diff options
authorDana Powers <>2016-08-04 12:03:36 -0700
committerDana Powers <>2016-08-04 13:05:22 -0700
commitc572e8d6e20c6bdce5b0da658ff61c92c053f8e8 (patch)
parent3ed27c60eccee0a9a20307ee1c9fd58720cf9d4b (diff)
Add BrokerConnection docstring with configuration parameters
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kafka/ b/kafka/
index 05b0acb..514c642 100644
--- a/kafka/
+++ b/kafka/
@@ -81,6 +81,71 @@ class BrokerConnection(object):
def __init__(self, host, port, afi, **configs):
+ """Initialize a kafka broker connection
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ client_id (str): a name for this client. This string is passed in
+ each request to servers and can be used to identify specific
+ server-side log entries that correspond to this client. Also
+ submitted to GroupCoordinator for logging with respect to
+ consumer group administration. Default: 'kafka-python-{version}'
+ reconnect_backoff_ms (int): The amount of time in milliseconds to
+ wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host.
+ Default: 50.
+ request_timeout_ms (int): Client request timeout in milliseconds.
+ Default: 40000.
+ max_in_flight_requests_per_connection (int): Requests are pipelined
+ to kafka brokers up to this number of maximum requests per
+ broker connection. Default: 5.
+ receive_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP receive buffer
+ (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. Default: None (relies on
+ system defaults). Java client defaults to 32768.
+ send_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP send buffer
+ (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. Default: None (relies on
+ system defaults). Java client defaults to 131072.
+ socket_options (list): List of tuple-arguments to socket.setsockopt
+ to apply to broker connection sockets. Default:
+ [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
+ security_protocol (str): Protocol used to communicate with brokers.
+ Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL. Default: PLAINTEXT.
+ ssl_context (ssl.SSLContext): pre-configured SSLContext for wrapping
+ socket connections. If provided, all other ssl_* configurations
+ will be ignored. Default: None.
+ ssl_check_hostname (bool): flag to configure whether ssl handshake
+ should verify that the certificate matches the brokers hostname.
+ default: True.
+ ssl_cafile (str): optional filename of ca file to use in certificate
+ veriication. default: None.
+ ssl_certfile (str): optional filename of file in pem format containing
+ the client certificate, as well as any ca certificates needed to
+ establish the certificate's authenticity. default: None.
+ ssl_keyfile (str): optional filename containing the client private key.
+ default: None.
+ ssl_password (callable, str, bytes, bytearray): optional password or
+ callable function that returns a password, for decrypting the
+ client private key. Default: None.
+ ssl_crlfile (str): optional filename containing the CRL to check for
+ certificate expiration. By default, no CRL check is done. When
+ providing a file, only the leaf certificate will be checked against
+ this CRL. The CRL can only be checked with Python 3.4+ or 2.7.9+.
+ default: None.
+ api_version (tuple): specify which kafka API version to use. Accepted
+ values are: (0, 8, 0), (0, 8, 1), (0, 8, 2), (0, 9), (0, 10)
+ If None, KafkaClient will attempt to infer the broker
+ version by probing various APIs. Default: None
+ api_version_auto_timeout_ms (int): number of milliseconds to throw a
+ timeout exception from the constructor when checking the broker
+ api version. Only applies if api_version is None
+ state_chance_callback (callable): function to be called when the
+ connection state changes from CONNECTING to CONNECTED etc.
+ sasl_mechanism (str): string picking sasl mechanism when security_protocol
+ is SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL. Currently only PLAIN is supported.
+ Default: None
+ sasl_plain_username (str): username for sasl PLAIN authentication.
+ Default: None
+ sasl_plain_password (str): passowrd for sasl PLAIN authentication.
+ Defualt: None
+ """ = host
self.hostname = host
self.port = port