diff options
authorJurko Gospodnetić <>2017-12-18 11:47:10 +0100
committerGábor Bernát <>2017-12-18 10:47:10 +0000
commit33b3fe8d2b22dc92ca715fcabf826b26beef1819 (patch)
parente793fdde042c02b590e029bae77968b6d0eda2b2 (diff)
fix running internal tox test runs from path with spaces (#716)
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index b06ed81a..a8879699 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ description = run the unit tests with pytest under {basepython}
setenv = COVERAGE_FILE={toxworkdir}/.coverage.{envname}
passenv = http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy SSL_CERT_FILE TOXENV CI TRAVIS TRAVIS_* APPVEYOR APPVEYOR_* CODECOV_*
extras = testing
-commands = pytest {posargs:--cov-config={toxinidir}/tox.ini --cov={envsitepackagesdir}/tox --timeout=180 tests}
+commands = pytest {posargs:--cov-config="{toxinidir}/tox.ini" --cov="{envsitepackagesdir}/tox" --timeout=180 tests}
description = invoke sphinx-build to build the HTML docs, check that URIs are valid
basepython = python3.6
extras = docs
-commands = sphinx-build -d {toxworkdir}/docs_doctree doc {toxworkdir}/docs_out --color -W -bhtml
- sphinx-build -d {toxworkdir}/docs_doctree doc {toxworkdir}/docs_out --color -W -blinkcheck
+commands = sphinx-build -d "{toxworkdir}/docs_doctree" doc "{toxworkdir}/docs_out" --color -W -bhtml
+ sphinx-build -d "{toxworkdir}/docs_doctree" doc "{toxworkdir}/docs_out" --color -W -blinkcheck
basepython = python3.6
@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ changedir = {toxworkdir}
setenv = COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage
commands = coverage erase
coverage combine
- coverage report --rcfile={toxinidir}/tox.ini
+ coverage report --rcfile="{toxinidir}/tox.ini"
coverage xml
description = [only run on CI]: upload coverage data to codecov (depends on coverage running first)
deps = codecov
skip_install = True
-commands = codecov --file {toxworkdir}/coverage.xml
+commands = codecov --file "{toxworkdir}/coverage.xml"
passenv = *
description = "personal release assistant" - see HOWTORELEASE.rst
extras = publish, docs
-commands = {toxinidir}/tasks/ {posargs}
+commands = "{toxinidir}/tasks/" {posargs}
description = print the positional arguments passed in with echo