path: root/trunk/src/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/examples/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/examples/ b/trunk/src/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46a5dff..0000000
--- a/trunk/src/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Demonstration of the parsing module,
-# Sample usage
-# $ python
-# Type in the string to be parse or 'quit' to exit the program
-# > g=67.89 + 7/5
-# 69.29
-# > g
-# 69.29
-# > h=(6*g+8.8)-g
-# 355.25
-# > h + 1
-# 356.25
-# > 87.89 + 7/5
-# 89.29
-# > ans+10
-# 99.29
-# > quit
-# Good bye!
-# Uncomment the line below for readline support on interactive terminal
-# import readline
-from pyparsing import ParseException, Word, alphas, alphanums
-import math
-# Debugging flag can be set to either "debug_flag=True" or "debug_flag=False"
-variables = {}
-from fourFn import BNF, exprStack, fn, opn
-def evaluateStack( s ):
- op = s.pop()
- if op == 'unary -':
- return -evaluateStack( s )
- if op in "+-*/^":
- op2 = evaluateStack( s )
- op1 = evaluateStack( s )
- return opn[op]( op1, op2 )
- elif op == "PI":
- return math.pi # 3.1415926535
- elif op == "E":
- return math.e # 2.718281828
- elif op in fn:
- return fn[op]( evaluateStack( s ) )
- elif op[0].isalpha():
- if op in variables:
- return variables[op]
- raise Exception("invalid identifier '%s'" % op)
- else:
- return float( op )
-arithExpr = BNF()
-ident = Word(alphas, alphanums).setName("identifier")
-assignment = ident("varname") + '=' + arithExpr
-pattern = assignment | arithExpr
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # input_string
- input_string=''
- # Display instructions on how to quit the program
- print("Type in the string to be parsed or 'quit' to exit the program")
- input_string = input("> ")
- while input_string != 'quit':
- if input_string.lower() == 'debug':
- debug_flag=True
- input_string = input("> ")
- continue
- # Reset to an empty exprStack
- del exprStack[:]
- if input_string != '':
- # try parsing the input string
- try:
- L=pattern.parseString( input_string, parseAll=True )
- except ParseException as err:
- L=['Parse Failure',input_string]
- # show result of parsing the input string
- if debug_flag: print(input_string, "->", L)
- if len(L)==0 or L[0] != 'Parse Failure':
- if debug_flag: print("exprStack=", exprStack)
- # calculate result , store a copy in ans , display the result to user
- try:
- result=evaluateStack(exprStack)
- except Exception as e:
- print(str(e))
- else:
- variables['ans']=result
- print(result)
- # Assign result to a variable if required
- if L.varname:
- variables[L.varname] = result
- if debug_flag: print("variables=",variables)
- else:
- print('Parse Failure')
- print(err.line)
- print(" "*(err.column-1) + "^")
- print(err)
- # obtain new input string
- input_string = input("> ")
- # if user type 'quit' then say goodbye
- print("Good bye!")