path: root/trunk/src/CHANGES
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+Change Log
+Version 2.1.6 -
+- *Major packrat upgrade*, inspired by patch provided by Tal Einat -
+ many, many, thanks to Tal for working on this! Tal's tests show
+ faster parsing performance (2X in some tests), *and* memory reduction
+ from 3GB down to ~100MB! Requires no changes to existing code using
+ packratting. (Uses OrderedDict, available in Python 2.7 and later.
+ For Python 2.6 users, will attempt to import from ordereddict
+ backport. If not present, will implement pure-Python Fifo dict.)
+- Minor API change - to better distinguish between the flexible
+ numeric types defined in pyparsing_common, I've changed "numeric"
+ (which parsed numbers of different types and returned int for ints,
+ float for floats, etc.) and "number" (which parsed numbers of int
+ or float type, and returned all floats) to "number" and "fnumber"
+ respectively. I hope the "f" prefix of "fnumber" will be a better
+ indicator of its internal conversion of parsed values to floats,
+ while the generic "number" is similar to the flexible number syntax
+ in other languages. Also fixed a bug in pyparsing_common.numeric
+ (now renamed to pyparsing_common.number), integers were parsed and
+ returned as floats instead of being retained as ints.
+- Fixed bug in upcaseTokens and downcaseTokens introduced in 2.1.5,
+ when the parse action was used in conjunction with results names.
+ Reported by Steven Arcangeli from the dql project, thanks for your
+ patience, Steven!
+- Major change to docs! After seeing some comments on reddit about
+ general issue with docs of Python modules, and thinking that I'm a
+ little overdue in doing some doc tuneup on pyparsing, I decided to
+ following the suggestions of the redditor and add more inline examples
+ to the pyparsing reference documentation. I hope this addition
+ will clarify some of the more common questions people have, especially
+ when first starting with pyparsing/Python.
+- Deprecated ParseResults.asXML. I've never been too happy with this
+ method, and it usually forces some unnatural code in the parsers in
+ order to get decent tag names. The amount of guesswork that asXML
+ has to do to try to match names with values should have been a red
+ flag from day one. If you are using asXML, you will need to implement
+ your own ParseResults->XML serialization. Or consider migrating to
+ a more current format such as JSON (which is very easy to do:
+ results_as_json = json.dumps(parse_result.asDict()) Hopefully, when
+ I remove this code in a future version, I'll also be able to simplify
+ some of the craziness in ParseResults, which IIRC was only there to try
+ to make asXML work.
+- Updated traceParseAction parse action decorator to show the repr
+ of the input and output tokens, instead of the str format, since
+ str has been simplified to just show the token list content.
+ (The change to ParseResults.__str__ occurred in pyparsing 2.0.4, but
+ it seems that didn't make it into the release notes - sorry! Too
+ many users, especially beginners, were confused by the
+ "([token_list], {names_dict})" str format for ParseResults, thinking
+ they were getting a tuple containing a list and a dict. The full form
+ can be seen if using repr().)
+ For tracing tokens in and out of parse actions, the more complete
+ repr form provides important information when debugging parse actions.
+Verison 2.1.5 - June, 2016
+- Added ParserElement.split() generator method, similar to re.split().
+ Includes optional arguments maxsplit (to limit the number of splits),
+ and includeSeparators (to include the separating matched text in the
+ returned output, default=False).
+- Added a new parse action construction helper tokenMap, which will
+ apply a function and optional arguments to each element in a
+ ParseResults. So this parse action:
+ def lowercase_all(tokens):
+ return [str(t).lower() for t in tokens]
+ OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).setParseAction(lowercase_all)
+ can now be written:
+ OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.lower))
+ Also simplifies writing conversion parse actions like:
+ integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
+ to just:
+ integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(tokenMap(int))
+ If additional arguments are necessary, they can be included in the
+ call to tokenMap, as in:
+ hex_integer = Word(hexnums).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16))
+- Added more expressions to pyparsing_common:
+ . IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (including long, short, and mixed forms
+ of IPv6)
+ . MAC address
+ . ISO8601 date and date time strings (with named fields for year, month, etc.)
+ . UUID (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
+ . hex integer (returned as int)
+ . fraction (integer '/' integer, returned as float)
+ . mixed integer (integer '-' fraction, or just fraction, returned as float)
+ . stripHTMLTags (parse action to remove tags from HTML source)
+ . parse action helpers convertToDate and convertToDatetime to do custom parse
+ time conversions of parsed ISO8601 strings
+- runTests now returns a two-tuple: success if all tests succeed,
+ and an output list of each test and its output lines.
+- Added failureTests argument (default=False) to runTests, so that
+ tests can be run that are expected failures, and runTests' success
+ value will return True only if all tests *fail* as expected. Also,
+ parseAll now defaults to True.
+- New example, shows samples of parsing integer and real
+ numbers using locale-dependent formats:
+ 4.294.967.295,000
+ 4 294 967 295,000
+ 4,294,967,295.000
+Version 2.1.4 - May, 2016
+- Split out the '==' behavior in ParserElement, now implemented
+ as the ParserElement.matches() method. Using '==' for string test
+ purposes will be removed in a future release.
+- Expanded capabilities of runTests(). Will now accept embedded
+ comments (default is Python style, leading '#' character, but
+ customizable). Comments will be emitted along with the tests and
+ test output. Useful during test development, to create a test string
+ consisting only of test case description comments separated by
+ blank lines, and then fill in the test cases. Will also highlight
+ ParseFatalExceptions with "(FATAL)".
+- Added a 'pyparsing_common' class containing common/helpful little
+ expressions such as integer, float, identifier, etc. I used this
+ class as a sort of embedded namespace, to contain these helpers
+ without further adding to pyparsing's namespace bloat.
+- Minor enhancement to traceParseAction decorator, to retain the
+ parse action's name for the trace output.
+- Added optional 'fatal' keyword arg to addCondition, to indicate that
+ a condition failure should halt parsing immediately.
+Version 2.1.3 - May, 2016
+- _trim_arity fix in 2.1.2 was very version-dependent on Py 3.5.0.
+ Now works for Python 2.x, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.0, and 3.5.1 (and hopefully
+ beyond).
+Version 2.1.2 - May, 2016
+- Fixed bug in _trim_arity when pyparsing code is included in a
+ PyInstaller, reported by maluwa.
+- Fixed catastrophic regex backtracking in implementation of the
+ quoted string expressions (dblQuotedString, sglQuotedString, and
+ quotedString). Reported on the pyparsing wiki by webpentest,
+ good catch! (Also tuned up some other expressions susceptible to the
+ same backtracking problem, such as cStyleComment, cppStyleComment,
+ etc.)
+Version 2.1.1 - March, 2016
+- Added support for assigning to ParseResults using slices.
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults.toDict(), in which dict values were always
+ converted to dicts, even if they were just unkeyed lists of tokens.
+ Reported on SO by Gerald Thibault, thanks Gerald!
+- Fixed bug in SkipTo when using failOn, reported by robyschek, thanks!
+- Fixed bug in Each introduced in 2.1.0, reported by AND patch and
+ unit test submitted by robyschek, well done!
+- Removed use of functools.partial in replaceWith, as this creates
+ an ambiguous signature for the generated parse action, which fails in
+ PyPy. Reported by Evan Hubinger, thanks Evan!
+- Added default behavior to QuotedString to convert embedded '\t', '\n',
+ etc. characters to their whitespace counterparts. Found during Q&A
+ exchange on SO with Maxim.
+Version 2.1.0 - February, 2016
+- Modified the internal _trim_arity method to distinguish between
+ TypeError's raised while trying to determine parse action arity and
+ those raised within the parse action itself. This will clear up those
+ confusing "<lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)" error
+ messages when there is an actual TypeError in the body of the parse
+ action. Thanks to all who have raised this issue in the past, and
+ most recently to Michael Cohen, who sent in a proposed patch, and got
+ me to finally tackle this problem.
+- Added compatibility for pickle protocols 2-4 when pickling ParseResults.
+ In Python 2.x, protocol 0 was the default, and protocol 2 did not work.
+ In Python 3.x, protocol 3 is the default, so explicitly naming
+ protocol 0 or 1 was required to pickle ParseResults. With this release,
+ all protocols 0-4 are supported. Thanks for reporting this on StackOverflow,
+ Arne Wolframm, and for providing a nice simple test case!
+- Added optional 'stopOn' argument to ZeroOrMore and OneOrMore, to
+ simplify breaking on stop tokens that would match the repetition
+ expression.
+ It is a common problem to fail to look ahead when matching repetitive
+ tokens if the sentinel at the end also matches the repetition
+ expression, as when parsing "BEGIN aaa bbb ccc END" with:
+ "BEGIN" + OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + "END"
+ Since "END" matches the repetition expression "Word(alphas)", it will
+ never get parsed as the terminating sentinel. Up until now, this has
+ to be resolved by the user inserting their own negative lookahead:
+ "BEGIN" + OneOrMore(~Literal("END") + Word(alphas)) + "END"
+ Using stopOn, they can more easily write:
+ "BEGIN" + OneOrMore(Word(alphas), stopOn="END") + "END"
+ The stopOn argument can be a literal string or a pyparsing expression.
+ Inspired by a question by Lamakaha on StackOverflow (and many previous
+ questions with the same negative-lookahead resolution).
+- Added expression names for many internal and builtin expressions, to
+ reduce name and error message overhead during parsing.
+- Converted helper lambdas to functions to refactor and add docstring
+ support.
+- Fixed ParseResults.asDict() to correctly convert nested ParseResults
+ values to dicts.
+- Cleaned up some examples, fixed typo in identified by
+ aristotle2600 on reddit.
+- Removed keepOriginalText helper method, which was deprecated ages ago.
+ Superceded by originalTextFor.
+- Same for the Upcase class, which was long ago deprecated and replaced
+ with the upcaseTokens method.
+Version 2.0.7 - December, 2015
+- Simplified string representation of Forward class, to avoid memory
+ and performance errors while building ParseException messages. Thanks,
+ Will McGugan, Andrea Censi, and Martijn Vermaat for the bug reports and
+ test code.
+- Cleaned up additional issues from enhancing the error messages for
+ Or and MatchFirst, handling Unicode values in expressions. Fixes Unicode
+ encoding issues in Python 2, thanks to Evan Hubinger for the bug report.
+- Fixed implementation of dir() for ParseResults - was leaving out all the
+ defined methods and just adding the custom results names.
+- Fixed bug in ignore() that was introduced in pyparsing 1.5.3, that would
+ not accept a string literal as the ignore expression.
+- Added new example to illustrate parsing of data
+ formatted in columns, with detection of empty cells.
+- Updated a number of examples to more current Python and pyparsing
+ forms.
+Version 2.0.6 - November, 2015
+- Fixed a bug in Each when multiple Optional elements are present.
+ Thanks for reporting this, whereswalden on SO.
+- Fixed another bug in Each, when Optional elements have results names
+ or parse actions, reported by Max Rothman - thank you, Max!
+- Added optional parseAll argument to runTests, whether tests should
+ require the entire input string to be parsed or not (similar to
+ parseAll argument to parseString). Plus a little neaten-up of the
+ output on Python 2 (no stray ()'s).
+- Modified exception messages from MatchFirst and Or expressions. These
+ were formerly misleading as they would only give the first or longest
+ exception mismatch error message. Now the error message includes all
+ the alternatives that were possible matches. Originally proposed by
+ a pyparsing user, but I've lost the email thread - finally figured out
+ a fairly clean way to do this.
+- Fixed a bug in Or, when a parse action on an alternative raises an
+ exception, other potentially matching alternatives were not always tried.
+ Reported by TheVeryOmni on the pyparsing wiki, thanks!
+- Fixed a bug to dump() introduced in 2.0.4, where list values were shown
+ in duplicate.
+Version 2.0.5 - October, 2015
+- (&$(@#&$(@!!!! Some "print" statements snuck into pyparsing v2.0.4,
+ breaking Python 3 compatibility! Fixed. Reported by jenshn, thanks!
+Version 2.0.4 - October, 2015
+- Added ParserElement.addCondition, to simplify adding parse actions
+ that act primarily as filters. If the given condition evaluates False,
+ pyparsing will raise a ParseException. The condition should be a method
+ with the same method signature as a parse action, but should return a
+ boolean. Suggested by Victor Porton, nice idea Victor, thanks!
+- Slight mod to srange to accept unicode literals for the input string,
+ such as "[а-яА-Я]" instead of "[\u0430-\u044f\u0410-\u042f]". Thanks
+ to Alexandr Suchkov for the patch!
+- Enhanced implementation of replaceWith.
+- Fixed enhanced ParseResults.dump() method when the results consists
+ only of an unnamed array of sub-structure results. Reported by Robin
+ Siebler, thanks for your patience and persistence, Robin!
+- Fixed bug in example code, where pi and e were defined using
+ CaselessLiteral instead of CaselessKeyword. This was not a problem until
+ adding a new function 'exp', and the leading 'e' of 'exp' was accidentally
+ parsed as the mathematical constant 'e'. Nice catch, Tom Grydeland - thanks!
+- Adopt new-fangled Python features, like decorators and ternary expressions,
+ per suggestions from Williamzjc - thanks William! (Oh yeah, I'm not
+ supporting Python 2.3 with this code any more...) Plus, some additional
+ code fixes/cleanup - thanks again!
+- Added ParserElement.runTests, a little test bench for quickly running
+ an expression against a list of sample input strings. Basically, I got
+ tired of writing the same test code over and over, and finally added it
+ as a test point method on ParserElement.
+- Added withClass helper method, a simplified version of withAttribute for
+ the common but annoying case when defining a filter on a div's class -
+ made difficult because 'class' is a Python reserved word.
+Version 2.0.3 - October, 2014
+- Fixed escaping behavior in QuotedString. Formerly, only quotation
+ marks (or characters designated as quotation marks in the QuotedString
+ constructor) would be escaped. Now all escaped characters will be
+ escaped, and the escaping backslashes will be removed.
+- Fixed regression in ParseResults.pop() - pop() was pretty much
+ broken after I added *improvements* in 2.0.2. Reported by Iain
+ Shelvington, thanks Iain!
+- Fixed bug in And class when initializing using a generator.
+- Enhanced ParseResults.dump() method to list out nested ParseResults that
+ are unnamed arrays of sub-structures.
+- Fixed UnboundLocalError under Python 3.4 in oneOf method, reported
+ on Sourceforge by aldanor, thanks!
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults __init__ method, when returning non-ParseResults
+ types from parse actions that implement __eq__. Raised during discussion
+ on the pyparsing wiki with cyrfer.
+Version 2.0.2 - April, 2014
+- Extended "expr(name)" shortcut (same as "expr.setResultsName(name)")
+ to accept "expr()" as a shortcut for "expr.copy()".
+- Added "locatedExpr(expr)" helper, to decorate any returned tokens
+ with their location within the input string. Adds the results names
+ locn_start and locn_end to the output parse results.
+- Added "pprint()" method to ParseResults, to simplify troubleshooting
+ and prettified output. Now instead of importing the pprint module
+ and then writing "pprint.pprint(result)", you can just write
+ "result.pprint()". This method also accepts addtional positional and
+ keyword arguments (such as indent, width, etc.), which get passed
+ through directly to the pprint method
+ (see
+- Removed deprecation warnings when using '<<' for Forward expression
+ assignment. '<<=' is still preferred, but '<<' will be retained
+ for cases whre '<<=' operator is not suitable (such as in defining
+ lambda expressions).
+- Expanded argument compatibility for classes and functions that
+ take list arguments, to now accept generators as well.
+- Extended list-like behavior of ParseResults, adding support for
+ append and extend. NOTE: if you have existing applications using
+ these names as results names, you will have to access them using
+ dict-style syntax: res["append"] and res["extend"]
+- ParseResults emulates the change in list vs. iterator semantics for
+ methods like keys(), values(), and items(). Under Python 2.x, these
+ methods will return lists, under Python 3.x, these methods will
+ return iterators.
+- ParseResults now has a method haskeys() which returns True or False
+ depending on whether any results names have been defined. This simplifies
+ testing for the existence of results names under Python 3.x, which
+ returns keys() as an iterator, not a list.
+- ParseResults now supports both list and dict semantics for pop().
+ If passed no argument or an integer argument, it will use list semantics
+ and pop tokens from the list of parsed tokens. If passed a non-integer
+ argument (most likely a string), it will use dict semantics and
+ pop the corresponding value from any defined results names. A
+ second default return value argument is supported, just as in
+ dict.pop().
+- Fixed bug in markInputline, thanks for reporting this, Matt Grant!
+- Cleaned up my unit test environment, now runs with Python 2.6 and
+ 3.3.
+Version 2.0.1 - July, 2013
+- Removed use of "nonlocal" that prevented using this version of
+ pyparsing with Python 2.6 and 2.7. This will make it easier to
+ install for packages that depend on pyparsing, under Python
+ versions 2.6 and later. Those using older versions of Python
+ will have to manually install pyparsing 1.5.7.
+- Fixed implementation of <<= operator to return self; reported by
+ Luc J. Bourhis, with patch fix by Mathias Mamsch - thanks, Luc
+ and Mathias!
+Version 2.0.0 - November, 2012
+- Rather than release another combined Python 2.x/3.x release
+ I've decided to start a new major version that is only
+ compatible with Python 3.x (and consequently Python 2.7 as
+ well due to backporting of key features). This version will
+ be the main development path from now on, with little follow-on
+ development on the 1.5.x path.
+- Operator '<<' is now deprecated, in favor of operator '<<=' for
+ attaching parsing expressions to Forward() expressions. This is
+ being done to address precedence of operations problems with '<<'.
+ Operator '<<' will be removed in a future version of pyparsing.
+Version 1.5.7 - November, 2012
+- NOTE: This is the last release of pyparsing that will try to
+ maintain compatibility with Python versions < 2.6. The next
+ release of pyparsing will be version 2.0.0, using new Python
+ syntax that will not be compatible for Python version 2.5 or
+ older.
+- An awesome new example is included in this release, submitted
+ by Luca DellOlio, for parsing ANTLR grammar definitions, nice
+ work Luca!
+- Fixed implementation of ParseResults.__str__ to use Pythonic
+ ''.join() instead of repeated string concatenation. This
+ purportedly has been a performance issue under PyPy.
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults.__dir__ under Python 3, reported by
+ Thomas Kluyver, thank you Thomas!
+- Added ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing static method, to
+ override pyparsing's default behavior of converting string
+ literals to Literal instances, to use other classes (such
+ as Suppress or CaselessLiteral).
+- Added new operator '<<=', which will eventually replace '<<' for
+ storing the contents of a Forward(). '<<=' does not have the same
+ operator precedence problems that '<<' does.
+- 'operatorPrecedence' is being renamed 'infixNotation' as a better
+ description of what this helper function creates. 'operatorPrecedence'
+ is deprecated, and will be dropped entirely in a future release.
+- Added optional arguments lpar and rpar to operatorPrecedence, so that
+ expressions that use it can override the default suppression of the
+ grouping characters.
+- Added support for using single argument builtin functions as parse
+ actions. Now you can write 'expr.setParseAction(len)' and get back
+ the length of the list of matched tokens. Supported builtins are:
+ sum, len, sorted, reversed, list, tuple, set, any, all, min, and max.
+ A script demonstrating this feature is included in the examples
+ directory.
+- Improved linking in generated docs, proposed on the pyparsing wiki
+ by techtonik, thanks!
+- Fixed a bug in the definition of 'alphas', which was based on the
+ string.uppercase and string.lowercase "constants", which in fact
+ *aren't* constant, but vary with locale settings. This could make
+ parsers locale-sensitive in a subtle way. Thanks to Kef Schecter for
+ his diligence in following through on reporting and monitoring
+ this bugfix!
+- Fixed a bug in the Py3 version of pyparsing, during exception
+ handling with packrat parsing enabled, reported by Catherine
+ Devlin - thanks Catherine!
+- Fixed typo in ParseBaseException.__dir__, reported anonymously on
+ the SourceForge bug tracker, thank you Pyparsing User With No Name.
+- Fixed bug in srange when using '\x###' hex character codes.
+- Addeed optional 'intExpr' argument to countedArray, so that you
+ can define your own expression that will evaluate to an integer,
+ to be used as the count for the following elements. Allows you
+ to define a countedArray with the count given in hex, for example,
+ by defining intExpr as "Word(hexnums).setParseAction(int(t[0],16))".
+Version 1.5.6 - June, 2011
+- Cleanup of parse action normalizing code, to be more version-tolerant,
+ and robust in the face of future Python versions - much thanks to
+ Raymond Hettinger for this rewrite!
+- Removal of exception cacheing, addressing a memory leak condition
+ in Python 3. Thanks to Michael Droettboom and the Cape Town PUG for
+ their analysis and work on this problem!
+- Fixed bug when using packrat parsing, where a previously parsed
+ expression would duplicate subsequent tokens - reported by Frankie
+ Ribery on stackoverflow, thanks!
+- Added 'ungroup' helper method, to address token grouping done
+ implicitly by And expressions, even if only one expression in the
+ And actually returns any text - also inspired by stackoverflow
+ discussion with Frankie Ribery!
+- Fixed bug in srange, which accepted escaped hex characters of the
+ form '\0x##', but should be '\x##'. Both forms will be supported
+ for backwards compatibility.
+- Enhancement to countedArray, accepting an optional expression to be
+ used for matching the leading integer count - proposed by Mathias on
+ the pyparsing mailing list, good idea!
+- Added the Verilog parser to the provided set of examples, under the
+ MIT license. While this frees up this parser for any use, if you find
+ yourself using it in a commercial purpose, please consider making a
+ charitable donation as described in the parser's header.
+- Added the excludeChars argument to the Word class, to simplify defining
+ a word composed of all characters in a large range except for one or
+ two. Suggested by JesterEE on the pyparsing wiki.
+- Added optional overlap parameter to scanString, to return overlapping
+ matches found in the source text.
+- Updated oneOf internal regular expression generation, with improved
+ parse time performance.
+- Slight performance improvement in transformString, removing empty
+ strings from the list of string fragments built while scanning the
+ source text, before calling ''.join. Especially useful when using
+ transformString to strip out selected text.
+- Enhanced form of using the "expr('name')" style of results naming,
+ in lieu of calling setResultsName. If name ends with an '*', then
+ this is equivalent to expr.setResultsName('name',listAllMatches=True).
+- Fixed up internal list flattener to use iteration instead of recursion,
+ to avoid stack overflow when transforming large files.
+- Added other new examples:
+ . protobuf parser - parses Google's protobuf language
+ . btpyparse - a BibTex parser contributed by Matthew Brett,
+ with test suite (thanks, Matthew!)
+ . - demo using trailing '*' for results
+ names
+Version 1.5.5 - August, 2010
+- Typo in Python3 version of pyparsing, "builtin" should be "builtins".
+ (sigh)
+Version 1.5.4 - August, 2010
+- Fixed __builtins__ and file references in Python 3 code, thanks to
+ Greg Watson, saulspatz, sminos, and Mark Summerfield for reporting
+ their Python 3 experiences.
+- Added new example,, as a sample of scanning a Tcl-like
+ language for functions with incorrect number of arguments (difficult
+ to track down in Tcl languages). This example uses some interesting
+ methods for capturing exceptions while scanning through source
+ code.
+- Added new example, that takes everyday time references
+ like "an hour from now", "2 days ago", "next Sunday at 2pm".
+Version 1.5.3 - June, 2010
+- ======= NOTE: API CHANGE!!!!!!! ===============
+ With this release, and henceforward, the pyparsing module is
+ imported as "pyparsing" on both Python 2.x and Python 3.x versions.
+- Fixed up to auto-detect Python version and install the
+ correct version of pyparsing - suggested by Alex Martelli,
+ thanks, Alex! (and my apologies to all those who struggled with
+ those spurious installation errors caused by my earlier
+ fumblings!)
+- Fixed bug on Python3 when using parseFile, getting bytes instead of
+ a str from the input file.
+- Fixed subtle bug in originalTextFor, if followed by
+ significant whitespace (like a newline) - discovered by
+ Francis Vidal, thanks!
+- Fixed very sneaky bug in Each, in which Optional elements were
+ not completely recognized as optional - found by Tal Weiss, thanks
+ for your patience.
+- Fixed off-by-1 bug in line() method when the first line of the
+ input text was an empty line. Thanks to John Krukoff for submitting
+ a patch!
+- Fixed bug in transformString if grammar contains Group expressions,
+ thanks to patch submitted by barnabas79, nice work!
+- Fixed bug in originalTextFor in which trailing comments or otherwised
+ ignored text got slurped in with the matched expression. Thanks to
+ michael_ramirez44 on the pyparsing wiki for reporting this just in
+ time to get into this release!
+- Added better support for summing ParseResults, see the new example,
+- Added support for composing a Regex using a compiled RE object;
+ thanks to my new colleague, Mike Thornton!
+- In version 1.5.2, I changed the way exceptions are raised in order
+ to simplify the stacktraces reported during parsing. An anonymous
+ user posted a bug report on SF that this behavior makes it difficult
+ to debug some complex parsers, or parsers nested within parsers. In
+ this release I've added a class attribute ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace,
+ with a default value of False. If you set this to True, pyparsing will
+ report stacktraces using the pre-1.5.2 behavior.
+- New examples:
+ ., a MicroC compiler submitted by Zarko Zivanov.
+ (Note: this example is separately licensed under the GPLv3,
+ and requires Python 2.6 or higher.) Thank you, Zarko!
+ ., a subset C parser, using the BNF from the 1996 Obfuscated C
+ Contest.
+ ., a modified version of submitted
+ by Matt Anderson, that is compatible with Python versions 2.7 and
+ above - thanks so much, Matt!
+ ., a parser for reading SQLite SELECT statements,
+ as specified at; this goes
+ into much more detail than the simple SQL parser included in pyparsing's
+ source code
+ ., a *simplistic* first-cut at a parser for Excel
+ expressions, which I originally posted on comp.lang.python in January,
+ 2010; beware, this parser omits many common Excel cases (addition of
+ numbers represented as strings, references to named ranges)
+ ., a nice little parser posted my Mark Tolonen on
+ comp.lang.python in August, 2009 (redistributed here with Mark's
+ permission). Thanks a bunch, Mark!
+ ., a sample I posted to,
+ implementing a special variation on Literal that does "close" matching,
+ up to a given number of allowed mismatches. The application was to
+ find matching gene sequences, with allowance for one or two mismatches.
+ ., a sample showing how to use a Forward placeholder to
+ enforce matching of text parsed in a previous expression.
+ ., simple demo showing how the matchPreviousLiteral
+ helper method is used to match a previously parsed token.
+Version 1.5.2 - April, 2009
+- Added module, so that Python 3 users can use
+ pyparsing by changing their pyparsing import statement to:
+ import pyparsing_py3
+ Thanks for help from Patrick Laban and his friend Geremy
+ Condra on the pyparsing wiki.
+- Removed __slots__ declaration on ParseBaseException, for
+ compatibility with IronPython 2.0.1. Raised by David
+ Lawler on the pyparsing wiki, thanks David!
+- Fixed bug in SkipTo/failOn handling - caught by eagle eye
+ cpennington on the pyparsing wiki!
+- Fixed second bug in SkipTo when using the ignore constructor
+ argument, reported by Catherine Devlin, thanks!
+- Fixed obscure bug reported by Eike Welk when using a class
+ as a ParseAction with an errant __getitem__ method.
+- Simplified exception stack traces when reporting parse
+ exceptions back to caller of parseString or parseFile - thanks
+ to a tip from Peter Otten on comp.lang.python.
+- Changed behavior of scanString to avoid infinitely looping on
+ expressions that match zero-length strings. Prompted by a
+ question posted by ellisonbg on the wiki.
+- Enhanced classes that take a list of expressions (And, Or,
+ MatchFirst, and Each) to accept generator expressions also.
+ This can be useful when generating lists of alternative
+ expressions, as in this case, where the user wanted to match
+ any repetitions of '+', '*', '#', or '.', but not mixtures
+ of them (that is, match '+++', but not '+-+'):
+ codes = "+*#."
+ format = MatchFirst(Word(c) for c in codes)
+ Based on a problem posed by Denis Spir on the Python tutor
+ list.
+- Added new example, which extends the example
+ to actually evaluate the parsed expressions.
+Version 1.5.1 - October, 2008
+- Added new helper method originalTextFor, to replace the use of
+ the current keepOriginalText parse action. Now instead of
+ using the parse action, as in:
+ fullName = Word(alphas) + Word(alphas)
+ fullName.setParseAction(keepOriginalText)
+ (in this example, we used keepOriginalText to restore any white
+ space that may have been skipped between the first and last
+ names)
+ You can now write:
+ fullName = originalTextFor(Word(alphas) + Word(alphas))
+ The implementation of originalTextFor is simpler and faster than
+ keepOriginalText, and does not depend on using the inspect or
+ imp modules.
+- Added optional parseAll argument to parseFile, to be consistent
+ with parseAll argument to parseString. Posted by pboucher on the
+ pyparsing wiki, thanks!
+- Added failOn argument to SkipTo, so that grammars can define
+ literal strings or pyparsing expressions which, if found in the
+ skipped text, will cause SkipTo to fail. Useful to prevent
+ SkipTo from reading past terminating expression. Instigated by
+ question posed by Aki Niimura on the pyparsing wiki.
+- Fixed bug in nestedExpr if multi-character expressions are given
+ for nesting delimiters. Patch provided by new pyparsing user,
+ Hans-Martin Gaudecker - thanks, H-M!
+- Removed dependency on xml.sax.saxutils.escape, and included
+ internal implementation instead - proposed by Mike Droettboom on
+ the pyparsing mailing list, thanks Mike! Also fixed erroneous
+ mapping in replaceHTMLEntity of &quot; to ', now correctly maps
+ to ". (Also added support for mapping &apos; to '.)
+- Fixed typo in ParseResults.insert, found by Alejandro Dubrovsky,
+ good catch!
+- Added __dir__() methods to ParseBaseException and ParseResults,
+ to support new dir() behavior in Py2.6 and Py3.0. If dir() is
+ called on a ParseResults object, the returned list will include
+ the base set of attribute names, plus any results names that are
+ defined.
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults.asXML(), in which the first named
+ item within a ParseResults gets reported with an <ITEM> tag
+ instead of with the correct results name.
+- Fixed bug in '-' error stop, when '-' operator is used inside a
+ Combine expression.
+- Reverted generator expression to use list comprehension, for
+ better compatibility with old versions of Python. Reported by
+ jester/artixdesign on the SourceForge pyparsing discussion list.
+- Fixed bug in parseString(parseAll=True), when the input string
+ ends with a comment or whitespace.
+- Fixed bug in LineStart and LineEnd that did not recognize any
+ special whitespace chars defined using ParserElement.setDefault-
+ WhitespaceChars, found while debugging an issue for Marek Kubica,
+ thanks for the new test case, Marek!
+- Made Forward class more tolerant of subclassing.
+Version 1.5.0 - June, 2008
+This version of pyparsing includes work on two long-standing
+FAQ's: support for forcing parsing of the complete input string
+(without having to explicitly append StringEnd() to the grammar),
+and a method to improve the mechanism of detecting where syntax
+errors occur in an input string with various optional and
+alternative paths. This release also includes a helper method
+to simplify definition of indentation-based grammars. With
+these changes (and the past few minor updates), I thought it was
+finally time to bump the minor rev number on pyparsing - so
+1.5.0 is now available! Read on...
+- AT LAST!!! You can now call parseString and have it raise
+ an exception if the expression does not parse the entire
+ input string. This has been an FAQ for a LONG time.
+ The parseString method now includes an optional parseAll
+ argument (default=False). If parseAll is set to True, then
+ the given parse expression must parse the entire input
+ string. (This is equivalent to adding StringEnd() to the
+ end of the expression.) The default value is False to
+ retain backward compatibility.
+ Inspired by MANY requests over the years, most recently by
+ ecir-hana on the pyparsing wiki!
+- Added new operator '-' for composing grammar sequences. '-'
+ behaves just like '+' in creating And expressions, but '-'
+ is used to mark grammar structures that should stop parsing
+ immediately and report a syntax error, rather than just
+ backtracking to the last successful parse and trying another
+ alternative. For instance, running the following code:
+ port_definition = Keyword("port") + '=' + Word(nums)
+ entity_definition = Keyword("entity") + "{" +
+ Optional(port_definition) + "}"
+ entity_definition.parseString("entity { port 100 }")
+ pyparsing fails to detect the missing '=' in the port definition.
+ But, since this expression is optional, pyparsing then proceeds
+ to try to match the closing '}' of the entity_definition. Not
+ finding it, pyparsing reports that there was no '}' after the '{'
+ character. Instead, we would like pyparsing to parse the 'port'
+ keyword, and if not followed by an equals sign and an integer,
+ to signal this as a syntax error.
+ This can now be done simply by changing the port_definition to:
+ port_definition = Keyword("port") - '=' + Word(nums)
+ Now after successfully parsing 'port', pyparsing must also find
+ an equals sign and an integer, or it will raise a fatal syntax
+ exception.
+ By judicious insertion of '-' operators, a pyparsing developer
+ can have their grammar report much more informative syntax error
+ messages.
+ Patches and suggestions proposed by several contributors on
+ the pyparsing mailing list and wiki - special thanks to
+ Eike Welk and Thomas/Poldy on the pyparsing wiki!
+- Added indentedBlock helper method, to encapsulate the parse
+ actions and indentation stack management needed to keep track of
+ indentation levels. Use indentedBlock to define grammars for
+ indentation-based grouping grammars, like Python's.
+ indentedBlock takes up to 3 parameters:
+ - blockStatementExpr - expression defining syntax of statement
+ that is repeated within the indented block
+ - indentStack - list created by caller to manage indentation
+ stack (multiple indentedBlock expressions
+ within a single grammar should share a common indentStack)
+ - indent - boolean indicating whether block must be indented
+ beyond the the current level; set to False for block of
+ left-most statements (default=True)
+ A valid block must contain at least one indented statement.
+- Fixed bug in nestedExpr in which ignored expressions needed
+ to be set off with whitespace. Reported by Stefaan Himpe,
+ nice catch!
+- Expanded multiplication of an expression by a tuple, to
+ accept tuple values of None:
+ . expr*(n,None) or expr*(n,) is equivalent
+ to expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)
+ (read as "at least n instances of expr")
+ . expr*(None,n) is equivalent to expr*(0,n)
+ (read as "0 to n instances of expr")
+ . expr*(None,None) is equivalent to ZeroOrMore(expr)
+ . expr*(1,None) is equivalent to OneOrMore(expr)
+ Note that expr*(None,n) does not raise an exception if
+ more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is,
+ expr*(None,n) does not enforce a maximum number of expr
+ occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write
+ expr*(None,n) + ~expr
+- Added None as a possible operator for operatorPrecedence.
+ None signifies "no operator", as in multiplying m times x
+ in "y=mx+b".
+- Fixed bug in Each, reported by Michael Ramirez, in which the
+ order of terms in the Each affected the parsing of the results.
+ Problem was due to premature grouping of the expressions in
+ the overall Each during grammar construction, before the
+ complete Each was defined. Thanks, Michael!
+- Also fixed bug in Each in which Optional's with default values
+ were not getting the defaults added to the results of the
+ overall Each expression.
+- Fixed a bug in Optional in which results names were not
+ assigned if a default value was supplied.
+- Cleaned up Py3K compatibility statements, including exception
+ construction statements, and better equivalence between _ustr
+ and basestring, and __nonzero__ and __bool__.
+Version 1.4.11 - February, 2008
+- With help from Robert A. Clark, this version of pyparsing
+ is compatible with Python 3.0a3. Thanks for the help,
+ Robert!
+- Added WordStart and WordEnd positional classes, to support
+ expressions that must occur at the start or end of a word.
+ Proposed by piranha on the pyparsing wiki, good idea!
+- Added matchOnlyAtCol helper parser action, to simplify
+ parsing log or data files that have optional fields that are
+ column dependent. Inspired by a discussion thread with
+ hubritic on comp.lang.python.
+- Added withAttribute.ANY_VALUE as a match-all value when using
+ withAttribute. Used to ensure that an attribute is present,
+ without having to match on the actual attribute value.
+- Added get() method to ParseResults, similar to dict.get().
+ Suggested by new pyparsing user, Alejandro Dubrovksy, thanks!
+- Added '==' short-cut to see if a given string matches a
+ pyparsing expression. For instance, you can now write:
+ integer = Word(nums)
+ if "123" == integer:
+ # do something
+ print [ x for x in "123 234 asld".split() if x==integer ]
+ # prints ['123', '234']
+- Simplified the use of nestedExpr when using an expression for
+ the opening or closing delimiters. Now the content expression
+ will not have to explicitly negate closing delimiters. Found
+ while working with dfinnie on GHOP Task #277, thanks!
+- Fixed bug when defining ignorable expressions that are
+ later enclosed in a wrapper expression (such as ZeroOrMore,
+ OneOrMore, etc.) - found while working with Prabhu
+ Gurumurthy, thanks Prahbu!
+- Fixed bug in withAttribute in which keys were automatically
+ converted to lowercase, making it impossible to match XML
+ attributes with uppercase characters in them. Using with-
+ Attribute requires that you reference attributes in all
+ lowercase if parsing HTML, and in correct case when parsing
+ XML.
+- Changed '<<' operator on Forward to return None, since this
+ is really used as a pseudo-assignment operator, not as a
+ left-shift operator. By returning None, it is easier to
+ catch faulty statements such as a << b | c, where precedence
+ of operations causes the '|' operation to be performed
+ *after* inserting b into a, so no alternation is actually
+ implemented. The correct form is a << (b | c). With this
+ change, an error will be reported instead of silently
+ clipping the alternative term. (Note: this may break some
+ existing code, but if it does, the code had a silent bug in
+ it anyway.) Proposed by wcbarksdale on the pyparsing wiki,
+ thanks!
+- Several unit tests were added to pyparsing's regression
+ suite, courtesy of the Google Highly-Open Participation
+ Contest. Thanks to all who administered and took part in
+ this event!
+Version 1.4.10 - December 9, 2007
+- Fixed bug introduced in v1.4.8, parse actions were called for
+ intermediate operator levels, not just the deepest matching
+ operation level. Again, big thanks to Torsten Marek for
+ helping isolate this problem!
+Version 1.4.9 - December 8, 2007
+- Added '*' multiplication operator support when creating
+ grammars, accepting either an integer, or a two-integer
+ tuple multiplier, as in:
+ ipAddress = Word(nums) + ('.'+Word(nums))*3
+ usPhoneNumber = Word(nums) + ('-'+Word(nums))*(1,2)
+ If multiplying by a tuple, the two integer values represent
+ min and max multiples. Suggested by Vincent of,
+ great idea, Vincent!
+- Fixed bug in nestedExpr, original version was overly greedy!
+ Thanks to Michael Ramirez for raising this issue.
+- Fixed internal bug in ParseResults - when an item was deleted,
+ the key indices were not updated. Thanks to Tim Mitchell for
+ posting a bugfix patch to the SF bug tracking system!
+- Fixed internal bug in operatorPrecedence - when the results of
+ a right-associative term were sent to a parse action, the wrong
+ tokens were sent. Reported by Torsten Marek, nice job!
+- Added pop() method to ParseResults. If pop is called with an
+ integer or with no arguments, it will use list semantics and
+ update the ParseResults' list of tokens. If pop is called with
+ a non-integer (a string, for instance), then it will use dict
+ semantics and update the ParseResults' internal dict.
+ Suggested by Donn Ingle, thanks Donn!
+- Fixed quoted string built-ins to accept '\xHH' hex characters
+ within the string.
+Version 1.4.8 - October, 2007
+- Added new helper method nestedExpr to easily create expressions
+ that parse lists of data in nested parentheses, braces, brackets,
+ etc.
+- Added withAttribute parse action helper, to simplify creating
+ filtering parse actions to attach to expressions returned by
+ makeHTMLTags and makeXMLTags. Use withAttribute to qualify a
+ starting tag with one or more required attribute values, to avoid
+ false matches on common tags such as <TD> or <DIV>.
+- Added new examples and to demonstrate
+ the new features.
+- Added performance speedup to grammars using operatorPrecedence,
+ instigated by Stefan Reichör - thanks for the feedback, Stefan!
+- Fixed bug/typo when deleting an element from a ParseResults by
+ using the element's results name.
+- Fixed whitespace-skipping bug in wrapper classes (such as Group,
+ Suppress, Combine, etc.) and when using setDebug(), reported by
+ new pyparsing user dazzawazza on SourceForge, nice job!
+- Added restriction to prevent defining Word or CharsNotIn expressions
+ with minimum length of 0 (should use Optional if this is desired),
+ and enhanced docstrings to reflect this limitation. Issue was
+ raised by Joey Tallieu, who submitted a patch with a slightly
+ different solution. Thanks for taking the initiative, Joey, and
+ please keep submitting your ideas!
+- Fixed bug in makeHTMLTags that did not detect HTML tag attributes
+ with no '= value' portion (such as "<td nowrap>"), reported by
+ hamidh on the pyparsing wiki - thanks!
+- Fixed minor bug in makeHTMLTags and makeXMLTags, which did not
+ accept whitespace in closing tags.
+Version 1.4.7 - July, 2007
+- NEW NOTATION SHORTCUT: ParserElement now accepts results names using
+ a notational shortcut, following the expression with the results name
+ in parentheses. So this:
+ stats = "AVE:" + realNum.setResultsName("average") + \
+ "MIN:" + realNum.setResultsName("min") + \
+ "MAX:" + realNum.setResultsName("max")
+ can now be written as this:
+ stats = "AVE:" + realNum("average") + \
+ "MIN:" + realNum("min") + \
+ "MAX:" + realNum("max")
+ The intent behind this change is to make it simpler to define results
+ names for significant fields within the expression, while keeping
+ the grammar syntax clean and uncluttered.
+- Fixed bug when packrat parsing is enabled, with cached ParseResults
+ being updated by subsequent parsing. Reported on the pyparsing
+ wiki by Kambiz, thanks!
+- Fixed bug in operatorPrecedence for unary operators with left
+ associativity, if multiple operators were given for the same term.
+- Fixed bug in example, corrected precedence of "and" vs.
+ "or" operations.
+- Fixed bug in Dict class, in which keys were converted to strings
+ whether they needed to be or not. Have narrowed this logic to
+ convert keys to strings only if the keys are ints (which would
+ confuse __getitem__ behavior for list indexing vs. key lookup).
+- Added ParserElement method setBreak(), which will invoke the pdb
+ module's set_trace() function when this expression is about to be
+ parsed.
+- Fixed bug in StringEnd in which reading off the end of the input
+ string raises an exception - should match. Resolved while
+ answering a question for Shawn on the pyparsing wiki.
+Version 1.4.6 - April, 2007
+- Simplified constructor for ParseFatalException, to support common
+ exception construction idiom:
+ raise ParseFatalException, "unexpected text: 'Spanish Inquisition'"
+- Added method getTokensEndLoc(), to be called from within a parse action,
+ for those parse actions that need both the starting *and* ending
+ location of the parsed tokens within the input text.
+- Enhanced behavior of keepOriginalText so that named parse fields are
+ preserved, even though tokens are replaced with the original input
+ text matched by the current expression. Also, cleaned up the stack
+ traversal to be more robust. Suggested by Tim Arnold - thanks, Tim!
+- Fixed subtle bug in which countedArray (and similar dynamic
+ expressions configured in parse actions) failed to match within Or,
+ Each, FollowedBy, or NotAny. Reported by Ralf Vosseler, thanks for
+ your patience, Ralf!
+- Fixed Unicode bug in upcaseTokens and downcaseTokens parse actions,
+ scanString, and default debugging actions; reported (and patch submitted)
+ by Nikolai Zamkovoi, spasibo!
+- Fixed bug when saving a tuple as a named result. The returned
+ token list gave the proper tuple value, but accessing the result by
+ name only gave the first element of the tuple. Reported by
+ Poromenos, nice catch!
+- Fixed bug in makeHTMLTags/makeXMLTags, which failed to match tag
+ attributes with namespaces.
+- Fixed bug in SkipTo when setting include=True, to have the skipped-to
+ tokens correctly included in the returned data. Reported by gunars on
+ the pyparsing wiki, thanks!
+- Fixed typobug in OnceOnly.reset method, omitted self argument.
+ Submitted by eike welk, thanks for the lint-picking!
+- Added performance enhancement to Forward class, suggested by
+ akkartik on the pyparsing Wiki discussion, nice work!
+- Added optional asKeyword to Word constructor, to indicate that the
+ given word pattern should be matched only as a keyword, that is, it
+ should only match if it is within word boundaries.
+- Added S-expression parser to examples directory.
+- Added macro substitution example to examples directory.
+- Added example, excerpted from Marco Alfonso's blog -
+ muchas gracias, Marco!
+- Modified internal cyclic references in ParseResults to use weakrefs;
+ this should help reduce the memory footprint of large parsing
+ programs, at some cost to performance (3-5%). Suggested by bca48150 on
+ the pyparsing wiki, thanks!
+- Enhanced the documentation describing the vagaries and idiosyncracies
+ of parsing strings with embedded tabs, and the impact on:
+ . parse actions
+ . scanString
+ . col and line helper functions
+ (Suggested by eike welk in response to some unexplained inconsistencies
+ between parsed location and offsets in the input string.)
+- Cleaned up internal decorators to preserve function names,
+ docstrings, etc.
+Version 1.4.5 - December, 2006
+- Removed debugging print statement from QuotedString class. Sorry
+ for not stripping this out before the 1.4.4 release!
+- A significant performance improvement, the first one in a while!
+ For my Verilog parser, this version of pyparsing is about double the
+ speed - YMMV.
+- Added support for pickling of ParseResults objects. (Reported by
+ Jeff Poole, thanks Jeff!)
+- Fixed minor bug in makeHTMLTags that did not recognize tag attributes
+ with embedded '-' or '_' characters. Also, added support for
+ passing expressions to makeHTMLTags and makeXMLTags, and used this
+ feature to define the globals anyOpenTag and anyCloseTag.
+- Fixed error in alphas8bit, I had omitted the y-with-umlaut character.
+- Added punc8bit string to complement alphas8bit - it contains all the
+ non-alphabetic, non-blank 8-bit characters.
+- Added commonHTMLEntity expression, to match common HTML "ampersand"
+ codes, such as "&lt;", "&gt;", "&amp;", "&nbsp;", and "&quot;". This
+ expression also defines a results name 'entity', which can be used
+ to extract the entity field (that is, "lt", "gt", etc.). Also added
+ built-in parse action replaceHTMLEntity, which can be attached to
+ commonHTMLEntity to translate "&lt;", "&gt;", "&amp;", "&nbsp;", and
+ "&quot;" to "<", ">", "&", " ", and "'".
+- Added example,, that strips HTML tags and scripts
+ from HTML pages. It also translates common HTML entities to their
+ respective characters.
+Version 1.4.4 - October, 2006
+- Fixed traceParseAction decorator to also trap and record exception
+ returns from parse actions, and to handle parse actions with 0,
+ 1, 2, or 3 arguments.
+- Enhanced parse action normalization to support using classes as
+ parse actions; that is, the class constructor is called at parse
+ time and the __init__ function is called with 0, 1, 2, or 3
+ arguments. If passing a class as a parse action, the __init__
+ method must use one of the valid parse action parameter list
+ formats. (This technique is useful when using pyparsing to compile
+ parsed text into a series of application objects - see the new
+ example
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults when setting an item using an integer
+ index. (Reported by Christopher Lambacher, thanks!)
+- Fixed whitespace-skipping bug, patch submitted by Paolo Losi -
+ grazie, Paolo!
+- Fixed bug when a Combine contained an embedded Forward expression,
+ reported by cie on the pyparsing wiki - good catch!
+- Fixed listAllMatches bug, when a listAllMatches result was
+ nested within another result. (Reported by don pasquale on
+ comp.lang.python, well done!)
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults items() method, when returning an item
+ marked as listAllMatches=True
+- Fixed bug in definition of cppStyleComment (and javaStyleComment)
+ in which '//' line comments were not continued to the next line
+ if the line ends with a '\'. (Reported by eagle-eyed Ralph
+ Corderoy!)
+- Optimized re's for cppStyleComment and quotedString for better
+ re performance - also provided by Ralph Corderoy, thanks!
+- Added new example,, showing how to
+ define a grammar using indentation to show grouping (as Python
+ does for defining statement nesting). Instigated by an e-mail
+ discussion with Andrew Dalke, thanks Andrew!
+- Added new helper operatorPrecedence (based on e-mail list discussion
+ with Ralph Corderoy and Paolo Losi), to facilitate definition of
+ grammars for expressions with unary and binary operators. For
+ instance, this grammar defines a 6-function arithmetic expression
+ grammar, with unary plus and minus, proper operator precedence,and
+ right- and left-associativity:
+ expr = operatorPrecedence( operand,
+ [("!", 1, opAssoc.LEFT),
+ ("^", 2, opAssoc.RIGHT),
+ (oneOf("+ -"), 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
+ (oneOf("* /"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
+ (oneOf("+ -"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),]
+ )
+ Also added example and to provide
+ more detailed code samples using this new helper method.
+- Added new helpers matchPreviousLiteral and matchPreviousExpr, for
+ creating adaptive parsing expressions that match the same content
+ as was parsed in a previous parse expression. For instance:
+ first = Word(nums)
+ matchExpr = first + ":" + matchPreviousLiteral(first)
+ will match "1:1", but not "1:2". Since this matches at the literal
+ level, this will also match the leading "1:1" in "1:10".
+ In contrast:
+ first = Word(nums)
+ matchExpr = first + ":" + matchPreviousExpr(first)
+ will *not* match the leading "1:1" in "1:10"; the expressions are
+ evaluated first, and then compared, so "1" is compared with "10".
+- Added keepOriginalText parse action. Sometimes pyparsing's
+ whitespace-skipping leaves out too much whitespace. Adding this
+ parse action will restore any internal whitespace for a parse
+ expression. This is especially useful when defining expressions
+ for scanString or transformString applications.
+- Added __add__ method for ParseResults class, to better support
+ using Python sum built-in for summing ParseResults objects returned
+ from scanString.
+- Added reset method for the new OnlyOnce class wrapper for parse
+ actions (to allow a grammar to be used multiple times).
+- Added optional maxMatches argument to scanString and searchString,
+ to short-circuit scanning after 'n' expression matches are found.
+Version 1.4.3 - July, 2006
+- Fixed implementation of multiple parse actions for an expression
+ (added in 1.4.2).
+ . setParseAction() reverts to its previous behavior, setting
+ one (or more) actions for an expression, overwriting any
+ action or actions previously defined
+ . new method addParseAction() appends one or more parse actions
+ to the list of parse actions attached to an expression
+ Now it is harder to accidentally append parse actions to an
+ expression, when what you wanted to do was overwrite whatever had
+ been defined before. (Thanks, Jean-Paul Calderone!)
+- Simplified interface to parse actions that do not require all 3
+ parse action arguments. Very rarely do parse actions require more
+ than just the parsed tokens, yet parse actions still require all
+ 3 arguments including the string being parsed and the location
+ within the string where the parse expression was matched. With this
+ release, parse actions may now be defined to be called as:
+ . fn(string,locn,tokens) (the current form)
+ . fn(locn,tokens)
+ . fn(tokens)
+ . fn()
+ The setParseAction and addParseAction methods will internally decorate
+ the provided parse actions with compatible wrappers to conform to
+ the full (string,locn,tokens) argument sequence.
+ I announced this in March, 2004, and gave a final warning in the last
+ release. Now you can return a tuple from a parse action, and it will
+ be treated like any other return value (i.e., the tuple will be
+ substituted for the incoming tokens passed to the parse action,
+ which is useful when trying to parse strings into tuples).
+- Added setFailAction method, taking a callable function fn that
+ takes the arguments fn(s,loc,expr,err) where:
+ . s - string being parsed
+ . loc - location where expression match was attempted and failed
+ . expr - the parse expression that failed
+ . err - the exception thrown
+ The function returns no values. It may throw ParseFatalException
+ if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.
+ (Suggested by peter21081944 on
+- Added class OnlyOnce as helper wrapper for parse actions. OnlyOnce
+ only permits a parse action to be called one time, after which
+ all subsequent calls throw a ParseException.
+- Added traceParseAction decorator to help debug parse actions.
+ Simply insert "@traceParseAction" ahead of the definition of your
+ parse action, and each invocation will be displayed, along with
+ incoming arguments, and returned value.
+- Fixed bug when copying ParserElements using copy() or
+ setResultsName(). (Reported by Dan Thill, great catch!)
+- Fixed bug in asXML() where token text contains <, >, and &
+ characters - generated XML now escapes these as &lt;, &gt; and
+ &amp;. (Reported by Jacek Sieka, thanks!)
+- Fixed bug in SkipTo() when searching for a StringEnd(). (Reported
+ by Pete McEvoy, thanks Pete!)
+- Fixed "except Exception" statements, the most critical added as part
+ of the packrat parsing enhancement. (Thanks, Erick Tryzelaar!)
+- Fixed end-of-string infinite looping on LineEnd and StringEnd
+ expressions. (Thanks again to Erick Tryzelaar.)
+- Modified setWhitespaceChars to return self, to be consistent with
+ other ParserElement modifiers. (Suggested by Erick Tryzelaar.)
+- Fixed bug/typo in new ParseResults.dump() method.
+- Fixed bug in searchString() method, in which only the first token of
+ an expression was returned. searchString() now returns a
+ ParseResults collection of all search matches.
+- Added example program, a string transformer that
+ converts text files with hard line-breaks into one with line breaks
+ only between paragraphs.
+- Added example program, to illustrate using the
+ listAllMatches option when specifying results names (also shows new
+ support for passing lists to oneOf).
+- Added example program, to illustrate using the
+ helper methods lineno, line, and col, and returning objects from a
+ parse action.
+- Added example program, to which can parse the
+ string representation of a Python list back into a true list. Taken
+ mostly from my PyCon presentation examples, but now with support
+ for tuple elements, too!
+Version 1.4.2 - April 1, 2006 (No foolin'!)
+- Significant speedup from memoizing nested expressions (a technique
+ known as "packrat parsing"), thanks to Chris Lesniewski-Laas! Your
+ mileage may vary, but my Verilog parser almost doubled in speed to
+ over 600 lines/sec!
+ This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that
+ have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when
+ you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your
+ program must call the class method ParserElement.enablePackrat(). If
+ your program uses psyco to "compile as you go", you must call
+ enablePackrat before calling psyco.full(). If you do not do this,
+ Python will crash. For best results, call enablePackrat() immediately
+ after importing pyparsing.
+- Added new helper method countedArray(expr), for defining patterns that
+ start with a leading integer to indicate the number of array elements,
+ followed by that many elements, matching the given expr parse
+ expression. For instance, this two-liner:
+ wordArray = countedArray(Word(alphas))
+ print wordArray.parseString("3 Practicality beats purity")[0]
+ returns the parsed array of words:
+ ['Practicality', 'beats', 'purity']
+ The leading token '3' is suppressed, although it is easily obtained
+ from the length of the returned array.
+ (Inspired by e-mail discussion with Ralf Vosseler.)
+- Added support for attaching multiple parse actions to a single
+ ParserElement. (Suggested by Dan "Dang" Griffith - nice idea, Dan!)
+- Added support for asymmetric quoting characters in the recently-added
+ QuotedString class. Now you can define your own quoted string syntax
+ like "<<This is a string in double angle brackets.>>". To define
+ this custom form of QuotedString, your code would define:
+ dblAngleQuotedString = QuotedString('<<',endQuoteChar='>>')
+ QuotedString also supports escaped quotes, escape character other
+ than '\', and multiline.
+- Changed the default value returned internally by Optional, so that
+ None can be used as a default value. (Suggested by Steven Bethard -
+ I finally saw the light!)
+- Added dump() method to ParseResults, to make it easier to list out
+ and diagnose values returned from calling parseString.
+- A new example, a search query string parser, submitted by Steven
+ Mooij and Rudolph Froger - a very interesting application, thanks!
+- Added an example that parses the BNF in Python's Grammar file, in
+ support of generating Python grammar documentation. (Suggested by
+ J H Stovall.)
+- A new example, submitted by Tim Cera, of a flexible parser module,
+ using a simple config variable to adjust parsing for input formats
+ that have slight variations - thanks, Tim!
+- Added an example for parsing Roman numerals, showing the capability
+ of parse actions to "compile" Roman numerals into their integer
+ values during parsing.
+- Added a new docs directory, for additional documentation or help.
+ Currently, this includes the text and examples from my recent
+ presentation at PyCon.
+- Fixed another typo in CaselessKeyword, thanks Stefan Behnel.
+- Expanded oneOf to also accept tuples, not just lists. This really
+ should be sufficient...
+- Added deprecation warnings when tuple is returned from a parse action.
+ Looking back, I see that I originally deprecated this feature in March,
+ 2004, so I'm guessing people really shouldn't have been using this
+ feature - I'll drop it altogether in the next release, which will
+ allow users to return a tuple from a parse action (which is really
+ handy when trying to reconstuct tuples from a tuple string
+ representation!).
+Version 1.4.1 - February, 2006
+- Converted generator expression in QuotedString class to list
+ comprehension, to retain compatibility with Python 2.3. (Thanks, Titus
+ Brown for the heads-up!)
+- Added searchString() method to ParserElement, as an alternative to
+ using "scanString(instring).next()[0][0]" to search through a string
+ looking for a substring matching a given parse expression. (Inspired by
+ e-mail conversation with Dave Feustel.)
+- Modified oneOf to accept lists of strings as well as a single string
+ of space-delimited literals. (Suggested by Jacek Sieka - thanks!)
+- Removed deprecated use of Upcase in pyparsing test code. (Also caught by
+ Titus Brown.)
+- Removed lstrip() call from Literal - too aggressive in stripping
+ whitespace which may be valid for some grammars. (Point raised by Jacek
+ Sieka). Also, made Literal more robust in the event of passing an empty
+ string.
+- Fixed bug in replaceWith when returning None.
+- Added cautionary documentation for Forward class when assigning a
+ MatchFirst expression, as in:
+ fwdExpr << a | b | c
+ Precedence of operators causes this to be evaluated as:
+ (fwdExpr << a) | b | c
+ thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives. Users must
+ explicitly group the values inserted into the Forward:
+ fwdExpr << (a | b | c)
+ (Suggested by Scot Wilcoxon - thanks, Scot!)
+Version 1.4 - January 18, 2006
+- Added Regex class, to permit definition of complex embedded expressions
+ using regular expressions. (Enhancement provided by John Beisley, great
+ job!)
+- Converted implementations of Word, oneOf, quoted string, and comment
+ helpers to utilize regular expression matching. Performance improvements
+ in the 20-40% range.
+- Added QuotedString class, to support definition of non-standard quoted
+ strings (Suggested by Guillaume Proulx, thanks!)
+- Added CaselessKeyword class, to streamline grammars with, well, caseless
+ keywords (Proposed by Stefan Behnel, thanks!)
+- Fixed bug in SkipTo, when using an ignoreable expression. (Patch provided
+ by Anonymous, thanks, whoever-you-are!)
+- Fixed typo in NoMatch class. (Good catch, Stefan Behnel!)
+- Fixed minor bug in _makeTags(), using string.printables instead of
+ pyparsing.printables.
+- Cleaned up some of the expressions created by makeXXXTags helpers, to
+ suppress extraneous <> characters.
+- Added some grammar definition-time checking to verify that a grammar is
+ being built using proper ParserElements.
+- Added examples:
+ . - linear algebra C preprocessor (submitted by Mike Ellis,
+ thanks Mike!)
+ . - converts word description of a number back to
+ the original number (such as 'one hundred and twenty three' -> 123)
+ . updated to support unary minus, added BNF comments
+Version 1.3.3 - September 12, 2005
+- Improved support for Unicode strings that would be returned using
+ srange. Added example, for a Korean version of
+ "Hello, World!" using Unicode. (Thanks, June Kim!)
+- Added 'hexnums' string constant (nums+"ABCDEFabcdef") for defining
+ hexadecimal value expressions.
+ Modified tag and results definitions returned by makeHTMLTags(),
+ to better support the looseness of HTML parsing. Tags to be
+ parsed are now caseless, and keys generated for tag attributes are
+ now converted to lower case.
+ Formerly, makeXMLTags("XYZ") would return a tag with results
+ name of "startXYZ", this has been changed to "startXyz". If this
+ tag is matched against '<XYZ Abc="1" DEF="2" ghi="3">', the
+ matched keys formerly would be "Abc", "DEF", and "ghi"; keys are
+ now converted to lower case, giving keys of "abc", "def", and
+ "ghi". These changes were made to try to address the lax
+ case sensitivity agreement between start and end tags in many
+ HTML pages.
+ No changes were made to makeXMLTags(), which assumes more rigorous
+ parsing rules.
+ Also, cleaned up case-sensitivity bugs in closing tags, and
+ switched to using Keyword instead of Literal class for tags.
+ (Thanks, Steve Young, for getting me to look at these in more
+ detail!)
+- Added two helper parse actions, upcaseTokens and downcaseTokens,
+ which will convert matched text to all uppercase or lowercase,
+ respectively.
+- Deprecated Upcase class, to be replaced by upcaseTokens parse
+ action.
+- Converted messages sent to stderr to use warnings module, such as
+ when constructing a Literal with an empty string, one should use
+ the Empty() class or the empty helper instead.
+- Added ' ' (space) as an escapable character within a quoted
+ string.
+- Added helper expressions for common comment types, in addition
+ to the existing cStyleComment (/*...*/) and htmlStyleComment
+ (<!-- ... -->)
+ . dblSlashComment = // ... (to end of line)
+ . cppStyleComment = cStyleComment or dblSlashComment
+ . javaStyleComment = cppStyleComment
+ . pythonStyleComment = # ... (to end of line)
+Version 1.3.2 - July 24, 2005
+- Added Each class as an enhanced version of And. 'Each' requires
+ that all given expressions be present, but may occur in any order.
+ Special handling is provided to group ZeroOrMore and OneOrMore
+ elements that occur out-of-order in the input string. You can also
+ construct 'Each' objects by joining expressions with the '&'
+ operator. When using the Each class, results names are strongly
+ recommended for accessing the matched tokens. (Suggested by Pradam
+ Amini - thanks, Pradam!)
+- Stricter interpretation of 'max' qualifier on Word elements. If the
+ 'max' attribute is specified, matching will fail if an input field
+ contains more than 'max' consecutive body characters. For example,
+ previously, Word(nums,max=3) would match the first three characters
+ of '0123456', returning '012' and continuing parsing at '3'. Now,
+ when constructed using the max attribute, Word will raise an
+ exception with this string.
+- Cleaner handling of nested dictionaries returned by Dict. No
+ longer necessary to dereference sub-dictionaries as element [0] of
+ their parents.
+ (Prompted by discussion thread on the Python Tutor list, with
+ contributions from Danny Yoo, Kent Johnson, and original post by
+ Liam Clarke - thanks all!)
+Version 1.3.1 - June, 2005
+- Added markInputline() method to ParseException, to display the input
+ text line location of the parsing exception. (Thanks, Stefan Behnel!)
+- Added setDefaultKeywordChars(), so that Keyword definitions using a
+ custom keyword character set do not all need to add the keywordChars
+ constructor argument (similar to setDefaultWhitespaceChars()).
+ (suggested by rzhanka on the SourceForge pyparsing forum.)
+- Simplified passing debug actions to setDebugAction(). You can now
+ pass 'None' for a debug action if you want to take the default
+ debug behavior. To suppress a particular debug action, you can pass
+ the pyparsing method nullDebugAction.
+- Refactored parse exception classes, moved all behavior to
+ ParseBaseException, and the former ParseException is now a subclass of
+ ParseBaseException. Added a second subclass, ParseFatalException, as
+ a subclass of ParseBaseException. User-defined parse actions can raise
+ ParseFatalException if a data inconsistency is detected (such as a
+ begin-tag/end-tag mismatch), and this will stop all parsing immediately.
+ (Inspired by e-mail thread with Michele Petrazzo - thanks, Michelle!)
+- Added helper methods makeXMLTags and makeHTMLTags, that simplify the
+ definition of XML or HTML tag parse expressions for a given tagname.
+ Both functions return a pair of parse expressions, one for the opening
+ tag (that is, '<tagname>') and one for the closing tag ('</tagname>').
+ The opening tagame also recognizes any attribute definitions that have
+ been included in the opening tag, as well as an empty tag (one with a
+ trailing '/', as in '<BODY/>' which is equivalent to '<BODY></BODY>').
+ makeXMLTags uses stricter XML syntax for attributes, requiring that they
+ be enclosed in double quote characters - makeHTMLTags is more lenient,
+ and accepts single-quoted strings or any contiguous string of characters
+ up to the next whitespace character or '>' character. Attributes can
+ be retrieved as dictionary or attribute values of the returned results
+ from the opening tag.
+- Added example, a refinement on that adds
+ an interactive session and support for variables. (Thanks, Steven Siew!)
+- Added performance improvement, up to 20% reduction! (Found while working
+ with Wolfgang Borgert on performance tuning of his TTCN3 parser.)
+- And another performance improvement, up to 25%, when using scanString!
+ (Found while working with Henrik Westlund on his C header file scanner.)
+- Updated UML diagrams to reflect latest class/method changes.
+Version 1.3 - March, 2005
+- Added new Keyword class, as a special form of Literal. Keywords
+ must be followed by whitespace or other non-keyword characters, to
+ distinguish them from variables or other identifiers that just
+ happen to start with the same characters as a keyword. For instance,
+ the input string containing "ifOnlyIfOnly" will match a Literal("if")
+ at the beginning and in the middle, but will fail to match a
+ Keyword("if"). Keyword("if") will match only strings such as "if only"
+ or "if(only)". (Proposed by Wolfgang Borgert, and Berteun Damman
+ separately requested this on comp.lang.python - great idea!)
+- Added setWhitespaceChars() method to override the characters to be
+ skipped as whitespace before matching a particular ParseElement. Also
+ added the class-level method setDefaultWhitespaceChars(), to allow
+ users to override the default set of whitespace characters (space,
+ tab, newline, and return) for all subsequently defined ParseElements.
+ (Inspired by Klaas Hofstra's inquiry on the Sourceforge pyparsing
+ forum.)
+- Added helper parse actions to support some very common parse
+ action use cases:
+ . replaceWith(replStr) - replaces the matching tokens with the
+ provided replStr replacement string; especially useful with
+ transformString()
+ . removeQuotes - removes first and last character from string enclosed
+ in quotes (note - NOT the same as the string strip() method, as only
+ a single character is removed at each end)
+- Added copy() method to ParseElement, to make it easier to define
+ different parse actions for the same basic parse expression. (Note, copy
+ is implicitly called when using setResultsName().)
+ (The following changes were posted to CVS as Version 1.2.3 -
+ October-December, 2004)
+- Added support for Unicode strings in creating grammar definitions.
+ (Big thanks to Gavin Panella!)
+- Added constant alphas8bit to include the following 8-bit characters:
+ ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþ
+- Added srange() function to simplify definition of Word elements, using
+ regexp-like '[A-Za-z0-9]' syntax. This also simplifies referencing
+ common 8-bit characters.
+- Fixed bug in Dict when a single element Dict was embedded within another
+ Dict. (Thanks Andy Yates for catching this one!)
+- Added 'formatted' argument to ParseResults.asXML(). If set to False,
+ suppresses insertion of whitespace for pretty-print formatting. Default
+ equals True for backward compatibility.
+- Added setDebugActions() function to ParserElement, to allow user-defined
+ debugging actions.
+- Added support for escaped quotes (either in \', \", or doubled quote
+ form) to the predefined expressions for quoted strings. (Thanks, Ero
+ Carrera!)
+- Minor performance improvement (~5%) converting "char in string" tests
+ to "char in dict". (Suggested by Gavin Panella, cool idea!)
+Version 1.2.2 - September 27, 2004
+- Modified delimitedList to accept an expression as the delimiter, instead
+ of only accepting strings.
+- Modified ParseResults, to convert integer field keys to strings (to
+ avoid confusion with list access).
+- Modified Combine, to convert all embedded tokens to strings before
+ combining.
+- Fixed bug in MatchFirst in which parse actions would be called for
+ expressions that only partially match. (Thanks, John Hunter!)
+- Fixed bug in example that fixes right-associativity of ^
+ operator. (Thanks, Andrea Griffini!)
+- Added class FollowedBy(expression), to look ahead in the input string
+ without consuming tokens.
+- Added class NoMatch that never matches any input. Can be useful in
+ debugging, and in very specialized grammars.
+- Added example, for parsing chess game files stored in Portable
+ Game Notation. (Thanks, Alberto Santini!)
+Version 1.2.1 - August 19, 2004
+- Added SkipTo(expression) token type, simplifying grammars that only
+ want to specify delimiting expressions, and want to match any characters
+ between them.
+- Added helper method dictOf(key,value), making it easier to work with
+ the Dict class. (Inspired by Pavel Volkovitskiy, thanks!).
+- Added optional argument listAllMatches (default=False) to
+ setResultsName(). Setting listAllMatches to True overrides the default
+ modal setting of tokens to results names; instead, the results name
+ acts as an accumulator for all matching tokens within the local
+ repetition group. (Suggested by Amaury Le Leyzour - thanks!)
+- Fixed bug in ParseResults, throwing exception when trying to extract
+ slice, or make a copy using [:]. (Thanks, Wilson Fowlie!)
+- Fixed bug in transformString() when the input string contains <TAB>'s
+ (Thanks, Rick Walia!).
+- Fixed bug in returning tokens from un-Grouped And's, Or's and
+ MatchFirst's, where too many tokens would be included in the results,
+ confounding parse actions and returned results.
+- Fixed bug in naming ParseResults returned by And's, Or's, and Match
+ First's.
+- Fixed bug in LineEnd() - matching this token now correctly consumes
+ and returns the end of line "\n".
+- Added a beautiful example for parsing Mozilla calendar files (Thanks,
+ Petri Savolainen!).
+- Added support for dynamically modifying Forward expressions during
+ parsing.
+Version 1.2 - 20 June 2004
+- Added definition for htmlComment to help support HTML scanning and
+ parsing.
+- Fixed bug in generating XML for Dict classes, in which trailing item was
+ duplicated in the output XML.
+- Fixed release bug in which was omitted from release
+ files.
+- Fixed bug in transformString() when parse actions are not defined on the
+ outermost parser element.
+- Added example, as another example of using scanString
+ and parse actions.
+Version 1.2beta3 - 4 June 2004
+- Added White() token type, analogous to Word, to match on whitespace
+ characters. Use White in parsers with significant whitespace (such as
+ configuration file parsers that use indentation to indicate grouping).
+ Construct White with a string containing the whitespace characters to be
+ matched. Similar to Word, White also takes optional min, max, and exact
+ parameters.
+- As part of supporting whitespace-signficant parsing, added parseWithTabs()
+ method to ParserElement, to override the default behavior in parseString
+ of automatically expanding tabs to spaces. To retain tabs during
+ parsing, call parseWithTabs() before calling parseString(), parseFile() or
+ scanString(). (Thanks, Jean-Guillaume Paradis for catching this, and for
+ your suggestions on whitespace-significant parsing.)
+- Added transformString() method to ParseElement, as a complement to
+ scanString(). To use transformString, define a grammar and attach a parse
+ action to the overall grammar that modifies the returned token list.
+ Invoking transformString() on a target string will then scan for matches,
+ and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse
+ action. transformString() returns the resulting transformed string.
+ (Note: transformString() does *not* automatically expand tabs to spaces.)
+ Also added to the examples directory to show sample uses of
+ scanString() and transformString().
+- Removed group() method that was introduced in beta2. This turns out NOT to
+ be equivalent to nesting within a Group() object, and I'd prefer not to sow
+ more seeds of confusion.
+- Fixed behavior of asXML() where tags for groups were incorrectly duplicated.
+ (Thanks, Brad Clements!)
+- Changed beta version message to display to stderr instead of stdout, to
+ make asXML() easier to use. (Thanks again, Brad.)
+Version 1.2beta2 - 19 May 2004
+- *** SIMPLIFIED API *** - Parse actions that do not modify the list of tokens
+ no longer need to return a value. This simplifies those parse actions that
+ use the list of tokens to update a counter or record or display some of the
+ token content; these parse actions can simply end without having to specify
+ 'return toks'.
+- *** POSSIBLE API INCOMPATIBILITY *** - Fixed CaselessLiteral bug, where the
+ returned token text was not the original string (as stated in the docs),
+ but the original string converted to upper case. (Thanks, Dang Griffith!)
+ **NOTE: this may break some code that relied on this erroneous behavior.
+ Users should scan their code for uses of CaselessLiteral.**
+- *** POSSIBLE CODE INCOMPATIBILITY *** - I have renamed the internal
+ attributes on ParseResults from 'dict' and 'list' to '__tokdict' and
+ '__toklist', to avoid collisions with user-defined data fields named 'dict'
+ and 'list'. Any client code that accesses these attributes directly will
+ need to be modified. Hopefully the implementation of methods such as keys(),
+ items(), len(), etc. on ParseResults will make such direct attribute
+ accessess unnecessary.
+- Added asXML() method to ParseResults. This greatly simplifies the process
+ of parsing an input data file and generating XML-structured data.
+- Added getName() method to ParseResults. This method is helpful when
+ a grammar specifies ZeroOrMore or OneOrMore of a MatchFirst or Or
+ expression, and the parsing code needs to know which expression matched.
+ (Thanks, Eric van der Vlist, for this idea!)
+- Added items() and values() methods to ParseResults, to better support using
+ ParseResults as a Dictionary.
+- Added parseFile() as a convenience function to parse the contents of an
+ entire text file. Accepts either a file name or a file object. (Thanks
+ again, Dang!)
+- Added group() method to And, Or, and MatchFirst, as a short-cut alternative
+ to enclosing a construct inside a Group object.
+- Extended to support exponentiation, and simple built-in functions.
+- Added EBNF parser to examples, including a demo where it parses its own
+ EBNF! (Thanks to Seo Sanghyeon!)
+- Added Delphi Form parser to examples,, plus a couple of
+ sample Delphi forms as tests. (Well done, Dang!)
+- Another performance speedup, 5-10%, inspired by Dang! Plus about a 20%
+ speedup, by pre-constructing and cacheing exception objects instead of
+ constructing them on the fly.
+- Fixed minor bug when specifying oneOf() with 'caseless=True'.
+- Cleaned up and added a few more docstrings, to improve the generated docs.
+Version 1.1.2 - 21 Mar 2004
+- Fixed minor bug in scanString(), so that start location is at the start of
+ the matched tokens, not at the start of the whitespace before the matched
+ tokens.
+- Inclusion of HTML documentation, generated using Epydoc. Reformatted some
+ doc strings to better generate readable docs. (Beautiful work, Ed Loper,
+ thanks for Epydoc!)
+- Minor performance speedup, 5-15%
+- And on a process note, I've used the unittest module to define a series of
+ unit tests, to help avoid the embarrassment of the version 1.1 snafu.
+Version 1.1.1 - 6 Mar 2004
+- Fixed critical bug introduced in 1.1, which broke MatchFirst(!) token
+ matching.
+- Added "from future import __generators__" to permit running under
+ pre-Python 2.3.
+- Added example, showing how to use pyparsing to extract
+ a text pattern from the HTML of a web page.
+Version 1.1 - 3 Mar 2004
+- ***Changed API*** - While testing out parse actions, I found that the value
+ of loc passed in was not the starting location of the matched tokens, but
+ the location of the next token in the list. With this version, the location
+ passed to the parse action is now the starting location of the tokens that
+ matched.
+ A second part of this change is that the return value of parse actions no
+ longer needs to return a tuple containing both the location and the parsed
+ tokens (which may optionally be modified); parse actions only need to return
+ the list of tokens. Parse actions that return a tuple are deprecated; they
+ will still work properly for conversion/compatibility, but this behavior will
+ be removed in a future version.
+- Added validate() method, to help diagnose infinite recursion in a grammar tree.
+ validate() is not 100% fool-proof, but it can help track down nasty infinite
+ looping due to recursively referencing the same grammar construct without some
+ intervening characters.
+- Cleaned up default listing of some parse element types, to more closely match
+ ordinary BNF. Instead of the form <classname>:[contents-list], some changes
+ are:
+ . And(token1,token2,token3) is "{ token1 token2 token3 }"
+ . Or(token1,token2,token3) is "{ token1 ^ token2 ^ token3 }"
+ . MatchFirst(token1,token2,token3) is "{ token1 | token2 | token3 }"
+ . Optional(token) is "[ token ]"
+ . OneOrMore(token) is "{ token }..."
+ . ZeroOrMore(token) is "[ token ]..."
+- Fixed an infinite loop in oneOf if the input string contains a duplicated
+ option. (Thanks Brad Clements)
+- Fixed a bug when specifying a results name on an Optional token. (Thanks
+ again, Brad Clements)
+- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.0.6 when I converted quotedString to use
+ CharsNotIn; I accidentally permitted quoted strings to span newlines. I have
+ fixed this in this version to go back to the original behavior, in which
+ quoted strings do *not* span newlines.
+- Fixed minor bug in HTTP server log parser. (Thanks Jim Richardson)
+Version 1.0.6 - 13 Feb 2004
+- Added CharsNotIn class (Thanks, Lee SangYeong). This is the opposite of
+ Word, in that it is constructed with a set of characters *not* to be matched.
+ (This enhancement also allowed me to clean up and simplify some of the
+ definitions for quoted strings, cStyleComment, and restOfLine.)
+- **MINOR API CHANGE** - Added joinString argument to the __init__ method of
+ Combine (Thanks, Thomas Kalka). joinString defaults to "", but some
+ applications might choose some other string to use instead, such as a blank
+ or newline. joinString was inserted as the second argument to __init__,
+ so if you have code that specifies an adjacent value, without using
+ 'adjacent=', this code will break.
+- Modified LineStart to recognize the start of an empty line.
+- Added optional caseless flag to oneOf(), to create a list of CaselessLiteral
+ tokens instead of Literal tokens.
+- Added some enhancements to the SQL example:
+ . Oracle-style comments (Thanks to Harald Armin Massa)
+ . simple WHERE clause
+- Minor performance speedup - 5-15%
+Version 1.0.5 - 19 Jan 2004
+- Added scanString() generator method to ParseElement, to support regex-like
+ pattern-searching
+- Added items() list to ParseResults, to return named results as a
+ list of (key,value) pairs
+- Fixed memory overflow in asList() for deeply nested ParseResults (Thanks,
+ Sverrir Valgeirsson)
+- Minor performance speedup - 10-15%
+Version 1.0.4 - 8 Jan 2004
+- Added positional tokens StringStart, StringEnd, LineStart, and LineEnd
+- Added commaSeparatedList to pre-defined global token definitions; also added
+ to the examples directory, to demonstrate the differences between
+ parsing comma-separated data and simple line-splitting at commas
+- Minor API change: delimitedList does not automatically enclose the
+ list elements in a Group, but makes this the responsibility of the caller;
+ also, if invoked using 'combine=True', the list delimiters are also included
+ in the returned text (good for scoped variables, such as a.b.c or a::b::c, or
+ for directory paths such as a/b/c)
+- Performance speed-up again, 30-40%
+- Added to examples directory, as this is
+ a common parsing task
+Version 1.0.3 - 23 Dec 2003
+- Performance speed-up again, 20-40%
+- Added Python distutils installation, etc. (thanks, Dave Kuhlman)
+Version 1.0.2 - 18 Dec 2003
+- **NOTE: Changed API again!!!** (for the last time, I hope)
+ + Renamed module from parsing to pyparsing, to better reflect Python
+ linkage.
+- Also added to examples directory, to illustrate
+ usage of the Dict class.
+Version 1.0.1 - 17 Dec 2003
+- **NOTE: Changed API!**
+ + Renamed 'len' argument on Word.__init__() to 'exact'
+- Performance speed-up, 10-30%
+Version 1.0.0 - 15 Dec 2003
+- Initial public release
+Version 0.1.1 thru 0.1.17 - October-November, 2003
+- initial development iterations:
+ - added Dict, Group
+ - added helper methods oneOf, delimitedList
+ - added helpers quotedString (and double and single), restOfLine, cStyleComment
+ - added MatchFirst as an alternative to the slower Or
+ - added UML class diagram
+ - fixed various logic bugs