig
+import warnings
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from . import glibc
+_osx_arch_pat = re.compile(r'(.+)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(.+)')
+def get_config_var(var):
+ try:
+ return sysconfig.get_config_var(var)
+ except IOError as e: # Issue #1074
+ warnings.warn("{}".format(e), RuntimeWarning)
+ return None
+def get_abbr_impl():
+ """Return abbreviated implementation name."""
+ if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'):
+ pyimpl = 'pp'
+ elif sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+ pyimpl = 'jy'
+ elif sys.platform == 'cli':
+ pyimpl = 'ip'
+ else:
+ pyimpl = 'cp'
+ return pyimpl
+def get_impl_ver():
+ """Return implementation version."""
+ impl_ver = get_config_var("py_version_nodot")
+ if not impl_ver or get_abbr_impl() == 'pp':
+ impl_ver = ''.join(map(str, get_impl_version_info()))
+ return impl_ver
+def get_impl_version_info():
+ """Return sys.version_info-like tuple for use in decrementing the minor
+ version."""
+ if get_abbr_impl() == 'pp':
+ # as per
+ return (sys.version_info[0], sys.pypy_version_info.major,
+ sys.pypy_version_info.minor)
+ else:
+ return sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]
+def get_impl_tag():
+ """
+ Returns the Tag for this specific implementation.
+ """
+ return "{}{}".format(get_abbr_impl(), get_impl_ver())
+def get_flag(var, fallback, expected=True, warn=True):
+ """Use a fallback method for determining SOABI flags if the needed config
+ var is unset or unavailable."""
+ val = get_config_var(var)
+ if val is None:
+ if warn:
+ warnings.warn("Config variable '{0}' is unset, Python ABI tag may "
+ "be incorrect".format(var), RuntimeWarning, 2)
+ return fallback()
+ return val == expected
+def get_abi_tag():
+ """Return the ABI tag based on SOABI (if available) or emulate SOABI
+ (CPython 2, PyPy)."""
+ soabi = get_config_var('SOABI')
+ impl = get_abbr_impl()
+ if not soabi and impl in {'cp', 'pp'} and hasattr(sys, 'maxunicode'):
+ d = ''
+ m = ''
+ u = ''
+ if get_flag('Py_DEBUG',
+ lambda: hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'),
+ warn=(impl == 'cp')):
+ d = 'd'
+ if get_flag('WITH_PYMALLOC',
+ lambda: impl == 'cp',
+ warn=(impl == 'cp')):
+ m = 'm'
+ if get_flag('Py_UNICODE_SIZE',
+ lambda: sys.maxunicode == 0x10ffff,
+ expected=4,
+ warn=(impl == 'cp' and
+ sys.version_info < (3, 3))) \
+ and sys.version_info < (3, 3):
+ u = 'u'
+ abi = '%s%s%s%s%s' % (impl, get_impl_ver(), d, m, u)
+ elif soabi and soabi.startswith('cpython-'):
+ abi = 'cp' + soabi.split('-')[1]
+ elif soabi:
+ abi = soabi.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
+ else:
+ abi = None
+ return abi
+def _is_running_32bit():
+ return sys.maxsize == 2147483647
+def get_platform():
+ """Return our platform name 'win32', 'linux_x86_64'"""
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # distutils.util.get_platform() returns the release based on the value
+ # of MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET on which Python was built, which may
+ # be significantly older than the user's current machine.
+ release, _, machine = platform.mac_ver()
+ split_ver = release.split('.')
+ if machine == "x86_64" and _is_running_32bit():
+ machine = "i386"
+ elif machine == "ppc64" and _is_running_32bit():
+ machine = "ppc"
+ return 'macosx_{}_{}_{}'.format(split_ver[0], split_ver[1], machine)
+ # XXX remove distutils dependency
+ result = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
+ if result == "linux_x86_64" and _is_running_32bit():
+ # 32 bit Python program (running on a 64 bit Linux): pip should only
+ # install and run 32 bit compiled extensions in that case.
+ result = "linux_i686"
+ return result
+def is_manylinux1_compatible():
+ # Only Linux, and only x86-64 / i686
+ if get_platform() not in {"linux_x86_64", "linux_i686"}:
+ return False
+ # Check for presence of _manylinux module
+ try:
+ import _manylinux
+ return bool(_manylinux.manylinux1_compatible)
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ # Fall through to heuristic check below
+ pass
+ # Check glibc version. CentOS 5 uses glibc 2.5.
+ return glibc.have_compatible_glibc(2, 5)
+def get_darwin_arches(major, minor, machine):
+ """Return a list of supported arches (including group arches) for
+ the given major, minor and machine architecture of an macOS machine.
+ """
+ arches = []
+ def _supports_arch(major, minor, arch):
+ # Looking at the application support for macOS versions in the chart
+ # provided by it appears
+ # our timeline looks roughly like:
+ #
+ # 10.0 - Introduces ppc support.
+ # 10.4 - Introduces ppc64, i386, and x86_64 support, however the ppc64
+ # and x86_64 support is CLI only, and cannot be used for GUI
+ # applications.
+ # 10.5 - Extends ppc64 and x86_64 support to cover GUI applications.
+ # 10.6 - Drops support for ppc64
+ # 10.7 - Drops support for ppc
+ #
+ # Given that we do not know if we're installing a CLI or a GUI
+ # application, we must be conservative and assume it might be a GUI
+ # application and behave as if ppc64 and x86_64 support did not occur
+ # until 10.5.
+ #
+ # Note: The above information is taken from the "Application support"
+ # column in the chart not the "Processor support" since I believe
+ # that we care about what instruction sets an application can use
+ # not which processors the OS supports.
+ if arch == 'ppc':
+ return (major, minor) <= (10, 5)
+ if arch == 'ppc64':
+ return (major, minor) == (10, 5)
+ if arch == 'i386':
+ return (major, minor) >= (10, 4)
+ if arch == 'x86_64':
+ return (major, minor) >= (10, 5)
+ if arch in groups:
+ for garch in groups[arch]:
+ if _supports_arch(major, minor, garch):
+ return True
+ return False
+ groups = OrderedDict([
+ ("fat", ("i386", "ppc")),
+ ("intel", ("x86_64", "i386")),
+ ("fat64", ("x86_64", "ppc64")),
+ ("fat32", ("x86_64", "i386", "ppc")),
+ ])
+ if _supports_arch(major, minor, machine):
+ arches.append(machine)
+ for garch in groups:
+ if machine in groups[garch] and _supports_arch(major, minor, garch):
+ arches.append(garch)
+ arches.append('universal')
+ return arches
+def get_supported(versions=None, noarch=False, platform=None,
+ impl=None, abi=None):
+ """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in
+ `versions`.
+ :param versions: a list of string versions, of the form ["33", "32"],
+ or None. The first version will be assumed to support our ABI.
+ :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid
+ tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform.
+ :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid
+ tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl.
+ :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid
+ tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi.
+ """
+ supported = []
+ # Versions must be given with respect to the preference
+ if versions is None:
+ versions = []
+ version_info = get_impl_version_info()
+ major = version_info[:-1]
+ # Support all previous minor Python versions.
+ for minor in range(version_info[-1], -1, -1):
+ versions.append(''.join(map(str, major + (minor,))))
+ impl = impl or get_abbr_impl()
+ abis = []
+ abi = abi or get_abi_tag()
+ if abi:
+ abis[0:0] = [abi]
+ abi3s = set()
+ import imp
+ for suffix in imp.get_suffixes():
+ if suffix[0].startswith('.abi'):
+ abi3s.add(suffix[0].split('.', 2)[1])
+ abis.extend(sorted(list(abi3s)))
+ abis.append('none')
+ if not noarch:
+ arch = platform or get_platform()
+ if arch.startswith('macosx'):
+ # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64
+ match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch)
+ if match:
+ name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups()
+ tpl = '{}_{}_%i_%s'.format(name, major)
+ arches = []
+ for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)):
+ for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch):
+ arches.append(tpl % (m, a))
+ else:
+ # arch pattern didn't match (?!)
+ arches = [arch]
+ elif platform is None and is_manylinux1_compatible():
+ arches = [arch.replace('linux', 'manylinux1'), arch]
+ else:
+ arches = [arch]
+ # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python):
+ for abi in abis:
+ for arch in arches:
+ supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch))
+ # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python
+ for version in versions[1:]:
+ # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2
+ if version in {'31', '30'}:
+ break
+ for abi in abi3s: # empty set if not Python 3
+ for arch in arches:
+ supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch))
+ # Has binaries, does not use the Python API:
+ for arch in arches:
+ supported.append(('py%s' % (versions[0][0]), 'none', arch))
+ # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation:
+ supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), 'none', 'any'))
+ # Tagged specifically as being cross-version compatible
+ # (with just the major version specified)
+ supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0][0]), 'none', 'any'))
+ # No abi / arch, generic Python
+ for i, version in enumerate(versions):
+ supported.append(('py%s' % (version,), 'none', 'any'))
+ if i == 0:
+ supported.append(('py%s' % (version[0]), 'none', 'any'))
+ return supported
+implementation_tag = get_impl_tag()
diff --git a/setuptools/tests/ b/setuptools/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0c16c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+"""wheel tests
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var
+from distutils.util import get_platform
+import contextlib
+import glob
+import inspect
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import pytest
+from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata, PY_MAJOR
+from setuptools.wheel import Wheel
+from .contexts import tempdir
+from .files import build_files
+from .textwrap import DALS
+ ('invalid.whl', ValueError),
+ ('simplewheel-2.0-1-py2.py3-none-any.whl', {
+ 'project_name': 'simplewheel',
+ 'version': '2.0',
+ 'build': '1',
+ 'py_version': 'py2.py3',
+ 'abi': 'none',
+ 'platform': 'any',
+ }),
+ ('simple.dist-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl', {
+ 'project_name': 'simple.dist',
+ 'version': '0.1',
+ 'build': None,
+ 'py_version': 'py2.py3',
+ 'abi': 'none',
+ 'platform': 'any',
+ }),
+ ('example_pkg_a-1-py3-none-any.whl', {
+ 'project_name': 'example_pkg_a',
+ 'version': '1',
+ 'build': None,
+ 'py_version': 'py3',
+ 'abi': 'none',
+ 'platform': 'any',
+ }),
+ ('PyQt5-5.9-5.9.1-cp35.cp36.cp37-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl', {
+ 'project_name': 'PyQt5',
+ 'version': '5.9',
+ 'build': '5.9.1',
+ 'py_version': 'cp35.cp36.cp37',
+ 'abi': 'abi3',
+ 'platform': 'manylinux1_x86_64',
+ }),
+ ('filename', 'info'), WHEEL_INFO_TESTS,
+ ids=[t[0] for t in WHEEL_INFO_TESTS]
+def test_wheel_info(filename, info):
+ if inspect.isclass(info):
+ with pytest.raises(info):
+ Wheel(filename)
+ return
+ w = Wheel(filename)
+ assert {k: getattr(w, k) for k in info.keys()} == info
+def build_wheel(extra_file_defs=None, **kwargs):
+ file_defs = {
+ '': DALS(
+ '''
+ from setuptools import setup
+ import setuptools
+ setup(**%r)
+ '''
+ ) % kwargs,
+ }
+ if extra_file_defs:
+ file_defs.update(extra_file_defs)
+ with tempdir() as source_dir:
+ build_files(file_defs, source_dir)
+ subprocess.check_call((sys.executable, '',
+ '-q', 'bdist_wheel'), cwd=source_dir)
+ yield glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, 'dist', '*.whl'))[0]
+def tree(root):
+ def depth(path):
+ return len(path.split(os.path.sep))
+ def prefix(path_depth):
+ if not path_depth:
+ return ''
+ return '| ' * (path_depth - 1) + '|-- '
+ lines = []
+ root_depth = depth(root)
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
+ dirnames.sort()
+ filenames.sort()
+ dir_depth = depth(dirpath) - root_depth
+ if dir_depth > 0:
+ lines.append('%s%s/' % (prefix(dir_depth - 1),
+ os.path.basename(dirpath)))
+ for f in filenames:
+ lines.append('%s%s' % (prefix(dir_depth), f))
+ return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
+def _check_wheel_install(filename, install_dir, install_tree,
+ project_name, version, requires_txt):
+ w = Wheel(filename)
+ egg_path = os.path.join(install_dir, w.egg_name())
+ w.install_as_egg(egg_path)
+ if install_tree is not None:
+ install_tree = install_tree.format(
+ py_version=PY_MAJOR,
+ platform=get_platform(),
+ shlib_ext=get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') or get_config_var('SO')
+ )
+ assert install_tree == tree(install_dir)
+ metadata = PathMetadata(egg_path, os.path.join(egg_path, 'EGG-INFO'))
+ dist = Distribution.from_filename(egg_path, metadata=metadata)
+ assert dist.project_name == project_name
+ assert dist.version == version
+ if requires_txt is None:
+ assert not dist.has_metadata('requires.txt')
+ else:
+ assert requires_txt == dist.get_metadata('requires.txt').lstrip()
+class Record(object):
+ def __init__(self, id, **kwargs):
+ self._id = id
+ self._fields = kwargs
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '%s(**%r)' % (self._id, self._fields)
+ dict(
+ id='basic',
+ file_defs={
+ 'foo': {
+ '': ''
+ }
+ },
+ setup_kwargs=dict(
+ packages=['foo'],
+ ),
+ install_tree=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo-1.0-py{py_version}.egg/
+ |-- EGG-INFO/
+ | |-- DESCRIPTION.rst
+ | |-- PKG-INFO
+ | |-- RECORD
+ | |-- WHEEL
+ | |-- metadata.json
+ | |-- top_level.txt
+ |-- foo/
+ | |--
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='data',
+ file_defs={
+ 'data.txt': DALS(
+ '''
+ Some data...
+ '''
+ ),
+ },
+ setup_kwargs=dict(
+ data_files=[('data_dir', ['data.txt'])],
+ ),
+ install_tree=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo-1.0-py{py_version}.egg/
+ |-- EGG-INFO/
+ | |-- DESCRIPTION.rst
+ | |-- PKG-INFO
+ | |-- RECORD
+ | |-- WHEEL
+ | |-- metadata.json
+ | |-- top_level.txt
+ |-- data_dir/
+ | |-- data.txt
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='extension',
+ file_defs={
+ 'extension.c': DALS(
+ '''
+ #include "Python.h"
+ static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
+ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+ "extension",
+ 0,
+ };
+ #define INITERROR return NULL
+ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_extension(void)
+ #else
+ #define INITERROR return
+ void initextension(void)
+ #endif
+ {
+ PyObject *module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
+ #else
+ PyObject *module = Py_InitModule("extension", NULL);
+ #endif
+ if (module == NULL)
+ return module;
+ #endif
+ }
+ '''
+ ),
+ },
+ setup_kwargs=dict(
+ ext_modules=[
+ Record('setuptools.Extension',
+ name='extension',
+ sources=['extension.c'])
+ ],
+ ),
+ install_tree=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo-1.0-py{py_version}-{platform}.egg/
+ |-- extension{shlib_ext}
+ |-- EGG-INFO/
+ | |-- DESCRIPTION.rst
+ | |-- PKG-INFO
+ | |-- RECORD
+ | |-- WHEEL
+ | |-- metadata.json
+ | |-- top_level.txt
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='header',
+ file_defs={
+ 'header.h': DALS(
+ '''
+ '''
+ ),
+ },
+ setup_kwargs=dict(
+ headers=['header.h'],
+ ),
+ install_tree=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo-1.0-py{py_version}.egg/
+ |-- header.h
+ |-- EGG-INFO/
+ | |-- DESCRIPTION.rst
+ | |-- PKG-INFO
+ | |-- RECORD
+ | |-- WHEEL
+ | |-- metadata.json
+ | |-- top_level.txt
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='script',
+ file_defs={
+ '': DALS(
+ '''
+ #/usr/bin/python
+ print('hello world!')
+ '''
+ ),
+ '': DALS(
+ '''
+ #/bin/sh
+ echo 'hello world!'
+ '''
+ ),
+ },
+ setup_kwargs=dict(
+ scripts=['', ''],
+ ),
+ install_tree=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo-1.0-py{py_version}.egg/
+ |-- EGG-INFO/
+ | |-- DESCRIPTION.rst
+ | |-- PKG-INFO
+ | |-- RECORD
+ | |-- WHEEL
+ | |-- metadata.json
+ | |-- top_level.txt
+ | |-- scripts/
+ | | |--
+ | | |--
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='requires1',
+ install_requires='foobar==2.0',
+ install_tree=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo-1.0-py{py_version}.egg/
+ |-- EGG-INFO/
+ | |-- DESCRIPTION.rst
+ | |-- PKG-INFO
+ | |-- RECORD
+ | |-- WHEEL
+ | |-- metadata.json
+ | |-- requires.txt
+ | |-- top_level.txt
+ '''),
+ requires_txt=DALS(
+ '''
+ foobar==2.0
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='requires2',
+ install_requires='''
+ bar
+ foo<=2.0; %r in sys_platform
+ ''' % sys.platform,
+ requires_txt=DALS(
+ '''
+ bar
+ foo<=2.0
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='requires3',
+ install_requires='''
+ bar; %r != sys_platform
+ ''' % sys.platform,
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='requires4',
+ install_requires='''
+ foo
+ ''',
+ extras_require={
+ 'extra': 'foobar>3',
+ },
+ requires_txt=DALS(
+ '''
+ foo
+ [extra]
+ foobar>3
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ dict(
+ id='requires5',
+ extras_require={
+ 'extra': 'foobar; %r != sys_platform' % sys.platform,
+ },
+ requires_txt=DALS(
+ '''
+ [extra]
+ '''
+ ),
+ ),
+ ids=list(params['id'] for params in WHEEL_INSTALL_TESTS),
+def test_wheel_install(params):
+ project_name = params.get('name', 'foo')
+ version = params.get('version', '1.0')
+ install_requires = params.get('install_requires', [])
+ extras_require = params.get('extras_require', {})
+ requires_txt = params.get('requires_txt', None)
+ install_tree = params.get('install_tree')
+ file_defs = params.get('file_defs', {})
+ setup_kwargs = params.get('setup_kwargs', {})
+ with build_wheel(
+ name=project_name,
+ version=version,
+ install_requires=install_requires,
+ extras_require=extras_require,
+ extra_file_defs=file_defs,
+ **setup_kwargs
+ ) as filename, tempdir() as install_dir:
+ _check_wheel_install(filename, install_dir,
+ install_tree, project_name,
+ version, requires_txt)
diff --git a/setuptools/ b/setuptools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e3df77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setuptools/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+'''Wheels support.'''
+from distutils.util import get_platform
+import email
+import itertools
+import os
+import re
+import zipfile
+from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata, parse_version
+from setuptools import Distribution as SetuptoolsDistribution
+from setuptools import pep425tags
+from setuptools.command.egg_info import write_requirements
+WHEEL_NAME = re.compile(
+ r"""^(?P<project_name>.+?)-(?P<version>\d.*?)
+ ((-(?P<build>\d.*?))?-(?P<py_version>.+?)-(?P<abi>.+?)-(?P<platform>.+?)
+ )\.whl$""",
+class Wheel(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ match = WHEEL_NAME(os.path.basename(filename))
+ if match is None:
+ raise ValueError('invalid wheel name: %r' % filename)
+ self.filename = filename
+ for k, v in match.groupdict().items():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ def tags(self):
+ '''List tags (py_version, abi, platform) supported by this wheel.'''
+ return itertools.product(self.py_version.split('.'),
+ self.abi.split('.'),
+ self.platform.split('.'))
+ def is_compatible(self):
+ '''Is the wheel is compatible with the current platform?'''
+ supported_tags = pep425tags.get_supported()
+ return next((True for t in self.tags() if t in supported_tags), False)
+ def egg_name(self):
+ return Distribution(
+ project_name=self.project_name, version=self.version,
+ platform=(None if self.platform == 'any' else get_platform()),
+ ).egg_name() + '.egg'
+ def install_as_egg(self, destination_eggdir):
+ '''Install wheel as an egg directory.'''
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(self.filename) as zf:
+ dist_basename = '%s-%s' % (self.project_name, self.version)
+ dist_info = '%s.dist-info' % dist_basename
+ dist_data = '' % dist_basename
+ def get_metadata(name):
+ with'%s/%s' % (dist_info, name)) as fp:
+ value ='utf-8')
+ return email.parser.Parser().parsestr(value)
+ wheel_metadata = get_metadata('WHEEL')
+ dist_metadata = get_metadata('METADATA')
+ # Check wheel format version is supported.
+ wheel_version = parse_version(wheel_metadata.get('Wheel-Version'))
+ if not parse_version('1.0') <= wheel_version < parse_version('2.0dev0'):
+ raise ValueError('unsupported wheel format version: %s' % wheel_version)
+ # Extract to target directory.
+ os.mkdir(destination_eggdir)
+ zf.extractall(destination_eggdir)
+ # Convert metadata.
+ dist_info = os.path.join(destination_eggdir, dist_info)
+ dist = Distribution.from_location(
+ destination_eggdir, dist_info,
+ metadata=PathMetadata(destination_eggdir, dist_info)
+ )
+ # Note: we need to evaluate and strip markers now,
+ # as we can't easily convert back from the syntax:
+ # foobar; "linux" in sys_platform and extra == 'test'
+ def raw_req(req):
+ req.marker = None
+ return str(req)
+ install_requires = list(sorted(map(raw_req, dist.requires())))
+ extras_require = {
+ extra: list(sorted(
+ req
+ for req in map(raw_req, dist.requires((extra,)))
+ if req not in install_requires
+ ))
+ for extra in dist.extras
+ }
+ egg_info = os.path.join(destination_eggdir, 'EGG-INFO')
+ os.rename(dist_info, egg_info)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(egg_info, 'METADATA'),
+ os.path.join(egg_info, 'PKG-INFO'))
+ setup_dist = SetuptoolsDistribution(attrs=dict(
+ install_requires=install_requires,
+ extras_require=extras_require,
+ ))
+ write_requirements(setup_dist.get_command_obj('egg_info'),
+ None, os.path.join(egg_info, 'requires.txt'))
+ # Move data entries to their correct location.
+ dist_data = os.path.join(destination_eggdir, dist_data)
+ dist_data_scripts = os.path.join(dist_data, 'scripts')
+ if os.path.exists(dist_data_scripts):
+ egg_info_scripts = os.path.join(destination_eggdir,
+ 'EGG-INFO', 'scripts')
+ os.mkdir(egg_info_scripts)
+ for entry in os.listdir(dist_data_scripts):
+ # Remove bytecode, as it's not properly handled
+ # during easy_install scripts install phase.
+ if entry.endswith('.pyc'):
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(dist_data_scripts, entry))
+ else:
+ os.rename(os.path.join(dist_data_scripts, entry),
+ os.path.join(egg_info_scripts, entry))
+ os.rmdir(dist_data_scripts)
+ for subdir in filter(os.path.exists, (
+ os.path.join(dist_data, d)
+ for d in ('data', 'headers', 'purelib', 'platlib')
+ )):
+ for entry in os.listdir(subdir):
+ os.rename(os.path.join(subdir, entry),
+ os.path.join(destination_eggdir, entry))
+ os.rmdir(subdir)
+ if os.path.exists(dist_data):
+ os.rmdir(dist_data)
diff --git a/tests/requirements.txt b/tests/requirements.txt
index 4761505f..38b69247 100644
--- a/tests/requirements.txt
+++ b/tests/requirements.txt
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ pytest-flake8; python_version>="2.7"