path: root/wsgiref/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'wsgiref/tests')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 656 deletions
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index 6b482a0..0000000
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-from unittest import TestSuite, TestCase, makeSuite
-def compare_generic_iter(make_it,match):
- """Utility to compare a generic 2.1/2.2+ iterator with an iterable
- If running under Python 2.2+, this tests the iterator using iter()/next(),
- as well as __getitem__. 'make_it' must be a function returning a fresh
- iterator to be tested (since this may test the iterator twice)."""
- it = make_it()
- n = 0
- for item in match:
- assert it[n]==item
- n+=1
- try:
- it[n]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- raise AssertionError("Too many items from __getitem__",it)
- try:
- iter, StopIteration
- except NameError:
- pass
- else:
- # Only test iter mode under 2.2+
- it = make_it()
- assert iter(it) is it
- for item in match:
- assert
- try:
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- else:
- raise AssertionError("Too many items from .next()",it)
-def test_suite():
- from wsgiref.tests import test_util
- from wsgiref.tests import test_headers
- from wsgiref.tests import test_handlers
- tests = [
- test_util.test_suite(),
- test_headers.test_suite(),
- test_handlers.test_suite(),
- ]
- return TestSuite(tests)
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-from __future__ import nested_scopes # Backward compat for 2.1
-from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, makeSuite
-from wsgiref.util import setup_testing_defaults
-from wsgiref.headers import Headers
-from wsgiref.handlers import BaseHandler, BaseCGIHandler
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import re
-class ErrorHandler(BaseCGIHandler):
- """Simple handler subclass for testing BaseHandler"""
- def __init__(self,**kw):
- setup_testing_defaults(kw)
- BaseCGIHandler.__init__(
- self, StringIO(''), StringIO(), StringIO(), kw,
- multithread=True, multiprocess=True
- )
-class TestHandler(ErrorHandler):
- """Simple handler subclass for testing BaseHandler, w/error passthru"""
- def handle_error(self):
- raise # for testing, we want to see what's happening
-class HandlerTests(TestCase):
- def checkEnvironAttrs(self, handler):
- env = handler.environ
- for attr in [
- 'version','multithread','multiprocess','run_once','file_wrapper'
- ]:
- if attr=='file_wrapper' and handler.wsgi_file_wrapper is None:
- continue
- self.assertEqual(getattr(handler,'wsgi_'+attr),env['wsgi.'+attr])
- def checkOSEnviron(self,handler):
- empty = {}; setup_testing_defaults(empty)
- env = handler.environ
- from os import environ
- for k,v in environ.items():
- if not empty.has_key(k):
- self.assertEqual(env[k],v)
- for k,v in empty.items():
- self.failUnless(env.has_key(k))
- def testEnviron(self):
- h = TestHandler(X="Y")
- h.setup_environ()
- self.checkEnvironAttrs(h)
- self.checkOSEnviron(h)
- self.assertEqual(h.environ["X"],"Y")
- def testCGIEnviron(self):
- h = BaseCGIHandler(None,None,None,{})
- h.setup_environ()
- for key in 'wsgi.url_scheme', 'wsgi.input', 'wsgi.errors':
- assert h.environ.has_key(key)
- def testScheme(self):
- h=TestHandler(HTTPS="on"); h.setup_environ()
- self.assertEqual(h.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'],'https')
- h=TestHandler(); h.setup_environ()
- self.assertEqual(h.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'],'http')
- def testAbstractMethods(self):
- h = BaseHandler()
- for name in [
- '_flush','get_stdin','get_stderr','add_cgi_vars'
- ]:
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, getattr(h,name))
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, h._write, "test")
- def testContentLength(self):
- # Demo one reason iteration is better than write()... ;)
- def trivial_app1(e,s):
- s('200 OK',[])
- return [e['wsgi.url_scheme']]
- def trivial_app2(e,s):
- s('200 OK',[])(e['wsgi.url_scheme'])
- return []
- h = TestHandler()
- self.assertEqual(h.stdout.getvalue(),
- "Status: 200 OK\r\n"
- "Content-Length: 4\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "http")
- h = TestHandler()
- self.assertEqual(h.stdout.getvalue(),
- "Status: 200 OK\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "http")
- def testBasicErrorOutput(self):
- def non_error_app(e,s):
- s('200 OK',[])
- return []
- def error_app(e,s):
- raise AssertionError("This should be caught by handler")
- h = ErrorHandler()
- self.assertEqual(h.stdout.getvalue(),
- "Status: 200 OK\r\n"
- "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
- "\r\n")
- self.assertEqual(h.stderr.getvalue(),"")
- h = ErrorHandler()
- self.assertEqual(h.stdout.getvalue(),
- "Status: %s\r\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
- "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
- "\r\n%s" % (h.error_status,len(h.error_body),h.error_body))
- self.failUnless(h.stderr.getvalue().find("AssertionError")<>-1)
- def testErrorAfterOutput(self):
- MSG = "Some output has been sent"
- def error_app(e,s):
- s("200 OK",[])(MSG)
- raise AssertionError("This should be caught by handler")
- h = ErrorHandler()
- self.assertEqual(h.stdout.getvalue(),
- "Status: 200 OK\r\n"
- "\r\n"+MSG)
- self.failUnless(h.stderr.getvalue().find("AssertionError")<>-1)
- def testHeaderFormats(self):
- def non_error_app(e,s):
- s('200 OK',[])
- return []
- stdpat = (
- r"HTTP/%s 200 OK\r\n"
- r"Date: \w{3}, [ 0123]\d \w{3} \d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d GMT\r\n"
- r"%s" r"Content-Length: 0\r\n" r"\r\n"
- )
- shortpat = (
- "Status: 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n"
- )
- for ssw in "FooBar/1.0", None:
- sw = ssw and "Server: %s\r\n" % ssw or ""
- for version in "1.0", "1.1":
- for proto in "HTTP/0.9", "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1":
- h = TestHandler(SERVER_PROTOCOL=proto)
- h.origin_server = False
- h.http_version = version
- h.server_software = ssw
- self.assertEqual(shortpat,h.stdout.getvalue())
- h = TestHandler(SERVER_PROTOCOL=proto)
- h.origin_server = True
- h.http_version = version
- h.server_software = ssw
- if proto=="HTTP/0.9":
- self.assertEqual(h.stdout.getvalue(),"")
- else:
- self.failUnless(
- re.match(stdpat%(version,sw), h.stdout.getvalue()),
- (stdpat%(version,sw), h.stdout.getvalue())
- )
-TestClasses = (
- HandlerTests,
-def test_suite():
- return TestSuite([makeSuite(t,'test') for t in TestClasses])
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-from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, makeSuite
-from wsgiref.headers import Headers
-from wsgiref.tests import compare_generic_iter
-class HeaderTests(TestCase):
- def testMappingInterface(self):
- test = [('x','y')]
- self.assertEqual(len(Headers([])),0)
- self.assertEqual(len(Headers(test[:])),1)
- self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).keys(), ['x'])
- self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).values(), ['y'])
- self.assertEqual(Headers(test[:]).items(), test)
- self.failIf(Headers(test).items() is test) # must be copy!
- h=Headers([])
- del h['foo'] # should not raise an error
- h['Foo'] = 'bar'
- for m in h.has_key, h.__contains__, h.get, h.get_all, h.__getitem__:
- self.failUnless(m('foo'))
- self.failUnless(m('Foo'))
- self.failUnless(m('FOO'))
- self.failIf(m('bar'))
- self.assertEqual(h['foo'],'bar')
- h['foo'] = 'baz'
- self.assertEqual(h['FOO'],'baz')
- self.assertEqual(h.get_all('foo'),['baz'])
- self.assertEqual(h.get("foo","whee"), "baz")
- self.assertEqual(h.get("zoo","whee"), "whee")
- self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("foo","whee"), "baz")
- self.assertEqual(h.setdefault("zoo","whee"), "whee")
- self.assertEqual(h["foo"],"baz")
- self.assertEqual(h["zoo"],"whee")
- def testRequireList(self):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, Headers, "foo")
- def testExtras(self):
- h = Headers([])
- self.assertEqual(str(h),'\r\n')
- h.add_header('foo','bar',baz="spam")
- self.assertEqual(h['foo'], 'bar; baz="spam"')
- self.assertEqual(str(h),'foo: bar; baz="spam"\r\n\r\n')
- h.add_header('Foo','bar',cheese=None)
- self.assertEqual(h.get_all('foo'),
- ['bar; baz="spam"', 'bar; cheese'])
- self.assertEqual(str(h),
- 'foo: bar; baz="spam"\r\n'
- 'Foo: bar; cheese\r\n'
- '\r\n'
- )
-TestClasses = (
- HeaderTests,
-def test_suite():
- return TestSuite([makeSuite(t,'test') for t in TestClasses])
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-from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, makeSuite
-from wsgiref import util
-from wsgiref.tests import compare_generic_iter
-from StringIO import StringIO
-class UtilityTests(TestCase):
- def checkShift(self,sn_in,pi_in,part,sn_out,pi_out):
- env = {'SCRIPT_NAME':sn_in,'PATH_INFO':pi_in}
- util.setup_testing_defaults(env)
- self.assertEqual(util.shift_path_info(env),part)
- self.assertEqual(env['PATH_INFO'],pi_out)
- self.assertEqual(env['SCRIPT_NAME'],sn_out)
- return env
- def checkDefault(self, key, value, alt=None):
- # Check defaulting when empty
- env = {}
- util.setup_testing_defaults(env)
- if isinstance(value,StringIO):
- self.failUnless(isinstance(env[key],StringIO))
- else:
- self.assertEqual(env[key],value)
- # Check existing value
- env = {key:alt}
- util.setup_testing_defaults(env)
- self.failUnless(env[key] is alt)
- def checkCrossDefault(self,key,value,**kw):
- util.setup_testing_defaults(kw)
- self.assertEqual(kw[key],value)
- def checkAppURI(self,uri,**kw):
- util.setup_testing_defaults(kw)
- self.assertEqual(util.application_uri(kw),uri)
- def checkReqURI(self,uri,query=1,**kw):
- util.setup_testing_defaults(kw)
- self.assertEqual(util.request_uri(kw,query),uri)
- def checkFW(self,text,size,match):
- def make_it(text=text,size=size):
- return util.FileWrapper(StringIO(text),size)
- compare_generic_iter(make_it,match)
- it = make_it()
- self.failIf(it.filelike.closed)
- for item in it:
- pass
- self.failIf(it.filelike.closed)
- it.close()
- self.failUnless(it.filelike.closed)
- def testSimpleShifts(self):
- self.checkShift('','/', '', '/', '')
- self.checkShift('','/x', 'x', '/x', '')
- self.checkShift('/','', None, '/', '')
- self.checkShift('/a','/x/y', 'x', '/a/x', '/y')
- self.checkShift('/a','/x/', 'x', '/a/x', '/')
- def testNormalizedShifts(self):
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '/../y', '..', '/a', '/y')
- self.checkShift('', '/../y', '..', '', '/y')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '//y', 'y', '/a/b/y', '')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '//y/', 'y', '/a/b/y', '/')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '/./y', 'y', '/a/b/y', '')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '/./y/', 'y', '/a/b/y', '/')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '///./..//y/.//', '..', '/a', '/y/')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '///', '', '/a/b/', '')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '/.//', '', '/a/b/', '')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '/x//', 'x', '/a/b/x', '/')
- self.checkShift('/a/b', '/.', None, '/a/b', '')
- def testDefaults(self):
- for key, value in [
- ('SERVER_NAME',''),
- ('SERVER_PORT', '80'),
- ('HTTP_HOST',''),
- ('SCRIPT_NAME',''),
- ('PATH_INFO','/'),
- ('wsgi.version', (1,0)),
- ('wsgi.run_once', 0),
- ('wsgi.multithread', 0),
- ('wsgi.multiprocess', 0),
- ('wsgi.input', StringIO("")),
- ('wsgi.errors', StringIO()),
- ('wsgi.url_scheme','http'),
- ]:
- self.checkDefault(key,value)
- def testCrossDefaults(self):
- self.checkCrossDefault('HTTP_HOST',"",SERVER_NAME="")
- self.checkCrossDefault('wsgi.url_scheme',"https",HTTPS="on")
- self.checkCrossDefault('wsgi.url_scheme',"https",HTTPS="1")
- self.checkCrossDefault('wsgi.url_scheme',"https",HTTPS="yes")
- self.checkCrossDefault('wsgi.url_scheme',"http",HTTPS="foo")
- self.checkCrossDefault('SERVER_PORT',"80",HTTPS="foo")
- self.checkCrossDefault('SERVER_PORT',"443",HTTPS="on")
- def testGuessScheme(self):
- self.assertEqual(util.guess_scheme({}), "http")
- self.assertEqual(util.guess_scheme({'HTTPS':"foo"}), "http")
- self.assertEqual(util.guess_scheme({'HTTPS':"on"}), "https")
- self.assertEqual(util.guess_scheme({'HTTPS':"yes"}), "https")
- self.assertEqual(util.guess_scheme({'HTTPS':"1"}), "https")
- def testAppURIs(self):
- self.checkAppURI("")
- self.checkAppURI("", SCRIPT_NAME="/spam")
- self.checkAppURI("",
- self.checkAppURI("",
- self.checkAppURI("",
- self.checkAppURI("", HTTPS="on")
- self.checkAppURI("", SERVER_PORT="8000",
- def testReqURIs(self):
- self.checkReqURI("")
- self.checkReqURI("", SCRIPT_NAME="/spam")
- self.checkReqURI("",
- SCRIPT_NAME="/spammity", PATH_INFO="/spam")
- self.checkReqURI("",
- SCRIPT_NAME="/spammity", PATH_INFO="/spam",QUERY_STRING="say=ni")
- self.checkReqURI("", 0,
- SCRIPT_NAME="/spammity", PATH_INFO="/spam",QUERY_STRING="say=ni")
- def testFileWrapper(self):
- self.checkFW("xyz"*50, 120, ["xyz"*40,"xyz"*10])
- def testHopByHop(self):
- for hop in (
- "Connection Keep-Alive Proxy-Authenticate Proxy-Authorization "
- "TE Trailers Transfer-Encoding Upgrade"
- ).split():
- for alt in hop, hop.title(), hop.upper(), hop.lower():
- self.failUnless(util.is_hop_by_hop(alt))
- # Not comprehensive, just a few random header names
- for hop in (
- "Accept Cache-Control Date Pragma Trailer Via Warning"
- ).split():
- for alt in hop, hop.title(), hop.upper(), hop.lower():
- self.failIf(util.is_hop_by_hop(alt))
-TestClasses = (
- UtilityTests,
-def test_suite():
- return TestSuite([makeSuite(t,'test') for t in TestClasses])