diff options
authorBernát Gábor <>2020-11-28 14:18:26 +0000
committerBernát Gábor <>2020-11-30 12:54:42 +0000
commit3b2211c68a082ad3ab21c0e1ec3df7dd1a4e387f (patch)
parent1eddfe0a0dd9e79725c7f3030e185c3bff55c5c1 (diff)
Implement parallel mode - without output redirect
Signed-off-by: Bernát Gábor <>
13 files changed, 221 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/src/tox/session/cmd/ b/src/tox/session/cmd/
index 2bd7807a..b60335ea 100644
--- a/src/tox/session/cmd/
+++ b/src/tox/session/cmd/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
from tox.config.cli.parser import DEFAULT_VERBOSITY, ToxParser
from tox.plugin.impl import impl
from import env_run_create_flags
-from import parallel_flags, run_parallel
+from import OFF_VALUE, parallel_flags, run_parallel
from import run_sequential
from tox.session.common import env_list_flag
from tox.session.state import State
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def tox_add_option(parser: ToxParser) -> None:
our.add_argument("-c", metavar="CONFIGFILE", help="show live configuration", dest="config_file", default="")
- parallel_flags(our)
+ parallel_flags(our, default_parallel=OFF_VALUE)
diff --git a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
index 59ca4526..9b332e50 100644
--- a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
+++ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
"""Common functionality shared across multiple type of runs"""
+import time
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError, Namespace
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Union
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
+from colorama import Fore
+from tox.execute import Outcome
+from tox.journal import write_journal
+from tox.session.state import State
class SkipMissingInterpreterAction(Action):
@@ -86,3 +93,34 @@ def env_run_create_flags(parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
help="for python discovery first try the python executables under these paths",
+def run_and_report(state: State, result: Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple[int, List[Outcome], float]]]) -> int:
+ status_codes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, float, List[float]]] = {}
+ for name, (code, outcomes, duration) in result:
+ status_codes[name] = code, duration, [o.elapsed for o in outcomes]
+ write_journal(getattr(state.options, "result_json", None), state.journal)
+ return report(state.options.start, status_codes, state.options.is_colored)
+def report(start: float, status_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, float, List[float]]], is_colored: bool) -> int:
+ def _print(color: int, message: str) -> None:
+ print(f"{color if is_colored else ''}{message}{Fore.RESET if is_colored else ''}")
+ end = time.monotonic()
+ all_ok = True
+ for name, (status, duration_one, duration_individual) in status_dict.items():
+ ok = status == Outcome.OK
+ msg = "OK " if ok else f"FAIL code {status}"
+ extra = f"+cmd[{','.join(f'{i:.2f}' for i in duration_individual)}]" if len(duration_individual) else ""
+ setup = duration_one - sum(duration_individual)
+ out = f" {name}: {msg}({duration_one:.2f}{f'=setup[{setup:.2f}]{extra}' if extra else ''} seconds)"
+ _print(Fore.GREEN if ok else Fore.RED, out)
+ all_ok = ok and all_ok
+ duration = end - start
+ if all_ok:
+ _print(Fore.GREEN, f" congratulations :) ({duration:.2f} seconds)")
+ return Outcome.OK
+ else:
+ _print(Fore.RED, f" evaluation failed :( ({duration:.2f} seconds)")
+ return -1
diff --git a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
index 83c97e23..0f28bfae 100644
--- a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
+++ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
@@ -2,32 +2,30 @@
Run tox environments in parallel.
-import inspect
import logging
import os
-import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError
-from collections import OrderedDict, deque
-from pathlib import Path
-from threading import Event, Semaphore, Thread
-from typing import cast
+from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Set, Tuple, cast
-import tox
from tox.config.cli.parser import ToxParser
+from tox.config.types import EnvList
+from tox.execute import Outcome
from tox.plugin.impl import impl
+from import run_one
from tox.session.common import env_list_flag
from tox.session.state import State
from tox.util.cpu import auto_detect_cpus
+from tox.util.graph import stable_topological_sort
from tox.util.spinner import Spinner
-from .common import env_run_create_flags
+from .common import env_run_create_flags, run_and_report
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-MAIN_FILE = Path(cast(str, inspect.getsourcefile(tox))).parent / ""
@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ def tox_add_option(parser: ToxParser) -> None:
our = parser.add_command("run-parallel", ["p"], "run environments in parallel", run_parallel)
- parallel_flags(our)
+ parallel_flags(our, default_parallel=auto_detect_cpus())
def parse_num_processes(str_value):
@@ -43,14 +41,13 @@ def parse_num_processes(str_value):
return None
if str_value == "auto":
return auto_detect_cpus()
- else:
- value = int(str_value)
- if value < 0:
- raise ArgumentTypeError("value must be positive")
- return value
+ value = int(str_value)
+ if value < 0:
+ raise ArgumentTypeError("value must be positive")
+ return value
-def parallel_flags(our: ArgumentParser) -> None:
+def parallel_flags(our: ArgumentParser, default_parallel: int) -> None:
@@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ def parallel_flags(our: ArgumentParser) -> None:
" auto - cpu count, some positive number, zero is turn off",
+ default=default_parallel,
@@ -69,125 +66,70 @@ def parallel_flags(our: ArgumentParser) -> None:
help="connect to stdout while running environments",
+ our.add_argument(
+ "--parallel-no-spinner",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="parallel_no_spinner",
+ help="do not show the spinner",
+ )
def run_parallel(state: State) -> int:
"""here we'll just start parallel sub-processes"""
- live_out = state.options.parallel_live
- disable_spinner = bool(os.environ.get("TOX_PARALLEL_NO_SPINNER") == "1")
- args = [sys.executable, MAIN_FILE] + state.args
- try:
- position = args.index("--")
- except ValueError:
- position = len(args)
- max_parallel = state.options.parallel
- if max_parallel is None:
- max_parallel = len(state.tox_envs)
- semaphore = Semaphore(max_parallel)
- finished = Event()
- show_progress = not disable_spinner and not live_out and state.options.verbosity > 2
- with Spinner(enabled=show_progress) as spinner:
- def run_in_thread(tox_env, os_env, process_dict):
- output = None
- env_name = tox_env.envconfig.envname
- status = "skipped tests" if state.options.no_test else None
- try:
- os_env[str(ENV_VAR_KEY)] = str(env_name)
- args_sub = list(args)
- if hasattr(tox_env, "package"):
- args_sub.insert(position, str(tox_env.perform_packaging))
- args_sub.insert(position, "--installpkg")
- if tox_env.get_result_json_path():
- result_json_index = args_sub.index("--result-json")
- args_sub[result_json_index + 1] = f"{tox_env.get_result_json_path()}"
- with tox_env.new_action(f"parallel {}") as action:
- def collect_process(process):
- process_dict[tox_env] = (action, process)
- print_out = not live_out and tox_env.envconfig.parallel_show_output
- output = action.popen(
- args=args_sub,
- env=os_env,
- redirect=not live_out,
- capture_err=print_out,
- callback=collect_process,
- returnout=print_out,
- )
- except Exception as err:
- status = f"parallel child exit {err!r}"
- finally:
- semaphore.release()
- finished.set()
- tox_env.status = status
- done.add(env_name)
- outcome = spinner.succeed
- if state.options.notest:
- outcome = spinner.skip
- elif status is not None:
- outcome =
- outcome(env_name)
- if print_out and output is not None:
- logger.warning(output)
- threads = deque()
- processes = {}
- todo_keys = set(state.env_list)
- todo = OrderedDict((n, todo_keys & set(v.conf["depends"])) for n, v in state.tox_envs.items())
- done = set()
+ return run_and_report(state, _execute_parallel(state))
+def _execute_parallel(state: State) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple[int, List[Outcome], float]]]:
+ options = state.options
+ live_out = options.parallel_live
+ show_progress = not options.parallel_no_spinner and not live_out and options.verbosity > 2
+ with Spinner(enabled=show_progress, colored=state.options.is_colored) as spinner:
+ spinner_name_done: Callable[[str], None] = spinner.skip if options.no_test else spinner.succeed
+ to_run_list = list(state.env_list())
+ max_parallel = options.parallel
+ executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(len(to_run_list) if max_parallel is None else max_parallel, "tox-parallel")
- while todo:
- for name, depends in list(todo.items()):
- if depends - done:
- # skip if has unfinished dependencies
- continue
- del todo[name]
- venv = state.tox_envs[name]
- semaphore.acquire()
- spinner.add(name)
- thread = Thread(target=run_in_thread, args=(venv, os.environ.copy(), processes))
- thread.daemon = True
- thread.start()
- threads.append(thread)
- if todo:
- # wait until someone finishes and retry queuing jobs
- finished.wait()
- finished.clear()
- while threads:
- threads = [thread for thread in threads if not thread.join(0.1) and thread.is_alive()]
+ future_to_name: Dict[Future, str] = {}
+ completed: Set[str] = set()
+ envs_to_run_generator = ready_to_run_envs(state, to_run_list, completed)
+ while True:
+ env_list = next(envs_to_run_generator, [])
+ if not env_list and not future_to_name:
+ break
+ for env in env_list: # queue all available
+ spinner.add(env)
+ tox_env = state.tox_env(env)
+ if live_out is False:
+ tox_env.hide_display()
+ future = executor.submit(run_one, tox_env, options.recreate, options.no_test)
+ future_to_name[future] = env
+ future = next(as_completed(future_to_name))
+ name = future_to_name.pop(future)
+ code, outcomes, duration = future.result()
+ completed.add(name)
+ if live_out is False:
+ state.tox_env(env).resume_display()
+ (spinner_name_done if code == Outcome.OK else
+ yield name, (code, outcomes, duration)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.error(f"[{os.getpid()}] KeyboardInterrupt parallel - stopping children")
- while True:
- # do not allow interrupting until children interrupt
- try:
- # putting it inside a thread to guarantee it's not interrupted
- stopper = Thread(target=_stop_child_processes, args=(processes, threads))
- stopper.start()
- stopper.join()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- continue
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
- return 0
-def _stop_child_processes(processes, main_threads):
- """A three level stop mechanism for children - INT (250ms) -> TERM (100ms) -> KILL"""
- # first stop children
- def shutdown(tox_env, action, process): # noqa
- action.handle_interrupt(process)
- threads = [Thread(target=shutdown, args=(n, a, p)) for n, (a, p) in processes.items()]
- for thread in threads:
- thread.start()
- for thread in threads:
- thread.join()
- # then its threads
- for thread in main_threads:
- thread.join()
+ executor.shutdown(wait=False)
+def ready_to_run_envs(state: State, to_run: List[str], completed: Set[str]):
+ """Generate tox environments ready to run"""
+ to_run_set = set(to_run)
+ todo: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {
+ env: (to_run_set & set(cast(EnvList, state.tox_env(env).conf["depends"]).envs)) for env in to_run
+ }
+ order, at = stable_topological_sort(todo), 0
+ while at != len(order):
+ ready_to_run = []
+ for env in order[at:]: # collect next batch of ready to run
+ if todo[env] - completed:
+ break # if not all dependencies completed, stop, topological order guarantees we're done
+ ready_to_run.append(env)
+ at += 1
+ yield ready_to_run
diff --git a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
index 7fb5c72d..133d2a3e 100644
--- a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
+++ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
Run tox environments in sequential order.
-import time
-from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
-from colorama import Fore
+from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple
from tox.config.cli.parser import ToxParser
-from tox.execute.api import Outcome
-from tox.journal import write_journal
+from tox.execute import Outcome
from tox.plugin.impl import impl
from tox.session.common import env_list_flag
from tox.session.state import State
-from .common import env_run_create_flags
+from .common import env_run_create_flags, run_and_report
from .single import run_one
@@ -25,35 +21,9 @@ def tox_add_option(parser: ToxParser) -> None:
def run_sequential(state: State) -> int:
- status_codes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, float, List[float]]] = {}
+ return run_and_report(state, _execute_sequential(state))
+def _execute_sequential(state: State) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple[int, List[Outcome], float]]]:
for name in state.env_list(everything=False):
- tox_env = state.tox_env(name)
- start_one = time.monotonic()
- code, outcomes = run_one(tox_env, state.options.recreate, state.options.no_test)
- duration = time.monotonic() - start_one
- status_codes[name] = code, duration, [o.elapsed for o in outcomes]
- write_journal(getattr(state.options, "result_json", None), state.journal)
- return report(state.options.start, status_codes, state.options.is_colored)
-def report(start: float, status_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, float, List[float]]], is_colored: bool) -> int:
- def _print(color: int, message: str) -> None:
- print(f"{color if is_colored else ''}{message}{Fore.RESET if is_colored else ''}")
- end = time.monotonic()
- all_ok = True
- for name, (status, duration_one, duration_individual) in status_dict.items():
- ok = status == Outcome.OK
- msg = "OK " if ok else f"FAIL code {status}"
- extra = f"+cmd[{','.join(f'{i:.2f}' for i in duration_individual)}]" if len(duration_individual) else ""
- setup = duration_one - sum(duration_individual)
- out = f" {name}: {msg}({duration_one:.2f}{f'=setup[{setup:.2f}]{extra}' if extra else ''} seconds)"
- _print(Fore.GREEN if ok else Fore.RED, out)
- all_ok = ok and all_ok
- duration = end - start
- if all_ok:
- _print(Fore.GREEN, f" congratulations :) ({duration:.2f} seconds)")
- return Outcome.OK
- else:
- _print(Fore.RED, f" evaluation failed :( ({duration:.2f} seconds)")
- return -1
+ yield name, run_one(state.tox_env(name), state.options.recreate, state.options.no_test)
diff --git a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
index 5ee6ac44..8b0fe034 100644
--- a/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
+++ b/src/tox/session/cmd/run/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Defines how to run a single tox environment.
+from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple, cast
from tox.config.types import Command
@@ -9,10 +10,14 @@ from tox.tox_env.api import ToxEnv
from tox.tox_env.runner import RunToxEnv
-def run_one(tox_env: RunToxEnv, recreate: bool, no_test: bool) -> Tuple[int, List[Outcome]]:
- tox_env.ensure_setup(recreate=recreate)
- code, outcomes = run_commands(tox_env, no_test)
- return code, outcomes
+def run_one(tox_env: RunToxEnv, recreate: bool, no_test: bool) -> Tuple[int, List[Outcome], float]:
+ start_one =
+ try:
+ tox_env.ensure_setup(recreate=recreate)
+ code, outcomes = run_commands(tox_env, no_test)
+ finally:
+ duration = ( - start_one).total_seconds()
+ return code, outcomes, duration
def run_commands(tox_env: ToxEnv, no_test: bool) -> Tuple[int, List[Outcome]]:
diff --git a/src/tox/tox_env/ b/src/tox/tox_env/
index 07167c91..e8cc424a 100644
--- a/src/tox/tox_env/
+++ b/src/tox/tox_env/
@@ -218,5 +218,13 @@ class ToxEnv(ABC):
def id() -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
+ def hide_display(self) -> None:
+ """No longer show"""
+ assert
+ def resume_display(self) -> None:
+ """No longer show"""
+ assert
_CWD = Path.cwd()
diff --git a/src/tox/util/ b/src/tox/util/
index ea621f6b..47c6b080 100644
--- a/src/tox/util/
+++ b/src/tox/util/
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"""Helper methods related to graph theory."""
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set
-def stable_topological_sort(graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> List[str]:
+def stable_topological_sort(graph: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> List[str]:
to_order = set(graph.keys()) # keep a log of what we need to order
# normalize graph - fill missing nodes (assume no dependency)
for values in list(graph.values()):
for value in values:
if value not in graph:
- graph[value] = ()
+ graph[value] = set()
inverse_graph = defaultdict(set)
for key, depends in graph.items():
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def stable_topological_sort(graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> List[str]:
return result
-def identify_cycle(graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> None:
+def identify_cycle(graph: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> None:
path: Dict[str, None] = OrderedDict()
visited = set()
diff --git a/src/tox/util/ b/src/tox/util/
index f3d0e570..3662c17a 100644
--- a/src/tox/util/
+++ b/src/tox/util/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
import os
import sys
import threading
+import time
from collections import OrderedDict
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from types import TracebackType
from typing import IO, Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Type
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ class Spinner:
UNICODE_FRAMES = ["⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏"]
ASCII_FRAMES = ["|", "-", "+", "x", "*"]
- def __init__(self, enabled: bool = True, refresh_rate: float = 0.1) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, enabled: bool = True, refresh_rate: float = 0.1, colored: bool = True) -> None:
+ self.is_colored = colored
self.refresh_rate = refresh_rate
self.enabled = enabled
self.frames = (
self.UNICODE_FRAMES if _file_support_encoding(self.UNICODE_FRAMES, sys.stdout) else self.ASCII_FRAMES
) = sys.stdout
- self._envs: Dict[str, datetime] = OrderedDict()
+ self._envs: Dict[str, float] = OrderedDict()
self._frame_index = 0
def clear(self) -> None:
@@ -99,26 +100,26 @@ class Spinner:
def add(self, name: str) -> None:
- self._envs[name] =
+ self._envs[name] = time.monotonic()
def succeed(self, key: str) -> None:
- self.finalize(key, "✔ OK", Fore.GREEN)
+ self.finalize(key, "OK ✔", Fore.GREEN)
def fail(self, key: str) -> None:
- self.finalize(key, "✖ FAIL", Fore.RED)
+ self.finalize(key, "FAIL ✖", Fore.RED)
def skip(self, key: str) -> None:
- self.finalize(key, "⚠ SKIP", Fore.WHITE)
+ self.finalize(key, "SKIP ⚠", Fore.WHITE)
def finalize(self, key: str, status: str, color: int) -> None:
start_at = self._envs[key]
del self._envs[key]
if self.enabled:
- msg = f"{color}{status} {key} in {td_human_readable( - start_at)}{Fore.RESET}{os.linesep}"
- if not self._envs:
- self.__exit__(None, None, None)
+ base = f"{key}: {status} in {td_human_readable(time.monotonic() - start_at)}"
+ if self.is_colored:
+ base = f"{color}{base}{Fore.RESET}{os.linesep}"
def disable_cursor(self) -> None:
@@ -151,15 +152,15 @@ _PERIODS = [
-def td_human_readable(delta: timedelta) -> str:
- seconds: float = delta.total_seconds()
+def td_human_readable(seconds: float) -> str:
texts = []
+ total_seconds = seconds
for period_name, period_seconds in _PERIODS:
if seconds > period_seconds or period_seconds == 1:
period_value = int(seconds) // period_seconds
seconds %= period_seconds
if period_name == "second":
- ms = period_value + delta.total_seconds() - int(delta.total_seconds())
+ ms = period_value + total_seconds - int(total_seconds)
period_str = f"{ms:.2f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
period_str = str(period_value)
diff --git a/tests/config/cli/ b/tests/config/cli/
index a6d989de..13054353 100644
--- a/tests/config/cli/
+++ b/tests/config/cli/
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ def test_verbose_no_test(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
"discover": [],
"parallel": 0,
"parallel_live": False,
+ "parallel_no_spinner": False,
"pre": False,
"index_url": [],
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ def test_env_var_exhaustive_parallel_values(
"package_only": False,
"parallel": 3,
"parallel_live": False,
+ "parallel_no_spinner": False,
"pre": False,
"quiet": 1,
"recreate": True,
diff --git a/tests/config/cli/ b/tests/config/cli/
index 5d3afde4..7ee34140 100644
--- a/tests/config/cli/
+++ b/tests/config/cli/
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ def test_ini_exhaustive_parallel_values(exhaustive_ini: Path, core_handlers: Dic
"no_recreate_pkg": False,
"parallel": 3,
"parallel_live": True,
+ "parallel_no_spinner": False,
"quiet": 1,
"recreate": True,
"result_json": None,
diff --git a/tests/session/cmd/ b/tests/session/cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04eedf7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/session/cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from tox.pytest import ToxProjectCreator
+def test_parallel_run(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None:
+ ini = """
+ [tox]
+ no_package=true
+ env_list= a, b, c
+ [testenv]
+ commands=python -c 'print("{env_name}")'
+ depends = !c: c
+ """
+ project = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini})
+ outcome ="p")
+ outcome.assert_success()
+ out = outcome.out
+ for env in "a", "b", "c":
+ env_done = f"{env}: OK ✔"
+ env_report = f" {env}: OK ("
+ assert env_done in out, out
+ assert env_report in out, out
+ assert out.index(env_done) < out.index(env_report), out
diff --git a/tests/util/ b/tests/util/
index 3695f8b3..b369ad17 100644
--- a/tests/util/
+++ b/tests/util/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
-from typing import Dict, Tuple
+from typing import Dict, Set
import pytest
@@ -7,65 +7,65 @@ from tox.util.graph import stable_topological_sort
def test_topological_order_empty() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
result = stable_topological_sort(graph)
assert result == []
def test_topological_order_specified_only() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
- graph["A"] = "B", "C"
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph["A"] = {"B", "C"}
result = stable_topological_sort(graph)
assert result == ["A"]
def test_topological_order() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
- graph["A"] = "B", "C"
- graph["B"] = ()
- graph["C"] = ()
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph["A"] = {"B", "C"}
+ graph["B"] = set()
+ graph["C"] = set()
result = stable_topological_sort(graph)
assert result == ["B", "C", "A"]
def test_topological_order_cycle() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
- graph["A"] = "B", "C"
- graph["B"] = ("A",)
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph["A"] = {"B", "C"}
+ graph["B"] = {"A"}
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="A | B"):
def test_topological_complex() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
- graph["A"] = "B", "C"
- graph["B"] = "C", "D"
- graph["C"] = ("D",)
- graph["D"] = ()
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph["A"] = {"B", "C"}
+ graph["B"] = {"C", "D"}
+ graph["C"] = {"D"}
+ graph["D"] = set()
result = stable_topological_sort(graph)
assert result == ["D", "C", "B", "A"]
def test_two_sub_graph() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
- graph["F"] = ()
- graph["E"] = ()
- graph["D"] = "E", "F"
- graph["A"] = "B", "C"
- graph["B"] = ()
- graph["C"] = ()
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph["F"] = set()
+ graph["E"] = set()
+ graph["D"] = {"E", "F"}
+ graph["A"] = {"B", "C"}
+ graph["B"] = set()
+ graph["C"] = set()
result = stable_topological_sort(graph)
assert result == ["F", "E", "D", "B", "C", "A"]
def test_two_sub_graph_circle() -> None:
- graph: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = OrderedDict()
- graph["F"] = ()
- graph["E"] = ()
- graph["D"] = "E", "F"
- graph["A"] = "B", "C"
- graph["B"] = ("A",)
- graph["C"] = ()
+ graph: Dict[str, Set[str]] = OrderedDict()
+ graph["F"] = set()
+ graph["E"] = set()
+ graph["D"] = {"E", "F"}
+ graph["A"] = {"B", "C"}
+ graph["B"] = {"A"}
+ graph["C"] = set()
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="A | B"):
diff --git a/tests/util/ b/tests/util/
index 11cebb3e..8df3a2c5 100644
--- a/tests/util/
+++ b/tests/util/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def test_spinner_disabled(capfd: CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> No
spin.finalize("x", "done", Fore.GREEN)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == f"{Fore.GREEN}done x in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}{os.linesep}"
+ assert out == f"{Fore.GREEN}x: done in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}{os.linesep}", out
assert err == ""
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ def test_spinner_report(capfd: CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None
lines = out.split(os.linesep)
del lines[0]
expected = [
- f"\r{spin.CLEAR_LINE}{Fore.GREEN}✔ OK ok in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}",
- f"\r{spin.CLEAR_LINE}{Fore.RED}✖ FAIL fail in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}",
- f"\r{spin.CLEAR_LINE}{Fore.WHITE}⚠ SKIP skip in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}",
+ f"\r{spin.CLEAR_LINE}{Fore.GREEN}ok: OK ✔ in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}",
+ f"\r{spin.CLEAR_LINE}{Fore.RED}fail: FAIL ✖ in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}",
+ f"\r{spin.CLEAR_LINE}{Fore.WHITE}skip: SKIP ⚠ in 0 seconds{Fore.RESET}",
assert lines == expected
@@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ def test_spinner_stdout_not_unicode(capfd: CaptureFixture, mocker: MockerFixture
def test_td_human_readable(seconds: float, expected: str) -> None:
dt = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
- assert spinner.td_human_readable(dt) == expected
+ assert spinner.td_human_readable(dt.total_seconds()) == expected