diff options
authorJoe Gordon <>2021-12-03 10:19:05 -0800
committerGitHub <>2021-12-03 10:19:05 -0800
commit071191455363943e7d5919701465455e78bb64ae (patch)
parent3ed350dbafeab9009e0b255dee21a656f0789bea (diff)
parent73c78212c0eea3970570cee48b55c3295b9f4c94 (diff)
Merge pull request #358 from jogo/black
25 files changed, 1528 insertions, 1497 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 9a7105f..038d4f2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ jobs:
if: matrix.python-version == '3.9'
run: |
pip install tox tox-gh-actions
- tox -e flake8
+ tox -e flake8,black
- name: Disable IPv6 localhost
run: |
sudo sed -i '/::1/d' /etc/hosts
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 5008ed2..b781a5a 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -20,54 +20,54 @@ import os
import sys
import subprocess
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("."))
# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
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+needs_sphinx = "3.0.0"
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
- 'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
- 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
- 'sphinx.ext.napoleon',
- 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig',
- 'sphinxcontrib.apidoc',
+ "sphinx.ext.autodoc",
+ "sphinx.ext.intersphinx",
+ "sphinx.ext.napoleon",
+ "sphinx.ext.ifconfig",
+ "sphinxcontrib.apidoc",
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
+templates_path = ["_templates"]
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
-source_suffix = '.rst'
+source_suffix = ".rst"
# The encoding of source files.
# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
+master_doc = "index"
# General information about the project.
-project = u'pymemcache'
-copyright = u'Pinterest'
-author = u'Charles Gordon, Jon Parise, Joe Gordon'
+project = "pymemcache"
+copyright = "Pinterest"
+author = "Charles Gordon, Jon Parise, Joe Gordon"
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
-version = u'3.2'
+version = "3.2"
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = u'3.2.0'
+release = "3.2.0"
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ language = None
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
-exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
+exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store"]
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
# documents.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
# show_authors = False
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+pygments_style = "sphinx"
# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
# modindex_common_prefix = []
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ todo_include_todos = False
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
+html_static_path = ["_static"]
# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
@@ -241,34 +241,36 @@ html_static_path = ['_static']
# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'pymemcachedoc'
+htmlhelp_basename = "pymemcachedoc"
# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
- # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
- #
- # 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
- # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
- #
- # 'pointsize': '10pt',
- # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
- #
- # 'preamble': '',
- # Latex figure (float) alignment
- #
- # 'figure_align': 'htbp',
+ # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+ #
+ # 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
+ # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+ #
+ # 'pointsize': '10pt',
+ # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+ #
+ # 'preamble': '',
+ # Latex figure (float) alignment
+ #
+ # 'figure_align': 'htbp',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'pymemcache.tex', u'pymemcache Documentation',
- u'Charles Gordon, Jon Parise, Joe Gordon', 'manual'),
+ (
+ master_doc,
+ "pymemcache.tex",
+ "pymemcache Documentation",
+ "Charles Gordon, Jon Parise, Joe Gordon",
+ "manual",
+ ),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
@@ -308,10 +310,7 @@ latex_documents = [
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [
- (master_doc, 'pymemcache', u'pymemcache Documentation',
- [author], 1)
+man_pages = [(master_doc, "pymemcache", "pymemcache Documentation", [author], 1)]
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
@@ -324,9 +323,15 @@ man_pages = [
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'pymemcache', u'pymemcache Documentation',
- author, 'pymemcache', 'One line description of project.',
- 'Miscellaneous'),
+ (
+ master_doc,
+ "pymemcache",
+ "pymemcache Documentation",
+ author,
+ "pymemcache",
+ "One line description of project.",
+ "Miscellaneous",
+ ),
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
@@ -347,11 +352,11 @@ texinfo_documents = [
# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
-intersphinx_mapping = {'': None}
+intersphinx_mapping = {"": None}
# Automate building apidoc when building with readthedocs
-apidoc_module_dir = os.path.join('..', 'pymemcache')
-apidoc_output_dir = 'apidoc'
+apidoc_module_dir = os.path.join("..", "pymemcache")
+apidoc_output_dir = "apidoc"
apidoc_separate_modules = True
-apidoc_extra_args = ['--force']
+apidoc_extra_args = ["--force"]
diff --git a/pymemcache/ b/pymemcache/
index 53637cd..436fe26 100644
--- a/pymemcache/
+++ b/pymemcache/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-__version__ = '4.0.0-dev'
+__version__ = "4.0.0-dev"
from pymemcache.client.base import Client # noqa
from pymemcache.client.base import PooledClient # noqa
diff --git a/pymemcache/client/ b/pymemcache/client/
index 7499758..d1392d4 100644
--- a/pymemcache/client/
+++ b/pymemcache/client/
@@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ from pymemcache.exceptions import (
- MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError
+ MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError,
RECV_SIZE = 4096
- b'set': (b'STORED', b'NOT_STORED'),
- b'add': (b'STORED', b'NOT_STORED'),
- b'replace': (b'STORED', b'NOT_STORED'),
- b'append': (b'STORED', b'NOT_STORED'),
- b'prepend': (b'STORED', b'NOT_STORED'),
- b'cas': (b'STORED', b'EXISTS', b'NOT_FOUND'),
+ b"set": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"),
+ b"add": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"),
+ b"replace": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"),
+ b"append": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"),
+ b"prepend": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"),
+ b"cas": (b"STORED", b"EXISTS", b"NOT_FOUND"),
- 'Linux',
+ "Linux",
- b'STORED': True,
- b'NOT_STORED': False,
- b'NOT_FOUND': None,
- b'EXISTS': False
+ b"STORED": True,
+ b"NOT_STORED": False,
+ b"NOT_FOUND": None,
+ b"EXISTS": False,
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ def _parse_bool_int(value):
def _parse_bool_string_is_yes(value):
- return value == b'yes'
+ return value == b"yes"
def _parse_float(value):
- return float(value.replace(b':', b'.'))
+ return float(value.replace(b":", b"."))
def _parse_hex(value):
@@ -70,36 +70,35 @@ def _parse_hex(value):
# General stats
- b'version': bytes,
- b'rusage_user': _parse_float,
- b'rusage_system': _parse_float,
- b'hash_is_expanding': _parse_bool_int,
- b'slab_reassign_running': _parse_bool_int,
+ b"version": bytes,
+ b"rusage_user": _parse_float,
+ b"rusage_system": _parse_float,
+ b"hash_is_expanding": _parse_bool_int,
+ b"slab_reassign_running": _parse_bool_int,
# Settings stats
- b'inter': bytes,
- b'growth_factor': float,
- b'stat_key_prefix': bytes,
- b'umask': _parse_hex,
- b'detail_enabled': _parse_bool_int,
- b'cas_enabled': _parse_bool_int,
- b'auth_enabled_sasl': _parse_bool_string_is_yes,
- b'maxconns_fast': _parse_bool_int,
- b'slab_reassign': _parse_bool_int,
- b'slab_automove': _parse_bool_int,
+ b"inter": bytes,
+ b"growth_factor": float,
+ b"stat_key_prefix": bytes,
+ b"umask": _parse_hex,
+ b"detail_enabled": _parse_bool_int,
+ b"cas_enabled": _parse_bool_int,
+ b"auth_enabled_sasl": _parse_bool_string_is_yes,
+ b"maxconns_fast": _parse_bool_int,
+ b"slab_reassign": _parse_bool_int,
+ b"slab_automove": _parse_bool_int,
# Common helper functions.
-def check_key_helper(key, allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=b''):
+def check_key_helper(key, allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=b""):
"""Checks key and add key_prefix."""
if allow_unicode_keys:
if isinstance(key, str):
- key = key.encode('utf8')
+ key = key.encode("utf8")
elif isinstance(key, str):
- key = key.encode('ascii')
+ key = key.encode("ascii")
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Non-ASCII key: %r" % key)
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ def check_key_helper(key, allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=b''):
# second statement catches leading or trailing whitespace
elif len(parts) > 1 or (parts and parts[0] != key):
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Key contains whitespace: %r" % key)
- elif b'\00' in key:
+ elif b"\00" in key:
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Key contains null: %r" % key)
return key
@@ -123,18 +122,18 @@ def normalize_server_spec(server):
if isinstance(server, list):
return tuple(server) # Assume [host, port] provided.
if not isinstance(server, str):
- raise ValueError('Unknown server provided: %r' % server)
- if server.startswith('unix:'):
+ raise ValueError("Unknown server provided: %r" % server)
+ if server.startswith("unix:"):
return server[5:]
- if server.startswith('/'):
+ if server.startswith("/"):
return server
- if ':' not in server or server.endswith(']'):
+ if ":" not in server or server.endswith("]"):
host, port = server, 11211
- host, port = server.rsplit(':', 1)
+ host, port = server.rsplit(":", 1)
port = int(port)
- if host.startswith('['):
- host = host.strip('[]')
+ if host.startswith("["):
+ host = host.strip("[]")
return (host, port)
@@ -155,20 +154,18 @@ class KeepaliveOpts:
dropping the connection. Should be a positive integer most greater
than zero.
- __slots__ = ('idle', 'intvl', 'cnt')
+ __slots__ = ("idle", "intvl", "cnt")
def __init__(self, idle=1, intvl=1, cnt=5):
if idle < 1:
- raise ValueError(
- "The idle parameter must be greater or equal to 1.")
+ raise ValueError("The idle parameter must be greater or equal to 1.")
self.idle = idle
if intvl < 1:
- raise ValueError(
- "The intvl parameter must be greater or equal to 1.")
+ raise ValueError("The intvl parameter must be greater or equal to 1.")
self.intvl = intvl
if cnt < 1:
- raise ValueError(
- "The cnt parameter must be greater or equal to 1.")
+ raise ValueError("The cnt parameter must be greater or equal to 1.")
self.cnt = cnt
@@ -268,22 +265,24 @@ class Client:
to memcached.
- def __init__(self,
- server,
- serde=None,
- serializer=None,
- deserializer=None,
- connect_timeout=None,
- timeout=None,
- no_delay=False,
- ignore_exc=False,
- socket_module=socket,
- socket_keepalive=None,
- key_prefix=b'',
- default_noreply=True,
- allow_unicode_keys=False,
- encoding='ascii',
- tls_context=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ server,
+ serde=None,
+ serializer=None,
+ deserializer=None,
+ connect_timeout=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ no_delay=False,
+ ignore_exc=False,
+ socket_module=socket,
+ socket_keepalive=None,
+ key_prefix=b"",
+ default_noreply=True,
+ allow_unicode_keys=False,
+ encoding="ascii",
+ tls_context=None,
+ ):
@@ -340,8 +339,7 @@ class Client:
"keepalive=False` or use a supported system. "
"Supported systems are: {systems}".format(
- systems=", ".join(sorted(
+ systems=", ".join(sorted(SOCKET_KEEPALIVE_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM)),
if not isinstance(self.socket_keepalive, KeepaliveOpts):
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@ class Client:
self.sock = None
if isinstance(key_prefix, str):
- key_prefix = key_prefix.encode('ascii')
+ key_prefix = key_prefix.encode("ascii")
if not isinstance(key_prefix, bytes):
raise TypeError("key_prefix should be bytes.")
self.key_prefix = key_prefix
@@ -366,8 +364,9 @@ class Client:
def check_key(self, key):
"""Checks key and add key_prefix."""
- return check_key_helper(key, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys,
- key_prefix=self.key_prefix)
+ return check_key_helper(
+ key, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=self.key_prefix
+ )
def _connect(self):
@@ -382,8 +381,7 @@ class Client:
sock = None
error = None
host, port = self.server
- info = s.getaddrinfo(host, port, s.AF_UNSPEC, s.SOCK_STREAM,
+ info = s.getaddrinfo(host, port, s.AF_UNSPEC, s.SOCK_STREAM, s.IPPROTO_TCP)
for family, socktype, proto, _, sockaddr in info:
sock = s.socket(family, socktype, proto)
@@ -407,12 +405,17 @@ class Client:
if self.socket_keepalive is not None:
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
- sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE,
- self.socket_keepalive.idle)
- sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL,
- self.socket_keepalive.intvl)
- sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT,
- self.socket_keepalive.cnt)
+ sock.setsockopt(
+ socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, self.socket_keepalive.idle
+ )
+ sock.setsockopt(
+ socket.IPPROTO_TCP,
+ self.socket_keepalive.intvl,
+ )
+ sock.setsockopt(
+ socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, self.socket_keepalive.cnt
+ )
except Exception:
@@ -455,8 +458,7 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- return self._store_cmd(b'set', {key: value}, expire, noreply,
- flags=flags)[key]
+ return self._store_cmd(b"set", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[key]
def set_many(self, values, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
@@ -478,7 +480,7 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- result = self._store_cmd(b'set', values, expire, noreply, flags=flags)
+ result = self._store_cmd(b"set", values, expire, noreply, flags=flags)
return [k for k, v in result.items() if not v]
set_multi = set_many
@@ -505,8 +507,7 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- return self._store_cmd(b'add', {key: value}, expire, noreply,
- flags=flags)[key]
+ return self._store_cmd(b"add", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[key]
def replace(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
@@ -530,8 +531,9 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- return self._store_cmd(b'replace', {key: value}, expire, noreply,
- flags=flags)[key]
+ return self._store_cmd(b"replace", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[
+ key
+ ]
def append(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
@@ -552,8 +554,9 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- return self._store_cmd(b'append', {key: value}, expire, noreply,
- flags=flags)[key]
+ return self._store_cmd(b"append", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[
+ key
+ ]
def prepend(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
@@ -574,8 +577,9 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- return self._store_cmd(b'prepend', {key: value}, expire, noreply,
- flags=flags)[key]
+ return self._store_cmd(b"prepend", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[
+ key
+ ]
def cas(self, key, value, cas, expire=0, noreply=False, flags=None):
@@ -598,8 +602,9 @@ class Client:
value and True if it existed and was changed.
cas = self._check_cas(cas)
- return self._store_cmd(b'cas', {key: value}, expire, noreply,
- flags=flags, cas=cas)[key]
+ return self._store_cmd(
+ b"cas", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags, cas=cas
+ )[key]
def get(self, key, default=None):
@@ -612,7 +617,7 @@ class Client:
The value for the key, or default if the key wasn't found.
- return self._fetch_cmd(b'get', [key], False).get(key, default)
+ return self._fetch_cmd(b"get", [key], False).get(key, default)
def get_many(self, keys):
@@ -629,7 +634,7 @@ class Client:
if not keys:
return {}
- return self._fetch_cmd(b'get', keys, False)
+ return self._fetch_cmd(b"get", keys, False)
get_multi = get_many
@@ -647,7 +652,7 @@ class Client:
or (default, cas_defaults) if the key was not found.
defaults = (default, cas_default)
- return self._fetch_cmd(b'gets', [key], True).get(key, defaults)
+ return self._fetch_cmd(b"gets", [key], True).get(key, defaults)
def gets_many(self, keys):
@@ -664,7 +669,7 @@ class Client:
if not keys:
return {}
- return self._fetch_cmd(b'gets', keys, True)
+ return self._fetch_cmd(b"gets", keys, True)
def delete(self, key, noreply=None):
@@ -682,14 +687,14 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
- cmd = b'delete ' + self.check_key(key)
+ cmd = b"delete " + self.check_key(key)
if noreply:
- cmd += b' noreply'
- cmd += b'\r\n'
- results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'delete', noreply)
+ cmd += b" noreply"
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
+ results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"delete", noreply)
if noreply:
return True
- return results[0] == b'DELETED'
+ return results[0] == b"DELETED"
def delete_many(self, keys, noreply=None):
@@ -715,10 +720,12 @@ class Client:
cmds = []
for key in keys:
- b'delete ' + self.check_key(key) +
- (b' noreply' if noreply else b'') +
- b'\r\n')
- self._misc_cmd(cmds, b'delete', noreply)
+ b"delete "
+ + self.check_key(key)
+ + (b" noreply" if noreply else b"")
+ + b"\r\n"
+ )
+ self._misc_cmd(cmds, b"delete", noreply)
return True
delete_multi = delete_many
@@ -738,14 +745,14 @@ class Client:
key = self.check_key(key)
value = self._check_integer(value, "value")
- cmd = b'incr ' + key + b' ' + value
+ cmd = b"incr " + key + b" " + value
if noreply:
- cmd += b' noreply'
- cmd += b'\r\n'
- results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'incr', noreply)
+ cmd += b" noreply"
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
+ results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"incr", noreply)
if noreply:
return None
- if results[0] == b'NOT_FOUND':
+ if results[0] == b"NOT_FOUND":
return None
return int(results[0])
@@ -764,14 +771,14 @@ class Client:
key = self.check_key(key)
value = self._check_integer(value, "value")
- cmd = b'decr ' + key + b' ' + value
+ cmd = b"decr " + key + b" " + value
if noreply:
- cmd += b' noreply'
- cmd += b'\r\n'
- results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'decr', noreply)
+ cmd += b" noreply"
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
+ results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"decr", noreply)
if noreply:
return None
- if results[0] == b'NOT_FOUND':
+ if results[0] == b"NOT_FOUND":
return None
return int(results[0])
@@ -794,14 +801,14 @@ class Client:
noreply = self.default_noreply
key = self.check_key(key)
expire = self._check_integer(expire, "expire")
- cmd = b'touch ' + key + b' ' + expire
+ cmd = b"touch " + key + b" " + expire
if noreply:
- cmd += b' noreply'
- cmd += b'\r\n'
- results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'touch', noreply)
+ cmd += b" noreply"
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
+ results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"touch", noreply)
if noreply:
return True
- return results[0] == b'TOUCHED'
+ return results[0] == b"TOUCHED"
def stats(self, *args):
@@ -818,7 +825,7 @@ class Client:
A dict of the returned stats.
- result = self._fetch_cmd(b'stats', args, False)
+ result = self._fetch_cmd(b"stats", args, False)
for key, value in result.items():
converter = STAT_TYPES.get(key, int)
@@ -841,7 +848,7 @@ class Client:
If no exception is raised, always returns True.
memlimit = self._check_integer(memlimit, "memlimit")
- self._fetch_cmd(b'cache_memlimit', [memlimit], False)
+ self._fetch_cmd(b"cache_memlimit", [memlimit], False)
return True
def version(self):
@@ -852,12 +859,11 @@ class Client:
A string of the memcached version.
cmd = b"version\r\n"
- results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'version', False)
- before, _, after = results[0].partition(b' ')
+ results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"version", False)
+ before, _, after = results[0].partition(b" ")
- if before != b'VERSION':
- raise MemcacheUnknownError(
- "Received unexpected response: %s" % results[0])
+ if before != b"VERSION":
+ raise MemcacheUnknownError("Received unexpected response: %s" % results[0])
return after
def flush_all(self, delay=0, noreply=None):
@@ -876,14 +882,14 @@ class Client:
if noreply is None:
noreply = self.default_noreply
delay = self._check_integer(delay, "delay")
- cmd = b'flush_all ' + delay
+ cmd = b"flush_all " + delay
if noreply:
- cmd += b' noreply'
- cmd += b'\r\n'
- results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'flush_all', noreply)
+ cmd += b" noreply"
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
+ results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"flush_all", noreply)
if noreply:
return True
- return results[0] == b'OK'
+ return results[0] == b"OK"
def quit(self):
@@ -894,7 +900,7 @@ class Client:
be re-used after quit.
cmd = b"quit\r\n"
- self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'quit', True)
+ self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"quit", True)
def shutdown(self, graceful=False):
@@ -910,36 +916,36 @@ class Client:
graceful: optional bool, True to request a graceful shutdown with
SIGUSR1 (defaults to False, i.e. SIGINT shutdown).
- cmd = b'shutdown'
+ cmd = b"shutdown"
if graceful:
- cmd += b' graceful'
- cmd += b'\r\n'
+ cmd += b" graceful"
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
# The shutdown command raises a server-side error if the shutdown
# protocol command is not enabled. Otherwise, a successful shutdown
# is expected to close the remote end of the transport.
- self._misc_cmd([cmd], b'shutdown', False)
+ self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"shutdown", False)
except MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError:
def _raise_errors(self, line, name):
- if line.startswith(b'ERROR'):
+ if line.startswith(b"ERROR"):
raise MemcacheUnknownCommandError(name)
- if line.startswith(b'CLIENT_ERROR'):
- error = line[line.find(b' ') + 1:]
+ if line.startswith(b"CLIENT_ERROR"):
+ error = line[line.find(b" ") + 1 :]
raise MemcacheClientError(error)
- if line.startswith(b'SERVER_ERROR'):
- error = line[line.find(b' ') + 1:]
+ if line.startswith(b"SERVER_ERROR"):
+ error = line[line.find(b" ") + 1 :]
raise MemcacheServerError(error)
def _check_integer(self, value, name):
"""Check that a value is an integer and encode it as a binary string"""
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError(
- f'{name} must be integer, got bad value: {value!r}'
+ f"{name} must be integer, got bad value: {value!r}"
return str(value).encode(self.encoding)
@@ -955,23 +961,20 @@ class Client:
cas = str(cas).encode(self.encoding)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
- raise MemcacheIllegalInputError(
- 'non-ASCII cas value: %r' % cas)
+ raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("non-ASCII cas value: %r" % cas)
elif not isinstance(cas, bytes):
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError(
- 'cas must be integer, string, or bytes, got bad value: %r' % cas
+ "cas must be integer, string, or bytes, got bad value: %r" % cas
if not cas.isdigit():
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError(
- 'cas must only contain values in 0-9, got bad value: %r'
- % cas
+ "cas must only contain values in 0-9, got bad value: %r" % cas
return cas
- def _extract_value(self, expect_cas, line, buf, remapped_keys,
- prefixed_keys):
+ def _extract_value(self, expect_cas, line, buf, remapped_keys, prefixed_keys):
This function is abstracted from _fetch_cmd to support different ways
of value extraction. In order to use this feature, _extract_value needs
@@ -1006,8 +1009,8 @@ class Client:
# It is important for all keys to be listed in their original order.
cmd = name
if prefixed_keys:
- cmd += b' ' + b' '.join(prefixed_keys)
- cmd += b'\r\n'
+ cmd += b" " + b" ".join(prefixed_keys)
+ cmd += b"\r\n"
if self.sock is None:
@@ -1015,7 +1018,7 @@ class Client:
- buf = b''
+ buf = b""
line = None
result = {}
while True:
@@ -1025,20 +1028,20 @@ class Client:
self._raise_errors(line, name)
- if line == b'END' or line == b'OK':
+ if line == b"END" or line == b"OK":
return result
- elif line.startswith(b'VALUE'):
- key, value, buf = self._extract_value(expect_cas, line, buf,
- remapped_keys,
- prefixed_keys)
+ elif line.startswith(b"VALUE"):
+ key, value, buf = self._extract_value(
+ expect_cas, line, buf, remapped_keys, prefixed_keys
+ )
result[key] = value
- elif name == b'stats' and line.startswith(b'STAT'):
+ elif name == b"stats" and line.startswith(b"STAT"):
key_value = line.split()
result[key_value[1]] = key_value[2]
- elif name == b'stats' and line.startswith(b'ITEM'):
+ elif name == b"stats" and line.startswith(b"ITEM"):
# For 'stats cachedump' commands
key_value = line.split()
- result[key_value[1]] = b' '.join(key_value[2:])
+ result[key_value[1]] = b" ".join(key_value[2:])
raise MemcacheUnknownError(line[:32])
except Exception:
@@ -1051,11 +1054,11 @@ class Client:
cmds = []
keys = []
- extra = b''
+ extra = b""
if cas is not None:
- extra += b' ' + cas
+ extra += b" " + cas
if noreply:
- extra += b' noreply'
+ extra += b" noreply"
expire = self._check_integer(expire, "expire")
for key, data in values.items():
@@ -1075,24 +1078,35 @@ class Client:
data = str(data).encode(self.encoding)
except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
raise MemcacheIllegalInputError(
- "Data values must be binary-safe: %s" % e)
+ "Data values must be binary-safe: %s" % e
+ )
- cmds.append(name + b' ' + key + b' ' +
- str(data_flags).encode(self.encoding) +
- b' ' + expire +
- b' ' + str(len(data)).encode(self.encoding) +
- extra + b'\r\n' + data + b'\r\n')
+ cmds.append(
+ name
+ + b" "
+ + key
+ + b" "
+ + str(data_flags).encode(self.encoding)
+ + b" "
+ + expire
+ + b" "
+ + str(len(data)).encode(self.encoding)
+ + extra
+ + b"\r\n"
+ + data
+ + b"\r\n"
+ )
if self.sock is None:
- self.sock.sendall(b''.join(cmds))
+ self.sock.sendall(b"".join(cmds))
if noreply:
return {k: True for k in keys}
results = {}
- buf = b''
+ buf = b""
line = None
for key in keys:
@@ -1116,13 +1130,13 @@ class Client:
- self.sock.sendall(b''.join(cmds))
+ self.sock.sendall(b"".join(cmds))
if noreply:
return []
results = []
- buf = b''
+ buf = b""
line = None
for cmd in cmds:
@@ -1175,25 +1189,27 @@ class PooledClient:
#: :class:`Client` class used to create new clients
client_class = Client
- def __init__(self,
- server,
- serde=None,
- serializer=None,
- deserializer=None,
- connect_timeout=None,
- timeout=None,
- no_delay=False,
- ignore_exc=False,
- socket_module=socket,
- socket_keepalive=None,
- key_prefix=b'',
- max_pool_size=None,
- pool_idle_timeout=0,
- lock_generator=None,
- default_noreply=True,
- allow_unicode_keys=False,
- encoding='ascii',
- tls_context=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ server,
+ serde=None,
+ serializer=None,
+ deserializer=None,
+ connect_timeout=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ no_delay=False,
+ ignore_exc=False,
+ socket_module=socket,
+ socket_keepalive=None,
+ key_prefix=b"",
+ max_pool_size=None,
+ pool_idle_timeout=0,
+ lock_generator=None,
+ default_noreply=True,
+ allow_unicode_keys=False,
+ encoding="ascii",
+ tls_context=None,
+ ):
self.server = normalize_server_spec(server)
self.serde = serde or LegacyWrappingSerde(serializer, deserializer)
self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
@@ -1205,7 +1221,7 @@ class PooledClient:
self.default_noreply = default_noreply
self.allow_unicode_keys = allow_unicode_keys
if isinstance(key_prefix, str):
- key_prefix = key_prefix.encode('ascii')
+ key_prefix = key_prefix.encode("ascii")
if not isinstance(key_prefix, bytes):
raise TypeError("key_prefix should be bytes.")
self.key_prefix = key_prefix
@@ -1214,14 +1230,16 @@ class PooledClient:
after_remove=lambda client: client.close(),
- lock_generator=lock_generator)
+ lock_generator=lock_generator,
+ )
self.encoding = encoding
self.tls_context = tls_context
def check_key(self, key):
"""Checks key and add key_prefix."""
- return check_key_helper(key, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys,
- key_prefix=self.key_prefix)
+ return check_key_helper(
+ key, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=self.key_prefix
+ )
def _create_client(self):
return self.client_class(
@@ -1238,7 +1256,8 @@ class PooledClient:
- tls_context=self.tls_context)
+ tls_context=self.tls_context,
+ )
def close(self):
@@ -1247,35 +1266,37 @@ class PooledClient:
def set(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.set(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply,
- flags=flags)
+ return client.set(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags)
def set_many(self, values, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.set_many(values, expire=expire, noreply=noreply,
- flags=flags)
+ return client.set_many(values, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags)
set_multi = set_many
def replace(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.replace(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply,
- flags=flags)
+ return client.replace(
+ key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags
+ )
def append(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.append(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply,
- flags=flags)
+ return client.append(
+ key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags
+ )
def prepend(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.prepend(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply,
- flags=flags)
+ return client.prepend(
+ key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags
+ )
def cas(self, key, value, cas, expire=0, noreply=False, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.cas(key, value, cas,
- expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags)
+ return client.cas(
+ key, value, cas, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags
+ )
def get(self, key, default=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
@@ -1331,8 +1352,7 @@ class PooledClient:
def add(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
- return client.add(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply,
- flags=flags)
+ return client.add(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags)
def incr(self, key, value, noreply=False):
with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client:
@@ -1409,7 +1429,7 @@ def _readline(sock, buf):
chunks = []
- last_char = b''
+ last_char = b""
while True:
# We're reading in chunks, so "\r\n" could appear in one chunk,
@@ -1418,14 +1438,14 @@ def _readline(sock, buf):
# This case must appear first, since the buffer could have
# later \r\n characters in it and we want to get the first \r\n.
- if last_char == b'\r' and buf[0:1] == b'\n':
+ if last_char == b"\r" and buf[0:1] == b"\n":
# Strip the last character from the last chunk.
chunks[-1] = chunks[-1][:-1]
- return buf[1:], b''.join(chunks)
- elif buf.find(b'\r\n') != -1:
+ return buf[1:], b"".join(chunks)
+ elif buf.find(b"\r\n") != -1:
before, sep, after = buf.partition(b"\r\n")
- return after, b''.join(chunks)
+ return after, b"".join(chunks)
if buf:
@@ -1476,9 +1496,9 @@ def _readvalue(sock, buf, size):
chunks[-1] = chunks[-1][:-1]
# Just remove the "\r\n" from the latest chunk
- chunks.append(buf[:rlen - 2])
+ chunks.append(buf[: rlen - 2])
- return buf[rlen:], b''.join(chunks)
+ return buf[rlen:], b"".join(chunks)
def _recv(sock, size):
diff --git a/pymemcache/client/ b/pymemcache/client/
index e5d89fe..07052fe 100644
--- a/pymemcache/client/
+++ b/pymemcache/client/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class HashClient:
A client for communicating with a cluster of memcached servers
#: :class:`Client` class used to create new clients
client_class = Client
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class HashClient:
- key_prefix=b'',
+ key_prefix=b"",
@@ -45,8 +46,8 @@ class HashClient:
- encoding='ascii',
- tls_context=None
+ encoding="ascii",
+ tls_context=None,
@@ -88,27 +89,29 @@ class HashClient:
self.hasher = hasher()
self.default_kwargs = {
- 'connect_timeout': connect_timeout,
- 'timeout': timeout,
- 'no_delay': no_delay,
- 'socket_module': socket_module,
- 'socket_keepalive': socket_keepalive,
- 'key_prefix': key_prefix,
- 'serde': serde,
- 'serializer': serializer,
- 'deserializer': deserializer,
- 'allow_unicode_keys': allow_unicode_keys,
- 'default_noreply': default_noreply,
- 'encoding': encoding,
- 'tls_context': tls_context,
+ "connect_timeout": connect_timeout,
+ "timeout": timeout,
+ "no_delay": no_delay,
+ "socket_module": socket_module,
+ "socket_keepalive": socket_keepalive,
+ "key_prefix": key_prefix,
+ "serde": serde,
+ "serializer": serializer,
+ "deserializer": deserializer,
+ "allow_unicode_keys": allow_unicode_keys,
+ "default_noreply": default_noreply,
+ "encoding": encoding,
+ "tls_context": tls_context,
if use_pooling is True:
- self.default_kwargs.update({
- 'max_pool_size': max_pool_size,
- 'pool_idle_timeout': pool_idle_timeout,
- 'lock_generator': lock_generator
- })
+ self.default_kwargs.update(
+ {
+ "max_pool_size": max_pool_size,
+ "pool_idle_timeout": pool_idle_timeout,
+ "lock_generator": lock_generator,
+ }
+ )
for server in servers:
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ class HashClient:
def _make_client_key(self, server):
if isinstance(server, (list, tuple)) and len(server) == 2:
- return '%s:%s' % server
+ return "%s:%s" % server
return server
def add_server(self, server, port=None):
@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ class HashClient:
# that server wasn't provided as a (host, port) tuple.
if port is not None:
if not isinstance(server, str):
- raise TypeError('Server must be a string when passing port.')
+ raise TypeError("Server must be a string when passing port.")
server = (server, port)
_class = PooledClient if self.use_pooling else self.client_class
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ class HashClient:
# that server wasn't provided as a (host, port) tuple.
if port is not None:
if not isinstance(server, str):
- raise TypeError('Server must be a string when passing port.')
+ raise TypeError("Server must be a string when passing port.")
server = (server, port)
key = self._make_client_key(server)
@@ -161,10 +164,7 @@ class HashClient:
if current_time - dead_time > self.dead_timeout:
for server in candidates:
- logger.debug(
- 'bringing server back into rotation %s',
- server
- )
+ logger.debug("bringing server back into rotation %s", server)
del self._dead_clients[server]
self._last_dead_check_time = current_time
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class HashClient:
if server is None:
if self.ignore_exc is True:
- raise MemcacheError('All servers seem to be down right now')
+ raise MemcacheError("All servers seem to be down right now")
return self.clients[server]
@@ -192,12 +192,10 @@ class HashClient:
# we haven't tried our max amount yet, if it has been enough
# time lets just retry using it
- if failed_metadata['attempts'] < self.retry_attempts:
- failed_time = failed_metadata['failed_time']
+ if failed_metadata["attempts"] < self.retry_attempts:
+ failed_time = failed_metadata["failed_time"]
if time.time() - failed_time > self.retry_timeout:
- logger.debug(
- 'retrying failed server: %s', client.server
- )
+ logger.debug("retrying failed server: %s", client.server)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
# we were successful, lets remove it from the failed
# clients
@@ -207,7 +205,7 @@ class HashClient:
# We've reached our max retry attempts, we need to mark
# the sever as dead
- logger.debug('marking server as dead: %s', client.server)
+ logger.debug("marking server as dead: %s", client.server)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -243,14 +241,13 @@ class HashClient:
# we haven't tried our max amount yet, if it has been enough
# time lets just retry using it
- if failed_metadata['attempts'] < self.retry_attempts:
- failed_time = failed_metadata['failed_time']
+ if failed_metadata["attempts"] < self.retry_attempts:
+ failed_time = failed_metadata["failed_time"]
if time.time() - failed_time > self.retry_timeout:
- logger.debug(
- 'retrying failed server: %s', client.server
- )
+ logger.debug("retrying failed server: %s", client.server)
succeeded, failed, err = self._set_many(
- client, values, *args, **kwargs)
+ client, values, *args, **kwargs
+ )
if err is not None:
raise err
# we were successful, lets remove it from the failed
@@ -261,12 +258,10 @@ class HashClient:
# We've reached our max retry attempts, we need to mark
# the sever as dead
- logger.debug('marking server as dead: %s', client.server)
+ logger.debug("marking server as dead: %s", client.server)
- succeeded, failed, err = self._set_many(
- client, values, *args, **kwargs
- )
+ succeeded, failed, err = self._set_many(client, values, *args, **kwargs)
if err is not None:
raise err
@@ -293,23 +288,17 @@ class HashClient:
def _mark_failed_server(self, server):
# This client has never failed, lets mark it for failure
- if (
- server not in self._failed_clients and
- self.retry_attempts > 0
- ):
+ if server not in self._failed_clients and self.retry_attempts > 0:
self._failed_clients[server] = {
- 'failed_time': time.time(),
- 'attempts': 0,
+ "failed_time": time.time(),
+ "attempts": 0,
# We aren't allowing any retries, we should mark the server as
# dead immediately
- elif (
- server not in self._failed_clients and
- self.retry_attempts <= 0
- ):
+ elif server not in self._failed_clients and self.retry_attempts <= 0:
self._failed_clients[server] = {
- 'failed_time': time.time(),
- 'attempts': 0,
+ "failed_time": time.time(),
+ "attempts": 0,
logger.debug("marking server as dead %s", server)
@@ -317,8 +306,8 @@ class HashClient:
# to reflect that we have attempted it again
failed_metadata = self._failed_clients[server]
- failed_metadata['attempts'] += 1
- failed_metadata['failed_time'] = time.time()
+ failed_metadata["attempts"] += 1
+ failed_metadata["failed_time"] = time.time()
self._failed_clients[server] = failed_metadata
def _run_cmd(self, cmd, key, default_val, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -330,9 +319,7 @@ class HashClient:
func = getattr(client, cmd)
args = list(args)
args.insert(0, key)
- return self._safely_run_func(
- client, func, default_val, *args, **kwargs
- )
+ return self._safely_run_func(client, func, default_val, *args, **kwargs)
def _set_many(self, client, values, *args, **kwargs):
failed = []
@@ -354,16 +341,16 @@ class HashClient:
disconnect_all = close
def set(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('set', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("set", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def get(self, key, default=None, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('get', key, default, default=default, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("get", key, default, default=default, **kwargs)
def incr(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('incr', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("incr", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def decr(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('decr', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("decr", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def set_many(self, values, *args, **kwargs):
client_batches = collections.defaultdict(dict)
@@ -380,9 +367,7 @@ class HashClient:
for server, values in client_batches.items():
client = self.clients[self._make_client_key(server)]
- failed += self._safely_run_set_many(
- client, values, *args, **kwargs
- )
+ failed += self._safely_run_set_many(client, values, *args, **kwargs)
return failed
@@ -410,10 +395,7 @@ class HashClient:
get_func = client.get_many
- result = self._safely_run_func(
- client,
- get_func, {}, *new_args, **kwargs
- )
+ result = self._safely_run_func(client, get_func, {}, *new_args, **kwargs)
return end
@@ -421,7 +403,7 @@ class HashClient:
get_multi = get_many
def gets(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('gets', key, None, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("gets", key, None, *args, **kwargs)
def gets_many(self, keys, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_many(keys, gets=True, *args, **kwargs)
@@ -429,32 +411,32 @@ class HashClient:
gets_multi = gets_many
def add(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('add', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("add", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def prepend(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('prepend', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("prepend", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def append(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('append', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("append", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('delete', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("delete", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def delete_many(self, keys, *args, **kwargs):
for key in keys:
- self._run_cmd('delete', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._run_cmd("delete", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
return True
delete_multi = delete_many
def cas(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('cas', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("cas", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def replace(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('replace', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("replace", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def touch(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
- return self._run_cmd('touch', key, False, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self._run_cmd("touch", key, False, *args, **kwargs)
def flush_all(self):
for client in self.clients.values():
diff --git a/pymemcache/client/ b/pymemcache/client/
index 787eeaf..b42cc09 100644
--- a/pymemcache/client/
+++ b/pymemcache/client/
@@ -1,40 +1,44 @@
def murmur3_32(data, seed=0):
"""MurmurHash3 was written by Austin Appleby, and is placed in the
- public domain. The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source
- code."""
+ public domain. The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source
+ code."""
- c1 = 0xcc9e2d51
- c2 = 0x1b873593
+ c1 = 0xCC9E2D51
+ c2 = 0x1B873593
length = len(data)
h1 = seed
- roundedEnd = (length & 0xfffffffc) # round down to 4 byte block
+ roundedEnd = length & 0xFFFFFFFC # round down to 4 byte block
for i in range(0, roundedEnd, 4):
# little endian load order
- k1 = (ord(data[i]) & 0xff) | ((ord(data[i + 1]) & 0xff) << 8) | \
- ((ord(data[i + 2]) & 0xff) << 16) | (ord(data[i + 3]) << 24)
+ k1 = (
+ (ord(data[i]) & 0xFF)
+ | ((ord(data[i + 1]) & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | ((ord(data[i + 2]) & 0xFF) << 16)
+ | (ord(data[i + 3]) << 24)
+ )
k1 *= c1
- k1 = (k1 << 15) | ((k1 & 0xffffffff) >> 17) # ROTL32(k1,15)
+ k1 = (k1 << 15) | ((k1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 17) # ROTL32(k1,15)
k1 *= c2
h1 ^= k1
- h1 = (h1 << 13) | ((h1 & 0xffffffff) >> 19) # ROTL32(h1,13)
- h1 = h1 * 5 + 0xe6546b64
+ h1 = (h1 << 13) | ((h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 19) # ROTL32(h1,13)
+ h1 = h1 * 5 + 0xE6546B64
# tail
k1 = 0
val = length & 0x03
if val == 3:
- k1 = (ord(data[roundedEnd + 2]) & 0xff) << 16
+ k1 = (ord(data[roundedEnd + 2]) & 0xFF) << 16
# fallthrough
if val in [2, 3]:
- k1 |= (ord(data[roundedEnd + 1]) & 0xff) << 8
+ k1 |= (ord(data[roundedEnd + 1]) & 0xFF) << 8
# fallthrough
if val in [1, 2, 3]:
- k1 |= ord(data[roundedEnd]) & 0xff
+ k1 |= ord(data[roundedEnd]) & 0xFF
k1 *= c1
- k1 = (k1 << 15) | ((k1 & 0xffffffff) >> 17) # ROTL32(k1,15)
+ k1 = (k1 << 15) | ((k1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 17) # ROTL32(k1,15)
k1 *= c2
h1 ^= k1
@@ -42,10 +46,10 @@ def murmur3_32(data, seed=0):
h1 ^= length
# fmix(h1)
- h1 ^= ((h1 & 0xffffffff) >> 16)
- h1 *= 0x85ebca6b
- h1 ^= ((h1 & 0xffffffff) >> 13)
- h1 *= 0xc2b2ae35
- h1 ^= ((h1 & 0xffffffff) >> 16)
+ h1 ^= (h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16
+ h1 *= 0x85EBCA6B
+ h1 ^= (h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 13
+ h1 *= 0xC2B2AE35
+ h1 ^= (h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16
- return h1 & 0xffffffff
+ return h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
diff --git a/pymemcache/client/ b/pymemcache/client/
index 00583fc..eb4d9ec 100644
--- a/pymemcache/client/
+++ b/pymemcache/client/
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ from pymemcache.client.murmur3 import murmur3_32
class RendezvousHash:
- Implements the Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm most
- commonly referred to as rendezvous hashing.
+ Implements the Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm most
+ commonly referred to as rendezvous hashing.
- Originally developed as part of python-clandestined.
+ Originally developed as part of python-clandestined.
- Copyright (c) 2014 Ernest W. Durbin III
+ Copyright (c) 2014 Ernest W. Durbin III
def __init__(self, nodes=None, seed=0, hash_function=murmur3_32):
diff --git a/pymemcache/client/ b/pymemcache/client/
index 8c8f3a9..22d7898 100644
--- a/pymemcache/client/
+++ b/pymemcache/client/
@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ def _ensure_tuple_argument(argument_name, argument_value):
if argument_value is None:
return tuple()
elif not isinstance(argument_value, (tuple, set, list)):
- raise ValueError(
- "%s must be either a tuple, a set or a list." % argument_name
- )
+ raise ValueError("%s must be either a tuple, a set or a list." % argument_name)
# Convert the argument before checking contents.
argument_tuple = tuple(argument_value)
@@ -51,12 +49,7 @@ class RetryingClient(object):
def __init__(
- self,
- client,
- attempts=2,
- retry_delay=0,
- retry_for=None,
- do_not_retry_for=None
+ self, client, attempts=2, retry_delay=0, retry_for=None, do_not_retry_for=None
Constructor for RetryingClient.
@@ -113,7 +106,7 @@ class RetryingClient(object):
for exc_class in self._retry_for:
if exc_class in self._do_not_retry_for:
raise ValueError(
- "Exception class \"%s\" was present in both `retry_for` "
+ 'Exception class "%s" was present in both `retry_for` '
"and `do_not_retry_for`. Any exception class is only "
"allowed in a single argument." % repr(exc_class)
@@ -142,12 +135,15 @@ class RetryingClient(object):
# - self._retry_for is set, and we do not match.
# - self._do_not_retry_for is set, and we do match.
# - name is not actually a member of the client class.
- if attempt >= self._attempts - 1 \
- or (self._retry_for
- and not isinstance(exc, self._retry_for)) \
- or (self._do_not_retry_for
- and isinstance(exc, self._do_not_retry_for)) \
- or name not in self._client_dir:
+ if (
+ attempt >= self._attempts - 1
+ or (self._retry_for and not isinstance(exc, self._retry_for))
+ or (
+ self._do_not_retry_for
+ and isinstance(exc, self._do_not_retry_for)
+ )
+ or name not in self._client_dir
+ ):
raise exc
# Sleep and try again.
@@ -159,10 +155,7 @@ class RetryingClient(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return lambda *args, **kwargs: self._retry(
- name,
- self._client.__getattribute__(name),
- *args,
- **kwargs
+ name, self._client.__getattribute__(name), *args, **kwargs
# We implement these explicitly because they're "magic" functions and won't
diff --git a/pymemcache/ b/pymemcache/
index 416fa0a..138a0db 100644
--- a/pymemcache/
+++ b/pymemcache/
@@ -7,24 +7,28 @@ class MemcacheClientError(MemcacheError):
"""Raised when memcached fails to parse the arguments to a request, likely
due to a malformed key and/or value, a bug in this library, or a version
mismatch with memcached."""
class MemcacheUnknownCommandError(MemcacheClientError):
"""Raised when memcached fails to parse a request, likely due to a bug in
this library or a version mismatch with memcached."""
class MemcacheIllegalInputError(MemcacheClientError):
"""Raised when a key or value is not legal for Memcache (see the class docs
for Client for more details)."""
class MemcacheServerError(MemcacheError):
"""Raised when memcached reports a failure while processing a request,
likely due to a bug or transient issue in memcached."""
@@ -32,6 +36,7 @@ class MemcacheUnknownError(MemcacheError):
"""Raised when this library receives a response from memcached that it
cannot parse, likely due to a bug in this library or a version mismatch
with memcached."""
diff --git a/pymemcache/ b/pymemcache/
index 1422835..10277b6 100644
--- a/pymemcache/
+++ b/pymemcache/
@@ -22,10 +22,14 @@ import time
class ObjectPool:
"""A pool of objects that release/creates/destroys as needed."""
- def __init__(self, obj_creator,
- after_remove=None, max_size=None,
- idle_timeout=0,
- lock_generator=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ obj_creator,
+ after_remove=None,
+ max_size=None,
+ idle_timeout=0,
+ lock_generator=None,
+ ):
self._used_objs = collections.deque()
self._free_objs = collections.deque()
self._obj_creator = obj_creator
@@ -78,9 +82,9 @@ class ObjectPool:
# No free objects, create a new one.
curr_count = len(self._used_objs)
if curr_count >= self.max_size:
- raise RuntimeError("Too many objects,"
- " %s >= %s" % (curr_count,
- self.max_size))
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Too many objects," " %s >= %s" % (curr_count, self.max_size)
+ )
obj = self._obj_creator()
diff --git a/pymemcache/ b/pymemcache/
index daa24c0..f92aeb7 100644
--- a/pymemcache/
+++ b/pymemcache/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def _python_memcache_serializer(key, value, pickle_version=None):
elif value_type is str:
flags |= FLAG_TEXT
- value = value.encode('utf8')
+ value = value.encode("utf8")
elif value_type is int:
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def python_memcache_deserializer(key, value, flags):
return value
elif flags & FLAG_TEXT:
- return value.decode('utf8')
+ return value.decode("utf8")
elif flags & FLAG_INTEGER:
return int(value)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def python_memcache_deserializer(key, value, flags):
unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(buf)
return unpickler.load()
except Exception:
-'Pickle error', exc_info=True)
+"Pickle error", exc_info=True)
return None
return value
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ class PickleSerde:
For more details on the serialization protocol, see the class documentation
for :py:class:`pymemcache.client.base.Client`
def __init__(self, pickle_version=DEFAULT_PICKLE_VERSION):
self._serialize_func = get_python_memcache_serializer(pickle_version)
@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ class LegacyWrappingSerde:
The serializer_func and deserializer_func are expected to be None in the
case that they are missing.
def __init__(self, serializer_func, deserializer_func):
self.serialize = serializer_func or self._default_serialize
self.deserialize = deserializer_func or self._default_deserialize
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index 79dc45d..befd70d 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -5,69 +5,82 @@ import ssl
def pytest_addoption(parser):
- parser.addoption('--server', action='store', default='localhost',
- help='memcached server')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--server", action="store", default="localhost", help="memcached server"
+ )
- parser.addoption('--port', action='store', default='11211',
- help='memcached server port')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--port", action="store", default="11211", help="memcached server port"
+ )
- parser.addoption('--tls-server', action='store', default='localhost',
- help='TLS memcached server')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--tls-server", action="store", default="localhost", help="TLS memcached server"
+ )
- parser.addoption('--tls-port', action='store', default='11212',
- help='TLS memcached server port')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--tls-port", action="store", default="11212", help="TLS memcached server port"
+ )
- parser.addoption('--size', action='store', default=1024,
- help='size of data in benchmarks')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--size", action="store", default=1024, help="size of data in benchmarks"
+ )
- parser.addoption('--count', action='store', default=10000,
- help='number of iterations to run each benchmark')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--count",
+ action="store",
+ default=10000,
+ help="number of iterations to run each benchmark",
+ )
- parser.addoption('--keys', action='store', default=20,
- help='number of keys to use for multi benchmarks')
+ parser.addoption(
+ "--keys",
+ action="store",
+ default=20,
+ help="number of keys to use for multi benchmarks",
+ )
def host(request):
return request.config.option.server
def port(request):
return int(request.config.option.port)
def tls_host(request):
return request.config.option.tls_server
def tls_port(request):
return int(request.config.option.tls_port)
def size(request):
return int(request.config.option.size)
def count(request):
return int(request.config.option.count)
def keys(request):
return int(request.config.option.keys)
def pairs(size, keys):
- return {'pymemcache_test:%d' % i: 'X' * size for i in range(keys)}
+ return {"pymemcache_test:%d" % i: "X" * size for i in range(keys)}
def tls_context():
return ssl.create_default_context(
cafile=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "certs/ca-root.crt")
@@ -75,7 +88,7 @@ def tls_context():
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
- if 'socket_module' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ if "socket_module" in metafunc.fixturenames:
socket_modules = [socket]
from gevent import socket as gevent_socket
@@ -86,16 +99,12 @@ def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
metafunc.parametrize("socket_module", socket_modules)
- if 'client_class' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ if "client_class" in metafunc.fixturenames:
from pymemcache.client.base import PooledClient, Client
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
class HashClientSingle(HashClient):
def __init__(self, server, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(
- [server], *args, **kwargs
- )
+ super().__init__([server], *args, **kwargs)
- metafunc.parametrize(
- "client_class", [Client, PooledClient, HashClientSingle]
- )
+ metafunc.parametrize("client_class", [Client, PooledClient, HashClientSingle])
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index 408ea7b..61cd96a 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ import pytest
import pylibmc
except Exception:
import memcache
except Exception:
@@ -30,27 +32,30 @@ except Exception:
import pymemcache.client
except Exception:
- "pylibmc",
- "memcache",
- "pymemcache",
+ params=[
+ "pylibmc",
+ "memcache",
+ "pymemcache",
+ ]
def client(request, host, port):
if request.param == "pylibmc":
pytest.skip("requires pylibmc")
- client = pylibmc.Client([f'{host}:{port}'])
+ client = pylibmc.Client([f"{host}:{port}"])
client.behaviors = {"tcp_nodelay": True}
elif request.param == "memcache":
pytest.skip("requires python-memcached")
- client = memcache.Client([f'{host}:{port}'])
+ client = memcache.Client([f"{host}:{port}"])
elif request.param == "pymemcache":
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index d286e71..56f3895 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from pymemcache.client.base import (
- check_key_helper
+ check_key_helper,
from pymemcache.exceptions import (
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ from pymemcache.exceptions import (
- MemcacheIllegalInputError
+ MemcacheIllegalInputError,
from pymemcache import pool
@@ -54,20 +54,18 @@ def is_ipv6(address):
- 'key,allow_unicode_keys,key_prefix,ex_exception,ex_excinfo',
+ "key,allow_unicode_keys,key_prefix,ex_exception,ex_excinfo",
- ('b'*251, True, b'',
- MemcacheIllegalInputError, 'Key is too long'),
- ('foo bar', True, b'',
- MemcacheIllegalInputError, 'Key contains whitespace'),
- ('\00', True, b'',
- MemcacheIllegalInputError, 'Key contains null'),
- (None, True, b'', TypeError, None),
- ])
+ ("b" * 251, True, b"", MemcacheIllegalInputError, "Key is too long"),
+ ("foo bar", True, b"", MemcacheIllegalInputError, "Key contains whitespace"),
+ ("\00", True, b"", MemcacheIllegalInputError, "Key contains null"),
+ (None, True, b"", TypeError, None),
+ ],
-def test_check_key_helper_failing_conditions(key, allow_unicode_keys,
- key_prefix, ex_exception,
- ex_excinfo):
+def test_check_key_helper_failing_conditions(
+ key, allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix, ex_exception, ex_excinfo
with pytest.raises(ex_exception) as excinfo:
check_key_helper(key, allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix)
@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ def test_check_key_helper_failing_conditions(key, allow_unicode_keys,
def test_check_key_helper():
- assert check_key_helper(b"key", True, b'') == b"key"
+ assert check_key_helper(b"key", True, b"") == b"key"
assert check_key_helper("key", True) == b"key"
assert isinstance(check_key_helper(b"key", True), bytes)
assert check_key_helper("", True) == b""
@@ -154,34 +152,27 @@ class MockSocketModule:
def socket(self, family, type, proto=0, fileno=None):
socket = MockSocket(
- [],
- connect_failure=self.connect_failure,
- close_failure=self.close_failure)
+ [], connect_failure=self.connect_failure, close_failure=self.close_failure
+ )
return socket
def getaddrinfo(self, host, port, family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0):
- family = family or (
- socket.AF_INET6 if is_ipv6(host) else socket.AF_INET
- )
+ family = family or (socket.AF_INET6 if is_ipv6(host) else socket.AF_INET)
type = type or socket.SOCK_STREAM
proto = proto or socket.IPPROTO_TCP
sockaddr = (
- ('::1', 11211, 0, 0)
- if family == socket.AF_INET6
- else ('', 11211)
+ ("::1", 11211, 0, 0) if family == socket.AF_INET6 else ("", 11211)
- return [(family, type, proto, '', sockaddr)]
+ return [(family, type, proto, "", sockaddr)]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(socket, name)
class CustomizedClient(Client):
- def _extract_value(self, expect_cas, line, buf, remapped_keys,
- prefixed_keys):
- return b'key', b'value', b'END\r\n'
+ def _extract_value(self, expect_cas, line, buf, remapped_keys, prefixed_keys):
+ return b"key", b"value", b"END\r\n"
@@ -192,8 +183,9 @@ class ClientTestMixin:
# ensure methods are checking whether self.sock is None before
# attempting to use it
sock = MockSocket(list(mock_socket_values))
- client._connect = mock.Mock(side_effect=functools.partial(
- setattr, client, "sock", sock))
+ client._connect = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=functools.partial(setattr, client, "sock", sock)
+ )
return client
def make_customized_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
@@ -202,246 +194,255 @@ class ClientTestMixin:
# ensure methods are checking whether self.sock is None before
# attempting to use it
sock = MockSocket(list(mock_socket_values))
- client._connect = mock.Mock(side_effect=functools.partial(
- setattr, client, "sock", sock))
+ client._connect = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=functools.partial(setattr, client, "sock", sock)
+ )
return client
def test_set_success(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for set operation with parameter flags
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False, flags=0x00000030)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False, flags=0x00000030)
assert result is True
def test_set_unicode_key(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _set():
- client.set('\u0FFF', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set("\u0FFF", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_unicode_key_ok(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], allow_unicode_keys=True)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], allow_unicode_keys=True)
- result = client.set('\u0FFF', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set("\u0FFF", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_set_unicode_key_ok_snowman(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], allow_unicode_keys=True)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], allow_unicode_keys=True)
- result = client.set('my☃', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set("my☃", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_set_unicode_char_in_middle_of_key(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
def _set():
- client.set('helloworld_\xb1901520_%c3', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set("helloworld_\xb1901520_%c3", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_unicode_char_in_middle_of_key_snowman(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
def _set():
- client.set('my☃', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set("my☃", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_unicode_value(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key', '\u0FFF', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", "\u0FFF", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_unicode_char_in_middle_of_key_ok(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], allow_unicode_keys=True)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], allow_unicode_keys=True)
- result = client.set('helloworld_\xb1901520_%c3', b'value',
- noreply=False)
+ result = client.set("helloworld_\xb1901520_%c3", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_set_noreply(self):
client = self.make_client([])
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=True)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=True)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=True)
+ client = self.make_client([], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=True)
assert result is True
def test_set_many_success(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.set_many({b'key': b'value'}, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.set_many({b"key": b"value"}, noreply=False)
assert result == []
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.set_many({b'key': b'value'}, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.set_many({b"key": b"value"}, noreply=False)
assert result == []
def test_set_multi_success(self):
# Should just map to set_many
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.set_multi({b'key': b'value'}, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.set_multi({b"key": b"value"}, noreply=False)
assert result == []
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.set_multi({b'key': b'value'}, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.set_multi({b"key": b"value"}, noreply=False)
assert result == []
def test_add_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r', b'\n'])
- result = client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r", b"\n"])
+ result = client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r', b'\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r", b"\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_add_not_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r', b'\n',
- b'NOT_', b'STOR', b'ED', b'\r\n'])
- client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [b"STORED\r", b"\n", b"NOT_", b"STOR", b"ED", b"\r\n"]
+ )
+ client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is False
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r', b'\n',
- b'NOT_', b'STOR', b'ED', b'\r\n'],
- encoding='utf-8')
- client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [b"STORED\r", b"\n", b"NOT_", b"STOR", b"ED", b"\r\n"], encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is False
def test_get_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result is None
# Unit test for customized client (override _extract_value)
- client = self.make_customized_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ client = self.make_customized_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result is None
def test_space_key(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
- client.get(b'space key')
+ client.get(b"space key")
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
- client.set(b'space key', b'value')
+ client.set(b"space key", b"value")
def test_get_not_found_default(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get(b'key', default='foobar')
- assert result == 'foobar'
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.get(b"key", default="foobar")
+ assert result == "foobar"
# Unit test for customized client (override _extract_value)
- client = self.make_customized_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get(b'key', default='foobar')
- assert result == 'foobar'
+ client = self.make_customized_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.get(b"key", default="foobar")
+ assert result == "foobar"
def test_get_ignore_exc_default(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'INVALID DATA\r\n'], ignore_exc=True)
- result = client.get(b'key', default='foobar')
- assert result == 'foobar'
+ client = self.make_client([b"INVALID DATA\r\n"], ignore_exc=True)
+ result = client.get(b"key", default="foobar")
+ assert result == "foobar"
# Unit test for customized client (override _extract_value)
- client = self.make_client([b'INVALID DATA\r\n'], ignore_exc=True)
- result = client.get(b'key', default='foobar')
- assert result == 'foobar'
+ client = self.make_client([b"INVALID DATA\r\n"], ignore_exc=True)
+ result = client.get(b"key", default="foobar")
+ assert result == "foobar"
def test_get_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
# Unit test for customized client (override _extract_value)
- client = self.make_customized_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ client = self.make_customized_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_get_many_none_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
assert result == {}
def test_get_multi_none_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get_multi([b'key1', b'key2'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.get_multi([b"key1", b"key2"])
assert result == {}
def test_get_many_some_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1'}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1"}
def test_get_many_all_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\n',
- b'VALUE key2 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- client.set(b'key2', b'value2', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key2 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key2", b"value2", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
def test_get_unicode_key(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _get():
- client.get('\u0FFF')
+ client.get("\u0FFF")
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_delete_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.delete(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.delete(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is False
def test_delete_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r', b'\n', b'DELETED\r\n'])
- client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.delete(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r", b"\n", b"DELETED\r\n"])
+ client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.delete(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_delete_noreply(self):
client = self.make_client([])
- result = client.delete(b'key', noreply=True)
+ result = client.delete(b"key", noreply=True)
assert result is True
def test_delete_many_no_keys(self):
@@ -450,64 +451,56 @@ class ClientTestMixin:
assert result is True
def test_delete_many_none_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.delete_many([b'key'], noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.delete_many([b"key"], noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_delete_many_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r', b'\n', b'DELETED\r\n'])
- client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.delete_many([b'key'], noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r", b"\n", b"DELETED\r\n"])
+ client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.delete_many([b"key"], noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_delete_many_some_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'DELETED\r\n',
- b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'
- ])
- client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.delete_many([b'key', b'key2'], noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"DELETED\r\n", b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.delete_many([b"key", b"key2"], noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_delete_multi_some_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'DELETED\r\n',
- b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'
- ])
- client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.delete_multi([b'key', b'key2'], noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"DELETED\r\n", b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.delete_multi([b"key", b"key2"], noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_incr_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.incr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.incr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is None
def test_incr_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n', b'1\r\n'])
- client.set(b'key', 0, noreply=False)
- result = client.incr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"1\r\n"])
+ client.set(b"key", 0, noreply=False)
+ result = client.incr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result == 1
def test_incr_noreply(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- client.set(b'key', 0, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ client.set(b"key", 0, noreply=False)
client = self.make_client([])
- result = client.incr(b'key', 1, noreply=True)
+ result = client.incr(b"key", 1, noreply=True)
assert result is None
def test_decr_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.decr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.decr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is None
def test_decr_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n', b'1\r\n'])
- client.set(b'key', 2, noreply=False)
- result = client.decr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"1\r\n"])
+ client.set(b"key", 2, noreply=False)
+ result = client.decr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result == 1
@@ -516,127 +509,149 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
Client = Client
def test_append_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.append(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.append(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.append(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.append(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_prepend_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.prepend(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.prepend(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.prepend(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.prepend(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_cas_malformed(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
- client.cas(b'key', b'value', None, noreply=False)
+ client.cas(b"key", b"value", None, noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
- client.cas(b'key', b'value', 'nonintegerstring', noreply=False)
+ client.cas(b"key", b"value", "nonintegerstring", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
# even a space makes it a noninteger string
- client.cas(b'key', b'value', '123 ', noreply=False)
+ client.cas(b"key", b"value", "123 ", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
# non-ASCII digit
- client.cas(b'key', b'value', '⁰', noreply=False)
+ client.cas(b"key", b"value", "⁰", noreply=False)
def test_cas_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'123', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"123", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'123', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"123", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_cas_exists(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'EXISTS\r\n'])
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'123', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"EXISTS\r\n"])
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"123", noreply=False)
assert result is False
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'EXISTS\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'123', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"EXISTS\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"123", noreply=False)
assert result is False
def test_cas_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'123', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"123", noreply=False)
assert result is None
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'123', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"123", noreply=False)
assert result is None
def test_cr_nl_boundaries(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6\r',
- b'\nvalue1\r\n'
- b'VALUE key2 0 6\r\n',
- b'value2\r\n'
- b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\n',
- b'value1\r',
- b'\nVALUE key2 0 6\r\n',
- b'value2\r\n',
- b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\n',
- b'value1\r\n',
- b'VALUE key2 0 6\r',
- b'\nvalue2\r\n',
- b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\n',
- b'value1\r\n',
- b'VALUE key2 0 6\r\n',
- b'value2\r',
- b'\nEND\r\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\n',
- b'value1\r\n',
- b'VALUE key2 0 6\r\n',
- b'value2\r\n',
- b'END\r',
- b'\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6\r',
- b'\nvalue1\r',
- b'\nVALUE key2 0 6\r',
- b'\nvalue2\r',
- b'\nEND\r',
- b'\n'])
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r",
+ b"\nvalue1\r\n" b"VALUE key2 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value2\r\n" b"END\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value1\r",
+ b"\nVALUE key2 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value2\r\n",
+ b"END\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value1\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key2 0 6\r",
+ b"\nvalue2\r\n",
+ b"END\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value1\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key2 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value2\r",
+ b"\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value1\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key2 0 6\r\n",
+ b"value2\r\n",
+ b"END\r",
+ b"\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r",
+ b"\nvalue1\r",
+ b"\nVALUE key2 0 6\r",
+ b"\nvalue2\r",
+ b"\nEND\r",
+ b"\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
def test_delete_exception(self):
- client = self.make_client([Exception('fail')])
+ client = self.make_client([Exception("fail")])
def _delete():
- client.delete(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client.delete(b"key", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
@@ -644,15 +659,15 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock is None
def test_flush_all(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'OK\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"OK\r\n"])
result = client.flush_all(noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_incr_exception(self):
- client = self.make_client([Exception('fail')])
+ client = self.make_client([Exception("fail")])
def _incr():
- client.incr(b'key', 1)
+ client.incr(b"key", 1)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
@@ -660,62 +675,63 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock is None
def test_get_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'ERROR\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"ERROR\r\n"])
def _get():
- client.get(b'key')
+ client.get(b"key")
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownCommandError):
def test_get_recv_chunks(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key', b' 0 5\r', b'\nvalue',
- b'\r\n', b'END', b'\r', b'\n'])
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [b"VALUE key", b" 0 5\r", b"\nvalue", b"\r\n", b"END", b"\r", b"\n"]
+ )
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_get_unknown_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'foobarbaz\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"foobarbaz\r\n"])
def _get():
- client.get(b'key')
+ client.get(b"key")
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
def test_gets_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.gets(b'key')
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.gets(b"key")
assert result == (None, None)
def test_gets_not_found_defaults(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.gets(b'key', default='foo', cas_default='bar')
- assert result == ('foo', 'bar')
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.gets(b"key", default="foo", cas_default="bar")
+ assert result == ("foo", "bar")
def test_gets_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key 0 5 10\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'])
- result = client.gets(b'key')
- assert result == (b'value', b'10')
+ client = self.make_client([b"VALUE key 0 5 10\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"])
+ result = client.gets(b"key")
+ assert result == (b"value", b"10")
def test_gets_many_none_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.gets_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.gets_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
assert result == {}
def test_gets_many_some_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key1 0 6 11\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n'])
- result = client.gets_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': (b'value1', b'11')}
+ client = self.make_client([b"VALUE key1 0 6 11\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n"])
+ result = client.gets_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": (b"value1", b"11")}
def test_touch_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.touch(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is False
def test_touch_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'TOUCHED\r\n'])
- result = client.touch(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"TOUCHED\r\n"])
+ result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_quit(self):
@@ -725,138 +741,132 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock is None
def test_shutdown(self):
- client = self.make_client([MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError('shutdown')])
+ client = self.make_client([MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError("shutdown")])
result = client.shutdown()
assert result is None
def test_shutdown_disabled(self):
def _shutdown():
- client = self.make_client([b'ERROR: shutdown not enabled\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"ERROR: shutdown not enabled\r\n"])
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownCommandError):
def test_replace_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.replace(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.replace(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.replace(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.replace(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_replace_not_stored(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.replace(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.replace(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is False
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.replace(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.replace(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is False
def test_serialization(self):
class JsonSerde:
def serialize(self, key, value):
- return json.dumps(value).encode('ascii'), 0
+ return json.dumps(value).encode("ascii"), 0
def deserialize(self, key, value, flags):
- return json.loads(value.decode('ascii'))
+ return json.loads(value.decode("ascii"))
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], serde=JsonSerde())
- client.set('key', {'c': 'd'})
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'set key 0 0 10 noreply\r\n{"c": "d"}\r\n'
- ]
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], serde=JsonSerde())
+ client.set("key", {"c": "d"})
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b'set key 0 0 10 noreply\r\n{"c": "d"}\r\n']
def test_serialization_flags(self):
def _ser(key, value):
return value, 1 if isinstance(value, int) else 0
- client = self.make_client(
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'], serializer=_ser)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], serializer=_ser)
- collections.OrderedDict([(b'a', b's'), (b'b', 0)]), noreply=False)
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'set a 0 0 1\r\ns\r\nset b 1 0 1\r\n0\r\n'
- ]
+ collections.OrderedDict([(b"a", b"s"), (b"b", 0)]), noreply=False
+ )
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"set a 0 0 1\r\ns\r\nset b 1 0 1\r\n0\r\n"]
def test_serialization_overridden_flags(self):
def _ser(key, value):
return value, 1 if isinstance(value, int) else 0
- client = self.make_client(
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'], serializer=_ser)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], serializer=_ser)
- collections.OrderedDict([(b'a', b's'), (b'b', 0)]),
- noreply=False, flags=5)
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'set a 5 0 1\r\ns\r\nset b 5 0 1\r\n0\r\n'
- ]
+ collections.OrderedDict([(b"a", b"s"), (b"b", 0)]), noreply=False, flags=5
+ )
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"set a 5 0 1\r\ns\r\nset b 5 0 1\r\n0\r\n"]
def test_explicit_flags(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"])
- collections.OrderedDict([(b'a', b's'), (b'b', 0)]),
- noreply=False, flags=5)
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'set a 5 0 1\r\ns\r\nset b 5 0 1\r\n0\r\n'
- ]
+ collections.OrderedDict([(b"a", b"s"), (b"b", 0)]), noreply=False, flags=5
+ )
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"set a 5 0 1\r\ns\r\nset b 5 0 1\r\n0\r\n"]
def test_set_socket_handling(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
assert client.sock.closed is False
assert len(client.sock.send_bufs) == 1
def test_set_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'ERROR\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"ERROR\r\n"])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownCommandError):
def test_set_exception(self):
- client = self.make_client([Exception('fail')])
+ client = self.make_client([Exception("fail")])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
assert client.sock is None
def test_set_client_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'CLIENT_ERROR some message\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"CLIENT_ERROR some message\r\n"])
def _set():
- client.set('key', 'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set("key", "value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
def test_set_server_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'SERVER_ERROR some message\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"SERVER_ERROR some message\r\n"])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheServerError):
def test_closing_socket_on_unexpected_closed_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'VALUE ',
- MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError("foo bar"),
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE ",
+ MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError("foo bar"),
+ ]
+ )
def _set():
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError):
@@ -864,87 +874,87 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock is None
def test_set_unknown_error(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'foobarbaz\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"foobarbaz\r\n"])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
def test_set_key_with_space(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key has space', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key has space", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_key_with_newline(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key\n', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key\n", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_key_with_carriage_return(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key\r', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key\r", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_key_with_null_character(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
def _set():
- client.set(b'key\00', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key\00", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_key_with_noninteger_expire(self):
- client = self.make_client([b''])
+ client = self.make_client([b""])
class _OneLike:
"""object that looks similar to the int 1"""
def __str__(self):
return "1"
for noreply in (True, False):
for expire in (1.5, _OneLike(), "1"):
def _set():
- client.set(b'finekey', b'finevalue',
- noreply=noreply, expire=expire)
+ client.set(b"finekey", b"finevalue", noreply=noreply, expire=expire)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def test_set_many_socket_handling(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- result = client.set_many({b'key': b'value'}, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ result = client.set_many({b"key": b"value"}, noreply=False)
assert result == []
assert client.sock.closed is False
assert len(client.sock.send_bufs) == 1
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], encoding='utf-8')
- result = client.set_many({b'key': b'value'}, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], encoding="utf-8")
+ result = client.set_many({b"key": b"value"}, noreply=False)
assert result == []
assert client.sock.closed is False
assert len(client.sock.send_bufs) == 1
def test_set_many_exception(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n', Exception('fail')])
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", Exception("fail")])
def _set():
- client.set_many({b'key': b'value', b'other': b'value'},
- noreply=False)
+ client.set_many({b"key": b"value", b"other": b"value"}, noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
@@ -952,12 +962,10 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock is None
# unit test for encoding passed in __init__()
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n', Exception('fail')],
- encoding='utf-8')
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n", Exception("fail")], encoding="utf-8")
def _set():
- client.set_many({b'key': b'value', b'other': b'value'},
- noreply=False)
+ client.set_many({b"key": b"value", b"other": b"value"}, noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
@@ -965,122 +973,112 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock is None
def test_stats(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STAT fake_stats 1\r\n', b'END\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"STAT fake_stats 1\r\n", b"END\r\n"])
result = client.stats()
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'stats\r\n'
- ]
- assert result == {b'fake_stats': 1}
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"stats\r\n"]
+ assert result == {b"fake_stats": 1}
def test_stats_with_args(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STAT fake_stats 1\r\n', b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.stats('some_arg')
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'stats some_arg\r\n'
- ]
- assert result == {b'fake_stats': 1}
+ client = self.make_client([b"STAT fake_stats 1\r\n", b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.stats("some_arg")
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"stats some_arg\r\n"]
+ assert result == {b"fake_stats": 1}
def test_stats_conversions(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- # Most stats are converted to int
- b'STAT cmd_get 2519\r\n',
- b'STAT cmd_set 3099\r\n',
- b'STAT evictions 939\r\n',
- # Unless they can't be, they remain str
- b'STAT libevent 2.0.19-stable\r\n',
- # Some named stats are explicitly converted
- b'STAT hash_is_expanding 0\r\n',
- b'STAT rusage_user 0.609165\r\n',
- b'STAT rusage_system 0.852791\r\n',
- b'STAT slab_reassign_running 1\r\n',
- b'STAT version 1.4.14\r\n',
- b'STAT umask 777\r\n',
- b'STAT auth_enabled_sasl yes\r\n',
- b'END\r\n',
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ # Most stats are converted to int
+ b"STAT cmd_get 2519\r\n",
+ b"STAT cmd_set 3099\r\n",
+ b"STAT evictions 939\r\n",
+ # Unless they can't be, they remain str
+ b"STAT libevent 2.0.19-stable\r\n",
+ # Some named stats are explicitly converted
+ b"STAT hash_is_expanding 0\r\n",
+ b"STAT rusage_user 0.609165\r\n",
+ b"STAT rusage_system 0.852791\r\n",
+ b"STAT slab_reassign_running 1\r\n",
+ b"STAT version 1.4.14\r\n",
+ b"STAT umask 777\r\n",
+ b"STAT auth_enabled_sasl yes\r\n",
+ b"END\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
result = client.stats()
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'stats\r\n'
- ]
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"stats\r\n"]
expected = {
- b'cmd_get': 2519,
- b'cmd_set': 3099,
- b'evictions': 939,
- b'libevent': b'2.0.19-stable',
- b'hash_is_expanding': False,
- b'rusage_user': 0.609165,
- b'rusage_system': 0.852791,
- b'slab_reassign_running': True,
- b'version': b'1.4.14',
- b'umask': 0o777,
- b'auth_enabled_sasl': True,
+ b"cmd_get": 2519,
+ b"cmd_set": 3099,
+ b"evictions": 939,
+ b"libevent": b"2.0.19-stable",
+ b"hash_is_expanding": False,
+ b"rusage_user": 0.609165,
+ b"rusage_system": 0.852791,
+ b"slab_reassign_running": True,
+ b"version": b"1.4.14",
+ b"umask": 0o777,
+ b"auth_enabled_sasl": True,
assert result == expected
def test_stats_cachedump(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'ITEM bob [7 b; 0 s]\r\n', b'END\r\n'])
- result = client.stats('cachedump', '1', '1')
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'stats cachedump 1 1\r\n'
- ]
- assert result == {b'bob': b'[7 b; 0 s]'}
+ client = self.make_client([b"ITEM bob [7 b; 0 s]\r\n", b"END\r\n"])
+ result = client.stats("cachedump", "1", "1")
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"stats cachedump 1 1\r\n"]
+ assert result == {b"bob": b"[7 b; 0 s]"}
def test_cache_memlimit(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'OK\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"OK\r\n"])
result = client.cache_memlimit(8)
- assert client.sock.send_bufs == [
- b'cache_memlimit 8\r\n'
- ]
+ assert client.sock.send_bufs == [b"cache_memlimit 8\r\n"]
assert result is True
def test_python_dict_set_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'])
- client[b'key'] = b'value'
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"])
+ client[b"key"] = b"value"
def test_python_dict_get_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'])
- assert client[b'key'] == b'value'
+ client = self.make_client([b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"])
+ assert client[b"key"] == b"value"
def test_python_dict_get_not_found_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
def _get():
- client[b'key']
+ client[b"key"]
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_python_dict_del_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'DELETED\r\n'])
- del client[b'key']
+ client = self.make_client([b"DELETED\r\n"])
+ del client[b"key"]
def test_too_long_key(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
- client.get(b'x' * 251)
+ client.get(b"x" * 251)
def test_too_long_unicode_key(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'STORED\r\n'], allow_unicode_keys=True)
+ client = self.make_client([b"STORED\r\n"], allow_unicode_keys=True)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
- client.get('my☃'*150)
+ client.get("my☃" * 150)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
- client.get('\u0FFF'*150)
+ client.get("\u0FFF" * 150)
def test_key_contains_space(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
- client.get(b'abc xyz')
+ client.get(b"abc xyz")
def test_key_contains_nonascii(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'END\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"END\r\n"])
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
- client.get('\u3053\u3093\u306b\u3061\u306f')
+ client.get("\u3053\u3093\u306b\u3061\u306f")
def _default_noreply_false(self, cmd, args, response):
client = self.make_client(response, default_noreply=False)
@@ -1099,62 +1097,50 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_default_noreply_set(self):
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'set', (b'key', b'value'), [b'UNKNOWN\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'set', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'set', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("set", (b"key", b"value"), [b"UNKNOWN\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_false("set", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("set", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_set_many(self):
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
- client = self.make_client([b'UNKNOWN\r\n'], default_noreply=False)
- result = client.set_many({b'key': b'value'})
- assert result == [b'key']
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n"], default_noreply=False)
+ result = client.set_many({b"key": b"value"})
+ assert result == [b"key"]
- 'set_many', ({b'key': b'value'},), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ "set_many", ({b"key": b"value"},), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"]
+ )
def test_default_noreply_add(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'add', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'add', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("add", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("add", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_replace(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'replace', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'replace', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("replace", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("replace", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_append(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'append', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'append', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("append", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("append", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_prepend(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'prepend', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'prepend', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("prepend", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("prepend", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_touch(self):
- self._default_noreply_false('touch', (b'key',), [b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true('touch', (b'key',), [b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("touch", (b"key",), [b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("touch", (b"key",), [b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_flush_all(self):
- self._default_noreply_false('flush_all', (),
- [b'__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true('flush_all', (), [b'__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("flush_all", (), [b"__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("flush_all", (), [b"__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n"])
def test_version_success(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VERSION 1.2.3\r\n'],
- default_noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"VERSION 1.2.3\r\n"], default_noreply=False)
result = client.version()
- assert result == b'1.2.3'
+ assert result == b"1.2.3"
def test_version_exception(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'INVALID DATA\r\n'], default_noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"INVALID DATA\r\n"], default_noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
@@ -1162,7 +1148,7 @@ class TestClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
class TestClientSocketConnect(unittest.TestCase):
def test_socket_connect_ipv4(self):
- server = ('', 11211)
+ server = ("", 11211)
client = Client(server, socket_module=MockSocketModule())
@@ -1172,8 +1158,11 @@ class TestClientSocketConnect(unittest.TestCase):
timeout = 2
connect_timeout = 3
client = Client(
- server, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, timeout=timeout,
- socket_module=MockSocketModule())
+ server,
+ connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ socket_module=MockSocketModule(),
+ )
assert client.sock.timeouts == [connect_timeout, timeout]
@@ -1181,14 +1170,14 @@ class TestClientSocketConnect(unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock.socket_options == []
- client = Client(
- server, socket_module=MockSocketModule(), no_delay=True)
+ client = Client(server, socket_module=MockSocketModule(), no_delay=True)
- assert client.sock.socket_options == [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP,
- socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
+ assert client.sock.socket_options == [
+ (socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+ ]
def test_socket_connect_ipv6(self):
- server = ('::1', 11211)
+ server = ("::1", 11211)
client = Client(server, socket_module=MockSocketModule())
@@ -1198,8 +1187,11 @@ class TestClientSocketConnect(unittest.TestCase):
timeout = 2
connect_timeout = 3
client = Client(
- server, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, timeout=timeout,
- socket_module=MockSocketModule())
+ server,
+ connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ socket_module=MockSocketModule(),
+ )
assert client.sock.timeouts == [connect_timeout, timeout]
@@ -1207,60 +1199,61 @@ class TestClientSocketConnect(unittest.TestCase):
assert client.sock.socket_options == []
- client = Client(
- server, socket_module=MockSocketModule(), no_delay=True)
+ client = Client(server, socket_module=MockSocketModule(), no_delay=True)
- assert client.sock.socket_options == [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP,
- socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
+ assert client.sock.socket_options == [
+ (socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+ ]
def test_socket_connect_unix(self):
- server = f'/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}'
+ server = f"/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}"
with MockUnixSocketServer(server):
client = Client(server)
assert == socket.AF_UNIX
- @unittest.skipIf('Linux' != platform.system(),
- 'Socket keepalive only support Linux platforms.')
+ @unittest.skipIf(
+ "Linux" != platform.system(), "Socket keepalive only support Linux platforms."
+ )
def test_linux_socket_keepalive(self):
- server = ('::1', 11211)
+ server = ("::1", 11211)
client = Client(
- socket_keepalive=KeepaliveOpts())
+ socket_keepalive=KeepaliveOpts(),
+ )
except SystemError:"SystemError unexpectedly raised")
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# A KeepaliveOpts object is expected, a ValueError will be raised
- Client(
- server,
- socket_module=MockSocketModule(),
- socket_keepalive=True)
+ Client(server, socket_module=MockSocketModule(), socket_keepalive=True)
- @mock.patch('platform.system')
+ @mock.patch("platform.system")
def test_osx_socket_keepalive(self, platform_mock):
- platform_mock.return_value = 'Darwin'
- server = ('::1', 11211)
+ platform_mock.return_value = "Darwin"
+ server = ("::1", 11211)
# For the moment the socket keepalive is only implemented for Linux
with self.assertRaises(SystemError):
- socket_keepalive=KeepaliveOpts())
+ socket_keepalive=KeepaliveOpts(),
+ )
- @mock.patch('platform.system')
+ @mock.patch("platform.system")
def test_windows_socket_keepalive(self, platform_mock):
- platform_mock.return_value = 'Windows'
- server = ('::1', 11211)
+ platform_mock.return_value = "Windows"
+ server = ("::1", 11211)
# For the moment the socket keepalive is only implemented for Linux
with self.assertRaises(SystemError):
- socket_keepalive=KeepaliveOpts())
+ socket_keepalive=KeepaliveOpts(),
+ )
def test_socket_connect_closes_on_failure(self):
server = ("", 11211)
@@ -1320,57 +1313,47 @@ class TestPooledClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_default_noreply_set(self):
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'set', (b'key', b'value'), [b'UNKNOWN\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'set', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'set', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("set", (b"key", b"value"), [b"UNKNOWN\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_false("set", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("set", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_set_many(self):
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
- client = self.make_client([b'UNKNOWN\r\n'], default_noreply=False)
- client.set_many({b'key': b'value'})
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n"], default_noreply=False)
+ client.set_many({b"key": b"value"})
- 'set_many', ({b'key': b'value'},), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ "set_many", ({b"key": b"value"},), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"]
+ )
def test_default_noreply_add(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'add', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'add', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("add", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("add", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_replace(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'replace', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'replace', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("replace", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("replace", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_append(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'append', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'append', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("append", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("append", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_prepend(self):
- self._default_noreply_false(
- 'prepend', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true(
- 'prepend', (b'key', b'value'), [b'NOT_STORED\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("prepend", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("prepend", (b"key", b"value"), [b"NOT_STORED\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_touch(self):
- self._default_noreply_false('touch', (b'key',), [b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true('touch', (b'key',), [b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("touch", (b"key",), [b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("touch", (b"key",), [b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
def test_default_noreply_flush_all(self):
- self._default_noreply_false('flush_all', (),
- [b'__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n'])
- self._default_noreply_true('flush_all', (), [b'__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n'])
+ self._default_noreply_false("flush_all", (), [b"__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n"])
+ self._default_noreply_true("flush_all", (), [b"__FAKE_RESPONSE__\r\n"])
def test_custom_client(self):
class MyClient(Client):
- client = PooledClient(('host', 11211))
+ client = PooledClient(("host", 11211))
client.client_class = MyClient
assert isinstance(client.client_pool.get(), MyClient)
@@ -1392,18 +1375,18 @@ class TestPooledClientIdleTimeout(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
removed = Counter()
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n']*2)
+ client = self.make_client([b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"] * 2)
client.client_pool._after_remove = removed.increment
client.client_pool._idle_clock = lambda: 0
- client.set(b'key', b'value')
+ client.set(b"key", b"value")
assert removed.count == 0
- client.get(b'key')
+ client.get(b"key")
assert removed.count == 0
# Advance clock to beyond the idle timeout.
client.client_pool._idle_clock = lambda: 61
- client.get(b'key')
+ client.get(b"key")
assert removed.count == 1
@@ -1414,88 +1397,99 @@ class TestMockClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
return client
def test_get_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_deserialization(self):
class JsonSerde:
def serialize(self, key, value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
- return json.dumps(value).encode('UTF-8'), 1
+ return json.dumps(value).encode("UTF-8"), 1
return value, 0
def deserialize(self, key, value, flags):
if flags == 1:
- return json.loads(value.decode('UTF-8'))
+ return json.loads(value.decode("UTF-8"))
return value
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key1 0 5\r\nhello\r\nEND\r\n',
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE key2 0 18\r\n{"hello": "world"}\r\nEND\r\n',
- ], serde=JsonSerde())
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 5\r\nhello\r\nEND\r\n",
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b'VALUE key2 0 18\r\n{"hello": "world"}\r\nEND\r\n',
+ ],
+ serde=JsonSerde(),
+ )
- result = client.set(b'key1', b'hello', noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key1')
- assert result == b'hello'
+ result = client.set(b"key1", b"hello", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key1")
+ assert result == b"hello"
- result = client.set(b'key2', dict(hello='world'), noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key2')
- assert result == dict(hello='world')
+ result = client.set(b"key2", dict(hello="world"), noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key2")
+ assert result == dict(hello="world")
class TestPrefixedClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def make_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
- client = Client(None, key_prefix=b'xyz:', **kwargs)
+ client = Client(None, key_prefix=b"xyz:", **kwargs)
client.sock = MockSocket(list(mock_socket_values))
return client
def test_get_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE xyz:key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE xyz:key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_get_many_some_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE xyz:key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- result = client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1'}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE xyz:key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1"}
def test_get_many_all_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'STORED\r\n',
- b'VALUE xyz:key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\n',
- b'VALUE xyz:key2 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- result = client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- result = client.set(b'key2', b'value2', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key2'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key2': b'value2'}
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE xyz:key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\n",
+ b"VALUE xyz:key2 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key2", b"value2", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key2"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key2": b"value2"}
def test_python_dict_get_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'VALUE xyz:key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'])
- assert client[b'key'] == b'value'
+ client = self.make_client([b"VALUE xyz:key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"])
+ assert client[b"key"] == b"value"
class TestPrefixedPooledClient(TestPrefixedClient):
def make_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
- mock_client = Client(None, key_prefix=b'xyz:', **kwargs)
+ mock_client = Client(None, key_prefix=b"xyz:", **kwargs)
mock_client.sock = MockSocket(list(mock_socket_values))
- client = PooledClient(None, key_prefix=b'xyz:', **kwargs)
+ client = PooledClient(None, key_prefix=b"xyz:", **kwargs)
client.client_pool = pool.ObjectPool(lambda: mock_client)
return client
@@ -1508,14 +1502,16 @@ class TestRetryOnEINTR(unittest.TestCase):
return client
def test_recv(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'VALUE ',
- socket.error(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted system call"),
- b'key1 0 6\r\nval',
- socket.error(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted system call"),
- b'ue1\r\nEND\r\n',
- ])
- assert client[b'key1'] == b'value1'
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [
+ b"VALUE ",
+ socket.error(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted system call"),
+ b"key1 0 6\r\nval",
+ socket.error(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted system call"),
+ b"ue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ assert client[b"key1"] == b"value1"
@@ -1523,19 +1519,19 @@ class TestNormalizeServerSpec(unittest.TestCase):
def test_normalize_server_spec(self):
f = normalize_server_spec
assert f(None) is None
- assert f(('', 12345)) == ('', 12345)
- assert f(['', 12345]) == ('', 12345)
- assert f('unix:/run/memcached/socket') == '/run/memcached/socket'
- assert f('/run/memcached/socket') == '/run/memcached/socket'
- assert f('localhost') == ('localhost', 11211)
- assert f('localhost:12345') == ('localhost', 12345)
- assert f('[::1]') == ('::1', 11211)
- assert f('[::1]:12345') == ('::1', 12345)
- assert f('') == ('', 11211)
- assert f('') == ('', 12345)
+ assert f(("", 12345)) == ("", 12345)
+ assert f(["", 12345]) == ("", 12345)
+ assert f("unix:/run/memcached/socket") == "/run/memcached/socket"
+ assert f("/run/memcached/socket") == "/run/memcached/socket"
+ assert f("localhost") == ("localhost", 11211)
+ assert f("localhost:12345") == ("localhost", 12345)
+ assert f("[::1]") == ("::1", 11211)
+ assert f("[::1]:12345") == ("::1", 12345)
+ assert f("") == ("", 11211)
+ assert f("") == ("", 12345)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
- f({'host': 12345})
+ f({"host": 12345})
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Unknown server provided: {'host': 12345}"
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
@@ -1547,13 +1543,13 @@ class TestNormalizeServerSpec(unittest.TestCase):
class TestKeepaliveopts(unittest.TestCase):
def test_keepalive_opts(self):
kao = KeepaliveOpts()
- assert (kao.idle == 1 and kao.intvl == 1 and kao.cnt == 5)
+ assert kao.idle == 1 and kao.intvl == 1 and kao.cnt == 5
kao = KeepaliveOpts(idle=1, intvl=4, cnt=2)
- assert (kao.idle == 1 and kao.intvl == 4 and kao.cnt == 2)
+ assert kao.idle == 1 and kao.intvl == 4 and kao.cnt == 2
kao = KeepaliveOpts(idle=8)
- assert (kao.idle == 8 and kao.intvl == 1 and kao.cnt == 5)
+ assert kao.idle == 8 and kao.intvl == 1 and kao.cnt == 5
kao = KeepaliveOpts(cnt=8)
- assert (kao.idle == 1 and kao.intvl == 1 and kao.cnt == 8)
+ assert kao.idle == 1 and kao.intvl == 1 and kao.cnt == 8
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index f747845..e5f9d45 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ import socket
class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def make_client_pool(self, hostname, mock_socket_values,
- serializer=None, **kwargs):
+ def make_client_pool(self, hostname, mock_socket_values, serializer=None, **kwargs):
mock_client = Client(hostname, serializer=serializer, **kwargs)
mock_client.sock = MockSocket(mock_socket_values)
client = PooledClient(hostname, serializer=serializer)
@@ -24,15 +22,11 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def make_client(self, *mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
current_port = 11012
client = HashClient([], **kwargs)
- ip = ''
+ ip = ""
for vals in mock_socket_values:
- s = f'{ip}:{current_port}'
- c = self.make_client_pool(
- (ip, current_port),
- vals,
- **kwargs
- )
+ s = f"{ip}:{current_port}"
+ c = self.make_client_pool((ip, current_port), vals, **kwargs)
client.clients[s] = c
current_port += 1
@@ -43,159 +37,203 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
client = HashClient([], **kwargs)
for socket_, vals in zip(sockets, mock_socket_values):
- c = self.make_client_pool(
- socket_,
- vals,
- **kwargs
- )
+ c = self.make_client_pool(socket_, vals, **kwargs)
client.clients[socket_] = c
return client
def test_setup_client_without_pooling(self):
- client_class = 'pymemcache.client.hash.HashClient.client_class'
+ client_class = "pymemcache.client.hash.HashClient.client_class"
with mock.patch(client_class) as internal_client:
- client = HashClient([], timeout=999, key_prefix='foo_bar_baz')
- client.add_server(('', '11211'))
+ client = HashClient([], timeout=999, key_prefix="foo_bar_baz")
+ client.add_server(("", "11211"))
- assert internal_client.call_args[0][0] == ('', '11211')
+ assert internal_client.call_args[0][0] == ("", "11211")
kwargs = internal_client.call_args[1]
- assert kwargs['timeout'] == 999
- assert kwargs['key_prefix'] == 'foo_bar_baz'
+ assert kwargs["timeout"] == 999
+ assert kwargs["key_prefix"] == "foo_bar_baz"
def test_get_many_unix(self):
pid = os.getpid()
sockets = [
- '/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d' % pid,
- '/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d' % pid,
+ "/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d" % pid,
+ "/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d" % pid,
- client = self.make_unix_client(sockets, *[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- ])
+ client = self.make_unix_client(
+ sockets,
+ *[
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ ],
+ )
def get_clients(key):
- if key == b'key3':
- return client.clients['/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d' % pid]
+ if key == b"key3":
+ return client.clients["/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d" % pid]
- return client.clients['/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d' % pid]
+ return client.clients["/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d" % pid]
client._get_client = get_clients
- result = client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- result = client.set(b'key3', b'value2', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key3'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key3': b'value2'}
+ result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key3": b"value2"}
def test_get_many_all_found(self):
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ ]
+ )
def get_clients(key):
- if key == b'key3':
- return client.clients['']
+ if key == b"key3":
+ return client.clients[""]
- return client.clients['']
+ return client.clients[""]
client._get_client = get_clients
- result = client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- result = client.set(b'key3', b'value2', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key3'])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1', b'key3': b'value2'}
+ result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key3": b"value2"}
def test_get_many_some_found(self):
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'END\r\n', ],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [
+ b"END\r\n",
+ ],
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ ]
+ )
def get_clients(key):
- if key == b'key3':
- return client.clients['']
+ if key == b"key3":
+ return client.clients[""]
- return client.clients['']
+ return client.clients[""]
client._get_client = get_clients
- result = client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key3'])
+ result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"])
- assert result == {b'key1': b'value1'}
+ assert result == {b"key1": b"value1"}
def test_get_many_bad_server_data(self):
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VAXLUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VAXLUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VAXLUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VAXLUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ ]
+ )
def get_clients(key):
- if key == b'key3':
- return client.clients['']
+ if key == b"key3":
+ return client.clients[""]
- return client.clients['']
+ return client.clients[""]
client._get_client = get_clients
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
- client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- client.set(b'key3', b'value2', noreply=False)
- client.get_many([b'key1', b'key3'])
+ client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False)
+ client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"])
def test_get_many_bad_server_data_ignore(self):
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VAXLUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VAXLUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- ], ignore_exc=True)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VAXLUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VAXLUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ ],
+ ignore_exc=True,
+ )
def get_clients(key):
- if key == b'key3':
- return client.clients['']
+ if key == b"key3":
+ return client.clients[""]
- return client.clients['']
+ return client.clients[""]
client._get_client = get_clients
- client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
- client.set(b'key3', b'value2', noreply=False)
- result = client.get_many([b'key1', b'key3'])
+ client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False)
+ result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"])
assert result == {}
def test_gets_many(self):
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key3 0 6 1\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'VALUE key1 0 6 1\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n', ],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key3 0 6 1\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ [
+ b"STORED\r\n",
+ b"VALUE key1 0 6 1\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n",
+ ],
+ ]
+ )
def get_clients(key):
- if key == b'key3':
- return client.clients['']
+ if key == b"key3":
+ return client.clients[""]
- return client.clients['']
+ return client.clients[""]
client._get_client = get_clients
- assert client.set(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False) is True
- assert client.set(b'key3', b'value2', noreply=False) is True
- result = client.gets_many([b'key1', b'key3'])
- assert (result ==
- {b'key1': (b'value1', b'1'), b'key3': (b'value2', b'1')})
+ assert client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) is True
+ assert client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False) is True
+ result = client.gets_many([b"key1", b"key3"])
+ assert result == {b"key1": (b"value1", b"1"), b"key3": (b"value2", b"1")}
def test_touch_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'NOT_FOUND\r\n'])
- result = client.touch(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"])
+ result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is False
def test_touch_no_expiry_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'TOUCHED\r\n'])
- result = client.touch(b'key', noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"TOUCHED\r\n"])
+ result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_touch_with_expiry_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'TOUCHED\r\n'])
- result = client.touch(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ client = self.make_client([b"TOUCHED\r\n"])
+ result = client.touch(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_close(self):
@@ -214,141 +252,139 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_servers_left(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [], use_pooling=True,
- ignore_exc=True,
- timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
- hashed_client = client._get_client('foo')
+ hashed_client = client._get_client("foo")
assert hashed_client is None
def test_no_servers_left_raise_exception(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [], use_pooling=True,
- ignore_exc=False,
- timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=False, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
with pytest.raises(MemcacheError) as e:
- client._get_client('foo')
+ client._get_client("foo")
- assert str(e.value) == 'All servers seem to be down right now'
+ assert str(e.value) == "All servers seem to be down right now"
def test_unavailable_servers_zero_retry_raise_exception(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [('', 11211)], use_pooling=True,
+ [("", 11211)],
+ use_pooling=True,
- retry_attempts=0, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ retry_attempts=0,
+ timeout=1,
+ connect_timeout=1,
with pytest.raises(socket.error):
- client.get('foo')
+ client.get("foo")
def test_no_servers_left_with_commands_return_default_value(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [], use_pooling=True,
- ignore_exc=True,
- timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
- result = client.get('foo')
+ result = client.get("foo")
assert result is None
- result = client.get('foo', default='default')
- assert result == 'default'
- result = client.set('foo', 'bar')
+ result = client.get("foo", default="default")
+ assert result == "default"
+ result = client.set("foo", "bar")
assert result is False
def test_no_servers_left_return_positional_default(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [], use_pooling=True,
- ignore_exc=True,
- timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
# Ensure compatibility with clients that pass the default as a
# positional argument
- result = client.get('foo', 'default')
- assert result == 'default'
+ result = client.get("foo", "default")
+ assert result == "default"
def test_no_servers_left_with_set_many(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [], use_pooling=True,
- ignore_exc=True,
- timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
- result = client.set_many({'foo': 'bar'})
- assert result == ['foo']
+ result = client.set_many({"foo": "bar"})
+ assert result == ["foo"]
def test_no_servers_left_with_get_many(self):
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
client = HashClient(
- [], use_pooling=True,
- ignore_exc=True,
- timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
+ [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1
- result = client.get_many(['foo', 'bar'])
+ result = client.get_many(["foo", "bar"])
assert result == {}
def test_ignore_exec_set_many(self):
- values = {
- 'key1': 'value1',
- 'key2': 'value2',
- 'key3': 'value3'
- }
+ values = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"}
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'UNKNOWN\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'],
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'UNKNOWN\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [b"STORED\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"],
+ [b"STORED\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"],
+ ]
+ )
client.set_many(values, noreply=False)
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'UNKNOWN\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'],
- ], ignore_exc=True)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [b"STORED\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"],
+ ],
+ ignore_exc=True,
+ )
result = client.set_many(values, noreply=False)
assert len(result) == 0
def test_noreply_set_many(self):
- values = {
- 'key1': 'value1',
- 'key2': 'value2',
- 'key3': 'value3'
- }
+ values = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"}
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'NOT_STORED\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [b"STORED\r\n", b"NOT_STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"],
+ ]
+ )
result = client.set_many(values, noreply=False)
assert len(result) == 1
- client = self.make_client(*[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'NOT_STORED\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'],
- ])
+ client = self.make_client(
+ *[
+ [b"STORED\r\n", b"NOT_STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"],
+ ]
+ )
result = client.set_many(values, noreply=True)
assert result == []
def test_set_many_unix(self):
- values = {
- 'key1': 'value1',
- 'key2': 'value2',
- 'key3': 'value3'
- }
+ values = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"}
pid = os.getpid()
- sockets = ['/tmp/pymemcache.%d' % pid]
- client = self.make_unix_client(sockets, *[
- [b'STORED\r\n', b'NOT_STORED\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'],
- ])
+ sockets = ["/tmp/pymemcache.%d" % pid]
+ client = self.make_unix_client(
+ sockets,
+ *[
+ [b"STORED\r\n", b"NOT_STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"],
+ ],
+ )
result = client.set_many(values, noreply=False)
assert len(result) == 1
@@ -357,11 +393,11 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
test passed encoding from hash client to pooled clients
- encoding = 'utf8'
+ encoding = "utf8"
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
hash_client = HashClient(
- [('', 11211)], use_pooling=True,
- encoding=encoding
+ [("", 11211)], use_pooling=True, encoding=encoding
for client in hash_client.clients.values():
@@ -371,11 +407,10 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
test passed encoding from hash client to clients
- encoding = 'utf8'
+ encoding = "utf8"
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
- hash_client = HashClient(
- [('', 11211)], encoding=encoding
- )
+ hash_client = HashClient([("", 11211)], encoding=encoding)
for client in hash_client.clients.values():
assert client.encoding == encoding
@@ -424,8 +459,8 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
client = HashClient([])
client.client_class = MyClient
- client.add_server(('host', 11211))
- assert isinstance(client.clients['host:11211'], MyClient)
+ client.add_server(("host", 11211))
+ assert isinstance(client.clients["host:11211"], MyClient)
def test_custom_client_with_pooling(self):
class MyClient(Client):
@@ -433,36 +468,38 @@ class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
client = HashClient([], use_pooling=True)
client.client_class = MyClient
- client.add_server(('host', 11211))
- assert isinstance(client.clients['host:11211'], PooledClient)
+ client.add_server(("host", 11211))
+ assert isinstance(client.clients["host:11211"], PooledClient)
- pool = client.clients['host:11211'].client_pool
+ pool = client.clients["host:11211"].client_pool
with pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as c:
assert isinstance(c, MyClient)
def test_mixed_inet_and_unix_sockets(self):
expected = {
- f'/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}',
- ('', 11211),
- ('::1', 11211),
+ f"/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}",
+ ("", 11211),
+ ("::1", 11211),
- client = HashClient([
- f'/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}',
- '',
- '',
- '[::1]',
- '[::1]:11211',
- ('', 11211),
- ('::1', 11211),
- ])
+ client = HashClient(
+ [
+ f"/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "[::1]",
+ "[::1]:11211",
+ ("", 11211),
+ ("::1", 11211),
+ ]
+ )
assert expected == {c.server for c in client.clients.values()}
def test_legacy_add_remove_server_signature(self):
- server = ('', 11211)
+ server = ("", 11211)
client = HashClient([])
assert client.clients == {}
client.add_server(*server) # Unpack (host, port) tuple.
- assert ('%s:%s' % server) in client.clients
+ assert ("%s:%s" % server) in client.clients
assert server in client._failed_clients
client.remove_server(*server) # Unpack (host, port) tuple.
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index 2a82ea1..bcf5396 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ from pymemcache.exceptions import MemcacheUnknownError, MemcacheClientError
# Test pure passthroughs with no retry action.
class TestRetryingClientPassthrough(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def make_base_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
base_client = Client(None, **kwargs)
# mock out client._connect() rather than hard-setting client.sock to
# ensure methods are checking whether self.sock is None before
# attempting to use it
sock = MockSocket(list(mock_socket_values))
- base_client._connect = mock.Mock(side_effect=functools.partial(
- setattr, base_client, "sock", sock))
+ base_client._connect = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=functools.partial(setattr, base_client, "sock", sock)
+ )
return base_client
def make_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ class TestRetryingClientPassthrough(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
# Retry specific tests.
class TestRetryingClient(object):
def make_base_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
- """ Creates a regular mock client to wrap in the RetryClient. """
+ """Creates a regular mock client to wrap in the RetryClient."""
base_client = Client(None, **kwargs)
# mock out client._connect() rather than hard-setting client.sock to
# ensure methods are checking whether self.sock is None before
# attempting to use it
sock = MockSocket(list(mock_socket_values))
- base_client._connect = mock.Mock(side_effect=functools.partial(
- setattr, base_client, "sock", sock))
+ base_client._connect = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=functools.partial(setattr, base_client, "sock", sock)
+ )
return base_client
def make_client(self, mock_socket_values, **kwargs):
@@ -57,9 +57,7 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
configured using kwargs.
# Create a base client to wrap.
- base_client = self.make_base_client(
- mock_socket_values=mock_socket_values
- )
+ base_client = self.make_base_client(mock_socket_values=mock_socket_values)
# Wrap the client in the retrying class, and pass kwargs on.
client = RetryingClient(base_client, **kwargs)
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
rc = RetryingClient(
retry_for=[Exception, IOError],
- do_not_retry_for=[ValueError, MemcacheUnknownError]
+ do_not_retry_for=[ValueError, MemcacheUnknownError],
assert rc._retry_for == (Exception, IOError)
assert rc._do_not_retry_for == (ValueError, MemcacheUnknownError)
@@ -157,7 +155,7 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
rc = RetryingClient(
retry_for=[Exception, IOError, MemcacheUnknownError],
- do_not_retry_for=[ValueError, MemcacheUnknownError]
+ do_not_retry_for=[ValueError, MemcacheUnknownError],
def test_dir_passthrough(self):
@@ -167,74 +165,58 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
assert dir(base) == dir(client)
def test_retry_dict_set_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'UNKNOWN\r\n', b'STORED\r\n'])
- client[b'key'] = b'value'
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"])
+ client[b"key"] = b"value"
def test_retry_dict_get_is_supported(self):
client = self.make_client(
- [
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ]
+ [b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"]
- assert client[b'key'] == b'value'
+ assert client[b"key"] == b"value"
def test_retry_dict_get_not_found_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'UNKNOWN\r\n', b'END\r\n'])
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"END\r\n"])
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
- client[b'key']
+ client[b"key"]
def test_retry_dict_del_is_supported(self):
- client = self.make_client([b'UNKNOWN\r\n', b'DELETED\r\n'])
- del client[b'key']
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"DELETED\r\n"])
+ del client[b"key"]
def test_retry_get_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ], attempts=2)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"], attempts=2
+ )
result = client.get("key")
- assert result == b'value'
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_retry_get_not_found(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'END\r\n'
- ], attempts=2)
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"END\r\n"], attempts=2)
result = client.get("key")
assert result is None
def test_retry_get_exception(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n'
- ], attempts=2)
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n"], attempts=2)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
def test_retry_set_success(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'STORED\r\n'
- ], attempts=2)
+ client = self.make_client([b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], attempts=2)
result = client.set("key", "value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
def test_retry_set_fail(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'STORED\r\n'
- ], attempts=2)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], attempts=2
+ )
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
client.set("key", "value", noreply=False)
def test_no_retry(self):
- client = self.make_client([
- b'UNKNOWN\r\n',
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ], attempts=1)
+ client = self.make_client(
+ [b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"], attempts=1
+ )
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
@@ -242,25 +224,19 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
def test_retry_for_exception_success(self):
# Test that we retry for the exception specified.
client = self.make_client(
- [
- MemcacheClientError("Whoops."),
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ],
+ [MemcacheClientError("Whoops."), b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"],
- retry_for=tuple([MemcacheClientError])
+ retry_for=tuple([MemcacheClientError]),
result = client.get("key")
- assert result == b'value'
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_retry_for_exception_fail(self):
# Test that we do not retry for unapproved exception.
client = self.make_client(
- [
- MemcacheUnknownError("Whoops."),
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ],
+ [MemcacheUnknownError("Whoops."), b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"],
- retry_for=tuple([MemcacheClientError])
+ retry_for=tuple([MemcacheClientError]),
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
@@ -269,25 +245,19 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
def test_do_not_retry_for_exception_success(self):
# Test that we retry for exceptions not specified.
client = self.make_client(
- [
- MemcacheClientError("Whoops."),
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ],
+ [MemcacheClientError("Whoops."), b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"],
- do_not_retry_for=tuple([MemcacheUnknownError])
+ do_not_retry_for=tuple([MemcacheUnknownError]),
result = client.get("key")
- assert result == b'value'
+ assert result == b"value"
def test_do_not_retry_for_exception_fail(self):
# Test that we do not retry for the exception specified.
client = self.make_client(
- [
- MemcacheClientError("Whoops."),
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n'
- ],
+ [MemcacheClientError("Whoops."), b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n"],
- do_not_retry_for=tuple([MemcacheClientError])
+ do_not_retry_for=tuple([MemcacheClientError]),
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
@@ -298,18 +268,18 @@ class TestRetryingClient(object):
client = self.make_client(
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n',
+ b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n",
- b'VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n',
+ b"VALUE key 0 5\r\nvalue\r\nEND\r\n",
- do_not_retry_for=tuple([MemcacheUnknownError])
+ do_not_retry_for=tuple([MemcacheUnknownError]),
# Check that we succeed where allowed.
result = client.get("key")
- assert result == b'value'
+ assert result == b"value"
# Check that no retries are attempted for the banned exception.
with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError):
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index 8ca3ba7..02d7a60 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -17,14 +17,8 @@ import json
import pytest
from pymemcache.client.base import Client
-from pymemcache.exceptions import (
- MemcacheIllegalInputError,
- MemcacheClientError
-from pymemcache.serde import (
- PickleSerde,
- pickle_serde
+from pymemcache.exceptions import MemcacheIllegalInputError, MemcacheClientError
+from pymemcache.serde import PickleSerde, pickle_serde
def get_set_helper(client, key, value, key2, value2):
@@ -51,23 +45,24 @@ def test_get_set(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- key = b'key'
- value = b'value'
- key2 = b'key2'
- value2 = b'value2'
+ key = b"key"
+ value = b"value"
+ key2 = b"key2"
+ value2 = b"value2"
get_set_helper(client, key, value, key2, value2)
def test_get_set_unicode_key(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
- client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module,
- allow_unicode_keys=True)
+ client = client_class(
+ (host, port), socket_module=socket_module, allow_unicode_keys=True
+ )
key = "こんにちは"
- value = b'hello'
- key2 = 'my☃'
- value2 = b'value2'
+ value = b"hello"
+ key2 = "my☃"
+ value2 = b"value2"
get_set_helper(client, key, value, key2, value2)
@@ -76,25 +71,25 @@ def test_add_replace(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.add(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.add(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
- result = client.add(b'key', b'value2', noreply=False)
+ result = client.add(b"key", b"value2", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
- result = client.replace(b'key1', b'value1', noreply=False)
+ result = client.replace(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.get(b'key1')
+ result = client.get(b"key1")
assert result is None
- result = client.replace(b'key', b'value2', noreply=False)
+ result = client.replace(b"key", b"value2", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'value2'
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value2"
@@ -102,54 +97,54 @@ def test_append_prepend(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.append(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.append(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result is None
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.append(b'key', b'after', noreply=False)
+ result = client.append(b"key", b"after", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'valueafter'
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"valueafter"
- result = client.prepend(b'key1', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.prepend(b"key1", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.get(b'key1')
+ result = client.get(b"key1")
assert result is None
- result = client.prepend(b'key', b'before', noreply=False)
+ result = client.prepend(b"key", b"before", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'beforevalueafter'
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"beforevalueafter"
def test_cas(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'1', noreply=False)
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"1", noreply=False)
assert result is None
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
# binary, string, and raw int all match -- should all be encoded as b'1'
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', b'1', noreply=False)
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", b"1", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', '1', noreply=False)
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", "1", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result, cas = client.gets(b'key')
- assert result == b'value'
+ result, cas = client.gets(b"key")
+ assert result == b"value"
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value1', cas, noreply=False)
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value1", cas, noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.cas(b'key', b'value2', cas, noreply=False)
+ result = client.cas(b"key", b"value2", cas, noreply=False)
assert result is False
@@ -158,13 +153,13 @@ def test_gets(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.gets(b'key')
+ result = client.gets(b"key")
assert result == (None, None)
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.gets(b'key')
- assert result[0] == b'value'
+ result = client.gets(b"key")
+ assert result[0] == b"value"
@@ -172,16 +167,16 @@ def test_delete(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.delete(b'key', noreply=False)
+ result = client.delete(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result is None
- result = client.set(b'key', b'value', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"value", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.delete(b'key', noreply=False)
+ result = client.delete(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result is None
@@ -190,27 +185,27 @@ def test_incr_decr(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = Client((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.incr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.incr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is None
- result = client.set(b'key', b'0', noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"0", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.incr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.incr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result == 1
def _bad_int():
- client.incr(b'key', b'foobar')
+ client.incr(b"key", b"foobar")
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
- result = client.decr(b'key1', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.decr(b"key1", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is None
- result = client.decr(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.decr(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result == 0
- result = client.get(b'key')
- assert result == b'0'
+ result = client.get(b"key")
+ assert result == b"0"
@@ -218,16 +213,16 @@ def test_touch(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
client = client_class((host, port), socket_module=socket_module)
- result = client.touch(b'key', noreply=False)
+ result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is False
- result = client.set(b'key', b'0', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.set(b"key", b"0", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.touch(b'key', noreply=False)
+ result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False)
assert result is True
- result = client.touch(b'key', 1, noreply=False)
+ result = client.touch(b"key", 1, noreply=False)
assert result is True
@@ -241,69 +236,63 @@ def test_misc(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
def test_serialization_deserialization(host, port, socket_module):
class JsonSerde:
def serialize(self, key, value):
- return json.dumps(value).encode('ascii'), 1
+ return json.dumps(value).encode("ascii"), 1
def deserialize(self, key, value, flags):
if flags == 1:
- return json.loads(value.decode('ascii'))
+ return json.loads(value.decode("ascii"))
return value
- client = Client((host, port), serde=JsonSerde(),
- socket_module=socket_module)
+ client = Client((host, port), serde=JsonSerde(), socket_module=socket_module)
- value = {'a': 'b', 'c': ['d']}
- client.set(b'key', value)
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ value = {"a": "b", "c": ["d"]}
+ client.set(b"key", value)
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result == value
-def serde_serialization_helper(client_class, host, port,
- socket_module, serde):
+def serde_serialization_helper(client_class, host, port, socket_module, serde):
def check(value):
- client.set(b'key', value, noreply=False)
- result = client.get(b'key')
+ client.set(b"key", value, noreply=False)
+ result = client.get(b"key")
assert result == value
assert type(result) is type(value)
- client = client_class((host, port), serde=serde,
- socket_module=socket_module)
+ client = client_class((host, port), serde=serde, socket_module=socket_module)
- check(b'byte string')
- check('unicode string')
- check('olé')
- check('olé')
+ check(b"byte string")
+ check("unicode string")
+ check("olé")
+ check("olé")
- check({'a': 'pickle'})
- check(['one pickle', 'two pickle'])
+ check({"a": "pickle"})
+ check(["one pickle", "two pickle"])
testdict = defaultdict(int)
- testdict['one pickle']
- testdict[b'two pickle']
+ testdict["one pickle"]
+ testdict[b"two pickle"]
def test_serde_serialization(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
- serde_serialization_helper(client_class, host, port,
- socket_module, pickle_serde)
+ serde_serialization_helper(client_class, host, port, socket_module, pickle_serde)
def test_serde_serialization0(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
- client_class, host, port,
- socket_module,
- PickleSerde(pickle_version=0))
+ client_class, host, port, socket_module, PickleSerde(pickle_version=0)
+ )
def test_serde_serialization2(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
- client_class, host, port,
- socket_module,
- PickleSerde(pickle_version=2))
+ client_class, host, port, socket_module, PickleSerde(pickle_version=2)
+ )
@@ -312,37 +301,37 @@ def test_errors(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
def _key_with_ws():
- client.set(b'key with spaces', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key with spaces", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def _key_with_illegal_carriage_return():
- client.set(b'\r\nflush_all', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"\r\nflush_all", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheIllegalInputError):
def _key_too_long():
- client.set(b'x' * 1024, b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"x" * 1024, b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
def _unicode_key_in_set():
- client.set('\u0FFF', b'value', noreply=False)
+ client.set("\u0FFF", b"value", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
def _unicode_key_in_get():
- client.get('\u0FFF')
+ client.get("\u0FFF")
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
def _unicode_value_in_set():
- client.set(b'key', '\u0FFF', noreply=False)
+ client.set(b"key", "\u0FFF", noreply=False)
with pytest.raises(MemcacheClientError):
@@ -351,14 +340,12 @@ def test_errors(client_class, host, port, socket_module):
def test_tls(client_class, tls_host, tls_port, socket_module, tls_context):
client = client_class(
- (tls_host, tls_port),
- socket_module=socket_module,
- tls_context=tls_context
+ (tls_host, tls_port), socket_module=socket_module, tls_context=tls_context
- key = b'key'
- value = b'value'
- key2 = b'key2'
- value2 = b'value2'
+ key = b"key"
+ value = b"value"
+ key2 = b"key2"
+ value2 = b"value2"
get_set_helper(client, key, value, key2, value2)
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index 067b760..2582df5 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -6,94 +6,94 @@ import pytest
def test_init_no_options():
rendezvous = RendezvousHash()
assert 0 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- assert 1361238019 == rendezvous.hash_function('6666')
+ assert 1361238019 == rendezvous.hash_function("6666")
def test_init():
- nodes = ['0', '1', '2']
+ nodes = ["0", "1", "2"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes=nodes)
assert 3 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- assert 1361238019 == rendezvous.hash_function('6666')
+ assert 1361238019 == rendezvous.hash_function("6666")
def test_seed():
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(seed=10)
- assert 2981722772 == rendezvous.hash_function('6666')
+ assert 2981722772 == rendezvous.hash_function("6666")
def test_add_node():
rendezvous = RendezvousHash()
- rendezvous.add_node('1')
+ rendezvous.add_node("1")
assert 1 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- rendezvous.add_node('1')
+ rendezvous.add_node("1")
assert 1 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- rendezvous.add_node('2')
+ rendezvous.add_node("2")
assert 2 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- rendezvous.add_node('1')
+ rendezvous.add_node("1")
assert 2 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
def test_remove_node():
- nodes = ['0', '1', '2']
+ nodes = ["0", "1", "2"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes=nodes)
- rendezvous.remove_node('2')
+ rendezvous.remove_node("2")
assert 2 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- rendezvous.remove_node('2')
+ rendezvous.remove_node("2")
assert 2 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- rendezvous.remove_node('1')
+ rendezvous.remove_node("1")
assert 1 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
- rendezvous.remove_node('0')
+ rendezvous.remove_node("0")
assert 0 == len(rendezvous.nodes)
def test_get_node():
- nodes = ['0', '1', '2']
+ nodes = ["0", "1", "2"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes=nodes)
- assert '0' == rendezvous.get_node('ok')
- assert '1' == rendezvous.get_node('mykey')
- assert '2' == rendezvous.get_node('wat')
+ assert "0" == rendezvous.get_node("ok")
+ assert "1" == rendezvous.get_node("mykey")
+ assert "2" == rendezvous.get_node("wat")
def test_get_node_after_removal():
- nodes = ['0', '1', '2']
+ nodes = ["0", "1", "2"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes=nodes)
- rendezvous.remove_node('1')
+ rendezvous.remove_node("1")
- assert '0' == rendezvous.get_node('ok')
- assert '0' == rendezvous.get_node('mykey')
- assert '2' == rendezvous.get_node('wat')
+ assert "0" == rendezvous.get_node("ok")
+ assert "0" == rendezvous.get_node("mykey")
+ assert "2" == rendezvous.get_node("wat")
def test_get_node_after_addition():
- nodes = ['0', '1', '2']
+ nodes = ["0", "1", "2"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes=nodes)
- assert '0' == rendezvous.get_node('ok')
- assert '1' == rendezvous.get_node('mykey')
- assert '2' == rendezvous.get_node('wat')
- assert '2' == rendezvous.get_node('lol')
- rendezvous.add_node('3')
+ assert "0" == rendezvous.get_node("ok")
+ assert "1" == rendezvous.get_node("mykey")
+ assert "2" == rendezvous.get_node("wat")
+ assert "2" == rendezvous.get_node("lol")
+ rendezvous.add_node("3")
- assert '0' == rendezvous.get_node('ok')
- assert '1' == rendezvous.get_node('mykey')
- assert '2' == rendezvous.get_node('wat')
- assert '3' == rendezvous.get_node('lol')
+ assert "0" == rendezvous.get_node("ok")
+ assert "1" == rendezvous.get_node("mykey")
+ assert "2" == rendezvous.get_node("wat")
+ assert "3" == rendezvous.get_node("lol")
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def test_shrink():
node = rendezvous.get_node(str(i))
- rendezvous.remove_node('9')
+ rendezvous.remove_node("9")
new_placements = {}
for i in range(9):
new_placements[str(i)] = []
@@ -181,23 +181,23 @@ def collide(key, seed):
def test_rendezvous_collision():
- nodes = ['c', 'b', 'a']
+ nodes = ["c", "b", "a"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes, hash_function=collide)
for i in range(1000):
- assert 'c' == rendezvous.get_node(i)
+ assert "c" == rendezvous.get_node(i)
def test_rendezvous_names():
- nodes = [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', '']
+ nodes = [1, 2, 3, "a", "b", ""]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes, hash_function=collide)
for i in range(10):
- assert '' == rendezvous.get_node(i)
+ assert "" == rendezvous.get_node(i)
- nodes = [1, 'a', '0']
+ nodes = [1, "a", "0"]
rendezvous = RendezvousHash(nodes, hash_function=collide)
for i in range(10):
- assert 'a' == rendezvous.get_node(i)
+ assert "a" == rendezvous.get_node(i)
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index d4c58dc..e36e213 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
from unittest import TestCase
-from pymemcache.serde import (pickle_serde,
- PickleSerde,
+from pymemcache.serde import (
+ pickle_serde,
+ PickleSerde,
import pytest
import pickle
@@ -15,6 +19,7 @@ class CustomInt(int):
Entirely useless, but used to show that built in types get serialized and
deserialized back as the same type of object.
@@ -23,30 +28,30 @@ class TestSerde(TestCase):
serde = pickle_serde
def check(self, value, expected_flags):
- serialized, flags = self.serde.serialize(b'key', value)
+ serialized, flags = self.serde.serialize(b"key", value)
assert flags == expected_flags
# pymemcache stores values as byte strings, so we immediately the value
# if needed so deserialized works as it would with a real server
if not isinstance(serialized, bytes):
- serialized = str(serialized).encode('ascii')
+ serialized = str(serialized).encode("ascii")
- deserialized = self.serde.deserialize(b'key', serialized, flags)
+ deserialized = self.serde.deserialize(b"key", serialized, flags)
assert deserialized == value
def test_bytes(self):
- self.check(b'value', FLAG_BYTES)
- self.check(b'\xc2\xa3 $ \xe2\x82\xac', FLAG_BYTES) # £ $ €
+ self.check(b"value", FLAG_BYTES)
+ self.check(b"\xc2\xa3 $ \xe2\x82\xac", FLAG_BYTES) # £ $ €
def test_unicode(self):
- self.check('value', FLAG_TEXT)
- self.check('£ $ €', FLAG_TEXT)
+ self.check("value", FLAG_TEXT)
+ self.check("£ $ €", FLAG_TEXT)
def test_int(self):
self.check(1, FLAG_INTEGER)
def test_pickleable(self):
- self.check({'a': 'dict'}, FLAG_PICKLE)
+ self.check({"a": "dict"}, FLAG_PICKLE)
def test_subtype(self):
# Subclass of a native type will be restored as the same type
@@ -70,6 +75,4 @@ class TestSerdePickleVersion2(TestCase):
class TestSerdePickleVersionHighest(TestCase):
- serde = PickleSerde(
- pickle_version=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
- )
+ serde = PickleSerde(pickle_version=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index dac4ce3..6dc6a9a 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def test_get_set_non_ascii_value():
assert client.get(b"hello") is None
# This is the value of msgpack.packb('non_ascii')
- non_ascii_str = b'\xa9non_ascii'
+ non_ascii_str = b"\xa9non_ascii"
client.set(b"hello", non_ascii_str)
assert client.get(b"hello") == non_ascii_str
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def test_get_many_set_many():
assert result == {b"h": 1}
# Convert keys into bytes
- d = {k.encode('ascii'): v for k, v in dict(h=1, e=2, z=3).items()}
+ d = {k.encode("ascii"): v for k, v in dict(h=1, e=2, z=3).items()}
assert client.get_many([b"h", b"e", b"z", b"o"]) == d
@@ -51,17 +51,19 @@ def test_get_many_set_many_non_ascii_values():
client = MockMemcacheClient()
# These are the values of calling msgpack.packb() on '1', '2', and '3'
- non_ascii_1 = b'\xa11'
- non_ascii_2 = b'\xa12'
- non_ascii_3 = b'\xa13'
+ non_ascii_1 = b"\xa11"
+ non_ascii_2 = b"\xa12"
+ non_ascii_3 = b"\xa13"
client.set(b"h", non_ascii_1)
result = client.get_many([b"h", b"e", b"l", b"o"])
assert result == {b"h": non_ascii_1}
# Convert keys into bytes
- d = {k.encode('ascii'): v
- for k, v in dict(h=non_ascii_1, e=non_ascii_2, z=non_ascii_3).items()}
+ d = {
+ k.encode("ascii"): v
+ for k, v in dict(h=non_ascii_1, e=non_ascii_2, z=non_ascii_3).items()
+ }
assert client.get_many([b"h", b"e", b"z", b"o"]) == d
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ def test_incr_decr():
def test_prepand_append():
client = MockMemcacheClient()
- client.set(b"k", '1')
- client.append(b"k", 'a')
- client.prepend(b"k", 'p')
- assert client.get(b"k") == b'p1a'
+ client.set(b"k", "1")
+ client.append(b"k", "a")
+ client.prepend(b"k", "p")
+ assert client.get(b"k") == b"p1a"
diff --git a/pymemcache/test/ b/pymemcache/test/
index 52310ab..0ca7f16 100644
--- a/pymemcache/test/
+++ b/pymemcache/test/
@@ -20,20 +20,22 @@ class MockMemcacheClient:
- def __init__(self,
- server=None,
- serde=None,
- serializer=None,
- deserializer=None,
- connect_timeout=None,
- timeout=None,
- no_delay=False,
- ignore_exc=False,
- socket_module=None,
- default_noreply=True,
- allow_unicode_keys=False,
- encoding='ascii',
- tls_context=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ server=None,
+ serde=None,
+ serializer=None,
+ deserializer=None,
+ connect_timeout=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ no_delay=False,
+ ignore_exc=False,
+ socket_module=None,
+ default_noreply=True,
+ allow_unicode_keys=False,
+ encoding="ascii",
+ tls_context=None,
+ ):
self._contents = {}
@@ -84,8 +86,7 @@ class MockMemcacheClient:
def set(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=True, flags=None):
key = self.check_key(key)
- if (isinstance(value, str) and
- not isinstance(value, bytes)):
+ if isinstance(value, str) and not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.encode(self.encoding)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
@@ -144,8 +145,7 @@ class MockMemcacheClient:
def prepend(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=True, flags=None):
current = self.get(key)
if current is not None:
- if (isinstance(value, str) and
- not isinstance(value, bytes)):
+ if isinstance(value, str) and not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.encode(self.encoding)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
@@ -156,8 +156,7 @@ class MockMemcacheClient:
def append(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=True, flags=None):
current = self.get(key)
if current is not None:
- if (isinstance(value, str) and
- not isinstance(value, bytes)):
+ if isinstance(value, str) and not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.encode(self.encoding)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ class MockMemcacheClient:
return noreply or present
def cas(self, key, value, cas, expire=0, noreply=False, flags=None):
- raise MemcacheClientError('CAS is not enabled for this instance')
+ raise MemcacheClientError("CAS is not enabled for this instance")
def touch(self, key, expire=0, noreply=True):
current = self.get(key)
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ class MockMemcacheClient:
return True
def version(self):
- return 'MockMemcacheClient'
+ return "MockMemcacheClient"
def flush_all(self, delay=0, noreply=True):
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d2590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+target-version = ['py36', 'py37', 'py38', 'py39']
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 039f109..96d4b06 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ markers =
show-source = True
-max-line-length = 80
exclude = .tox/*,.venv/*,docs/*
+extend-ignore = E203, E501
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index dceb81f..82a07e1 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
gevent==20.9.0; "PyPy" not in platform_python_implementation
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index e549a38..63d4a32 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-envlist = py36, py37, py38, py39, pypy, pypy3, flake8, integration
+envlist = py36, py37, py38, py39, pypy, pypy3, flake8, black, integration
skip_missing_interpreters = True
# Automatic envs (pyXX) will only use the python version appropriate to that
# env and ignore basepython inherited from [testenv] if we set
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ commands =
python check --restructuredtext
+commands =
+ black --check .
commands =
py.test --cov=pymemcache