diff options
authorRichard Lee <>2018-07-12 11:39:29 -0700
committerJeff Widman <>2018-10-24 22:42:12 -0700
commit481f88068bdf0a18f12fd7a811b795f889d35fc7 (patch)
parentac9d5623116a5754c57a8ecd95b2954ba0f30c14 (diff)
Add KafkaAdmin class
Requires cluster version >, and uses new wire protocol classes to do many things via broker connection that previously needed to be done directly in zookeeper.
10 files changed, 684 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kafka/ b/kafka/
index 897ebb0..fa50bf6 100644
--- a/kafka/
+++ b/kafka/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ except ImportError:
+from kafka.admin import KafkaAdmin
from kafka.consumer import KafkaConsumer
from kafka.consumer.subscription_state import ConsumerRebalanceListener
from kafka.producer import KafkaProducer
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ class KafkaClient(SimpleClient):
__all__ = [
+ 'KafkaAdmin',
'KafkaConsumer', 'KafkaProducer', 'KafkaClient', 'BrokerConnection',
'SimpleClient', 'SimpleProducer', 'KeyedProducer',
'RoundRobinPartitioner', 'HashedPartitioner',
diff --git a/kafka/admin/ b/kafka/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069bc7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kafka/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from kafka.admin.config_resource import ConfigResource, ConfigResourceType
+from kafka.admin.kafka import KafkaAdmin
+from kafka.admin.new_topic import NewTopic
+from kafka.admin.new_partitions import NewPartitions
+__all__ = [
+ 'ConfigResource', 'ConfigResourceType', 'KafkaAdmin', 'NewTopic', 'NewPartitions'
diff --git a/kafka/admin/ b/kafka/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3294c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kafka/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# enum in stdlib as of py3.4
+ from enum import IntEnum # pylint: disable=import-error
+except ImportError:
+ # vendored backport module
+ from kafka.vendor.enum34 import IntEnum
+class ConfigResourceType(IntEnum):
+ """An enumerated type of config resources"""
+ BROKER = 4,
+ TOPIC = 2
+class ConfigResource(object):
+ """A class for specifying config resources.
+ Arguments:
+ resource_type (ConfigResourceType): the type of kafka resource
+ name (string): The name of the kafka resource
+ configs ({key : value}): A maps of config keys to values.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ resource_type,
+ name,
+ configs=None
+ ):
+ if not isinstance(resource_type, (ConfigResourceType)):
+ resource_type = ConfigResourceType[str(resource_type).upper()] # pylint: disable-msg=unsubscriptable-object
+ self.resource_type = resource_type
+ = name
+ self.configs = configs
diff --git a/kafka/admin/ b/kafka/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78bdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kafka/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import copy
+import logging
+import socket
+from kafka.client_async import KafkaClient, selectors
+from kafka.errors import (
+ KafkaConfigurationError, UnsupportedVersionError, NodeNotReadyError, NotControllerError, KafkaConnectionError)
+from kafka.metrics import MetricConfig, Metrics
+from kafka.protocol.admin import (
+ CreateTopicsRequest, DeleteTopicsRequest, DescribeConfigsRequest, AlterConfigsRequest, CreatePartitionsRequest,
+ ListGroupsRequest, DescribeGroupsRequest)
+from kafka.protocol.metadata import MetadataRequest
+from kafka.version import __version__
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class KafkaAdmin(object):
+ """An class for administering the kafka cluster.
+ The KafkaAdmin class will negotiate for the latest version of each message protocol format supported
+ by both the kafka-python client library and the kafka broker. Usage of optional fields from protocol
+ versions that are not supported by the broker will result in UnsupportedVersionError exceptions.
+ Use of this class requires a minimum broker version >=
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ bootstrap_servers: 'host[:port]' string (or list of 'host[:port]'
+ strings) that the consumer should contact to bootstrap initial
+ cluster metadata. This does not have to be the full node list.
+ It just needs to have at least one broker that will respond to a
+ Metadata API Request. Default port is 9092. If no servers are
+ specified, will default to localhost:9092.
+ client_id (str): a name for this client. This string is passed in
+ each request to servers and can be used to identify specific
+ server-side log entries that correspond to this client. Also
+ submitted to GroupCoordinator for logging with respect to
+ consumer group administration. Default: 'kafka-python-{version}'
+ reconnect_backoff_ms (int): The amount of time in milliseconds to
+ wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host.
+ Default: 50.
+ reconnect_backoff_max_ms (int): The maximum amount of time in
+ milliseconds to wait when reconnecting to a broker that has
+ repeatedly failed to connect. If provided, the backoff per host
+ will increase exponentially for each consecutive connection
+ failure, up to this maximum. To avoid connection storms, a
+ randomization factor of 0.2 will be applied to the backoff
+ resulting in a random range between 20% below and 20% above
+ the computed value. Default: 1000.
+ request_timeout_ms (int): Client request timeout in milliseconds.
+ Default: 30000.
+ connections_max_idle_ms: Close idle connections after the number of
+ milliseconds specified by this config. The broker closes idle
+ connections after, so this avoids hitting
+ unexpected socket disconnected errors on the client.
+ Default: 540000
+ retry_backoff_ms (int): Milliseconds to backoff when retrying on
+ errors. Default: 100.
+ max_in_flight_requests_per_connection (int): Requests are pipelined
+ to kafka brokers up to this number of maximum requests per
+ broker connection. Default: 5.
+ receive_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP receive buffer
+ (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. Default: None (relies on
+ system defaults). Java client defaults to 32768.
+ send_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP send buffer
+ (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. Default: None (relies on
+ system defaults). Java client defaults to 131072.
+ socket_options (list): List of tuple-arguments to socket.setsockopt
+ to apply to broker connection sockets. Default:
+ [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]
+ metadata_max_age_ms (int): The period of time in milliseconds after
+ which we force a refresh of metadata even if we haven't seen any
+ partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new
+ brokers or partitions. Default: 300000
+ security_protocol (str): Protocol used to communicate with brokers.
+ Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL. Default: PLAINTEXT.
+ ssl_context (ssl.SSLContext): Pre-configured SSLContext for wrapping
+ socket connections. If provided, all other ssl_* configurations
+ will be ignored. Default: None.
+ ssl_check_hostname (bool): Flag to configure whether SSL handshake
+ should verify that the certificate matches the broker's hostname.
+ Default: True.
+ ssl_cafile (str): Optional filename of CA file to use in certificate
+ veriication. Default: None.
+ ssl_certfile (str): Optional filename of file in PEM format containing
+ the client certificate, as well as any CA certificates needed to
+ establish the certificate's authenticity. Default: None.
+ ssl_keyfile (str): Optional filename containing the client private key.
+ Default: None.
+ ssl_password (str): Optional password to be used when loading the
+ certificate chain. Default: None.
+ ssl_crlfile (str): Optional filename containing the CRL to check for
+ certificate expiration. By default, no CRL check is done. When
+ providing a file, only the leaf certificate will be checked against
+ this CRL. The CRL can only be checked with Python 3.4+ or 2.7.9+.
+ Default: None.
+ api_version (tuple): Specify which Kafka API version to use. If set
+ to None, KafkaClient will attempt to infer the broker version by
+ probing various APIs. Example: (0, 10, 2). Default: None
+ api_version_auto_timeout_ms (int): number of milliseconds to throw a
+ timeout exception from the constructor when checking the broker
+ api version. Only applies if api_version is None
+ selector (selectors.BaseSelector): Provide a specific selector
+ implementation to use for I/O multiplexing.
+ Default: selectors.DefaultSelector
+ metrics (kafka.metrics.Metrics): Optionally provide a metrics
+ instance for capturing network IO stats. Default: None.
+ metric_group_prefix (str): Prefix for metric names. Default: ''
+ sasl_mechanism (str): string picking sasl mechanism when security_protocol
+ is SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL. Currently only PLAIN is supported.
+ Default: None
+ sasl_plain_username (str): username for sasl PLAIN authentication.
+ Default: None
+ sasl_plain_password (str): password for sasl PLAIN authentication.
+ Default: None
+ sasl_kerberos_service_name (str): Service name to include in GSSAPI
+ sasl mechanism handshake. Default: 'kafka'
+ """
+ # client configs
+ 'bootstrap_servers': 'localhost',
+ 'client_id': 'kafka-python-' + __version__,
+ 'request_timeout_ms': 30000,
+ 'connections_max_idle_ms': 9 * 60 * 1000,
+ 'reconnect_backoff_ms': 50,
+ 'reconnect_backoff_max_ms': 1000,
+ 'max_in_flight_requests_per_connection': 5,
+ 'receive_buffer_bytes': None,
+ 'send_buffer_bytes': None,
+ 'socket_options': [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)],
+ 'sock_chunk_bytes': 4096, # undocumented experimental option
+ 'sock_chunk_buffer_count': 1000, # undocumented experimental option
+ 'retry_backoff_ms': 100,
+ 'metadata_max_age_ms': 300000,
+ 'security_protocol': 'PLAINTEXT',
+ 'ssl_context': None,
+ 'ssl_check_hostname': True,
+ 'ssl_cafile': None,
+ 'ssl_certfile': None,
+ 'ssl_keyfile': None,
+ 'ssl_password': None,
+ 'ssl_crlfile': None,
+ 'api_version': None,
+ 'api_version_auto_timeout_ms': 2000,
+ 'selector': selectors.DefaultSelector,
+ 'sasl_mechanism': None,
+ 'sasl_plain_username': None,
+ 'sasl_plain_password': None,
+ 'sasl_kerberos_service_name': 'kafka',
+ # metrics configs
+ 'metric_reporters' : [],
+ 'metrics_num_samples': 2,
+ 'metrics_sample_window_ms': 30000,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, **configs):
+ log.debug("Starting Kafka administration interface")
+ extra_configs = set(configs).difference(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
+ if extra_configs:
+ raise KafkaConfigurationError("Unrecognized configs: %s" % extra_configs)
+ self.config = copy.copy(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
+ self.config.update(configs)
+ # api_version was previously a str. accept old format for now
+ if isinstance(self.config['api_version'], str):
+ deprecated = self.config['api_version']
+ if deprecated == 'auto':
+ self.config['api_version'] = None
+ else:
+ self.config['api_version'] = tuple(map(int, deprecated.split('.')))
+ log.warning('use api_version=%s [tuple] -- "%s" as str is deprecated',
+ str(self.config['api_version']), deprecated)
+ # Configure metrics
+ metrics_tags = {'client-id': self.config['client_id']}
+ metric_config = MetricConfig(samples=self.config['metrics_num_samples'],
+ time_window_ms=self.config['metrics_sample_window_ms'],
+ tags=metrics_tags)
+ reporters = [reporter() for reporter in self.config['metric_reporters']]
+ self._metrics = Metrics(metric_config, reporters)
+ self._client = KafkaClient(metrics=self._metrics, metric_group_prefix='admin',
+ **self.config)
+ # Get auto-discovered version from client if necessary
+ if self.config['api_version'] is None:
+ self.config['api_version'] = self._client.config['api_version']
+ self._closed = False
+ self._refresh_controller_id()
+ log.debug('Kafka administration interface started')
+ def close(self):
+ """Close the administration connection to the kafka broker"""
+ if not hasattr(self, '_closed') or self._closed:
+'Kafka administration interface already closed')
+ return
+ self._metrics.close()
+ self._client.close()
+ self._closed = True
+ log.debug('Kafka administartion interface has closed')
+ def _matching_api_version(self, operation):
+ """Find matching api version, the lesser of either the latest api version the library supports, or
+ the max version supported by the broker
+ :param operation: An operation array from kafka.protocol
+ :return: The max matching version number between client and broker
+ """
+ version = min(len(operation) - 1,
+ self._client.get_api_versions()[operation[0].API_KEY][1])
+ if version < self._client.get_api_versions()[operation[0].API_KEY][0]:
+ # max library version is less than min broker version. Not sure any brokers
+ # actually set a min version greater than 0 right now, tho. But maybe in the future?
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "Could not find matching protocol version for {}"
+ .format(operation.__name__))
+ return version
+ def _validate_timeout(self, timeout_ms):
+ """Validate the timeout is set or use the configuration default
+ :param timeout_ms: The timeout provided by api call, in milliseconds
+ :return: The timeout to use for the operation
+ """
+ return timeout_ms or self.config['request_timeout_ms']
+ def _refresh_controller_id(self):
+ """Determine the kafka cluster controller
+ """
+ response = self._send_request_to_node(
+ self._client.least_loaded_node(),
+ MetadataRequest[1]([])
+ )
+ self._controller_id = response.controller_id
+ version = self._client.check_version(self._controller_id)
+ if version < (0, 10, 0):
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "Kafka Admin interface not supported for cluster controller version {} <"
+ .format(version))
+ def _send_request_to_node(self, node, request):
+ """Send a kafka protocol message to a specific broker. Will block until the message result is received.
+ :param node: The broker id to which to send the message
+ :param request: The message to send
+ :return: The kafka protocol response for the message
+ :exception: The exception if the message could not be sent
+ """
+ while not self._client.ready(node):
+ # connection to broker not ready, poll until it is or send will fail with NodeNotReadyError
+ self._client.poll()
+ future = self._client.send(node, request)
+ self._client.poll(future=future)
+ if future.succeeded():
+ return future.value
+ else:
+ raise future.exception # pylint: disable-msg=raising-bad-type
+ def _send(self, request):
+ """Send a kafka protocol message to the cluster controller. Will block until the message result is received.
+ :param request: The message to send
+ :return The kafka protocol response for the message
+ :exception NodeNotReadyError: If the controller connection can't be established
+ """
+ remaining_tries = 2
+ while remaining_tries > 0:
+ remaining_tries = remaining_tries - 1
+ try:
+ return self._send_request_to_node(self._controller_id, request)
+ except (NotControllerError, KafkaConnectionError) as e:
+ # controller changed? refresh it
+ self._refresh_controller_id()
+ raise NodeNotReadyError(self._controller_id)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _convert_new_topic_request(new_topic):
+ return (
+ new_topic.num_partitions,
+ new_topic.replication_factor,
+ [
+ (partition_id, replicas) for partition_id, replicas in new_topic.replica_assignments.items()
+ ],
+ [
+ (config_key, config_value) for config_key, config_value in new_topic.topic_configs.items()
+ ]
+ )
+ def create_topics(self, new_topics, timeout_ms=None, validate_only=None):
+ """Create new topics in the cluster.
+ :param new_topics: Array of NewTopic objects
+ :param timeout_ms: Milliseconds to wait for new topics to be created before broker returns
+ :param validate_only: If True, don't actually create new topics. Not supported by all versions.
+ :return: Appropriate version of CreateTopicResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(CreateTopicsRequest)
+ timeout_ms = self._validate_timeout(timeout_ms)
+ if version == 0:
+ if validate_only:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "validate_only not supported on cluster version {}"
+ .format(self.config['api_version']))
+ request = CreateTopicsRequest[version](
+ create_topic_requests = [self._convert_new_topic_request(new_topic) for new_topic in new_topics],
+ timeout = timeout_ms
+ )
+ elif version <= 2:
+ validate_only = validate_only or False
+ request = CreateTopicsRequest[version](
+ create_topic_requests = [self._convert_new_topic_request(new_topic) for new_topic in new_topics],
+ timeout = timeout_ms,
+ validate_only = validate_only
+ )
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of CreateTopics for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version)
+ )
+ return self._send(request)
+ def delete_topics(self, topics, timeout_ms=None):
+ """Delete topics from the cluster
+ :param topics: Array of topic name strings
+ :param timeout_ms: Milliseconds to wait for topics to be deleted before broker returns
+ :return: Appropriate version of DeleteTopicsResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(DeleteTopicsRequest)
+ timeout_ms = self._validate_timeout(timeout_ms)
+ if version <= 1:
+ request = DeleteTopicsRequest[version](
+ topics = topics,
+ timeout = timeout_ms
+ )
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of DeleteTopics for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version))
+ return self._send(request)
+ # list topics functionality is in ClusterMetadata
+ # describe topics functionality is in ClusterMetadata
+ # describe cluster functionality is in ClusterMetadata
+ # describe_acls protocol not implemented
+ # create_acls protocol not implemented
+ # delete_acls protocol not implemented
+ @staticmethod
+ def _convert_describe_config_resource_request(config_resource):
+ return (
+ config_resource.resource_type,
+ [
+ config_key for config_key, config_value in config_resource.configs.items()
+ ] if config_resource.configs else None
+ )
+ def describe_configs(self, config_resources, include_synonyms=None):
+ """Fetch configuration parameters for one or more kafka resources.
+ :param config_resources: An array of ConfigResource objects.
+ Any keys in ConfigResource.configs dict will be used to filter the result. The configs dict should be None
+ to get all values. An empty dict will get zero values (as per kafka protocol).
+ :param include_synonyms: If True, return synonyms in response. Not supported by all versions.
+ :return: Appropriate version of DescribeConfigsResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(DescribeConfigsRequest)
+ if version == 0:
+ if include_synonyms:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "include_synonyms not supported on cluster version {}"
+ .format(self.config['api_version']))
+ request = DescribeConfigsRequest[version](
+ resources = [self._convert_describe_config_resource_request(config_resource) for config_resource in config_resources]
+ )
+ elif version <= 1:
+ include_synonyms = include_synonyms or False
+ request = DescribeConfigsRequest[version](
+ resources = [self._convert_describe_config_resource_request(config_resource) for config_resource in config_resources],
+ include_synonyms = include_synonyms
+ )
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of DescribeConfigs for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version))
+ return self._send(request)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _convert_alter_config_resource_request(config_resource):
+ return (
+ config_resource.resource_type,
+ [
+ (config_key, config_value) for config_key, config_value in config_resource.configs.items()
+ ]
+ )
+ def alter_configs(self, config_resources):
+ """Alter configuration parameters of one or more kafka resources.
+ :param config_resources: An array of ConfigResource objects.
+ :return: Appropriate version of AlterConfigsResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(AlterConfigsRequest)
+ if version == 0:
+ request = AlterConfigsRequest[version](
+ resources = [self._convert_alter_config_resource_request(config_resource) for config_resource in config_resources]
+ )
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of AlterConfigs for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version))
+ return self._send(request)
+ # alter replica logs dir protocol not implemented
+ # describe log dirs protocol not implemented
+ @staticmethod
+ def _convert_create_partitions_request(topic_name, new_partitions):
+ return (
+ topic_name,
+ (
+ new_partitions.total_count,
+ new_partitions.new_assignments
+ )
+ )
+ def create_partitions(self, topic_partitions, timeout_ms=None, validate_only=None):
+ """Create additional partitions for an existing topic.
+ :param topic_partitions: A map of topic name strings to NewPartition objects
+ :param timeout_ms: Milliseconds to wait for new partitions to be created before broker returns
+ :param validate_only: If True, don't actually create new partitions.
+ :return: Appropriate version of CreatePartitionsResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(CreatePartitionsRequest)
+ timeout_ms = self._validate_timeout(timeout_ms)
+ validate_only = validate_only or False
+ if version == 0:
+ request = CreatePartitionsRequest[version](
+ topic_partitions = [self._convert_create_partitions_request(topic_name, new_partitions) for topic_name, new_partitions in topic_partitions.items()],
+ timeout = timeout_ms,
+ validate_only = validate_only
+ )
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of CreatePartitions for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version))
+ return self._send(request)
+ # delete records protocol not implemented
+ # create delegation token protocol not implemented
+ # renew delegation token protocol not implemented
+ # expire delegation_token protocol not implemented
+ # describe delegation_token protocol not implemented
+ def describe_consumer_groups(self, group_ids):
+ """Describe a set of consumer groups.
+ :param group_ids: A list of consumer group id names
+ :return: Appropriate version of DescribeGroupsResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(DescribeGroupsRequest)
+ if version <= 1:
+ request = DescribeGroupsRequest[version](
+ groups = group_ids
+ )
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of DescribeGroups for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version))
+ return self._send(request)
+ def list_consumer_groups(self):
+ """List all consumer groups known to the cluster.
+ :return: Appropriate version of ListGroupsResponse class
+ """
+ version = self._matching_api_version(ListGroupsRequest)
+ if version <= 1:
+ request = ListGroupsRequest[version]()
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "missing implementation of ListGroups for library supported version {}"
+ .format(version))
+ return self._send(request)
+ # delete groups protocol not implemented
diff --git a/kafka/admin/ b/kafka/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429b2e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kafka/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+class NewPartitions(object):
+ """A class for new partition creation on existing topics. Note that the length of new_assignments, if specified,
+ must be the difference between the new total number of partitions and the existing number of partitions.
+ Arguments:
+ total_count (int): the total number of partitions that should exist on the topic
+ new_assignments ([[int]]): an array of arrays of replica assignments for new partitions.
+ If not set, broker assigns replicas per an internal algorithm.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ total_count,
+ new_assignments=None
+ ):
+ self.total_count = total_count
+ self.new_assignments = new_assignments
diff --git a/kafka/admin/ b/kafka/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645ac38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kafka/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from kafka.errors import IllegalArgumentError
+class NewTopic(object):
+ """ A class for new topic creation
+ Arguments:
+ name (string): name of the topic
+ num_partitions (int): number of partitions
+ or -1 if replica_assignment has been specified
+ replication_factor (int): replication factor or -1 if
+ replica assignment is specified
+ replica_assignment (dict of int: [int]): A mapping containing
+ partition id and replicas to assign to it.
+ topic_configs (dict of str: str): A mapping of config key
+ and value for the topic.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name,
+ num_partitions,
+ replication_factor,
+ replica_assignments=None,
+ topic_configs=None,
+ ):
+ if not (num_partitions == -1 or replication_factor == -1) ^ (replica_assignments is None):
+ raise IllegalArgumentError('either num_partitions/replication_factor or replica_assignment must be specified')
+ = name
+ self.num_partitions = num_partitions
+ self.replication_factor = replication_factor
+ self.replica_assignments = replica_assignments or {}
+ self.topic_configs = topic_configs or {}
diff --git a/kafka/ b/kafka/
index 5a161bb..ccf1e4b 100644
--- a/kafka/
+++ b/kafka/
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ class KafkaClient(object):
self._metadata_refresh_in_progress = False
self._selector = self.config['selector']()
self._conns = Dict() # object to support weakrefs
+ self._api_versions = None
self._connecting = set()
self._refresh_on_disconnects = True
self._last_bootstrap = 0
@@ -808,6 +809,17 @@ class KafkaClient(object):
# to let us know the selected connection might be usable again.
return float('inf')
+ def get_api_versions(self):
+ """Return the ApiVersions map, if available.
+ Note: A call to check_version must previously have succeeded and returned
+ version 0.10.0 or later
+ Returns: a map of dict mapping {api_key : (min_version, max_version)},
+ or None if ApiVersion is not supported by the kafka cluster.
+ """
+ return self._api_versions
def check_version(self, node_id=None, timeout=2, strict=False):
"""Attempt to guess the version of a Kafka broker.
@@ -841,6 +853,10 @@ class KafkaClient(object):
remaining = end - time.time()
version = conn.check_version(timeout=remaining, strict=strict, topics=list(self.config['bootstrap_topics_filter']))
+ if version >= (0, 10, 0):
+ # cache the api versions map if it's available (starting
+ # in 0.10 cluster version)
+ self._api_versions = conn.get_api_versions()
return version
except Errors.NodeNotReadyError:
# Only raise to user if this is a node-specific request
diff --git a/kafka/ b/kafka/
index ccaa2ed..5ec9757 100644
--- a/kafka/
+++ b/kafka/
@@ -873,6 +873,16 @@ class BrokerConnection(object):
return self._api_versions
+ def get_api_versions(self):
+ version = self.check_version()
+ if version < (0, 10, 0):
+ raise Errors.UnsupportedVersionError(
+ "ApiVersion not supported by cluster version {} < 0.10.0"
+ .format(version))
+ # _api_versions is set as a side effect of check_versions() on a cluster
+ # that supports 0.10.0 or later
+ return self._api_versions;
def _infer_broker_version_from_api_versions(self, api_versions):
# The logic here is to check the list of supported request versions
# in reverse order. As soon as we find one that works, return it
diff --git a/kafka/protocol/ b/kafka/protocol/
index 050a085..8cf5640 100644
--- a/kafka/protocol/
+++ b/kafka/protocol/
@@ -44,4 +44,9 @@ API_KEYS = {
33: 'AlterConfigs',
36: 'SaslAuthenticate',
37: 'CreatePartitions',
+ 38: 'CreateDelegationToken',
+ 39: 'RenewDelegationToken',
+ 40: 'ExpireDelegationToken',
+ 41: 'DescribeDelegationToken',
+ 42: 'DeleteGroups',
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9c54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import pytest
+import kafka.admin
+from kafka.errors import IllegalArgumentError
+def test_config_resource():
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ bad_resource = kafka.admin.ConfigResource('something', 'foo')
+ good_resource = kafka.admin.ConfigResource('broker', 'bar')
+ assert(good_resource.resource_type == kafka.admin.ConfigResourceType.BROKER)
+ assert( == 'bar')
+ assert(good_resource.configs is None)
+ good_resource = kafka.admin.ConfigResource(kafka.admin.ConfigResourceType.TOPIC, 'baz', {'frob' : 'nob'})
+ assert(good_resource.resource_type == kafka.admin.ConfigResourceType.TOPIC)
+ assert( == 'baz')
+ assert(good_resource.configs == {'frob' : 'nob'})
+def test_new_partitions():
+ good_partitions = kafka.admin.NewPartitions(6)
+ assert(good_partitions.total_count == 6)
+ assert(good_partitions.new_assignments is None)
+ good_partitions = kafka.admin.NewPartitions(7, [[1, 2, 3]])
+ assert(good_partitions.total_count == 7)
+ assert(good_partitions.new_assignments == [[1, 2, 3]])
+def test_new_topic():
+ with pytest.raises(IllegalArgumentError):
+ bad_topic = kafka.admin.NewTopic('foo', -1, -1)
+ with pytest.raises(IllegalArgumentError):
+ bad_topic = kafka.admin.NewTopic('foo', 1, -1)
+ with pytest.raises(IllegalArgumentError):
+ bad_topic = kafka.admin.NewTopic('foo', 1, 1, {1 : [1, 1, 1]})
+ good_topic = kafka.admin.NewTopic('foo', 1, 2)
+ assert( == 'foo')
+ assert(good_topic.num_partitions == 1)
+ assert(good_topic.replication_factor == 2)
+ assert(good_topic.replica_assignments == {})
+ assert(good_topic.topic_configs == {})
+ good_topic = kafka.admin.NewTopic('bar', -1, -1, {1 : [1, 2, 3]}, {'key' : 'value'})
+ assert( == 'bar')
+ assert(good_topic.num_partitions == -1)
+ assert(good_topic.replication_factor == -1)
+ assert(good_topic.replica_assignments == {1: [1, 2, 3]})
+ assert(good_topic.topic_configs == {'key' : 'value'})