diff options
authorA. Jesse Jiryu Davis <>2019-01-20 22:19:00 -0500
committerA. Jesse Jiryu Davis <>2019-01-20 22:22:24 -0500
commitf7bbe6b01c82d9bcb3333b07bae0c9755eecdbbf (patch)
parent7a6ca8c40433400f6bb3ece2ed30808316de5be3 (diff)
Support multiple git config values per option
Solves #717
4 files changed, 234 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 2e006ba2..87f2aa63 100644
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ Contributors are:
-Yaroslav Halchenko <debian _at_>
-Tim Swast <swast _at_>
-William Luc Ritchie
+-A. Jesse Jiryu Davis <jesse _at_>
Portions derived from other open source works and are clearly marked.
diff --git a/git/ b/git/
index 68d65ae9..83718092 100644
--- a/git/
+++ b/git/
@@ -146,6 +146,43 @@ class SectionConstraint(object):
self._config.__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, traceback)
+class _OMD(OrderedDict):
+ """Ordered multi-dict."""
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ super(_OMD, self).__setitem__(key, [value])
+ def add(self, key, value):
+ if key not in self:
+ super(_OMD, self).__setitem__(key, [value])
+ return
+ super(_OMD, self).__getitem__(key).append(value)
+ def setall(self, key, values):
+ super(_OMD, self).__setitem__(key, values)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return super(_OMD, self).__getitem__(key)[-1]
+ def getlast(self, key):
+ return super(_OMD, self).__getitem__(key)[-1]
+ def setlast(self, key, value):
+ if key not in self:
+ super(_OMD, self).__setitem__(key, [value])
+ return
+ prior = super(_OMD, self).__getitem__(key)
+ prior[-1] = value
+ def getall(self, key):
+ return super(_OMD, self).__getitem__(key)
+ def items_all(self):
+ return [(k, self.get(k)) for k in self]
class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, object)):
"""Implements specifics required to read git style configuration files.
@@ -200,7 +237,7 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
contents into ours. This makes it impossible to write back an individual configuration file.
Thus, if you want to modify a single configuration file, turn this off to leave the original
dataset unaltered when reading it."""
- cp.RawConfigParser.__init__(self, dict_type=OrderedDict)
+ cp.RawConfigParser.__init__(self, dict_type=_OMD)
# Used in python 3, needs to stay in sync with sections for underlying implementation to work
if not hasattr(self, '_proxies'):
@@ -348,7 +385,8 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
is_multi_line = True
optval = string_decode(optval[1:])
# end handle multi-line
- cursect[optname] = optval
+ # preserves multiple values for duplicate optnames
+ cursect.add(optname, optval)
# check if it's an option with no value - it's just ignored by git
if not self.OPTVALUEONLY.match(line):
@@ -362,7 +400,8 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
is_multi_line = False
line = line[:-1]
# end handle quotations
- cursect[optname] += string_decode(line)
+ optval = cursect.getlast(optname)
+ cursect.setlast(optname, optval + string_decode(line))
# END parse section or option
# END while reading
@@ -442,9 +481,17 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
git compatible format"""
def write_section(name, section_dict):
fp.write(("[%s]\n" % name).encode(defenc))
- for (key, value) in section_dict.items():
- if key != "__name__":
- fp.write(("\t%s = %s\n" % (key, self._value_to_string(value).replace('\n', '\n\t'))).encode(defenc))
+ for (key, value) in section_dict.items_all():
+ if key == "__name__":
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
+ values = value
+ else:
+ # self._defaults isn't a multidict
+ values = [value]
+ for v in values:
+ fp.write(("\t%s = %s\n" % (key, self._value_to_string(v).replace('\n', '\n\t'))).encode(defenc))
# END if key is not __name__
# END section writing
@@ -457,6 +504,27 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
""":return: list((option, value), ...) pairs of all items in the given section"""
return [(k, v) for k, v in super(GitConfigParser, self).items(section_name) if k != '__name__']
+ def items_all(self, section_name):
+ """:return: list((option, [values...]), ...) pairs of all items in the given section"""
+ rv = OrderedDict()
+ for k, v in self._defaults:
+ rv[k] = [v]
+ for k, v in self._sections[section_name].items_all():
+ if k == '__name__':
+ continue
+ if k not in rv:
+ rv[k] = v
+ continue
+ if rv[k] == v:
+ continue
+ rv[k].extend(v)
+ return rv.items()
def write(self):
"""Write changes to our file, if there are changes at all
@@ -508,7 +576,11 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
return self._read_only
def get_value(self, section, option, default=None):
- """
+ """Get an option's value.
+ If multiple values are specified for this option in the section, the
+ last one specified is returned.
:param default:
If not None, the given default value will be returned in case
the option did not exist
@@ -523,6 +595,31 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
return default
+ return self._string_to_value(valuestr)
+ def get_values(self, section, option, default=None):
+ """Get an option's values.
+ If multiple values are specified for this option in the section, all are
+ returned.
+ :param default:
+ If not None, a list containing the given default value will be
+ returned in case the option did not exist
+ :return: a list of properly typed values, either int, float or string
+ :raise TypeError: in case the value could not be understood
+ Otherwise the exceptions known to the ConfigParser will be raised."""
+ try:
+ lst = self._sections[section].getall(option)
+ except Exception:
+ if default is not None:
+ return [default]
+ raise
+ return [self._string_to_value(valuestr) for valuestr in lst]
+ def _string_to_value(self, valuestr):
types = (int, float)
for numtype in types:
@@ -545,7 +642,9 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
return True
if not isinstance(valuestr, string_types):
- raise TypeError("Invalid value type: only int, long, float and str are allowed", valuestr)
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid value type: only int, long, float and str are allowed",
+ valuestr)
return valuestr
@@ -572,6 +671,25 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
self.set(section, option, self._value_to_string(value))
return self
+ @needs_values
+ @set_dirty_and_flush_changes
+ def add_value(self, section, option, value):
+ """Adds a value for the given option in section.
+ It will create the section if required, and will not throw as opposed to the default
+ ConfigParser 'set' method. The value becomes the new value of the option as returned
+ by 'get_value', and appends to the list of values returned by 'get_values`'.
+ :param section: Name of the section in which the option resides or should reside
+ :param option: Name of the option
+ :param value: Value to add to option. It must be a string or convertible
+ to a string
+ :return: this instance"""
+ if not self.has_section(section):
+ self.add_section(section)
+ self._sections[section].add(option, self._value_to_string(value))
+ return self
def rename_section(self, section, new_name):
"""rename the given section to new_name
:raise ValueError: if section doesn't exit
@@ -584,8 +702,9 @@ class GitConfigParser(with_metaclass(MetaParserBuilder, cp.RawConfigParser, obje
raise ValueError("Destination section '%s' already exists" % new_name)
super(GitConfigParser, self).add_section(new_name)
- for k, v in self.items(section):
- self.set(new_name, k, self._value_to_string(v))
+ new_section = self._sections[new_name]
+ for k, vs in self.items_all(section):
+ new_section.setall(k, vs)
# end for each value to copy
# This call writes back the changes, which is why we don't have the respective decorator
diff --git a/git/test/fixtures/git_config_multiple b/git/test/fixtures/git_config_multiple
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03a97568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/test/fixtures/git_config_multiple
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ option0 = value0
+ option1 = value1a
+ option1 = value1b
+ other_option1 = other_value1
diff --git a/git/test/ b/git/test/
index 4d6c8236..67e4810d 100644
--- a/git/test/
+++ b/git/test/
@@ -265,3 +265,100 @@ class TestBase(TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(cp.NoOptionError):
cr.get_value('color', 'ui')
+ def test_multiple_values(self):
+ file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path('git_config_multiple'))
+ with GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False) as cw:
+ self.assertEqual(cw.get('section0', 'option0'), 'value0')
+ self.assertEqual(cw.get_values('section0', 'option0'), ['value0'])
+ self.assertEqual(cw.items('section0'), [('option0', 'value0')])
+ # Where there are multiple values, "get" returns the last.
+ self.assertEqual(cw.get('section1', 'option1'), 'value1b')
+ self.assertEqual(cw.get_values('section1', 'option1'),
+ ['value1a', 'value1b'])
+ self.assertEqual(cw.items('section1'),
+ [('option1', 'value1b'),
+ ('other_option1', 'other_value1')])
+ self.assertEqual(cw.items_all('section1'),
+ [('option1', ['value1a', 'value1b']),
+ ('other_option1', ['other_value1'])])
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ cw.get_values('section1', 'missing')
+ self.assertEqual(cw.get_values('section1', 'missing', 1), [1])
+ self.assertEqual(cw.get_values('section1', 'missing', 's'), ['s'])
+ def test_multiple_values_rename(self):
+ file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path('git_config_multiple'))
+ with GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False) as cw:
+ cw.rename_section('section1', 'section2')
+ cw.write()
+ cr = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=True)
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_value('section2', 'option1'), 'value1b')
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_values('section2', 'option1'),
+ ['value1a', 'value1b'])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items('section2'),
+ [('option1', 'value1b'),
+ ('other_option1', 'other_value1')])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items_all('section2'),
+ [('option1', ['value1a', 'value1b']),
+ ('other_option1', ['other_value1'])])
+ def test_multiple_to_single(self):
+ file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path('git_config_multiple'))
+ with GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False) as cw:
+ cw.set_value('section1', 'option1', 'value1c')
+ cw.write()
+ cr = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=True)
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_value('section1', 'option1'), 'value1c')
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_values('section1', 'option1'), ['value1c'])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items('section1'),
+ [('option1', 'value1c'),
+ ('other_option1', 'other_value1')])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items_all('section1'),
+ [('option1', ['value1c']),
+ ('other_option1', ['other_value1'])])
+ def test_single_to_multiple(self):
+ file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path('git_config_multiple'))
+ with GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False) as cw:
+ cw.add_value('section1', 'other_option1', 'other_value1a')
+ cw.write()
+ cr = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=True)
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_value('section1', 'option1'), 'value1b')
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_values('section1', 'option1'),
+ ['value1a', 'value1b'])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_value('section1', 'other_option1'),
+ 'other_value1a')
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_values('section1', 'other_option1'),
+ ['other_value1', 'other_value1a'])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items('section1'),
+ [('option1', 'value1b'),
+ ('other_option1', 'other_value1a')])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ cr.items_all('section1'),
+ [('option1', ['value1a', 'value1b']),
+ ('other_option1', ['other_value1', 'other_value1a'])])
+ def test_add_to_multiple(self):
+ file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path('git_config_multiple'))
+ with GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False) as cw:
+ cw.add_value('section1', 'option1', 'value1c')
+ cw.write()
+ cr = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=True)
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_value('section1', 'option1'), 'value1c')
+ self.assertEqual(cr.get_values('section1', 'option1'),
+ ['value1a', 'value1b', 'value1c'])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items('section1'),
+ [('option1', 'value1c'),
+ ('other_option1', 'other_value1')])
+ self.assertEqual(cr.items_all('section1'),
+ [('option1', ['value1a', 'value1b', 'value1c']),
+ ('other_option1', ['other_value1'])])