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diff --git a/rdflib/extras/ b/rdflib/extras/
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index 00000000..434ed3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rdflib/extras/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+# encoding: utf-8
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+"""Convert (to and) from rdflib graphs to other well known graph libraries.
+Currently the following libraries are supported:
+- networkx: MultiDiGraph, DiGraph, Graph
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def rdflib_to_networkx_multidigraph(graph, triple_attr=True, **edge_attrs):
+ """Converts the given graph into a networkx.MultiDiGraph.
+ The subjects and objects are the later nodes of the MultiDiGraph.
+ The predicates are used as edge keys (to identify multi-edges).
+ Arguments:
+ triple_attr: Adds a 'triple' attribute to each edge.
+ **edge_attrs: Default edge attributes
+ Returns:
+ networkx.MultiDiGraph
+ >>> from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal
+ >>> g = Graph()
+ >>> a, b, l = URIRef('a'), URIRef('b'), Literal('l')
+ >>> p, q = URIRef('p'), URIRef('q')
+ >>> edges = [(a, p, b), (a, q, b), (b, p, a), (b, p, l)]
+ >>> for t in edges:
+ ... g.add(t)
+ ...
+ >>> mdg = rdflib_to_networkx_multidigraph(g)
+ >>> len(mdg.edges())
+ 4
+ >>> mdg.has_edge(a, b)
+ True
+ >>> mdg.has_edge(a, b, key=p)
+ True
+ >>> mdg.has_edge(a, b, key=q)
+ True
+ >>> mdg[a][b][p]['triple'] == (a, p, b)
+ True
+ """
+ import networkx as nx
+ mdg = nx.MultiDiGraph()
+ for s, p, o in graph:
+ d = dict(**edge_attrs)
+ if triple_attr:
+ d['triple'] = (s, p, o)
+ mdg.add_edge(s, o, key=p, **d)
+ return mdg
+def _rdflib_to_networkx_graph(graph,
+ nxgraph,
+ calc_weights=True,
+ triples_attr=True,
+ **edge_attrs):
+ """Helper method for graph and digraph, modifies nxgraph in-place!"""
+ for s, p, o in graph:
+ data = nxgraph.get_edge_data(s, o)
+ if data is None:
+ # no edge yet, set defaults
+ data = dict(**edge_attrs)
+ if calc_weights:
+ data['weight'] = 1
+ if triples_attr:
+ data['triples'] = [(s, p, o)]
+ nxgraph.add_edge(s, o, data)
+ else:
+ # already have an edge, just update attributes
+ if calc_weights:
+ data['weight'] += 1
+ if triples_attr:
+ data['triples'].append((s, p, o))
+def rdflib_to_networkx_digraph(graph,
+ calc_weights=True,
+ triples_attr=True,
+ **edge_attrs):
+ """Converts the given graph into a networkx.DiGraph.
+ As an rdflib.Graph() can contain multiple edges between nodes, by default
+ adds the a 'triples' attribute to the single DiGraph edge with a list of
+ all triples between s and o.
+ Also by default calculates the edge weight as the length of triples.
+ Args:
+ calc_weights: If true calculate multi-graph edge-count as edge 'weight'
+ triples_attr: If true each edge will have a 'triples' attr.
+ **edge_attrs: Attributes added to each edge.
+ Returns:
+ networkx.DiGraph
+ >>> from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal
+ >>> g = Graph()
+ >>> a, b, l = URIRef('a'), URIRef('b'), Literal('l')
+ >>> p, q = URIRef('p'), URIRef('q')
+ >>> edges = [(a, p, b), (a, q, b), (b, p, a), (b, p, l)]
+ >>> for t in edges:
+ ... g.add(t)
+ ...
+ >>> dg = rdflib_to_networkx_digraph(g)
+ >>> dg[a][b]['weight']
+ 2
+ >>> sorted(dg[a][b]['triples']) == [(a, p, b), (a, q, b)]
+ True
+ >>> len(dg.edges())
+ 3
+ >>> dg.size()
+ 3
+ >>> dg.size(weight='weight')
+ 4.0
+ """
+ import networkx as nx
+ dg = nx.DiGraph()
+ _rdflib_to_networkx_graph(graph, dg, calc_weights,
+ triples_attr, **edge_attrs)
+ return dg
+def rdflib_to_networkx_graph(graph,
+ calc_weights=True,
+ triples_attr=True,
+ **edge_attrs):
+ """Converts the given graph into a networkx.Graph.
+ As an rdflib.Graph() can contain multiple directed edges between nodes, by
+ default adds the a 'triples' attribute to the single DiGraph edge with a
+ list of triples between s and o in graph.
+ Also by default calculates the edge weight as the len(triples).
+ Args:
+ calc_weights: If true calculate multi-graph edge-count as edge 'weight'.
+ triples_attr: If true each edge will have a 'triples' attr.
+ **edge_attrs: Attributes added to each edge.
+ Returns:
+ networkx.Graph
+ >>> from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal
+ >>> g = Graph()
+ >>> a, b, l = URIRef('a'), URIRef('b'), Literal('l')
+ >>> p, q = URIRef('p'), URIRef('q')
+ >>> edges = [(a, p, b), (a, q, b), (b, p, a), (b, p, l)]
+ >>> for t in edges:
+ ... g.add(t)
+ ...
+ >>> ug = rdflib_to_networkx_graph(g)
+ >>> ug[a][b]['weight']
+ 3
+ >>> sorted(ug[a][b]['triples']) == [(a, p, b), (a, q, b), (b, p, a)]
+ True
+ >>> len(ug.edges())
+ 2
+ >>> ug.size()
+ 2
+ >>> ug.size(weight='weight')
+ 4.0
+ """
+ import networkx as nx
+ g = nx.Graph()
+ _rdflib_to_networkx_graph(graph, g, calc_weights,
+ triples_attr, **edge_attrs)
+ return g
+def main():
+ import sys
+ import logging.config
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ import nose
+[sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], '-v', '--with-doctest'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()