path: root/rdflib/namespace/
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Diffstat (limited to 'rdflib/namespace/')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/rdflib/namespace/ b/rdflib/namespace/
index 530e15e8..6026bb39 100644
--- a/rdflib/namespace/
+++ b/rdflib/namespace/
@@ -5,95 +5,58 @@ from rdflib.namespace import DefinedNamespace, Namespace
class PROV(DefinedNamespace):
W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)
This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If
you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives All
feedback is welcome.
PROV Access and Query Ontology
This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If
you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives All
feedback is welcome.
Dublin Core extensions of the W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)
This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If
you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives All
feedback is welcome.
W3C PROV Linking Across Provenance Bundles Ontology (PROV-LINKS)
This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If
you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives ). All
feedback is welcome.
W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O) Dictionary Extension
This document is published by the Provenance Working Group (
If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to
(subscribe, archives
comments/). All feedback is welcome.
W3C PROVenance Interchange
This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If
you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives Archives/Public/public-prov-comments/). All
feedback is welcome.
Generated from:
Date: 2020-05-26 14:20:04.650279
- <file:///Users/solbrig/git/hsolbrig/definednamespace/tests/#> rdfs:seeAlso
- <>
- owl:imports <>
- owl:versionIRI <>
- prov:specializationOf <>
- prov:wasDerivedFrom <>
- prov:wasRevisionOf <>
- rdfs:isDefinedBy <>
- rdfs:seeAlso <>
- owl:imports <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- owl:versionIRI <>
- prov:wasDerivedFrom <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- prov:wasRevisionOf <>
- <> rdfs:comment "0.2"^^xsd:string
- rdfs:seeAlso <>
- prov:
- owl:versionIRI <>
- <> owl:imports <>
- <> rdfs:seeAlso <>
- <>
- <> rdfs:seeAlso <>
- <>
- owl:imports <>
- owl:versionIRI <>
- owl:versionInfo "Working Group Note version 2013-04-30"
- prov:specializationOf <>
- <> rdfs:seeAlso <>
- <>
owl:versionIRI <>
owl:versionInfo "Recommendation version 2013-04-30"
prov:specializationOf <>
prov:wasRevisionOf <>
_fail = True
activityOfInfluence: URIRef # activityOfInfluence
agentOfInfluence: URIRef # agentOfInfluence
@@ -134,7 +97,7 @@ class PROV(DefinedNamespace):
wasUsedInDerivation: URIRef # wasUsedInDerivation
- aq: URIRef #
+ aq: URIRef #
category: URIRef # Classify prov-o terms into three categories, including 'starting-point', 'qualifed', and 'extended'. This classification is used by the prov-o html document to gently introduce prov-o terms to its users.
component: URIRef # Classify prov-o terms into six components according to prov-dm, including 'agents-responsibility', 'alternate', 'annotations', 'collections', 'derivations', and 'entities-activities'. This classification is used so that readers of prov-o specification can find its correspondence with the prov-dm specification.
constraints: URIRef # A reference to the principal section of the PROV-CONSTRAINTS document that describes this concept.
@@ -146,9 +109,9 @@ class PROV(DefinedNamespace):
n: URIRef # A reference to the principal section of the PROV-M document that describes this concept.
order: URIRef # The position that this OWL term should be listed within documentation. The scope of the documentation (e.g., among all terms, among terms within a prov:category, among properties applying to a particular class, etc.) is unspecified.
qualifiedForm: URIRef # This annotation property links a subproperty of prov:wasInfluencedBy with the subclass of prov:Influence and the qualifying property that are used to qualify it. Example annotation: prov:wasGeneratedBy prov:qualifiedForm prov:qualifiedGeneration, prov:Generation . Then this unqualified assertion: :entity1 prov:wasGeneratedBy :activity1 . can be qualified by adding: :entity1 prov:qualifiedGeneration :entity1Gen . :entity1Gen a prov:Generation, prov:Influence; prov:activity :activity1; :customValue 1337 . Note how the value of the unqualified influence (prov:wasGeneratedBy :activity1) is mirrored as the value of the prov:activity (or prov:entity, or prov:agent) property on the influence class.
- sharesDefinitionWith: URIRef #
+ sharesDefinitionWith: URIRef #
specializationOf: URIRef # specializationOf
- todo: URIRef #
+ todo: URIRef #
unqualifiedForm: URIRef # Classes and properties used to qualify relationships are annotated with prov:unqualifiedForm to indicate the property used to assert an unqualified provenance relation.
wasRevisionOf: URIRef # A revision is a derivation that revises an entity into a revised version.