path: root/git/test/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git/test/lib/')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/git/test/lib/ b/git/test/lib/
index 8be2881c..e92ce8b4 100644
--- a/git/test/lib/
+++ b/git/test/lib/
@@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
# the BSD License:
from __future__ import print_function
import os
-import sys
from unittest import TestCase
import time
import tempfile
-import shutil
import io
+import logging
+from functools import wraps
-from git import Repo, Remote, GitCommandError, Git
-from git.compat import string_types
+from git.util import rmtree
+from git.compat import string_types, is_win
+import textwrap
osp = os.path.dirname
@@ -22,9 +25,17 @@ GIT_DAEMON_PORT = os.environ.get("GIT_PYTHON_TEST_GIT_DAEMON_PORT", "9418")
__all__ = (
'fixture_path', 'fixture', 'absolute_project_path', 'StringProcessAdapter',
- 'with_rw_repo', 'with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo', 'TestBase', 'TestCase', 'GIT_REPO', 'GIT_DAEMON_PORT'
+ 'with_rw_directory', 'with_rw_repo', 'with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo', 'TestBase', 'TestCase',
+log = logging.getLogger('git.util')
+#: We need an easy way to see if Appveyor TCs start failing,
+#: so the errors marked with this var are considered "acknowledged" ones, awaiting remedy,
+#: till then, we wish to hide them.
#{ Routines
@@ -34,7 +45,8 @@ def fixture_path(name):
def fixture(name):
- return open(fixture_path(name), 'rb').read()
+ with open(fixture_path(name), 'rb') as fd:
+ return
def absolute_project_path():
@@ -71,21 +83,39 @@ def _mktemp(*args):
prefixing /private/ will lead to incorrect paths on OSX."""
tdir = tempfile.mktemp(*args)
# See :note: above to learn why this is comented out.
- # if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # if is_darwin:
# tdir = '/private' + tdir
return tdir
-def _rmtree_onerror(osremove, fullpath, exec_info):
- """
- Handle the case on windows that read-only files cannot be deleted by
- os.remove by setting it to mode 777, then retry deletion.
- """
- if != 'nt' or osremove is not os.remove:
- raise
+def with_rw_directory(func):
+ """Create a temporary directory which can be written to, remove it if the
+ test succeeds, but leave it otherwise to aid additional debugging"""
- os.chmod(fullpath, 0o777)
- os.remove(fullpath)
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(self):
+ path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix=func.__name__)
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ keep = False
+ try:
+ try:
+ return func(self, path)
+ except Exception:
+"Test %s.%s failed, output is at %r\n",
+ type(self).__name__, func.__name__, path)
+ keep = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ # Need to collect here to be sure all handles have been closed. It appears
+ # a windows-only issue. In fact things should be deleted, as well as
+ # memory maps closed, once objects go out of scope. For some reason
+ # though this is not the case here unless we collect explicitly.
+ import gc
+ gc.collect()
+ if not keep:
+ rmtree(path)
+ return wrapper
def with_rw_repo(working_tree_ref, bare=False):
@@ -101,6 +131,7 @@ def with_rw_repo(working_tree_ref, bare=False):
assert isinstance(working_tree_ref, string_types), "Decorator requires ref name for working tree checkout"
def argument_passer(func):
+ @wraps(func)
def repo_creator(self):
prefix = 'non_'
if bare:
@@ -120,23 +151,48 @@ def with_rw_repo(working_tree_ref, bare=False):
return func(self, rw_repo)
- print("Keeping repo after failure: %s" % repo_dir, file=sys.stderr)
+"Keeping repo after failure: %s", repo_dir)
repo_dir = None
+ rw_repo = None
+ import gc
+ gc.collect()
if repo_dir is not None:
- shutil.rmtree(repo_dir, onerror=_rmtree_onerror)
+ rmtree(repo_dir)
# END rm test repo if possible
# END cleanup
# END rw repo creator
- repo_creator.__name__ = func.__name__
return repo_creator
# END argument passer
return argument_passer
+def launch_git_daemon(temp_dir, ip, port):
+ from git import Git
+ if is_win:
+ ## On MINGW-git, daemon exists in .\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core\,
+ # but if invoked as 'git daemon', it detaches from parent `git` cmd,
+ # and then CANNOT DIE!
+ # So, invoke it as a single command.
+ ## Cygwin-git has no daemon.
+ #
+ daemon_cmd = ['git-daemon', temp_dir,
+ '--enable=receive-pack',
+ '--listen=%s' % ip,
+ '--port=%s' % port]
+ gd = Git().execute(daemon_cmd, as_process=True)
+ else:
+ gd = Git().daemon(temp_dir,
+ enable='receive-pack',
+ listen=ip,
+ port=port,
+ as_process=True)
+ return gd
def with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo(working_tree_ref):
Same as with_rw_repo, but also provides a writable remote repository from which the
@@ -161,9 +217,12 @@ def with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo(working_tree_ref):
See working dir info in with_rw_repo
:note: We attempt to launch our own invocation of git-daemon, which will be shutdown at the end of the test.
+ from git import Remote, GitCommandError
assert isinstance(working_tree_ref, string_types), "Decorator requires ref name for working tree checkout"
def argument_passer(func):
+ @wraps(func)
def remote_repo_creator(self):
remote_repo_dir = _mktemp("remote_repo_%s" % func.__name__)
repo_dir = _mktemp("remote_clone_non_bare_repo")
@@ -178,16 +237,13 @@ def with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo(working_tree_ref):
rw_remote_repo.daemon_export = True
# this thing is just annoying !
- crw = rw_remote_repo.config_writer()
- section = "daemon"
- try:
- crw.add_section(section)
- except Exception:
- pass
- crw.set(section, "receivepack", True)
- # release lock
- crw.release()
- del(crw)
+ with rw_remote_repo.config_writer() as crw:
+ section = "daemon"
+ try:
+ crw.add_section(section)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ crw.set(section, "receivepack", True)
# initialize the remote - first do it as local remote and pull, then
# we change the url to point to the daemon. The daemon should be started
@@ -196,74 +252,86 @@ def with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo(working_tree_ref):
remote_repo_url = "git://localhost:%s%s" % (GIT_DAEMON_PORT, remote_repo_dir)
- d_remote.config_writer.set('url', remote_repo_url)
+ with d_remote.config_writer as cw:
+ cw.set('url', remote_repo_url)
temp_dir = osp(_mktemp())
- # On windows, this will fail ... we deal with failures anyway and default to telling the user to do it
+ gd = launch_git_daemon(temp_dir, '', GIT_DAEMON_PORT)
- gd = Git().daemon(temp_dir, enable='receive-pack', listen='', port=GIT_DAEMON_PORT,
- as_process=True)
# yes, I know ... fortunately, this is always going to work if sleep time is just large enough
- except Exception:
- gd = None
# end
- # try to list remotes to diagnoes whether the server is up
- try:
- rw_repo.git.ls_remote(d_remote)
- except GitCommandError as e:
- # We assume in good faith that we didn't start the daemon - but make sure we kill it anyway
- # Of course we expect it to work here already, but maybe there are timing constraints
- # on some platforms ?
- if gd is not None:
- os.kill(, 15)
- print(str(e))
- if == 'nt':
- msg = "git-daemon needs to run this test, but windows does not have one. "
- msg += 'Otherwise, run: git-daemon "%s"' % temp_dir
- raise AssertionError(msg)
- else:
- msg = 'Please start a git-daemon to run this test, execute: git daemon --enable=receive-pack "%s"'
- msg += 'You can also run the daemon on a different port by passing --port=<port>'
- msg += 'and setting the environment variable GIT_PYTHON_TEST_GIT_DAEMON_PORT to <port>'
- msg %= temp_dir
- raise AssertionError(msg)
- # END make assertion
- # END catch ls remote error
- # adjust working dir
- prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(rw_repo.working_dir)
- try:
+ # try to list remotes to diagnoes whether the server is up
+ try:
+ rw_repo.git.ls_remote(d_remote)
+ except GitCommandError as e:
+ # We assume in good faith that we didn't start the daemon - but make sure we kill it anyway
+ # Of course we expect it to work here already, but maybe there are timing constraints
+ # on some platforms ?
+ try:
+ gd.proc.terminate()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ log.debug("Ignoring %r while terminating proc after %r.", ex, e)
+ log.warning('git(%s) ls-remote failed due to:%s',
+ rw_repo.git_dir, e)
+ if is_win:
+ msg = textwrap.dedent("""
+ MINGW yet has problems with paths, and `git-daemon.exe` must be in PATH
+ (look into .\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core\);
+ CYGWIN has no daemon, but if one exists, it gets along fine (has also paths problems)
+ Anyhow, alternatively try starting `git-daemon` manually:""")
+ else:
+ msg = "Please try starting `git-daemon` manually:"
+ msg += textwrap.dedent("""
+ git daemon --enable=receive-pack '%s'
+ You can also run the daemon on a different port by passing --port=<port>"
+ and setting the environment variable GIT_PYTHON_TEST_GIT_DAEMON_PORT to <port>
+ """ % temp_dir)
+ from nose import SkipTest
+ raise SkipTest(msg) if is_win else AssertionError(msg)
+ # END make assertion
+ # END catch ls remote error
+ # adjust working dir
+ prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(rw_repo.working_dir)
return func(self, rw_repo, rw_remote_repo)
- print("Keeping repos after failure: repo_dir = %s, remote_repo_dir = %s"
- % (repo_dir, remote_repo_dir), file=sys.stderr)
+"Keeping repos after failure: repo_dir = %s, remote_repo_dir = %s",
+ repo_dir, remote_repo_dir)
repo_dir = remote_repo_dir = None
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(prev_cwd)
- # gd.proc.kill() ... no idea why that doesn't work
- if gd is not None:
- os.kill(, 15)
+ try:
+ gd.proc.kill()
+ except:
+ ## Either it has died (and we're here), or it won't die, again here...
+ pass
- os.chdir(prev_cwd)
+ rw_repo = rw_remote_repo = None
+ import gc
+ gc.collect()
if repo_dir:
- shutil.rmtree(repo_dir, onerror=_rmtree_onerror)
+ rmtree(repo_dir)
if remote_repo_dir:
- shutil.rmtree(remote_repo_dir, onerror=_rmtree_onerror)
+ rmtree(remote_repo_dir)
if gd is not None:
# END cleanup
# END bare repo creator
- remote_repo_creator.__name__ = func.__name__
return remote_repo_creator
# END remote repo creator
- # END argument parsser
+ # END argument parser
return argument_passer
@@ -299,6 +367,9 @@ class TestBase(TestCase):
Dynamically add a read-only repository to our actual type. This way
each test type has its own repository
+ from git import Repo
+ import gc
+ gc.collect()
cls.rorepo = Repo(GIT_REPO)
@@ -313,7 +384,6 @@ class TestBase(TestCase):
repo = repo or self.rorepo
abs_path = os.path.join(repo.working_tree_dir, rela_path)
- fp = open(abs_path, "w")
- fp.write(data)
- fp.close()
+ with open(abs_path, "w") as fp:
+ fp.write(data)
return abs_path