diff options
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/tests/integration/ b/tests/integration/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e9a315a..00000000
--- a/tests/integration/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-from typing import get_type_hints
-from hypothesis import strategies as st
-import isort
-def _as_config(kw) -> isort.Config:
- kw["atomic"] = False
- if "wrap_length" in kw and "line_length" in kw:
- kw["wrap_length"], kw["line_length"] = sorted([kw["wrap_length"], kw["line_length"]])
- try:
- return isort.Config(**kw)
- except ValueError:
- kw["wrap_length"] = 0
- return isort.Config(**kw)
-def configs() -> st.SearchStrategy[isort.Config]:
- """Generate arbitrary Config objects."""
- skip = {
- "line_ending",
- "sections",
- "known_standard_library",
- "known_future_library",
- "known_third_party",
- "known_first_party",
- "known_local_folder",
- "extra_standard_library",
- "forced_separate",
- "lines_after_imports",
- "add_imports",
- "lines_between_sections",
- "lines_between_types",
- "sources",
- "virtual_env",
- "conda_env",
- "directory",
- "formatter",
- "formatting_function",
- "comment_prefix",
- "atomic",
- "skip",
- "src_paths",
- }
- inferred_kwargs = {
- k: st.from_type(v)
- for k, v in get_type_hints(isort.settings._Config).items()
- if k not in skip
- }
- specific = {
- "line_length": st.integers(0, 200),
- "wrap_length": st.integers(0, 200),
- "indent": st.integers(0, 20).map(lambda n: n * " "),
- "default_section": st.sampled_from(sorted(isort.settings.KNOWN_SECTION_MAPPING)),
- "force_grid_wrap": st.integers(0, 20),
- "profile": st.sampled_from(sorted(isort.settings.profiles)),
- "py_version": st.sampled_from(("auto",) + isort.settings.VALID_PY_TARGETS),
- }
- kwargs = {**inferred_kwargs, **specific}
- return st.fixed_dictionaries({}, optional=kwargs).map(_as_config)
-st.register_type_strategy(isort.Config, configs())
diff --git a/tests/integration/ b/tests/integration/
index 591bcc4d..c29c7742 100644
--- a/tests/integration/
+++ b/tests/integration/
@@ -1,8 +1,69 @@
+from typing import get_type_hints
import hypothesis
from hypothesis import strategies as st
import isort
+def _as_config(kw) -> isort.Config:
+ kw["atomic"] = False
+ if "wrap_length" in kw and "line_length" in kw:
+ kw["wrap_length"], kw["line_length"] = sorted([kw["wrap_length"], kw["line_length"]])
+ try:
+ return isort.Config(**kw)
+ except ValueError:
+ kw["wrap_length"] = 0
+ return isort.Config(**kw)
+def configs() -> st.SearchStrategy[isort.Config]:
+ """Generate arbitrary Config objects."""
+ skip = {
+ "line_ending",
+ "sections",
+ "known_standard_library",
+ "known_future_library",
+ "known_third_party",
+ "known_first_party",
+ "known_local_folder",
+ "extra_standard_library",
+ "forced_separate",
+ "lines_after_imports",
+ "add_imports",
+ "lines_between_sections",
+ "lines_between_types",
+ "sources",
+ "virtual_env",
+ "conda_env",
+ "directory",
+ "formatter",
+ "formatting_function",
+ "comment_prefix",
+ "atomic",
+ "skip",
+ "src_paths",
+ }
+ inferred_kwargs = {
+ k: st.from_type(v)
+ for k, v in get_type_hints(isort.settings._Config).items()
+ if k not in skip
+ }
+ specific = {
+ "line_length": st.integers(0, 200),
+ "wrap_length": st.integers(0, 200),
+ "indent": st.integers(0, 20).map(lambda n: n * " "),
+ "default_section": st.sampled_from(sorted(isort.settings.KNOWN_SECTION_MAPPING)),
+ "force_grid_wrap": st.integers(0, 20),
+ "profile": st.sampled_from(sorted(isort.settings.profiles)),
+ "py_version": st.sampled_from(("auto",) + isort.settings.VALID_PY_TARGETS),
+ }
+ kwargs = {**inferred_kwargs, **specific}
+ return st.fixed_dictionaries({}, optional=kwargs).map(_as_config)
+st.register_type_strategy(isort.Config, configs())
'''Taken from