path: root/git/
diff options
authorSebastian Thiel <>2010-11-25 17:01:25 +0100
committerSebastian Thiel <>2010-11-25 17:01:25 +0100
commitcb68eef0865df6aedbc11cd81888625a70da6777 (patch)
treebd3018e6257574687b271b6c2e652ef943657471 /git/
parent65747a216c67c3101c6ae2edaa8119d786b793cb (diff)
Moved everything into the git subdirectory - some tests still need to be adjusted
Diffstat (limited to 'git/')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/git/ b/git/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48253c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
+# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
+# the BSD License:
+import re
+from objects.blob import Blob
+from objects.util import mode_str_to_int
+from exc import GitCommandError
+from gitdb.util import hex_to_bin
+__all__ = ('Diffable', 'DiffIndex', 'Diff')
+class Diffable(object):
+ """Common interface for all object that can be diffed against another object of compatible type.
+ :note:
+ Subclasses require a repo member as it is the case for Object instances, for practical
+ reasons we do not derive from Object."""
+ __slots__ = tuple()
+ # standin indicating you want to diff against the index
+ class Index(object):
+ pass
+ def _process_diff_args(self, args):
+ """
+ :return:
+ possibly altered version of the given args list.
+ Method is called right before git command execution.
+ Subclasses can use it to alter the behaviour of the superclass"""
+ return args
+ def diff(self, other=Index, paths=None, create_patch=False, **kwargs):
+ """Creates diffs between two items being trees, trees and index or an
+ index and the working tree.
+ :param other:
+ Is the item to compare us with.
+ If None, we will be compared to the working tree.
+ If Treeish, it will be compared against the respective tree
+ If Index ( type ), it will be compared against the index.
+ It defaults to Index to assure the method will not by-default fail
+ on bare repositories.
+ :param paths:
+ is a list of paths or a single path to limit the diff to.
+ It will only include at least one of the givne path or paths.
+ :param create_patch:
+ If True, the returned Diff contains a detailed patch that if applied
+ makes the self to other. Patches are somwhat costly as blobs have to be read
+ and diffed.
+ :param kwargs:
+ Additional arguments passed to git-diff, such as
+ R=True to swap both sides of the diff.
+ :return: git.DiffIndex
+ :note:
+ Rename detection will only work if create_patch is True.
+ On a bare repository, 'other' needs to be provided as Index or as
+ as Tree/Commit, or a git command error will occour"""
+ args = list()
+ args.append( "--abbrev=40" ) # we need full shas
+ args.append( "--full-index" ) # get full index paths, not only filenames
+ if create_patch:
+ args.append("-p")
+ args.append("-M") # check for renames
+ else:
+ args.append("--raw")
+ if paths is not None and not isinstance(paths, (tuple,list)):
+ paths = [ paths ]
+ if other is not None and other is not self.Index:
+ args.insert(0, other)
+ if other is self.Index:
+ args.insert(0, "--cached")
+ args.insert(0,self)
+ # paths is list here or None
+ if paths:
+ args.append("--")
+ args.extend(paths)
+ # END paths handling
+ kwargs['as_process'] = True
+ proc = self.repo.git.diff(*self._process_diff_args(args), **kwargs)
+ diff_method = Diff._index_from_raw_format
+ if create_patch:
+ diff_method = Diff._index_from_patch_format
+ index = diff_method(self.repo, proc.stdout)
+ status = proc.wait()
+ return index
+class DiffIndex(list):
+ """Implements an Index for diffs, allowing a list of Diffs to be queried by
+ the diff properties.
+ The class improves the diff handling convenience"""
+ # change type invariant identifying possible ways a blob can have changed
+ # A = Added
+ # D = Deleted
+ # R = Renamed
+ # M = modified
+ change_type = ("A", "D", "R", "M")
+ def iter_change_type(self, change_type):
+ """
+ :return:
+ iterator yieling Diff instances that match the given change_type
+ :param change_type:
+ Member of DiffIndex.change_type, namely:
+ * 'A' for added paths
+ * 'D' for deleted paths
+ * 'R' for renamed paths
+ * 'M' for paths with modified data"""
+ if change_type not in self.change_type:
+ raise ValueError( "Invalid change type: %s" % change_type )
+ for diff in self:
+ if change_type == "A" and diff.new_file:
+ yield diff
+ elif change_type == "D" and diff.deleted_file:
+ yield diff
+ elif change_type == "R" and diff.renamed:
+ yield diff
+ elif change_type == "M" and diff.a_blob and diff.b_blob and diff.a_blob != diff.b_blob:
+ yield diff
+ # END for each diff
+class Diff(object):
+ """A Diff contains diff information between two Trees.
+ It contains two sides a and b of the diff, members are prefixed with
+ "a" and "b" respectively to inidcate that.
+ Diffs keep information about the changed blob objects, the file mode, renames,
+ deletions and new files.
+ There are a few cases where None has to be expected as member variable value:
+ ``New File``::
+ a_mode is None
+ a_blob is None
+ ``Deleted File``::
+ b_mode is None
+ b_blob is None
+ ``Working Tree Blobs``
+ When comparing to working trees, the working tree blob will have a null hexsha
+ as a corresponding object does not yet exist. The mode will be null as well.
+ But the path will be available though.
+ If it is listed in a diff the working tree version of the file must
+ be different to the version in the index or tree, and hence has been modified."""
+ # precompiled regex
+ re_header = re.compile(r"""
+ #^diff[ ]--git
+ [ ]a/(?P<a_path>.+?)[ ]b/(?P<b_path>.+?)\n
+ (?:^similarity[ ]index[ ](?P<similarity_index>\d+)%\n
+ ^rename[ ]from[ ](?P<rename_from>\S+)\n
+ ^rename[ ]to[ ](?P<rename_to>\S+)(?:\n|$))?
+ (?:^old[ ]mode[ ](?P<old_mode>\d+)\n
+ ^new[ ]mode[ ](?P<new_mode>\d+)(?:\n|$))?
+ (?:^new[ ]file[ ]mode[ ](?P<new_file_mode>.+)(?:\n|$))?
+ (?:^deleted[ ]file[ ]mode[ ](?P<deleted_file_mode>.+)(?:\n|$))?
+ (?:^index[ ](?P<a_blob_id>[0-9A-Fa-f]+)
+ \.\.(?P<b_blob_id>[0-9A-Fa-f]+)[ ]?(?P<b_mode>.+)?(?:\n|$))?
+ """, re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
+ # can be used for comparisons
+ NULL_HEX_SHA = "0"*40
+ NULL_BIN_SHA = "\0"*20
+ __slots__ = ("a_blob", "b_blob", "a_mode", "b_mode", "new_file", "deleted_file",
+ "rename_from", "rename_to", "diff")
+ def __init__(self, repo, a_path, b_path, a_blob_id, b_blob_id, a_mode,
+ b_mode, new_file, deleted_file, rename_from,
+ rename_to, diff):
+ self.a_mode = a_mode
+ self.b_mode = b_mode
+ if self.a_mode:
+ self.a_mode = mode_str_to_int(self.a_mode)
+ if self.b_mode:
+ self.b_mode = mode_str_to_int(self.b_mode)
+ if a_blob_id is None:
+ self.a_blob = None
+ else:
+ self.a_blob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(a_blob_id), mode=self.a_mode, path=a_path)
+ if b_blob_id is None:
+ self.b_blob = None
+ else:
+ self.b_blob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(b_blob_id), mode=self.b_mode, path=b_path)
+ self.new_file = new_file
+ self.deleted_file = deleted_file
+ # be clear and use None instead of empty strings
+ self.rename_from = rename_from or None
+ self.rename_to = rename_to or None
+ self.diff = diff
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ for name in self.__slots__:
+ if getattr(self, name) != getattr(other, name):
+ return False
+ # END for each name
+ return True
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not ( self == other )
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(tuple(getattr(self,n) for n in self.__slots__))
+ def __str__(self):
+ h = "%s"
+ if self.a_blob:
+ h %= self.a_blob.path
+ elif self.b_blob:
+ h %= self.b_blob.path
+ msg = ''
+ l = None # temp line
+ ll = 0 # line length
+ for b,n in zip((self.a_blob, self.b_blob), ('lhs', 'rhs')):
+ if b:
+ l = "\n%s: %o | %s" % (n, b.mode, b.hexsha)
+ else:
+ l = "\n%s: None" % n
+ # END if blob is not None
+ ll = max(len(l), ll)
+ msg += l
+ # END for each blob
+ # add headline
+ h += '\n' + '='*ll
+ if self.deleted_file:
+ msg += '\nfile deleted in rhs'
+ if self.new_file:
+ msg += '\nfile added in rhs'
+ if self.rename_from:
+ msg += '\nfile renamed from %r' % self.rename_from
+ if self.rename_to:
+ msg += '\nfile renamed to %r' % self.rename_to
+ if self.diff:
+ msg += '\n---'
+ msg += self.diff
+ msg += '\n---'
+ # END diff info
+ return h + msg
+ @property
+ def renamed(self):
+ """:returns: True if the blob of our diff has been renamed"""
+ return self.rename_from != self.rename_to
+ @classmethod
+ def _index_from_patch_format(cls, repo, stream):
+ """Create a new DiffIndex from the given text which must be in patch format
+ :param repo: is the repository we are operating on - it is required
+ :param stream: result of 'git diff' as a stream (supporting file protocol)
+ :return: git.DiffIndex """
+ # for now, we have to bake the stream
+ text =
+ index = DiffIndex()
+ diff_header = cls.re_header.match
+ for diff in ('\n' + text).split('\ndiff --git')[1:]:
+ header = diff_header(diff)
+ a_path, b_path, similarity_index, rename_from, rename_to, \
+ old_mode, new_mode, new_file_mode, deleted_file_mode, \
+ a_blob_id, b_blob_id, b_mode = header.groups()
+ new_file, deleted_file = bool(new_file_mode), bool(deleted_file_mode)
+ index.append(Diff(repo, a_path, b_path, a_blob_id, b_blob_id,
+ old_mode or deleted_file_mode, new_mode or new_file_mode or b_mode,
+ new_file, deleted_file, rename_from, rename_to, diff[header.end():]))
+ return index
+ @classmethod
+ def _index_from_raw_format(cls, repo, stream):
+ """Create a new DiffIndex from the given stream which must be in raw format.
+ :note:
+ This format is inherently incapable of detecting renames, hence we only
+ modify, delete and add files
+ :return: git.DiffIndex"""
+ # handles
+ # :100644 100644 6870991011cc8d9853a7a8a6f02061512c6a8190 37c5e30c879213e9ae83b21e9d11e55fc20c54b7 M .gitignore
+ index = DiffIndex()
+ for line in stream:
+ if not line.startswith(":"):
+ continue
+ # END its not a valid diff line
+ old_mode, new_mode, a_blob_id, b_blob_id, change_type, path = line[1:].split(None, 5)
+ path = path.strip()
+ a_path = path
+ b_path = path
+ deleted_file = False
+ new_file = False
+ # NOTE: We cannot conclude from the existance of a blob to change type
+ # as diffs with the working do not have blobs yet
+ if change_type == 'D':
+ b_blob_id = None
+ deleted_file = True
+ elif change_type == 'A':
+ a_blob_id = None
+ new_file = True
+ # END add/remove handling
+ diff = Diff(repo, a_path, b_path, a_blob_id, b_blob_id, old_mode, new_mode,
+ new_file, deleted_file, None, None, '')
+ index.append(diff)
+ # END for each line
+ return index