path: root/README.rst
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authorAsk Solem <>2010-06-23 12:08:39 +0200
committerAsk Solem <>2010-06-23 12:08:39 +0200
commitda3e75459489e2069b4de487eb578c99bc6a19ed (patch)
treedce66b816370714914a857fb86f1bd096baa00f3 /README.rst
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'README.rst')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ kombu - AMQP Messaging Framework for Python
+:Version: 0.10.5
+`carrot` is an `AMQP`_ messaging queue framework. AMQP is the Advanced Message
+Queuing Protocol, an open standard protocol for message orientation, queuing,
+routing, reliability and security.
+The aim of `carrot` is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by
+providing a high-level interface for producing and consuming messages. At the
+same time it is a goal to re-use what is already available as much as possible.
+`carrot` has pluggable messaging back-ends, so it is possible to support
+several messaging systems. Currently, there is support for `AMQP`_
+(`py-amqplib`_, `pika`_), `STOMP`_ (`python-stomp`_). There's also an
+in-memory backend for testing purposes, using the `Python queue module`_.
+Several AMQP message broker implementations exists, including `RabbitMQ`_,
+`ZeroMQ`_ and `Apache ActiveMQ`_. You'll need to have one of these installed,
+personally we've been using `RabbitMQ`_.
+Before you start playing with ``carrot``, you should probably read up on
+AMQP, and you could start with the excellent article about using RabbitMQ
+under Python, `Rabbits and warrens`_. For more detailed information, you can
+refer to the `Wikipedia article about AMQP`_.
+.. _`RabbitMQ`:
+.. _`ZeroMQ`:
+.. _`AMQP`:
+.. _`STOMP`:
+.. _`python-stomp`:
+.. _`Python Queue module`:
+.. _`Apache ActiveMQ`:
+.. _`Django`:
+.. _`Rabbits and warrens`:
+.. _`py-amqplib`:
+.. _`pika`:
+.. _`Wikipedia article about AMQP`:
+Carrot is using Sphinx, and the latest documentation is available at GitHub:
+You can install ``carrot`` either via the Python Package Index (PyPI)
+or from source.
+To install using ``pip``,::
+ $ pip install carrot
+To install using ``easy_install``,::
+ $ easy_install carrot
+If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it
+by doing the following,::
+ $ python build
+ # python install # as root
+There are some concepts you should be familiar with before starting:
+ * Publishers
+ Publishers sends messages to an exchange.
+ * Exchanges
+ Messages are sent to exchanges. Exchanges are named and can be
+ configured to use one of several routing algorithms. The exchange
+ routes the messages to consumers by matching the routing key in the
+ message with the routing key the consumer provides when binding to
+ the exchange.
+ * Consumers
+ Consumers declares a queue, binds it to a exchange and receives
+ messages from it.
+ * Queues
+ Queues receive messages sent to exchanges. The queues are declared
+ by consumers.
+ * Routing keys
+ Every message has a routing key. The interpretation of the routing
+ key depends on the exchange type. There are four default exchange
+ types defined by the AMQP standard, and vendors can define custom
+ types (so see your vendors manual for details).
+ These are the default exchange types defined by AMQP/0.8:
+ * Direct exchange
+ Matches if the routing key property of the message and
+ the ``routing_key`` attribute of the consumer are identical.
+ * Fan-out exchange
+ Always matches, even if the binding does not have a routing
+ key.
+ * Topic exchange
+ Matches the routing key property of the message by a primitive
+ pattern matching scheme. The message routing key then consists
+ of words separated by dots (``"."``, like domain names), and
+ two special characters are available; star (``"*"``) and hash
+ (``"#"``). The star matches any word, and the hash matches
+ zero or more words. For example ``"*.stock.#"`` matches the
+ routing keys ``"usd.stock"`` and ``"eur.stock.db"`` but not
+ ``"stock.nasdaq"``.
+Creating a connection
+ You can set up a connection by creating an instance of
+ ``carrot.messaging.BrokerConnection``, with the appropriate options for
+ your broker:
+ >>> from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection
+ >>> conn = BrokerConnection(hostname="localhost", port=5672,
+ ... userid="test", password="test",
+ ... virtual_host="test")
+ If you're using Django you can use the
+ ``carrot.connection.DjangoBrokerConnection`` class instead, which loads
+ the connection settings from your ````::
+ BROKER_HOST = "localhost"
+ BROKER_PORT = 5672
+ BROKER_USER = "test"
+ BROKER_PASSWORD = "secret"
+ BROKER_VHOST = "/test"
+ Then create a connection by doing:
+ >>> from carrot.connection import DjangoBrokerConnection
+ >>> conn = DjangoBrokerConnection()
+Receiving messages using a Consumer
+First we open up a Python shell and start a message consumer.
+This consumer declares a queue named ``"feed"``, receiving messages with
+the routing key ``"importer"`` from the ``"feed"`` exchange.
+The example then uses the consumers ``wait()`` method to go into consume
+mode, where it continuously polls the queue for new messages, and when a
+message is received it passes the message to all registered callbacks.
+ >>> from carrot.messaging import Consumer
+ >>> consumer = Consumer(connection=conn, queue="feed",
+ ... exchange="feed", routing_key="importer")
+ >>> def import_feed_callback(message_data, message)
+ ... feed_url = message_data["import_feed"]
+ ... print("Got feed import message for: %s" % feed_url)
+ ... # something importing this feed url
+ ... # import_feed(feed_url)
+ ... message.ack()
+ >>> consumer.register_callback(import_feed_callback)
+ >>> consumer.wait() # Go into the consumer loop.
+Sending messages using a Publisher
+Then we open up another Python shell to send some messages to the consumer
+defined in the last section.
+ >>> from carrot.messaging import Publisher
+ >>> publisher = Publisher(connection=conn,
+ ... exchange="feed", routing_key="importer")
+ >>> publisher.send({"import_feed": ""})
+ >>> publisher.close()
+Look in the first Python shell again (where ``consumer.wait()`` is running),
+where the following text has been printed to the screen::
+ Got feed import message for:
+Serialization of Data
+By default every message is encoded using `JSON`_, so sending
+Python data structures like dictionaries and lists works.
+`YAML`_, `msgpack`_ and Python's built-in ``pickle`` module is also supported,
+and if needed you can register any custom serialization scheme you
+want to use.
+.. _`JSON`:
+.. _`YAML`:
+.. _`msgpack`:
+Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.
+``json`` -- JSON is supported in many programming languages, is now
+ a standard part of Python (since 2.6), and is fairly fast to
+ decode using the modern Python libraries such as ``cjson or
+ ``simplejson``.
+ The primary disadvantage to ``JSON`` is that it limits you to
+ the following data types: strings, unicode, floats, boolean,
+ dictionaries, and lists. Decimals and dates are notably missing.
+ Also, binary data will be transferred using base64 encoding, which
+ will cause the transferred data to be around 34% larger than an
+ encoding which supports native binary types.
+ However, if your data fits inside the above constraints and
+ you need cross-language support, the default setting of ``JSON``
+ is probably your best choice.
+``pickle`` -- If you have no desire to support any language other than
+ Python, then using the ``pickle`` encoding will gain you
+ the support of all built-in Python data types (except class instances),
+ smaller messages when sending binary files, and a slight speedup
+ over ``JSON`` processing.
+``yaml`` -- YAML has many of the same characteristics as ``json``,
+ except that it natively supports more data types (including dates,
+ recursive references, etc.)
+ However, the Python libraries for YAML are a good bit slower
+ than the libraries for JSON.
+ If you need a more expressive set of data types and need to maintain
+ cross-language compatibility, then ``YAML`` may be a better fit
+ than the above.
+To instruct carrot to use an alternate serialization method,
+use one of the following options.
+ 1. Set the serialization option on a per-Publisher basis:
+ >>> from carrot.messaging import Publisher
+ >>> publisher = Publisher(connection=conn,
+ ... exchange="feed", routing_key="importer",
+ ... serializer="yaml")
+ 2. Set the serialization option on a per-call basis
+ >>> from carrot.messaging import Publisher
+ >>> publisher = Publisher(connection=conn,
+ ... exchange="feed", routing_key="importer")
+ >>> publisher.send({"import_feed": ""},
+ ... serializer="pickle")
+ >>> publisher.close()
+Note that ``Consumer``s do not need the serialization method specified in
+their code. They can auto-detect the serialization method since we supply
+the ``Content-type`` header as part of the AMQP message.
+Sending raw data without Serialization
+In some cases, you don't need your message data to be serialized. If you
+pass in a plain string or unicode object as your message, then carrot will
+not waste cycles serializing/deserializing the data.
+You can optionally specify a ``content_type`` and ``content_encoding``
+for the raw data:
+ >>> from carrot.messaging import Publisher
+ >>> publisher = Publisher(connection=conn,
+ ... exchange="feed",
+ routing_key="import_pictures")
+ >>> publisher.send(open('~/my_picture.jpg','rb').read(),
+ content_type="image/jpeg",
+ content_encoding="binary")
+ >>> publisher.close()
+The ``message`` object returned by the ``Consumer`` class will have a
+``content_type`` and ``content_encoding`` attribute.
+Receiving messages without a callback
+You can also poll the queue manually, by using the ``fetch`` method.
+This method returns a ``Message`` object, from where you can get the
+message body, de-serialize the body to get the data, acknowledge, reject or
+re-queue the message.
+ >>> consumer = Consumer(connection=conn, queue="feed",
+ ... exchange="feed", routing_key="importer")
+ >>> message = consumer.fetch()
+ >>> if message:
+ ... message_data = message.payload
+ ... message.ack()
+ ... else:
+ ... # No messages waiting on the queue.
+ >>> consumer.close()
+Sub-classing the messaging classes
+The ``Consumer``, and ``Publisher`` classes can also be sub classed. Thus you
+can define the above publisher and consumer like so:
+ >>> from carrot.messaging import Publisher, Consumer
+ >>> class FeedPublisher(Publisher):
+ ... exchange = "feed"
+ ... routing_key = "importer"
+ ...
+ ... def import_feed(self, feed_url):
+ ... return self.send({"action": "import_feed",
+ ... "feed_url": feed_url})
+ >>> class FeedConsumer(Consumer):
+ ... queue = "feed"
+ ... exchange = "feed"
+ ... routing_key = "importer"
+ ...
+ ... def receive(self, message_data, message):
+ ... action = message_data["action"]
+ ... if action == "import_feed":
+ ... # something importing this feed
+ ... # import_feed(message_data["feed_url"])
+ message.ack()
+ ... else:
+ ... raise Exception("Unknown action: %s" % action)
+ >>> publisher = FeedPublisher(connection=conn)
+ >>> publisher.import_feed("")
+ >>> publisher.close()
+ >>> consumer = FeedConsumer(connection=conn)
+ >>> consumer.wait() # Go into the consumer loop.
+Getting Help
+Mailing list
+Join the `carrot-users`_ mailing list.
+.. _`carrot-users`:
+Bug tracker
+If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them
+to our issue tracker at
+Development of ``carrot`` happens at Github:
+You are highly encouraged to participate in the development. If you don't
+like Github (for some reason) you're welcome to send regular patches.
+This software is licensed under the ``New BSD License``. See the ``LICENSE``
+file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.