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1 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kafka/producer/ b/kafka/producer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17cfa5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kafka/producer/
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import copy
+import logging
+import threading
+import time
+import six
+from ..common import TopicPartition
+from ..protocol.message import Message, MessageSet
+from .buffer import MessageSetBuffer, SimpleBufferPool
+from .future import FutureRecordMetadata, FutureProduceResult
+import kafka.common as Errors
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AtomicInteger(object):
+ def __init__(self, val=0):
+ self._lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._val = val
+ def increment(self):
+ with self._lock:
+ self._val += 1
+ return self._val
+ def decrement(self):
+ with self._lock:
+ self._val -= 1
+ return self._val
+ def get(self):
+ return self._val
+class RecordBatch(object):
+ def __init__(self, tp, records):
+ self.record_count = 0
+ #self.max_record_size = 0 # for metrics only
+ now = time.time()
+ #self.created = now # for metrics only
+ self.drained = None
+ self.attempts = 0
+ self.last_attempt = now
+ self.last_append = now
+ self.records = records
+ self.topic_partition = tp
+ self.produce_future = FutureProduceResult(tp)
+ self._retry = False
+ def try_append(self, key, value):
+ if not self.records.has_room_for(key, value):
+ return None
+ self.records.append(self.record_count, Message(value, key=key))
+ # self.max_record_size = max(self.max_record_size, Record.record_size(key, value)) # for metrics only
+ self.last_append = time.time()
+ future = FutureRecordMetadata(self.produce_future, self.record_count)
+ self.record_count += 1
+ return future
+ def done(self, base_offset=None, exception=None):
+ log.debug("Produced messages to topic-partition %s with base offset"
+ " %s and error %s.", self.topic_partition, base_offset,
+ exception) # trace
+ if exception is None:
+ self.produce_future.success(base_offset)
+ else:
+ self.produce_future.failure(exception)
+ def maybe_expire(self, request_timeout_ms, linger_ms):
+ since_append_ms = 1000 * (time.time() - self.last_append)
+ if ((self.records.is_full() and request_timeout_ms < since_append_ms)
+ or (request_timeout_ms < (since_append_ms + linger_ms))):
+ self.records.close()
+ self.done(-1, Errors.KafkaTimeoutError('Batch Expired'))
+ return True
+ return False
+ def in_retry(self):
+ return self._retry
+ def set_retry(self):
+ self._retry = True
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'RecordBatch(topic_partition=%s, record_count=%d)' % (
+ self.topic_partition, self.record_count)
+class RecordAccumulator(object):
+ """
+ This class maintains a dequeue per TopicPartition that accumulates messages
+ into MessageSets to be sent to the server.
+ The accumulator attempts to bound memory use, and append calls will block
+ when that memory is exhausted.
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ batch_size (int): Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple
+ batches, one for each partition with data available to be sent.
+ A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce
+ throughput (a batch size of zero will disable batching entirely).
+ Default: 16384
+ buffer_memory (int): The total bytes of memory the producer should use
+ to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. If records are
+ sent faster than they can be delivered to the server the producer
+ will block up to max_block_ms, raising an exception on timeout.
+ In the current implementation, this setting is an approximation.
+ Default: 33554432 (32MB)
+ compression_type (str): The compression type for all data generated by
+ the producer. Valid values are 'gzip', 'snappy', or None.
+ Compression is of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching
+ will also impact the compression ratio (more batching means better
+ compression). Default: None.
+ linger_ms (int): An artificial delay time to add before declaring a
+ messageset (that isn't full) ready for sending. This allows
+ time for more records to arrive. Setting a non-zero linger_ms
+ will trade off some latency for potentially better throughput
+ due to more batching (and hence fewer, larger requests).
+ Default: 0
+ retry_backoff_ms (int): An artificial delay time to retry the
+ produce request upon receiving an error. This avoids exhausting
+ all retries in a short period of time. Default: 100
+ """
+ 'buffer_memory': 33554432,
+ 'batch_size': 16384,
+ 'compression_type': None,
+ 'linger_ms': 0,
+ 'retry_backoff_ms': 100,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, **configs):
+ self.config = copy.copy(self._DEFAULT_CONFIG)
+ for key in self.config:
+ if key in configs:
+ self.config[key] = configs.pop(key)
+ self._closed = False
+ self._drain_index = 0
+ self._flushes_in_progress = AtomicInteger()
+ self._appends_in_progress = AtomicInteger()
+ self._batches = collections.defaultdict(collections.deque) # TopicPartition: [RecordBatch]
+ self._tp_locks = {None: threading.Lock()} # TopicPartition: Lock, plus a lock to add entries
+ self._free = SimpleBufferPool(self.config['buffer_memory'],
+ self.config['batch_size'])
+ self._incomplete = IncompleteRecordBatches()
+ def append(self, tp, key, value, max_time_to_block_ms):
+ """Add a record to the accumulator, return the append result.
+ The append result will contain the future metadata, and flag for
+ whether the appended batch is full or a new batch is created
+ Arguments:
+ tp (TopicPartition): The topic/partition to which this record is
+ being sent
+ key (bytes): The key for the record
+ value (bytes): The value for the record
+ max_time_to_block_ms (int): The maximum time in milliseconds to
+ block for buffer memory to be available
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (future, batch_is_full, new_batch_created)
+ """
+ assert isinstance(tp, TopicPartition), 'not TopicPartition'
+ assert not self._closed, 'RecordAccumulator is closed'
+ # We keep track of the number of appending thread to make sure we do not miss batches in
+ # abortIncompleteBatches().
+ self._appends_in_progress.increment()
+ try:
+ if tp not in self._tp_locks:
+ with self._tp_locks[None]:
+ if tp not in self._tp_locks:
+ self._tp_locks[tp] = threading.Lock()
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ # check if we have an in-progress batch
+ dq = self._batches[tp]
+ if dq:
+ last = dq[-1]
+ future = last.try_append(key, value)
+ if future is not None:
+ batch_is_full = len(dq) > 1 or last.records.is_full()
+ return future, batch_is_full, False
+ # we don't have an in-progress record batch try to allocate a new batch
+ message_size = MessageSet.HEADER_SIZE + Message.HEADER_SIZE
+ if key is not None:
+ message_size += len(key)
+ if value is not None:
+ message_size += len(value)
+ assert message_size <= self.config['buffer_memory'], 'message too big'
+ size = max(self.config['batch_size'], message_size)
+ log.debug("Allocating a new %d byte message buffer for %s", size, tp) # trace
+ buf = self._free.allocate(max_time_to_block_ms)
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ # Need to check if producer is closed again after grabbing the
+ # dequeue lock.
+ assert not self._closed, 'RecordAccumulator is closed'
+ if dq:
+ last = dq[-1]
+ future = last.try_append(key, value)
+ if future is not None:
+ # Somebody else found us a batch, return the one we
+ # waited for! Hopefully this doesn't happen often...
+ self._free.deallocate(buf)
+ batch_is_full = len(dq) > 1 or last.records.is_full()
+ return future, batch_is_full, False
+ records = MessageSetBuffer(buf, self.config['batch_size'],
+ self.config['compression_type'])
+ batch = RecordBatch(tp, records)
+ future = batch.try_append(key, value)
+ if not future:
+ raise Exception()
+ dq.append(batch)
+ self._incomplete.add(batch)
+ batch_is_full = len(dq) > 1 or batch.records.is_full()
+ return future, batch_is_full, True
+ finally:
+ self._appends_in_progress.decrement()
+ def abort_expired_batches(self, request_timeout_ms, cluster):
+ """Abort the batches that have been sitting in RecordAccumulator for
+ more than the configured request_timeout due to metadata being
+ unavailable.
+ Arguments:
+ request_timeout_ms (int): milliseconds to timeout
+ cluster (ClusterMetadata): current metadata for kafka cluster
+ Returns:
+ list of RecordBatch that were expired
+ """
+ expired_batches = []
+ count = 0
+ for tp, dq in six.iteritems(self._batches):
+ assert tp in self._tp_locks, 'TopicPartition not in locks dict'
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ # iterate over the batches and expire them if they have stayed
+ # in accumulator for more than request_timeout_ms
+ for batch in dq:
+ # check if the batch is expired
+ if batch.maybe_expire(request_timeout_ms,
+ self.config['linger_ms']):
+ expired_batches.append(batch)
+ count += 1
+ self.deallocate(batch)
+ elif not batch.in_retry():
+ break
+ if expired_batches:
+ log.debug("Expired %d batches in accumulator", count) # trace
+ return expired_batches
+ def reenqueue(self, batch):
+ """Re-enqueue the given record batch in the accumulator to retry."""
+ now = time.time()
+ batch.attempts += 1
+ batch.last_attempt = now
+ batch.last_append = now
+ batch.set_retry()
+ assert batch.topic_partition in self._tp_locks, 'TopicPartition not in locks dict'
+ assert batch.topic_partition in self._batches, 'TopicPartition not in batches'
+ dq = self._batches[batch.topic_partition]
+ with self._tp_locks[batch.topic_partition]:
+ dq.appendleft(batch)
+ def ready(self, cluster):
+ """
+ Get a list of nodes whose partitions are ready to be sent, and the
+ earliest time at which any non-sendable partition will be ready;
+ Also return the flag for whether there are any unknown leaders for the
+ accumulated partition batches.
+ A destination node is ready to send data if ANY one of its partition is
+ not backing off the send and ANY of the following are true:
+ * The record set is full
+ * The record set has sat in the accumulator for at least linger_ms
+ milliseconds
+ * The accumulator is out of memory and threads are blocking waiting
+ for data (in this case all partitions are immediately considered
+ ready).
+ * The accumulator has been closed
+ Arguments:
+ cluster (ClusterMetadata):
+ Returns:
+ tuple:
+ ready_nodes (set): node_ids that have ready batches
+ next_ready_check (float): secs until next ready after backoff
+ unknown_leaders_exist (bool): True if metadata refresh needed
+ """
+ ready_nodes = set()
+ next_ready_check = 9999999.99
+ unknown_leaders_exist = False
+ now = time.time()
+ exhausted = bool(self._free.queued() > 0)
+ for tp, dq in six.iteritems(self._batches):
+ leader = cluster.leader_for_partition(tp)
+ if leader is None or leader == -1:
+ unknown_leaders_exist = True
+ continue
+ elif leader in ready_nodes:
+ continue
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ if not dq:
+ continue
+ batch = dq[0]
+ retry_backoff = self.config['retry_backoff_ms'] / 1000.0
+ linger = self.config['linger_ms'] / 1000.0
+ backing_off = bool(batch.attempts > 0 and
+ batch.last_attempt + retry_backoff > now)
+ waited_time = now - batch.last_attempt
+ time_to_wait = retry_backoff if backing_off else linger
+ time_left = max(time_to_wait - waited_time, 0)
+ full = bool(len(dq) > 1 or batch.records.is_full())
+ expired = bool(waited_time >= time_to_wait)
+ sendable = (full or expired or exhausted or self._closed or
+ self._flush_in_progress())
+ if sendable and not backing_off:
+ ready_nodes.add(leader)
+ else:
+ # Note that this results in a conservative estimate since
+ # an un-sendable partition may have a leader that will
+ # later be found to have sendable data. However, this is
+ # good enough since we'll just wake up and then sleep again
+ # for the remaining time.
+ next_ready_check = min(time_left, next_ready_check)
+ return ready_nodes, next_ready_check, unknown_leaders_exist
+ def has_unsent(self):
+ """Return whether there is any unsent record in the accumulator."""
+ for tp, dq in six.iteritems(self._batches):
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ if len(dq):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def drain(self, cluster, nodes, max_size):
+ """
+ Drain all the data for the given nodes and collate them into a list of
+ batches that will fit within the specified size on a per-node basis.
+ This method attempts to avoid choosing the same topic-node repeatedly.
+ Arguments:
+ cluster (ClusterMetadata): The current cluster metadata
+ nodes (list): list of node_ids to drain
+ max_size (int): maximum number of bytes to drain
+ Returns:
+ dict: {node_id: list of RecordBatch} with total size less than the
+ requested max_size.
+ """
+ if not nodes:
+ return {}
+ now = time.time()
+ batches = {}
+ for node_id in nodes:
+ size = 0
+ partitions = list(cluster.partitions_for_broker(node_id))
+ ready = []
+ # to make starvation less likely this loop doesn't start at 0
+ self._drain_index %= len(partitions)
+ start = self._drain_index
+ while True:
+ tp = partitions[self._drain_index]
+ if tp in self._batches:
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ dq = self._batches[tp]
+ if dq:
+ first = dq[0]
+ backoff = (
+ bool(first.attempts > 0) and
+ bool(first.last_attempt +
+ self.config['retry_backoff_ms'] / 1000.0
+ > now)
+ )
+ # Only drain the batch if it is not during backoff
+ if not backoff:
+ if (size + first.records.size_in_bytes() > max_size
+ and len(ready) > 0):
+ # there is a rare case that a single batch
+ # size is larger than the request size due
+ # to compression; in this case we will
+ # still eventually send this batch in a
+ # single request
+ break
+ else:
+ batch = dq.popleft()
+ batch.records.close()
+ size += batch.records.size_in_bytes()
+ ready.append(batch)
+ batch.drained = now
+ self._drain_index += 1
+ self._drain_index %= len(partitions)
+ if start == self._drain_index:
+ break
+ batches[node_id] = ready
+ return batches
+ def deallocate(self, batch):
+ """Deallocate the record batch."""
+ self._incomplete.remove(batch)
+ self._free.deallocate(batch.records.buffer())
+ def _flush_in_progress(self):
+ """Are there any threads currently waiting on a flush?"""
+ return self._flushes_in_progress.get() > 0
+ def begin_flush(self):
+ """
+ Initiate the flushing of data from the accumulator...this makes all
+ requests immediately ready
+ """
+ self._flushes_in_progress.increment()
+ def await_flush_completion(self):
+ """
+ Mark all partitions as ready to send and block until the send is complete
+ """
+ for batch in self._incomplete.all():
+ batch.produce_future.await()
+ self._flushes_in_progress.decrement()
+ def abort_incomplete_batches(self):
+ """
+ This function is only called when sender is closed forcefully. It will fail all the
+ incomplete batches and return.
+ """
+ # We need to keep aborting the incomplete batch until no thread is trying to append to
+ # 1. Avoid losing batches.
+ # 2. Free up memory in case appending threads are blocked on buffer full.
+ # This is a tight loop but should be able to get through very quickly.
+ while True:
+ self._abort_batches()
+ if not self._appends_in_progress.get():
+ break
+ # After this point, no thread will append any messages because they will see the close
+ # flag set. We need to do the last abort after no thread was appending in case the there was a new
+ # batch appended by the last appending thread.
+ self._abort_batches()
+ self._batches.clear()
+ def _abort_batches(self):
+ """Go through incomplete batches and abort them."""
+ error = Errors.IllegalStateError("Producer is closed forcefully.")
+ for batch in self._incomplete.all():
+ tp = batch.topic_partition
+ # Close the batch before aborting
+ with self._tp_locks[tp]:
+ batch.records.close()
+ batch.done(exception=error)
+ self.deallocate(batch)
+ def close(self):
+ """Close this accumulator and force all the record buffers to be drained."""
+ self._closed = True
+class IncompleteRecordBatches(object):
+ """A threadsafe helper class to hold RecordBatches that haven't been ack'd yet"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._incomplete = set()
+ self._lock = threading.Lock()
+ def add(self, batch):
+ with self._lock:
+ return self._incomplete.add(batch)
+ def remove(self, batch):
+ with self._lock:
+ return self._incomplete.remove(batch)
+ def all(self):
+ with self._lock:
+ return list(self._incomplete)