path: root/docs
diff options
authorgoodger <goodger@929543f6-e4f2-0310-98a6-ba3bd3dd1d04>2003-08-27 20:41:48 +0000
committergoodger <goodger@929543f6-e4f2-0310-98a6-ba3bd3dd1d04>2003-08-27 20:41:48 +0000
commit17dd4b0571b12951b72c5d19c259d82b82c1f60b (patch)
tree874eff0dd9dff1c2489fa1c08719197bd3d4b8b9 /docs
parent150390347801881a0179bad8a4930b60856d7029 (diff)
"Docutils Configuration Files", added to project. Moved config file entry descriptions from tools.txt.
git-svn-id: 929543f6-e4f2-0310-98a6-ba3bd3dd1d04
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/user/config.txt b/docs/user/config.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..461273095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user/config.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+ Docutils Configuration Files
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+.. Cross-reference command-line options with configuration file
+ settings? Make alphabetical indexes of both.
+Configuration files are used for persistent customization; they can be
+set once and take effect every time you use a front-end tool.
+Configuration file settings override the built-in defaults, and
+command-line options override all.
+By default, Docutils checks the following places for configuration
+files, in the following order:
+1. ``/etc/docutils.conf``: This is a system-wide configuration file,
+ applicable to all Docutils processing on the system.
+2. ``./docutils.conf``: This is a project-specific configuration file,
+ located in the current directory. The Docutils front end has to be
+ executed from the directory containing this configuration file for
+ it to take effect (note that this may have nothing to do with the
+ location of the source files). Settings in the project-specific
+ configuration file will override corresponding settings in the
+ system-wide file.
+3. ``~/.docutils``: This is a user-specific configuration file,
+ located in the user's home directory. Settings in this file will
+ override corresponding settings in both the system-wide and
+ project-specific configuration files.
+If more than one configuration file is found, all will be read but
+later entries will override earlier ones. For example, a "stylesheet"
+entry in a user-specific configuration file will override a
+"stylesheet" entry in the system-wide file.
+In addition, a configuration file may be explicitly specified with the
+"--config" command-line option. This configuration file is read after
+the three implicit ones listed above, and its entries will have
+Configuration File Sections & Entries
+Configuration files use the standard ConfigParser.py_ Python_ module.
+From its documentation:
+ The configuration file consists of sections, lead by a "[section]"
+ header and followed by "name: value" entries, with continuations
+ in the style of `RFC 822`_; "name=value" is also accepted. Note
+ that leading whitespace is removed from values. The optional
+ values can contain format strings which refer to other values in
+ the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section.
+ Additional defaults can be provided upon initialization and
+ retrieval. Lines beginning with "#" or ";" are ignored and may be
+ used to provide comments.
+Configuration file entry names correspond to internal runtime
+settings. Underscores ("_") and hyphens ("-") can be used
+interchangably in entry names; hyphens are automatically converted to
+Below are the Docutils runtime settings, listed by config file
+section. Any setting may be specified in any section, but only
+settings from active sections will be used. Sections correspond to
+Docutils components (module name or alias; section names are always in
+lowercase letters). Each `Docutils application`_ uses a specific set
+of components; corresponding configuration file sections are applied
+when the application is used. Configuration sections are applied in
+general-to-specific order, as follows:
+1. `[general]`_
+2. `[parsers]`_, parser dependencies, and the section specific to the
+ Parser used ("[... parser]"). Currently, only `[restructuredtext
+ parser]`_ is applicable.
+3. `[readers]`_, reader dependencies, and the section specific to the
+ Reader used ("[... reader]"). For example, `[pep reader]`_ depends
+ on `[standalone reader]`_.
+4. `[writers]`_, writer dependencies, and the section specific to the
+ Writer used ("[... writer]"). For example, `[pep_html writer]`_
+ depends on `[html4css1 writer]`_.
+5. `[applications]`_, application dependencies, and the section
+ specific to the Application (front-end tool) in use
+ ("[... application]").
+Since any setting may be specified in any section, this ordering
+allows component- or application-specific overrides of earlier
+settings. For example, there may be Reader-specific overrides of
+general settings; Writer-specific overrides of Parser settings;
+Application-specific overrides of Writer settings; and so on.
+If multiple configuration files are applicable, the process is
+completed (all sections are applied in the order given) for each one
+before going on to the next. For example, a "[pep_html writer]
+stylesheet" setting in an earlier configuration file would be
+overridden by an "[html4css1 writer] stylesheet" setting in a later
+Some knowledge of Python_ is assumed for some attributes.
+.. _Python:
+.. _RFC 822:
+.. _Docutils application: tools.html
+Settings in the "[general]" section are always applied.
+ Include a time/datestamp in the document footer. Contains a
+ format string for Python's ``time.strftime``. See the `time
+ module documentation`__.
+ Default: None. Options: ``--date, -d, --time, -t,
+ --no-datestamp``.
+ __
+ Report debug-level system messages.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--debug, --no-debug``.
+ At the end of processing, write all internal attributes of the
+ document (``document.__dict__``) to stderr.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--dump-internals`` (hidden, for
+ development use only).
+ At the end of processing, write the pseudo-XML representation of
+ the document to stderr.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--dump-pseudo-xml`` (hidden,
+ for development use only).
+ At the end of processing, write all Docutils settings to stderr.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--dump-settings`` (hidden, for
+ development use only).
+ At the end of processing, write a list of all transforms applied
+ to the document to stderr.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--dump-transforms`` (hidden,
+ for development use only).
+ The text encoding for error output.
+ Default: "ascii". Options: ``--error-encoding, -e``.
+ The encoding error handler for unencodable characters in error
+ output. Acceptable values are the same as for the "error"
+ parameter of Python's ``encode`` string method.
+ Default: "backslashreplace" for Python 2.3 and later; "replace"
+ otherwise. Options: ``--error-encoding-error-handler,
+ --error-encoding, -e``.
+ A system message level threshold; non-halting system messages at
+ or above this level will produce a non-zero exit status at normal
+ exit. Exit status is the maximum system message level plus 10 (11
+ for INFO, etc.).
+ Default: disabled (5). Options: ``--exit``.
+ List of internal attribues to expose as external attributes (with
+ "internal:" namespace prefix).
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--expose-internal-attribute``
+ (hidden, for development use only).
+ Enable or disable backlinks from footnotes and citations to their
+ references.
+ Default: enabled (1). Options: ``--footnote-backlinks,
+ --no-footnote-backlinks``.
+ Include a "Generated by Docutils" credit and link in the document
+ footer.
+ Default: off (None). Options: ``--generator, -g,
+ --no-generator``.
+ The threshold at or above which system messages are converted to
+ exceptions, halting execution immediately.
+ Default: severe (4). Options: ``--halt, --strict``.
+ The text encoding for input.
+ Default: auto-detect (None). Options: ``--input-encoding, -i``.
+ `ISO 639`_ 2-letter language code (3-letter codes used only if no
+ 2-letter code exists).
+ Default: English ("en"). Options: ``--language, -l``.
+ The text encoding for output.
+ Default: "UTF-8". Options: ``--output-encoding, -o``.
+ The encoding error handler for unencodable characters in output.
+ Acceptable values are the same as for the "error" parameter of
+ Python's ``encode`` string method.
+ Default: "strict". Options: ``--output-encoding-error-handler,
+ --output-encoding, -o``.
+ Verbosity threshold at or above which system messages are
+ reported.
+ Default: warning (2). Options: ``--report, -r, --verbose, -v,
+ --quiet, -q``.
+ Include a "View document source" link in the document footer. URL
+ will be relative to the destination.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--source-link, -s,
+ --no-source-link``.
+ An explicit URL for a "View document source" link, used verbatim.
+ Default: compute if source_link (None). Options: ``--source-uri,
+ --no-source-link``.
+ Enable backlinks from section titles to table of contents entries
+ ("entry"), to the top of the TOC ("top"), or disable ("none").
+ Default: "entry". Options: ``--toc-entry-backlinks,
+ --toc-top-backlinks, --no-toc-backlinks``.
+ Enable Python tracebacks when an error occurs.
+ Default: disabled (None). Options: ``--traceback,
+ --no-traceback``.
+ Path to a file for the output of system messages (warnings)
+ [#pwd]_.
+ Default: stderr (None). Options: ``--warnings``.
+Docutils currently supports only one parser, for reStructuredText.
+[restructuredtext parser]
+ Recognize and link to PEP references (like "PEP 258").
+ Default: disabled (None); enabled (1) in PEP Reader. Options:
+ ``--pep-references``.
+ Recognize and link to RFC references (like "RFC 822").
+ Default: disabled (None); enabled (1) in PEP Reader. Options:
+ ``--rfc-references``.
+ Number of spaces for hard tab expansion.
+ Default: 8. Options: ``--tab-width``.
+ Remove spaces before footnote references.
+ Default: don't (None). Options:
+ ``--trim-footnote-reference-space``.
+[standalone reader]
+ Enable or disable the bibliographic field list transform
+ (docutils.transforms.frontmatter.DocInfo).
+ Default: enabled (1). Options: ``--no-doc-info``.
+ Enable or disable the promotion of a lone top-level section title
+ to document title (and subsequent section title to document
+ subtitle promotion; docutils.transforms.frontmatter.DocTitle).
+ Default: enabled (). Options: ``--no-doc-title``.
+[pep reader]
+The `pep_references`_ and `rfc_references`_ options
+(`[restructuredtext parser]`_) are set on by default.
+[python reader]
+Under construction.
+[docutils_xml writer]
+ Generate XML with a DOCTYPE declaration.
+ Default: do (1). Options: ``--no-doctype``.
+ Generate XML with indents and newlines.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--indents``.
+ Generate XML with newlines before and after tags.
+ Default: don't (None). Options: ``--newlines``.
+.. _xml_declaration [docutils_xml writer]:
+ Generate XML with an XML declaration. Also defined for the
+ `HTML Writer`__.
+ .. Caution:: The XML declaration carries text encoding
+ information, without which standard tools may be unable to read
+ the generated XML.
+ Default: do (1). Options: ``--no-xml-declaration``.
+ __ `xml_declaration [html4css1 writer]`_
+[html4css1 writer]
+ Format for block quote attributions: one of "dash" (em-dash
+ prefix), "parentheses"/"parens", or "none".
+ Default: "dash". Options: ``--attribution``.
+ Remove extra vertical whitespace between items of bullet lists and
+ enumerated lists, when list items are "simple" (i.e., all items
+ each contain one paragraph and/or one "simple" sublist only).
+ Default: enabled (1). Options: ``--compact-lists,
+ --no-compact-lists``.
+ Embed the stylesheet in the output HTML file. The stylesheet file
+ must be accessible during processing. The stylesheet is embedded
+ inside a comment, so it must not contain the text "``--``" (two
+ hyphens).
+ Default: link, don't embed (None). Options: ``--embed-stylesheet,
+ --link-stylesheet``.
+ Format for footnote references, one of "superscript" or
+ "brackets".
+ Default: "superscript"; "brackets" in PEP/HTML Writer. Options:
+ ``--footnote-references``.
+ CSS stylesheet URL, used verbatim. Overridden by
+ "stylesheet_path" URL option (``--stylesheet-path``).
+ Default: "default.css". Options: ``--stylesheet``.
+ Path to CSS stylesheet [#pwd]_. Overrides "stylesheet" URL option
+ (``--stylesheet``). Path is adjusted relative to the output HTML
+ file.
+ Default: None. Options: ``--stylesheet``.
+.. _xml_declaration [html4css1 writer]:
+ Generate XML with an XML declaration. Also defined for the
+ `Docutils XML Writer`__.
+ .. Caution:: The XML declaration carries text encoding
+ information, without which standard tools may be unable to read
+ the generated XML.
+ Default: do (1). Options: ``--no-xml-declaration``.
+ __ `xml_declaration [docutils_xml writer]`_
+[pep_html writer]
+The PEP/HTML Writer derives from the standard HTML Writer, and shares
+all settings defined in the `[html4css1 writer]`_ section. The
+"[html4css1 writer]" section is processed before "[pep_html writer]".
+ Workaround for platforms which core-dump on "``import random``".
+ Default: random enabled (None). Options: ``--no-random``
+ (hidden).
+ Home URL prefix for PEPs.
+ Default: current directory ("."). Options: ``--pep-home``.
+ Path to PEP template file [#pwd]_.
+ Default: "pep-html-template" (in current directory). Options:
+ ``--template``.
+ Python's home URL.
+ Default: parent directory (".."). Options: ``--python-home``.
+[latex2e writer]
+(To be completed.)
+[pseudoxml writer]
+No settings are defined for this Writer.
+[buildhtml application]
+ List of directories not to process. To specify multiple
+ directories in configuration files, use colon-separated paths; on
+ the command line, the option may be used more than once.
+ Default: none ([]). Options: ``--prune``.
+ Recursively scan subdirectories, or ignore subdirectories.
+ Default: recurse (1). Options: ``--recurse, --local``.
+ Work silently (no progress messages). Independent of
+ "report_level".
+ Default: show progress (None). Options: ``--silent``.
+[docfactory application]
+(To be completed.)
+Other Settings
+These settings are only effective as command-line options, positional
+arguments, or for internal use; setting them in configuration files
+has no effect.
+ Path to a configuration file to read (if it exists) [#pwd]_.
+ Settings may override defaults and earlier settings. The config
+ file is processed immediately. Multiple ``--config`` options may
+ be specified; each will be processed in turn.
+ Filesystem path settings contained within the config file will be
+ interpreted relative to the config file's location (*not* relative
+ to the current working directory).
+ Default: None. Options: ``--config``.
+ (```` front end.) List of paths to source
+ directories, set from positional arguments.
+ Default: current working directory (None). No command-line
+ options.
+ Prevent standard configuration files from being read. For
+ internal use only.
+ Default: config files enabled (None). No command-line options.
+ Path to output destination, set from positional arguments.
+ Default: stdout (None). No command-line options.
+ Path to input source, set from positional arguments.
+ Default: stdin (None). No command-line options.
+.. _ISO 639:
+.. [#pwd] Path relative to the working directory of the process at
+ launch.