path: root/trunk/src/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/examples/')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/examples/ b/trunk/src/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fe1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Copyright 2008, Paul McGuire
+# pyparsing script to expand a regular expression into all possible matching strings
+# Supports:
+# - {n} and {m,n} repetition, but not unbounded + or * repetition
+# - ? optional elements
+# - [] character ranges
+# - () grouping
+# - | alternation
+__all__ = ["count","invert"]
+from pyparsing import (Literal, oneOf, printables, ParserElement, Combine,
+ SkipTo, infixNotation, ParseFatalException, Word, nums, opAssoc,
+ Suppress, ParseResults, srange)
+class CharacterRangeEmitter(object):
+ def __init__(self,chars):
+ # remove duplicate chars in character range, but preserve original order
+ seen = set()
+ self.charset = "".join( seen.add(c) or c for c in chars if c not in seen )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '['+self.charset+']'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '['+self.charset+']'
+ def makeGenerator(self):
+ def genChars():
+ for s in self.charset:
+ yield s
+ return genChars
+class OptionalEmitter(object):
+ def __init__(self,expr):
+ self.expr = expr
+ def makeGenerator(self):
+ def optionalGen():
+ yield ""
+ for s in self.expr.makeGenerator()():
+ yield s
+ return optionalGen
+class DotEmitter(object):
+ def makeGenerator(self):
+ def dotGen():
+ for c in printables:
+ yield c
+ return dotGen
+class GroupEmitter(object):
+ def __init__(self,exprs):
+ self.exprs = ParseResults(exprs)
+ def makeGenerator(self):
+ def groupGen():
+ def recurseList(elist):
+ if len(elist)==1:
+ for s in elist[0].makeGenerator()():
+ yield s
+ else:
+ for s in elist[0].makeGenerator()():
+ for s2 in recurseList(elist[1:]):
+ yield s + s2
+ if self.exprs:
+ for s in recurseList(self.exprs):
+ yield s
+ return groupGen
+class AlternativeEmitter(object):
+ def __init__(self,exprs):
+ self.exprs = exprs
+ def makeGenerator(self):
+ def altGen():
+ for e in self.exprs:
+ for s in e.makeGenerator()():
+ yield s
+ return altGen
+class LiteralEmitter(object):
+ def __init__(self,lit):
+ self.lit = lit
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Lit:"+self.lit
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Lit:"+self.lit
+ def makeGenerator(self):
+ def litGen():
+ yield self.lit
+ return litGen
+def handleRange(toks):
+ return CharacterRangeEmitter(srange(toks[0]))
+def handleRepetition(toks):
+ toks=toks[0]
+ if toks[1] in "*+":
+ raise ParseFatalException("",0,"unbounded repetition operators not supported")
+ if toks[1] == "?":
+ return OptionalEmitter(toks[0])
+ if "count" in toks:
+ return GroupEmitter([toks[0]] * int(toks.count))
+ if "minCount" in toks:
+ mincount = int(toks.minCount)
+ maxcount = int(toks.maxCount)
+ optcount = maxcount - mincount
+ if optcount:
+ opt = OptionalEmitter(toks[0])
+ for i in range(1,optcount):
+ opt = OptionalEmitter(GroupEmitter([toks[0],opt]))
+ return GroupEmitter([toks[0]] * mincount + [opt])
+ else:
+ return [toks[0]] * mincount
+def handleLiteral(toks):
+ lit = ""
+ for t in toks:
+ if t[0] == "\\":
+ if t[1] == "t":
+ lit += '\t'
+ else:
+ lit += t[1]
+ else:
+ lit += t
+ return LiteralEmitter(lit)
+def handleMacro(toks):
+ macroChar = toks[0][1]
+ if macroChar == "d":
+ return CharacterRangeEmitter("0123456789")
+ elif macroChar == "w":
+ return CharacterRangeEmitter(srange("[A-Za-z0-9_]"))
+ elif macroChar == "s":
+ return LiteralEmitter(" ")
+ else:
+ raise ParseFatalException("",0,"unsupported macro character (" + macroChar + ")")
+def handleSequence(toks):
+ return GroupEmitter(toks[0])
+def handleDot():
+ return CharacterRangeEmitter(printables)
+def handleAlternative(toks):
+ return AlternativeEmitter(toks[0])
+_parser = None
+def parser():
+ global _parser
+ if _parser is None:
+ ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars("")
+ lbrack,rbrack,lbrace,rbrace,lparen,rparen,colon,qmark = map(Literal,"[]{}():?")
+ reMacro = Combine("\\" + oneOf(list("dws")))
+ escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
+ reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in printables if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|") + " \t"
+ reRange = Combine(lbrack + SkipTo(rbrack,ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack)
+ reLiteral = ( escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)) )
+ reNonCaptureGroup = Suppress("?:")
+ reDot = Literal(".")
+ repetition = (
+ ( lbrace + Word(nums)("count") + rbrace ) |
+ ( lbrace + Word(nums)("minCount")+","+ Word(nums)("maxCount") + rbrace ) |
+ oneOf(list("*+?"))
+ )
+ reRange.setParseAction(handleRange)
+ reLiteral.setParseAction(handleLiteral)
+ reMacro.setParseAction(handleMacro)
+ reDot.setParseAction(handleDot)
+ reTerm = ( reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot | reNonCaptureGroup)
+ reExpr = infixNotation( reTerm,
+ [
+ (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, handleRepetition),
+ (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleSequence),
+ (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleAlternative),
+ ]
+ )
+ _parser = reExpr
+ return _parser
+def count(gen):
+ """Simple function to count the number of elements returned by a generator."""
+ return sum(1 for _ in gen)
+def invert(regex):
+ """Call this routine as a generator to return all the strings that
+ match the input regular expression.
+ for s in invert("[A-Z]{3}\d{3}"):
+ print s
+ """
+ invReGenerator = GroupEmitter(parser().parseString(regex)).makeGenerator()
+ return invReGenerator()
+def main():
+ tests = r"""
+ [A-EA]
+ [A-D]*
+ [A-D]{3}
+ X[A-C]{3}Y
+ X[A-C]{3}\(
+ X\d
+ foobar\d\d
+ foobar{2}
+ foobar{2,9}
+ fooba[rz]{2}
+ (foobar){2}
+ ([01]\d)|(2[0-5])
+ (?:[01]\d)|(2[0-5])
+ ([01]\d\d)|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5])
+ [A-C]{1,2}
+ [A-C]{0,3}
+ [A-C]\s[A-C]\s[A-C]
+ [A-C]\s?[A-C][A-C]
+ [A-C]\s([A-C][A-C])
+ [A-C]\s([A-C][A-C])?
+ [A-C]{2}\d{2}
+ @|TH[12]
+ @(@|TH[12])?
+ @(@|TH[12]|AL[12]|SP[123]|TB(1[0-9]?|20?|[3-9]))?
+ @(@|TH[12]|AL[12]|SP[123]|TB(1[0-9]?|20?|[3-9])|OH(1[0-9]?|2[0-9]?|30?|[4-9]))?
+ (([ECMP]|HA|AK)[SD]|HS)T
+ [A-CV]{2}
+ A[cglmrstu]|B[aehikr]?|C[adeflmorsu]?|D[bsy]|E[rsu]|F[emr]?|G[ade]|H[efgos]?|I[nr]?|Kr?|L[airu]|M[dgnot]|N[abdeiop]?|Os?|P[abdmortu]?|R[abefghnu]|S[bcegimnr]?|T[abcehilm]|Uu[bhopqst]|U|V|W|Xe|Yb?|Z[nr]
+ (a|b)|(x|y)
+ (a|b) (x|y)
+ [ABCDEFG](?:#|##|b|bb)?(?:maj|min|m|sus|aug|dim)?[0-9]?(?:/[ABCDEFG](?:#|##|b|bb)?)?
+ (Fri|Mon|S(atur|un)|T(hur|ue)s|Wednes)day
+ A(pril|ugust)|((Dec|Nov|Sept)em|Octo)ber|(Febr|Jan)uary|Ju(ly|ne)|Ma(rch|y)
+ """.split('\n')
+ for t in tests:
+ t = t.strip()
+ if not t: continue
+ print('-'*50)
+ print(t)
+ try:
+ num = count(invert(t))
+ print(num)
+ maxprint = 30
+ for s in invert(t):
+ print(s)
+ maxprint -= 1
+ if not maxprint:
+ break
+ except ParseFatalException as pfe:
+ print(pfe.msg)
+ print('')
+ continue
+ print('')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()