path: root/docs/index.txt
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diff --git a/docs/index.txt b/docs/index.txt
index def94a8..f19e8d5 100644
--- a/docs/index.txt
+++ b/docs/index.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+.. contents::
:author: Ian Bicking <>
Status & License
@@ -13,3 +15,183 @@ seek to take over the templating world, or adopt many new features.
I just wanted a small templating language for cases when ``%`` and
``string.Template`` weren't enough.
+Why Another Templating Language
+Surely the world has enough templating languages? So why did I write
+I initially used `Cheetah <>`_ as the
+templating language for `Paste Script
+<>`_, but this caused quite a few
+problems. People frequently had problems installing Cheetah because
+it includes a C extension. Also, the errors and invocation can be a
+little confusing. This might be okay for something that used
+Cheetah's features extensively, except that the templating was a very
+minor feature of the system, and many people didn't even understand or
+care about where templating came into the system.
+At the same time, I was starting to create reusable WSGI components
+that had some templating in them. Not a lot of templating, but enough
+that ``string.Template`` had become too complicated -- I need if
+statements and loops.
+Given this, I started looking around for a very small templating
+language, and I didn't like anything I found. Many of them seemed
+awkward or like toys that were more about the novelty of the
+implementation than the utility of the language.
+So one night when I felt like coding but didn't feel like working on
+anything I was already working on, I wrote this. It was first called
+``paste.util.template``, but I decided it deserved a life of its own,
+hence Tempita.
+The Interface
+The interface is intended to look a lot like ``string.Template``. You
+can create a template object like::
+ >>> import tempita
+ >>> tmpl = tempita.Template("""Hello {{name}}""")
+ >>> tmpl.substitute(name='Bob')
+ 'Hello Bob'
+Or if you want to skip the class::
+ >>> tempita.sub("Hello {{name}}", name='Alice')
+ 'Hello Alice'
+Note that the language allows arbitrary Python to be executed, so
+your templates must be trusted.
+You can give a name to your template, which is handy when there is an
+error (the name will be displayed)::
+ >>> tmpl = tempita.Template('Hi {{name}}', name='tmpl')
+ >>> tmpl.substitute()
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ NameError: name 'name' is not defined at line 1 column 6 in file tmpl
+You can also give a namespace to use by default, which
+``.substitute(...)`` will augment::
+ >>> tmpl = tempita.Template(
+ ... 'Hi {{upper(name)}}',
+ ... namespace=dict(upper=lambda s: s.upper()))
+ >>> tmpl.substitute(name='Joe')
+ 'Hi JOE'
+Lastly, you can give a dictionary-like object as the argument to
+``.substitute``, like::
+ >>> name = 'Jane'
+ >>> tmpl.substitute(locals())
+ 'Hi JANE'
+There's also an `HTMLTemplate`_ class that is more appropriate for
+templates that produce HTML.
+Tempita tries to handle unicode gracefully, for some value of
+"graceful". ``Template`` objects have a ``default_encoding``
+attribute. It will try to use that encoding whenever ``unicode`` and
+``str`` objects are mixed in the template. E.g.::
+ >>> tmpl = tempita.Template(u'Hi {{name}}')
+ >>> tmpl.substitute(name='Jos\xc3\xa9')
+ u'Hi Jos\xe9'
+ >>> tmpl = tempita.Template('Hi {{name}}')
+ >>> tmpl.substitute(name=u'Jos\xe9')
+ 'Hi Jos\xc3\xa9'
+The Language
+The language is fairly simple; all the constructs look like
+To insert a variable or expression, use ``{{expression}}``. You can't
+use ``}}`` in your expression, but if it comes up just use ``} }``
+(put a space between them). You can pass your expression through
+*filters* with ``{{expression | filter}}``, for instance
+``{{expression | repr}}``. This is entirely equivalent to
+``{{repr(expression)}}``. But it might look nicer to some people; I
+took it from Django because I liked it. There's a shared namespace,
+so ``repr`` is just an object in the namespace.
+If you want to have ``{{`` or ``}}`` in your template, you must use
+the built-in variables like ``{{start_braces}}`` and
+``{{end_braces}}``. There's no escape character.
+You can do an if statement with::
+ {{if condition}}
+ true stuff
+ {{elif other_condition}}
+ other stuff
+ {{else}}
+ final stuff
+ {{endif}}
+Some of the blank lines will be removed when, as in this case, they
+only contain a single directive. A trailing ``:`` is optional.
+Loops should be unsurprising::
+ {{for a, b in items}}
+ {{a}} = {{b | repr}}
+ {{endfor}}
+For anything more complicated, you can use blocks of Python code,
+ {{py:x = 1}}
+ {{py:
+ lots of code
+ }}
+The first form allows statements, like an assignment or raising an
+exception. The second form is for multiple lines. If you have
+multiple lines, then ``{{py:`` must be on a line of its own and the
+code can't be indented (except for normal indenting in ``def x():``
+These can't output any values, but they can calculate values and
+define functions. So you can do something like::
+ {{py:
+ def pad(s):
+ return s + ' '*(20-len(s))
+ }}
+ {{for name, value in kw.items()}}
+ {{s | pad}} {{value | repr}}
+ {{endfor}}
+The last construct is for setting defaults in your template, like::
+ {{default width = 100}}
+You can use this so that the ``width`` variable will always have a
+value in your template (the number ``100``). If someone calls
+``tmpl.substitute(width=200)`` then this will have no effect; only if
+the variable is undefined will this default matter.
+As a last detail ``{{# comments...}}`` doesn't do anything at all,
+because it is a comment.
+Still To Do
+Currently nested structures in ``for`` loop assignments don't work,
+like ``for (a, b), c in x``. They should.
+There's no way to handle exceptions, except in your ``py:`` code. I'm
+not sure what there should be.
+Probably I should try to dedent ``py:`` code.