diff options
authorRalf Gommers <>2021-02-21 16:42:22 +0100
committerRalf Gommers <>2021-02-21 16:42:22 +0100
commit0f2b4b235eb580590eaa744bf015d51e2e675afc (patch)
parent572d5a1dadb398d0b7d27468230f186f72987b3b (diff)
NEP: array API standard adoption
This NEP proposes adoption the array API standard ( in NumPy. This will add a new `numpy.array_api` submodule containing that standardized API. The main purpose of this API is to be able to write code that is portable to other array/tensor libraries like CuPy, PyTorch, JAX, TensorFlow, Dask, and MXNet.
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+.. _NEP47:
+NEP 47 — Adopting the array API standard
+:Author: Ralf Gommers <>
+:Author: Stephan Hoyer <>
+:Author: Aaron Meurer <>
+:Status: Draft
+:Type: Standards Track
+:Created: 2021-01-21
+We propose to adopt the `Python array API standard`_, developed by the
+`Consortium for Python Data API Standards`_. Implementing this as a separate
+new namespace in NumPy will allow authors of libraries which depend on NumPy
+as well as end users to write code that is portable between NumPy and all
+other array/tensor libraries that adopt this standard.
+.. note::
+ We expect that this NEP will remain in a draft state for quite a while.
+ Given the large scope we don't expect to propose it for acceptance any
+ time soon; instead, we want to solicit feedback on both the high-level
+ design and implementation, and learn what needs describing better in this
+ NEP or changing in either the implementation or the array API standard
+ itself.
+Motivation and Scope
+Python users have a wealth of choice for libraries and frameworks for
+numerical computing, data science, machine learning, and deep learning. New
+frameworks pushing forward the state of the art in these fields are appearing
+every year. One unintended consequence of all this activity and creativity
+has been fragmentation in multidimensional array (a.k.a. tensor) libraries -
+which are the fundamental data structure for these fields. Choices include
+NumPy, Tensorflow, PyTorch, Dask, JAX, CuPy, MXNet, and others.
+The APIs of each of these libraries are largely similar, but with enough
+differences that it’s quite difficult to write code that works with multiple
+(or all) of these libraries. The array API standard aims to address that
+issue, by specifying an API for the most common ways arrays are constructed
+and used. The proposed API is quite similar to NumPy's API, and deviates mainly
+in places where (a) NumPy made design choices that are inherently not portable
+to other implementations, and (b) where other libraries consistently deviated
+from NumPy on purpose because NumPy's design turned out to have issues or
+unnecessary complexity.
+For a longer discussion on the purpose of the array API standard we refer to
+the `Purpose and Scope section of the array API standard <>`__
+and the two blog posts announcing the formation of the Consortium [1]_ and
+the release of the first draft version of the standard for community review [2]_.
+The scope of this NEP includes:
+- Adopting the 2021 version of the array API standard
+- Adding a separate namespace, tentatively named ``numpy.array_api``
+- Changes needed/desired outside of the new namespace, for example new dunder
+ methods on the ``ndarray`` object
+- Implementation choices, and differences between functions in the new
+ namespace with those in the main ``numpy`` namespace
+- A new array object conforming to the array API standard
+- Maintenance effort and testing strategy
+- Impact on NumPy's total exposed API surface and on other future and
+ under-discussion design choices
+- Relation to existing and proposed NumPy array protocols
+ (``__array_ufunc__``, ``__array_function__``, ``__array_module__``).
+- Required improvements to existing NumPy functionality
+Out of scope for this NEP are:
+- Changes in the array API standard itself. Those are likely to come up
+ during review of this NEP, but should be upstreamed as needed and this NEP
+ subsequently updated.
+Usage and Impact
+*This section will be fleshed out later, for now we refer to the use cases given
+in* `the array API standard Use Cases section <>`__
+In addition to those use cases, the new namespace contains functionality that
+is widely used and supported by many array libraries. As such, it is a good
+set of functions to teach to newcomers to NumPy and recommend as "best
+practice". That contrasts with NumPy's main namespace, which contains many
+functions and objects that have been superceded or we consider mistakes - but
+that we can't remove because of backwards compatibility reasons.
+The usage of the ``numpy.array_api`` namespace by downstream libraries is
+intended to enable them to consume multiple kinds of arrays, *without having
+to have a hard dependency on all of those array libraries*:
+.. image:: _static/nep-0047-library-dependencies.png
+Adoption in downstream libraries
+The prototype implementation of the ``array_api`` namespace will be used with
+SciPy, scikit-learn and other libraries of interest that depend on NumPy, in
+order to get more experience with the design and find out if any important
+parts are missing.
+The pattern to support multiple array libraries is intended to be something
+ def somefunc(x, y):
+ # Retrieves standard namespace. Raises if x and y have different
+ # namespaces. See Appendix for possible get_namespace implementation
+ xp = get_namespace(x, y)
+ out = xp.mean(x, axis=0) + 2*xp.std(y, axis=0)
+ return out
+The ``get_namespace`` call is effectively the library author opting in to
+using the standard API namespace, and thereby explicitly supporting
+all conforming array libraries.
+The ``asarray`` / ``asanyarray`` pattern
+Many existing libraries use the same ``asarray`` (or ``asanyarray``) pattern
+as NumPy itself does; accepting any object that can be coerced into a ``np.ndarray``.
+We consider this design pattern problematic - keeping in mind the Zen of
+Python, *"explicit is better than implicit"*, as well as the pattern being
+historically problematic in the SciPy ecosystem for ``ndarray`` subclasses
+and with over-eager object creation. All other array/tensor libraries are
+more strict, and that works out fine in practice. We would advise authors of
+new libraries to avoid the ``asarray`` pattern. Instead they should either
+accept just NumPy arrays or, if they want to support multiple kinds of
+arrays, check if the incoming array object supports the array API standard
+by checking for ``__array_namespace__`` as shown in the example above.
+Existing libraries can do such a check as well, and only call ``asarray`` if
+the check fails. This is very similar to the ``__duckarray__`` idea in
+.. _adoption-application-code:
+Adoption in application code
+The new namespace can be seen by end users as a cleaned up and slimmed down
+version of NumPy's main namespace. Encouraging end users to use this
+namespace like::
+ import numpy.array_api as xp
+ x = xp.linspace(0, 2*xp.pi, num=100)
+ y = xp.cos(x)
+seems perfectly reasonable, and potentially beneficial - users get offered only
+one function for each purpose (the one we consider best-practice), and they
+then write code that is more easily portable to other libraries.
+Backward compatibility
+No deprecations or removals of existing NumPy APIs or other backwards
+incompatible changes are proposed.
+High-level design
+The array API standard consists of approximately 120 objects, all of which
+have a direct NumPy equivalent. This figure shows what is included at a high level:
+.. image:: _static/nep-0047-scope-of-array-API.png
+The most important changes compared to what NumPy currently offers are:
+- A new array object which:
+ - conforms to the casting rules and indexing behaviour specified by the
+ standard,
+ - does not have methods other than dunder methods,
+ - does not support the full range of NumPy indexing behaviour. Advanced
+ indexing with integers is not supported. Only boolean indexing
+ with a single (possibly multi-dimensional) boolean array is supported.
+ An indexing expression that selects a single element returns a 0-D array
+ rather than a scalar.
+- Functions in the ``array_api`` namespace:
+ - do not accept ``array_like`` inputs, only NumPy arrays and Python scalars
+ - do not support ``__array_ufunc__`` and ``__array_function__``,
+ - use positional-only and keyword-only parameters in their signatures,
+ - have inline type annotations,
+ - may have minor changes to signatures and semantics of individual
+ functions compared to their equivalents already present in NumPy,
+ - only support dtype literals, not format strings or other ways of
+ specifying dtypes
+- DLPack_ support will be added to NumPy,
+- New syntax for "device support" will be added, through a ``.device``
+ attribute on the new array object, and ``device=`` keywords in array creation
+ functions in the ``array_api`` namespace,
+- Casting rules that differ from those NumPy currently has. Output dtypes can
+ be derived from input dtypes (i.e. no value-based casting), and 0-D arrays
+ are treated like >=1-D arrays.
+- Not all dtypes NumPy has are part of the standard. Only boolean, signed and
+ unsigned integers, and floating-point dtypes up to ``float64`` are supported.
+ Complex dtypes are expected to be added in the next version of the standard.
+ Extended precision, string, void, object and datetime dtypes, as well as
+ structured dtypes, are not included.
+Improvements to existing NumPy functionality that are needed include:
+- Add support for stacks of matrices to some functions in ``numpy.linalg``
+ that are currently missing such support.
+- Add the ``keepdims`` keyword to ``np.argmin`` and ``np.argmax``.
+- Add a "never copy" mode to ``np.asarray``.
+Functions in the ``array_api`` namespace
+Let's start with an example of a function implementation that shows the most
+important differences with the equivalent function in the main namespace::
+ def max(x: array, /, *,
+ axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]] = None,
+ keepdims: bool = False
+ ) -> array:
+ """
+ Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.max <numpy.max>`.
+ """
+ return np.max._implementation(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
+This function does not accept ``array_like`` inputs, only ``ndarray``. There
+are multiple reasons for this. Other array libraries all work like this.
+Letting the user do coercion of lists, generators, or other foreign objects
+separately results in a cleaner design with less unexpected behaviour.
+It's higher-performance - less overhead from ``asarray`` calls. Static typing
+is easier. Subclasses will work as expected. And the slight increase in verbosity
+because users have to explicitly coerce to ``ndarray`` on rare occasions
+seems like a small price to pay.
+This function does not support ``__array_ufunc__`` nor ``__array_function__``.
+These protocols serve a similar purpose as the array API standard module itself,
+but through a different mechanisms. Because only ``ndarray`` instances are accepted,
+dispatching via one of these protocols isn't useful anymore.
+This function uses positional-only parameters in its signature. This makes code
+more portable - writing ``max(x=x, ...)`` is no longer valid, hence if other
+libraries call the first parameter ``input`` rather than ``x``, that is fine.
+The rationale for keyword-only parameters (not shown in the above example) is
+two-fold: clarity of end user code, and it being easier to extend the signature
+in the future with keywords in the desired order.
+This function has inline type annotations. Inline annotations are far easier to
+maintain than separate stub files. And because the types are simple, this will
+not result in a large amount of clutter with type aliases or unions like in the
+current stub files NumPy has.
+DLPack support for zero-copy data interchange
+The ability to convert one kind of array into another kind is valuable, and
+indeed necessary when downstream libraries want to support multiple kinds of
+arrays. This requires a well-specified data exchange protocol. NumPy already
+supports two of these, namely the buffer protocol (i.e., PEP 3118), and
+the ``__array_interface__`` (Python side) / ``__array_struct__`` (C side)
+protocol. Both work similarly, letting the "producer" describe how the data
+is laid out in memory so the "consumer" can construct its own kind of array
+with a view on that data.
+DLPack works in a very similar way. The main reasons to prefer DLPack over
+the options already present in NumPy are:
+1. DLPack is the only protocol with device support (e.g., GPUs using CUDA or
+ ROCm drivers, or OpenCL devices). NumPy is CPU-only, but other array
+ libraries are not. Having one protocol per device isn't tenable, hence
+ device support is a must.
+2. Widespread support. DLPack has the widest adoption of all protocols, only
+ NumPy is missing support. And the experiences of other libraries with it
+ are positive. This contrasts with the protocols NumPy does support, which
+ are used very little - when other libraries want to interoperate with
+ NumPy, they typically use the (more limited, and NumPy-specific)
+ ``__array__`` protocol.
+Adding support for DLPack to NumPy entails:
+- Adding a ``ndarray.__dlpack__`` method
+- Adding a ``from_dlpack`` function, which takes as input an object
+ supporting ``__dlpack__``, and returns an ``ndarray``.
+DLPack is currently a ~200 LoC header, and is meant to be included directly, so
+no external dependency is needed. Implementation should be straightforward.
+Syntax for device support
+NumPy itself is CPU-only, so it clearly doesn't have a need for device support.
+However, other libraries (e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch, JAX, MXNet) support
+multiple types of devices: CPU, GPU, TPU, and more exotic hardware.
+To write portable code on systems with multiple devices, it's often necessary
+to create new arrays on the same device as some other array, or check that
+two arrays live on the same device. Hence syntax for that is needed.
+The array object will have a ``.device`` attribute which enables comparing
+devices of different arrays (they only should compare equal if both arrays are
+from the same library and it's the same hardware device). Furthermore,
+``device=`` keywords in array creation functions are needed. For example::
+ def empty(shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], /, *,
+ dtype: Optional[dtype] = None,
+ device: Optional[device] = None) -> array:
+ """
+ Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.empty <numpy.empty>`.
+ """
+ return np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
+The implementation for NumPy may be as simple as setting the device attribute to
+the string ``'cpu'`` and raising an exception if array creation functions
+encounter any other value.
+Dtypes and casting rules
+The supported dtypes in this namespace are boolean, 8/16/32/64-bit signed and
+unsigned integer, and 32/64-bit floating-point dtypes. These will be added to
+the namespace as dtype literals with the expected names (e.g., ``bool``,
+``uint16``, ``float64``).
+The most obvious omissions are the complex dtypes. The rationale for the lack
+of complex support in the first version of the array API standard is that several
+libraries (PyTorch, MXNet) are still in the process of adding support for
+complex dtypes. The next version of the standard is expected to include ``complex64``
+and ``complex128`` (see `this issue <>`__
+for more details).
+Specifying dtypes to functions, e.g. via the ``dtype=`` keyword, is expected
+to only use the dtype literals. Format strings, Python builtin dtypes, or
+string representations of the dtype literals are not accepted - this will
+improve readability and portability of code at little cost.
+Casting rules are only defined between different dtypes of the same kind. The
+rationale for this is that mixed-kind (e.g., integer to floating-point)
+casting behavior differs between libraries. NumPy's mixed-kind casting
+behavior doesn't need to be changed or restricted, it only needs to be
+documented that if users use mixed-kind casting, their code may not be
+.. image:: _static/nep-0047-casting-rules-lattice.png
+*Type promotion diagram. Promotion between any two types is given by their
+join on this lattice. Only the types of participating arrays matter, not
+their values. Dashed lines indicate that behaviour for Python scalars is
+undefined on overflow. Boolean, integer and floating-point dtypes are not
+connected, indicating mixed-kind promotion is undefined.*
+The most important difference between the casting rules in NumPy and in the
+array API standard is how scalars and 0-dimensional arrays are handled. In
+the standard, array scalars do not exist and 0-dimensional arrays follow the
+same casting rules as higher-dimensional arrays.
+See the `Type Promotion Rules section of the array API standard <>`__
+for more details.
+.. note::
+ It is not clear what the best way is to support the different casting rules
+ for 0-dimensional arrays and no value-based casting. One option may be to
+ implement this second set of casting rules, keep them private, mark the
+ array API functions with a private attribute that says they adhere to
+ these different rules, and let the casting machinery check whether for
+ that attribute.
+ This needs discussion.
+An indexing expression that would return a scalar with ``ndarray``, e.g.
+``arr_2d[0, 0]``, will return a 0-D array with the new array object. There are
+several reasons for that: array scalars are largely considered a design mistake
+which no other array library copied; it works better for non-CPU libraries
+(typically arrays can live on the device, scalars live on the host); and it's
+simply a consistent design. To get a Python scalar out of a 0-D array, one can
+simply use the builtin for the type, e.g. ``float(arr_0d)``.
+The other `indexing modes in the standard <>`__
+do work largely the same as they do for ``numpy.ndarray``. One noteworthy
+difference is that clipping in slice indexing (e.g., ``a[:n]`` where ``n`` is
+larger than the size of the first axis) is unspecified behaviour, because
+that kind of check can be expensive on accelerators.
+The lack of advanced indexing, and boolean indexing being limited to a single
+n-D boolean array, is due to those indexing modes not being suitable for all
+types of arrays or JIT compilation. Their absence does not seem to be
+problematic; if a user or library author wants to use them, they can do so
+through zero-copy conversion to ``numpy.ndarray``. This will signal correctly
+to whomever reads the code that it is then NumPy-specific rather than portable
+to all conforming array types.
+The array object
+The array object in the standard does not have methods other than dunder
+methods. The rationale for that is that not all array libraries have methods
+on their array object (e.g., TensorFlow does not). It also provides only a
+single way of doing something, rather than have functions and methods that
+are effectively duplicate.
+Mixing operations that may produce views (e.g., indexing, ``nonzero``)
+in combination with mutation (e.g., item or slice assignment) is
+`explicitly documented in the standard to not be supported <>`__.
+This cannot easily be prohibited in the array object itself; instead this will
+be guidance to the user via documentation.
+The standard current does not prescribe a name for the array object itself.
+We propose to simply name it ``ndarray``. This is the most obvious name, and
+because of the separate namespace should not clash with ``numpy.ndarray``.
+.. note::
+ This section needs a lot more detail, which will gradually be added when
+ the implementation progresses.
+A prototype of the ``array_api`` namespace can be found in
+The docstring in its ```` has notes on completeness of the
+implementation. The code for the wrapper functions also contains ``# Note:``
+comments everywhere there is a difference with the NumPy API.
+Two important parts that are not implemented yet are the new array object and
+DLPack support. Functions may need changes to ensure the changed casting rules
+are respected.
+The array object
+Regarding the array object implementation, we plan to start with a regular
+Python class that wraps a ``numpy.ndarray`` instance. Attributes and methods
+can forward to that wrapped instance, applying input validation and
+implementing changed behaviour as needed.
+The casting rules are probably the most challenging part. The in-progress
+dtype system refactor (NEPs 40-43) should make implementing the correct casting
+behaviour easier - it is already moving away from value-based casting for
+The dtype objects
+We must be able to compare dtypes for equality, and expressions like these must
+be possible::
+ np.array_api.some_func(..., dtype=x.dtype)
+The above implies it would be nice to have ``np.array_api.float32 ==
+Dtypes should not be assumed to have a class hierarchy by users, however we are
+free to implement it with a class hierarchy if that's convenient. We considered
+the following options to implement dtype objects:
+1. Alias dtypes to those in the main namespace. E.g., ``np.array_api.float32 =
+ np.float32``.
+2. Make the dtypes instances of ``np.dtype``. E.g., ``np.array_api.float32 =
+ np.dtype(np.float32)``.
+3. Create new singleton classes with only the required methods/attributes
+ (currently just ``__eq__``).
+It seems like (2) would be easiest from the perspective of interacting with
+functions outside the main namespace. And (3) would adhere best to the
+TBD: the standard does not yet have a good way to inspect properties of a
+dtype, to ask questions like "is this an integer dtype?". Perhaps this is easy
+enough to do for users, like so::
+ def _get_dtype(dt_or_arr):
+ return dt_or_arr.dtype if hasattr(dt_or_arr, 'dtype') else dt_or_arr
+ def is_floating(dtype_or_array):
+ dtype = _get_dtype(dtype_or_array)
+ return dtype in (float32, float64)
+ def is_integer(dtype_or_array):
+ dtype = _get_dtype(dtype_or_array)
+ return dtype in (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64)
+However it could make sense to add to the standard. Note that NumPy itself
+currently does not have a great for asking such questions, see
+`gh-17325 <>`__.
+Feedback from downstream library authors
+TODO - this can only be done after trying out some use cases
+Leo Fang (CuPy): *"My impression is for CuPy we could simply take this new array object and s/numpy/cupy"*
+Related Work
+:ref:`NEP37` contains a similar mechanism to retrieve a NumPy-like namespace.
+In fact, NEP 37 inspired the (slightly simpler) mechanism in the array API
+Other libraries have adopted large parts of NumPy's API, made changes where
+necessary, and documented deviations. See for example
+`the jax.numpy documentation <>`__
+and `Difference between CuPy and NumPy <>`__.
+The array API standard was constructed with the help of such comparisons, only
+between many array libraries rather than only between NumPy and one other library.
+Appendix - a possible ``get_namespace`` implementation
+The ``get_namespace`` function mentioned in the
+:ref:`adoption-application-code` section can be implemented like::
+ def get_namespace(*xs):
+ # `xs` contains one or more arrays, or possibly Python scalars (accepting
+ # those is a matter of taste, but doesn't seem unreasonable).
+ namespaces = {
+ x.__array_namespace__() if hasattr(x, '__array_namespace__') else None for x in xs if not isinstance(x, (bool, int, float, complex))
+ }
+ if not namespaces:
+ # one could special-case np.ndarray above or use np.asarray here if
+ # older numpy versions need to be supported.
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognized array input")
+ if len(namespaces) != 1:
+ raise ValueError(f"Multiple namespaces for array inputs: {namespaces}")
+ xp, = namespaces
+ if xp is None:
+ raise ValueError("The input is not a supported array type")
+ return xp
+- `First discussion on the mailing list about the array API standard <>`__
+References and Footnotes
+.. _Python array API standard:
+.. _Consortium for Python Data API Standards:
+.. _DLPack:
+.. [1]
+.. [2]
+This document has been placed in the public domain. [1]_