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+\section{\module{wsgiref} --- WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation}
+\moduleauthor{Phillip J. Eby}{}
+\sectionauthor{Phillip J. Eby}{}
+\modulesynopsis{WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation}
+The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is a standard interface
+between web server software and web applications written in Python.
+Having a standard interface makes it easy to use a WSGI-supporting
+application with a number of different web servers.
+Only authors of web servers and programming frameworks need to know
+every detail and corner case of the WSGI design. You don't need to
+understand every detail of WSGI just to install a WSGI application or
+to write a web application using an existing framework.
+\module{wsgiref} is a reference implementation of the WSGI specification
+that can be used to add WSGI support to a web server or framework. It
+provides utilities for manipulating WSGI environment variables and
+response headers, base classes for implementing WSGI servers, a demo
+HTTP server that serves WSGI applications, and a validation tool that
+checks WSGI servers and applications for conformance to the
+WSGI specification (\pep{333}).
+% XXX If you're just trying to write a web application...
+% XXX should create a URL on to point people to.
+\subsection{\module{wsgiref.util} -- WSGI environment utilities}
+This module provides a variety of utility functions for working with
+WSGI environments. A WSGI environment is a dictionary containing
+HTTP request variables as described in \pep{333}. All of the functions
+taking an \var{environ} parameter expect a WSGI-compliant dictionary to
+be supplied; please see \pep{333} for a detailed specification.
+Return a guess for whether \code{wsgi.url_scheme} should be ``http'' or
+``https'', by checking for a \code{HTTPS} environment variable in the
+\var{environ} dictionary. The return value is a string.
+This function is useful when creating a gateway that wraps CGI or a
+CGI-like protocol such as FastCGI. Typically, servers providing such
+protocols will include a \code{HTTPS} variable with a value of ``1''
+``yes'', or ``on'' when a request is received via SSL. So, this
+function returns ``https'' if such a value is found, and ``http''
+\begin{funcdesc}{request_uri}{environ \optional{, include_query=1}}
+Return the full request URI, optionally including the query string,
+using the algorithm found in the ``URL Reconstruction'' section of
+\pep{333}. If \var{include_query} is false, the query string is
+not included in the resulting URI.
+Similar to \function{request_uri}, except that the \code{PATH_INFO} and
+\code{QUERY_STRING} variables are ignored. The result is the base URI
+of the application object addressed by the request.
+Shift a single name from \code{PATH_INFO} to \code{SCRIPT_NAME} and
+return the name. The \var{environ} dictionary is \emph{modified}
+in-place; use a copy if you need to keep the original \code{PATH_INFO}
+or \code{SCRIPT_NAME} intact.
+If there are no remaining path segments in \code{PATH_INFO}, \code{None}
+is returned.
+Typically, this routine is used to process each portion of a request
+URI path, for example to treat the path as a series of dictionary keys.
+This routine modifies the passed-in environment to make it suitable for
+invoking another WSGI application that is located at the target URI.
+For example, if there is a WSGI application at \code{/foo}, and the
+request URI path is \code{/foo/bar/baz}, and the WSGI application at
+\code{/foo} calls \function{shift_path_info}, it will receive the string
+``bar'', and the environment will be updated to be suitable for passing
+to a WSGI application at \code{/foo/bar}. That is, \code{SCRIPT_NAME}
+will change from \code{/foo} to \code{/foo/bar}, and \code{PATH_INFO}
+will change from \code{/bar/baz} to \code{/baz}.
+When \code{PATH_INFO} is just a ``/'', this routine returns an empty
+string and appends a trailing slash to \code{SCRIPT_NAME}, even though
+empty path segments are normally ignored, and \code{SCRIPT_NAME} doesn't
+normally end in a slash. This is intentional behavior, to ensure that
+an application can tell the difference between URIs ending in \code{/x}
+from ones ending in \code{/x/} when using this routine to do object
+Update \var{environ} with trivial defaults for testing purposes.
+This routine adds various parameters required for WSGI, including
+\code{HTTP_HOST}, \code{SERVER_NAME}, \code{SERVER_PORT},
+\code{REQUEST_METHOD}, \code{SCRIPT_NAME}, \code{PATH_INFO}, and all of
+the \pep{333}-defined \code{wsgi.*} variables. It only supplies default
+values, and does not replace any existing settings for these variables.
+This routine is intended to make it easier for unit tests of WSGI
+servers and applications to set up dummy environments. It should NOT
+be used by actual WSGI servers or applications, since the data is fake!
+In addition to the environment functions above, the
+\module{wsgiref.util} module also provides these miscellaneous
+Return true if 'header_name' is an HTTP/1.1 ``Hop-by-Hop'' header, as
+defined by \rfc{2616}.
+\begin{classdesc}{FileWrapper}{filelike \optional{, blksize=8192}}
+A wrapper to convert a file-like object to an iterator. The resulting
+objects support both \method{__getitem__} and \method{__iter__}
+iteration styles, for compatibility with Python 2.1 and Jython.
+As the object is iterated over, the optional \var{blksize} parameter
+will be repeatedly passed to the \var{filelike} object's \method{read()}
+method to obtain strings to yield. When \method{read()} returns an
+empty string, iteration is ended and is not resumable.
+If \var{filelike} has a \method{close()} method, the returned object
+will also have a \method{close()} method, and it will invoke the
+\var{filelike} object's \method{close()} method when called.
+\subsection{\module{wsgiref.headers} -- WSGI response header tools}
+This module provides a single class, \class{Headers}, for convenient
+manipulation of WSGI response headers using a mapping-like interface.
+Create a mapping-like object wrapping \var{headers}, which must be a
+list of header name/value tuples as described in \pep{333}. Any changes
+made to the new \class{Headers} object will directly update the
+\var{headers} list it was created with.
+\class{Headers} objects support typical mapping operations including
+\method{__getitem__}, \method{get}, \method{__setitem__},
+\method{setdefault}, \method{__delitem__}, \method{__contains__} and
+\method{has_key}. For each of these methods, the key is the header name
+(treated case-insensitively), and the value is the first value
+associated with that header name. Setting a header deletes any existing
+values for that header, then adds a new value at the end of the wrapped
+header list. Headers' existing order is generally maintained, with new
+headers added to the end of the wrapped list.
+Unlike a dictionary, \class{Headers} objects do not raise an error when
+you try to get or delete a key that isn't in the wrapped header list.
+Getting a nonexistent header just returns \code{None}, and deleting
+a nonexistent header does nothing.
+\class{Headers} objects also support \method{keys()}, \method{values()},
+and \method{items()} methods. The lists returned by \method{keys()}
+and \method{items()} can include the same key more than once if there
+is a multi-valued header. The \code{len()} of a \class{Headers} object
+is the same as the length of its \method{items()}, which is the same
+as the length of the wrapped header list. In fact, the \method{items()}
+method just returns a copy of the wrapped header list.
+Calling \code{str()} on a \class{Headers} object returns a formatted
+string suitable for transmission as HTTP response headers. Each header
+is placed on a line with its value, separated by a colon and a space.
+Each line is terminated by a carriage return and line feed, and the
+string is terminated with a blank line.
+In addition to their mapping interface and formatting features,
+\class{Headers} objects also have the following methods for querying
+and adding multi-valued headers, and for adding headers with MIME
+Return a list of all the values for the named header.
+The returned list will be sorted in the order they appeared in the
+original header list or were added to this instance, and may contain
+duplicates. Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to
+the header list. If no fields exist with the given name, returns an
+empty list.
+\begin{methoddesc}{add_header}{name, value, **_params}
+Add a (possibly multi-valued) header, with optional MIME parameters
+specified via keyword arguments.
+_name is the header field to add. keyword arguments can be used to set
+additional parameters for the header field, with underscores converted
+to dashes. Normally the parameter will be added as key="value" unless
+value is None, in which case only the key will be added.
+h.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment', filename='bud.gif')
+Note that unlike the corresponding 'email.Message' method, this does
+*not* handle '(charset, language, value)' tuples: all values must be
+strings or None.
+\subsection{\module{wsgiref.simple_server} -- a simple WSGI HTTP server}
+\begin{funcdesc}{demo_app}{environ, start_response}
+This function is a small but complete WSGI application that
+returns a text page containing the message ``Hello world!''
+and a list of the key/value pairs provided in the
+\var{environ} parameter.
+\subsection{\module{wsgiref.validate} -- WSGI conformance checker}
+\subsection{\module{wsgiref.handlers} -- server/gateway base classes}