path: root/lib/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/ b/lib/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/
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index 000000000..c9e12c305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/
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+"""Enhance nose with extra options and behaviors for running SQLAlchemy tests.
+This module is imported relative to the "plugins" package as a top level
+package by the runner, so that the plugin can be loaded with
+the rest of nose including the coverage plugin before any of SQLAlchemy itself
+is imported, so that coverage works.
+When third party libraries use this library, it can be imported
+normally as "from sqlalchemy.testing.plugin import noseplugin".
+import os
+import ConfigParser
+from nose.plugins import Plugin
+from nose import SkipTest
+from . import config
+from .config import _log, _list_dbs, _zero_timeout, \
+ _engine_strategy, _server_side_cursors, pre_configure,\
+ post_configure
+# late imports
+fixtures = None
+engines = None
+exclusions = None
+warnings = None
+profiling = None
+assertions = None
+requirements = None
+util = None
+file_config = None
+class NoseSQLAlchemy(Plugin):
+ """
+ Handles the setup and extra properties required for testing SQLAlchemy
+ """
+ enabled = True
+ name = 'sqla_testing'
+ score = 100
+ def options(self, parser, env=os.environ):
+ Plugin.options(self, parser, env)
+ opt = parser.add_option
+ opt("--log-info", action="callback", type="string", callback=_log,
+ help="turn on info logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)")
+ opt("--log-debug", action="callback", type="string", callback=_log,
+ help="turn on debug logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)")
+ opt("--require", action="append", dest="require", default=[],
+ help="require a particular driver or module version (multiple OK)")
+ opt("--db", action="store", dest="db", default="sqlite",
+ help="Use prefab database uri")
+ opt('--dbs', action='callback', callback=_list_dbs,
+ help="List available prefab dbs")
+ opt("--dburi", action="store", dest="dburi",
+ help="Database uri (overrides --db)")
+ opt("--dropfirst", action="store_true", dest="dropfirst",
+ help="Drop all tables in the target database first")
+ opt("--mockpool", action="store_true", dest="mockpool",
+ help="Use mock pool (asserts only one connection used)")
+ opt("--zero-timeout", action="callback", callback=_zero_timeout,
+ help="Set pool_timeout to zero, applies to QueuePool only")
+ opt("--low-connections", action="store_true", dest="low_connections",
+ help="Use a low number of distinct connections - i.e. for Oracle TNS"
+ )
+ opt("--enginestrategy", action="callback", type="string",
+ callback=_engine_strategy,
+ help="Engine strategy (plain or threadlocal, defaults to plain)")
+ opt("--reversetop", action="store_true", dest="reversetop", default=False,
+ help="Use a random-ordering set implementation in the ORM (helps "
+ "reveal dependency issues)")
+ opt("--with-cdecimal", action="store_true", dest="cdecimal", default=False,
+ help="Monkeypatch the cdecimal library into Python 'decimal' for all tests")
+ opt("--unhashable", action="store_true", dest="unhashable", default=False,
+ help="Disallow SQLAlchemy from performing a hash() on mapped test objects.")
+ opt("--noncomparable", action="store_true", dest="noncomparable", default=False,
+ help="Disallow SQLAlchemy from performing == on mapped test objects.")
+ opt("--truthless", action="store_true", dest="truthless", default=False,
+ help="Disallow SQLAlchemy from truth-evaluating mapped test objects.")
+ opt("--serverside", action="callback", callback=_server_side_cursors,
+ help="Turn on server side cursors for PG")
+ opt("--mysql-engine", action="store", dest="mysql_engine", default=None,
+ help="Use the specified MySQL storage engine for all tables, default is "
+ "a db-default/InnoDB combo.")
+ opt("--table-option", action="append", dest="tableopts", default=[],
+ help="Add a dialect-specific table option, key=value")
+ opt("--write-profiles", action="store_true", dest="write_profiles", default=False,
+ help="Write/update profiling data.")
+ global file_config
+ file_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+['setup.cfg', 'test.cfg', os.path.expanduser('~/.satest.cfg')])
+ config.file_config = file_config
+ def configure(self, options, conf):
+ Plugin.configure(self, options, conf)
+ self.options = options
+ for fn in pre_configure:
+ fn(self.options, file_config)
+ def begin(self):
+ # Lazy setup of other options (post coverage)
+ for fn in post_configure:
+ fn(self.options, file_config)
+ # late imports, has to happen after config as well
+ # as nose plugins like coverage
+ global util, fixtures, engines, exclusions, \
+ assertions, warnings, profiling
+ from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures, engines, exclusions, \
+ assertions, warnings, profiling
+ from sqlalchemy import util
+ def describeTest(self, test):
+ return ""
+ def wantFunction(self, fn):
+ if fn.__module__.startswith('test.lib') or \
+ fn.__module__.startswith('test.bootstrap'):
+ return False
+ def wantClass(self, cls):
+ """Return true if you want the main test selector to collect
+ tests from this class, false if you don't, and None if you don't
+ care.
+ :Parameters:
+ cls : class
+ The class being examined by the selector
+ """
+ if not issubclass(cls, fixtures.TestBase):
+ return False
+ elif cls.__name__.startswith('_'):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def _do_skips(self, cls):
+ from sqlalchemy.testing import config
+ if hasattr(cls, '__requires__'):
+ def test_suite():
+ return 'ok'
+ test_suite.__name__ = cls.__name__
+ for requirement in cls.__requires__:
+ check = getattr(config.requirements, requirement)
+ check(test_suite)()
+ if cls.__unsupported_on__:
+ spec = exclusions.db_spec(*cls.__unsupported_on__)
+ if spec(config.db):
+ raise SkipTest(
+ "'%s' unsupported on DB implementation '%s'" % (
+ cls.__name__,
+ )
+ if getattr(cls, '__only_on__', None):
+ spec = exclusions.db_spec(*util.to_list(cls.__only_on__))
+ if not spec(config.db):
+ raise SkipTest(
+ "'%s' unsupported on DB implementation '%s'" % (
+ cls.__name__,
+ )
+ if getattr(cls, '__skip_if__', False):
+ for c in getattr(cls, '__skip_if__'):
+ if c():
+ raise SkipTest("'%s' skipped by %s" % (
+ cls.__name__, c.__name__)
+ )
+ for db, op, spec in getattr(cls, '__excluded_on__', ()):
+ exclusions.exclude(db, op, spec,
+ "'%s' unsupported on DB %s version %s" % (
+ cls.__name__,,
+ exclusions._server_version(config.db)))
+ def beforeTest(self, test):
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+ profiling._current_test =
+ def afterTest(self, test):
+ engines.testing_reaper._after_test_ctx()
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+ def startContext(self, ctx):
+ if not isinstance(ctx, type) \
+ or not issubclass(ctx, fixtures.TestBase):
+ return
+ self._do_skips(ctx)
+ def stopContext(self, ctx):
+ if not isinstance(ctx, type) \
+ or not issubclass(ctx, fixtures.TestBase):
+ return
+ engines.testing_reaper._stop_test_ctx()
+ if not config.options.low_connections:
+ assertions.global_cleanup_assertions()