path: root/src/zope/tal/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/zope/tal/tests/')
1 files changed, 1021 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/zope/tal/tests/ b/src/zope/tal/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb53f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zope/tal/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Tests for the HTMLTALParser code generator.
+import pprint
+import sys
+import unittest
+from zope.tal import htmltalparser, taldefs
+from zope.tal.tests import utils
+class TestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):
+ prologue = ""
+ epilogue = ""
+ initial_program = [('version', taldefs.TAL_VERSION), ('mode', 'html')]
+ final_program = []
+ def _merge(self, p1, p2):
+ if p1 and p2:
+ op1, args1 = p1[-1]
+ op2, args2 = p2[0]
+ if op1.startswith('rawtext') and op2.startswith('rawtext'):
+ return (p1[:-1]
+ + [rawtext(args1[0] + args2[0])]
+ + p2[1:])
+ return p1+p2
+ def _run_check(self, source, program, macros={}):
+ parser = htmltalparser.HTMLTALParser()
+ parser.parseString(self.prologue + source + self.epilogue)
+ got_program, got_macros = parser.getCode()
+ program = self._merge(self.initial_program, program)
+ program = self._merge(program, self.final_program)
+ self.assert_(got_program == program,
+ "Program:\n" + pprint.pformat(got_program)
+ + "\nExpected:\n" + pprint.pformat(program))
+ self.assert_(got_macros == macros,
+ "Macros:\n" + pprint.pformat(got_macros)
+ + "\nExpected:\n" + pprint.pformat(macros))
+ def _should_error(self, source, exc=taldefs.TALError):
+ def parse(self=self, source=source):
+ parser = htmltalparser.HTMLTALParser()
+ parser.parseString(self.prologue + source + self.epilogue)
+ self.assertRaises(exc, parse)
+def rawtext(s):
+ """Compile raw text to the appropriate instruction."""
+ if "\n" in s:
+ return ("rawtextColumn", (s, len(s) - (s.rfind("\n") + 1)))
+ else:
+ return ("rawtextOffset", (s, len(s)))
+class HTMLTALParserTestCases(TestCaseBase):
+ def test_code_simple_identity(self):
+ self._run_check("""<html a='b' b="c" c=d><title>My Title</html>""", [
+ rawtext('<html a="b" b="c" c="d">'
+ '<title>My Title</title></html>'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_implied_list_closings(self):
+ self._run_check("""<ul><li><p><p><li></ul>""", [
+ rawtext('<ul><li><p></p><p></p></li><li></li></ul>'),
+ ])
+ self._run_check("""<dl><dt><dt><dd><dd><ol><li><li></ol></dl>""", [
+ rawtext('<dl><dt></dt><dt></dt><dd></dd>'
+ '<dd><ol><li></li><li></li></ol></dd></dl>'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_implied_table_closings(self):
+ self._run_check("""<p>text <table><tr><th>head\t<tr><td>cell\t"""
+ """<table><tr><td>cell \n \t \n<tr>""", [
+ rawtext('<p>text</p> <table><tr><th>head</th>'
+ '</tr>\t<tr><td>cell\t<table><tr><td>cell</td>'
+ '</tr> \n \t \n<tr></tr></table></td></tr></table>'),
+ ])
+ self._run_check("""<table><tr><td>cell """
+ """<table><tr><td>cell </table></table>""", [
+ rawtext('<table><tr><td>cell <table><tr><td>cell</td></tr>'
+ ' </table></td></tr></table>'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_bad_nesting(self):
+ def check(self=self):
+ self._run_check("<a><b></a></b>", [])
+ self.assertRaises(htmltalparser.NestingError, check)
+ def test_code_attr_syntax(self):
+ output = [
+ rawtext('<a b="v" c="v" d="v" e></a>'),
+ ]
+ self._run_check("""<a b='v' c="v" d=v e>""", output)
+ self._run_check("""<a b = 'v' c = "v" d = v e>""", output)
+ self._run_check("""<a\nb\n=\n'v'\nc\n=\n"v"\nd\n=\nv\ne>""", output)
+ self._run_check("""<a\tb\t=\t'v'\tc\t=\t"v"\td\t=\tv\te>""", output)
+ def test_code_attr_values(self):
+ self._run_check(
+ """<a b='xxx\n\txxx' c="yyy\t\nyyy" d='\txyz\n'>""", [
+ rawtext('<a b="xxx\n\txxx" c="yyy\t\nyyy" d="\txyz\n"></a>')])
+ self._run_check("""<a b='' c="">""", [
+ rawtext('<a b="" c=""></a>'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_attr_entity_replacement(self):
+ # we expect entities *not* to be replaced by HTLMParser!
+ self._run_check("""<a b='&amp;&gt;&lt;&quot;&apos;'>""", [
+ rawtext('<a b="&amp;&gt;&lt;&quot;\'"></a>'),
+ ])
+ self._run_check("""<a b='\"'>""", [
+ rawtext('<a b="&quot;"></a>'),
+ ])
+ self._run_check("""<a b='&'>""", [
+ rawtext('<a b="&amp;"></a>'),
+ ])
+ self._run_check("""<a b='<'>""", [
+ rawtext('<a b="&lt;"></a>'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_attr_funky_names(self):
+ self._run_check("""<a a.b='v' c:d=v e-f=v>""", [
+ rawtext('<a a.b="v" c:d="v" e-f="v"></a>'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_pcdata_entityref(self):
+ self._run_check("""&nbsp;""", [
+ rawtext('&nbsp;'),
+ ])
+ def test_code_short_endtags(self):
+ self._run_check("""<html><img/></html>""", [
+ rawtext('<html><img /></html>'),
+ ])
+class METALGeneratorTestCases(TestCaseBase):
+ def test_null(self):
+ self._run_check("", [])
+ def test_define_macro(self):
+ macro = self.initial_program + [
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('metal:define-macro', 'M', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('booh</p>'),
+ ]
+ program = [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('defineMacro', ('M', macro)),
+ ]
+ macros = {'M': macro}
+ self._run_check('<p metal:define-macro="M">booh</p>', program, macros)
+ def test_use_macro(self):
+ self._run_check('<p metal:use-macro="M">booh</p>', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('useMacro',
+ ('M', '$M$', {},
+ [('startTag', ('p', [('metal:use-macro', 'M', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('booh</p>')])),
+ ])
+ def test_define_slot(self):
+ macro = self.initial_program + [
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('metal:define-macro', 'M', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('foo'),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 29)),
+ ('defineSlot', ('S',
+ [('startTag', ('span', [('metal:define-slot', 'S', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('spam</span>')])),
+ rawtext('bar</p>'),
+ ]
+ program = [('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('defineMacro', ('M', macro))]
+ macros = {'M': macro}
+ self._run_check('<p metal:define-macro="M">foo'
+ '<span metal:define-slot="S">spam</span>bar</p>',
+ program, macros)
+ def test_fill_slot(self):
+ self._run_check('<p metal:use-macro="M">foo'
+ '<span metal:fill-slot="S">spam</span>bar</p>', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('useMacro',
+ ('M', '$M$',
+ {'S': [('startTag', ('span',
+ [('metal:fill-slot', 'S', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('spam</span>')]},
+ [('startTag', ('p', [('metal:use-macro', 'M', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('foo'),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 26)),
+ ('fillSlot', ('S',
+ [('startTag', ('span', [('metal:fill-slot', 'S', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('spam</span>')])),
+ rawtext('bar</p>')])),
+ ])
+class TALGeneratorTestCases(TestCaseBase):
+ def test_null(self):
+ self._run_check("", [])
+ def test_define_1(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:define='xyzzy string:spam'></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:define': 'xyzzy string:spam'}),
+ ('setLocal', ('xyzzy', '$string:spam$')),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('tal:define', 'xyzzy string:spam', 'tal')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_define_2(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:define='local xyzzy string:spam'></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:define': 'local xyzzy string:spam'}),
+ ('setLocal', ('xyzzy', '$string:spam$')),
+ ('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:define', 'local xyzzy string:spam', 'tal')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_define_3(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:define='global xyzzy string:spam'></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:define': 'global xyzzy string:spam'}),
+ ('setGlobal', ('xyzzy', '$string:spam$')),
+ ('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:define', 'global xyzzy string:spam', 'tal')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_define_4(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:define='x string:spam; y x'></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:define': 'x string:spam; y x'}),
+ ('setLocal', ('x', '$string:spam$')),
+ ('setLocal', ('y', '$x$')),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('tal:define', 'x string:spam; y x', 'tal')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_define_5(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:define='x string:;;;;; y x'></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:define': 'x string:;;;;; y x'}),
+ ('setLocal', ('x', '$string:;;$')),
+ ('setLocal', ('y', '$x$')),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('tal:define', 'x string:;;;;; y x', 'tal')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_define_6(self):
+ self._run_check(
+ "<p tal:define='x string:spam; global y x; local z y'></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:define': 'x string:spam; global y x; local z y'}),
+ ('setLocal', ('x', '$string:spam$')),
+ ('setGlobal', ('y', '$x$')),
+ ('setLocal', ('z', '$y$')),
+ ('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:define', 'x string:spam; global y x; local z y', 'tal')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_condition(self):
+ self._run_check(
+ "<p><span tal:condition='python:1'><b>foo</b></span></p>", [
+ rawtext('<p>'),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 3)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:condition': 'python:1'}),
+ ('condition', ('$python:1$',
+ [('startTag', ('span', [('tal:condition', 'python:1', 'tal')])),
+ rawtext('<b>foo</b></span>')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_content_1(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:content='string:foo'>bar</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:content': 'string:foo'}),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('tal:content', 'string:foo', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertText', ('$string:foo$', [rawtext('bar')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_content_2(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:content='text string:foo'>bar</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:content': 'text string:foo'}),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('tal:content', 'text string:foo', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertText', ('$string:foo$', [rawtext('bar')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_content_3(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:content='structure string:<br>'>bar</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:content': 'structure string:<br>'}),
+ ('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:content', 'structure string:<br>', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertStructure',
+ ('$string:<br>$', {}, [rawtext('bar')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_replace_1(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:replace='string:foo'>bar</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:replace': 'string:foo'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('p',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag', ('p', [('tal:replace', 'string:foo', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertText', ('$string:foo$', [('rawtextOffset', ('bar', 3))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_replace_2(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:replace='text string:foo'>bar</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:replace': 'text string:foo'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('p',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag', ('p', [('tal:replace', 'text string:foo', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertText', ('$string:foo$', [('rawtextOffset', ('bar', 3))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_replace_3(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:replace='structure string:<br>'>bar</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:replace': 'structure string:<br>'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('p',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag', ('p', [('tal:replace', 'structure string:<br>', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertStructure',
+ ('$string:<br>$', {}, [('rawtextOffset', ('bar', 3))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_repeat(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:repeat='x python:(1,2,3)'>"
+ "<span tal:replace='x'>dummy</span></p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:repeat': 'x python:(1,2,3)'}),
+ ('loop', ('x', '$python:(1,2,3)$',
+ [('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:repeat', 'x python:(1,2,3)', 'tal')])),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 33)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:replace': 'x'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('span',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag', ('span', [('tal:replace', 'x', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertText', ('$x$', [('rawtextOffset', ('dummy', 5))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_script_1(self):
+ self._run_check('<p tal:script="text/server-python">code</p>', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:script': 'text/server-python'}),
+ ('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:script', 'text/server-python', 'tal')])),
+ ('evaluateCode', ('text/server-python',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('code', 4))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</p>'),
+ ])
+ def test_script_2(self):
+ self._run_check('<tal:block script="text/server-python">'
+ 'code'
+ '</tal:block>', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'script': 'text/server-python'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('tal:block',
+ None,
+ 'tal',
+ 0,
+ [('startTag', ('tal:block',
+ [('script', 'text/server-python', 'tal')]))],
+ [('evaluateCode',
+ ('text/server-python',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('code', 4))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ())
+ ])
+ def test_script_3(self):
+ self._run_check('<script type="text/server-python">code</script>', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('script',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('<script>', 8))],
+ [('evaluateCode',
+ ('text/server-python', [('rawtextOffset', ('code', 4))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ())
+ ])
+ def test_script_4(self):
+ self._run_check('<script type="text/javascript">code</script>', [
+ ('rawtextOffset',
+ ('<script type="text/javascript">code</script>', 44))
+ ])
+ def test_attributes_1(self):
+ self._run_check("<a href='foo' name='bar' tal:attributes="
+ "'href string:; x string:y'>"
+ "link</a>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:attributes': 'href string:; x string:y',
+ 'name': 'bar', 'href': 'foo'}),
+ ('startTag', ('a',
+ [('href', 'foo', 'replace', '$string:$', 0, None),
+ ('name', 'name="bar"'),
+ ('tal:attributes',
+ 'href string:; x string:y', 'tal'),
+ ('x', None, 'insert', '$string:y$', 0, None)])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('link</a>'),
+ ])
+ def test_attributes_2(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:replace='structure string:<img>' "
+ "tal:attributes='src string:foo.png'>duh</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:attributes': 'src string:foo.png',
+ 'tal:replace': 'structure string:<img>'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('p',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag',
+ ('p',
+ [('tal:replace', 'structure string:<img>', 'tal'),
+ ('tal:attributes', 'src string:foo.png', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertStructure',
+ ('$string:<img>$',
+ {'src': ('$string:foo.png$', False, None)},
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('duh', 3))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ())])
+ def test_on_error_1(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:on-error='string:error' "
+ "tal:content='notHere'>okay</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:content': 'notHere', 'tal:on-error': 'string:error'}),
+ ('onError',
+ ([('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:on-error', 'string:error', 'tal'),
+ ('tal:content', 'notHere', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertText', ('$notHere$', [rawtext('okay')])),
+ rawtext('</p>')],
+ [('startTag', ('p',
+ [('tal:on-error', 'string:error', 'tal'),
+ ('tal:content', 'notHere', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertText', ('$string:error$', [])),
+ rawtext('</p>')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_on_error_2(self):
+ self._run_check("<p tal:on-error='string:error' "
+ "tal:replace='notHere'>okay</p>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:replace': 'notHere', 'tal:on-error': 'string:error'}),
+ ('onError',
+ ([('optTag',
+ ('p',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag',
+ ('p',
+ [('tal:on-error', 'string:error', 'tal'),
+ ('tal:replace', 'notHere', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertText', ('$notHere$', [('rawtextOffset', ('okay', 4))]))]))],
+ [('startTag',
+ ('p',
+ [('tal:on-error', 'string:error', 'tal'),
+ ('tal:replace', 'notHere', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertText', ('$string:error$', [])),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('</p>', 4))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_dup_attr(self):
+ self._should_error("<img tal:condition='x' tal:condition='x'>")
+ self._should_error("<img metal:define-macro='x' "
+ "metal:define-macro='x'>", taldefs.METALError)
+ def test_tal_errors(self):
+ self._should_error("<p tal:define='x' />")
+ self._should_error("<p tal:repeat='x' />")
+ self._should_error("<p tal:foobar='x' />")
+ self._should_error("<p tal:replace='x' tal:content='x' />")
+ self._should_error("<p tal:replace='x'>")
+ for tag in htmltalparser.EMPTY_HTML_TAGS:
+ self._should_error("<%s tal:content='string:foo'>" % tag)
+ def test_metal_errors(self):
+ exc = taldefs.METALError
+ self._should_error(2*"<p metal:define-macro='x'>xxx</p>", exc)
+ self._should_error("<html metal:use-macro='x'>" +
+ 2*"<p metal:fill-slot='y' />" + "</html>", exc)
+ self._should_error("<p metal:foobar='x' />", exc)
+ self._should_error("<p metal:define-macro='x'>", exc)
+ def test_extend_macro_errors(self):
+ exc = taldefs.METALError
+ # extend-macro requires define-macro:
+ self._should_error("<p metal:extend-macro='x'>xxx</p>", exc)
+ # extend-macro prevents use-macro:
+ self._should_error("<p metal:extend-macro='x'"
+ " metal:use-macro='x'"
+ " metal:define-macro='y'>xxx</p>", exc)
+ # use-macro doesn't co-exist with define-macro:
+ self._should_error("<p metal:use-macro='x'"
+ " metal:define-macro='y'>xxx</p>", exc)
+ #
+ # I18N test cases
+ #
+ def test_i18n_attributes(self):
+ self._run_check("<img alt='foo' i18n:attributes='alt'>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'alt': 'foo', 'i18n:attributes': 'alt'}),
+ ('startTag', ('img',
+ [('alt', 'foo', 'replace', None, 1, None),
+ ('i18n:attributes', 'alt', 'i18n')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ self._run_check("<img alt='foo' i18n:attributes='alt foo ; bar'>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'alt': 'foo', 'i18n:attributes': 'alt foo ; bar'}),
+ ('startTag', ('img',
+ [('alt', 'foo', 'replace', None, 1, 'foo'),
+ ('i18n:attributes', 'alt foo ; bar', 'i18n'),
+ ('bar', None, 'insert', None, 1, None)])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_name_bad_name(self):
+ self._should_error("<span i18n:name='not a valid name' />")
+ self._should_error("<span i18n:name='-bad-name' />")
+ def test_i18n_attributes_repeated_attr(self):
+ self._should_error("<a i18n:attributes='href; href' />")
+ self._should_error("<a i18n:attributes='href; HREF' />")
+ def test_i18n_translate(self):
+ # input/test19.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<span i18n:translate="">Replace this</span>
+<span i18n:translate="msgid">This is a
+translated string</span>
+<span i18n:translate="">And another
+translated string</span>
+''', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('startTag', ('span', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation', ('', [('rawtextOffset', ('Replace this', 12))])),
+ ('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('</span>\n', 0, (2, 0), 1, {'i18n:translate': 'msgid'})),
+ ('startTag', ('span', [('i18n:translate', 'msgid', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('msgid', [('rawtextColumn', ('This is a\ntranslated string', 17))])),
+ ('rawtextBeginScope', ('</span>\n', 0, (4, 0), 1, {'i18n:translate': ''})),
+ ('startTag', ('span', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('', [('rawtextColumn', ('And another\ntranslated string', 17))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</span>\n', 0))])
+ def test_i18n_translate_with_nested_tal(self):
+ self._run_check('''\
+<span i18n:translate="">replaceable <p tal:replace="str:here">content</p></span>
+''', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('startTag', ('span', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('replaceable ', 12)),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 36)),
+ ('beginScope', {'tal:replace': 'str:here'}),
+ ('optTag',
+ ('p',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag', ('p', [('tal:replace', 'str:here', 'tal')]))],
+ [('insertText',
+ ('$str:here$', [('rawtextOffset', ('content', 7))]))])),
+ ('endScope', ())])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</span>\n', 0))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_name(self):
+ # input/test21.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<span i18n:translate="">
+ <span tal:replace="str:Lomax" i18n:name="name" /> was born in
+ <span tal:replace="str:Antarctica" i18n:name="country" />.
+''', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('startTag', ('span', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('',
+ [('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('\n ',
+ 2,
+ (2, 2),
+ 0,
+ {'i18n:name': 'name', 'tal:replace': 'str:Lomax'})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('name',
+ [('optTag',
+ ('span',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 1,
+ [('startEndTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('tal:replace', 'str:Lomax', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'name', 'i18n')]))],
+ [('insertText', ('$str:Lomax$', []))]))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('rawtextBeginScope',
+ (' was born in\n ',
+ 2,
+ (3, 2),
+ 1,
+ {'i18n:name': 'country', 'tal:replace': 'str:Antarctica'})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('country',
+ [('optTag',
+ ('span',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 1,
+ [('startEndTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('tal:replace', 'str:Antarctica', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'country', 'i18n')]))],
+ [('insertText', ('$str:Antarctica$', []))]))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('.\n', 0))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</span>\n', 0))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_name_with_content(self):
+ self._run_check('<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" i18n:name="bar_name"/>.'
+ '</div>', [
+('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+('startTag', ('div', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('This is text for ', 17)),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 40)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:content': 'bar', 'i18n:name': 'bar_name', 'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('bar_name',
+ [('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n'),
+ ('tal:content', 'bar', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'bar_name', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertI18nText', ('$bar$', [])),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('</span>', 7))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('.', 1))])),
+('endScope', ()),
+('rawtextOffset', ('</div>', 6))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_name_implicit_value(self):
+ # input/test22.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<span i18n:translate="">
+ <span tal:omit-tag="" i18n:name="name"><b>Jim</b></span> was born in
+ <span tal:omit-tag="" i18n:name="country">the USA</span>.
+''', [('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('startTag', ('span', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('',
+ [('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('\n ', 2, (2, 2), 0, {'i18n:name': 'name', 'tal:omit-tag': ''})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('name',
+ [('optTag',
+ ('span',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('tal:omit-tag', '', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'name', 'i18n')]))],
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('<b>Jim</b>', 10))]))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('rawtextBeginScope',
+ (' was born in\n ',
+ 2,
+ (3, 2),
+ 1,
+ {'i18n:name': 'country', 'tal:omit-tag': ''})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('country',
+ [('optTag',
+ ('span',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('tal:omit-tag', '', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'country', 'i18n')]))],
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('the USA', 7))]))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('.\n', 0))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</span>\n', 0))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_context_domain(self):
+ self._run_check("<span i18n:domain='mydomain'/>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginI18nContext', {'domain': 'mydomain',
+ 'source': None, 'target': None}),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:domain': 'mydomain'}),
+ ('startEndTag', ('span', [('i18n:domain', 'mydomain', 'i18n')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('endI18nContext', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_context_source(self):
+ self._run_check("<span i18n:source='en'/>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginI18nContext', {'source': 'en',
+ 'domain': 'default', 'target': None}),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:source': 'en'}),
+ ('startEndTag', ('span', [('i18n:source', 'en', 'i18n')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('endI18nContext', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_context_source_target(self):
+ self._run_check("<span i18n:source='en' i18n:target='ru'/>", [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginI18nContext', {'source': 'en', 'target': 'ru',
+ 'domain': 'default'}),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:source': 'en', 'i18n:target': 'ru'}),
+ ('startEndTag', ('span', [('i18n:source', 'en', 'i18n'),
+ ('i18n:target', 'ru', 'i18n')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('endI18nContext', ()),
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_context_in_define_slot(self):
+ text = ("<div metal:use-macro='M' i18n:domain='mydomain'>"
+ "<div metal:fill-slot='S'>spam</div>"
+ "</div>")
+ self._run_check(text, [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('useMacro',
+ ('M', '$M$',
+ {'S': [('startTag', ('div',
+ [('metal:fill-slot', 'S', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('spam</div>')]},
+ [('beginI18nContext', {'domain': 'mydomain',
+ 'source': None, 'target': None}),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'i18n:domain': 'mydomain', 'metal:use-macro': 'M'}),
+ ('startTag', ('div', [('metal:use-macro', 'M', 'metal'),
+ ('i18n:domain', 'mydomain', 'i18n')])),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 48)),
+ ('fillSlot', ('S',
+ [('startTag',
+ ('div', [('metal:fill-slot', 'S', 'metal')])),
+ rawtext('spam</div>')])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ rawtext('</div>'),
+ ('endI18nContext', ())])),
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_data(self):
+ # input/test23.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<span i18n:data="here/currentTime"
+ i18n:translate="timefmt">2:32 pm</span>
+''', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'i18n:translate': 'timefmt', 'i18n:data': 'here/currentTime'}),
+ ('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('i18n:data', 'here/currentTime', 'i18n'),
+ ('i18n:translate', 'timefmt', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('timefmt', [('rawtextOffset', ('2:32 pm', 7))], '$here/currentTime$')),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</span>\n', 0))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_data_with_name(self):
+ # input/test29.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<div i18n:translate="">At the tone the time will be
+<span i18n:data="here/currentTime"
+ i18n:translate="timefmt"
+ i18n:name="time">2:32 pm</span>... beep!</div>
+''', [('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('startTag', ('div', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('',
+ [('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('At the tone the time will be\n',
+ 0,
+ (2, 0),
+ 0,
+ {'i18n:data': 'here/currentTime',
+ 'i18n:name': 'time',
+ 'i18n:translate': 'timefmt'})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('time',
+ [('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('i18n:data', 'here/currentTime', 'i18n'),
+ ('i18n:translate', 'timefmt', 'i18n'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'time', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('timefmt',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('2:32 pm', 7))],
+ '$here/currentTime$')),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('</span>', 7))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('... beep!', 9))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</div>\n', 0))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_name_around_tal_content(self):
+ # input/test28.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<p i18n:translate="verify">Your contact email address is recorded as
+ <span tal:omit-tag="" i18n:name="email">
+ <a href=""
+ tal:content="request/submitter"></a></span>
+''', [('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': 'verify'}),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('i18n:translate', 'verify', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('verify',
+ [('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('Your contact email address is recorded as\n ',
+ 4,
+ (2, 4),
+ 0,
+ {'i18n:name': 'email', 'tal:omit-tag': ''})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('email',
+ [('optTag',
+ ('span',
+ '',
+ None,
+ 0,
+ [('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('tal:omit-tag', '', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'email', 'i18n')]))],
+ [('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('\n ',
+ 4,
+ (3, 4),
+ 0,
+ {'href': '',
+ 'tal:content': 'request/submitter'})),
+ ('startTag',
+ ('a',
+ [('href', 'href=""'),
+ ('tal:content', 'request/submitter', 'tal')])),
+ ('insertText',
+ ('$request/submitter$',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('', 13))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('</a>', 4))]))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('\n', 0))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</p>\n', 0))
+ ])
+ def test_i18n_name_with_tal_content(self):
+ # input/test27.html
+ self._run_check('''\
+<p i18n:translate="verify">Your contact email address is recorded as
+ <a href=""
+ tal:content="request/submitter"
+ i18n:name="email"></a>
+''', [
+ ('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+ ('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': 'verify'}),
+ ('startTag', ('p', [('i18n:translate', 'verify', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('verify',
+ [('rawtextBeginScope',
+ ('Your contact email address is recorded as\n ',
+ 4,
+ (2, 4),
+ 0,
+ {'href': '',
+ 'i18n:name': 'email',
+ 'tal:content': 'request/submitter'})),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('email',
+ [('startTag',
+ ('a',
+ [('href', 'href=""'),
+ ('tal:content', 'request/submitter', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'email', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertText',
+ ('$request/submitter$',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('', 13))])),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('</a>', 4))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('\n', 0))])),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextColumn', ('</p>\n', 0))
+ ])
+def test_suite():
+ suite = unittest.makeSuite(HTMLTALParserTestCases)
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(METALGeneratorTestCases))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TALGeneratorTestCases))
+ return suite
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ errs = utils.run_suite(test_suite())
+ sys.exit(errs and 1 or 0)