path: root/doc/release/release_dev.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/release/release_dev.rst')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/doc/release/release_dev.rst b/doc/release/release_dev.rst
index af5e2a1e..615d7c9f 100644
--- a/doc/release/release_dev.rst
+++ b/doc/release/release_dev.rst
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
-.. _NetworkX 2.6:
Next Release
Release date: TBD
-Supports Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.
-See :doc:`migration_guide_from_2.x_to_3.0`.
+Supports Python ...
NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the
structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
For more information, please visit our `website <>`_
-and our :ref:`gallery of examples <examples_gallery>`
+and our :ref:`gallery of examples <examples_gallery>`.
Please send comments and questions to the `networkx-discuss mailing list
@@ -23,251 +19,26 @@ Highlights
This release is the result of X of work with over X pull requests by
X contributors. Highlights include:
-- Dropped support for Python 3.6.
-- NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and pandas are now default requirements.
-- NetworkX no longer depends on the library "decorator".
-- Improved example gallery
-- Removed code for supporting Jython/IronPython
-- The ``__str__`` method for graph objects is more informative and concise.
-- Improved import time
-- Improved test coverage
-- New documentation theme
-- Add functionality for drawing self-loop edges
-- Add approximation algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problem
-New functions:
-- Panther algorithm
-- maximum cut heuristics
-- equivalence_classes
-- dedensification
-- random_ordered_tree
-- forest_str
-- snap_aggregation
-- networkx.approximation.diameter
-- partition_quality
-- prominent_group
-- prefix_tree_recursive
-- topological_generations
-**N**\etwork\ **X** **E**\nhancement **P**\roposals capture changes
-that are larger in scope than typical pull requests, such as changes to
-fundamental data structures.
-The following proposals have come under consideration since the previous
-- :ref:`NXEP2`
-- :ref:`NXEP3`
-- [`#3886 <>`_]
- Adds the Panther algorithm for top-k similarity search.
-- [`#4138 <>`_]
- Adds heuristics for approximating solution to the maximum cut problem.
-- [`#4183 <>`_]
- Adds ``equivalence_classes`` to public API.
-- [`#4193 <>`_]
- ```` is more concise.
-- [`#4198 <>`_]
- Improve performance of ``transitivity``.
-- [`#4206 <>`_]
- UnionFind.union selects the heaviest root as the new root
-- [`#4240 <>`_]
- Adds ``dedensification`` function in a new ``summarization`` module.
-- [`#4294 <>`_]
- Adds ``forest_str`` for string representation of trees.
-- [`#4319 <>`_]
- pagerank uses scipy by default now.
-- [`#4841 <>`_]
- simrank_similarity uses numpy by default now.
-- [`#4317 <>`_]
- New ``source`` argument to ``has_eulerian_path`` to look for path starting at
- source.
-- [`#4356 <>`_]
- Use ``bidirectional_djikstra`` in ``shortest_path`` for weighted graphs
- to improve performance.
-- [`#4361 <>`_]
- Adds ``nodelist`` argument to ``triadic_census``
-- [`#4435 <>`_]
- Improve ``group_betweenness_centrality``.
-- [`#4446 <>`_]
- Add ``sources`` parameter to allow computing ``harmonic_centrality`` from a
- subset of nodes.
-- [`#4463 <>`_]
- Adds the ``snap`` summarization algorithm.
-- [`#4476 <>`_]
- Adds the ``diameter`` function for approximating the lower bound on the
- diameter of a graph.
-- [`#4519 <>`_]
- Handle negative weights in clustering algorithms.
-- [`#4528 <>`_]
- Improved performance of ``edge_boundary``.
-- [`#4560 <>`_]
- Adds ``prominent_group`` function to find prominent group of size k in
- G according to group_betweenness_centrality.
-- [`#4588 <>`_]
- Graph intersection now works when input graphs don't have the same node sets.
-- [`#4607 <>`_]
- Adds approximation algorithms for solving the traveling salesman problem,
- including ``christofides``, ``greedy_tsp``, ``simulated_annealing_tsp``,
- and ``threshold_accepting_tsp``.
-- [`#4640 <>`_]
- ``prefix_tree`` now uses a non-recursive algorithm. The original recursive
- algorithm is still available via ``prefix_tree_recursive``.
-- [`#4659 <>`_]
- New ``initial_graph`` argument to ``barabasi_albert_graph`` and
- ``dual_barabasi_albert_graph`` to supply an initial graph to the model.
-- [`#4690 <>`_]
- ``modularity_max`` now supports edge weights.
-- [`#4727 <>`_]
- Improved performance of ``scale_free_graph``.
-- [`#4739 <>`_]
- Added `argmap` function to replace the decorator library dependence
-- [`#4757 <>`_]
- Adds ``topological_generations`` function for DAG stratification.
-- [`#4768 <>`_]
- Improved reproducibility of geometric graph generators.
-- [`#4769 <>`_]
- Adds ``margins`` keyword to ``draw_networkx_nodes`` to control node clipping
- in images with large node sizes.
-- [`#4812 <>`_]
- Use ``scipy`` implementation for ``hits`` algorithm to improve performance.
-- [`#4847 <>`_]
- Improve performance of ``scipy`` implementation of ``hits`` algorithm.
API Changes
-- [`#4183 <>`_]
- ``partition`` argument of `quotient_graph` now accepts dicts
-- [`#4190 <>`_]
- Removed ``tracemin_chol``. Use ``tracemin_lu`` instead.
-- [`#4216 <>`_]
- In `to_*_array/matrix`, nodes in nodelist but not in G now raise an exception.
- Use G.add_nodes_from(nodelist) to add them to G before converting.
-- [`#4360 <>`_]
- Internally `.nx_pylab.draw_networkx_edges` now always generates a
- list of `matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` rather than using
- a `matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` for un-directed graphs. This
- unifies interface for all types of graphs. In
- addition to the API change this may cause a performance regression for
- large graphs.
-- [`#4384 <>`_]
- Added ``edge_key`` parameter for MultiGraphs in to_pandas_edgelist
-- [`#4461 <>`_]
- Added ``create_using`` parameter to ``binomial_tree``
-- [`#4466 <>`_]
- `relabel_nodes` used to raise a KeyError for a key in `mapping` that is not
- a node in the graph, but it only did this when `copy` was `False`. Now
- any keys in `mapping` which are not in the graph are ignored.
-- [`#4502 <>`_]
- Moves ``maximum_independent_set`` to the ``clique`` module in ``approximation``.
-- [`#4536 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``performance`` and ``coverage`` in favor of ``partition_quality``,
- which computes both metrics simultaneously and is more efficient.
-- [`#4573 <>`_]
- `label_propagation_communities` returns a `dict_values` object of community
- sets of nodes instead of a generator of community sets. It is still iterable,
- so likely will still work in most user code and a simple fix otherwise:
- e.g., add ``iter( ... )`` surrounding the function call.
-- [`#4545 <>`_]
- `prefix_tree` used to return `tree, root` but root is now always 0
- instead of a UUID generate string. So the function returns `tree`.
-- [`#4545 <>`_]
- The variable `NIL` ="NIL" has been removed from `networkx.generators.trees`
-- [`#3620 <>`_]
- The function `naive_greedy_modularity_communities` now returns a
- list of communities (like `greedy_modularity_communities`) instead
- of a generator of communities.
-- [`#4786 <>`_]
- Deprecate the ``attrs`` keyword argument in favor of explicit keyword
- arguments in the ``json_graph`` module.
-- [`#4843 <>`_]
- The unused ``normalized`` parameter has been removed
- from ``communicability_betweeness_centrality``
-- [`#4850 <>`_]
- Added ``dtype`` parameter to adjacency_matrix
-- [`#4851 <>`_]
- Output of `numeric_mixing_matrix` and `degree_mixing_matrix` no longer
- includes rows with all entries zero by default. The functions now accept
- a parameter `mapping` keyed by value to row index to identify each row.
-- [`#4867 <>`_]
- The function ``spring_layout`` now ignores 'fixed' nodes not in the graph
-- [`#4238 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``to_numpy_matrix`` and ``from_numpy_matrix``.
-- [`#4279 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``networkx.utils.misc.is_iterator``.
- Use ``isinstance(obj,`` instead.
-- [`#4280 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``networkx.utils.misc.is_list_of_ints`` as it is no longer used.
- See ``networkx.utils.misc.make_list_of_ints`` for related functionality.
-- [`#4281 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``read_yaml`` and ``write_yaml``.
-- [`#4282 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``read_gpickle`` and ``write_gpickle``.
-- [`#4298 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``read_shp``, ``edges_from_line``, and ``write_shp``.
-- [`#4319 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``pagerank_numpy``, ``pagerank_scipy``.
-- [`#4355 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``copy`` method in the coreview Filtered-related classes.
-- [`#4384 <>`_]
- Deprecate unused ``order`` parameter in to_pandas_edgelist.
-- [`#4428 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``jit_data`` and ``jit_graph``.
-- [`#4449 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``consume``.
-- [`#4448 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``iterable``.
-- [`#4536 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``performance`` and ``coverage`` in favor of ``parition_quality``.
-- [`#4545 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``generate_unique_node``.
-- [`#4599 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``empty_generator``.
-- [`#4600 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``default_opener``.
-- [`#4617 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``hub_matrix`` and ``authority_matrix``
-- [`#4629 <>`_]
- Deprecate the ``Ordered`` graph classes.
-- [`#4802 <>`_]
- The ``nx_yaml`` function has been removed along with the dependency on
- ``pyyaml``. Removal implemented via module ``__getattr__`` to patch security
- warnings related to ``pyyaml.Loader``.
-- [`#4826 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``preserve_random_state``.
-- [`#4827 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``almost_equal``.
-- [`#4833 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``run``.
-- [`#4829 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``assert_nodes_equal``, ``assert_edges_equal``, and ``assert_graphs_equal``.
-- [`#4850 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``adj_matrix``.
-- [`#4841 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``simrank_similarity_numpy``.
-- [`#4923 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``numeric_mixing_matrix``.
-- [`#4937 <>`_]
- Deprecate ``k_nearest_neighbors``.
+Merged PRs
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-Merged PRs
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