path: root/doc/release/release_2.0.rst
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+Announcement: NetworkX 2.0
+We're happy to announce the release of NetworkX 2.0!
+NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the
+structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
+For more information, please visit our `website <>`_
+and our `gallery of examples
+Please send comments and questions to the `networkx-discuss mailing list
+This release is the result of over two years of work with 1212 commits and
+193 merges by 86 contributors. Highlights include:
+- We have made major changes to the methods in the Multi/Di/Graph classes.
+ There is a `migration guide for people moving from 1.X to 2.0
+ <>`_.
+- We updated the documentation system.
+API Changes
+* Base Graph Class Changes
+ With the release of NetworkX 2.0 we are moving towards a view/iterator reporting API.
+ We used to have two methods for the same property of the graph, one that returns a
+ list and one that returns an iterator. With 2.0 we have replaced them with a view.
+ A view is a read-only object that is quick to create, automatically updated, and
+ provides basic access like iteration, membership and set operations where appropriate.
+ For example, ``G.nodes()`` used to return a list and ``G.nodes_iter()`` an iterator.
+ Now ``G.nodes()`` returns a view and ``G.nodes_iter()`` is removed. ````
+ returns a view with ``(node, degree)`` iteration, so that ``dict(``
+ returns a dict keyed by node with degree as value.
+ The old behavior
+ >>> G = nx.complete_graph(5)
+ >>> G.nodes() # doctest: +SKIP
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+ >>> G.nodes_iter() # doctest: +SKIP
+ <dictionary-keyiterator at ...>
+ has changed to
+ >>> G = nx.complete_graph(5)
+ >>> G.nodes()
+ NodeView((0, 1, 2, 3, 4))
+ >>> list(G.nodes())
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+ New feature include lookup of node and edge data from the views, property
+ access without parentheses, and set operations.
+ >>> G.add_node(3, color='blue')
+ >>> G.nodes[3]
+ {'color': 'blue'}
+ >>> G.nodes & {3, 4, 5}
+ set([3, 4])
+ The following methods have changed:
+ * Graph/MultiGraph
+ * ``G.nodes()``
+ * ``G.edges()``
+ * ``G.neighbors()``
+ * ``G.adjacency_list()`` and ``G.adjacency_iter()`` to ``G.adjacency()``
+ * ````
+ * ``G.subgraph()``
+ * ``G.copy()``
+ * ``G.__class__()`` should be replaced with ``G.fresh_copy()``
+ * DiGraph/MultiDiGraph
+ * ``G.nodes()``
+ * ``G.edges()``
+ * ``G.in_edges()``
+ * ``G.out_edges()``
+ * ````
+ * ``G.in_degree()``
+ * ``G.out_degree()``
+ * ``G.reverse()``
+ The following deprecated methods will be removed in a future release (3.0?).
+ * ``G.node``, ``G.edge`` (replaced by G.nodes, G.edges)
+ * ``G.add_path``, ``G.add_cycle``, ``G.add_star`` (Now ``nx.add_path(G,...``)
+ * ``G.selfloop_edges``, ``G.nodes_with_selfloops``, ``G.number_of_selfloops``
+ (Now ``nx.selfloop_edges(G)``, etc)
+ Many subclasses have been changed accordingly such as:
+ * AntiGraph
+ * OrderedGraph and friends
+ * Examples such as ThinGraph that inherit from Graph
+* [`#2107 <>`_]
+ The Graph class methods ``add_edge`` and ``add_edges_from`` no longer
+ allow the use of the ``attr_dict`` parameter. Instead use keyword arguments.
+ Thus ``G.add_edge(1, 2, {'color': 'red'})`` becomes
+ ``G.add_edge(1, 2, color='red')``.
+ Note that this only works if the attribute name is a string. For non-string
+ attributes you will need to add the edge and then update manually using
+ e.g. ``G.edges[1, 2].update({0: "zero"})``
+* [`#1577 <>`_]
+ In addition to minimum spanning trees, a new function for calculating maximum
+ spanning trees is now provided. The new API consists of four functions:
+ ``minimum_spanning_edges``, ``maximum_spanning_edges``,
+ ``minimum_spanning_tree``, and ``maximum_spanning_tree``.
+ All of these functions accept an ``algorithm`` parameter which specifies the
+ algorithm to use when finding the minimum or maximum spanning tree. Currently,
+ Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms are implemented, defined as 'kruskal' and
+ 'prim', respectively. If nothing is specified, Kruskal's algorithm is used.
+ For example, to calculate the maximum spanning tree of a graph using Kruskal's
+ algorithm, the function ``maximum_spanning_tree`` has to be called like::
+ >>> nx.maximum_spanning_tree(G, algorithm='kruskal')
+ The ``algorithm`` parameter is new and appears before the existing ``weight``
+ parameter. So existing code that did not explicitly name the optional
+ ``weight`` parameter will need to be updated::
+ >>> nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G, 'mass') # old
+ >>> nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G, weight='mass') # new
+ In the above, we are still relying on the the functions being imported into the
+ top-level namespace. We do not have immediate plans to deprecate this approach,
+ but we recommend the following instead::
+ >>> from networkx.algorithms import tree
+ # recommended
+ >>> tree.minimum_spanning_tree(G, algorithm='kruskal', weight='mass')
+ >>> tree.minimum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm='prim', weight='mass')
+* [`#1445 <>`_]
+ Most of the ``shortest_path`` algorithms now raise a ``NodeNotFound`` exception
+ when a source or a target are not present in the graph.
+* [`#2326 <>`_]
+ Centrality algorithms were harmonized with respect to the default behavior of
+ the weight parameter. The default value of the ``weight`` keyword argument has
+ been changed from ``weight`` to ``None``. This affects the
+ following centrality functions:
+ - :func:`approximate_current_flow_betweenness_centrality()`
+ - :func:`current_flow_betweenness_centrality()`
+ - :func:`current_flow_betweenness_centrality_subset()`
+ - :func:`current_flow_closeness_centrality()`
+ - :func:`edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality()`
+ - :func:`edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality_subset()`
+ - :func:`eigenvector_centrality()`
+ - :func:`eigenvector_centrality_numpy()`
+ - :func:`katz_centrality()`
+ - :func:`katz_centrality_numpy()`
+* [`#2420 <>`_]
+ New community detection algorithm provided. Fluid Communities is an
+ asynchronous algorithm based on the simple idea of fluids interacting in an
+ environment, expanding and pushing each other. The algorithm is completely
+ described in `"Fluid Communities: A Competitive and Highly Scalable Community
+ Detection Algorithm" <>`_.
+* [`#2510 <>`_ and
+ `#2508 <>`_]
+ ``single_source_dijkstra``, ``multi_source_dijkstra`` and functions that use
+ these now have new behavior when ``target`` is specified. Instead of
+ returning dicts for distances and paths a 2-tuple of ``(distance, path)`` is
+ returned. When ``target`` is not specified the return value is still 2
+ dicts.
+* [`#2553 <>`_]
+ ``set_node_attributes()`` and ``set_edge_attributes()`` now accept
+ dict-of-dict input of shape ``{node/edge: {name: value}}`` in addition to
+ previous valid inputs: ``{node/edge: value}`` and ``value``. The order of the
+ parameters changed also: The second parameter "values" is the value argument
+ and the third parameter "name" is the name of the attribute. "name" has
+ default value ``None`` in which case "values" must be the newly allowed form
+ containing names. Previously "name" came second without default, and "values"
+ came third.
+* [`#2604 <>`_] Move selfloop
+ methods out of base classes to networkx functions.
+ ``G.number_of_selfloops()``, ``G.selfloop_edges()``,
+ ``G.nodes_with_selfloops()`` are now ``nx.number_of_selfloops(G)``,
+ ``nx.selfloop_edges(G)``, ``nx.nodes_with_selfloops(G)``.
+ ``G.node`` and ``G.edge`` are removed. Their functionality are replaced by
+ ``G.nodes`` and ``G.edges``.
+* [`#2558 <>`_]
+ Previously, the function ``from_pandas_dataframe`` assumed that the dataframe
+ has edge-list like structures, but ``to_pandas_dataframe`` generates an
+ adjacency matrix. We now provide four functions ``from_pandas_edgelist``,
+ ``to_pandas_edgelist``, ``from_pandas_adjacency``, and ``to_pandas_adjacency``.
+* [`#2620 <>`_]
+ Removed ``draw_nx``, please use ``draw`` or ``draw_networkx``.
+The following deprecated functions will be removed in 2.1.
+- The function ``bellman_ford`` has been deprecated in favor of
+ ``bellman_ford_predecessor_and_distance``.
+- The functions ``to_pandas_dataframe`` and ``from_pandas_dataframe`` have been
+ deprecated in favor of ``to_pandas_adjacency``, ``from_pandas_adjacency``,
+ ``to_pandas_edgelist``, and ``from_pandas_edgelist``.
+Contributors to this release
+- Niels van Adrichem
+- Kevin Arvai
+- Ali Baharev
+- Moritz Emanuel Beber
+- Livio Bioglio
+- Jake Bogerd
+- Moreno Bonaventura
+- Raphaël Bournhonesque
+- Matthew Brett
+- James Clough
+- Marco Cognetta
+- Jamie Cox
+- Jon Crall
+- Robert Davidson
+- Nikhil Desai
+- DonQuixoteDeLaMancha
+- Dosenpfand
+- Allen Downey
+- Enrico
+- Jens Erat
+- Jeffrey Finkelstein
+- Minas Gjoka
+- Aravind Gollakota
+- Thomas Grainger
+- Aric Hagberg
+- Harry
+- Yawara ISHIDA
+- Bilal AL JAMMAL
+- Ryan James
+- Omer Katz
+- Janis Klaise
+- Valentin Lorentz
+- Alessandro Luongo
+- Francois Malassenet
+- Arya McCarthy
+- Michael-E-Rose
+- Peleg Michaeli
+- Jarrod Millman
+- Chris Morin
+- Sanggyu Nam
+- Nishant Nikhil
+- Rhile Nova
+- Ramil Nugmanov
+- Juan Nunez-Iglesias
+- Pim Otte
+- Ferran Parés
+- Richard Penney
+- Phobia
+- Tristan Poupard
+- Sebastian Pucilowski
+- Alexander Rodriguez
+- Michael E. Rose
+- Alex Ryan
+- Zachary Sailer
+- René Saitenmacher
+- Felipe Schneider
+- Dan Schult
+- Scinawa
+- Michael Seifert
+- Mohammad Hossein Sekhavat
+- Mridul Seth
+- SkyTodInfi
+- Stacey Smolash
+- Jordi Torrents
+- Martin Törnwall
+- Jannis Vamvas
+- Luca Verginer
+- Prayag Verma
+- Peter Wills
+- Ianto Lin Xi
+- Heqing Ya
+- aryamccarthy
+- chebee7i
+- definitelyuncertain
+- jfinkels
+- juliensiebert
+- leotrs
+- leycec
+- mcognetta
+- numpde
+- root
+- salotz
+- scott-vsi
+- thegreathippo
+- vpodpecan
+- yash14123
+Pull requests merged in this release
+- Gml read fix. (#1962)
+- Small changes leftover from #1847 (#1966)
+- Fix k_core for directed graphs. Add tests (#1963)
+- Communicability fix (#1958)
+- Allows weight functions in shortest path functions (#1690)
+- minor doc changes on (#1969)
+- Fix minimum_st_edge_cut documentation. (#1977)
+- Fix all_node_cuts corner cases: cycle and complete graphs. (#1976)
+- Change add_path/star/cycle from methods to functions (#1970)
+- branch 'edge-subgraph' from @jfinkels (#1740)
+- Corrected eppstein matching (#1955)
+- Nose ignore docstrings (#1980)
+- Edited Doc Makefile so clean doesn't delete the examples folder (#1967)
+- bug fix in (#1983)
+- Avoid unnecessary eigenval sort in pagerank_numpy (#1986)
+- Fix a typo in install.rst (#1991)
+- Adds unorderable nodes test for dag_longest_path. (#1999)
+- Improve drawing test scripts (typos, newlines, methods) (#1992)
+- Improves test coverage for A* shortest path. (#1988)
+- Improves test coverage for avg degree connectivity (#1987)
+- Fix Graph() docstring to reflect input flexibility (#2006)
+- Fix sphinx autosummary doc generation errors. (#2026)
+- Improve (#2010)
+- Readme.rst should mention Decorator package is required. (#2009)
+- fix_duplicate_kwarg: Fix a duplicate kwarg that was causing to_agraph… (#2005)
+- Cleans documentation for graph6 and sparse6 I/O. (#2002)
+- Remove http server example (#2001)
+- Generalize and improve docstrings of (#2000)
+- fix issue #1948 and PEP8 formatting (#2031)
+- Uses weight function for dijkstra_path_length. (#2033)
+- Change default role for sphinx to 'obj' (#2027)
+- fixed typo s/abritrary/arbitrary/ (#2035)
+- Fix bug in dtype-valued matrices (#2038)
+- Adds example for using Graph.nodes() with default (#2040)
+- Clarifies some examples for relabel_nodes(). (#2041)
+- Cleans code and documentation for graph power. (#2042)
+- Cleans the classes.function module. (#2043)
+- UnboundLocalError if called with an empty graph (#2047)
+- Standardized Bellman-Ford function calls (#1910)
+- Nobody is in IRC (#2059)
+- Uses add_weighted_edges_from function in MST test. (#2061)
+- Adds multi-source Dijkstra's algorithm (#2073)
+- Adds Voronoi cells algorithm (#2074)
+- Fixes several issues with the Girvan-Newman partitioning function. Fixes #1703, #1725, #1799 (#1972)
+- Moves is_path from utils to simple_paths. (#1921)
+- add max_iter and tol parameter for numpy version (#2013)
+- Remove draw_graphviz function. Fixes #1997 (#2077)
+- Fixes #1998 edge_load function needs documentation. (#2075)
+- Update (#2080)
+- Support digraphs in approximate min vertex cover (#2039)
+- Simplifies code in functions for greedy coloring. (#1680)
+- Allows arbitrary metric in geometric generators. (#1679)
+- Fix spring_layout for single node graph. (#2081)
+- Updates set_{node,edge}_attributes and docs. (#1935)
+- Fixes tests for maximal matching. (#1919)
+- Adds LFM benchmark graph generator for communities (#1727)
+- Adds global and local efficiency functions. (#1521)
+- Apply alphas to individual nodes (#1289)
+- Code and tests for temporal VF2 (#1653)
+- extend convert_bool in and to all valid boolean (#1063)
+- Remove encoded ... to plain ascii (#2086)
+- Use not_implemented_for() for in_degree_centrality() and out_degree_centrality() (#2084)
+- Issue 2072 weighted modularity (#2088)
+- Simplifies eigenvector centrality implementation. (#1708)
+- Fjmalass nodes as tuples (#2089)
+- Generator rename (#2090)
+- Ensure links in doc ```See also``` sections (#2082)
+- Document integer-only numeric mixing (#2085)
+- doc sphinx error removal (#2091)
+- Correct see also links (#2095)
+- Adjust function signatures, docs, exposure (#2096)
+- Adds missing __all__ attributes. (#2098)
+- Fixes 2 bugs in dominance frontier code (#2092)
+- Created two new files: and test_joint_degree_seq.… (#2011)
+- Adds Borůvka's minimum spanning tree algorithm. (#1873)
+- Adds global/local reaching centrality functions. (#2099)
+- Remove conflicts from #1894 (Update Exception Classes) (#2100)
+- Add Exceptions for missing source in shortest_path (#2102)
+- Docs for compose now warn about MultiGraph edgekeys (#2101)
+- Improve Notes section on simplex and friends docs. (#2104)
+- Add Dinitz' algorithm for maximum flow problems. (#1978)
+- Removed duplicated method/doc (add_edges_from) (#1)
+- Bugfix for generic_multiedge_match (Issue #2114) (#2124)
+- Fix for 2015. (#2)
+- add_node, add_edge attr_dict change. (#2132)
+- Handle graph name attribute in relabel_nodes (#2136)
+- Fix fruchterman reingold bug and add more tests to layouts. (#2141)
+- Adds exception: failed power iteration convergence (#2143)
+- Tweak iteration logic of HITS (#2142)
+- Fix PageRank personalize docstring (#2148)
+- Set default source=None for dfs_tree (#2149)
+- Fix docs for maximal_matching and tensor_product (#2158)
+- Isolate edge key generation in multigraphs (#2150)
+- Sort centralities together and outsource dispersion (#2083)
+- Changed classic generators to use generators instead of lists (#2167)
+- Adds beam search traversal algorithm with example (#2129)
+- Turan graph (#2172)
+- Removes irrelevant Notes section from docstring (#2178)
+- Corrects logarithm base in example (#2179)
+- Minor correction in documentation (#2180)
+- Add Boykov Kolmogorov algorithm for maximum flow problems. (#2122)
+- Remove temporary files after tests are run. (#2202)
+- Add support for subgraphs with no edges in convert_matrix.to_scipy_sparse_matrix. (#2199)
+- Add support for reading adjacency matrix in readwrite.pajek.parse_pajek. (#2200)
+- Moves Graph Atlas to data file. (#2064)
+- Refactor Dinitz' algorithm implementation. (#2196)
+- Use arrays instead of matrices in scipy.linalg.expm() (#2208)
+- Making in_edges equivalent to out_edges (#2206)
+- Fix tests failing because of ordering issues. (#2207)
+- Fix code escaping. (#2214)
+- Add adjlist_outer_dict_factory. (#2222)
+- Typo in scale free network generator documentation (#2225)
+- Add link to nx.drawing.layout instead of mentionning nx.layout. (#2224)
+- Example not working in tutorial (#2230)
+- don't assume nodes are sortable when running dag_longest_path (#2228)
+- Correct typo (#2236)
+- Use ego graph when computing local efficiency (#2246)
+- Make harmonic centrality more memory-efficient (#2247)
+- have dag_longest_path_length return path length, not edge count (#2237)
+- Added transitive_reduction in dag (#2215)
+- alpha kwarg not used in pylab label drawing, added it here. (#2269)
+- Make PyDot Support Great Again (#2272)
+- Unnecessary array copying in katz_centrality_numpy ? (#2287)
+- Switch to faster smallest-last algorithm implementation. (#2268)
+- Adds example for getting all simple edge paths. Fixes #718 (#2260)
+- Remove obsolete testing tools. (#2303)
+- Correct error in minimum_spanning_arborescence (#2285)
+- Yield string, not dict, in dfs_labeled_edges. (#2277)
+- Removes unnecessary convert_to_(un)directed func (#2259)
+- Complete multipartite graph docs (#2221)
+- fix LPA bug, see issues/2219 (#2227)
+- Generalized degree (#2220)
+- Turan docs (#2218)
+- Fix broken link to the description of the P2G format. (#2211)
+- Test ordering (#2209)
+- add example of node weights (#2250)
+- added paramether nbunch (#2253)
+- Adds unit tests for using dtype with to_numpy_matrix (#2257)
+- Adds chain decomposition algorithm. (#2284)
+- add the Hoffman-Singleton graph (#2275)
+- Allow grid_graph generator to accept tuple dim argument (#2320)
+- psuedo -> pseudo (fixing typo) (#2322)
+- Corrects navigable small world graph param docs (#2321)
+- Fix bug in find_cycle. (#2324)
+- flip source target (#2309)
+- Simpler version of digitsrep(..) function (#2330)
+- change articulation_points so that it only returns every vertex once (#2333)
+- Use faster random geometric graph implementation. (#2337)
+- Allow community asyn_lpa test to have two answers (#2339)
+- Fix broken links and remove pdf files from Makefile (#2344)
+- Documents orderable node requirement for isom. (#2302)
+- Adds modularity measure for communities. (#1729)
+- Simplifies degree sequence graph generators. (#1866)
+- Adds tree encoding and decoding functions. (#1874)
+- Corrects number_of_edges docs for directed graphs (#2360)
+- Adds multigraph keys to Eulerian circuits (#2359)
+- Update predecessors/successors in edge subgraph (#2373)
+- Fix for #2364 (#2372)
+- Raise an Exception for disconnected Graphs in bipartite.sets (#2375)
+- fixes typo in NetworkXNotImplemented (#2385)
+- Check alternating paths using iterative DFS in to_vertex_cover. (#2386)
+- Fix typos in generating NXError in networkx.linalg.graphmatrix.incidence_matrix (#2395)
+- [Fixes #2342] remove calls to plt.hold(), deprecated in mpl2.0 (#2397)
+- Fix broken links (#2414)
+- Fix all tests for 3.6 (#2413)
+- Improve bipartite documentation. (#2402)
+- correct logic in GEXFWriter (#2399)
+- list optional dependencies in (#2398)
+- Gitwash update (#2371)
+- Added cytoscape JSON handling (#2351)
+- Fix for issues #2328 and #2332 (#2366)
+- Workaround for gdal python3.6 at travis and more doctests fixes (#2416)
+- Fixed bug on custom attrs usage: unavailable iteritems method for dict. (#2461)
+- Fix sphinx errors and class outlines (#2480)
+- Note the precondition that graphs are directed and acyclic (#2500)
+- Add CONTRIBUTE file (#2501)
+- Remove external module (#2521)
+- Ensure `make html` doesn't fail build on exit (#2530)
+- Cherry pick missing commits (#2535)
+- Document release process (#2539)
+- Update copyright (#2551)
+- Remove deprecated code (#2536)
+- Improve docs (#2555)
+- WIP: Add note on how to estimate appropriate values for alpha (#2583)
+- Travis refactor (#2596)
+- Create separate functions for df as edge-lists and adjacency matrices (#2558)
+- Use texext for math_dollar (#2609)
+- Add drawing tests (#2617)
+- Add threshold tests (#2622)
+- Update docs (#2623)
+- Prep beta release (#2624)
+- Refactor travis tests and deploy docs with travis (#2647)
+- matplotlib 2.1 deprecated is_string_like (#2659)