path: root/docs/build/usage.rst
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+At its core, Dogpile provides a locking interface around a "value creation" function.
+The interface supports several levels of usage, starting from
+one that is very rudimentary, then providing more intricate
+usage patterns to deal with certain scenarios. The documentation here will attempt to
+provide examples that use successively more and more of these features, as
+we approach how a fully featured caching system might be constructed around
+Note that when using the `dogpile.cache <>`_
+package, the constructs here provide the internal implementation for that system,
+and users of that system don't need to access these APIs directly (though understanding
+the general patterns is a terrific idea in any case).
+Using the core Dogpile APIs described here directly implies you're building your own
+resource-usage system outside, or in addition to, the one
+`dogpile.cache <>`_ provides.
+A simple example::
+ from dogpile import Dogpile
+ # store a reference to a "resource", some
+ # object that is expensive to create.
+ the_resource = [None]
+ def some_creation_function():
+ # create the resource here
+ the_resource[0] = create_some_resource()
+ def use_the_resource():
+ # some function that uses
+ # the resource. Won't reach
+ # here until some_creation_function()
+ # has completed at least once.
+ the_resource[0].do_something()
+ # create Dogpile with 3600 second
+ # expiry time
+ dogpile = Dogpile(3600)
+ with dogpile.acquire(some_creation_function):
+ use_the_resource()
+Above, ``some_creation_function()`` will be called
+when :meth:`.Dogpile.acquire` is first called. The
+remainder of the ``with`` block then proceeds. Concurrent threads which
+call :meth:`.Dogpile.acquire` during this initial period
+will be blocked until ``some_creation_function()`` completes.
+Once the creation function has completed successfully the first time,
+new calls to :meth:`.Dogpile.acquire` will call ``some_creation_function()``
+each time the "expiretime" has been reached, allowing only a single
+thread to call the function. Concurrent threads
+which call :meth:`.Dogpile.acquire` during this period will
+fall through, and not be blocked. It is expected that
+the "stale" version of the resource remain available at this
+time while the new one is generated.
+By default, :class:`.Dogpile` uses Python's ``threading.Lock()``
+to synchronize among threads within a process. This can
+be altered to support any kind of locking as we'll see in a
+later section.
+Locking the "write" phase against the "readers"
+The dogpile lock can provide a mutex to the creation
+function itself, so that the creation function can perform
+certain tasks only after all "stale reader" threads have finished.
+The example of this is when the creation function has prepared a new
+datafile to replace the old one, and would like to switch in the
+"new" file only when other threads have finished using it.
+To enable this feature, use :class:`.SyncReaderDogpile`.
+:meth:`.SyncReaderDogpile.acquire_write_lock` then provides a safe-write lock
+for the critical section where readers should be blocked::
+ from dogpile import SyncReaderDogpile
+ dogpile = SyncReaderDogpile(3600)
+ def some_creation_function(dogpile):
+ create_expensive_datafile()
+ with dogpile.acquire_write_lock():
+ replace_old_datafile_with_new()
+ # usage:
+ with dogpile.acquire(some_creation_function):
+ read_datafile()
+With the above pattern, :class:`.SyncReaderDogpile` will
+allow concurrent readers to read from the current version
+of the datafile as
+the ``create_expensive_datafile()`` function proceeds with its
+job of generating the information for a new version.
+When the data is ready to be written, the
+:meth:`.SyncReaderDogpile.acquire_write_lock` call will
+block until all current readers of the datafile have completed
+(that is, they've finished their own :meth:`.Dogpile.acquire`
+blocks). The ``some_creation_function()`` function
+then proceeds, as new readers are blocked until
+this function finishes its work of
+rewriting the datafile.
+Using a Value Function with a Cache Backend
+The dogpile lock includes a more intricate mode of usage to optimize the
+usage of a cache like Memcached. The difficulties Dogpile addresses
+in this mode are:
+* Values can disappear from the cache at any time, before our expiration
+ time is reached. Dogpile needs to be made aware of this and possibly
+ call the creation function ahead of schedule.
+* There's no function in a Memcached-like system to "check" for a key without
+ actually retrieving it. If we need to "check" for a key each time,
+ we'd like to use that value instead of calling it twice.
+* If we did end up generating the value on this get, we should return
+ that value instead of doing a cache round-trip.
+To use this mode, the steps are as follows:
+* Create the Dogpile lock with ``init=True``, to skip the initial
+ "force" of the creation function. This is assuming you'd like to
+ rely upon the "check the value" function for the initial generation.
+ Leave it at False if you'd like the application to regenerate the
+ value unconditionally when the dogpile lock is first created
+ (i.e. typically application startup).
+* The "creation" function should return the value it creates.
+* An additional "getter" function is passed to ``acquire()`` which
+ should return the value to be passed to the context block. If
+ the value isn't available, raise ``NeedRegenerationException``.
+ from dogpile import Dogpile, NeedRegenerationException
+ def get_value_from_cache():
+ value = my_cache.get("some key")
+ if value is None:
+ raise NeedRegenerationException()
+ return value
+ def create_and_cache_value():
+ value = my_expensive_resource.create_value()
+ my_cache.put("some key", value)
+ return value
+ dogpile = Dogpile(3600, init=True)
+ with dogpile.acquire(create_and_cache_value, get_value_from_cache) as value:
+ return value
+Note that ``get_value_from_cache()`` should not raise :class:`.NeedRegenerationException`
+a second time directly after ``create_and_cache_value()`` has been called.
+Using Dogpile for Caching
+Dogpile is part of an effort to "break up" the Beaker
+package into smaller, simpler components (which also work better). Here, we
+illustrate how to approximate Beaker's "cache decoration"
+function, to decorate any function and store the value in
+Memcached. We create a Python decorator function called ``cached()`` which
+will provide caching for the output of a single function. It's given
+the "key" which we'd like to use in Memcached, and internally it makes
+usage of its own :class:`.Dogpile` object that is dedicated to managing
+this one function/key::
+ import pylibmc
+ mc_pool = pylibmc.ThreadMappedPool(pylibmc.Client("localhost"))
+ from dogpile import Dogpile, NeedRegenerationException
+ def cached(key, expiration_time):
+ """A decorator that will cache the return value of a function
+ in memcached given a key."""
+ def get_value():
+ with mc_pool.reserve() as mc:
+ value = mc.get(key)
+ if value is None:
+ raise NeedRegenerationException()
+ return value
+ dogpile = Dogpile(expiration_time, init=True)
+ def decorate(fn):
+ def gen_cached():
+ value = fn()
+ with mc_pool.reserve() as mc:
+ mc.put(key, value)
+ return value
+ def invoke():
+ with dogpile.acquire(gen_cached, get_value) as value:
+ return value
+ return invoke
+ return decorate
+Above we can decorate any function as::
+ @cached("some key", 3600)
+ def generate_my_expensive_value():
+ return slow_database.lookup("stuff")
+The Dogpile lock will ensure that only one thread at a time performs ``slow_database.lookup()``,
+and only every 3600 seconds, unless Memcached has removed the value in which case it will
+be called again as needed.
+In particular, Dogpile's system allows us to call the memcached get() function at most
+once per access, instead of Beaker's system which calls it twice, and doesn't make us call
+get() when we just created the value.
+Scaling Dogpile against Many Keys
+The patterns so far have illustrated how to use a single, persistently held
+:class:`.Dogpile` object which maintains a thread-based lock for the lifespan
+of some particular value. The :class:`.Dogpile` also is responsible for
+maintaining the last known "creation time" of the value; this is available
+from a given :class:`.Dogpile` object from the :attr:`.Dogpile.createdtime`
+For an application that may deal with an arbitrary
+number of cache keys retrieved from a remote service, this approach must be
+revised so that we don't need to store a :class:`.Dogpile` object for every
+possible key in our application's memory.
+The two challenges here are:
+* We need to create new :class:`.Dogpile` objects as needed, ideally
+ sharing the object for a given key with all concurrent threads,
+ but then not hold onto it afterwards.
+* Since we aren't holding the :class:`.Dogpile` persistently, we
+ need to store the last known "creation time" of the value somewhere
+ else, i.e. in the cache itself, and ensure :class:`.Dogpile` uses
+ it.
+The approach is another one derived from Beaker, where we will use a *registry*
+that can provide a unique :class:`.Dogpile` object given a particular key,
+ensuring that all concurrent threads use the same object, but then releasing
+the object to the Python garbage collector when this usage is complete.
+The :class:`.NameRegistry` object provides this functionality, again
+constructed around the notion of a creation function that is only invoked
+as needed. We also will instruct the :meth:`.Dogpile.acquire` method
+to use a "creation time" value that we retrieve from the cache, via
+the ``value_and_created_fn`` parameter, which supercedes the
+``value_fn`` we used earlier to expect a function that will return a tuple
+of ``(value, created_at)``::
+ import pylibmc
+ import pickle
+ import os
+ import time
+ import sha1
+ from dogpile import Dogpile, NeedRegenerationException, NameRegistry
+ mc_pool = pylibmc.ThreadMappedPool(pylibmc.Client("localhost"))
+ def create_dogpile(key, expiration_time):
+ return Dogpile(expiration_time)
+ dogpile_registry = NameRegistry(create_dogpile)
+ def cache(expiration_time):
+ def get_or_create(key):
+ def get_value():
+ with mc_pool.reserve() as mc:
+ value = mc.get(key)
+ if value is None:
+ raise NeedRegenerationException()
+ # deserialize a tuple
+ # (value, createdtime)
+ return pickle.loads(value)
+ dogpile = dogpile_registry.get(key, expiration_time)
+ def gen_cached():
+ value = fn()
+ with mc_pool.reserve() as mc:
+ # serialize a tuple
+ # (value, createdtime)
+ value = (value, time.time())
+ mc.put(mangled_key, pickle.dumps(value))
+ return value
+ with dogpile.acquire(gen_cached, value_and_created_fn=get_value) as value:
+ return value
+ return get_or_create
+Above, we use ``Dogpile.registry()`` to create a name-based "registry" of ``Dogpile``
+objects. This object will provide to us a ``Dogpile`` object that's
+unique on a certain name (or any hashable object) when we call the ``get()`` method.
+When all usages of that name are complete, the ``Dogpile``
+object falls out of scope. This way, an application can handle millions of keys
+without needing to have millions of ``Dogpile`` objects persistently resident in memory.
+The next part of the approach here is that we'll tell Dogpile that we'll give it
+the "creation time" that we'll store in our
+cache - we do this using the ``value_and_created_fn`` argument, which assumes we'll
+be storing and loading the value as a tuple of (value, createdtime). The creation time
+should always be calculated via ``time.time()``. The ``acquire()`` function
+returns the "value" portion of the tuple to us and uses the
+"createdtime" portion to determine if the value is expired.
+Using a File or Distributed Lock with Dogpile
+The example below will use a file-based mutex using `lockfile <>`_.