path: root/src/zope/tal/tests/
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authorChristian Theune <>2007-05-03 22:34:23 +0000
committerChristian Theune <>2007-05-03 22:34:23 +0000
commit18627546bad8adef9fbd4f2a18ecededcfdb9352 (patch)
tree04d593b2bcc8afe058840f4a1667cdb23f7b8f46 /src/zope/tal/tests/
parent32cc0013e39049938adcf919a34f13c6d5f45ab0 (diff)
parentae8fd91d9ee289f31a30cc7a435fd077dface481 (diff)
Moving code to satellite.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/zope/tal/tests/')
1 files changed, 853 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/zope/tal/tests/ b/src/zope/tal/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9e8ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zope/tal/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Tests for TALInterpreter.
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from zope.tal.taldefs import METALError, I18NError, TAL_VERSION
+from zope.tal.taldefs import TALExpressionError
+from zope.tal.htmltalparser import HTMLTALParser
+from zope.tal.talparser import TALParser
+from zope.tal.talinterpreter import TALInterpreter
+from zope.tal.talgenerator import TALGenerator
+from zope.tal.dummyengine import DummyEngine
+from zope.tal.dummyengine import MultipleDomainsDummyEngine
+from zope.tal.dummyengine import DummyTranslationDomain
+from zope.tal.tests import utils
+from zope.i18nmessageid import Message
+class TestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _compile(self, source, source_file=None):
+ generator = TALGenerator(xml=0, source_file=source_file)
+ parser = HTMLTALParser(generator)
+ parser.parseString(source)
+ program, macros = parser.getCode()
+ return program, macros
+class MacroErrorsTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ dummy, macros = self._compile('<p metal:define-macro="M">Booh</p>')
+ self.macro = macros['M']
+ self.engine = DummyEngine(macros)
+ program, dummy = self._compile('<p metal:use-macro="M">Bah</p>')
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ try:
+ self.interpreter()
+ except METALError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"Expected METALError")
+ def test_mode_error(self):
+ self.macro[1] = ("mode", "duh")
+ def test_version_error(self):
+ self.macro[0] = ("version", "duh")
+class MacroFunkyErrorTest(TestCaseBase):
+ def test_div_in_p_using_macro(self):
+ dummy, macros = self._compile('<p metal:define-macro="M">Booh</p>')
+ engine = DummyEngine(macros)
+ program, dummy = self._compile(
+ '<p metal:use-macro="M"><div>foo</div></p>')
+ interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, engine)
+ output = interpreter()
+ self.assertEqual(output, '<p><div>foo</div></p>')
+class MacroExtendTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ s = self._read(('input', ''))
+ self.pnome_program, pnome_macros = self._compile(s)
+ s = self._read(('input', ''))
+ self.acme_program, acme_macros = self._compile(s)
+ s = self._read(('input', ''))
+ self.doclist_program, doclist_macros = self._compile(s)
+ macros = {
+ 'pnome_macros_page': pnome_macros['page'],
+ 'acme_macros_page': acme_macros['page'],
+ }
+ self.engine = DummyEngine(macros)
+ def _read(self, path):
+ dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ fn = os.path.join(dir, *path)
+ f = open(fn)
+ data =
+ f.close()
+ return data
+ def test_preview_acme_template(self):
+ # An ACME designer is previewing the ACME design. For the
+ # purposes of this use case, extending a macro should act the
+ # same as using a macro.
+ result = StringIO()
+ interpreter = TALInterpreter(
+ self.acme_program, {}, self.engine, stream=result)
+ interpreter()
+ actual = result.getvalue().strip()
+ expected = self._read(('output', 'acme_template.html')).strip()
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+ def test_preview_acme_template_source(self):
+ # Render METAL attributes in acme_template
+ result = StringIO()
+ interpreter = TALInterpreter(
+ self.acme_program, {}, self.engine, stream=result, tal=False)
+ interpreter()
+ actual = result.getvalue().strip()
+ expected = self._read(('output', 'acme_template_source.html')).strip()
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+class I18NCornerTestCaseBase(TestCaseBase):
+ def factory(self, msgid, default, mapping={}):
+ raise NotImplementedError("abstract method")
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.engine = DummyEngine()
+ # Make sure we'll translate the msgid not its unicode representation
+ self.engine.setLocal('foo',
+ self.factory('FoOvAlUe${empty}', 'default', {'empty': ''}))
+ self.engine.setLocal('bar', 'BaRvAlUe')
+ def _check(self, program, expected):
+ result = StringIO()
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
+ def test_simple_messageid_translate(self):
+ # This test is mainly here to make sure our DummyEngine works
+ # correctly.
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="foo"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>FOOVALUE</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="foo"/>')
+ self._check(program, 'FOOVALUE\n')
+ # i18n messages defined in Python are translated automatically
+ # (no i18n:translate necessary)
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:content="foo" />')
+ self._check(program, '<span>FOOVALUE</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:replace="foo" />')
+ self._check(program, 'FOOVALUE\n')
+ def test_attributes_translation(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:attributes="test bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span test="BaRvAlUe" />\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span test="bar" i18n:attributes="test"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span test="BAR" />\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:attributes="test bar" i18n:attributes="test"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span test="BARVALUE" />\n')
+ # i18n messages defined in Python are translated automatically
+ # (no i18n:attributes necessary)
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:attributes="test foo"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span test="FOOVALUE" />\n')
+ def test_text_variable_translate(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:content="bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BaRvAlUe</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BARVALUE</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, 'BARVALUE\n')
+ def test_text_translate(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:content="string:BaR"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BaR</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="string:BaR"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BAR</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="string:BaR"/>')
+ self._check(program, 'BAR\n')
+ def test_structure_text_variable_translate(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:content="structure bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BaRvAlUe</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="structure bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BARVALUE</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="structure bar"/>')
+ self._check(program, 'BARVALUE\n')
+ # i18n messages defined in Python are translated automatically
+ # (no i18n:translate necessary)
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:content="structure foo"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>FOOVALUE</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:replace="structure foo"/>')
+ self._check(program, 'FOOVALUE\n')
+ def test_structure_text_translate(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span tal:content="structure string:BaR"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BaR</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="structure string:BaR"/>')
+ self._check(program, '<span>BAR</span>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="structure string:BaR"/>')
+ self._check(program, 'BAR\n')
+ def test_replace_with_messageid_and_i18nname(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="" >'
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="foo" i18n:name="foo_name"/>'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program, '<div>FOOVALUE</div>\n')
+ def test_pythonexpr_replace_with_messageid_and_i18nname(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="" >'
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="python: foo"'
+ ' i18n:name="foo_name"/>'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program, '<div>FOOVALUE</div>\n')
+ def test_structure_replace_with_messageid_and_i18nname(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="" >'
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="structure foo"'
+ ' i18n:name="foo_name"/>'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program, '<div>FOOVALUE</div>\n')
+ def test_complex_replace_with_messageid_and_i18nname(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="" >'
+ '<em tal:omit-tag="" i18n:name="foo_name">'
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:replace="foo"/>'
+ '</em>'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program, '<div>FOOVALUE</div>\n')
+ def test_content_with_messageid_and_i18nname(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="" >'
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="foo" i18n:name="foo_name"/>'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program, '<div><span>FOOVALUE</span></div>\n')
+ def test_content_with_messageid_and_i18nname_and_i18ntranslate(self):
+ # Let's tell the user this is incredibly silly!
+ self.assertRaises(
+ I18NError, self._compile,
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="foo" i18n:name="foo_name"/>')
+ def test_content_with_explicit_messageid(self):
+ # Let's tell the user this is incredibly silly!
+ self.assertRaises(
+ I18NError, self._compile,
+ '<span i18n:translate="ID" tal:content="foo" />')
+ def test_content_with_plaintext_and_i18nname_and_i18ntranslate(self):
+ # Let's tell the user this is incredibly silly!
+ self.assertRaises(
+ I18NError, self._compile,
+ '<span i18n:translate="" i18n:name="color_name">green</span>')
+ def test_translate_static_text_as_dynamic(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+ '<span tal:content="bar" i18n:name="bar_name"/>.'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program,
+ '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BaRvAlUe</span>.</div>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" i18n:name="bar_name"/>.'
+ '</div>')
+ self._check(program,
+ '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BARVALUE</span>.</div>\n')
+ def test_translate_static_text_as_dynamic_from_bytecode(self):
+ program = [('version', TAL_VERSION),
+ ('mode', 'html'),
+('setPosition', (1, 0)),
+('beginScope', {'i18n:translate': ''}),
+('startTag', ('div', [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n')])),
+ ('',
+ [('rawtextOffset', ('This is text for ', 17)),
+ ('setPosition', (1, 40)),
+ ('beginScope',
+ {'tal:content': 'bar', 'i18n:name': 'bar_name', 'i18n:translate': ''}),
+ ('i18nVariable',
+ ('bar_name',
+ [('startTag',
+ ('span',
+ [('i18n:translate', '', 'i18n'),
+ ('tal:content', 'bar', 'tal'),
+ ('i18n:name', 'bar_name', 'i18n')])),
+ ('insertTranslation',
+ ('',
+ [('insertText', ('$bar$', []))])),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('</span>', 7))],
+ None,
+ 0)),
+ ('endScope', ()),
+ ('rawtextOffset', ('.', 1))])),
+('endScope', ()),
+('rawtextOffset', ('</div>', 6))
+ self._check(program,
+ '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BARVALUE</span>.</div>\n')
+ def test_for_correct_msgids(self):
+ self.engine.translationDomain.clearMsgids()
+ result = StringIO()
+ #GChapelle:
+ #I have the feeling the i18n:translate with the i18n:name is wrong
+ #
+ #program, macros = self._compile(
+ # '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+ # '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" '
+ # 'i18n:name="bar_name"/>.</div>')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+ '<span tal:content="bar" '
+ 'i18n:name="bar_name"/>.</div>')
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ msgids = self.engine.translationDomain.getMsgids('default')
+ msgids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(msgids))
+ self.assertEqual('This is text for ${bar_name}.', msgids[0][0])
+ self.assertEqual({'bar_name': '<span>BaRvAlUe</span>'}, msgids[0][1])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BaRvAlUe</span>.</div>\n',
+ result.getvalue())
+ def test_for_correct_msgids_translate_name(self):
+ self.engine.translationDomain.clearMsgids()
+ result = StringIO()
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate="">This is text for '
+ '<span i18n:translate="" tal:content="bar" '
+ 'i18n:name="bar_name"/>.</div>')
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ msgids = self.engine.translationDomain.getMsgids('default')
+ msgids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(msgids))
+ self.assertEqual('This is text for ${bar_name}.', msgids[1][0])
+ self.assertEqual({'bar_name': '<span>BARVALUE</span>'}, msgids[1][1])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <span>BARVALUE</span>.</div>\n',
+ result.getvalue())
+ def test_i18ntranslate_i18nname_and_attributes(self):
+ # Test for Issue 301: Bug with i18n:name and i18n:translate
+ # on the same element
+ self.engine.translationDomain.clearMsgids()
+ result = StringIO()
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<p i18n:translate="">'
+ 'Some static text and a <a tal:attributes="href string:url"'
+ ' i18n:name="link" i18n:translate="">link text</a>.</p>')
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ msgids = self.engine.translationDomain.getMsgids('default')
+ msgids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(msgids))
+ self.assertEqual('Some static text and a ${link}.', msgids[0][0])
+ self.assertEqual({'link': '<a href="url">LINK TEXT</a>'}, msgids[0][1])
+ self.assertEqual('link text', msgids[1][0])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<p>SOME STATIC TEXT AND A <a href="url">LINK TEXT</a>.</p>\n',
+ result.getvalue())
+ def test_for_raw_msgids(self):
+ # Test for Issue 314: i18n:translate removes line breaks from
+ # <pre>...</pre> contents
+ # HTML mode
+ self.engine.translationDomain.clearMsgids()
+ result = StringIO()
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""> This is text\n'
+ ' \tfor\n div. </div>'
+ '<pre i18n:translate=""> This is text\n'
+ ' <b>\tfor</b>\n pre. </pre>')
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ msgids = self.engine.translationDomain.getMsgids('default')
+ msgids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(msgids))
+ self.assertEqual(' This is text\n <b>\tfor</b>\n pre. ', msgids[0][0])
+ self.assertEqual('This is text for div.', msgids[1][0])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR DIV.</div>'
+ '<pre> THIS IS TEXT\n <B>\tFOR</B>\n PRE. </pre>\n',
+ result.getvalue())
+ # XML mode
+ self.engine.translationDomain.clearMsgids()
+ result = StringIO()
+ parser = TALParser()
+ parser.parseString(
+ '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
+ '<pre xmlns:i18n=""'
+ ' i18n:translate=""> This is text\n'
+ ' <b>\tfor</b>\n barvalue. </pre>')
+ program, macros = parser.getCode()
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ msgids = self.engine.translationDomain.getMsgids('default')
+ msgids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(msgids))
+ self.assertEqual('This is text <b> for</b> barvalue.', msgids[0][0])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
+ '<pre>THIS IS TEXT <B> FOR</B> BARVALUE.</pre>\n',
+ result.getvalue())
+ def test_raw_msgids_and_i18ntranslate_i18nname(self):
+ self.engine.translationDomain.clearMsgids()
+ result = StringIO()
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""> This is text\n \tfor\n'
+ '<pre i18n:name="bar" i18n:translate=""> \tbar\n </pre>.</div>')
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ msgids = self.engine.translationDomain.getMsgids('default')
+ msgids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(msgids))
+ self.assertEqual(' \tbar\n ', msgids[0][0])
+ self.assertEqual('This is text for ${bar}.', msgids[1][0])
+ self.assertEqual({'bar': '<pre> \tBAR\n </pre>'}, msgids[1][1])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ u'<div>THIS IS TEXT FOR <pre> \tBAR\n </pre>.</div>\n',
+ result.getvalue())
+ def test_for_handling_unicode_vars(self):
+ # Make sure that non-ASCII Unicode is substituted correctly.
+ #
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ "<div i18n:translate='' tal:define='bar python:unichr(0xC0)'>"
+ "Foo <span tal:replace='bar' i18n:name='bar' /></div>")
+ self._check(program, u"<div>FOO \u00C0</div>\n")
+class I18NCornerTestCaseMessage(I18NCornerTestCaseBase):
+ def factory(self, msgid, default=None, mapping={}, domain=None):
+ return Message(msgid, domain=domain, default=default, mapping=mapping)
+class UnusedExplicitDomainTestCase(I18NCornerTestCaseMessage):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # MultipleDomainsDummyEngine is a Engine
+ # where default domain transforms to uppercase
+ self.engine = MultipleDomainsDummyEngine()
+ self.engine.setLocal('foo',
+ self.factory('FoOvAlUe${empty}', 'default', {'empty': ''}))
+ self.engine.setLocal('bar', 'BaRvAlUe')
+ self.engine.setLocal('baz',
+ self.factory('BaZvAlUe', 'default', {}))
+ # Message ids with different domains
+ self.engine.setLocal('toupper',
+ self.factory('ToUpper', 'default', {}))
+ self.engine.setLocal('tolower',
+ self.factory('ToLower', 'default', {}, domain='lower'))
+ def test_multiple_domains(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' tal:content="toupper" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>TOUPPER</div>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' tal:content="tolower" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>tolower</div>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' tal:content="string:ToUpper" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>TOUPPER</div>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' i18n:domain="lower"'
+ ' tal:content="string:ToLower" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>tolower</div>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' tal:define="msgid string:ToUpper"'
+ ' tal:content="msgid" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>TOUPPER</div>\n')
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' i18n:domain="lower"'
+ ' tal:define="msgid string:ToLower"'
+ ' tal:content="msgid" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>tolower</div>\n')
+ def test_unused_explicit_domain(self):
+ #a_very_explicit_domain_setup_by_template_developer_that_wont_be_taken_into_account_by_the_ZPT_engine
+ #is a domain that transforms to lowercase
+ self.engine.setLocal('othertolower',
+ self.factory('OtherToLower', 'a_very_explicit_domain_setup_by_template_developer_that_wont_be_taken_into_account_by_the_ZPT_engine', {}, domain='lower'))
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' tal:content="othertolower" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>othertolower</div>\n')
+ #takes domain into account for strings
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' i18n:domain="a_very_explicit_domain_setup_by_template_developer_that_wont_be_taken_into_account_by_the_ZPT_engine"'
+ ' tal:content="string:ToLower" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>tolower</div>\n')
+ #but not for messageids
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<div i18n:translate=""'
+ ' i18n:domain="a_very_explicit_domain_setup_by_template_developer_that_wont_be_taken_into_account_by_the_ZPT_engine"'
+ ' tal:content="baz" />')
+ self._check(program, '<div>BAZVALUE</div>\n')
+class ScriptTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.engine = DummyEngine()
+ def _check(self, program, expected):
+ result = StringIO()
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, {}, self.engine,
+ stream=result)
+ self.interpreter()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
+ def test_simple(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<p tal:script="text/server-python">print "hello"</p>')
+ self._check(program, '<p>hello\n</p>\n')
+ def test_script_and_tal_block(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<tal:block script="text/server-python">\n'
+ ' global x\n'
+ ' x = 1\n'
+ '</tal:block>\n'
+ '<span tal:replace="x" />')
+ self._check(program, '\n1\n')
+ self.assertEqual(self.engine.codeGlobals['x'], 1)
+ def test_script_and_tal_block_having_inside_print(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<tal:block script="text/server-python">\n'
+ ' print "hello"'
+ '</tal:block>')
+ self._check(program, 'hello\n\n')
+ def test_script_and_omittag(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<p tal:omit-tag="" tal:script="text/server-python">\n'
+ ' print "hello"'
+ '</p>')
+ self._check(program, 'hello\n\n')
+ def test_script_and_inside_tags(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<p tal:omit-tag="" tal:script="text/server-python">\n'
+ ' print "<b>hello</b>"'
+ '</p>')
+ self._check(program, '<b>hello</b>\n\n')
+ def test_script_and_inside_tags_with_tal(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<p tal:omit-tag="" tal:script="text/server-python"> <!--\n'
+ ' print """<b tal:replace="string:foo">hello</b>"""\n'
+ '--></p>')
+ self._check(program, '<b tal:replace="string:foo">hello</b>\n\n')
+ def test_html_script(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<script type="text/server-python">\n'
+ ' print "Hello world!"\n'
+ '</script>')
+ self._check(program, 'Hello world!\n')
+ def test_html_script_and_javascript(self):
+ program, macros = self._compile(
+ '<script type="text/javascript" src="somefile.js" />\n'
+ '<script type="text/server-python">\n'
+ ' print "Hello world!"\n'
+ '</script>')
+ self._check(program,
+ '<script type="text/javascript" src="somefile.js" />\n'
+ 'Hello world!\n')
+class I18NErrorsTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+ def _check(self, src, msg):
+ try:
+ self._compile(src)
+ except I18NError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ def test_id_with_replace(self):
+ self._check('<p i18n:id="foo" tal:replace="string:splat"></p>',
+ "expected i18n:id with tal:replace to be denied")
+ def test_missing_values(self):
+ self._check('<p i18n:attributes=""></p>',
+ "missing i18n:attributes value not caught")
+ self._check('<p i18n:data=""></p>',
+ "missing i18n:data value not caught")
+ self._check('<p i18n:id=""></p>',
+ "missing i18n:id value not caught")
+ def test_id_with_attributes(self):
+ self._check('''<input name="Delete"
+ tal:attributes="name string:delete_button"
+ i18n:attributes="name message-id">''',
+ "expected attribute being both part of tal:attributes" +
+ " and having a msgid in i18n:attributes to be denied")
+class OutputPresentationTestCase(TestCaseBase):
+ def test_attribute_wrapping(self):
+ # To make sure the attribute-wrapping code is invoked, we have to
+ # include at least one TAL/METAL attribute to avoid having the start
+ # tag optimized into a rawtext instruction.
+ INPUT = r"""
+ <html this='element' has='a' lot='of' attributes=', so' the='output'
+ needs='to' be='line' wrapped='.' tal:define='foo nothing'>
+ </html>"""
+ EXPECTED = r'''
+ <html this="element" has="a" lot="of"
+ attributes=", so" the="output" needs="to"
+ be="line" wrapped=".">
+ </html>''' "\n"
+ def test_unicode_content(self):
+ INPUT = """<p tal:content="python:u'déjà-vu'">para</p>"""
+ EXPECTED = u"""<p>déjà-vu</p>""" "\n"
+ def test_unicode_structure(self):
+ INPUT = """<p tal:replace="structure python:u'déjà-vu'">para</p>"""
+ EXPECTED = u"""déjà-vu""" "\n"
+ def test_i18n_replace_number(self):
+ INPUT = """
+ <p i18n:translate="foo ${bar}">
+ <span tal:replace="python:123" i18n:name="bar">para</span>
+ </p>"""
+ EXPECTED = u"""
+ <p>FOO 123</p>""" "\n"
+ def test_entities(self):
+ INPUT = ('<img tal:define="foo nothing" '
+ 'alt="&a; &#1; &#x0a; &a &#45 &; &#0a; <>" />')
+ EXPECTED = ('<img alt="&a; &#1; &#x0a; '
+ '&amp;a &amp;#45 &amp;; &amp;#0a; &lt;&gt;" />\n')
+ def compare(self, INPUT, EXPECTED):
+ program, macros = self._compile(INPUT)
+ sio = StringIO()
+ interp = TALInterpreter(program, {}, DummyEngine(), sio, wrap=60)
+ interp()
+ self.assertEqual(sio.getvalue(), EXPECTED)
+class TestSourceAnnotations(unittest.TestCase):
+ # there are additional test files in input/ and output/ subdirs
+ # (test_sa*)
+ def setUp(self):
+ program = []
+ macros = {}
+ engine = DummyEngine()
+ self.interpreter = TALInterpreter(program, macros, engine)
+ self.sio = = StringIO()
+ self.interpreter._pending_source_annotation = True
+ def testFormatSourceAnnotation(self):
+ interpreter = self.interpreter
+ interpreter.sourceFile = '/path/to/'
+ interpreter.position = (123, 42)
+ self.assertEquals(interpreter.formatSourceAnnotation(),
+ "<!--\n" +
+ "=" * 78 + "\n" +
+ "/path/to/ (line 123)\n" +
+ "=" * 78 + "\n" +
+ "-->")
+ def testFormatSourceAnnotation_no_position(self):
+ interpreter = self.interpreter
+ interpreter.sourceFile = '/path/to/'
+ interpreter.position = (None, None)
+ self.assertEquals(interpreter.formatSourceAnnotation(),
+ "<!--\n" +
+ "=" * 78 + "\n" +
+ "/path/to/\n" +
+ "=" * 78 + "\n" +
+ "-->")
+ def test_annotated_stream_write(self):
+ interpreter = self.interpreter
+ interpreter.formatSourceAnnotation = lambda: '@'
+ test_cases = [
+ '@some text',
+ '\n',
+ '<?xml ...?>@some text',
+ ' <?xml ...?>@some text',
+ '\n<?xml ...?>@some text',
+ '<?xml ...',
+ '<?xml ...?>@\n<!DOCTYPE ...>some text',
+ ]
+ for output in test_cases:
+ input = output.replace('@', '')
+ self.sio.truncate()
+ interpreter._pending_source_annotation = True
+ interpreter._annotated_stream_write(input)
+ self.assertEquals(self.sio.getvalue(), output)
+ if '@' in output:
+ self.assert_(not interpreter._pending_source_annotation)
+ else:
+ self.assert_(interpreter._pending_source_annotation)
+class TestErrorTracebacks(TestCaseBase):
+ # Regression test for
+ def test_define_slot_does_not_clobber_source_file_on_exception(self):
+ m_program, m_macros = self._compile("""
+ <div metal:define-macro="amacro">
+ <div metal:define-slot="aslot">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ """, source_file='')
+ p_program, p_macros = self._compile("""
+ <div metal:use-macro="amacro">
+ <div metal:fill-slot="aslot">
+ <tal:x replace="no_such_thing" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ """, source_file='')
+ engine = DummyEngine(macros=m_macros)
+ interp = TALInterpreter(p_program, {}, engine, StringIO())
+ # Expect TALExpressionError: unknown variable: 'no_such_thing'
+ self.assertRaises(TALExpressionError, interp)
+ # Now the engine should know where the error occurred
+ self.assertEquals(engine.source_file, '')
+ self.assertEquals(engine.position, (4, 16))
+ def test_define_slot_restores_source_file_if_no_exception(self):
+ m_program, m_macros = self._compile("""
+ <div metal:define-macro="amacro">
+ <div metal:define-slot="aslot">
+ </div>
+ <tal:x replace="no_such_thing" />
+ </div>
+ """, source_file='')
+ p_program, p_macros = self._compile("""
+ <div metal:use-macro="amacro">
+ <div metal:fill-slot="aslot">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ """, source_file='')
+ engine = DummyEngine(macros=m_macros)
+ interp = TALInterpreter(p_program, {}, engine, StringIO())
+ # Expect TALExpressionError: unknown variable: 'no_such_thing'
+ self.assertRaises(TALExpressionError, interp)
+ # Now the engine should know where the error occurred
+ self.assertEquals(engine.source_file, '')
+ self.assertEquals(engine.position, (5, 14))
+def test_suite():
+ suite = unittest.makeSuite(I18NErrorsTestCase)
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MacroErrorsTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MacroExtendTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(OutputPresentationTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ScriptTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(I18NCornerTestCaseMessage))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(UnusedExplicitDomainTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestSourceAnnotations))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestErrorTracebacks))
+ # TODO: Deactivated test, since we have not found a solution for this and
+ # it is a deep and undocumented HTML parser issue.
+ # Fred is looking into this.
+ #suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MacroFunkyErrorTest))
+ return suite
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ errs = utils.run_suite(test_suite())
+ sys.exit(errs and 1 or 0)