diff options
15 files changed, 142 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index fb00ca43fe..e52fb46b47 100644
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ answer newbie questions, and generally made Django that much better:
Jeremy Dunck <>
+ Andy Dustman <>
Clint Ecker
Baishampayan Ghose
diff --git a/django/bin/ b/django/bin/
index 44a84de379..07dcce7bf6 100755
--- a/django/bin/
+++ b/django/bin/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def compile_messages():
elif os.path.isdir('locale'):
basedir = os.path.abspath('locale')
- print "this script should be run from the django svn tree or your project or app tree"
+ print "This script should be run from the Django SVN tree or your project or app tree."
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
@@ -19,7 +19,14 @@ def compile_messages():
if f.endswith('.po'):
sys.stderr.write('processing file %s in %s\n' % (f, dirpath))
pf = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(dirpath, f))[0]
- cmd = 'msgfmt -o "" "%s.po"' % (pf, pf)
+ # Store the names of the .mo and .po files in an environment
+ # variable, rather than doing a string replacement into the
+ # command, so that we can take advantage of shell quoting, to
+ # quote any malicious characters/escaping.
+ # See
+ os.environ['djangocompilemo'] = pf + '.mo'
+ os.environ['djangocompilepo'] = pf + '.po'
+ cmd = 'msgfmt -o "$djangocompilemo" "$djangocompilepo"'
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/django/conf/project_template/ b/django/conf/project_template/
index 63e07c061a..d6f34a28db 100644
--- a/django/conf/project_template/
+++ b/django/conf/project_template/
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'
+# If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not
+# to load the internationalization machinery.
+USE_I18N = True
# Absolute path to the directory that holds media.
# Example: "/home/media/"
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html
index 41514e6a81..b63604b268 100644
--- a/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html
+++ b/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{% if LANGUAGE_BIDI %}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% block stylesheet_rtl %}{% admin_media_prefix %}css/rtl.css{% endblock %}" />{% endif %}
{% block extrastyle %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}
+{% block blockbots %}<meta name="robots" content="NONE,NOARCHIVE" />{% endblock %}
{% load i18n %}
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/views/ b/django/contrib/admin/views/
index d1541abee9..b724cc5485 100644
--- a/django/contrib/admin/views/
+++ b/django/contrib/admin/views/
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def model_detail(request, app_label, model_name):
return render_to_response('admin_doc/model_detail.html', {
'name': '%s.%s' % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name),
- 'summary': "Fields on %s objects" % opts.object_name,
+ 'summary': _("Fields on %s objects") % opts.object_name,
'description': model.__doc__,
'fields': fields,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
diff --git a/django/contrib/admin/views/ b/django/contrib/admin/views/
index 25f7eeaa70..2a8b135bc7 100644
--- a/django/contrib/admin/views/
+++ b/django/contrib/admin/views/
@@ -272,7 +272,9 @@ def add_stage(request, app_label, model_name, show_delete=False, form_url='', po
post_url_continue += "?_popup=1"
return HttpResponseRedirect(post_url_continue % pk_value)
if request.POST.has_key("_popup"):
- return HttpResponse('<script type="text/javascript">opener.dismissAddAnotherPopup(window, %r, "%s");</script>' % \
+ if type(pk_value) is str: # Quote if string, so JavaScript doesn't think it's a variable.
+ pk_value = '"%s"' % pk_value.replace('"', '\\"')
+ return HttpResponse('<script type="text/javascript">opener.dismissAddAnotherPopup(window, %s, "%s");</script>' % \
(pk_value, str(new_object).replace('"', '\\"')))
elif request.POST.has_key("_addanother"):
request.user.message_set.create(message=msg + ' ' + (_("You may add another %s below.") % opts.verbose_name))
@@ -734,9 +736,19 @@ class ChangeList(object):
qs = qs.order_by((self.order_type == 'desc' and '-' or '') + lookup_order_field)
# Apply keyword searches.
+ def construct_search(field_name):
+ if field_name.startswith('^'):
+ return "%s__istartswith" % field_name[1:]
+ elif field_name.startswith('='):
+ return "%s__iexact" % field_name[1:]
+ elif field_name.startswith('@'):
+ return "%s__search" % field_name[1:]
+ else:
+ return "%s__icontains" % field_name
if self.lookup_opts.admin.search_fields and self.query:
for bit in self.query.split():
- or_queries = [models.Q(**{'%s__icontains' % field_name: bit}) for field_name in self.lookup_opts.admin.search_fields]
+ or_queries = [models.Q(**{construct_search(field_name): bit}) for field_name in self.lookup_opts.admin.search_fields]
other_qs = QuerySet(self.model)
other_qs = other_qs.filter(reduce(operator.or_, or_queries))
qs = qs & other_qs
diff --git a/django/core/cache/backends/ b/django/core/cache/backends/
index 86ae096d2c..180f95da73 100644
--- a/django/core/cache/backends/
+++ b/django/core/cache/backends/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class CacheClass(BaseCache):
return val
def set(self, key, value, timeout=0):
- self._cache.set(key, value, timeout)
+ self._cache.set(key, value, timeout or self.default_timeout)
def delete(self, key):
diff --git a/django/middleware/ b/django/middleware/
index 08e77d1375..58800b24da 100644
--- a/django/middleware/
+++ b/django/middleware/
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ class CacheMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
"Checks whether the page is already cached and returns the cached version if available."
+ if self.cache_anonymous_only:
+ assert hasattr(request, 'user'), "The Django cache middleware with CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY=True requires authentication middleware to be installed. Edit your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting to insert 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware' before the CacheMiddleware."
if not request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD') or request.GET:
request._cache_update_cache = False
return None # Don't bother checking the cache.
diff --git a/django/middleware/ b/django/middleware/
index 12d0c0f683..3ebd8ffd1a 100644
--- a/django/middleware/
+++ b/django/middleware/
@@ -35,3 +35,27 @@ class ConditionalGetMiddleware(object):
response.content = ''
return response
+class SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor(object):
+ """
+ Middleware that sets REMOTE_ADDR based on HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, if the
+ latter is set. This is useful if you're sitting behind a reverse proxy that
+ causes each request's REMOTE_ADDR to be set to
+ Note that this does NOT validate HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR. If you're not behind
+ a reverse proxy that sets HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR automatically, do not use
+ this middleware. Anybody can spoof the value of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, and
+ because this sets REMOTE_ADDR based on HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, that means
+ anybody can "fake" their IP address. Only use this when you can absolutely
+ trust the value of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.
+ """
+ def process_request(self, request):
+ try:
+ real_ip = request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ else:
+ # HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR can be a comma-separated list of IPs.
+ # Take just the first one.
+ real_ip = real_ip.split(",")[0]
+ request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] = real_ip
diff --git a/docs/cache.txt b/docs/cache.txt
index 62fec289b9..1795345ed9 100644
--- a/docs/cache.txt
+++ b/docs/cache.txt
@@ -233,7 +233,10 @@ The cache middleware caches every page that doesn't have GET or POST
parameters. Optionally, if the ``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY`` setting is
``True``, only anonymous requests (i.e., not those made by a logged-in user)
will be cached. This is a simple and effective way of disabling caching for any
-user-specific pages (include Django's admin interface).
+user-specific pages (include Django's admin interface). Note that if you use
+``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY``, you should make sure you've activated
+``AuthenticationMiddleware`` and that ``AuthenticationMiddleware`` appears
+before ``CacheMiddleware`` in your ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``.
Additionally, ``CacheMiddleware`` automatically sets a few headers in each
diff --git a/docs/faq.txt b/docs/faq.txt
index 3cd7090583..42d9ddea55 100644
--- a/docs/faq.txt
+++ b/docs/faq.txt
@@ -98,11 +98,10 @@ Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
On IRC, Simon goes by ``SimonW``.
`Wilson Miner`_
- Wilson's design-fu makes us all look like rock stars. When not sneaking
- into apartment complex swimming pools, he's the Commercial Development
- Director for World Online, which means he makes the money that pays all our
- paychecks. He lives in Lawrence, Kansas.
+ Wilson's design-fu makes us all look like rock stars. By day, he's an
+ interactive designer for `Apple`. Don't ask him what he's working on, or
+ he'll have to kill you. He lives in San Francisco.
On IRC, Wilson goes by ``wilsonian``.
.. _`World Online`:
@@ -113,6 +112,7 @@ Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
.. _``:
.. _`Jacob Kaplan-Moss`:
.. _`Wilson Miner`:
+.. _`Apple`:
Which sites use Django?
diff --git a/docs/i18n.txt b/docs/i18n.txt
index e12900c2f9..4d0d92b082 100644
--- a/docs/i18n.txt
+++ b/docs/i18n.txt
@@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ bit of i18n-related overhead in certain places of the framework. If you don't
use internationalization, you should take the two seconds to set
``USE_I18N = False`` in your settings file. If ``USE_I18N`` is set to
``False``, then Django will make some optimizations so as not to load the
-internationalization machinery.
+internationalization machinery. See the `documentation for USE_I18N`_.
-See the `documentation for USE_I18N`_.
+You'll probably also want to remove ``'django.core.context_processors.i18n'``
+from your ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting.
.. _documentation for USE_I18N:
diff --git a/docs/middleware.txt b/docs/middleware.txt
index bad00fd890..efc4d89569 100644
--- a/docs/middleware.txt
+++ b/docs/middleware.txt
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Adds a few conveniences for perfectionists:
last component in the path contains a period. So ```` is
redirected to ````, but ```` is passed
through unchanged.
If ``PREPEND_WWW`` is ``True``, URLs that lack a leading "www." will be
redirected to the same URL with a leading "www."
@@ -101,6 +101,22 @@ Handles conditional GET operations. If the response has a ``ETag`` or
Also removes the content from any response to a HEAD request and sets the
``Date`` and ``Content-Length`` response-headers.
+**New in Django development version**
+Sets ``request['REMOTE_ADDR']`` based on ``request.['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']``,
+if the latter is set. This is useful if you're sitting behind a reverse proxy
+that causes each request's ``REMOTE_ADDR`` to be set to ````.
+**Important note:** This does NOT validate ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR``. If you're
+not behind a reverse proxy that sets ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` automatically, do
+not use this middleware. Anybody can spoof the value of
+``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR``, and because this sets ``REMOTE_ADDR`` based on
+``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR``, that means anybody can "fake" their IP address. Only
+use this when you can absolutely trust the value of ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR``.
diff --git a/docs/model-api.txt b/docs/model-api.txt
index 502ceaf7ff..0a3abe4e26 100644
--- a/docs/model-api.txt
+++ b/docs/model-api.txt
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ steps:
subdirectory of ``MEDIA_ROOT`` it should upload files.
3. All that will be stored in your database is a path to the file
- (relative to ``MEDIA_ROOT``). You'll must likely want to use the
+ (relative to ``MEDIA_ROOT``). You'll most likely want to use the
convenience ``get_<fieldname>_url`` function provided by Django. For
example, if your ``ImageField`` is called ``mug_shot``, you can get
the absolute URL to your image in a template with ``{{
@@ -230,6 +230,14 @@ For example, say your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` is set to ``'/home/media'``, and
upload a file on Jan. 15, 2007, it will be saved in the directory
+Note that whenever you deal with uploaded files, you should pay close attention
+to where you're uploading them and what type of files they are, to avoid
+security holes. *Validate all uploaded files* so that you're sure the files are
+what you think they are. For example, if you blindly let somebody upload files,
+without validation, to a directory that's within your Web server's document
+root, then somebody could upload a CGI or PHP script and execute that script by
+visiting its URL on your site. Don't allow that.
.. _`strftime formatting`:
@@ -678,8 +686,9 @@ you can use the name of the model, rather than the model object itself::
class Manufacturer(models.Model):
# ...
-Note, however, that support for strings around model names in ``ForeignKey`` is
-quite new, and it can be buggy in some cases.
+Note, however, that you can only use strings to refer to models in the same file -- you cannot use a string to reference a model in a different
+application, or to reference a model that has been imported from elsewhere.
Behind the scenes, Django appends ``"_id"`` to the field name to create its
database column name. In the above example, the database table for the ``Car``
@@ -801,7 +810,10 @@ here's how you'd represent that::
As with ``ForeignKey``, a relationship to self can be defined by using the
string ``'self'`` instead of the model name, and you can refer to as-yet
-undefined models by using a string containing the model name.
+undefined models by using a string containing the model name. However, you
+can only use strings to refer to models in the same file -- you
+cannot use a string to reference a model in a different application, or to
+reference a model that has been imported from elsewhere.
It's suggested, but not required, that the name of a ``ManyToManyField``
(``toppings`` in the example above) be a plural describing the set of related
@@ -1374,6 +1386,41 @@ user searches for ``john lennon``, Django will do the equivalent of this SQL
WHERE (first_name ILIKE '%john%' OR last_name ILIKE '%john%')
AND (first_name ILIKE '%lennon%' OR last_name ILIKE '%lennon%')
+**New in Django development version:** For faster and/or more restrictive
+searches, prefix the field name with an operator:
+ Matches the beginning of the field. For example, if ``search_fields`` is
+ set to ``['^first_name', '^last_name']`` and a user searches for
+ ``john lennon``, Django will do the equivalent of this SQL ``WHERE``
+ clause::
+ WHERE (first_name ILIKE 'john%' OR last_name ILIKE 'john%')
+ AND (first_name ILIKE 'lennon%' OR last_name ILIKE 'lennon%')
+ This query is more efficient than the normal ``'%john%'`` query, because
+ the database only needs to check the beginning of a column's data, rather
+ than seeking through the entire column's data. Plus, if the column has an
+ index on it, some databases may be able to use the index for this query,
+ even though it's a ``LIKE`` query.
+ Matches exactly, case-insensitive. For example, if
+ ``search_fields`` is set to ``['=first_name', '=last_name']`` and
+ a user searches for ``john lennon``, Django will do the equivalent
+ of this SQL ``WHERE`` clause::
+ WHERE (first_name ILIKE 'john' OR last_name ILIKE 'john')
+ AND (first_name ILIKE 'lennon' OR last_name ILIKE 'lennon')
+ Note that the query input is split by spaces, so, following this example,
+ it's not currently not possible to search for all records in which
+ ``first_name`` is exactly ``'john winston'`` (containing a space).
+ Performs a full-text match. This is like the default search method but uses
+ an index. Currently this is only available for MySQL.
diff --git a/docs/templates_python.txt b/docs/templates_python.txt
index 95ccfb3eab..62069ffd6a 100644
--- a/docs/templates_python.txt
+++ b/docs/templates_python.txt
@@ -259,9 +259,10 @@ an `HttpRequest object`_ as its first argument. For example::
The second difference is that it automatically populates the context with a few
variables, according to your `TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting`_.
-The ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting is a tuple of callables that take a
-request object as their argument and return a dictionary of items to be merged
-into the context. By default, ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` is set to::
+The ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting is a tuple of callables -- called
+**context processors** -- that take a request object as their argument and
+return a dictionary of items to be merged into the context. By default,