diff options
3 files changed, 568 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 8d4ad15..64258a3 100644
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Release History
would incorrectly raise :exc:`TypeError` if passed a :class:`!unicode`
user category under Python 2; for compatibility
they will now be treated the same as the equivalent ``utf-8`` :class:`bytes`.
+ * Reworked the internals of :class:`CryptContext`'s config compiler.
* *bugfix*: FreeBSD 8.3 added native support for SHA512-Crypt,
updated unittests and documentation accordingly (:issue:`35`).
diff --git a/passlib/ b/passlib/
index 12ad5e5..c83f815 100644
--- a/passlib/
+++ b/passlib/
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ __all__ = [
# private object to detect unset params
_UNSET = object()
+# TODO: merge the following helpers into _CryptConfig
def _coerce_vary_rounds(value):
"parse vary_rounds string to percent as [0,1) float, or integer"
if value.endswith("%"):
@@ -411,13 +413,7 @@ class CryptPolicy(object):
warn("get_min_verify_time() and min_verify_time option is deprecated, "
"and will be removed in Passlib 1.8", DeprecationWarning,
- mvtmap = self._context._mvtmap
- if category:
- try:
- return mvtmap[category]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return mvtmap.get(None) or 0
+ return self._context._config.get_context_option_with_flag(category, "min_verify_time")[0] or 0
def get_options(self, name, category=None):
"""return dictionary of options specific to a given handler.
@@ -438,7 +434,7 @@ class CryptPolicy(object):
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if hasattr(name, "name"):
name =
- return self._context._get_record_options(name, category)[0]
+ return self._context._config._get_record_options_with_flag(name, category)[0]
def handler_is_deprecated(self, name, category=None):
"""check if handler has been deprecated by policy.
@@ -498,7 +494,7 @@ class CryptPolicy(object):
render_value = lambda value: value
return (
(render_key(key), render_value(value))
- for key, value in context._iter_config(resolve)
+ for key, value in context._config.iter_config(resolve)
def to_dict(self, resolve=False):
@@ -761,7 +757,7 @@ class _CryptRecord(object):
assert cost_scale in ["log2", "linear"]
if cost_scale == "log2":
# convert df & vr to linear scale for limit calc,
- # but define scale_value() to convert back to log2.
+ # and redefine scale_value() to convert back to log2.
df = 1<<df
def scale_value(value, upper):
if value <= 0:
@@ -967,6 +963,501 @@ class _CryptRecord(object):
+# _CryptConfig helper class
+class _CryptConfig(object):
+ """parses, validates, and stores CryptContext config
+ this is a helper used internally by CryptContext to handle
+ parsing, validation, and serialization of it's config options.
+ split out from the main class, but not made public since
+ that just complicates interface too much (c.f. CryptPolicy)
+ :arg source: config as dict mapping ``(cat,scheme,option) -> value``
+ """
+ #===================================================================
+ # instance attrs
+ #===================================================================
+ # triple-nested dict which maps scheme -> category -> key -> value,
+ # storing all hash-specific options
+ _scheme_options = None
+ # double-nested dict which maps key -> category -> value
+ # storing all CryptContext options
+ _context_options = None
+ # tuple of handler objects
+ handlers = None
+ # tuple of scheme objects in same order as handlers
+ schemes = None
+ # tuple of categories in alphabetical order (not including None)
+ categories = None
+ # dict mapping (scheme, category) -> _CryptRecord
+ _records = None
+ # dict mapping category -> list of _CryptRecord instances for that category,
+ # in order of schemes(). populated on demand by _get_record_list()
+ _record_lists = None
+ #===================================================================
+ # constructor
+ #===================================================================
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ self._init_scheme_list(source.get((None,None,"schemes")))
+ self._init_options(source)
+ self._init_records()
+ def _init_scheme_list(self, data):
+ """initialize .handlers and .schemes attributes"""
+ handlers = []
+ schemes = []
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ data = splitcomma(data)
+ for elem in data or ():
+ # resolve elem -> handler & scheme
+ if hasattr(elem, "name"):
+ handler = elem
+ scheme =
+ _validate_handler_name(scheme)
+ elif isinstance(elem, str):
+ handler = get_crypt_handler(elem)
+ scheme =
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("scheme must be name or CryptHandler, "
+ "not %r" % type(elem))
+ # check scheme name isn't already in use
+ if scheme in schemes:
+ raise KeyError("multiple handlers with same name: %r" %
+ (scheme,))
+ # add to handler list
+ handlers.append(handler)
+ schemes.append(scheme)
+ self.handlers = tuple(handlers)
+ self.schemes = tuple(schemes)
+ #===================================================================
+ # lowlevel options
+ #===================================================================
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # init lowlevel option storage
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _init_options(self, source):
+ """load config dict into internal representation,
+ and init .categories attr
+ """
+ # prepare dicts & locals
+ norm_scheme_option = self._norm_scheme_option
+ norm_context_option = self._norm_context_option
+ self._scheme_options = scheme_options = {}
+ self._context_options = context_options = {}
+ categories = set()
+ # load source config into internal storage
+ for (cat, scheme, key), value in iteritems(source):
+ categories.add(cat)
+ if scheme:
+ # normalize scheme option
+ key, value = norm_scheme_option(key, value)
+ # store in scheme_options
+ # map structure: scheme_options[scheme][category][key] = value
+ try:
+ category_map = scheme_options[scheme]
+ except KeyError:
+ scheme_options[scheme] = {cat: {key: value}}
+ else:
+ try:
+ option_map = category_map[cat]
+ except KeyError:
+ category_map[cat] = {key: value}
+ else:
+ option_map[key] = value
+ else:
+ # normalize context option
+ if cat and key == "schemes":
+ raise KeyError("'schemes' context option is not allowed "
+ "per category")
+ key, value = norm_context_option(key, value)
+ # store in context_options
+ # map structure: context_options[key][category] = value
+ try:
+ category_map = context_options[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ context_options[key] = {cat: value}
+ else:
+ category_map[cat] = value
+ # store list of configured categories
+ categories.discard(None)
+ self.categories = tuple(sorted(categories))
+ def _norm_scheme_option(self, key, value):
+ # check for invalid options
+ if key == "rounds":
+ # for now, translating this to 'default_rounds' to be helpful.
+ # need to pick one of the two names as official,
+ # and deprecate the other one.
+ key = "default_rounds"
+ elif key in _forbidden_scheme_options:
+ raise KeyError("%r option not allowed in CryptContext "
+ "configuration" % (key,))
+ # coerce strings for certain fields (e.g. min_rounds uses ints)
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ func = _coerce_scheme_options.get(key)
+ if func:
+ value = func(value)
+ return key, value
+ def _norm_context_option(self, key, value):
+ schemes = self.schemes
+ if key == "default":
+ if hasattr(value, "name"):
+ value =
+ elif not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise ExpectedTypeError(value, "str", "default")
+ if schemes and value not in schemes:
+ raise KeyError("default scheme not found in policy")
+ elif key == "deprecated":
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ value = splitcomma(value)
+ elif not isinstance(value, (list,tuple)):
+ raise ExpectedTypeError(value, "str or seq", "deprecated")
+ if 'auto' in value:
+ if len(value) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("cannot list other schemes if "
+ "``deprecated=['auto']`` is used")
+ elif schemes:
+ # make sure list of deprecated schemes is subset of configured schemes
+ for scheme in value:
+ if not isinstance(scheme, str):
+ raise ExpectedTypeError(value, "str", "deprecated element")
+ if scheme not in schemes:
+ raise KeyError("deprecated scheme not found "
+ "in policy: %r" % (scheme,))
+ elif key == "min_verify_time":
+ warn("'min_verify_time' is deprecated as of Passlib 1.6, will be "
+ "ignored in 1.7, and removed in 1.8.", DeprecationWarning)
+ value = float(value)
+ if value < 0:
+ raise ValueError("'min_verify_time' must be >= 0")
+ elif key != "schemes":
+ raise KeyError("unknown CryptContext keyword: %r" % (key,))
+ return key, value
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # reading context options
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def get_context_optionmap(self, key, _default={}):
+ """return dict mapping category->value for specific context option.
+ (treat retval as readonly).
+ """
+ return self._context_options.get(key, _default)
+ def get_context_option_with_flag(self, category, key):
+ """return value of specific option, handling category inheritance.
+ also returns flag indicating whether value is category-specific.
+ """
+ try:
+ category_map = self._context_options[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None, False
+ value = category_map.get(None)
+ if category:
+ try:
+ alt = category_map[category]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if value is None or alt != value:
+ return alt, True
+ return value, False
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # reading scheme options
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _get_scheme_optionmap(self, scheme, category, default={}):
+ """return all options for (scheme,category) combination
+ (treat return as readonly)
+ """
+ try:
+ return self._scheme_options[scheme][category]
+ except KeyError:
+ return default
+ def get_scheme_options_with_flag(self, scheme, category):
+ """return composite dict of all options set for scheme.
+ includes options inherited from 'all' and from default category.
+ result can be modified.
+ returns (kwds, has_cat_specific_options)
+ """
+ # start out with copy of global options
+ get_optionmap = self._get_scheme_optionmap
+ kwds = get_optionmap("all", None).copy()
+ has_cat_options = False
+ # add in category-specific global options
+ if category:
+ defkwds = kwds.copy() # <-- used to detect category-specific options
+ kwds.update(get_optionmap("all", category))
+ # add in default options for scheme
+ other = get_optionmap(scheme, None)
+ kwds.update(other)
+ # load category-specific options for scheme
+ if category:
+ defkwds.update(other)
+ kwds.update(get_optionmap(scheme, category))
+ # compare default category options to see if there's anything
+ # category-specific
+ if kwds != defkwds:
+ has_cat_options = True
+ return kwds, has_cat_options
+ #===================================================================
+ # deprecated & default maps
+ #===================================================================
+ def default_scheme(self, category):
+ "return default scheme for specific category"
+ defaults = self.get_context_optionmap("default")
+ try:
+ return defaults[category]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if not self.schemes:
+ raise KeyError("no hash schemes configured for this "
+ "CryptContext instance")
+ return defaults.get(None, self.schemes[0])
+ def is_deprecated_with_flag(self, scheme, category):
+ "is scheme deprecated under particular category?"
+ depmap = self.get_context_optionmap("deprecated")
+ def test(cat):
+ source = depmap.get(cat, depmap.get(None))
+ if source is None:
+ return None
+ elif 'auto' in source:
+ return scheme != self.default_scheme(cat)
+ else:
+ return scheme in source
+ value = test(None)
+ if category:
+ alt = test(category)
+ if alt is not None and value != alt:
+ return alt, True
+ return (value or False), False
+ #===================================================================
+ # CryptRecord objects
+ #===================================================================
+ def _init_records(self):
+ # NOTE: this step handles final validation of settings,
+ # checking for violatiions against handler's internal invariants.
+ # this is why we create all the records now,
+ # so CryptContext throws error immediately rather than later.
+ self._record_lists = {}
+ records = self._records = {}
+ get_options = self._get_record_options_with_flag
+ categories = self.categories
+ for handler in self.handlers:
+ scheme =
+ kwds, _ = get_options(scheme, None)
+ records[scheme, None] = _CryptRecord(handler, **kwds)
+ for cat in categories:
+ kwds, has_cat_options = get_options(scheme, cat)
+ if has_cat_options:
+ records[scheme, cat] = _CryptRecord(handler, cat, **kwds)
+ # NOTE: if handler has no category-specific opts, get_record()
+ # will automatically use the default category's record.
+ # NOTE: default records for specific category stored under the
+ # key (None,category); these are populated on-demand by get_record().
+ def _get_record_options_with_flag(self, scheme, category):
+ """return composite dict of options for given scheme + category.
+ this is currently a private method, though some variant
+ of it's output may eventually be made public.
+ given a scheme & category, it returns two things:
+ a set of all the keyword options to pass to the _CryptRecord constructor,
+ and a bool flag indicating whether any of these options
+ were specific to the named category. if this flag is false,
+ the options are identical to the options for the default category.
+ the options dict includes all the scheme-specific settings,
+ as well as optional *deprecated* and *min_verify_time* keywords.
+ """
+ # get scheme options
+ kwds, has_cat_options = self.get_scheme_options_with_flag(scheme, category)
+ # throw in deprecated flag
+ value, not_inherited = self.is_deprecated_with_flag(scheme, category)
+ if value:
+ kwds['deprecated'] = True
+ if not_inherited:
+ has_cat_options = True
+ # add in min_verify_time setting from context
+ value, not_inherited = self.get_context_option_with_flag(category, "min_verify_time")
+ if value:
+ kwds['min_verify_time'] = value
+ if not_inherited:
+ has_cat_options = True
+ return kwds, has_cat_options
+ def get_record(self, scheme, category):
+ "return record for specific scheme & category (cached)"
+ # NOTE: this is part of the critical path shared by
+ # all of CryptContext's PasswordHash methods,
+ # hence all the caching and error checking.
+ # quick lookup in cache
+ try:
+ return self._records[scheme, category]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # type check
+ if category is not None and not isinstance(category, str):
+ if PY2 and isinstance(category, unicode):
+ # for compatibility with unicode-centric py2 apps
+ return self.get_record(scheme, category.encode("utf-8"))
+ raise ExpectedTypeError(category, "str or None", "category")
+ if scheme is not None and not isinstance(scheme, str):
+ raise ExpectedTypeError(scheme, "str or None", "scheme")
+ # if scheme=None,
+ # use record for category's default scheme, and cache result.
+ if not scheme:
+ default = self.default_scheme(category)
+ assert default
+ record = self._records[None, category] = self.get_record(default,
+ category)
+ return record
+ # if no record for (scheme, category),
+ # use record for (scheme, None), and cache result.
+ if category:
+ try:
+ cache = self._records
+ record = cache[scheme, category] = cache[scheme, None]
+ return record
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # scheme not found in configuration for default category
+ raise KeyError("crypt algorithm not found in policy: %r" % (scheme,))
+ def _get_record_list(self, category=None):
+ """return list of records for category (cached)
+ this is an internal helper used only by identify_record()
+ """
+ # type check of category - handled by _get_record()
+ # quick lookup in cache
+ try:
+ return self._record_lists[category]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # cache miss - build list from scratch
+ value = self._record_lists[category] = [
+ self.get_record(scheme, category)
+ for scheme in self.schemes
+ ]
+ return value
+ def identify_record(self, hash, category, required=True):
+ """internal helper to identify appropriate _CryptRecord for hash"""
+ # NOTE: this is part of the critical path shared by
+ # all of CryptContext's PasswordHash methods,
+ # hence all the caching and error checking.
+ # FIXME: if multiple hashes could match (e.g. lmhash vs nthash)
+ # this will only return first match. might want to do something
+ # about this in future, but for now only hashes with
+ # unique identifiers will work properly in a CryptContext.
+ # XXX: if all handlers have a unique prefix (e.g. all are MCF / LDAP),
+ # could use dict-lookup to speed up this search.
+ if not isinstance(hash, base_string_types):
+ raise ExpectedStringError(hash, "hash")
+ # type check of category - handled by _get_record_list()
+ for record in self._get_record_list(category):
+ if record.identify(hash):
+ return record
+ if not required:
+ return None
+ elif not self.schemes:
+ raise KeyError("no crypt algorithms supported")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("hash could not be identified")
+ #===================================================================
+ # serialization
+ #===================================================================
+ def iter_config(self, resolve=False):
+ """regenerate original config.
+ this is an iterator which yields ``(cat,scheme,option),value`` items,
+ in the order they generally appear inside an INI file.
+ if interpreted as a dictionary, it should match the original
+ keywords passed to the CryptContext (aside from any canonization).
+ it's mainly used as the internal backend for most of the public
+ serialization methods.
+ """
+ # grab various bits of data
+ scheme_options = self._scheme_options
+ context_options = self._context_options
+ scheme_keys = sorted(scheme_options)
+ context_keys = sorted(context_options)
+ # write loaded schemes (may differ from 'schemes' local var)
+ if 'schemes' in context_keys:
+ context_keys.remove("schemes")
+ value = self.handlers if resolve else self.schemes
+ if value:
+ yield (None, None, "schemes"), list(value)
+ # then run through config for each user category
+ for cat in (None,) + self.categories:
+ # write context options
+ for key in context_keys:
+ try:
+ value = context_options[key][cat]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ value = list(value)
+ yield (cat, None, key), value
+ # write per-scheme options for all schemes.
+ for scheme in scheme_keys:
+ try:
+ kwds = scheme_options[scheme][cat]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for key in sorted(kwds):
+ yield (cat, scheme, key), kwds[key]
+ #===================================================================
+ # eoc
+ #===================================================================
# main CryptContext class
class CryptContext(object):
@@ -995,36 +1486,12 @@ class CryptContext(object):
#instance attrs
- # tuple of handlers (from 'schemes' keyword)
- _handlers = None
- # tuple of scheme names (in same order as handlers)
- _schemes = None
- # tuple of extra category names (in alpha order, omits ``None``)
- _categories = None
- # triple-nested-dict which maps scheme -> category -> option -> value
- _scheme_options = None
- # dict mapping category -> default scheme
- _default_schemes = None
- # dict mapping category -> set of deprecated schemes
- _deprecated_schemes = None
- # dict mapping category -> min_verify_time
- _mvtmap = None
- # dict mapping (scheme,category) -> _CryptRecord instance.
- # initial values populated by load(), but extra keys
- # such as scheme=None for default record are populated on demand
- # by _get_record()
- _records = None
- # dict mapping category -> list of _CryptRecord instances for that category,
- # in order of schemes(). populated on demand by _get_record_list()
- _record_lists = None
+ # _CryptConfig instance holding current parsed config
+ _config = None
+ # copy of _config methods, stored in CryptContext instance for speed.
+ _get_record = None
+ _identify_record = None
# secondary constructors
@@ -1140,7 +1607,11 @@ class CryptContext(object):
.. seealso:: :meth:`update`
- other = CryptContext(**self.to_dict(resolve=True))
+ # XXX: it would be faster to store ref to self._config,
+ # but don't want to share config objects til sure
+ # can rely on them being immutable.
+ other = CryptContext(_autoload=False)
+ other.load(self)
if kwds:
other.load(kwds, update=True)
return other
@@ -1339,198 +1810,40 @@ class CryptContext(object):
source = self._parse_ini_stream(NativeStringIO(source), section,
elif isinstance(source, CryptContext):
- # do this a little more efficiently since we can extract
- # the keys as tuples directly from the other instance.
- source = dict(source._iter_config(resolve=True))
+ # extract dict directly from config, so it can be merged later
+ source = dict(source._config.iter_config(resolve=True))
parse_keys = False
elif not hasattr(source, "items"):
- # assume it's not a mapping.
+ # mappings are left alone, otherwise throw an error.
raise ExpectedTypeError(source, "string or dict", "source")
# XXX: add support for other iterable types, e.g. sequence of pairs?
# parse dict keys into (category, scheme, option) format,
- # and merge with existing configuration if needed.
+ # merge with existing configuration if needed
if parse_keys:
parse = self._parse_config_key
- source = dict((parse(key), value) for key, value in iteritems(source))
- if update and self._handlers is not None:
+ source = dict((parse(key), value)
+ for key, value in iteritems(source))
+ if update and self._config is not None:
+ # if updating, do nothing if source is empty,
if not source:
+ # otherwise overlay source on top of existing config
tmp = source
- source = dict(self._iter_config(resolve=True))
- source.update(tmp)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- # clear internal config, replace with content of source.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- # NOTE: if this fails, 'self' will be an unpredicatable state,
- # since config parsing can fail at a number of places.
- # the follow code fixes this by backing up the state, and restoring
- # it if any errors occur. this is somewhat... hacked...
- # but it works for now, and performance is not an issue in the
- # error case. but because of that, care should be taken
- # that _load() never modifies existing attrs, and instead replaces
- # them entirely.
- state = self.__dict__.copy()
- try:
- self._load(source)
- except:
- self.__dict__.clear()
- self.__dict__.update(state)
- raise
- def _load(self, source):
- """load source keys into internal configuration.
- note that if this throws error, object's config will be left
- in inconsistent state, load() takes care of backing up / restoring
- original config.
- """
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- # build & validate list of handlers
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- handlers = []
- schemes = []
- data = source.get((None,None,"schemes"))
- if isinstance(data, str):
- data = splitcomma(data)
- for elem in data or ():
- # resolve elem -> handler & scheme
- if hasattr(elem, "name"):
- handler = elem
- scheme =
- _validate_handler_name(scheme)
- elif isinstance(elem, str):
- handler = get_crypt_handler(elem)
- scheme =
- else:
- raise TypeError("scheme must be name or CryptHandler, "
- "not %r" % type(elem))
- #check scheme name already in use
- if scheme in schemes:
- raise KeyError("multiple handlers with same name: %r" %
- (scheme,))
- #add to handler list
- handlers.append(handler)
- schemes.append(scheme)
- self._handlers = handlers = tuple(handlers)
- self._schemes = schemes = tuple(schemes)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize internal storage, write all scheme-specific options
- # to _scheme_options, validate & store all global CryptContext
- # options in the appropriate private attrs.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- scheme_options = self._scheme_options = {}
- self._default_schemes = {}
- self._deprecated_schemes = {}
- self._mvtmap = {}
- categories = set()
- add_cat = categories.add
- for (cat, scheme, key), value in iteritems(source):
- add_cat(cat)
- # store scheme-specific options for later,
- # and let _CryptRecord() handle validation in next section.
- if scheme:
- # check for invalid options
- if key == "rounds":
- # for now, translating this to 'default_rounds' to be helpful.
- # need to pick one of the two as official,
- # and deprecate the other one.
- key = "default_rounds"
- elif key in _forbidden_scheme_options:
- raise KeyError("%r option not allowed in CryptContext "
- "configuration" % (key,))
- # coerce strings for certain fields (e.g. min_rounds -> int)
- if isinstance(value, str):
- func = _coerce_scheme_options.get(key)
- if func:
- value = func(value)
- # store value in scheme_options
- if scheme in scheme_options:
- config = scheme_options[scheme]
- if cat in config:
- config[cat][key] = value
- else:
- config[cat] = {key: value}
- else:
- scheme_options[scheme] = {cat: {key: value}}
- # otherwise it's a CryptContext option of some type.
- # perform validation here, and store internally.
- elif key == "default":
- if hasattr(value, "name"):
- value =
- elif not isinstance(value, str):
- raise ExpectedTypeError(value, "str", "default")
- if schemes and value not in schemes:
- raise KeyError("default scheme not found in policy")
- self._default_schemes[cat] = value
- elif key == "deprecated":
- if isinstance(value, str):
- value = splitcomma(value)
- elif not isinstance(value, (list,tuple)):
- raise ExpectedTypeError(value, "str or seq", "deprecated")
- if schemes:
- for scheme in value:
- if not isinstance(scheme, str):
- raise ExpectedTypeError(value, "str", "deprecated element")
- if scheme in schemes:
- continue
- elif scheme == "auto":
- if len(value) > 1:
- raise ValueError("cannot list other schemes if ``deprecated=['auto']`` is used")
- else:
- raise KeyError("deprecated scheme not found "
- "in policy: %r" % (scheme,))
- # TODO: make sure there's at least one non-deprecated scheme.
- # TODO: make sure default scheme hasn't been deprecated.
- self._deprecated_schemes[cat] = value
- elif key == "min_verify_time":
- warn("'min_verify_time' is deprecated as of Passlib 1.6, will be "
- "ignored in 1.7, and removed in 1.8.", DeprecationWarning)
- value = float(value)
- if value < 0:
- raise ValueError("'min_verify_time' must be >= 0")
- self._mvtmap[cat] = value
- elif key == "schemes":
- if cat:
- raise KeyError("'schemes' context option is not allowed "
- "per category")
- #else: cat=None already handled above
- else:
- raise KeyError("unknown CryptContext keyword: %r" % (key,))
- categories.discard(None)
- self._categories = categories = tuple(sorted(categories))
+ source = dict(self._config.iter_config(resolve=True))
+ source.update(tmp)
- # compile table of _CryptRecord instances, one for every
- # (scheme,category) combination.
+ # compile into _CryptConfig instance, and update state
- # NOTE: could do all of this on-demand in _get_record(),
- # but _CryptRecord() handles final validation of settings,
- # and we want to alert the user to errors now instead of later.
- records = self._records = {}
- self._record_lists = {}
- get_options = self._get_record_options
- for handler in handlers:
- scheme =
- kwds, _ = get_options(scheme, None)
- records[scheme, None] = _CryptRecord(handler, **kwds)
- for cat in categories:
- kwds, has_cat_options = get_options(scheme, cat)
- if has_cat_options:
- records[scheme, cat] = _CryptRecord(handler, **kwds)
- # NOTE: if handler has no category-specific opts, _get_record()
- # will automatically use the default category's record.
- # NOTE: default records for specific category stored under the
- # key (None,category); these are populated on-demand by _get_record().
+ config = _CryptConfig(source)
+ self._config = config
+ self._get_record = config.get_record
+ self._identify_record = config.identify_record
def _parse_config_key(ckey):
"""helper used to parse ``cat__scheme__option`` keys into a tuple"""
@@ -1585,6 +1898,8 @@ class CryptContext(object):
self.load(kwds, update=True)
# XXX: make this public? even just as flag to load?
+ # FIXME: this function suffered some bitrot in 1.6.1,
+ # will need to be updated before works again.
##def _simplify(self):
## "helper to remove redundant/unused options"
## # don't do anything if no schemes are defined
@@ -1628,101 +1943,6 @@ class CryptContext(object):
# reading configuration
- def _get_record_options(self, scheme, category):
- """return composite dict of options for given scheme + category.
- this is currently a private method, though some variant
- of it's output may eventually be made public.
- given a scheme & category, it returns two things:
- a set of all the keyword options to pass to the _CryptRecord constructor,
- and a bool flag indicating whether any of these options
- were specific to the named category. if this flag is false,
- the options are identical to the options for the default category.
- the options dict includes all the scheme-specific settings,
- as well as optional *deprecated* and *min_verify_time* keywords.
- """
- scheme_options = self._scheme_options
- has_cat_options = False
- # start with options common to all schemes
- common_kwds = scheme_options.get("all")
- if common_kwds is None:
- kwds = {}
- else:
- # start with global options
- tmp = common_kwds.get(None)
- kwds = tmp.copy() if tmp is not None else {}
- # add category options
- if category:
- tmp = common_kwds.get(category)
- if tmp is not None:
- kwds.update(tmp)
- has_cat_options = True
- # add scheme-specific options
- scheme_kwds = scheme_options.get(scheme)
- if scheme_kwds:
- # add global options
- tmp = scheme_kwds.get(None)
- if tmp is not None:
- kwds.update(tmp)
- # add category options
- if category:
- tmp = scheme_kwds.get(category)
- if tmp is not None:
- kwds.update(tmp)
- has_cat_options = True
- # add deprecated flag
- # XXX: this logic is now a mess thanks to 'auto' mode.
- # a preprocessing pass up in _load(), would probably
- # simplify this logic quite a bit.
- dep_map = self._deprecated_schemes
- if dep_map:
- deplist = dep_map.get(None)
- flag = False
- if deplist:
- if scheme in deplist:
- flag = True
- elif 'auto' in deplist:
- default_scheme = self.default_scheme(None)
- if category:
- cat_default_scheme = self.default_scheme(category)
- if scheme != cat_default_scheme:
- flag = True
- if default_scheme != cat_default_scheme:
- has_cat_options = True
- elif scheme != default_scheme:
- flag = True
- if category:
- deplist = dep_map.get(category)
- if deplist is not None:
- alt_flag = (scheme in deplist or ('auto' in deplist and
- scheme != self.default_scheme(category)))
- if alt_flag != flag:
- flag = alt_flag
- has_cat_options = True
- if flag:
- kwds['deprecated'] = True
- # add min_verify_time setting
- mvt_map = self._mvtmap
- if mvt_map:
- mvt = mvt_map.get(None)
- if category:
- value = mvt_map.get(category)
- if value is not None and value != mvt:
- mvt = value
- has_cat_options = True
- if mvt:
- kwds['min_verify_time'] = mvt
- return kwds, has_cat_options
def schemes(self, resolve=False):
"""return schemes loaded into this CryptContext instance.
@@ -1740,34 +1960,15 @@ class CryptContext(object):
.. seealso:: the :ref:`schemes <context-schemes-option>` option for usage example.
- return self._handlers if resolve else self._schemes
+ return self._config.handlers if resolve else self._config.schemes
# XXX: need to decide if exposing this would be useful to applications
- # in any way that isn't already served by to_dict()
- # FIXME: this doesn't support deprecated='auto'
- ##def deprecated_schemes(self, category=None, resolve=False):
- ## """return tuple of deprecated schemes"""
- ## depmap = self._deprecated_schemes
- ## if category and category in depmap:
- ## deplist = depmap[category]
- ## elif None in depmap:
- ## deplist = depmap[None]
- ## else:
- ## return self.schemes(resolve)
- ## if resolve:
- ## return tuple(handler for handler in self._handlers
- ## if in deplist)
- ## else:
- ## return tuple(scheme for scheme in self._schemes
- ## if scheme in deplist)
- # XXX: if public, should this just be a flag in schemes()?
- # or something e.g. is_scheme_deprecated()?
+ # in any way that isn't already served by to_dict();
+ # and then decide whether to expose ability as deprecated_schemes(),
+ # is_deprecated(), or a just add a schemes(deprecated=True) flag.
def _is_deprecated_scheme(self, scheme, category=None):
"helper used by unittests to check if scheme is deprecated"
return self._get_record(scheme, category).deprecated
-# kwds, _ = self._get_record_options(scheme, category)
-# return bool(kwds.get("deprecated"))
def default_scheme(self, category=None, resolve=False):
"""return name of scheme that :meth:`encrypt` will use by default.
@@ -1789,29 +1990,10 @@ class CryptContext(object):
.. versionadded:: 1.6
- if resolve:
- scheme = self.default_scheme(category)
- for handler in self._handlers:
- if == scheme:
- return handler
- raise AssertionError("failed to find matching handler") # pragma: no cover -- sanity check
- defaults = self._default_schemes
- if defaults:
- try:
- return defaults[category]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- if category:
- try:
- return defaults[None]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- return self._schemes[0]
- except IndexError:
- raise KeyError("no crypt algorithms loaded in this "
- "CryptContext instance")
+ # type check of category - handled by _get_record()
+ record = self._get_record(None, category)
+ return record.handler if resolve else record.scheme
# XXX: need to decide if exposing this would be useful in any way
##def categories(self):
## """return user-categories with algorithm-specific options in this CryptContext.
@@ -1820,14 +2002,7 @@ class CryptContext(object):
## if no categories besides the default category have been configured,
## the tuple will be empty.
## """
- ## return self._categories
- # XXX: need to decide if exposing this would be useful to applications
- # in any meaningful way that isn't already served by to_dict()
- ##def options(self, scheme, category=None):
- ## kwds, percat = self._config.get_options(scheme, category)
- ## kwds.pop("min_verify_time", None)
- ## return kwds
+ ## return self._config.categories
def handler(self, scheme=None, category=None):
"""helper to resolve name of scheme -> :class:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash` object used by scheme.
@@ -1853,12 +2028,11 @@ class CryptContext(object):
.. versionadded:: 1.6
This was previously available as ``CryptContext().policy.get_handler()``
- if scheme is None:
- return self.default_scheme(category, True)
- for handler in self._handlers:
- if == scheme:
- return handler
- if self._handlers:
+ try:
+ return self._get_record(scheme, category).handler
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if self._config.handlers:
raise KeyError("crypt algorithm not found in this "
"CryptContext instance: %r" % (scheme,))
@@ -1867,65 +2041,12 @@ class CryptContext(object):
def _get_unregistered_handlers(self):
"check if any handlers in this context aren't in the global registry"
- return tuple(handler for handler in self._handlers
+ return tuple(handler for handler in self._config.handlers
if not _is_handler_registered(handler))
# exporting config
- def _iter_config(self, resolve=False):
- """regenerate original config.
- this is an iterator which yields ``(cat,scheme,option),value`` items,
- in the order they generally appear inside an INI file.
- if interpreted as a dictionary, it should match the original
- keywords passed to the CryptContext (aside from any canonization).
- it's mainly used as the internal backend for most of the public
- serialization methods.
- """
- # grab various bits of data
- defaults = self._default_schemes
- deprecated = self._deprecated_schemes
- mvt = self._mvtmap
- scheme_options = self._scheme_options
- schemes = sorted(scheme_options)
- # write loaded schemes (may differ from 'schemes' local var)
- value = self._schemes
- if value:
- if resolve:
- value = self._handlers
- yield (None, None, "schemes"), list(value)
- # then run through config for each user category
- for cat in (None,) + self._categories:
- # write default scheme (if set)
- value = defaults.get(cat)
- if value is not None:
- yield (cat, None, "default"), value
- # write deprecated-schemes list (if set)
- value = deprecated.get(cat)
- if value is not None:
- yield (cat, None, "deprecated"), list(value)
- # write mvt (if set)
- value = mvt.get(cat)
- if value is not None:
- yield (cat, None, "min_verify_time"), value
- # write per-scheme options for all schemes.
- for scheme in schemes:
- try:
- kwds = scheme_options[scheme][cat]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- for key in sorted(kwds):
- yield (cat, scheme, key), kwds[key]
def _render_config_key(key):
"convert 3-part config key to single string"
@@ -1991,14 +2112,14 @@ class CryptContext(object):
# based on presence of unregistered handlers?
render_key = self._render_config_key
return dict((render_key(key), value)
- for key, value in self._iter_config(resolve))
+ for key, value in self._config.iter_config(resolve))
def _write_to_parser(self, parser, section):
"helper to write to ConfigParser instance"
render_key = self._render_config_key
render_value = self._render_ini_value
- for k,v in self._iter_config():
+ for k,v in self._config.iter_config():
v = render_value(k, v)
k = render_key(k)
parser.set(section, k, v)
@@ -2058,16 +2179,22 @@ class CryptContext(object):
## fh.close()
- # _CryptRecord cache
+ # password hash api
- # NOTE: the CryptContext object takes the current configuration,
- # and creates a _CryptRecord containing the settings for each
- # (scheme,category) combination. This is used by encrypt() etc
- # to do a quick lookup of the appropriate record,
- # and hand off the real work to the record's methods,
- # which are optimized for the specific set of options.
+ # NOTE: all the following methods do is look up the appropriate
+ # _CryptRecord for a given (scheme,category) combination,
+ # and hand off the real work to the record's methods,
+ # which are optimized for the specific (scheme,category) configuration.
+ #
+ # The record objects are cached inside the _CryptConfig
+ # instance stored in self._config, and are retreived
+ # via get_record() and identify_record().
+ #
+ # _get_record() and _identify_record() are references
+ # to _config methods of the same name,
+ # stored in CryptContext for speed.
def _get_or_identify_record(self, hash, scheme=None, category=None):
"return record based on scheme, or failing that, by identifying hash"
if scheme:
@@ -2075,92 +2202,9 @@ class CryptContext(object):
raise ExpectedStringError(hash, "hash")
return self._get_record(scheme, category)
+ # hash typecheck handled by identify_record()
return self._identify_record(hash, category)
- def _get_record(self, scheme, category=None):
- "return record for specific scheme & category (cached)"
- # quick lookup in cache
- try:
- return self._records[scheme, category]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # type check
- if category is not None and not isinstance(category, str):
- if PY2 and isinstance(category, unicode):
- # for compatibility with unicode-centric py2 apps
- return self._get_record(scheme, category.encode("utf-8"))
- raise ExpectedTypeError(category, "str or None", "category")
- if scheme is not None and not isinstance(scheme, str):
- raise ExpectedTypeError(scheme, "str or None", "scheme")
- # if scheme=None, use category's default scheme, and cache result.
- if not scheme:
- default = self.default_scheme(category)
- assert default
- record = self._records[None, category] = self._get_record(default,
- category)
- return record
- # if no record for (scheme,category), use record for
- # (scheme, default category), and cache result.
- if category:
- try:
- cache = self._records
- record = cache[scheme, category] = cache[scheme, None]
- return record
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # scheme not found in configuration for default category
- raise KeyError("crypt algorithm not found in policy: %r" % (scheme,))
- def _get_record_list(self, category=None):
- "return list of records for category (cached)"
- # quick lookup in cache
- try:
- return self._record_lists[category]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # type check of category - handled by _get_record()
- # cache miss - build list
- value = self._record_lists[category] = [
- self._get_record(scheme, category)
- for scheme in self._schemes
- ]
- return value
- def _identify_record(self, hash, category, required=True):
- """internal helper to identify appropriate _CryptRecord for hash"""
- # FIXME: if multiple hashes could match (e.g. lmhash vs nthash)
- # this will only return first match. might want to do something
- # about this in future, but for now only hashes with unique identifiers
- # will work properly in a CryptContext.
- if not isinstance(hash, base_string_types):
- raise ExpectedStringError(hash, "hash")
- records = self._get_record_list(category)
- for record in records:
- if record.identify(hash):
- return record
- if not required:
- return None
- elif not records:
- raise KeyError("no crypt algorithms supported")
- else:
- raise ValueError("hash could not be identified")
- #===================================================================
- # password hash api
- #===================================================================
- # NOTE: all the following methods do is look up the appropriate
- # _CryptRecord for a given (scheme,category) combination,
- # and then let the record object take care of the rest.
- # Each record object stores the options used
- # by the specific (scheme,category) combination it manages.
def needs_update(self, hash, scheme=None, category=None, secret=None):
"""Check if hash needs to be replaced for some reason,
in which case the secret should be re-hashed.
@@ -2219,6 +2263,7 @@ class CryptContext(object):
.. deprecated:: 1.6
use :meth:`needs_update` instead.
+ # FIXME: needs deprecation warning.
return self.needs_update(hash, scheme, category)
def genconfig(self, scheme=None, category=None, **settings):
diff --git a/passlib/tests/ b/passlib/tests/
index a9e52fd..f90e2b3 100644
--- a/passlib/tests/
+++ b/passlib/tests/
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 45000
def test_33_options(self):
"test internal _get_record_options() method"
def options(ctx, scheme, category=None):
- return ctx._get_record_options(scheme, category)[0]
+ return ctx._config._get_record_options_with_flag(scheme, category)[0]
# this checks that (3 schemes, 3 categories) inherit options correctly.
# the 'user' category is not present in the options.
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 45000
admin__sha512_crypt__max_rounds = 40000,
- self.assertEqual(cc4._categories, ("admin",))
+ self.assertEqual(cc4._config.categories, ("admin",))
# sha512_crypt