path: root/docs/contributing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/contributing/')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/contributing/ b/docs/contributing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1b1cd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/contributing/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Contributing to isort
+Looking for a useful open source project to contribute to?
+Want your contributions to be warmly welcomed and acknowledged?
+Welcome! You have found the right place.
+## Getting isort set up for local development
+The first step when contributing to any project is getting it set up on your local machine. isort aims to make this as simple as possible.
+Account Requirements:
+- [A valid GitHub account](
+Base System Requirements:
+- Python3.6+
+- poetry
+- bash or a bash compatible shell (should be auto-installed on Linux / Mac)
+Once you have verified that you system matches the base requirements you can start to get the project working by following these steps:
+1. [Fork the project on GitHub](
+2. Clone your fork to your local file system:
+ `git clone$GITHUB_ACCOUNT/isort.git`
+3. `cd isort
+4. `poetry install`
+## Making a contribution
+Congrats! You're now ready to make a contribution! Use the following as a guide to help you reach a successful pull-request:
+1. Check the [issues page]( on GitHub to see if the task you want to complete is listed there.
+ - If it's listed there, write a comment letting others know you are working on it.
+ - If it's not listed in GitHub issues, go ahead and log a new issue. Then add a comment letting everyone know you have it under control.
+ - If you're not sure if it's something that is good for the main isort project and want immediate feedback, you can discuss it [here](
+2. Create an issue branch for your local work `git checkout -b issue/$ISSUE-NUMBER`.
+3. Do your magic here.
+4. Ensure your code matches the [HOPE-8 Coding Standard]( used by the project.
+5. Submit a pull request to the main project repository via GitHub.
+Thanks for the contribution! It will quickly get reviewed, and, once accepted, will result in your name being added to the acknowledgments list :).
+## Thank you!
+I can not tell you how thankful I am for the hard work done by isort contributors like *you*.
+Thank you!
+~Timothy Crosley