diff options
authorAlexander Schepanovski <>2014-06-29 17:01:28 +0800
committerAlexander Schepanovski <>2014-06-29 17:01:28 +0800
commit578c6f2e23ce585f83e27c9c5866a0e3475b965c (patch)
parent8a1d420a321dbb8b8fbb1e74a72a6d0e7114e6eb (diff)
Parse env and args for factors, detect undefined envs
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/tox/ b/tox/
index 39bc375..1dadc8a 100644
--- a/tox/
+++ b/tox/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import re
import shlex
import string
import pkg_resources
+import itertools
from tox.interpreters import Interpreters
@@ -280,22 +281,19 @@ class parseini:
config.sdistsrc = reader.getpath(toxsection, "sdistsrc", None)
config.setupdir = reader.getpath(toxsection, "setupdir", "{toxinidir}")
config.logdir = config.toxworkdir.join("log")
- for sectionwrapper in self._cfg:
- section =
- if section.startswith(testenvprefix):
- name = section[len(testenvprefix):]
- envconfig = self._makeenvconfig(name, section, reader._subs,
- config)
- config.envconfigs[name] = envconfig
- if not config.envconfigs:
- config.envconfigs['python'] = \
- self._makeenvconfig("python", "_xz_9", reader._subs, config)
- config.envlist = self._getenvlist(reader, toxsection)
- for name in config.envlist:
- if name not in config.envconfigs:
- if name in defaultenvs:
- config.envconfigs[name] = \
- self._makeenvconfig(name, "_xz_9", reader._subs, config)
+ config.envlist, all_envs = self._getenvdata(reader, toxsection)
+ # configure testenvs
+ known_factors = self._list_section_factors("testenv")
+ known_factors.update(defaultenvs)
+ known_factors.add("python")
+ for name in all_envs:
+ section = testenvprefix + name
+ factors = set(name.split('-'))
+ if section in self._cfg or factors & known_factors:
+ config.envconfigs[name] = \
+ self._makeenvconfig(name, section, reader._subs, config)
all_develop = all(name in config.envconfigs
and config.envconfigs[name].develop
@@ -303,18 +301,18 @@ class parseini:
config.skipsdist = reader.getbool(toxsection, "skipsdist", all_develop)
- # interpolate missing configs
- for name in config.envlist:
- if name not in config.envconfigs:
- config.envconfigs[name] = \
- self._makeenvconfig(name, "testenv", reader._subs, config,
- factors=name.split('-'))
+ def _list_section_factors(self, section):
+ factors = set()
+ if section in self._cfg:
+ for _, value in self._cfg[section].items():
+ factors.update(re.findall(r'^(!)?(\w+)\:\s+(.+)', value))
+ return factors
- def _makeenvconfig(self, name, section, subs, config, factors=()):
+ def _makeenvconfig(self, name, section, subs, config):
vc = VenvConfig(envname=name)
vc.config = config
reader = IniReader(self._cfg, fallbacksections=["testenv"],
- factors=factors)
+ factors=name.split('-'))
vc.develop = not config.option.installpkg and \
reader.getbool(section, "usedevelop", config.option.develop)
@@ -394,37 +392,25 @@ class parseini:
"'install_command' must contain '{packages}' substitution")
return vc
- def _getenvlist(self, reader, toxsection):
- env = self.config.option.env
- if not env:
- env = os.environ.get("TOXENV", None)
- if not env:
- envstr = reader.getdefault(toxsection, "envlist", default="",
- replace=False)
- envlist = self._expand_envstr(envstr)
- if not envlist:
- envlist = self.config.envconfigs.keys()
- return envlist
- # TODO: move envsplit magic to _split_env()
- envlist = _split_env(env)
- if "ALL" in envlist:
- envlist = list(self.config.envconfigs)
- envlist.sort()
- return envlist
- def _expand_envstr(self, envstr):
- from itertools import groupby, product, chain
- # split by commas not in groups
- tokens = re.split(r'(\{[^}]+\})|,', envstr)
- envlist = [''.join(g).strip() for k, g in groupby(tokens, key=bool) if k]
- def expand(env):
- tokens = re.split(r'\{([^}]+)\}', env)
- parts = [token.split(',') for token in tokens]
- return [''.join(variant) for variant in product(*parts)]
- return list(chain(*map(expand, envlist)))
+ def _getenvdata(self, reader, toxsection):
+ envstr = self.config.option.env \
+ or os.environ.get("TOXENV") \
+ or reader.getdefault(toxsection, "envlist", replace=False) \
+ or []
+ envlist = _split_env(envstr)
+ # collect section envs
+ all_envs = set(envlist) - set(["ALL"])
+ for section in self._cfg:
+ if
+ all_envs.add([len(testenvprefix):])
+ if not all_envs:
+ all_envs.add("python")
+ if not envlist or "ALL" in envlist:
+ envlist = sorted(all_envs)
+ return envlist, all_envs
def _replace_forced_dep(self, name, config):
@@ -454,15 +440,25 @@ class parseini:
def _split_env(env):
"""if handed a list, action="append" was used for -e """
- envlist = []
if not isinstance(env, list):
env = [env]
- for to_split in env:
- for single_env in to_split.split(","):
- # "remove True or", if not allowing multiple same runs, update tests
- if True or single_env not in envlist:
- envlist.append(single_env)
- return envlist
+ return mapcat(_expand_envstr, env)
+def _expand_envstr(envstr):
+ # split by commas not in groups
+ tokens = re.split(r'(\{[^}]+\})|,', envstr)
+ envlist = [''.join(g).strip()
+ for k, g in itertools.groupby(tokens, key=bool) if k]
+ def expand(env):
+ tokens = re.split(r'\{([^}]+)\}', env)
+ parts = [token.split(',') for token in tokens]
+ return [''.join(variant) for variant in itertools.product(*parts)]
+ return mapcat(expand, envlist)
+def mapcat(f, seq):
+ return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(f, seq)))
class DepConfig:
def __init__(self, name, indexserver=None):