diff options
authorSebastian Thiel <>2015-01-05 16:44:54 +0100
committerSebastian Thiel <>2015-01-05 16:44:54 +0100
commit8a308613467a1510f8dac514624abae4e10c0779 (patch)
parent3d0556a31916a709e9da3eafb92fc6b8bf69896c (diff)
Fixes test_blob and improved commit writing/reading
3 files changed, 40 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/git/ b/git/
index 4a892ad2..f11d1423 100644
--- a/git/
+++ b/git/
@@ -27,12 +27,15 @@ defenc = sys.getdefaultencoding()
if PY3:
import io
FileType = io.IOBase
+ def byte_ord(b):
+ return b
FileType = file
# usually, this is just ascii, which might not enough for our encoding needs
# Unless it's set specifically, we override it to be utf-8
if defenc == 'ascii':
defenc = 'utf-8'
+ byte_ord = ord
def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
@@ -54,4 +57,3 @@ def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
# end metaclass
return metaclass(meta.__name__ + 'Helper', None, {})
# end handle py2
diff --git a/git/objects/ b/git/objects/
index 5ad7902b..f8b5c969 100644
--- a/git/objects/
+++ b/git/objects/
@@ -419,23 +419,25 @@ class Commit(base.Object, Iterable, Diffable, Traversable, Serializable):
next_line = None
while True:
parent_line = readline()
- if not parent_line.startswith('parent'):
+ if not parent_line.startswith(b'parent'):
next_line = parent_line
# END abort reading parents
- self.parents.append(type(self)(self.repo, hex_to_bin(parent_line.split()[-1])))
+ self.parents.append(type(self)(self.repo, hex_to_bin(parent_line.split()[-1].decode('ascii'))))
# END for each parent line
self.parents = tuple(self.parents)
-, self.authored_date, self.author_tz_offset = parse_actor_and_date(next_line)
- self.committer, self.committed_date, self.committer_tz_offset = parse_actor_and_date(readline())
+ # we don't know actual author encoding before we have parsed it, so keep the lines around
+ author_line = next_line
+ committer_line = readline()
# we might run into one or more mergetag blocks, skip those for now
next_line = readline()
- while next_line.startswith('mergetag '):
+ while next_line.startswith(b'mergetag '):
next_line = readline()
while next_line.startswith(' '):
next_line = readline()
+ # end skip mergetags
# now we can have the encoding line, or an empty line followed by the optional
# message.
@@ -444,39 +446,40 @@ class Commit(base.Object, Iterable, Diffable, Traversable, Serializable):
# read headers
enc = next_line
buf = enc.strip()
- while buf != "":
- if buf[0:10] == "encoding ":
- self.encoding = buf[buf.find(' ') + 1:]
- elif buf[0:7] == "gpgsig ":
- sig = buf[buf.find(' ') + 1:] + "\n"
+ while buf:
+ if buf[0:10] == b"encoding ":
+ self.encoding = buf[buf.find(' ') + 1:].decode('ascii')
+ elif buf[0:7] == b"gpgsig ":
+ sig = buf[buf.find(b' ') + 1:] + b"\n"
is_next_header = False
while True:
sigbuf = readline()
- if sigbuf == "":
+ if not sigbuf:
- if sigbuf[0:1] != " ":
+ if sigbuf[0:1] != b" ":
buf = sigbuf.strip()
is_next_header = True
sig += sigbuf[1:]
- self.gpgsig = sig.rstrip("\n")
+ # end read all signature
+ self.gpgsig = sig.rstrip(b"\n").decode('ascii')
if is_next_header:
buf = readline().strip()
# decode the authors name
- =
+, self.authored_date, self.author_tz_offset = \
+ parse_actor_and_date(author_line.decode(self.encoding))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
- log.error("Failed to decode author name '%s' using encoding %s",, self.encoding,
+ log.error("Failed to decode author line '%s' using encoding %s", author_line, self.encoding,
- # END handle author's encoding
- # decode committer name
- =
+ self.committer, self.committed_date, self.committer_tz_offset = \
+ parse_actor_and_date(committer_line.decode(self.encoding))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
- log.error("Failed to decode committer name '%s' using encoding %s",, self.encoding,
+ log.error("Failed to decode committer line '%s' using encoding %s", committer_line, self.encoding,
# END handle author's encoding
@@ -488,6 +491,7 @@ class Commit(base.Object, Iterable, Diffable, Traversable, Serializable):
except UnicodeDecodeError:
log.error("Failed to decode message '%s' using encoding %s", self.message, self.encoding, exc_info=True)
# END exception handling
return self
#} END serializable implementation
diff --git a/git/objects/ b/git/objects/
index db2ec7c2..f92a4c06 100644
--- a/git/objects/
+++ b/git/objects/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
"""Module with functions which are supposed to be as fast as possible"""
from stat import S_ISDIR
from git.compat import (
+ byte_ord,
+ force_bytes,
+ defenc,
@@ -17,13 +20,13 @@ def tree_to_stream(entries, write):
bit_mask = 7 # 3 bits set
for binsha, mode, name in entries:
- mode_str = ''
+ mode_str = b''
for i in xrange(6):
mode_str = chr(((mode >> (i * 3)) & bit_mask) + ord_zero) + mode_str
# END for each 8 octal value
# git slices away the first octal if its zero
- if mode_str[0] == '0':
+ if byte_ord(mode_str[0]) == ord_zero:
mode_str = mode_str[1:]
# END save a byte
@@ -33,16 +36,16 @@ def tree_to_stream(entries, write):
# According to my tests, this is exactly what git does, that is it just
# takes the input literally, which appears to be utf8 on linux.
if isinstance(name, text_type):
- name = name.encode("utf8")
- write("%s %s\0%s" % (mode_str, name, binsha))
+ name = name.encode(defenc)
+ write(b''.join(mode_str, b' ', name, b'\0', binsha))
# END for each item
def tree_entries_from_data(data):
"""Reads the binary representation of a tree and returns tuples of Tree items
- :param data: data block with tree data
+ :param data: data block with tree data (as bytes)
:return: list(tuple(binsha, mode, tree_relative_path), ...)"""
ord_zero = ord('0')
+ space_ord = ord(' ')
len_data = len(data)
i = 0
out = list()
@@ -52,10 +55,10 @@ def tree_entries_from_data(data):
# read mode
# Some git versions truncate the leading 0, some don't
# The type will be extracted from the mode later
- while data[i] != ' ':
+ while byte_ord(data[i]) != space_ord:
# move existing mode integer up one level being 3 bits
# and add the actual ordinal value of the character
- mode = (mode << 3) + (ord(data[i]) - ord_zero)
+ mode = (mode << 3) + (byte_ord(data[i]) - ord_zero)
i += 1
# END while reading mode
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ def tree_entries_from_data(data):
# parse name, it is NULL separated
ns = i
- while data[i] != '\0':
+ while byte_ord(data[i]) != 0:
i += 1
# END while not reached NULL
@@ -73,12 +76,9 @@ def tree_entries_from_data(data):
# Only use the respective unicode object if the byte stream was encoded
name = data[ns:i]
- name_enc = name.decode("utf-8")
+ name = name.decode(defenc)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
- else:
- if len(name) > len(name_enc):
- name = name_enc
# END handle encoding
# byte is NULL, get next 20