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authorBrian Warner <>2013-10-01 13:53:49 -0700
committerBrian Warner <>2013-10-01 13:53:49 -0700
commitd5cc532124c28a59dbb61d0df0c0bc4a5a09b675 (patch)
parenta04c433896927041518d4cb49bc072e26b7e7e4c (diff)
README: markdownify
2 files changed, 290 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa632c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-= Pure-Python ECDSA =
-This is an easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography (Elliptic Curve
-Digital Signature Algorithm), implemented purely in Python, released under
-the MIT license. With this library, you can quickly create keypairs (signing
-key and verifying key), sign messages, and verify the signatures. The keys
-and signatures are very short, making them easy to handle and incorporate
-into other protocols.
-== Features ==
-This library provides key generation, signing, and verifying, for five
-popular NIST "Suite B" GF(p) curves, with key lengths of 192, 224, 256, 384,
-and 521 bits. The "short names" for these curves, as known by the OpenSSL
-tool, are: prime192v1, secp224r1, prime256v1, secp384r1, and secp521r1. No
-other curves are included, but it would not be too hard to add more.
-== Dependencies ==
-This library uses only Python. It requires python2.5 or later versions of the
-python2.x series. It is not compatible with python3.x .
-To run the OpenSSL compatibility tests, the 'openssl' tool must be on your
-$PATH. This release has been tested successfully against both OpenSSL 0.9.8o
-and 1.0.0a .
-== Speed ==
-The following table shows how long this library takes to generate keypairs
-(keygen=), to sign data (sign=), and to verify those signatures (verify=), on
-my 2008 Mac laptop. All times are in seconds. It also shows the length of a
-signature (in bytes): the verifying ("public") key is typically the same
-length as the signature, and the signing ("private") key is half that length.
- NIST192p: siglen= 48, keygen=0.160s, sign=0.058s, verify=0.116s
- NIST224p: siglen= 56, keygen=0.230s, sign=0.086s, verify=0.165s
- NIST256p: siglen= 64, keygen=0.305s, sign=0.112s, verify=0.220s
- NIST384p: siglen= 96, keygen=0.801s, sign=0.289s, verify=0.558s
- NIST521p: siglen=132, keygen=1.582s, sign=0.584s, verify=1.152s
-For comparison, a quality C++ implementation of ECDSA (Crypto++) typically
-computes a NIST256p signature in 2.88ms and a verification in 8.53ms, about
-30-40x faster.
-Keys and signature can be serialized in different ways (see Usage, below).
-For a NIST192p key, the three basic representations require strings of the
-following lengths (in bytes):
- to_string: signkey= 24, verifykey= 48, signature=48
- DER: signkey=106, verifykey= 80, signature=55
- PEM: signkey=278, verifykey=162, (no support for PEM signatures)
-== History ==
-In 2006, Peter Pearson announced his pure-python implementation of ECDSA in a
-message to sci.crypt[1], available from his download site[2]. In 2010, Brian
-Warner wrote a wrapper around this code, to make it a bit easier and safer to
-use. You are looking at the README for this wrapper.
-== Testing ==
-There are four test suites, three for the original Pearson module, and one
-more for the wrapper. To run them all, do this:
- python ecdsa/ # look for "****" and "failed" for problems
- python ecdsa/ # look for "Bad" for problems
- python ecdsa/ # look for "****" and "failed" for problems
- python ecdsa/ # look for "FAILED" for problems
-On my 2009 Mac laptop, the combined tests take about 34 seconds to run. On a
-2.4GHz P4 Linux box, they take 81 seconds.
-One component of checks compatibility with OpenSSL, by
-running the "openssl" CLI tool. If this tool is not on your $PATH, you may
-want to comment out this test (the easiest way is to add a line that says
-"del OpenSSL" to the end of
-== Security ==
-This library does not protect against timing attacks. Do not allow attackers
-to measure how long it takes you to generate a keypair or sign a message.
-This library depends upon a strong source of random numbers. Do not use it on
-a system where os.urandom() is weak.
-== Usage ==
-You start by creating a SigningKey. You can use this to sign data, by passing
-in a data string and getting back the signature (also a string). You can also
-ask a SigningKey to give you the corresponding VerifyingKey. The VerifyingKey
-can be used to verify a signature, by passing it both the data string and the
-signature string: it either returns True or raises BadSignatureError.
- from ecdsa import SigningKey
- sk = SigningKey.generate() # uses NIST192p
- vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
- signature = sk.sign("message")
- assert vk.verify(signature, "message")
-Each SigningKey/VerifyingKey is associated with a specific curve, like
-NIST192p (the default one). Longer curves are more secure, but take longer to
-use, and result in longer keys and signatures.
- from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST384p
- sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
- vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
- signature = sk.sign("message")
- assert vk.verify(signature, "message")
-The SigningKey can be serialized into several different formats: the shortest
-is to call s=sk.to_string(), and then re-create it with
-SigningKey.from_string(s, curve) . This short form does not record the curve,
-so you must be sure to tell from_string() the same curve you used for the
-original key. The short form of a NIST192p-based signing key is just 24 bytes
- from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST384p
- sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
- sk_string = sk.to_string()
- sk2 = SigningKey.from_string(sk_string, curve=NIST384p)
- # sk and sk2 are the same key
-sk.to_pem() and sk.to_der() will serialize the signing key into the same
-formats that OpenSSL uses. The PEM file looks like the familiar ASCII-armored
-"-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----" base64-encoded format, and the DER format is
-a shorter binary form of the same data. SigningKey.from_pem()/.from_der()
-will undo this serialization. These formats include the curve name, so you do
-not need to pass in a curve identifier to the deserializer.
- from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST384p
- sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
- sk_pem = sk.to_pem()
- sk2 = SigningKey.from_pem(sk_pem)
- # sk and sk2 are the same key
-Likewise, the VerifyingKey can be serialized in the same way:
-vk.to_string()/VerifyingKey.from_string(), to_pem()/from_pem(), and
-to_der()/from_der(). The same curve= argument is needed for
- from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, NIST384p
- sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
- vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
- vk_string = vk.to_string()
- vk2 = VerifyingKey.from_string(vk_string, curve=NIST384p)
- # vk and vk2 are the same key
- from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, NIST384p
- sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
- vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
- vk_pem = vk.to_pem()
- vk2 = VerifyingKey.from_pem(vk_pem)
- # vk and vk2 are the same key
-There are a couple of different ways to compute a signature. Fundamentally,
-ECDSA takes a number that represents the data being signed, and returns a
-pair of numbers that represent the signature. The hashfunc= argument to
-sk.sign() and vk.verify() is used to turn an arbitrary string into
-fixed-length digest, which is then turned into a number that ECDSA can sign,
-and both sign and verify must use the same approach. The default value is
-hashlib.sha1, but if you use NIST256p or a longer curve, you can use
-hashlib.sha256 instead.
-There are also multiple ways to represent a signature. The default sk.sign()
-and vk.verify() methods present it as a short string, for simplicity and
-minimal overhead. To use a different scheme, use the sk.sign(sigencode=) and
-vk.verify(sigdecode=) arguments. There are helper funcions in the
-"ecdsa.util" module that can be useful here.
-It is also possible to create a SigningKey from a "seed", which is
-deterministic. This can be used in protocols where you want to derive
-consistent signing keys from some other secret, for example when you want
-three separate keys and only want to store a single master secret. You should
-start with a uniformly-distributed unguessable seed with about curve.baselen
-bytes of entropy, and then use one of the helper functions in ecdsa.util to
-convert it into an integer in the correct range, and then finally pass it
-into SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(), like this:
- from pyecdsa import NIST384p, SigningKey
- from pyecdsa.util import randrange_from_seed__trytryagain
- def make_key(seed):
- secexp = randrange_from_seed__trytryagain(seed, NIST384p.order)
- return SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve=NIST384p)
- seed = os.urandom(NIST384p.baselen) # or other starting point
- sk1a = make_key(seed)
- sk1b = make_key(seed)
- # note: sk1a and sk1b are the same key
- sk2 = make_key("2-"+seed) # different key
-== OpenSSL Compatibility ==
-To produce signatures that can be verified by OpenSSL tools, or to verify
-signatures that were produced by those tools, use:
- # openssl ecparam -name secp224r1 -genkey -out sk.pem
- # openssl ec -in sk.pem -pubout -out vk.pem
- # openssl dgst -ecdsa-with-SHA1 -sign sk.pem -out data.sig data
- # openssl dgst -ecdsa-with-SHA1 -verify vk.pem -signature data.sig data
- # openssl dgst -ecdsa-with-SHA1 -prverify sk.pem -signature data.sig data
- sk.sign(msg, hashfunc=hashlib.sha1, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)
- vk.verify(sig, msg, hashfunc=hashlib.sha1, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der)
-The keys that openssl handles can be read and written as follows:
- sk = SigningKey.from_pem(open("sk.pem").read())
- open("sk.pem","w").write(sk.to_pem())
- vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(open("vk.pem").read())
- open("vk.pem","w").write(vk.to_pem())
-== Entropy ==
-Creating a signing key with SigningKey.generate() requires some form of
-entropy (as opposed to from_secret_exponent/from_string/from_der/from_pem,
-which are deterministic and do not require an entropy source). The default
-source is os.urandom(), but you can pass any other function that behaves like
-os.urandom as the entropy= argument to do something different. This may be
-useful in unit tests, where you want to achieve repeatable results. The
-ecdsa.util.PRNG utility is handy here: it takes a seed and produces a strong
-pseudo-random stream from it:
- from ecdsa.util import PRNG
- from ecdsa import SigningKey
- rng1 = PRNG("seed")
- sk1 = SigningKey.generate(entropy=rng1)
- rng2 = PRNG("seed")
- sk2 = SigningKey.generate(entropy=rng2)
- # sk1 and sk2 are the same key
-Likewise, ECDSA signature generation requires a random number, and each
-signature must use a different one (using the same number twice will
-immediately reveal the private signing key). The sk.sign() method takes an
-entropy= argument which behaves the same as SigningKey.generate(entropy=).
-== Examples ==
-Create a NIST192p keypair and immediately save both to disk:
- from ecdsa import SigningKey
- sk = SigningKey.generate()
- vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
- open("private.pem","w").write(sk.to_pem())
- open("public.pem","w").write(vk.to_pem())
-Load a signing key from disk, use it to sign a message, and write the
-signature to disk:
- from ecdsa import SigningKey
- sk = SigningKey.from_pem(open("private.pem").read())
- message = open("message","rb").read()
- sig = sk.sign(message)
- open("signature","wb").write(sig)
-Load the verifying key, message, and signature from disk, and verify the
- from ecdsa import VerifyingKey, BadSignatureError
- vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(open("public.pem").read())
- message = open("message","rb").read()
- sig = open("signature","rb").read()
- try:
- vk.verify(sig, message)
- print "good signature"
- except BadSignatureError:
-Create a NIST521p keypair
- from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST521p
- sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST521p)
- vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
-Create three independent signing keys from a master seed:
- from pyecdsa import NIST192p, SigningKey
- from pyecdsa.util import randrange_from_seed__trytryagain
- def make_key_from_seed(seed, curve=NIST192p):
- secexp = randrange_from_seed__trytryagain(seed, curve.order)
- return SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve)
- sk1 = make_key_from_seed("1:%s" % seed)
- sk2 = make_key_from_seed("2:%s" % seed)
- sk3 = make_key_from_seed("3:%s" % seed)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e052793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# Pure-Python ECDSA
+This is an easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography (Elliptic Curve
+Digital Signature Algorithm), implemented purely in Python, released under
+the MIT license. With this library, you can quickly create keypairs (signing
+key and verifying key), sign messages, and verify the signatures. The keys
+and signatures are very short, making them easy to handle and incorporate
+into other protocols.
+## Features
+This library provides key generation, signing, and verifying, for five
+popular NIST "Suite B" GF(p) curves, with key lengths of 192, 224, 256, 384,
+and 521 bits. The "short names" for these curves, as known by the OpenSSL
+tool, are: prime192v1, secp224r1, prime256v1, secp384r1, and secp521r1. No
+other curves are included, but it would not be too hard to add more.
+## Dependencies
+This library uses only Python. It requires python2.5 or later versions of the
+python2.x series. It is not compatible with python3.x .
+To run the OpenSSL compatibility tests, the 'openssl' tool must be on your
+$PATH. This release has been tested successfully against both OpenSSL 0.9.8o
+and 1.0.0a .
+## Speed
+The following table shows how long this library takes to generate keypairs
+(keygen=), to sign data (sign=), and to verify those signatures (verify=), on
+my 2008 Mac laptop. All times are in seconds. It also shows the length of a
+signature (in bytes): the verifying ("public") key is typically the same
+length as the signature, and the signing ("private") key is half that length.
+* NIST192p: siglen= 48, keygen=0.160s, sign=0.058s, verify=0.116s
+* NIST224p: siglen= 56, keygen=0.230s, sign=0.086s, verify=0.165s
+* NIST256p: siglen= 64, keygen=0.305s, sign=0.112s, verify=0.220s
+* NIST384p: siglen= 96, keygen=0.801s, sign=0.289s, verify=0.558s
+* NIST521p: siglen=132, keygen=1.582s, sign=0.584s, verify=1.152s
+For comparison, a quality C++ implementation of ECDSA (Crypto++) typically
+computes a NIST256p signature in 2.88ms and a verification in 8.53ms, about
+30-40x faster.
+Keys and signature can be serialized in different ways (see Usage, below).
+For a NIST192p key, the three basic representations require strings of the
+following lengths (in bytes):
+ to_string: signkey= 24, verifykey= 48, signature=48
+ DER: signkey=106, verifykey= 80, signature=55
+ PEM: signkey=278, verifykey=162, (no support for PEM signatures)
+## History
+In 2006, Peter Pearson announced his pure-python implementation of ECDSA in a
+[message to sci.crypt][1], available from his [download site][2]. In 2010,
+Brian Warner wrote a wrapper around this code, to make it a bit easier and
+safer to use. You are looking at the README for this wrapper.
+## Testing
+There are four test suites, three for the original Pearson module, and one
+more for the wrapper. To run them all, do this:
+ python ecdsa/ # look for "****" and "failed" for problems
+ python ecdsa/ # look for "Bad" for problems
+ python ecdsa/ # look for "****" and "failed" for problems
+ python ecdsa/ # look for "FAILED" for problems
+On my 2009 Mac laptop, the combined tests take about 34 seconds to run. On a
+2.4GHz P4 Linux box, they take 81 seconds.
+One component of `` checks compatibility with OpenSSL, by
+running the "openssl" CLI tool. If this tool is not on your $PATH, you may
+want to comment out this test (the easiest way is to add a line that says
+"del OpenSSL" to the end of
+## Security
+This library does not protect against timing attacks. Do not allow attackers
+to measure how long it takes you to generate a keypair or sign a message.
+This library depends upon a strong source of random numbers. Do not use it on
+a system where os.urandom() is weak.
+## Usage
+You start by creating a SigningKey. You can use this to sign data, by passing
+in a data string and getting back the signature (also a string). You can also
+ask a SigningKey to give you the corresponding VerifyingKey. The VerifyingKey
+can be used to verify a signature, by passing it both the data string and the
+signature string: it either returns True or raises BadSignatureError.
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey
+ sk = SigningKey.generate() # uses NIST192p
+ vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
+ signature = sk.sign("message")
+ assert vk.verify(signature, "message")
+Each SigningKey/VerifyingKey is associated with a specific curve, like
+NIST192p (the default one). Longer curves are more secure, but take longer to
+use, and result in longer keys and signatures.
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST384p
+ sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
+ vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
+ signature = sk.sign("message")
+ assert vk.verify(signature, "message")
+The SigningKey can be serialized into several different formats: the shortest
+is to call `s=sk.to_string()`, and then re-create it with
+`SigningKey.from_string(s, curve)` . This short form does not record the
+curve, so you must be sure to tell from_string() the same curve you used for
+the original key. The short form of a NIST192p-based signing key is just 24
+bytes long.
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST384p
+ sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
+ sk_string = sk.to_string()
+ sk2 = SigningKey.from_string(sk_string, curve=NIST384p)
+ # sk and sk2 are the same key
+`sk.to_pem()` and `sk.to_der()` will serialize the signing key into the same
+formats that OpenSSL uses. The PEM file looks like the familiar ASCII-armored
+`"-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----"` base64-encoded format, and the DER format
+is a shorter binary form of the same data.
+`SigningKey.from_pem()/.from_der()` will undo this serialization. These
+formats include the curve name, so you do not need to pass in a curve
+identifier to the deserializer.
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST384p
+ sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
+ sk_pem = sk.to_pem()
+ sk2 = SigningKey.from_pem(sk_pem)
+ # sk and sk2 are the same key
+Likewise, the VerifyingKey can be serialized in the same way:
+`vk.to_string()/VerifyingKey.from_string()`, `to_pem()/from_pem()`, and
+`to_der()/from_der()`. The same curve= argument is needed for
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, NIST384p
+ sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
+ vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
+ vk_string = vk.to_string()
+ vk2 = VerifyingKey.from_string(vk_string, curve=NIST384p)
+ # vk and vk2 are the same key
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, NIST384p
+ sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST384p)
+ vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
+ vk_pem = vk.to_pem()
+ vk2 = VerifyingKey.from_pem(vk_pem)
+ # vk and vk2 are the same key
+There are a couple of different ways to compute a signature. Fundamentally,
+ECDSA takes a number that represents the data being signed, and returns a
+pair of numbers that represent the signature. The hashfunc= argument to
+`sk.sign()` and `vk.verify()` is used to turn an arbitrary string into
+fixed-length digest, which is then turned into a number that ECDSA can sign,
+and both sign and verify must use the same approach. The default value is
+hashlib.sha1, but if you use NIST256p or a longer curve, you can use
+hashlib.sha256 instead.
+There are also multiple ways to represent a signature. The default
+`sk.sign()` and `vk.verify()` methods present it as a short string, for
+simplicity and minimal overhead. To use a different scheme, use the
+`sk.sign(sigencode=)` and `vk.verify(sigdecode=)` arguments. There are helper
+funcions in the "ecdsa.util" module that can be useful here.
+It is also possible to create a SigningKey from a "seed", which is
+deterministic. This can be used in protocols where you want to derive
+consistent signing keys from some other secret, for example when you want
+three separate keys and only want to store a single master secret. You should
+start with a uniformly-distributed unguessable seed with about curve.baselen
+bytes of entropy, and then use one of the helper functions in ecdsa.util to
+convert it into an integer in the correct range, and then finally pass it
+into `SigningKey.from_secret_exponent()`, like this:
+ from pyecdsa import NIST384p, SigningKey
+ from pyecdsa.util import randrange_from_seed__trytryagain
+ def make_key(seed):
+ secexp = randrange_from_seed__trytryagain(seed, NIST384p.order)
+ return SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve=NIST384p)
+ seed = os.urandom(NIST384p.baselen) # or other starting point
+ sk1a = make_key(seed)
+ sk1b = make_key(seed)
+ # note: sk1a and sk1b are the same key
+ sk2 = make_key("2-"+seed) # different key
+## OpenSSL Compatibility
+To produce signatures that can be verified by OpenSSL tools, or to verify
+signatures that were produced by those tools, use:
+ # openssl ecparam -name secp224r1 -genkey -out sk.pem
+ # openssl ec -in sk.pem -pubout -out vk.pem
+ # openssl dgst -ecdsa-with-SHA1 -sign sk.pem -out data.sig data
+ # openssl dgst -ecdsa-with-SHA1 -verify vk.pem -signature data.sig data
+ # openssl dgst -ecdsa-with-SHA1 -prverify sk.pem -signature data.sig data
+ sk.sign(msg, hashfunc=hashlib.sha1, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)
+ vk.verify(sig, msg, hashfunc=hashlib.sha1, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der)
+The keys that openssl handles can be read and written as follows:
+ sk = SigningKey.from_pem(open("sk.pem").read())
+ open("sk.pem","w").write(sk.to_pem())
+ vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(open("vk.pem").read())
+ open("vk.pem","w").write(vk.to_pem())
+## Entropy
+Creating a signing key with `SigningKey.generate()` requires some form of
+entropy (as opposed to `from_secret_exponent/from_string/from_der/from_pem`,
+which are deterministic and do not require an entropy source). The default
+source is `os.urandom()`, but you can pass any other function that behaves
+like os.urandom as the entropy= argument to do something different. This may
+be useful in unit tests, where you want to achieve repeatable results. The
+ecdsa.util.PRNG utility is handy here: it takes a seed and produces a strong
+pseudo-random stream from it:
+ from ecdsa.util import PRNG
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey
+ rng1 = PRNG("seed")
+ sk1 = SigningKey.generate(entropy=rng1)
+ rng2 = PRNG("seed")
+ sk2 = SigningKey.generate(entropy=rng2)
+ # sk1 and sk2 are the same key
+Likewise, ECDSA signature generation requires a random number, and each
+signature must use a different one (using the same number twice will
+immediately reveal the private signing key). The `sk.sign()` method takes an
+entropy= argument which behaves the same as `SigningKey.generate(entropy=)`.
+## Examples
+Create a NIST192p keypair and immediately save both to disk:
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey
+ sk = SigningKey.generate()
+ vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
+ open("private.pem","w").write(sk.to_pem())
+ open("public.pem","w").write(vk.to_pem())
+Load a signing key from disk, use it to sign a message, and write the
+signature to disk:
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey
+ sk = SigningKey.from_pem(open("private.pem").read())
+ message = open("message","rb").read()
+ sig = sk.sign(message)
+ open("signature","wb").write(sig)
+Load the verifying key, message, and signature from disk, and verify the
+ from ecdsa import VerifyingKey, BadSignatureError
+ vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(open("public.pem").read())
+ message = open("message","rb").read()
+ sig = open("signature","rb").read()
+ try:
+ vk.verify(sig, message)
+ print "good signature"
+ except BadSignatureError:
+Create a NIST521p keypair
+ from ecdsa import SigningKey, NIST521p
+ sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=NIST521p)
+ vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
+Create three independent signing keys from a master seed:
+ from pyecdsa import NIST192p, SigningKey
+ from pyecdsa.util import randrange_from_seed__trytryagain
+ def make_key_from_seed(seed, curve=NIST192p):
+ secexp = randrange_from_seed__trytryagain(seed, curve.order)
+ return SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve)
+ sk1 = make_key_from_seed("1:%s" % seed)
+ sk2 = make_key_from_seed("2:%s" % seed)
+ sk3 = make_key_from_seed("3:%s" % seed)